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笠原 義晃(かさはら よしあき) データ更新日:2024.04.10

キーワード:インターネット, ネットワーク管理運用, 侵入検知, ネットワークセキュリティ
1. Yoshiaki Kasahara, End of Basic Authentication and Migration to Modern Authentication for Exchange Online, Proceedings of the 2023 ACM SIGUCCS Annual Conference, 10.1145/3539811.3579560, 2023.03, At Kyushu University, Information Infrastructure Initiative provides an email se
rvice named "Primary Mail Service" for students and staff members with Microsoft
Office 365 Exchange Online. On September 20th, 2019, Microsoft announced the en
d of support for Basic Authentication for Exchange Online, which is considered v
ulnerable to identity leakages such as phishing and malware attacks. Microsoft w
ould require users to use Modern Authentication such as Exchange protocol or OAu
th 2.0 authorization with IMAP, POP, and SMTP. Historically we had instructed ou
r users to use IMAP or POP and SMTP protocols for their email applications, incl
uding Microsoft Outlook and Mozilla Thunderbird, so disabling Basic Authenticati
on would significantly impact our user population. In September 2021, Microsoft
announced the end of September 2022 as the hard deadline for disabling Basic Aut
hentication. Based on available information, we prepared migration documents fro
m Basic Authentication to Modern Authentication and started to notify users to a
bandon Basic Authentication. Sending messages to users did not seem to be effect
ive after a couple of notifications, so we tried to temporarily disable Basic Au
thentication to realize the remaining users through authentication failures. In
this paper, we would like to share our experiences about the effect of retiring
Basic Authentication for Exchange Online on our service and users..
2. Yoshiaki Kasahara, Takao Shimayoshi, Our Design and Implementation of Multi-Factor Authentication Deployment for Microsoft 365 in Kyushu University, Proceedings ACM SIGUCCS User Services Conference, 10.1145/3501292.3511569, 56-61, 2022.03, [URL], In Kyushu University, Information Infrastructure Initiative manages a Microsoft 365 tenant for our university members. We started offering Office 365 in 2016 and migrated our university-wide email service to Microsoft 365 Exchange Online in 2018. Due to the recent outbreak of COVID-19, off-campus uses of Microsoft 365 have increased, and concerns about account security arose. We discussed how to deploy Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to protect our users. Microsoft 365 comes with Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), and it includes built-in MFA functionality. With the basic Azure AD MFA, individual users can register MFA information anytime but have no control to enable or disable MFA. Tenant administrators need to enable MFA for each account. For a gradual deployment, we want to allow users to enroll in MFA and register information at their convenience. In addition to that, we want to prevent malicious attackers from registering their MFA information if an account should be already compromised. Such control was difficult with the basic Azure AD MFA. Since 2020 our tenant subscribes to Azure AD Premium P2 licenses, which provides Azure AD Conditional Access. Conditional Access enables fine controls of MFA and other user access behavior with security groups. We designed an MFA self-enrolling and configuration system, and implemented it with Microsoft Forms, Power Automate, Conditional Access, and in-house web applications. By design, this system prohibits MFA information registration until user's self-enrollment in MFA, and requests the user to register MFA information upon the next sign-in after the self-enrollment. This is supposed to reduce the possible unauthorized registration of MFA information. We extensively discussed implementation of various measures and preparation of documents to counter users' troubles and complaints. We started deploying MFA in April 2021, but we have not yet fully mandated MFA due to a push back from some executives expressing concern about the adverse effects of enforcing MFA too quickly..
3. 嶋吉 隆夫, 笠原 義晃, 清家 史郎, 藤村 直美, クラウドメールサービスのアドレス管理委譲補完方法, 情報処理学会論文誌, 10.20729/00210243, 62, 3, 810-817, 2021.03, [URL], 組織内で電子メールサービスを提供する際にクラウドメールサービスを利用することは,運用管理コストの削減に効果的だとされている.しかし,クラウドメールサービスでは一般的に,管理対象メールアドレスを限定した管理権限を設定する機能を持たないことから,大規模組織全体でクラウドメールサービスを利用する場合に,内部組織の管理者へ管理を部分的に委譲できず,組織全体のサービス管理者に負荷が集中するという課題がある.本研究は,この課題を解決するため,メールアドレス管理の内部組織への委譲を実現することを目的とする.本稿では,メールアドレス管理委譲の実現手法,および,クラウドメールサービスを補完するシステムについて述べる.提案手法では,メールサービスのアカウントの管理からメールアドレスの管理を分離し,内部組織別に設定されたインターネットドメイン名ごとに,メールアドレスの管理を委譲する.本稿で述べるメールアドレス管理システムはマイクロサービスアーキテクチャに基づくサーバレス構成の設計を採用する.マイクロサービスアーキテクチャとサーバレス構成により,システム運用管理コストの削減,および,保全性と拡張性が達成される.さらに,Identity as a Serviceを用いて,認証と認可の処理,および,管理権限情報の格納を行うことで,システムアカウントの機密性とセキュリティを確保できる..
4. Yoshiaki Kasahara, Takao Shimayoshi, Tadayuki Miyaguchi, Naomi Fujimura, Migrate Legacy Email Services in Kyushu University to Exchange Online., 2019 ACM SIGUCCS Annual Conference, SIGUCCS 2019, New Orleans, LA, USA, November 03-06, 2019, 10.1145/3347709.3347817, 127-131, 2019.11, [URL].
5. Yoshiaki Kasahara, Takao Shimayoshi, Eisuke Ito, Naomi Fujimura, The Past, Current, and Future of our Email Services in Kyushu University, Proceedings of the 2018 ACM SIGUCCS Annual Conference, 10.1145/3235715.3235737, 103-106, 2018.09, [URL].
主要総説, 論評, 解説, 書評, 報告書等
1. 長谷川明生, 湯浅富久子, 吉田和幸, 笠原義晃, 武蔵泰雄, 只木進一, 三谷修, 山田久仁, 吉田真和, 須永知之, セキュリティマネージメントWG成果報告書, 2009.01, [URL].
1. 笠原 義晃, 小田 知央, 嶋吉 隆夫, インターネットにおける電子メール送信SMTP通信への応答の調査方法の検討, 情報処理学会 第63回 インターネットと運用技術(IOT)研究会, 2023.09.
2. Yoshiaki Kasahara, End of Basic Authentication and Migration to Modern Authentication for Exchange Online, Proceedings of the 2023 ACM SIGUCCS Annual Conference, 2023.03, At Kyushu University, Information Infrastructure Initiative provides an email se
rvice named "Primary Mail Service" for students and staff members with Microsoft
Office 365 Exchange Online. On September 20th, 2019, Microsoft announced the en
d of support for Basic Authentication for Exchange Online, which is considered v
ulnerable to identity leakages such as phishing and malware attacks. Microsoft w
ould require users to use Modern Authentication such as Exchange protocol or OAu
th 2.0 authorization with IMAP, POP, and SMTP. Historically we had instructed ou
r users to use IMAP or POP and SMTP protocols for their email applications, incl
uding Microsoft Outlook and Mozilla Thunderbird, so disabling Basic Authenticati
on would significantly impact our user population. In September 2021, Microsoft
announced the end of September 2022 as the hard deadline for disabling Basic Aut
hentication. Based on available information, we prepared migration documents fro
m Basic Authentication to Modern Authentication and started to notify users to a
bandon Basic Authentication. Sending messages to users did not seem to be effect
ive after a couple of notifications, so we tried to temporarily disable Basic Au
thentication to realize the remaining users through authentication failures. In
this paper, we would like to share our experiences about the effect of retiring
Basic Authentication for Exchange Online on our service and users..
3. 嶋吉 隆夫, 笠原 義晃, 小田 知央, 電子メールにおける送信者側スパム判定値のヘッダ付加に関する一検討, インターネットと運用技術シンポジウム論文集, 2022.12.
4. Yoshiaki Kasahara, Takao Shimayoshi, Our Design and Implementation of Multi-Factor Authentication Deployment for Microsoft 365 in Kyushu University, 2022 ACM SIGUCCS Annual Conference (SIGUCCS '22), 2022.04, [URL], In Kyushu University, Information Infrastructure Initiative manages a Microsoft 365 tenant for our university members. We started offering Office 365 in 2016 and migrated our university-wide email service to Microsoft 365 Exchange Online in 2018. Due to the recent outbreak of COVID-19, off-campus uses of Microsoft 365 have increased, and concerns about account security arose. We discussed how to deploy Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to protect our users. Microsoft 365 comes with Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), and it includes built-in MFA functionality. With the basic Azure AD MFA, individual users can register MFA information anytime but have no control to enable or disable MFA. Tenant administrators need to enable MFA for each account. For a gradual deployment, we want to allow users to enroll in MFA and register information at their convenience. In addition to that, we want to prevent malicious attackers from registering their MFA information if an account should be already compromised. Such control was difficult with the basic Azure AD MFA. Since 2020 our tenant subscribes to Azure AD Premium P2 licenses, which provides Azure AD Conditional Access. Conditional Access enables fine controls of MFA and other user access behavior with security groups. We designed an MFA self-enrolling and configuration system, and implemented it with Microsoft Forms, Power Automate, Conditional Access, and in-house web applications. By design, this system prohibits MFA information registration until user’s self-enrollment in MFA, and requests the user to register MFA information upon the next sign-in after the self-enrollment. This is supposed to reduce the possible unauthorized registration of MFA information. We extensively discussed implementation of various measures and preparation of documents to counter users’ troubles and complaints. We started deploying MFA in April 2021, but we have not yet fully mandated MFA due to a push back from some executives expressing concern about the adverse effects of enforcing MFA too quickly..
5. 小田 知央, 廣川 優, 近藤 宇智朗, 嶋吉 隆夫, 笠原 義晃, 透過型SMTPプロキシによるメール送信集約とキュー輻輳回避の検討, マルチメディア,分散,協調とモバイル(DICOMO2021)シンポジウム, 2021.07, [URL], 電子メールは古くから用いられているメッセージ交換手段で,依然として世界的に広く利用されている.メールサービスを提供するメールホスティングでは,多数の利用者を同一システムに収容するマルチテナント型によりリソース効率を高め,運用コストを低減している.メールホスティングでは利用可能なグローバルIPアドレス数やメール送信の集中管理のため送信サーバは集約されていることが多いが,大量メール送信や送信先の迷惑メール対策により送信キューの輻輳が発生することで,問題を起こしたテナント以外にも影響が波及し,サービス品質の低下や管理コストの増大をまねいている.本研究では,テナントごとの送信キューの分離と,メール送信の集中管理や送信用グローバルIPアドレスの管理を両立する,メール送信集約用の透過型SMTPプロキシを提案する.また,送信キューの分離によってキュー輻輳時の影響範囲が限定される効果を確認するための予備実験と,透過型SMTPプロキシのプロトタイプ実装について述べる..
6. Takao Shimayoshi, Yoshiaki Kasahara, Naomi Fujimura, Challenge for Consolidation of Individual Email Services into a Cloud Service, ACM SIGUCCS Annual Conference (SIGUCCS '21), 2021.03, [URL], Email is a traditional but still important global communication tool. An email address is a kind of personal identifier, and email addresses printed on publications require persistent reachability. Kyushu University provides a university-wide email service, Primary Mail Service, and assigns a Primary Mail Address for each member. Divisions of the university additionally operate individual email services for their internet subdomains and administer member email addresses. Since email is a major means of cyberattacks nowadays, the secure operation of an email server demands considerable effort and high skill. This article describes a challenge at Kyushu University for consolidating individual email services. Since 2018, the Primary Mail Service has been operated using Microsoft’s cloud service, Exchange Online, which supports multiple internet domains on a tenant. The approach employed is registering divisional subdomains to the tenant and configuring forwarding addresses from addresses of the subdomains to the Primary Mail Addresses or external addresses. A desirable scheme is for each domain administrator to manage forwarding addresses of the domain, but Exchange Online is unable to delegate administration to the domains. To overcome this, a system was designed and developed for domain administrators to create, read, update, and delete forwarding addresses. Beginning in July 2020, a new service to import divisional domains was offered. We are now planning measures for promoting the consolidation of individual email services..
7. Yoshiaki Kasahara, Takao Shimayoshi, Tadayuki Miyaguchi, Naomi Fujimura, Migrate Legacy Email Services in Kyushu University to Exchange Online, 2019 ACM SIGUCCS Annual Conference, SIGUCCS 2019, 2019.11, [URL], In Kyushu University, Information Infrastructure Initiative provides an email service for students and staff members, called ``Primary Mail Service''. We had operated an on-premises system for this service, and the lifetime of this system would end in early 2019. We needed to reduce costs for replacing this system because our university had just finished a major campus migration. We compared some options such as building a yet another on-premise system and migrating to a cloud-based email service and finally gave up the on-premise option because we couldn't afford replacement and operational costs of another on-premises system anymore. We selected Microsoft Exchange Online as the new service mainly because we already had a contract with Microsoft and been operating an Office 365 tenant. We had additional requirements for user provisioning and services which were not available in Exchange Online, so we had to implement and maintain additional systems on top of it. On December 18th, 2018, we successfully migrated the email service to Exchange Online. By coincidence, Kyushu University Administration Bureau decided to migrate their in-house Exchange server to Exchange Online. After some discussions, they concluded to migrate their domain to the same tenant with Primary Mail Service. Other than that, there are more than a hundred legacy email servers inside our campus network operated by various departments as subdomains of kyushu-u.ac.jp. We are designing a plan to consolidate them into our tenant of Exchange Online to reduce a budget and human resource costs, and to improve security. In this presentation, we share our experiences about migrating our campus-wide email services to Exchange Online. We also discuss why we want to consolidate other legacy email servers and how to implement the plan..
8. Yoshiaki Kasahara, Takao Shimayoshi, Eisuke Ito, Naomi Fujimura, The past, current, and future of our email services in Kyushu University, 2018 ACM SIGUCCS Annual Conference, SIGUCCS 2018, 2018.09, [URL], In Kyushu University, Information Infrastructure Initiative provides email service for students and staff members. Email services for students and staff members were started separately. For students, an email service was started as Unix accounts of "Computer System for Education" in 1995. On the other hand, an email service for staff members was started in 2009, and eventually the two mail services were merged into the current "Kyushu University Primary Mail Service" in 2014. The designs of these mail systems were affected by various operational issues and political decisions at their times. We think that running an in-house mail system is becoming less feasible due to the initial/operational cost, security issues, and our dwindling budget. For the current system, the planned 5-year lifetime ends in this fiscal year. Therefore, we are forced to migrate to a cloud-based mail service. In this presentation, we want to share our past experiences and future plans about our university email services..
9. Yoshiaki Kasahara, Takao Shimayoshi, Masahiro Obana, Naomi Fujimura, Our experience with introducing microsoft office 365 in Kyushu University, 45th ACM Annual SIGUCCS Conference, SIGUCCS 2017, 2017.10, [URL], Information Infrastructure Initiative of Kyushu University started serving Office 365 Education for all students and staff members at Kyushu University in November 2016. Since 2007, the university had signed Microsoft EES (Enrollment for Education Solutions) including licenses for the latest Microsoft Windows and Office suite. The EES agreement includes an advantage to provide Office 365 Education to the university members with minimum investments, and there was a demand for Skype for Business which is included in Office 365. To deploy Office 365 for our users, we first needed to configure our on-premises user authentication infrastructure to coordinate with Office 365. During trials, we had a couple of difficulties attributed to some disagreements between Microsoft's and our policy on whether the user identifier, namely the user principal name in Active Directory, was open or private. Additionally, we had to consider which services should be applied to the users, because we have been operating an on-premises email service which is competing with Microsoft Exchange mail service. In this presentation, we share our experiences in Office 365 deployment..
10. Yoshiaki Kasahara, Takuya Kawatani, Eisuke Ito, Koichi Shimozono, An Analysis of Relationship between Storage Usage Distribution and Per-User Quota Value, 2016 ACM SIGUCCS Annual Conference on User Services Conference (SIGUCCS '16), 2016.11, [URL], To prevent resource (especially storage) shortage, information systems such as storage services and email services usually impose an upper bound of resource consumption (quota) per user. In a conservative way, an administrator tends to set a quota value such as the storage capacity divided by the expected maximum number of users for safety and fairness, but it tends to leave large unused storage space, because the users’ storage usage pattern shows a long-tailed distribution. In this paper, we analyzed storage usage distribution of some email services to approximate the distribution using a power-law distribution, and proposed a method to calculate an optimal quota value from a target size of storage consumption to increase storage utilization. We applied an optimal quota value we calculated to a real email service and analyzed the effect of quota change. Then, we analyzed actual distributions further to find a better model to approximate the distribution, and found that a log-normal distribution explained the distribution better than power-law. We also analyzed two other universities’ email service to find similar distribution in these systems..
11. Yoshiaki Kasahara, Eisuke Ito, Naomi Fujimura, Masahiro Obana, Introduction of Unchanging Student User ID for Intra-Institutional Information Service, 2015 ACM SIGUCCS Annual Conference on User Services Conference (SIGUCCS '15), 2015.11, [URL], In Kyushu University, a traditional "Student ID" based on student number assigned by Student Affairs Department had been used as the user ID of various IT services for a long time. There were some security and usability concerns using Student ID as a user ID. Since Student ID was used as the e-mail address of the student, it was easy to leak outside. Student ID is constructed based on a department code and a serial number, so guessing other ID strings from one ID is easy. Student ID is issued at the day of the entrance ceremony, so it is not usable for pre-entrance education. Student ID will change when the student moves to another department or proceeds from undergraduate to graduate school, so he/she loses personal data when Student ID changes. To solve these problems, Kyushu University decided to introduce another unchanging user ID independent from Student ID. This paper reports the design of new user ID, ID management system we are using, and the effect of introduction of new user ID..
12. Yoshiaki Kasahara, POODLE and related SSL vulnerabilities, Network Security Workshop in APAN 39th Meeting, 2015.03, [URL], In October 2014, Google Security Team discovered and published yet-another SSL vulnerability called POODLE (Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption), which allows a man-in-the-middle attacker to decipher an encrypted text without knowing the encryption key (one byte per 256 requests). It induced urged action to exterminate SSLv3 support from various services in the Internet, but it also caused troubles with some users. In this talk, Ill try to summarize what is POODLE attack, how it works, its workaround, and influence on ordinary users..
13. Yoshiaki Kasahara, Eisuke Ito, Naomi Fujimura, Introduction of New Kyushu University Primary Mail Service for Staff Members and Students, 2014 ACM SIGUCCS Annual Conference on User Services Conference (SIGUCCS '14), 2014.11, [URL], In the end of fiscal year 2013 (March 2014), Kyushu University Information Infrastructure Initiative introduced new Primary Mail Service for Staff Members and Students. The previous service for staff members had been built using proprietary mail and LDAP appliance, but tight user license and the nature of proprietary system caused several troubles. The previous service for students had been built using open source software (Postfix and Dovecot), but there were some issues with the old implementation of LDAP authentication. With these experiences, we decided to design a new system by merging both system using open source software including Postfix, Dovecot, OpenLDAP, and Squirrelmail. We also extended alias address setting service (previously available for students only) to all the members including staff members. In this paper, we explain the design and implementation, user migration, current status and future works of our new mail service..
14. Yoshiaki Kasahara, OpenSSL Heartbleed and aftermath, Network Security Workshop in APAN 38th Meeting, 2014.08, [URL], Recently revealed OpenSSL's "Heartbleed" vulnerability had shaken various parts of the Internet community abruptly. In this talk, I'll (re-)introduce some recent vulnerabilities including "Heartbleed," and some interesting events around them..
15. Yoshiaki Kasahara, DNS Amp and its mitigation, Network Security Workshop in APAN 37th Meeting, 2014.01, [URL], DNS is one of the fundamental and indispensable services in the Internet. Almost all the services rely on it. Because DNS is (basically) UDP based protocol, there are some security issues such as poisoning and amplification attack. In this talk, I'll explain DNS Amp attack and its mitigation with some experience in Kyushu University campus network..
16. Yoshiaki Kasahara, Eisuke Ito, Naomi Fujimura, Gulliver's Toss: Google's Chronic Big Load to University Mail Server and Its Sudden Resolution, 2013 ACM SIGUCCS Annual Conference on User Services Conference (SIGUCCS '13), 2013.11, [URL], Traditionally, Kyushu University has been providing email service internally using its own domain name for staff members and students of the university. Around January 2012, we noticed that the high load of the university authentication server, and we realized that one of causes was the access from the mail server for students (called Student Primary Mail Service). Detailed analysis showed that there was chronic big load produced by Gmail's Mail Fetcher, especially toward nonexistent accounts removed due to graduation. In this paper, we explain the situation and reasons of the big load induced by Google, its possible countermeasures, and its sudden resolution by Google's silent change..
17. Yoshiaki Kasahara, Eisuke Ito, A Study of Network Issues for Implementing Large-scale Academic Cloud Service, IEICE Workshop on Internet Architecture 2013 (IA2013), 2013.10, The virtualization technology of computer resources has matured enough for production services, and cloud services became popular in various fields. Cloud services are also gradually incorporated in universities' research and education activities. There is a demand for cloud infrastructure suitable for academic activities. To implement practical and user-friendly services on private, community, or public cloud services, we need to consider about network design. This paper tries to clarify network issues for implementing cloud services considering use cases, the number of instances, utilization of IP addresses, virtual private network, client access networks, and so on..
18. 笠原 義晃, 伊東 栄典, IaaSクラウド型教育情報システムの実現可能性調査, 情報処理学会 第22回インターネットと運用技術研究会(IPSJ IOT), 2013.08, 仮想化技術の普及により,IaaS型のクラウドサービスが普及している。IaaSクラウド基盤を使うことにより,大学での教育情報システムを外部へアウトソースすることが可能である。アウトソースできれば,維持コストの削減が可能である。我々は,現在のPC教室型教育情報システムの,IaaSクラウド基盤上での実現について調査している。本稿では,仮想マシンを遠隔利用する場合の問題点と,実用する場合の通信帯域およびRDP性能について調査した結果を報告する。.
19. Yoshiaki Kasahara, Yasuichi Kitamura, APAN CIF Server Update, Network Security Workshop in APAN 36th Meeting, 2013.08, From 2012, APAN Security WG is working with REN-ISAC (Research and Education Networking Information Sharing and Analysis Center) for a test pilot of federated sharing of security intelligence information over Collective Intelligence Framework (CIF) developed by REN-ISAC. Until recently we were running CIFv0, but due to underlying OS upgrade/reinstall, now we need to migrate to CIFv1, which is still in testing stage. In this talk, we will introduce the current status of APAN CIF server and its software upgrade experience..
20. 伊東 栄典, 堀 良彰, 笠原 義晃, 井上 弘士, 情報系大学院でのVCL活用, 情報処理学会 第9回教育学習支援情報システム研究会(IPSJ CLE), 2013.02, [URL], 近年,大学における情報機器を援用する教育活動や,情報科学技術の教育で,仮想化システムやクラウドシステムの利用が進んでいる.筆者らが所属する九州大学では, 2010年度末に九州大学システム情報科学研究院が同院内の教育用にVCLをベースとするシステムを導入した.また,2011年度末,九州大学情報基盤研究開発センターでは,主に大学院での教育に用いるための情報システムとしてVCLシステムを導入した.本稿では,導入したVCLシステムの構成と講義での利用事例を述べる.またVCLシステムの運用で得た様々な問題点について考察する..
21. Kevin Benton, Gabriel Iovino, Yoshiaki Kasahara, Yasuichi Kitamura, International Collaboration for Security Event Information Sharing, Tech in Paradise 2013, 2013.01, [URL], At the Summer 2009 JointTechs, the REN-ISAC Security Event System (SES) was introduced. SES provides for collection of security event data from participating institutions, data correlation, and output of threat indicators. Participants use the indicators in local protections, such as IDS and sinkholes, and in incident analysis. SES is a production tool serving the REN-ISAC community.

SES continues to evolve, as the Collective Intelligence Framework (CIF), receiving National Science Foundation support. CIF provides additional capabilities, including a broader base of data from public, private, and participant sources, additional data types, scaling, improved API, and inter-federated sharing. Core indicator sharing occurs within a multi-institutional trust community, such as within the community of REN-ISAC members. In CIF inter-federated, data collected in one trust community can be exchanged, through policy, with other communities. Among TransPAC3 project deliverables, linking APAN and US networks, is to engage the respective communities to address security threats and incidents. In that context, US and APAN researchers established pilot inter-federation sharing of security event information among CIF systems, one operated by REN-ISAC at Indiana University, and another by researchers at Kyushu University and APAN-JP. This presentation provides background on CIF, and details the APAN-US international security information sharing pilot..
22. 笠原 義晃, 伊東 栄典, 大学向けクラウド基盤におけるVMテンプレートの多様化, 第1回地域間インタークラウドワークショップ, 2012.11, 学内の情報系学部向けIaaS型プライベートクラウドサービスにおいて,サービス充実のため,多様なOSおよび多様なPaaS型のテンプレート充実を検討している。組織内だけでテンプレートを充実させるのは困難であるため,全国的な協力体制について議論したい。.
23. 笠原 義晃, 伊東 栄典, 堀 良彰, 藤村 直美, Gmailが大学メールサーバへ与える負荷状況の分析, 第19回IOT・第39回EVA合同研究会, 2012.09, [URL], 九州大学では,従来から大学ドメインのメールサーバを学内に構築し,構成員へメールサービスを提供してきた.2012年1月頃より,学内の情報サービスに対し利用者認証機能等を提供する全学認証サーバの負荷の高さが問題となり,その原因の一つが学生向けメールサーバであることが明らかになった.詳細な分析の結果,Google社のGmailから本学のメールサーバへ持続的なアクセスがあり,中でも既に卒業などで消滅したアカウントへのアクセスが多数あることが分かった.本稿では,本学の学生メールサーバのアクセスログ解析に基づいて,Gmailがメールサーバへ与える負荷状況の分析とその理由について述べ,対応策について検討する..
24. Yoshiaki Kasahara, Yasuichi Kitamura, Toward federated sharing of security intelligence information over Collective Intelligence Framework (CIF), Network Security Workshop in APAN 34th Meeting, 2012.08, [URL], REN-ISAC (Research and Education Networking Information Sharing nd Analysis Center - http://www.ren-isac.net/) has been working for SES (Security Event System) Project. CIF (Collective Intelligence Framework) is a framework developed through the project as an open source tool/framework to collect intelligence concerning malicious actors and reputation of Internet elements. As SESv3, they started to explore inter-federation information sharing, and APAN Security WG is involved as one of counterparts. In this talk, I'll (re)introduce CIF, explain the current status of the cooperation, and call for more participants from APAN community..
25. 伊東 栄典, 笠原 義晃, 藤村 直美, 九州大学における職員向け電子メールサービスの現状, 平成21年度情報教育研究集会, 2009.11, [URL].
26. 阿部 英司, 伊東 栄典, 笠原 義晃, 要認証サイトのマッシュアップについての考察, 第62回電気関係学会九州支部連合大会, 2009.09, [URL].
27. Yoshiaki Kasahara, Yoshiaki Hori, and Kouichi Sakurai, Detecting Abusive Email Senders by SMTP Traffic Monitoring, Joint Workshop on Information Security, 2009.08.
28. 小野 昂, 阿部 英司, 中國 真教, 笠原 義晃, 伊東 栄典, 分散SSO機構を用いたコミュニティ認可に関する考察, 情報処理学会火の国情報シンポジウム2009, 2009.03, [URL].
29. 釘崎裕司, 笠原義晃, 堀良彰, 櫻井幸一, データ送信間隔に着目した挙動の観測に基づくボット検知手法, SCIS2009, 2009.01, [URL].
30. 笠原義晃, 堀良彰, 櫻井幸一, SMTPトラヒック観測を利用したSPAM送信者の検出, SCIS2009, 2009.01, [URL].
31. Masanori Nakakuni, Eisuke Ito, Yoshiaki Kasahara and Horoshi Dozono, Private Electronic Notary Service in Universities and Its Utilization in Education, 4th WSEAS/IASME Int. Conf. on EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES (EDUTE'08), 2008.10.
32. 釘崎裕司, 笠原義晃, 堀良彰, 櫻井幸一, データ送信時間間隔に基づくボット検知手法, 情報通信システムセキュリティ研究会, 2008.09.
33. 阿部 英司, 伊東 栄典, 笠原義晃, 中國真教, 認証つきサービスにおける組織間連携のためのPKIとOpenIDの融合, 情報処理学会第二回インターネットと運用技術研究会, 2008.09.
34. Yoshiaki Kasahara, Confidentiality and Anonymity over the network, APII Workshop 2008, 2008.03, [URL].
35. Eisuke Ito, Yoshiaki Kasahara, Megumi Nogita and Takahiko Suzuki, Institutional authentication platform for trustful inter/intra-institutional ubiquitous services, the 2nd International Conference of Ubiquitous Information Technology (2nd ICUT), 2007.12.
36. Yuji Kugisaki, Yoshiaki Kasahara, Yoshiaki Hori, Kouichi Sakurai, Bot Detection based on Traffic Analysis, 2007 International Conference on Intelligent Pervasive Computing (IPC-07), 2007.10.
37. 伊東 栄典, のぎ田 めぐみ, 笠原 義晃, 鈴木 孝彦, 認証連携による無線LANローミング環境 −九州大学におけるUPKI・eduroamの連携−, 情報処理学会 研究会報告 2007-DPS-132/2007-GN-65/2007-EIP-37, 2007.09.
38. のぎ田めぐみ, 笠原義晃, 伊東栄典, 鈴木孝彦, 利用者認証に用いる識別子の決定方法に関する考察, 電子情報通信学会 情報セキュリティ研究会(ISEC), 2006.12.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
2024.01.30~2024.01.30, Security WG Session in 57th Asia Pacific Advanced Network, 企画立案・運営等, パネル司会・セッションチェア等.
2023.08.22~2023.08.22, Security WG Session in 56th Asia Pacific Advanced Network, 企画立案・運営等, パネル司会・セッションチェア等.
2023.03.14~2023.03.14, Security WG Session in 55th Asia Pacific Advanced Network, 企画立案・運営等, パネル司会・セッションチェア等.
2022.08.23~2022.08.23, Security WG Session in 54th Asia Pacific Advanced Network, 企画立案・運営等, パネル司会・セッションチェア等.
2022.03.08~2022.03.08, Security WG Session in 53rd Asia Pacific Advanced Network, その他.
2021.08.04~2021.08.04, Security WG Session in 52nd Asia Pacific Advanced Network, その他.
2021.02.02~2021.02.02, Network Security Meeting in 51st Asia Pacific Advanced Network, その他.
2020.08.05~2020.08.05, Network Security Meeting in 50th Asia Pacific Advanced Network, その他.
2019.07.25~2019.07.25, Network Security Meeting in 48th Asia Pacific Advanced Network, Other.
2019.07.22~2019.07.22, APAN Research Workshop 2019, Other.
2019.02.21~2019.02.21, Network Security Meeting in 47th Asia Pacific Advanced Network, Other.
2018.08.08~2018.08.08, Network Security Workshop in 46th Asia Pacific Advanced Network, Other.
2018.08.06~2018.08.06, APAN Research Workshop 2018, Other.
2018.03.27~2018.03.27, Network Security Workshop in 45th Asia Pacific Advanced Network, Other.
2017.08.29~2017.08.29, Network Security Workshop in 44th Asia Pacific Advanced Network, Other.
2017.08.28~2017.08.28, APAN Research Workshop 2017, Other.
2017.08.24~2017.08.26, The 20th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS-2017), Other.
2017.07.04~2017.07.08, COMPSAC 2017 Symposium on Security, Privacy and Trust in Computing (SEPT), Other.
2017.02.14~2017.02.14, Network Security Workshop in 43rd Asia Pacific Advanced Network, Other.
2016.08.02~2016.08.02, Network Security Workshop in 42nd Asia Pacific Advanced Network, Other.
2016.08.01~2016.08.01, APAN Research Workshop 2016, Other.
2016.08.01~2016.08.01, APAN Research Workshop 2016, Other.
2016.07.06~2016.07.08, The 10th International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, Intensive Systems (CISIS-2016), Other.
2016.06.10~2016.06.14, COMPSAC 2016 Symposium on Security, Privacy and Trust in Computing (SEPT), Other.
2016.01.26~2016.01.26, Network Security Workshop in 41st Asia Pacific Advanced Network, Other.
2015.08.11~2015.08.11, Network Security Workshop in 40th Asia Pacific Advanced Network, Other.
2015.08.10~2015.08.10, 12th APAN Network Research Workshop 2015, Other.
2015.08.10~2015.08.10, 12th APAN Network Research Workshop 2015, Other.
2015.07.08~2015.07.10, The 9th International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, Intensive Systems (CISIS-2015), Other.
2015.07.01~2015.07.05, COMPSAC Symposium on Security, Privacy and Trust in Computing (SEPT), Other.
2015.03.03~2015.03.03, Network Security Workshop in 39th Asia Pacific Advanced Network, Other.
2014.08.12~2014.08.12, Network Security Workshop in 38th Asia Pacific Advanced Network, Other.
2014.01.21~2014.01.21, Network Security Workshop in 37th Asia Pacific Advanced Network, Other.
2013.08.20~2013.08.20, Network Security Workshop in 36th Asia Pacific Advanced Network, Other.
2012.08.27~2012.08.27, Network Security Workshop in 34th Asia Pacific Advanced Network, Other.
2012.07.16~2012.07.20, The 3rd Workshop on Network Technologies for Security, Administration and Protection (NETSAP 2011), Other.
2012.02.14~2012.02.14, Network Security Workshop in 33rd Asia Pacific Advanced Network, Other.
2011.08.23~2011.08.23, Network Security Workshop in 32nd Asia Pacific Advanced Network, Other.
2011.07.18~2011.07.22, The 11th Annual International Symposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT 2011), Other.
2011.07.18~2011.07.18, The 2nd Workshop on Network Technologies for Security, Administration and Protection (NETSAP 2011), Other.
2011.06.30~2011.07.02, Third International Workshop on Virtual Environment and Network-Oriented Applications (VENOA 2011), Other.
2011.02.22~2011.02.22, Network Security Workshop in 31st Asia Pacific Advanced Network, Other.
2010.11.04~2010.11.06, 5th International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC-2010), Other.
2010.08.13~2010.08.13, Network Security Workshop in 30th Asia Pacific Advanced Network, Other.
2010.07.23~2010.07.23, The First Workshop on Network Technologies for Security, Administration and Protection (NETSAP), Other.
2010.07.19~2010.07.23, The 10th Annual International Symposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT 2010), Other.
2010.02.15~2010.02.18, Second International Workshop on Virtual Environment and Network-Oriented Applications (VENOA 2010), Other.
2010.02.11~2010.02.11, Network Security Workshop in 29th Asia Pacific Advanced Network, Other.
2009.07.23~2009.07.23, Network Security Workshop in 28th Asia Pacific Advanced Network, Other.
2009.03.04~2009.03.04, Network Security Workshop in 27th Asia Pacific Advanced Network, Other.
2008.08.05~2008.08.05, SIP and Network Security Joint Workshop in 26th Asia Pacific Advanced Network, Other.
2008.01.23~2008.01.23, Network Security Workshop in 25th Asia Pacific Advanced Network, その他.
2007.08.29~2007.08.29, Network Security Workshop in 24th Asia Pacific Advanced Network, その他.
2007.01.25~2007.01.25, Joint Workshop of Security and Network Engineering in 23rd APAN Meeting, その他.
2006.10.04~2006.10.06, ITRC meet 20, その他.
2006.07.20~2006.07.20, Network Security Workshop in 22nd Asia Pacific Advanced Network, Other.
2006.01.24~2006.01.24, Security Workshop in 21st Asia Pacific Advanced Network, Other.
2004.07.04~2004.07.04, 15th G-H/APII Meeting, Other.
2003.01.22~2003.01.24, APAN 2003 Conference in Fukuoka, Other.
2019.03~2019.09, Proceedings of APAN Research Workshop 2019 (ISBN 978-4-9905448-9-8), 国際, 編集委員長.
2018.03~2018.09, Proceedings of APAN Research Workshop 2018 (ISBN 978-4-9905448-8-1), 国際, 編集委員長.
2017.03~2017.09, Proceedings of APAN Research Workshop 2017 (ISBN 978-4-9905448-7-4), 国際, 編集委員長.
2016.03~2016.08, Proceedings of APAN Research Workshop 2016 (ISBN 978-4-9905448-6-7), 国際, 編集委員長.
2015.03~2015.08, Proceedings of 12th APAN Network Research Workshop (ISBN 978-4-9905448-5-0), 国際, 編集委員長.
年度 外国語雑誌査読論文数 日本語雑誌査読論文数 国際会議録査読論文数 国内会議録査読論文数 合計
2016年度 11    13 
2014年度 10 
海外渡航状況, 海外での教育研究歴
ハワイ大学, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2013.01~2013.01.
APAN, SriLanka, 2012.08~2012.08.
APAN, Thailand, 2012.02~2012.02.
APAN, India, 2011.08~2011.08.
APAN, Hong Kong , 2011.02~2011.02.
忠南大学, SouthKorea, 2011.01~2011.01.
APAN, Vietnam, 2010.08~2010.08.
APAN, Australia, 2010.02~2010.02.
慶州教育文化会館, Korea, 2009.08~2009.08.
国立中山大学, Taiwan, 2009.08~2009.08.
APAN, Malaysia, 2009.07~2009.07.
スイス工科大学チューリヒ校, Switzerland, 2009.03~2009.03.
APAN, Taiwan, 2009.03~2009.03.
ソウル大学, Korea, 2008.12~2008.12.
SC08, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2008.11~2008.11.
済州大学, Korea, 2008.09~2008.10.
忠南大学, Korea, 2008.09~2008.09.
APAN, NewZealand, 2008.08~2008.08.
KT研究所, Korea, 2008.03~2008.03.
全南大学, Korea, 2008.03~2008.03.
ハワイ大学, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2008.01~2008.01.
SC07, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2007.11~2007.11.
淑明女子大学, Korea, 2007.11~2007.11.
釜慶大学, Korea, 2007.08~2007.08.
KT研究所, Korea, 2007.09~2007.09.
APAN, China, 2007.08~2007.08.
キョンヒ大学, Korea, 2007.03~2007.03.
APIIワークショップ, Korea, 2007.03~2007.03.
APAN, Philippines, 2007.01~2007.01.
忠南大学, Korea, 2007.01~2007.01.
優秀論文賞, マルチメディア,分散協調とモバイルシンポジウム2018, 2018.09.
2020年度~2024年度, 基盤研究(C), 代表, 軽量コンテナによる大規模高集積メールホスティング基盤における送信機能の高機能化.
2005年度~2007年度, 基盤研究(C), 分担, 遠隔地にある計算資源を同時利用する広域分散連成シミュレーション技法の開発.
2003年度~2005年度, 基盤研究(B), 分担, 大規模データストリームからの超高速データマイニングの研究.
2003年度~2004年度, 基盤研究(C), 分担, 広域分散メタコンピューティングのための遠隔並列パイプ機構の研究.
1998年度~2000年度, 基盤研究(C), 分担, リンク情報からの知識網構成に関する研究.
1990年度~1996年度, 基盤研究(C), 並行ソフトウエアの開発支援に関する研究.
2003年度~2010年度, 二国間交流, 分担, 次世代インターネット技術のための研究開発と実証実験.
2017.10~2025.03, 代表, 軽量コンテナに基づく柔軟なホスティング・クラウド基盤の研究開発と大規模・高負荷テスト環境の構築.

