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Shigeru Muta Last modified date:2024.06.27

Assistant Professor / Division of Systems Bioengineering
Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology
Faculty of Agriculture

Graduate School

 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Academic Degree
Doctor (Agriculture)
Field of Specialization
Agricultural Chemistry
Outline Activities
Analyses of the genetic expression, regulation networks.
In the cells, there are so enormous genes, which are constituted the complicated networks. In order to define these complexities, we shall develop the analyses system. Based on the knowledge from the "genome project", this system is experimentally and simultaneously detected all related genes expression features in vivo, and simulated these profiles by computational science in silico.
Research Interests
  • Study for the new bacterial cultivation methd using emulsion-doroplets
    keyword : emalusion-droplets, viabele but not culturable bacteria, hight throughput screening, physiologically active substabce
  • Searcu for novel antibacrerial materials from plant
    keyword : antibacterial materials
  • Intergeneric conjugal transfer of foreign DNA from Escherichia coli to Streptomyces morookaensis, a nucleotide 3'-pyrophosphokinase producer
    keyword : Intergeneric conjugal transfer, Streptomyces
    2005.04Intergeneric conjugal transfer of foreign DNA from Escherichia coli to Streptomyces morookaensis, a nucleotide 3'-pyrophosphokinase producer.
  • Analyses of the genetic expression, regulation networks.
    keyword : Genetic expression, Micro-array, Genome
    2000.04Analyses of the genetic expression, regulation networks. In the cells, there are so enormous genes, which are constituted the complicated networks. In order to define these complexities, we shall develop the analyses system. Based on the knowledge from the "genome project", this system is experimentally and simultaneously detected all related genes expression features in vivo, and simulated these profiles by computational science in silico..
  • The large deletional mutation of Streptomyces genomic DNA
    keyword : Streptomyces, genomic DNA, deletional mutation
    2000.04The large deletional mutation of Streptomyces genomic DNA.
Academic Activities
Membership in Academic Society
  • The Molecular Biology Society of Japan
  • Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry
  • The Society for Actinomycetes Japan
Educational Activities
No mission
Other Educational Activities
  • 2009.12, 「MINI GENOME HIROBA」(mini genome square):A direct, reciprocal and open forum for the people objects to obtain the commonsense of the genome research..
  • 2009.04.
  • 2007.12, 「MINI GENOME HIROBA」(mini genome square):A direct, reciprocal and open forum for the people objects to obtain the commonsense of the genome research..
  • 2006.12, 「MINI GENOME HIROBA」(mini genome square):A direct, reciprocal and open forum for the people objects to obtain the commonsense of the genome research..
  • 2005.12, 「MINI GENOME HIROBA」(mini genome square):A direct, reciprocal and open forum for the people objects to obtain the commonsense of the genome researdh..
  • 2004.07, 「GENOME HIROBA」(genome square): A direct, reciprocal and open forum for the pople objecte to obtain the commomsense of the genome research..
  • 2003.11, 「GENOME HIROBA」(genome square): A direct, reciprocal and open forum for the pople objecte to obtain the commomsense of the genome research..
  • 2002.11, 「GENOME HIROBA」(genome square): A direct, reciprocal and open forum for the pople objecte to obtain the commomsense of the genome research..
Professional and Outreach Activities
No mission.