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Jinno Shozo Last modified date:2024.06.03

Professor / Department of Medicine and Bioregulatory Science
Department of Basic Medicine
Faculty of Medical Sciences

Graduate School
Undergraduate School

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 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Academic Degree
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Field of Specialization
ORCID(Open Researcher and Contributor ID)
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Outline Activities
(1) We create various mouse models for psychiatric disorders using C57BL/6J mice in our lab, such as, depression, schizophrenia, PTSD, cocaine addiction, and cancer-related cognitive impairment, etc.
(2) We analyze behavioral phenotypes of model models for psychiatric disorders are analyzed by the test battery, such as open-field test, T-maze, Y-maze, elevated plus maze, fear conditioning, operant conditioning, CPP, FST, and PPI, etc.
(3) We analyze synapses, neurons, and glial cells in the neuronal circuits of the hippocampus obtained from various model mice to understand the pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders. To this end, we use anatomical, pharmacological, and molecular biological methods. We also used the DREADD technologies with several Cre transgenic mouse lines.
(4) We analyze synapses, neurons, and glial cells in the neuronal circuits of the hippocampus of normal mice using anatomical and electrophysiological methods to understand the operating principles of the brain.
(5) Multidisciplinary analysis of the extracellular matrix in the central nervous system by using anatomical and electrophysiological techniques.
(6) Education of undergraduate students via lecture and practical course of neuroanatomy and gross anatomy.
Research Interests
  • Using behavioral pharmacology, we analyze the hippocampus of the mouse models for depression, schizophrenia, PTSD, cancer-related cognitive impairment.
    keyword : depression, schizophrenia, epilepsy, aging, hippocampus
    2006.01Anatomical and electrophysiological evaluation of the plasticity hypothesis for psychiatric disorders.
  • Anatomical analysis of adult neurogenesis in the hippocampus
    keyword : hippocampus, neurogenesis, granule cell, neural stem cell
    2009.04~2016.03I have performed electrophysiological analysis of hippocampal mossy cells, and found those in the ventral hilus exhibited rythmic bursting activity, which was brought by persisten sodium channels..
  • Multidisciplinary analysis of long-range GABAergic projection systems in neural networks
    keyword : projection neuron, GABA, hippocampus, medial septum
    1998.04I am now engaged in multidisciplinary analysis of projection pathway of central nervous system by using anatomical and electrophysiological techniques to know the principle of neuron network system of the brain..
  • Stereological and point process analyses of various neurons and glias in the central nervous system
    keyword : neuron, glia, stereology, quantitative analysis, point process analysis
    1996.041) I have estimated the numerical densities of 8 major subpopulations of GABAergic nonprincipal neurons in the mouse hippocampus using the optical disector method, and revealed their dorsoventral differences. 2) I have estimated the numerical densities and 3D distribution patterns of microglia in the mouse hippocampus. .
  • Regulation of plasticity by perineuronal nets
    keyword : extracellular matrix, sugar chain, neuronal plasticity
  • Exploring the mechanism of action of plant-derived estrogen analogues on brain function
    keyword : plant-derived estrogen analogues, hippocampus, neuron, glia
Academic Activities
Membership in Academic Society
  • Society for Neuroscience
Educational Activities
1) Lecture and practical course of neuroanatomy.
2) Practical course of gross anatomy.
Other Educational Activities
  • 2015.01.
  • 2014.01.
  • 2013.01.