Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Presentations
TSUJI Hidekazu Last modified date:2024.06.03

Assistant Professor / Division of Earth Environment Dynamics / Research Institute for Applied Mechanics

1. Hidekazu TSUJI and Naoki HIROSE, Numerical Analysis of Internal Tides and the Influence of the Kuroshio at Continental Slope in the East China Sea, The 17th Japan-Korea Joint Seminar on Ocean Sciences, 2023.04, It is recognized that, in the global ocean, the large amount of tidal energy is converted from barotropic to baroclinic internal tide which is then one of the main source of the turbulent energy dissipation. The process of energy transfer is greatly affected by topography, tidal motion, and ocean currents, and is expected to vary from region to region. For the East China sea (ECS) where has the one of the largest tidal energy in the world ocean, Niwa and Hibiya(2004) studied the M2 internal tides using numerical model analysis. We perform high-resolution numerical experiments of the Kuroshio with tidal motion on the continental slope of ECS for two summers in 2016 and 2017, when the Kuroshio axis and strength were significantly different. The distributions of barotropic-baroclinic energy conversion rates on the continental slope are compared to assess sensitivity to initial and boundary conditions. Sensitivity assessment shows that the Kuroshio mean flow plays an important role in determining the distribution of the energy conversion. Frequency analysis of domain-averaged conversion rates showed that the contribution of higher-frequency motions, including the M2 period, to the time-mean conversion rate is comparable to that of lower-frequency. The depth- integrated baroclionic energy fluxes and conversion rates are roughly in balance. They are positve in most areas, but negative in some domains due to the complex topography and tidal flow. These results provide fundamental and important insight into the coupling the Kuroshio including the frontal waves with tidal motion..
2. Two-dimensional Interaction of solitary wave trains.
3. Hidekazu TSUJI and Naoki HIROSE, Numerical Study of Generation and Propagation of Large Internal Waves in the East China Sea, The 16th Japan-Korea Joint Seminar on Ocean Sciences, 2020.01, Hidekazu TSUJI and Naoki HIROSE.
4. Hidekazu TSUJI, Numerical Study of Nonlinear Wave Equation Using Lattice Boltzmann Method, The 12th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Application, 2018.07.
6. Numerical calculation of Nonlinear Wave Equation using Entropic Lattice Boltzmann Method.
7. Numerical Analysis of Nonlinear Wave Equation with Low Dissipation Using Lattice Boltzmann Method.
8. Hidekazu TSUJI, Application of Lattice Boltzmann Method to Nonlinear Wave Equation, Mini-Workshop on Nonlinear Waves in Fluids In honor of Professor Mitsuaki Funakoshi on the occasion of his retirement, 2016.05.
9. Application of Lattice Boltzmann Method to Numerical Study of Nonlinear Dispersive Wave.
10. Numerical Analysis of Nonlinear Wave Equation Using Lattice Boltzmann Method.
11. 辻 英一, Generation and Propagation of Solitary waves in Shallow Water and Soliton Resonance, IUTAM SYMPOSIUM 2014 Complexity of Nonlinear Waves, 2014.09.
12. Keisuke Nakayama, Taro Kakinuma, Hidekazu Tsuji, Masayuki Oikawa, Nonlinear oblique interaction of large amplitude internal solitary waves, 33rd International Conference on Coastal Engineering 2012, ICCE 2012, 2012.12, Solitary waves are typical nonlinear long waves in the ocean. The two-dimensional interaction of solitary waves has been shown to be essentially different from the one-dimensional case and can be related to generation of large amplitude waves (including 'freak waves'). Concerning surface-water waves, Miles (1977) theoretically analyzed interaction of three solitary waves, which is called "resonant interaction" because of the relation among parameters of each wave. Weakly-nonlinear numerical study (Funakoshi, 1980) and fully-nonlinear one (Tanaka, 1993) both clarified the formation of large amplitude wave due to the interaction ("stem" wave) at the wall and its dependency of incident angle. For the case of internal waves, analyses using weakly nonlinear model equations (e.g. Tsuji and Oikawa, 2006) suggest also qualitatively similar results. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate the strongly nonlinear interaction of internal solitary waves; especially whether the resonant behavior is found or not. As a result, it is found that the amplified internal wave amplitude becomes about three times as much as the original amplitude. In contrast, a "stem" is not found to occur when the incident wave angle is more than the critical angle, which has been demonstrated in the previous studies..
13. TSUJI Hidekazu, KEI YUFU, KENJI MARUBAYASHI, An Experiment on Two-Dimensional Interaction of Solitary Waves in
Shallow Water System, The 65th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society's Division of Fluid Dynamics, 2012.11, The dynamics of solitary waves in horizontally two-dimensional region is not yet well understood. Recently two-dimensional soliton interaction of
Kadmotsetv-Petviashvili (KP) equation which describes the weakly nonlinear long wave in shallow water system has been theoretically studied (e.g. Kodama
(2010)). It is clarified that the “resonant” interaction which forms Y-shaped triad can be described by exact solution. Li et al. (2011) experimentally studied
the reflection of solitary wave at the wall and verified the theory of KP equation. To investigate more general interaction process, an experiment in wave tank
using two wave makers which are controlled independently is carried out. The wave tank is 4m in length and 3.6 m in width. The depth of the water is about
8cm. The wavemakers, which are piston-type and have board about 1.5m in length, can produce orderly solitary wave which amplitude is 1.0-3.5cm. We
observe newly generated solitary wave due to interaction of original solitary waves which have different amplitude and/or propagation direction. The results are
compared with the aforementioned theory of KP equation..
14. Experiment on wave generation due to two-dimensional interaction of solitary waves
15. Experiment on Two-dimensional Interaction of Solitary Waves
16. Two-dimensional interaction of solitary waves of Benney-Luke equation
17. Experimental study for the two-dimensional propagation of surface solitary waves.
18. Asymmetric two-dimensional interaction of solitary wave in two-layer fluid.
19. Two-dimensional Interactuion of internal solitary wave.
20. Asymmetric two-dimensional interaction of Benjamin-Ono soliton.
21. Asymptotic patterns and corresponding soliton solutions in two-dimensional interaction of KP equation .
22. Numerical study of web solution for KP equation
Hidekazu TSUJI, Masayuki OIKAWA and Kenichi Maruno
2002 Autumn Meeting of the Physical SOciety of Japan.
23. Two-dimensional weak interaction of ILW soliton
Masayuki OIKAWA and Hidekazu TSUJI
2008 Autumn Meeting of the Physical SOciety of Japan.
24. Two-dimensional interaction of solitons of finite-depth equation.
25. Two-dimensional interaction of solitons of finite-depth equation.
26. Two-dimensional interaction and amplification of the solitary waves in shallow water.
27. Oblique Interaction of the solitary wave solution of Extended KP equation.
28. Two-dimensional Interaction of the solitary waves in a nonlocal dispersive system.
29. Analysis of two-dimensional nonlinear shallow water equation with nonlocal dispersion.
30. A. V. Porubov, I. V. Lavrenov, Hidekazu Tsuji, Formation of abnormally high localized waves due to nonlinear two-dimensional waves interaction, International Seminar - Days on Diffraction 2004, 2004.12, It is shown that the simplest two-dimensional long wave nonlinear model for the propagation of the rogue waves corresponds to the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (KP) equation. The mechanism of the rogue wave formation is suggested based on a resonant head-on collision of two plane incidentally non-interacting waves. Corresponding numerical solution of the KP equation is obtained to account for the formation of localized abnormally high amplitude wave. Peculiarities of the solution allows to explain rare but unexpected appearance of the rogue waves. The shape of the steady state of the solution differs from that of the exact two-soliton solution of the KP equation..
31. Solitary wave interaction of the KP equation and rogue wave on the shallow water region.
32. Analysis of Rogue Wave in Shallow Water using Weakly-Nonlinear Theory.
33. Two-dimensional Interaction of Internal Solitary Waves at Critical Depth.
34. Internal waves generated by topography in two-layer fluid with infinite depth
Hidekazu TSUJI and Masayuki OIKAWA
Meeting of Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics.
35. Oblique interaction of Modified-KdV solitons
Hidekazu TSUJI and Masayuki OIKAWA
2002 Autumn Meeting of the Physical SOciety of Japan.
36. 2-dimensional interaction of Modified-KdV solitons
Hidekazu TSUJI and Masayuki OIKAWA
2002 Meeting of Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics.
37. Propagation,instability and reflection of large amplitude shallow water solitary waves
Yuko Funakubo, Kazumichi Ohtsuka, Shinsuke Watanabe Hidekazu Tsuji and Masayuki Oikawa.
38. Two-dimendional interaction of Benjamin-Ono solitons
Hidekazu TSUJI and Masayuki OIKAWA
2000 Meeting of Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics.
39. Two-dimensional interaction of weakly nonlinear waves in two-layer fluid with Infinite depth
Hidekazu TSUJI and Masayuki OIKAWA
54th Annual meeting of the Physical Society of Japan.