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Kidoaki Satoru Last modified date:2024.06.03

Professor / Research Field of Biomedical and Biphysical Chemistry
Department of Applied Molecular Chemistry
Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering

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Academic Degree
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Field of Specialization
Biophysical Chemistry・Bioengineering
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Outline Activities
Biophysical chemistry for the basis of molecular design of the tissue-engineering materials

1. Mechanobio-materials to manipulate cell functions for biomedical enginneering
2. Protein biomechanics: Study on the mechanistic aspect of protein adsorption and protein-protein interactions
3. Matrix engineering: Development of the tissue-engineering matrix, scaffold, and devices
4. Physico-chemical study on the regulation of the higher-ordered structure and transport property of DNA
5. Biophysical chemistry on the mesoscopic systems: Study on the mechanism for molecular self-organization
Research Interests
  • Mechanobio-materials: Design of micromechanical extracellular environment to manipulate cellular functions and behaviors
    keyword : Nanobiomechanics, Mechanobiology, Mechanobio-materials, Mechanotaxis
  • Protein biomechanics: Mechanistic and thermodynamical studies on the protein-materials, protein-protein interactions
    keyword : Molecular force measurement
  • Biomatrix engineering: Development of tissue engineering scaffold and drug delivery matrix with electrospinning methodology
    keyword : Cell manipulation matrix
Academic Activities
1. S. Kidoaki, Manipulation of durotaxis on a matrix with cell-scale stiffness heterogeneity, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2022.08.
2. Satoru Kidoaki, "Mechanobio-materials: Design of elastically-micropatterned hydrogels to manipulate cell mechanotaxis and motility-coupled functions" in "Recent Advances in Mechanobiology", The Shanghai Scientific and Technological Literature Publishing House, 2012.11.
1. S. Kidoaki, Mechanics in cell adhesion and motility on the elastic substrates, Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering, 5, 218-228, 2010.04.
2. S. Kidoaki and T. Matsuda, Mechanistic aspects of protein/material interaction probed by AFM, Colloids & Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 23, 153-163, 2002.01.
1. ST. Lee, T. Kuboki, S. Kidoaki, Y. Aida, Y Arima*, K. Tamada, A plasmonic metasurface reveals differential motility of breast cancer cell lines at initial phase of adhesion, 238, 113876, 2024.03.
2. S. Masaike, S. Kidoaki, Cell Adhesion Control through Culture Substrate Design: Considerations for Incorporating Molecular Mechanisms of Adhesion Mechanics into Biomaterials Engineering, Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering, 18, 23-00358, 2024.02.
3. H. Miyoshi*, M, Yamazaki, H. Fujie, S. Kidoaki, Guideline for design of substrate stiffness for mesenchymal stem cell culture based on heterogeneity of YAP and RUNX2 responses, Biophysics and Physicobiology, 2023.02.
4. S. Masaike, Y. Tsuji, and S.Kidoaki, Local pH mapping in the cell adhesion nano-interfaces on a pH-responsive fluorescence-dye-immobilized substrate, Anal. Sci., 39, 347–355 (2023), 2023.03.
5. H. Ebata and S.Kidoaki,, Interplay among cell migration, shaping, and traction force on a matrix with cell-scale stiffness heterogeneity, Biophysics and Physicobiology, Volume 19 Article ID: e190036 , 2022.12.
6. Sayaka Masaike, Saori Sasaki, Hiroyuki Ebata, Kosuke Moriyama, Satoru Kidoaki, Adhesive-ligand-independent cell-shaping controlled by the lateral deformability of a condensed polymer matrix, POLYMER JOURNAL, 10.1038/s41428-021-00577-w, 2021.11, Cell adhesion on biomaterial surfaces has been extensively studied from the perspective of the adsorption properties of adhesive ligands, while recent research on mechanobiology has been revealing a critical role of the mechanical properties of the extracellular milieu in the control of cell adhesion, such as the stiffness and viscoelasticity of the matrix. Although the effects of the lateral mobility of an adhesive ligand have been intensively investigated in a model substrate with water-soluble polymer layers, less is known about those in the setting of lateral deformability of hydrophobic condensed polymer layers. In this study, to help clarify this issue, we used PNIPAAm-grafted substrates with a well-controlled degree of graft-polymerization (DGP) as a typical hydrophobic condensed polymer surface at a cell culture temperature of 37 degrees C. We observed a clear negative correlation between cell spreading and DGP of PNIPAAm regardless of the amount of fibronectin adsorbed on the substrates, which was found to be attributable to the lateral deformability of a condensed PNIPAAm layer based on lateral force microscopic analysis. The surface-lateral-deformation-induced modulation in stability and maturation of focal adhesion of the cells is discussed in relation to the matrix-strain-induced alteration of the density distribution of adsorbed adhesive ligands..
7. H. Ebata and S. Kidoaki, Avoiding tensional equilibrium in cells migrating on a matrix with cell-scale stiffness-heterogeneity, Biomaterials, 120860, 2021., 2021.05.
8. S. Masuda,T. Kuboki, S. Kidoaki, S-T. Lee, S. Ryuzaki, K. Okamoto, Y. Arima, K. Tamada, High axial and lateral resolution on self-assembled gold nanoparticle metasurfaces for live-cell imaging, ACS Appl. Nano Mater., 3, 11, 11135-11142, 2020.10.
9. M. Yamazaki, S. Kidoaki, H. Fujie, H. Miyoshi, Designing elastic modulus of cell culture substrate to regulate YAP and RUNX2 localization for controlling differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells, Anal. Sci., in press, 2020.10.
10. T. Fukuyama, H. Ebata, Y. Kondo, S. Kidoaki, K. Aoki, Y. T. Maeda, Why epithelial cells collectively move against a traveling signal wave, arXiv, 2008.12955, 2020.08.
11. Hiroyuki Ebata, Kousuke Moriyama, Thasaneeya Kuboki, Satoru Kidoaki, General cellular durotaxis induced with cell-scale heterogeneity of matrix-elasticity, Biomaterials, 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2019.119647, 230, 2020.02, Stiffness-gradient-induced cellular taxis, so-called durotaxis, has been extensively studied on a substrate with a single broad or steep stiffness gradient. However, in actual living tissues, cells should sense cell-scaled heterogeneous elasticity distribution in the extracellular matrix. In this study, to clarify the effect of the cell-scale heterogeneity of matrix-elasticity on durotaxis, we examined the motility of different types of cells on microelastically-striped patterned gels with different cell-sized widths. We found that cells accumulated in stiff regions with specific width on cell-type-dependency, even when a stiffness gradient is too small to induce usual durotaxis with a monotonic stiffness gradient. Fibroblast cells accumulated in a wide stiff region of multicellular size, while mesenchymal stem cells localized in a narrow stiff region of single-cell size. It was revealed that durotactic activity is critically affected not only with the cell type but also with the cell-scale heterogeneity of matrix-elasticity. Based on the shape-fluctuation-based analysis of cell migration, the dynamics of the pseudopodia were found to play a key role in determining the behaviors of general durotaxis. Our results suggest that design of cell-scale heterogeneity of matrix-elasticity is pivotal in controlling directional cell migration, the spontaneous cell-patterning, and development of the tissue on the biomaterials surfaces..
12. D. Huang and S. Kidoaki, Stiffness-optimized drug-loaded matrix for selective capture and elimination of cancer cells, J. Drug Deliv. Sci. Technol., 55, 10414, 2020.02.
13. T. Kuboki, H. Ebata, T. Matsuda, Y. Arai, T. Nagai, S. Kidoaki, Hierarchical development of motile polarity in durotactic cells just crossing an elasticity boundary, Cell Struct. Funct., 45, 33-43, 2020.02.
14. Kei Sugihara, Saori Sasaki, Akiyoshi Uemura, Satoru Kidoaki, Takashi Miura, Mechanisms of endothelial cell coverage by pericytes
computational modelling of cell wrapping and in vitro experiments, Journal of the Royal Society, Interface, 10.1098/rsif.2019.0739, 17, 162, 2020.01, Pericytes (PCs) wrap around endothelial cells (ECs) and perform diverse functions in physiological and pathological processes. Although molecular interactions between ECs and PCs have been extensively studied, the morphological processes at the cellular level and their underlying mechanisms have remained elusive. In this study, using a simple cellular Potts model, we explored the mechanisms for EC wrapping by PCs. Based on the observed in vitro cell wrapping in three-dimensional PC-EC coculture, the model identified four putative contributing factors: preferential adhesion of PCs to the extracellular matrix (ECM), strong cell-cell adhesion, PC surface softness and larger PC size. While cell-cell adhesion can contribute to the prevention of cell segregation and the degree of cell wrapping, it cannot determine the orientation of cell wrapping alone. While atomic force microscopy revealed that PCs have a larger Young's modulus than ECs, the experimental analyses supported preferential ECM adhesion and size asymmetry. We also formulated the corresponding energy minimization problem and numerically solved this problem for specific cases. These results give biological insights into the role of PC-ECM adhesion in PC coverage. The modelling framework presented here should also be applicable to other cell wrapping phenomena observed in vivo..
15. Saori Sasaki, Satoru Kidoaki, Precise design of microwrinkles through the independent regulation of elasticity on the surface and in the bulk of soft hydrogels, Polymer Journal, 10.1038/s41428-019-0299-8, 2019.12, Abstract: It is still difficult to precisely control microscopic wrinkles on the surface of functional materials, especially biomimetic soft hydrogels with an elastic modulus lower than 100 kPa. This is due to the difficulty in realizing the systematic and independent regulation of elasticity on the top surface and in the bulk of hydrogels, which is essential for the generation of surface microwrinkles. To overcome this problem, using a two-step photocrosslinking process with VIS and UV irradiation of a photocurable gelatinous sol, we developed a method for independently regulating the elastic modulus on the surface and in the bulk to obtain wrinkles on a biomimetic soft gel. Photocurable gelatin was first irradiated and crosslinked with VIS light in the presence of the water-soluble radical generator sulfonyl camphorquinone, which is effective in forming thick bulk gels. Next, the top surface of these precrosslinked gels was irradiated with UV light in the presence of surface-coated water-insoluble camphorquinone. As a result, this two-step photocrosslinking process enabled to independently control the elastic moduli of the surface and the bulk lower than 100 kPa and to generate several-micron-scale wrinkles on the soft hydrogel surface..
16. Daoxiang Huang, Yu Nakamura, Aya Ogata, Satoru Kidoaki, Characterization of 3D matrix conditions for cancer cell migration with elasticity/porosity-independent tunable microfiber gels, Polymer Journal, 10.1038/s41428-019-0283-3, 2019.10, The mechanics and architectures of the extracellular matrix (ECM) critically influence 3D cell migration processes, such as cancer cell invasion and metastasis. Understanding the roles of mechanical and structural factors in the ECM could provide an essential basis for cancer treatment. However, it is generally difficult to independently characterize these roles due to the coupled changes in these factors in conventional ECM model systems. In this study, to solve this problem, we developed elasticity/porosity-tunable electrospun fibrous gel matrices composed of photocrosslinked gelatinous microfibers (nanometer-scale-crosslinked chemical gels) with well-regulated bonding (tens-of-micron-scale fiber-bonded gels). This system enables independent modulation of microscopic fiber elasticity and matrix porosity, i.e., the mechanical and structural conditions of the ECM. The elasticity of fibers was tuned with photocrosslinking conditions. The porosity was regulated by changing the degree of interfiber bonding. The influences of these factors of the fibrous gel matrix on the motility of MDA-MB-231 tumorigenic cells and MCF-10A nontumorigenic cells were quantitatively investigated. MDA-MB-231 cells showed the highest degree of MMP-independent invasion into the matrix composed of fibers with a Young’s modulus of 20 kPa and a low degree of interfiber bonding, while MCF-10A cells did not show invasive behavior under the same matrix conditions..
17. Satoru Kidoaki, Frustrated differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells, Biophysical Reviews, 10.1007/s12551-019-00528-z, 11, 3, 377-382, 2019.06, Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are one of the most useful cell resources for clinical application in regenerative medicine. However, standardization and quality assurance of MSCs are still essential problems because the stemness of MSCs depends on such factors as the collection method, individual differences associated with the source, and cell culture history. As such, the establishment of culture techniques which assure the stemness of MSCs is of vital importance. One important factor affecting MSCs during culture is the effect of the mechanobiological memory of cultured MSCs built up by their encounter with particular mechanical properties of the extracellular mechanical milieu. How can we guarantee that MSCs will remain in an undifferentiated state? Procedures capable of eliminating effects related to the history of the mechanical dose for cultured MSCs are required. For this problem, we have tried to establish the design of microelastically patterned cell-culture matrix which can effectively induce mechanical oscillations during the period of nomadic migration of cells among different regions of the matrix. We have previously observed before that the MSCs exposed to such a growth regimen during nomadic culture keep their undifferentiated state—with this maintenance of stemness believed due to lack of a particular regular mechanical dosage that is likely to determine a specific lineage. We have termed this situation as “frustrated differentiation”. In this minireview, I introduce the concept of frustrated differentiation of MSCs and show possibility of purposeful regulation of this phenomenon..
18. Misato Iwashita, Hatsumi Ohta, Takahiro Fujisawa, Minyoung Cho, Makoto Ikeya, Satoru Kidoaki, Yoichi Kosodo, Brain-stiffness-mimicking tilapia collagen gel promotes the induction of dorsal cortical neurons from human pluripotent stem cells, Scientific reports, 10.1038/s41598-018-38395-5, 9, 1, 2018.12, The mechanical properties of the extracellular microenvironment, including its stiffness, play a crucial role in stem cell fate determination. Although previous studies have demonstrated that the developing brain exhibits spatiotemporal diversity in stiffness, it remains unclear how stiffness regulates stem cell fate towards specific neural lineages. Here, we established a culture substrate that reproduces the stiffness of brain tissue using tilapia collagen for in vitro reconstitution assays. By adding crosslinkers, we obtained gels that are similar in stiffness to living brain tissue (150–1500 Pa). We further examined the capability of the gels serving as a substrate for stem cell culture and the effect of stiffness on neural lineage differentiation using human iPS cells. Surprisingly, exposure to gels with a stiffness of approximately 1500 Pa during the early period of neural induction promoted the production of dorsal cortical neurons. These findings suggest that brain-stiffness-mimicking gel has the potential to determine the terminal neural subtype. Taken together, the crosslinked tilapia collagen gel is expected to be useful in various reconstitution assays that can be used to explore the role of stiffness in neurogenesis and neural functions. The enhanced production of dorsal cortical neurons may also provide considerable advantages for neural regenerative applications..
19. Atsushi Sakai, Yoshihiro Murayama, Kei Fujiwara, Takahiro Fujisawa, Saori Sasaki, Satoru Kidoaki, Miho Yanagisawa, Increasing Elasticity through Changes in the Secondary Structure of Gelatin by Gelation in a Microsized Lipid Space, ACS Central Science, 10.1021/acscentsci.7b00625, 4, 4, 477-483, 2018.04, Even though microgels are used in a wide variety of applications, determining their mechanical properties has been elusive because of the difficulties in analysis. In this study, we investigated the surface elasticity of a spherical microgel of gelatin prepared inside a lipid droplet by using micropipet aspiration. We found that gelation inside a microdroplet covered with lipid membranes increased Young's modulus E toward a plateau value E∗ along with a decrease in gel size. In the case of 5.0 wt % gelatin gelled inside a microsized lipid space, the E∗ for small microgels with R ≤ 50 μm was 10-fold higher (35-39 kPa) than that for the bulk gel (∼3 kPa). Structural analysis using circular dichroism spectroscopy and a fluorescence indicator for ordered beta sheets demonstrated that the smaller microgels contained more beta sheets in the structure than the bulk gel. Our finding indicates that the confinement size of gelling polymers becomes a factor in the variation of elasticity of protein-based microgels via secondary structure changes..
20. H. Ebata, A. Yamamoto, Y. Tsuji, S. Sasaki, K. Moriyama, T. Kuboki, S. Kidoaki, Persistent random deformation model of cells crawling on a gel surface, Sci. Rep., 8, 5153, 2018.03.
21. Kousuke Moriyama, Satoru Kidoaki, Cellular Durotaxis Revisited
Initial-Position-Dependent Determination of the Threshold Stiffness Gradient to Induce Durotaxis, Langmuir, 10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b02529, 2018.01, Directional cell movement from a softer to a stiffer region on a culture substrate with a stiffness gradient, so-called durotaxis, has attracted considerable interest in the field of mechanobiology. Although the strength of a stiffness gradient has been known to influence durotaxis, the precise manipulation of durotactic cells has not been established due to the limited knowledge available on how the threshold stiffness gradient (TG) for durotaxis is determined. In the present study, to clarify the principles for the manipulation of durotaxis, we focused on the absolute stiffness of the soft region and evaluated its effect on the determination of TG required to induce durotaxis. Microelastically patterned gels that differed with respect to both the absolute stiffness of the soft region and the strength of the stiffness gradient were photolithographically prepared using photo-cross-linkable gelatins, and the TG for mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) was examined systematically for each stiffness value of the soft region. As a result, the TG values for soft regions with stiffnesses of 2.5, 5, and 10 kPa were 0.14, 1.0, and 1.4 kPa/μm, respectively, i.e., TG markedly increased with an increase in the absolute stiffness of the soft region. An analysis of the area and long-axis length for focal adhesions revealed that the adhesivity of MSCs was more stable on a stiffer soft region. These results suggested that the initial location of cells starting durotaxis plays an essential role in determining the TG values and furthermore that the relationship between the position-dependent TG and intrinsic stiffness gradient (IG) of the culture substrate should be carefully reconsidered for inducing durotaxis; IG must be higher than TG (IG ≥ TG). This principle provides a fundamental guide for designing biomaterials to manipulate cellular durotaxis..
22. K. Tamada, E. Usukura, Y. Yanase, A. Ishijima, T. Kuboki, S. Kidoaki, K. Okamoto., LSPR-mediated high axial-resolution fluorescence imaging on a silver nanoparticle sheet, PLOS One, 12, 12, e0189708, 2017.12.
23. S. Masuda, Y. Yanase, E. Usukura, S. Ryuzaki, P. Wang, K. Okamoto, T. Kuboki, S. Kidoaki, and K. Tamada, High-Resolution Imaging of a Cell-Attached Nanointerface Using a Gold-Nanoparticle Two-Dimensional Sheet, Scientific Reports, 7, 3720, 2017.06.
24. Tomo Kurimura, Yoshiko Takenaka, Satoru Kidoaki, Masatoshi Ichikawa, Fabrication of Gold Microwires by Drying Gold Nanorods Suspensions, Adv. Mater. Interf., DOI: 10.1002/admi.201601125, 1601125, 2017.04.
25. Naohiko Shimada, Minako Saito, Sayaka Shukuri, Sotaro Kuroyanagi, Thasaneeya Kuboki, Satoru Kidoaki, Takeharu Nagai, Atsushi Maruyama, Reversible monolayer/spheroid cell culture switching by UCST-type thermoresponsive ureido polymers, ACS Applied Mater. Interf., DOI: 10.1021/acsami.6b07614, 8, 31524-31529, 2016.11.
26. T. Kuboki, S. Kidoaki, Fabrication of elasticity-tunable gelatinous gel for mesenchymal stem cell culture, Methods Mol. Biol., DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3584-0_25, 1416, 425-441, 2016.04.
27. Fahsai Kantawong, Thasaneeya Kuboki, Satoru Kidoaki, Redox gene expression of adipose-derived stem cells in response to soft hydrogel, Turkish Journal of Biology, 39, 682-691, 2015.06.
28. Ayaka Ueki, Satoru Kidoaki, Manipulation of cell mechanotaxis by designing curvature of the elasticity boundary on hydrogel matrix, Biomaterials, 41, 45-52, 2015, 2014.12.
29. Naohiko Shimada, Satoru Kidoaki, Atsushi Maruyama, Smart hydrogels exhibiting UCST-type volume changes under physiologically relevant conditions , RSC Advances, 4, 52346, 2014, 2014.10.
30. Thasaneeya Kuboki, Wei Chen, Satoru Kidoaki, Time-dependent migratory behaviors in the long-term studies of fibroblast durotaxis on a hydrogel substrate fabricated with a soft band, Langmuir, 30, 6187-6196., 2014.06.
31. Hiroyuki Sakashita, Satoru Kidoaki, Rectified cell migration on saw-like micro-elastically patterned hydrogels with asymmetric gradient ratchet teeth, PLOS One, 8, 10, e78067, 2013.10.
32. Hiroshi Yoshikawa, Takahito Kawano, Takehisa Matsuda, Satoru Kidoaki, Motomu Tanaka, Morphology and adhesion strength of myoblast cells on photocurable gelatin under native and non-native micromechanical environments, J. Phys. Chem. Part B, 117, 4081-4088, 2013.05.
33. T. Okuda, Y. Tahara, N. Kamiya, M. Goto, and S. Kidoaki, S/O-nanodispersion electrospun fiber mesh effective for sustained release of healthy plasmid DNA with the structural and functional Integrity, Journal of Biomaterials Science: Polymer Edition, 24, 1277-1290, 2013.01.
34. M. Horning, S. Kidoaki, T. Kawano, K. Yoshikawa, Rigidity-matching between cells and the extracellular matrix leads to the stabilization of cardiac conduction, Biophys. J., 102, 379-387, 2012.02.
35. T. Okuda and S. Kidoaki, Multidrug delivery systems with single formulation ~current status and future perspective~, Journal of Biomaterials and Nanobiotechnology, 3, 50-60, 2012.01.
36. T. Kawano and S. Kidoaki, Elasticity boundary conditions required for cell mechanotaxis on microelastically-patterned gels, Biomaterials, 32: 2725-2733 (2011)., 2011.01, 細胞は弾性基材表面の硬い領域を指向して運動する性質を示す(メカノタクシス)ことが知られていたが、その駆動のための表面弾性勾配の定量的条件は確立されておらず、メカノタクシスを系統的に誘導し制御することは不可能であった。本論文ではこの問題に対して、独自の弾性率可変ヒドロゲルのマイクロ弾性パターニング技術を確立することにより、細胞のメカノタクシスの誘導条件を初めて明確にした。その技術は細胞運動を操作する培養基材設計の一般的な基礎となるものである。.
37. N. Chen, A. Zinchenko, S. Kidoaki, M. Murata, K. Yoshikawa, Thermo-Switching of the Conformation of Genomic DNA in Solutions of Poly-(N-isopropylacrylamide), Langmuir, 26, 2995-2998 (2010)., 2010.03.
38. T. Okuda, K. Tominaga, S. Kidoaki, Time-programmed dual release formulation by multilayered drug-loaded nanofiber meshes, Journal of Controlled Release, 143, 2, 258-564, 143(2), 258-564 (2010)., 2010.02.
39. F. Ito, K. Usui, D. Kawahara, A. Suenaga, T. Maki, S. Kidoaki, H. Suzuki, M. Taiji, M. Itoh, Y. Hayashizaki, T. Matsuda, Protein-peptide specific interaction-driven hydrogel formation, hydrodynamic shear stress-dependent gel-to-sol reversibility and its potential application to injectable cartilage tissue, Biomaterials, 31, 58-66 (2009)., 2009.09.
40. K. Usui, T. Maki, F. Ito, A. Suenaga, S. Kidoaki, M. Itoh, M. Taiji, T. Matsuda, Y. Hayashizaki, H. Suzuki, Nanoscale elongating control of the self-assembled protein filament with the cysteine-introduced building blocks, Protein Science, 18, 960-969, 18, 960-969 (2009)., 2009.02.
41. S. Kidoaki and T. Matsuda, Microelastic gradient gelatinous gels to induce cellular mechanotaxis, Journal of Biotechnology, 133, 225-230 (2008)., 2008.01.
42. S. Kidoaki and T. Matsuda, Shape-engineered fibroblasts: cell elasticity and actin cytoskeletal features characterized by fluorescence and atomic force microscopy, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part A, 81, 728-735, 2007.06.
43. S. Kidoaki and T. Matsuda, Shape-engineered vascular endothelial cells: nitric oxide production, cell elasticity, and actin cytoskeletal features, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part A, 81, 803-810, 81, 803-810 (2007)., 2007.06.
44. T. Maki, S. Kidoaki, K. Usui, H. Suzuki, M. Ito, F. Ito, Y. Hayashizaki, T. Matsuda, Dynamic force spectroscopy of the specific interaction between PDZ-domain and its recognition peptides, Langmuir, 23, 2668-2673 (2007)., 2007.01.
45. S. Kidoaki, T. Matsuda, K. Yoshikawa, Relationship between apical membrane elasticity and stress fiber organization in fibroblasts analyzed by fluorescence and atomic force microscopy, Biomechan Model Mechanobiol, 5, 263-272 (2006)., 2006.11.
46. S. Kidoaki, I.K. Kwon, T. Matsuda, Mesoscopic spatial designs of nano- and micron-fiber meshes for tissue-engineering matrix and scaffold based on newly devised multilayering and mixing electrospinning techniques, Biomaterials, 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2004.01.063, 26, 1, 37-46, 26(1), 37-46 (2005)., 2005.01.
47. S. Ohya, S. Kidoaki, T. Matsuda, Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAAM)-grafted hydrogel surfaces: Interrelationship between microscopic structures and mechanical property of surface regions and cell adhesiveness, Biomaterials, 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2004.08.006, 26, 16, 3105-3111, 26, 3105-3111 (2005)., 2005.01.
48. I.K. Kwon, S. Kidoaki, T. Matsuda, Electrospun nano- to microfiber fabrics made of biodegradable copolyesters: structural characteristics, mechanical properties and cell adhesion potential, Biomaterials, 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2004.10.007, 26, 18, 3929-3939, 26(18), 3929-3939 (2005)., 2005.01.
49. T. Matsuda, M. Ihara, H. Inoguchi, I.K. Kwon, K. Takamizawa, S. Kidoaki, Mechano-active scaffold design of small-diameter artificial graft made of electrospun segmented polyurethane mesh fabrics, J. Biomed. Mater. Res. A, 10.1002/jbm.a.30260, 73A, 1, 125-131, 73, 125-131 (2005)., 2005.01.
50. S. Kidoaki, I.K. Kwon, T. Matsuda, Structural feature and mechanical property of in situ-bonded meshes of segmented polyurethane electrospun from mixed solvents, J. Biomed. Mater. Res. B, 10.1002/jbm.b.30336, 76B, 1, 219-229, 76, 219-229 (2005)., 2005.01.
51. A. Idiris, S. Kidoaki, K. Usui, T. Maki, H. Suzuki, M. Ito, M. Aoki, Y. Hayashizaki, T. Matsuda, Force measurement on antigen-antibody interaction by atomic force microscopy using photograft-polymer spacer, Biomacromolecules, 10.1021/bm0502617, 6, 5, 2776-2784, 6, 2776-2784 (2005)., 2005.01.
52. S. Kato, S. Kidoaki, T. Matsuda, Substrate-dependent Cellular Behaviors of Swiss 3T3 Fibroblasts and Activation of Rho Family during Adhesional and Spreading Processes, J. Biomed. Mater. Res, 10.1002/jbm.a.20012, 68A, 2, 314-324, 68, 314-324 (2004)., 2004.01.
53. T. Iwataki, S. Kidoaki, T. Sakaue, K. Yoshikawa, and S. S. Abramuchuk, Competition Between Compaction of Single Chains and Bundling of Multiple Chains in Giant DNA Molecules, J. Chem. Phys, 120、4004−4011 (2004)., 2004.01.
54. T. Matsuda, I.K. Kwon, S. Kidoaki, Photocurable biodegradable liquid copolymer: synthesis of acrylate-endcapped trimethylene carbonate-based prepolymers, photocuring and hydrolysis, Biomacromolecues, 10.1021/bm034231k, 5, 2, 295-305, 5、295-305 (2004)., 2004.01.
55. S. Kidoaki and K. Yoshikawa, Folding and Unfolding of a Giant Duplex-DNA in a Mixed Solution with Polycations, Polyanions, and Crowding Neutral Polymers, Biophys. Chem, 76, 133-143 (1999)., 1999.01.
56. S. Kidoaki and T. Matsuda, Adhesion Forces of the Blood Plasma Proteins on Self-Assembled Monolayer Surfaces of Alkanethiolates with Different Functional Groups Measured by an Atomic Force Microscope, Langmuir, 15, 7639-7646 (1999)., 1999.01.
57. T. Iwataki, Y. Yoshikawa, S. Kidoaki, D. Umeno, M. Kiji, M. Maeda, Cooperativity vs. Phase Transition in a Giant Single DNA Molecules, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 10.1021/ja000230d, 122, 41, 9891-9896, 122, 9891-9896 (2000)., 2000.01.
58. S. Kidoaki, Y. Nakayama, and T. Matsuda, Measuerment of Interaction Forces Between Proteins and Iniferter-Based Graft-Polymerized Surfaces with an Atomic Force Microscope in an Aqueous Media, Langmuir, 17, 1080-1087 (2001)., 2001.01.
59. S. Kidoaki, S. Ohya, Y. Nakayama, and T. Matsuda, Thermo-Responsive Property of N-isopropylacrylmide Graft-Polymerized Surfaces Measured with an Atomic Force Microscope, Langmuir, 17, 2402-2407 (2001)., 2001.01.
60. N. Yoshinaga, K. Yoshikawa, and S. Kidoaki, Multi-scaling in a long semi-flexible polymer chain in 2D, J. Chem. Phys., 10.1063/1.1475759, 116, 22, 9926-9929, 116, 9926-9929 (2002)., 2002.01.
61. S.G.Starodoubtsev, S.Kidoaki, K.Yoshikawa, Interaction of Double-stranded T4 DNA with Cationic Gel of Poly(Diallyldimethylammonium Chloride), Biomacromolecules, 10.1021/bm025583e, 4, 1, 32-37, 4, 32-37 (2003)., 2003.01.
62. T. Okuda, S. Kidoaki , M. Ohsakia, Y. Koyama, K. Yoshikawa, Time-dependent complex formation of dendritic poly(L-lysine)s with plasmid DNA and correlation with in vitro transfection efficiencies, Org. Biomol. Chem., 1, 1270-1273 (2003)., 2003.01.
63. Y. Nakayama, A. Furumoto, S. Kidoaki and T. Matsuda, Photocontrol of Cell Adhesion and Proliferation by a Photoinduced Cationic Polymer Surface, Photochem. Photobiol., 10.1562/0031-8655(2003)0772.0.CO;2, 77, 5, 480-486, 77(5), 480-486 (2003)., 2003.01.
64. T. Matsuda, J. Nagase, A. Gouda, Y. Hirano, S. Kidoaki, and Y. Nakayama, Phosphorylcholine-endcapped oligomer and block co-oligomer and surface biological reactivity, Biomaterials, 10.1016/S0142-9612(03)00344-2, 24, 24, 4517-4527, 24, 4517-4527 (2003)., 2003.01.
65. S. Kidoaki and K. Yoshikawa, The Folded State of Long Duplex-DNA Chain Reflects Its Solution History, Biophys. J., 71, 932-939 (1996)., 1996.01.
66. K. Yoshikawa, S. Kidoaki, M. Takahashi, V. V. Vasilevskaya and A. R. Khokhlov, Marked Discreteness on The Coil-Globule Transition of Single Duplex-DNA, Ber. Bunsen-Ges. Phys. Chem, 100, 876-880 (1996)., 1996.01.
67. H. Noguchi, S. Saito, S. Kidoaki and K. Yoshikawa, Self Organized Nanostructure Constructed with a Single Polymer Chain., Chem. Phys. Lett, 261, 527-533 (1996)., 1996.01.
68. V. V. Vasilevskaya, A. R. Khokhlov, S. Kidoaki and K. Yoshikawa, Structure of Collapsed Persistent Macromolecule: Toroid vs. Spherical Globule, Biopolymers, 41, 51-60 (1997)., 1997.01.
69. N. Emi, S. Kidoaki, K. Yoshikawa and H. Saito, Gene Delivery Mediated by Polyarginine Requires a Formation of Big Carrier-Complex of DNA Aggregate, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun, 231, 421-424 (1997)., 1997.01.
70. T. Kuboki, F. Kantawong, R. Burchmore, M.J. Dalby, and S. Kidoaki, 2D-DIGE proteomic analysis of mesenchymal stem cell cultured on the elasticity-tunable hydrogels, Cell Structure and Function, 37, 127-139,2012..
1. Sayaka Masaike, Satoru Kidoaki, Efficient Protein Modification and Enhanced Cell Adhesion on Primary Amine-Containing PAAm Gels, MRM2023/IUMRS-ICA2023, 2023.12.
2. Thasaneeya Kuboki, Satoru Kidoaki , Elucidation of substrate stiffness mediated rejuvenation mechanism of aging stem cells through the regulation of cellular homeostasis
, 第96回日本生化学会大会, 2023.10.
3. Satoru Kidoaki, Mechanobiological design of a postoperative-placing matrix for selective capture and elimination of residual cancer cells
, PRESM2023, 2023.07.
4. Satoru Kidoaki, Therapeutic potential of mechano-activated mesenchymal stem cells migrating on a matrix with cell-scale stiffness heterogeneity
5. Satoru Kidoaki, Therapeutic potential of regulation of long-period fluctuations in mesenchymal stem cells migrating on a matrix with cell-scale stiffness heterogeneity
, International Symposium on Mechanobiology for Human Health, 2023.03.
6. Thasaneeya Kuboki, Satoru Kidoaki , Understanding the mecahno-regulation of substrate stiffness on rejuvenation mechanism of aging stem cells, MBSJ2022, 2022.11.
7. Thasaneeya Kuboki, Satoru Kidoaki, Understanding the mecahno-regulation of substrate stiffness on rejuvenation mechanism of aging stem cell, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers ICM&P 2022 International Conference on Materials & Processing 2022, 2022.11.
8. Masashi Yamazaki, Satoru Kidoaki, Hiromi Miyoshi, Heterogeneity of RUNX2 localization response to stiffness of culture substrate in human mesenchymal stem cells, 9th World Congress of Biomechanics, 2022.07.
9. Thasaneeya Kuboki, Satoru Kidoaki, Understanding the mecahno-regulation of substrate stiffness on rejuvenation mechanism of aging stem cell, 9th World Congress of Biomechanics, 2022.07.
10. Satoru Kidoaki, Manipulation of cellular duroraxis on a matrix with cell-scale stiffness-heterogeneity
, Engineering Mechanics of Cell&Tissue Morphogenesis, 2022.06.
11. Sayaka Masaike, Satoru Kidoaki, Adhesive-ligand-independent cell shaping controlled by the lateral deformability of condensed polymer matrix, MBI 3M 2021, 2021.07.
12. Satoru Kidoaki , Hiroyuki Ebata, Kousuke Moriyama, Thasaneeya Kuboki, Yukie Tsuji, Rumi Sawada, Misaki kaneshiro, Kazusa Tanaka, Ken Kono , Nuclear activation by avoiding tensional equilibrium in the cells migrating on matrix with stiffness-heterogeneity
, RIMS Mechanobiology Symposium, 2021.07.
13. Satoru Kidoaki, Hiroyuki Ebata1, Kousuke Moriyama, Thasaneeya Kuboki, Yukie Tsuji, Rumi Sawada, Ken Kono, Kazusa Tanaka , Mechano-activation of mesenchymal stem cells by avoiding intracellular tensional equilibrium on matrix with stiffness-heterogenity, 65th Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, 2021, 2021.02.
14. Satoru Kidoaki , Hiroyuki Ebata, Kousuke Moriyama, Thasaneeya Kuboki, Yukie Tsuji, Rumi Sawada, Misaki kaneshiro, Kazusa Tanaka, Ken Kono , Functional activations by avoiding tensional equilibrium in the cells migrating on matrix with stiffness-heterogeneity
, MBSJ2020, 2020.12.
15. Hiroyuki Ebata, Satoru Kidoaki, Traction force dynamics of mesenchymal stem cells on micro-elastically patterned hydrogels
, 2nd G'L'owing Polymer Symposium in KANTO, 2019.11.
16. Daoxiang Huang, Satoru Kidoaki , Stiffness-optimized drug-loaded matrix for selective capture and elimination of cancer cells, Post-A3 meeting China-Japan Biopolymer Symposium at Hibikino, 2019.11.
17. Satoru Kidoaki, Heterogeneous field of matrix elasticity to exercise mesenchymal stem cells through their nomadic migrations, Okinawa Colloids 2019, 2019.11.
18. Kei Sugihara, Saori Sasaki, Akiyoshi Uemura, Satoru Kidoaki, and Takashi Miura , Computational modeling and experiments of cell wrapping: dissecting the mechanisms of endothelial cell coverage by pericytes, The 20th International Conference on System Biology, 2019.11.
19. Satoru Kidoaki, Kouske Moriyama, Thasaneeya Kuboki, Rumi Sawada, Yukie Tsuji, Hiroyuki Ebata, Saori Sasaki, Aya Yamamoto, Ken Kono, Kazusa Tanaka, Exercising mesenchymal stem cells through nomadic culture on heterogeneous field of matrix elasticity, Cell Physics 2019, 2019.10.
20. 政池彩雅、木戸秋悟, Evaluation of cell mechanotransduction regulation via matrix with lateral deformation characteristics, 第57回日本生物物理学会年会, 2019.09.
21. 金城美咲、木戸秋悟, Investigation of upstream regulatory factors of APC expression in the MSCs in frustrated differentiation
, 第57回日本生物物理学会年会, 2019.09.
22. 郭蕾、木戸秋悟, Homing and mechano-response of Muse cells analyzed on S1P-modified hydrogel with tunable elasticity, 第57回日本生物物理学会年会, 2019.09.
23. 王 夢繁、木戸秋悟, iPS cells show mechanotactic accumulation, enhanced proliferation and higher expression of stemness marker in optimal region of matrix elasticity, 第57回日本生物物理学会年会, 2019.09.
24. Rumi Sawada, Ken Kono, Kazusa Tanaka, Yoji Sato, Satoru Kidoaki, Development of an evaluation system that can predict the osteogenic
potential of human mesenchymal stem cells easily and promptly, 2019 Annual Meeting of International Society for Stem Cell Research, 2019.06.
25. S. Kidoaki, Exercising mesenchymal stem cells through nomadic culture on heterogeneous field of matrix elasticity, Kyoto Winter School“Quantifying Dynamics of Life”, 2019.03.
26. H. Ebata, K. Moriyama, T. Kuboki, S. Kidoaki, Cell-type dependent durotaxis on micro-elastically heterogeneous gels, アクティブマター研究会2019, 2019.01.
27. S. Sasaki and S. Kidoaki, Precise multi-scaled control of surface wrinkle on the hydrogels, MRS-J 2018年会, 2018.12.
28. S. Kidoaki, K. Moriyamaa, T. Kuboki, R. Sawada, Y. Tsuji, H. Ebata, S. Sasaki, A. Yamamoto, K. Kono, K. Tanaka, Modulation of APC expression in mesenchymal stem cell during nomadic culture on heterogeneous field of elasticity, ABA-ASA2018, 2018.12.
29. H. Ebata, K. Moriyama, T. Kuboki, S. Kidoaki, Domain-size dependent cellular durotaxison micro-elastically stripe patterned gels, APEF2018, 2018.11.
30. R. Sawada, K. Moriyama, K. Tanaka, K. Kono, Y. Sato, H. Ebata, S. Sasaki, T. Kuboki, Comprehensive gene expression analysis of human mesenchymal stem cells cultured on the micro elastically triangle patterned gel matrix, TERMIS2018, 2018.09.
31. K. Moriyama, S. Kidoaki, Elasticity threshold of the gel matrix to manipulate migration and differentiation of mesenchymal stem cell, PhysCell2018, 2018.09.
32. H. Ebata, A. Yamamoto, Y. Tsuji, S. Sasaki, K. Moriyama, T. Kuboki, S. Kidoaki, Migration model of crawling cells driven by persistent fluctuation of cell shape, PhysCell2018, 2018.09.
33. S. Kidoaki, K. Moriyama, T. Kuboki, R. Sawada, Y. Tsuji, H. Ebata, S. Sasaki, A. Yamamoto, K. Kono, K. Tanaka, Modulation of APC expression in mesenchymal stem cell during nomadic culture on heterogeneous field of elasticity, PhysCell2018, 2018.09.
34. S. Kidoaki, Mechanobio-materials manipulating motility and functions of stem cells, OISTセミナー, 2018.07.
35. R. Sawada, K. Kono, K. Tanaka, Y. Sato, S. Kidoaki, Investigation of marker genes predicting osteogenic differentiation potential of human mesenchymal stem cells, ISSCR2018, 2018.06.
36. Satoru Kidoaki, Frustrated differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells induced by nomadic movement between stiff and soft region of hydrogel matrix, 2018 IMCE International Symposium, 2018.03.
37. Midori Toratani, Yukie Tuji, Hisato Hayashi, Takehisa Iwama, Masato Horikawa, and Satoru Kidoaki, Development of Cellulose Nanofiber-Based Dispersion Culture System for Mesenchymal Stem Cell Keeping Highly-Qualified Stemness
, 2017 Kyushu-Seibu/Pusan-Gyeongnam Joint Symposium on High Polymers(18th) and Fibers(16th), 2017.12.
38. Takahiro Fujisawa, and Satoru Kidoaki, Development of photo-cross-linked collagen gels keeping the native triple helix, 2017 Kyushu-Seibu/Pusan-Gyeongnam Joint Symposium on High Polymers(18th) and Fibers(16th), 2017.12.
39. Daoxiang Huang, Satoru Kidoaki , Fabrication of a micro fibrous gel matrix with tunable elasticity for selectively- capturing cancer cells, 2017 Kyushu-Seibu/Pusan-Gyeongnam Joint Symposium on High Polymers(18th) and Fibers(16th), 2017.12.
40. Satoru Kidoaki, Frustrated differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells induced by normadic migration between stiff and soft region of hydrogel matrix, ISMB2017, 2017.12.
41. Hiroyuki Ebata, Aki Yamamoto, and Satoru Kidoaki, Migration model based on persistent fluctuation of cell shape, SFS2017, 2017.11.
42. Satoru Kidoaki, Mechanobio-Materials Manipulating Motility and Functions of Stem Cells, 第55回日本生物物理学会年会, 2017.09.
43. S. Sasaki, H. Ebata, and S. Kidoaki, Surface Structural Control of Wrinkled gel for Cell Culture, IUMRS2017, 2017.08.
44. Satoru Kidoaki, Mechanobio-materials manipulating motility and functions of stem cells, ISOMRM2017, 2017.08.
45. T. Kuboki, F. Kantawong, and S. Kidoaki1 , Mechanotransduction and redox balance of stem cells, BMI2017, 2017.08.
46. Thasaneeya Kuboki, Fahsai Kantawong ,and Satoru Kidoaki, Mechanotrasduction and redox balance of stem cells, ISB2017, 2017.06.
47. Satoru Kidoaki, Hiroyuki Ebata, Rumi Sawada, Kouske Moriyama, Thasaneeya Kuboki, Ken Kono, Kazusa Tanaka, Saori Sasaki , Characterization of the frustrated differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells induced by nomadic migration between stiff and soft region of gel matrix, ISB2017, 2017.06.
48. Satoru Kidoaki, Kenta Mizumoto, Negative mechanotaxis of iPS cells observed on microelastically-patterned hydrogels, Single-Cell Biophysics: Measurement, Modulation, and Modeling, 2017.06.
49. Rumi Sawada, Ken Kono, Kazusa Tanaka, Yoji Sato, Kousuke Moriyama,  Hiroyuki Ebata, Saori Sasaki, Thasaneeya Kuboki, Satoru Kidoaki, Comprehensive gene expression analysis of human mesenchymal stem cells cultured on the micro elastically-striped pattern gel matrix, ISSCR2017, 2017.06.
50. Saori Sasaki, Hiroyuki Ebata, Takuya Ohzono, Satoru Kidoaki, Designing Wrinkled Hydrogels for Cell Manipulation, Gel Symposium 2017, 2017.03.
51. Satoru Kidoaki, Hiroyuki Ebata, Rumi Sawada, Kousuke Moriyama, Thasaneeya Kuboki, Ken Kono, Kazusa Tanaka, Satori Sasaki, Characterization of the frustrated differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells induced by normadic migration between stiff and soft region of gel matrix, Biophysical Society 61th Annual Meeting, 2017.02.
52. Hiroyuki Ebata, Kouske Hamano, Satoru Kidoaki, Analysis of dynamics of mechano-signal input for stem cells cultured on the micro-elastically patterned hydrogels, International polymer conference 2016, 2016.12.
53. Thasaneeya Kuboki, Satoru Kidoaki, Fahsai Kantawong, Mechanotransduction and redox signaling in stem cells, Mechanobiology of Disease, 2016.09.
54. THASANEEYA KUBOKI, Tomoki Matsuda, Takeharu Nagai, Hiroyuki Ebata, Satoru Kidoaki, Live imaging of paxillin in durotactic migrating cells on the microelastically patterned hydrogels, KJF-ICOMEP 2016, 2016.09.
55. THASANEEYA KUBOKI, Satoru Kidoaki, Surface elasticity tunable gelatinous gel for manipulation of stem cell fate determination and directional cell migration, 6th International Polymer Conference of Thailand, 2016.06.
56. Satoru Kidoaki, Kouske Hamano, THASANEEYA KUBOKI, Traction force microscopy of mesenchymal stem cells in mode of frustrated differentiation, 10th World Biomaterials Congress, 2016.05.
57. Thasaneeya Kuboki, Takeharu Nagai, Yoshiyuki Arai, Tomoki Matsuda, Satoru Kidoaki, Live imaging of paxillin in durotactic migrating cells on the micro-elastically patterned hydrogels, 日本機械学会第28回バイオエンジアリング講演会, 2016.01.
58. Satoru Kidoaki, Mechanobio-materials manipulating motility and functions of stem cells, 26th 2015 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science, 2015.11.
59. Satoru Kidoaki, Traction force microscopy of mesenchymal stem cells in mode of frustrated differentiation, iCeMS International Symposium, Hierarchical Dynamics in Soft Materials and Biological Matter, 2015.09.
60. Fahasai Kantawong, Thasaneeya Kuboki, Satoru Kidoaki, Redox gene expression of adipose-derived stem cells in response to soft hydrogel, The 8th Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomechanics 2015, 2015.09.
61. Satoru Kidoaki, Traction force microscopy of mesenchymal stem cells in mode of frustrated differentiation, The 8th Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomechanics 2015, 2015.09.
62. Satoru Kidoaki, Ayaka Ueki, Manipulation of cell mechanotaxis by designing curvature of the elasticity boundary on hydrogel matrix, 27th European Conference on Biomaterials ESB2015, 2015.08.
63. Satoru Kidoaki, Traction force microscopy of mesenchymal stem cells in mode of frustrated differentiation, International Symposuim on Nanoarchitectonics for Mechanobiology (ISNM), 2015.07.
64. Wei Chen, Thasaneeya Kuboki, Satoru Kidoaki, Time-dependent migratory behaviors in the long-term studies of fibroblast durotaxis on a hydrogel substrate fabricated with a soft band, 248th ACS National Meeting, 2014.08.
65. Satoru Kidoaki, Mechanobio-Materials Manipulating Cell Motility and Functions, NIMS Conference 2014, 2014.07.
66. Thasaneeya Kuboki, Satoru Kidoaki, Time-dependent migratory behaviors in the long-term studies of fibroblast durotaxis on a hydrogel substrate fabricated with a soft band , International Society for Mechanobiology 2014, 2014.05.
67. Satoru Kidoaki, Mechaobio-materials manipulating cell motility and functions, International Society for Mechanobiology 2014, 2014.05.
68. Satoru Kidoaki*, Mechanobio-Materials Manipulating Cell Motility and Functions
, Joint international symposium on "Nature-inspired Technology(ISNIT) 2014" and "Engineering Neo-biomimetics V", 2014.02.
69. Satoru Kidoaki*, Mechanobio-materials manipulating cell motility and functions, The 17th SANKEN International Symposium 2014/ The 2nd International Symposium of Nano-Macro materials Devices and System Research Alliance Project, 2014.01.
70. Satoru Kidoaki*, "Mechanobio-Materials": Design of Elastically-Micropatterned Gels To Control Cell Mechanotaxis And Motility-Related Functions, The 15th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, 2013.12.
71. Satoru Kidoaki*, Frustrated differentiation of mesenchymal stem cell cultured on microelastically-patterned photocurable gelatinous gels, The 7th World Congress on Biomimetics, Artificial Muscles and Nano-Bio(BAMN2013), 2013.08.
72. Thasaneeya Kuboki, Wei Chen, Satoru Kidoaki*, Controlling mechano-repellent cell migration induced by a micro-scale soft band on a hydrogel matrix, Sydney International Nanomedicine Conference, 2013.07.
73. Satoru Kidoaki, Takahito Kawano, Hiroyuki Sakashita, “Mechanobio-Materials”: Design of Elastically-Micropatterned Gels To Control Cell Mechanotaxis and Motility-Related Functions, IEEE-NMDC2012, 2012.10.
74. Satoru Kidoaki, Syuhei Jinnouchi, Frustrated Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Cultured on Microelastically-Patterned Photocurable Gelatinous Gels, The 2012 International Conference on Flexible and Printed Electronics, 2012.09.
75. 奥田 竜也, 富永賢吾, 木戸秋 悟, Development of multidrug delivery system for biochemical modulation by nano-/micro-mesh technology
, 7th International Symposium on High-tech Polymer Materials (HTPM-VII), 2012.06.
Membership in Academic Society
  • Biophysical Society
  • Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering
  • International Society of Mechanobiology
Other Educational Activities
  • 2011.04.
  • 2010.04.
  • 2009.04.
  • 2008.04.
  • 2008.04.