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Nitasaka Eiji Last modified date:2024.06.03

Associate Professor / Information biology
Department of Biology
Faculty of Sciences

Graduate School
Undergraduate School
Other Organization

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Descrption about mutant strains, genes, and literatures of the Japanese morning glory .
Academic Degree
Doctor of Science
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Field of Specialization
Genetics/Plant Molecular Genetics
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Outline Activities
I am conducting genetic and molecular biological research mainly on the morning glory (Ipomoea nil), which is a material for genetic research unique to Japan.
Specifically, we are isolating the genes responsible for mutants of Ipomoea nil, and are studying the mechanisms of plant morphogenesis, as well as the structure and transfer mechanisms of the transposons themselves that induce these mutants.
In addition, as a representative institution for the MEXT National BioResource Project "Morning Glories," I collect and maintain mutant lines and their information, conduct genetic analysis, maintain genome-related information, collect closely related species, and analyze phylogenetic relationships.
Most of the morning glory mutants (variegated morning glories) that I am preserving are extremely valuable and are only preserved in this laboratory in Japan. For this reason, I also cooperate with museums and botanical gardens around Japan, such as the National Museum of Japanese History (Sakura City, Chiba Prefecture), to exhibit living morning glories and conduct research on literature.
Research Interests
  • Studies on morphological mutants and their responsible transposable elements in the Japanese morning glory
    keyword : Morning glory, Ipomoea nil, transposon, transposable element
  • Studies on body color mutations in reptiles
    keyword : reptile snake albino
Current and Past Project
  • A national project to develop a systematic collection, preservation, and provision system for bioresources that are widely used as experimental materials in life science research and that are recognized as particularly important by the government.
Academic Activities
1. Eiji Nitasaka, Insertion of an En/Spm-related transposable element into a floral homeotic gene DUPLICATED causes a double flower phenotype in the Japanese morning glory, Plant J., 10.1046/j.1365-313X.2003.01896.x, 36, 4, 522-531, Vol 36, 522-531, 2003.11.
Works, Software and Database
1. .
2. .
Educational Activities
Graduate education: The department provides research guidance, education on molecular biological experimental techniques, and thesis reading for graduate students from master's to doctoral level. In the Graduate School of Systems Life Sciences, I teach Biological Sciences I and Advanced Biological Sciences II in cooperation with other faculty members.
Undergraduate Education: Lectures on basic genetics in Evolutionary Biology, and on recent topics in plant science and molecular biology in Advanced Life Sciences in the first semester of the third year, are given with English literature.
Core Education: Introduction to Biology in the second semester of the first year provides lectures on basic biology.
Professional and Outreach Activities
I have cooperated with museums and botanical gardens in Japan and abroad in the display of mutants of morning glories, and has written and appeared in media (newspapers, TV, magazines, etc.) related to morning glories. .