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Sugiyama Yoshio Last modified date:2024.06.03

Graduate School

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 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Academic Degree
Ph.D. in Health and Sport Sciences
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Field of Specialization
Sport Psychology
ORCID(Open Researcher and Contributor ID)
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Outline Activities
Research: Studies on 1)psychological factors to enhance sport perfromance (including psychological competitive abilities, stress coping ability, and ability of making strategies) , 2)use and development of social skills and communication skills in physical education and sport, and 3) meaning and/or significance of nonverbal behavior in physical education and sport.
Education: Health and sport subjects in general education, health and sport science in graduate school.
Social Activities: School counseling activities at Kagoshima prefecture (1996-2002).
Research Interests
  • Research on social skills (including commuication skills) and/or life skills in physical education and sport
    keyword : Social skills, communication skills, life skills, skill acquisition, physical education and sport
    1998.04Theme: Resaerch on social skills (including commuication skills) or life skills in physical educaiton and sport. Contents:1) Identifying and measuring social skills in P.E. and sport, 2) relation between experiences and social skills in P.E. and sport, 3) relation between social skills in P.E. and sport and social skills in daily life or life skills, and 4) social skills or life skills development through P.E. and sport..
  • Research on nonverbal behavior (especially, proxemics) in physical education and sport
    keyword : Nonverbal behavior, spatial behavior, visibility, psychological skills, athletic performance, physical education
    1990.04Theme: Research on nonverbal behavior (especially, proxemics) in sport. Contents: 1)Influence of practicing positions on athletes' psychological states, 2) relation between orientations of playing positions and personality variables, and 3) effect of subjective visibility on sport perfromance..
  • Comparison of sport-related psychological variables between Japanese and Korean students.
    keyword : Comparison between Japan and Korea, sport psychology, univeristy students
    2002.04~2012.03Theme: Comparison of sport-related psychological variables between Japanese and Korean students. Contents: Comparisons of 1)psychological competitive abilities, 2)stress coping strategies, and 3)consiousness of the body or physical activities between Japanese and Korean students and/or student-athletes..
Academic Activities
1. Sugiyama,Y., Shibukura,T., Nishida,T., Ito,T., Sasaki,B., & Isogai,H.: Development of scales for psychosocial skills in physical education and life skills. Journal of Health Science, 32, 77-84..
Membership in Academic Society
  • Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
  • Kyushu Society of Physical Education and Sport
  • Japanese Society of Sport Psychology
  • International Society of Sport Psychology
  • Asia-South Pacific Assiciation of Sport Psychology
  • Kyushu Society of Sport Psychology
  • Japanese Psychological Association
  • Japan Society on Tennis Science
  • Japanese Society of Test and Measurement in Health and Physical Education
  • Japan Ethological Society
  • Kota Kubo, Yoshio Sugiyama, and Wakaki Uchida (2023) Why Those Who Have Experienced Corporal Punishment in the Past are Accepting of its Use - Focusing on Positive Perceptions and Gratitude toward the Experience -. Japanese Journal of Sport Psychology, 49(2), 111-121.
  • Eriko Aiba, Kojiro Matsuda, Ayumi Kodama, and Yoshio Sugiyama (2018) Development of Emotion Regulation Strategies Scales in Sports Competition. Japanese Journal of Sport Psychology, 49(1), 33-47.
  • Terumi Tanaka, Fumio Mizuochi, Yasuo Susaki, and Yoshio Sugiyama (2021) Estimating the play stage of burnout onset process: Focusing on play activity style and burnout tendency in athletes. Kyushu Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 36(1), 1-12.
  • Kojiro Matsuda, Yasuo Susaki, Kosuke Mukai, and Yoshio Sugiyama (2018) Psychological growth of athletes who have experienced the yips on baseball player. Japanese Journal of Sport Psychology, 45(2), 73-87.
  • Takumi Nakasuga, Shunsuke Sakata, and Yoshio Sugiyama (2018) Assessment of causal relationships between motivational climates, goal orientations and “Zest for Living” in junior high school physical education classes. Japan Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences, 63, 623-639.
  • Terumi Tanaka and Yoshio Sugiyama (2018) The influence of daily life negative affect experience on burnout tendency, using positive affect experience as a moderating variable. Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry, 26(1), 107-117.
Educational Activities
Graduate Education: Sport Psychology at the Graduate School of Human-Environment Studies, Kyushu University
General Education: Health and Sport Subjects at the General Education, Kyushu University
Sport Psychology at the Faculty of Education, Oita University (2018~) / Health and Sport Sciences at Nakamura Gakuen University (~2014) / Undergraduate Education: Sport Psychology at the Fuculty of Medicine, Kagoshima University (~2005) / Statistics and Information Processing for Physical Education and Health (lecture and practice) at the Faculty of Education and Culture, Miyazaki University (~2005)
Professional and Outreach Activities
School Counselor at Kagoshima prefecture (1996-2002).