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Jun'ichiro   TSUJITA  Last modified date:2024.06.26

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 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Division of Archaeology,Faculty of Humanities,Kyushu University .
Academic Degree
Field of Specialization
Japanese Archaeology
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Research Interests
  • An archaeological study of the state formation process of Ancient Japan and its relativization
    keyword : Japnanese archaeology, comparative archaeology, Yayoi Period, Kofun Period, material culture, interregional relations, state formation, bronze mirror, mortuary ritual
    1993.10An archaeological study of the state formation process of Ancient Japan and its relativization.
Academic Activities
1. The ancient history as seen from bronze mirrors (in Japanese). KADOKAWA, Tokyo, Japan (pp.1-410).
2. The 'Copied' Chinese Bronze Mirrors and the Era of Five Kings of Wa (in Japanese). Douseisha, Tokyo, Japan (pp.1-554).
3. Jun'ichiro Tsujita (2007) Bronze Mirrors and Yamato Polity in the Early Kofun Period (in Japanese with English summary). Suirensha,Tokyo,Japan(pp.1-435).
4. Jun'ichiro Tsujita (2006) Prestige good systems and identtity of Kofun Period in Japanese archipelago(in Japanese, pp.31-64). In Tanaka,Y. and Kawamoto,Y. (eds) Ancient States in East Asia. Suirensha,Tokyo,Japan.
1. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2024) Considering on the historical background for constructing Newgrange, Ireland: comparing with the Kofun Period of the Japanese archipelago (in Japanese). In CARA Vol.31, pp.8-11, The Celtic Society of Japan, Fukuoka: Japan.
2. ADACHI Yuki, ADACHI Tatsuro, OZONO Akira, NAGAYASU Satoshi, SHIMADA Koichi, KUSHIYAMA Norikazu, YAGI Ken'ichiro, MATSUURA Takaaki and TSUJITA Jun’ichiro (2024) The report of mineralogical characterization methods for clay resources used for Sue pottery excavated from and nearby Tenjinyama Tumulus during the late Kofun Period (in Japanese). In Tenjinyama Kofun (The Site report of Tenjinyama tumulus), pp.95-110, The board of education of Keisen town, Fukuoka Prefecuture, Japan.
3. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro and ADACHI Yuki (2024) The report of excavation and archaeological remains of the Yayoi Period at Tenjinyama Tumulus (in Japanese). In Tenjinyama Kofun (The Site report of Tenjinyama tumulus), pp.83-94, The board of education of Keisen town, Fukuoka Prefecuture, Japan.
4. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro and ADACHI Yuki (2024) The report of excavation and archaeological remains of the Kofun Period at Tenjinyama Tumulus (in Japanese). In Tenjinyama Kofun (The Site report of Tenjinyama tumulus), pp.7-82, The board of education of Keisen town, Fukuoka Prefecuture, Japan.
5. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2021) The bracelet-shaped stone object of the Kofun Period excavated from Chikushi-campus of Kyushu University, Japan (in Japanese). In The site report of Gokuden site, Vol.2, pp.173-180. Kyushu University, Japan. Mar.2021.
6. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2021) The trends of Kofun Period studies in Japanese archaeology (2019) (in Japanese). In Shigaku=Zasshi Vol.129 No.5, pp.25-31, Shigakukai (The Historical Society of Japan), Tokyo: Japan.
7. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2020) The bronze objects excavated from the Obaru Site (in Japanese). In The site report of Obaru site, pp.265-270. Tamana City Board of Education, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan.
8. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2019) The trends in archaeology in Japan: Kofun Period (2017) (in Japanese with English summary). In Archaeologia Japonica 70, pp.41-50, The Japanese Archaeological Association..
9. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2018) Book review: SAWADA Hidemi (2017) The formation and development of the order of Keyhole-shaped tumuli in Kofun Period Japan ("Zenpou-kouenhun chitsujo no seiritsu to tenkai" in Japanese). In Kikan Kokogaku (Archaeology Quarterly) No.144, p.109, January 2018, Yuzankaku Shuppan, Tokyo, Japan.
10. GOTO, Akira and TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2018) Theme: What is power?: Archaeological examination of ritual and warfare. ABSTRACT OF PAPERS TO BE PRESENTED AT THE 64th ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SOCIETY (in Japanese). In Kokogaku Kenkyu (Quarterly of Archaeological Studies) Vol.64 No.4 (256), p.52, March 2018, Kokogaku Kenkyu Kai(Society of Archaeological Studies).
11. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2018) Book review: HOJO Yoshitaka (2017) The Direction of Tumuli in Kofun Period and the Sun (in Japanese). In Kikan Kokogaku (Archaeology Quarterly) No.142, p.108, January 2018, Yuzankaku Shuppan, Tokyo, Japan.
12. TSUJITA,Jun'ichiro (2017) The historical meaning of Chinese bronze mirror excavated from Tumulus No.8 of the Furuno Site (in Japanese). In The site report of Otogana-area of Onojo City, Vol.21-2, pp.67-70. Onojo City Board of Education, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan.
13. TSUJITA,Jun'ichiro and NAKAI, Ayumi (2017) The Chinese bronze mirror excavated from Tumulus No.8 of the Furuno Site (in Japanese). In The site report of Otogana-area of Onojo City, Vol.21-1, pp.78-84. Onojo City Board of Education, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan.
14. TSUJITA,Jun'ichiro (2017) The fragmented bronze mirrors excavated from the Kibune-Nishi Site (in Japanese). In The site report of Kibune-Nishi site,pp.153-156. Tamana City Board of Education, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan.
15. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2017) Special feature: Reviewing the Eighth World Archaeological Congress in Kyoto 2, State formation and local societies (in Japanese). In Kokogaku Kenkyu (Quarterly of Archaeological Studies) Vol.63 No.4 (252), pp.1-3, March 2017, Kokogaku Kenkyu Kai(Society of Archaeological Studies).
16. TSUJITA,Jun'ichiro (2016) Research trends in the last decade of the archaeological studies on the bronze mirrors during the Late Yayoi to the Early Kofun Period (in Japanese with English summary). In Kyushu Kokogaku (The Journal of the Archaeological Society of Kyushu) 91, pp.107-118, The Archaeological Society of Kyushu.
17. TSUJITA,Jun'ichiro (2016) The characteristics of the design and technology of production of the gilded bronze mirror with deity and beast design excavated from Saizon-tumulus in Kumamoto Prefecture (in Japanese). In the illustrated catalog of "Admiration to the Golden Culture" on the finds of Saizon-tumulus, pp.28-31, Kumamoto City Museum, Japan.
18. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (ed) (2016) Yamanokami Kofun no Kenkyu (The Study of Yamanokami Tumulus) : The research report of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(JSPS), pp.1-402, Faculty of Humanities, Kyushu University..
19. TSUJITA,Jun'ichiro (2015) The bronze mirrors excavated from the Saitobaru tumuli (in Japanese). In The site report of Saitobaru Kofungun,pp.131-142. Miyazaki Prefectural Board of Education, Japan. .
20. Tsujita, Jun'ichiro (2013) The history of the Northern Kyushu region in the Kofun Period, Japan.
21. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2009) The trends in archaeology in Japan: Kofun Period (2007) (in Japanese with English summary). In Archaeologia Japonica 60, pp.41-49, The Japanese Archaeological Association..
22. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2009) A study on the bronze mirror with tigar and dragon design excavated from Kurisouzui tumulus in Karatsu City, Japan (in Japanese). In The Kurisouzui Tumulus, pp.107-124, Karatsu City Board of Education. .
23. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro and Higashi, Noriaki (2009) A study on the Japanese bronze mirror with Daryu design which is said to be excavated from the Mochida Burial Mounds (in Japanese). In Saitobaru Archaeological Museum of Miyazaki Prefecture Research Bulletin, Vol.5, pp.1-9, Saitobaru Archaeological Museum of Miyazaki Prefecture..
24. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2009) The bracelet-shaped stone object of the Kofun Period excavated from Kyushu region, Japan (in Japanese). In S.IWANAGA and Y. TAJIRI (eds) Nakoku no minami (The South of Nakoku), pp.84-99, Kyushu University Museum..
25. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro, The Change in the Distribution System of Bronze Mirrors at the Beginning of Kofun Period Japan: as seen from Fragmented Bronze Mirrors, Bulletin of the Society for East Asian Archaeology (BSEAA) 1,, 2007.11, [URL].
1. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2024) Bronze mirrors [symbolic objects and body decorations of the ruling elites]. The basic archaeological materials of interaction between Japanese archipelago and Korean Peninsula during the Kofun Period (in Japanese). In Archaeology Quarterly, Vol.167, Yuzankaku, Tokyo:Japan, pp.50-53, May 2024.
2. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2024) The outcomes of excavation of Tenjinyama Tumulus (in Japanese). In Tenjinyama Kofun (The Site report of Tenjinyama tumulus), pp.119-136, The board of education of Keisen town, Fukuoka Prefecuture, Japan.
3. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2024) The interregional relationships in British islands during the Late Iron Age: considering the transition from the Late Iron Age to Roman Period (in Japanese). In Why did people form the state?: comparative micro and macro-scale combined studies between Japan, Britain and China, edited by Koji MIZOGUCHI : The research report of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(JSPS), pp.73-83, Faculty of Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University.
4. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2024) The standard measure of horizontal stone chamber in northern Kyushu, Japan during the late Kofun Period (in Japanese). In Studies for retirement celebration in honor of Professor Kazuo MIYAMOTO: Novel Perspectives in East Asian Archaeology, Fukuoka: Japan, pp.465-479.
5. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2023) Prestige goods and kinship relations during the Kofun Period, Japan (in Japanese). In Kinship and local societies during the Kofun Period, Japan edited by IWANAGA Shozo, Doseisha, Tokyo:Japan, pp.3-29, Oct 2023.
6. Tsujita, Jun'ichiro (2023) Ancient state formation in Japan as seen from bronze mirrors: focusing on the Five kings of Wa, the 5th century AD (in Japanese). In Proceeding of the 35th Hamada Seiryo Award, pp.7-17, Kishiwada City, Board of Education of Kishiwada City and Asahi Shimbun company, Sep 2023.
7. Tsujita, Jun'ichiro (2023) The end of construction of keyhole-shaped tumuli in northern Kyushu, Japan, around the 6th century AD (in Japanese). In Shien (The Journal of the History) 160, pp.55-92, Faculty of Humanities, Kyushu University, March 2023.
8. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2023) The political interaction around Hakata Bay area, Northern Kyushu, during the Late Kofun Period: the time of Nanotsu no Miyake (in Japanese). In The bulletin of the History of Fukuoka City, Vol.18. Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture: Japan, pp.42-53, Mar. 2023
9. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2023) On chiefs of 'Ito-koku'(Itoshima region) during the Yayoi Period, Japan (in Japanese). In the abstracts for the symposium on chiefs during the Yayoi Period in Northern Kyushu, Japan. Cultural Division of Itoshima City, Fukuoka Prefecture: Japan, pp.17-24, Jan. 2023.
10. Tsujita, Jun'ichiro (2022) Gifting and receiving prestige goods and Kinship relations in Kofun Period, Japan (in Japanese). Proceeding for the 2022 Meeting of Japanese Archaeological Association in Fukuoka City, pp.91-101, Oct. 2022.
11. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2022) Bronze mirrors as grave goods during the Yayoi to the Kofun Period, Japan (in Japanese). In Series Regional History in Ancient Japan: Tsukushi and Nanto edited by YOSHIMURA Takehiko, KAWAJIRI Akio, MATSUGI Takehiko), KADOKAWA, Tokyo:Japan, pp.85-121, Feb 2022.
12. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2022) The problems on the mortuary facility and grave goods excavated from Ikisan-Choshiduka tumulus (in Japanese). In the abstracts for the symposium on Two Large tumuli facing the Genkai Sea in Northern Kyushu, Japan. Cultural Division of Itoshima City, Fukuoka Prefecture: Japan, pp.17-24, Jan. 2022.
13. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2021) Monument construction and prestige goods in the process of the state formation in Japan (in Japanese). In Archaeology Quarterly,Separate Vol.35, Yuzankaku, Tokyo:Japan, pp.51-54, Oct. 2021.
14. Tsujita, Jun'ichiro (2021) The regional interaction during the Late Yayoi to the Early Kofun Period as seen from the bronze mirrors excavated from northwestern Kyushu, Japan (in Japanese). In Shien (The Journal of the History) 158, pp.49-76, Faculty of Humanities, Kyushu University, March 2021.
15. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2021) The chronology and distribution of Iron Age mirrors in Britain and Ireland (in Japanese). In Studies for retirement celebration in honor of Professor Shozo Iwanaga: There is no royal road to learning, Fukuoka: Japan, pp.691-716.
16. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2020) The problems on the bronze mirrors excavated from Watanuki-Kannon'yama tumulus (in Japanese). In The Catalog for special exhibition of Watanuki-Kannon'yama tumulus, Gunma Prefecture. Gunma Prefectural Museum of History, Takasaki: Japan, pp.180-189, July. 2020.
17. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2020) Considering Periodization of Archaeology in Japan: Kofun Period (in Japanese). In Archaeology Quarterly, Vol.150, Yuzankaku, Tokyo:Japan, pp.51-54, Feb. 2020.
18. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2019) The bronze mirrors' distribution and political power in the Japanese archipelago during the 2nd to 4th centuries AD (in Japanese). In Ancien East Asia during the 2nd to 4th centuries AD as seen from bronze mirrors (edited by JITSUMORI Yoshihiko), Bensei Publishing Inc. Tokyo:Japan, pp.230-246, Sep 2019.
19. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2019) A study on the Kofun Period society as seen from bronze mirrors (in Japanese). In Lectures on Archaeology ("Kokogaku kogi" edited by HOJO Yoshitaka), Chikuma Shobo, Tokyo:Japan, pp.221-245, May 2019.
20. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro, The chronology and distribution of Iron Age mirrors in Britain and Ireland, 史淵, 156, 1-23, 2019.03, [URL].
21. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2018) Interregional politics and historical background of Iwai Rebellion during 6th century in East Asia (in Korean and Japanese). In Paekche in Japanese archipelago: Kyushu region, South Chungcheong Historical and Cultural research institute, Korea, pp.525-554, Dec 2018.
22. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2018) Advances in Kofun Period studies: Western Japan (in Japanese). In Advances in Japanese Archaeology (edited by The Japanese Archaeological Association), Yuzankaku, Tokyo:Japan, pp.61-72, Oct. 2018.
23. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2018) The Production of bronze mirrors and iron armors during the Middle Kofun Period, the 5th century Japan (in Japanese). In K.Yoshimura (ed.) Study for the production organization of the Middle Kofun Period, Japan : The research report of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(JSPS), pp.41-48, Archaeological Institute of Kashihara, Nara Prefecture, Japan.
24. Tsujita, Jun'ichiro (2017) The changed design and its technology of the ‘copied’ Chinese bronze mirrors during 5th century (in Japanese). In Shien (The Journal of the History) 154, pp.27-67, Faculty of Humanities, Kyushu University, March 2017.
25. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2016) A study on the relationship between the 'copied' Chinese bronze mirrors and Japanese bronze mirrors during late 5th century (in Japanese). In Archaeology: is it science? in the memory of the late Professor Yoshiyuki Tanaka, Fukuoka:Japan, pp.625-645..
26. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro and KATATA, Masaki (2016) A study on the bronze mirror excavated from Kakegi tumulus, Iki Island, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan (in Japanese). The Bulletin of Nagasaki Prefectural Archaeological Center, Vol.6, Nagasaki:Japan, pp.37-47..
27. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2015) The ways of giving and receiving the bronze mirrors copied from the same patterns of Chinese mirrors, during the 5th to the 6th centuries Japan(in Japanese). In Yamanokami Kofun no Kenkyu(The Study of Yamanokami Tumulus) : The research report of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(JSPS), pp.248-262, Faculty of Humanities, Kyushu University..
28. Tsujita, Jun'ichiro (2015) The technology of production of the bronze mirrors copied from the same patterns during the 5th century,Japan(in Japanese). In Shien (The Journal of the History) 152, pp.31-50, Faculty of Humanities, Kyushu University, March 2015.
29. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2014) The archaeological study of the Kofun period in global perspective: Directions for comparative archaeology (in Japanese). In Kokogaku Kenkyu (Quarterly of Archaeological Studies) Vol.61 No.3 (243), pp.15-28, December 2014, Kokogaku Kenkyu Kai(Society of Archaeological Studies)..
30. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2014) The interregional relationship during Kofun Period Japan, as seen from bronze mirrors excavated from Kyushu Region. The 17th archaeological workshop for the study of Keyhole-shaped tumuli in Kyushu, Japan: The interregional relationship during Kofun Period Japan, Part 2..
31. TSUJITA,Jun'ichiro (2014) The design and technology of the Divine and Beast designed mirror with inscription of 'Jian Wu 5' (AD498).
32. Tsujita, Jun'ichiro (2013) The settlements of the Kofun Period Japan and 'Nanotsu no Miyake'.
33. Tsujita, Jun'ichiro (2013) The origin and technology of the bronze mirrors copied from the same pattarns in the Middle Kofun Period, Japan.
34. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2013) Cemeteries and social relations (in Japanese). In The pursuit of death and life, pp.105-108, Kyushu University Press, Fukuoka, Japan.
35. Tsujita, Jun'ichiro (2012) The relationship between Japanese and Chinese bronze mirrors in the Kofun Period, Japan.
36. Tsujita, Jun'ichiro (2012) 'Changes' from the 'Yuryaku' to 'Keitai' Period of Ancient Japan: from the perspective of state formation .
37. Tsujita, Jun'ichiro (2012) Bronze Mirrors in the Kofun Period, Japan.
38. Tsujita, Jun'ichiro (2012) The polyphyletic and monophyletic in the Kofun Culture, Japan.
39. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2012) Bronze mirrors excavated from the archaeological site of Kyushu and external interaction during the 4th to 6th centuries, Japan. The 15th archaeological workshop for the study of Keyhole-shaped tumuli in Kyushu, Japan: The rituals at Okinoshima Island and external interaction in the ancient East Asia, at KITAKYUSHU MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY & HUMAN HISTORY. Kitakyushu, Japan. .
40. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2011) The characteristics of the early type stone chamber in the mounded tombs of the Kofun Period in Northern Kyushu, Japan: as seen from the 'connected' stone coffin (in Japanese). In Shien (The Journal of the History) 148, pp.1-36, Faculty of Humanities, Kyushu University..
41. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2010) A consideration about the selection and adoption of the stone mortuary facility covering wooden coffin and mortuary ritual of the mounded tumuli during 4th century, Northern Kyushu, Japan (in Japanese). In Shien (The Journal of the History) 147, pp.29-57, Faculty of Humanities, Kyushu University..
42. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2009) The appearance of the stone structure covering wooden coffin of the mounded tumuli during late 3rd century, Northern Kyushu, Japan (in Japanese). In Shien (The Journal of the History) 146, pp.25-56, Faculty of Humanities, Kyushu University..
43. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2008) The origin of the Triangle-rimmed bronze mirrors with tiger and dragon design (Sankakubuchi-banryukyo type mirrors) (in Japanese). In Archaeologies of Kyushu and East Asia: for the 50th Anniversary of the Archaeological division, Kyushu University, pp.295-315, The Publisher of Papers for the 50th Anniversary of the Archaeological division, Kyushu University..
44. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2007) A consideration about the logic of the local elite's way to consume and inherit bronze mirrors in the prestige good system of the Early Kofun Period: a case study in northern Kyushu (in Japanese). In Shien (The Journal of the History) 144, pp.1-33, Faculty of Humanities, Kyushu University..
45. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2007) Technology transfer and identity: the case of bronze mirrors in Japanese archipelago from the 3rd through the 4th centuries (in Japanese). In The Final Report of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science 21st Century COE Program (Humanities), East Asia and Japan: Interaction and Transformations, pp.53-61, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science 21st Century COE Program (Humanities), East Asia and Japan: Interaction and Transformations..
46. TSUJITA,Jun'ichiro, Formation and Transformation of the Prestige good system and Identity: the case of the Japanese Archipelago from the 3rd through the 5th centuries, Bulletin of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science 21st Century COE Program (Humanities), East Asia and Japan: Interaction and Transformations, vol.4,pp.53-89, 2006.12.
47. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2005) The use of fragmented bronze mirrors as heirlooms and mortuary goods: as seen from drilled specimens (in Japanese). In Shien (The Journal of the History) 142, pp.1-39, Faculty of Humanities, Kyushu University..
1. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2024) The interregional relationships in British islands during the Late Iron Age: considering the transition from the Late Iron Age to Roman Period (in Japanese). In the workshop on Why did people form the state?: comparative micro and macro-scale combined studies between Japan, Britain and China, organized by Koji MIZOGUCHI : The research report of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(JSPS), Faculty of Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University, 2024.2.17-18
2. Tsujita, Jun'ichiro (2023) Ancient state formation in Japan as seen from bronze mirrors: focusing on the Five kings of Wa, the 5th century AD (in Japanese). In the 35th Hamada Seiryo Award memorial lecuture and symposium, Kishiwada City, Board of Education of Kishiwada City and Asahi Shimbun company, Sep 24th 2023.
3. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2023) The process of ancient state formation in the Japanese archipelago: as seen from the distribution of bronze mirrors (in Japanese). International Workshop: Disentangling the Evolution of Political Complexity [held at Tohoku University] .
4. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2023) The ritual in Okinoshima Island during the Kofun Period, Japan as seen from bronze mirrors. The outcomes of the researches of Okinoshima Island in the Munakata Region [Archaeological Institute of Kashihara, Nara Prefecture]. Kashihara, Japan, 2023.6.11.
5. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2023) On chiefs of 'Ito-koku'(Itoshima region) during the Yayoi Period, Japan (in Japanese). The symposium on chiefs during the Yayoi Period in Northern Kyushu, Japan. Cultural Division of Itoshima City, Fukuoka Prefecture: Japan, 2023.01.29.
6. Tsujita, Jun'ichiro (2022) Gifting and receiving prestige goods and Kinship relations in Kofun Period, Japan (in Japanese). The 2022 Meeting of Japanese Archaeological Association in Fukuoka City, 2022.10.8.
7. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2022) The political interaction around Hakata Bay area, Northern Kyushu, during the Late Kofun Period: the time of Nanotsu no Miyake (in Japanese). The 16th lectures of the History of Fukuoka City: The History of Fukuoka City from the archaeological viewpoint. On-line, Fukuoka: Japan, 2022.02.14 released.
8. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2022) The problems on the mortuary facility and grave goods excavated from Ikisan-Choshiduka tumulus (in Japanese). The symposium on Two Large tumuli facing the Genkai Sea in Northern Kyushu, Japan. Ito Cultural Hall, Itoshima City, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan, 2022.01.09.
9. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2022) A study on the motifs and design of bronze mirrors and astronomical landscape in Ancient China. The workshop of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(A) by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(JSPS): Studies for the Archaeoastronomy [Yoshinogari Site]. Saga Prefecture, Japan, 2021.12.19 (in Japanese).
10. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2021) The construction of large mounded tombs in Iki island from the viewpoint of Ancient East Asia (in Japanese). Symposium of The historical society of Kyushu 2021 [On-line] at Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan..
11. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2021) The interactions during the Yayaoi Period as seen from the bronze mirrors excavated from Harunotsuji Site, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan (in Japanese). In pursuit of the shining bronze objects: interactions in the East Asia as seen from the bronze objects excavated from Harunotsuji Site. Nagasaki City, Japan, 2021.10.16.
12. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro, Center and periphery in the process of ancient state formation in the Japanese archipelago: From the viewpoint of Northern Kyushu region (日本列島の古代国家形成過程における中心と周辺―北部九州の視点から―), 一般社団法人日本考古学協会第87回総会(セッション6:日本考古学協会英文機関誌編集委員会『国家形成過程の国際比較研究』), 2021.05.
13. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2020) The external trade and interaction of Northwestern Kyushu region during the Late Yayoi to the Early Kofun Period as seen from bronze mirrors (in Japanese). Reconsideration on "Matsuro-koku". Karatsu City, Japan, 2020.12.19.
14. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2020) Monument construction and prestige goods in the process of ancient state formation: the case from Japanese archipelago (in Japanese). Symposium on the comparative archaeology of social evolution (in Japanese). Online, Japan, 2020.10.10-11.
15. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2020) Problems on the center and periphery relationship in the Japanese archipelago during the Kofun Period (in Japanese). The fourth seminar on trajectory of long-term development: KINDAS 2019 Research group 1-A. Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima City, Japan, 2020.3.17-18..
16. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2020) A study on Hirabaru site and surrounding area during Late Yayoi Period to Kofun Period, Japan from an archaeoastronomical viewpoint. The workshop of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(A) by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(JSPS): Studies for the Archaeoastronomy [Nanzan University]. Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, Japan, 2020.2.15 (in Japanese)..
17. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2019) Problems on the horizontal stone chamber of Goroyama tumulus, Chikushino City, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan (in Japanese). The annual meeting of the Historical Society of Kyushu, Kyushu University, Fukuoka:Japan, 2019.12.15..
18. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2019) Three Kingdoms Period and bronze mirrors of 'Himiko'. The commemorative lectures on the special exhibition of Three Kingdoms. Kyushu National Museum, Dazaifu City, Japan, 2019.12.14..
19. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2019) Problems on the transition of the mounded tombs in Motooka-Kuwabara sites during the Kofun Period, Japan (in Japanese). The commemorative lectures on the important cultural property: the iron sword with inscription of the year of 'Koin' excavated from Motooka-Kuwabara sites in Fukuoka City, Japan. Kyushu University, Fukuoka:Japan, 2019.11.9..
20. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2019) Two aspects of prestige good system in Kofun Period, Japan (in Japanese). The second seminar on trajectory of long-term development: KINDAS 2019 Research group 1-A. Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima City, Japan, 2019.10.5-6..
21. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2019) The Era of Nanotsu-no-Miyake. Symposium on The Ancient Northern Kyushu and Zenichida tumuli group in Onojo City during the 6th to 7th centuries. Madokapia, Onojo City, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan, 2019.3.21.
22. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2019) The local societies and interactions during the late Yayoi Period: as seen from the distribution of Chinese bronze mirrors. Symposium on The local societies and interactions during the late Yayoi Period: from Yayoi to Kofun Period. Kyushu University, Fukukoka City, Japan, 2019.3.2.
23. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro, The production of the Chinese bronze mirrors during the 5th century as seen from the mirrors excavated from sites in Japanese Archipelago. Techniques of Artistic Production [organized by KIM Minku], The 8th World Conference of the Society of East Asian Archaeology, 2018.06.
24. Jun'ichiro   TSUJITA , The production of Chinese bronze mirror "copies" of the 5th century found in Japan: a historical perspective, The Oxford Centre for Asian Archaeology, Art & Culture, School of Archaeology, University of Oxford, 2018.03.
25. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2018) The Production of bronze mirrors and iron armors during the Middle Kofun Period, the 5th century Japan. The workshop of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(JSPS): Study for the production organization of the Middle Kofun Period, Japan [Archaeological Institute of Kashihara]. Kashihara City, Nara Prefecture, Japan, 2018.1.28 (in Japanese). .
26. Jun'ichiro   TSUJITA , The 'copied' Chinese mirrors in the 5th century Japan: as seen from the perspective of state formation, East Asia Art & Archaeology Research Seminar, Department of Art & Archaeology, SOAS, 2017.02.
27. Jun'ichiro   TSUJITA , The chronology and distribution of the Iron Age mirrors in Britain and Ireland, Archaeology: The Discipline of Things ... and People, Places, Animals, and Times, UCD School of Archaeology Research Day, 2016.12.
28. Jun'ichiro   TSUJITA , The transformation of prestige good system in the process of state formation: as seen from the case of Kofun Period Japan. In 'The impact of social interaction on state formation in the peripheral area of Eurasia' [organized by Kazuo Miyamoto and Ellen Van Goethem], WAC-8 Kyoto: The 8th World Archaeological Congress , 2016.09.
29. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro and KATATA, Masaki (2015) A study on the bronze mirror excavated from Kakegi tumulus, Iki Island, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan (in Japanese). The annual meeting of the Historical Society of Kyushu, Kyushu University, Fukuoka:Japan, 2015.12.13..
30. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2015) Copied mirrors and Era of King Wakatakeru during the 5th century Japan. The symposium for the special exhibition: The Era of King Wakatakeru [Osaka Pref. Chikatsu Asuka Museum]. Kanan town, Osaka Pref, Japan, 2015.10.12.
31. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2015) Okinoshima Island in Ancient Munakata region, Japan as seen from bronze mirrors. The 5th symposium for the World Heritage Promotion of Okinoshima Island and Related Sites in the Munakata Region: Okinoshima and Ancient Interaction beyond the sea [Kyushu National Museum]. Dazaifu, Japan, 2015.2.14 .
32. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2014) The mortuary facility and bronze mirrors during the middle Kofun Period in the Northern Kyushu, Japan. The 1st international workshop for the Ancient tumuli: Dating and Cultural exchanges as seen through the tomb in Honam region [Naju National Reseach Institute of Cultural Heritage]. Naju, Korea. 2014.11.6.
33. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2014) The assemblage of the iron weapons excavated from Yamanokami tumulus. The workshop of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(JSPS): The archaeological problems on the Yamanokami tumulus and the late 5th century, Japan [Kyushu University]. Fukuoka, Japan, 2014.7.19..
34. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2014) The ways of giving and receiving the bronze mirrors copied from the same patterns of Chinese mirrors, during the 5th to the 6th centuries Japan. The workshop of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(JSPS): The archaeological problems on the Yamanokami tumulus and the late 5th century, Japan [Kyushu University]. Fukuoka, Japan, 2014.7.19..
35. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2014) The interregional relationship during Kofun Period Japan, as seen from bronze mirrors excavated from Kyushu Region. The 17th archaeological workshop for the study of Keyhole-shaped tumuli in Kyushu, Japan: The interregional relationship during Kofun Period Japan, Part 2, at Beppu University. Beppu, Japan.2014.6.21.
36. TSUJITA,Jun'ichiro (2014) Japanese Archaeology in the World Archaeologies: as seen from the viewpoint of comparative archaeology. The Society of Archaeological Studies, Okayama City..
37. TSUJITA,Jun'ichiro (2014) The design and technology of the Divine and Beast designed mirror with inscription of 'Jian Wu 5' (AD498).
38. 'Changes' from the 'Yuryaku' to 'Keitai' Period of Ancient Japan: from the perspective of state formation.
39. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2012) The technology of production of the duplicated bronze mirrors based on same originals in the Middle Kofun Period, Japan: as seen from the observation of the form of knob-hole. The Japan Society for Chinese Archaeology: the 60th regular workshop for the sectional meeting in Kyushu, at Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan..
40. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2012) Bronze mirrors excavated from the archaeological site of Kyushu and external interaction during the 4th to 6th centuries, Japan. The 15th archaeological workshop for the study of Keyhole-shaped tumuli in Kyushu, Japan: The rituals at Okinoshima Island and external interaction in the ancient East Asia, at KITAKYUSHU MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY & HUMAN HISTORY. Kitakyushu, Japan..
41. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2012) The control and monopoly of the technology of the prestige goods production in the process of secondary state formation: as seen from the case of the Kofun Period, Japan, Human population and social organization: technology transfer [organized by Jun’ichiro Tsujita], The 5th World Conference of the Society of East Asian Archaeology [Kyushu University]. Fukuoka, Japan, 2012.6.9., [URL].
42. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2012) Kofun Period studies in Japanese Archaeology: from the perspective of the ancient state formation, Opening Symposium: Advances and Challenges in Japanese Archaeology, The 5th World Conference of the Society of East Asian Archaeology [Kyushu University]. Fukuoka, Japan, 2012.6.6., [URL].
43. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2011) Bronze mirrors and the Age of the Great King of Wa, Japan. Symposium of The historical society of Kyushu 2011, at Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan.
44. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2011) The appearance and development of coffins of mounded tomb(kofun) during 3rd to 5th centuries, Kyushu, Japan. The 14th archaeological workshop for the study of Keyhole-shaped tumuli in Kyushu, Japan: how we can understand the regionality and ranking of mortuary facility of Kofun, at Miyazaki Plaza Hotel. Miyazaki, Japan..
45. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2011) Romanization in Britain and state formation in Japan: from the perspective of comparative archaeology. Comparative Perspectives on Japanese Archaeology: Case Studies from Europe and Japan [organized by Simon Kaner and Tsujita Jun’ichiro, at Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures]. Norwich, UK..
46. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2011) Romanization and state formation: a comparative approach to cultural change in world empires. Classical and Archaeological Studies: Research Seminars [at University of Kent]. Canterbury, UK. .
47. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2010) Tumuli construction as social process: the creation of monumental landscape in proto-historic Japan. The 32nd Annual Conference of the Theoretical Archaeology Group [at University of Bristol]. Bristol, UK..
48. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2010) Bronze mirror distribution: the prestige good system of 5th century AD Japan. Asian Archaeology Group [at The McDonald Institute, University of Cambridge]. Cambridge, UK..
49. TSUJITA, Jun’ichiro (2010) Prestige good system of the Kofun (Mounded tomb) Period, Japan: from the perspective of state formation. ESF-JSPS Frontier Science Conference Series for Young Researchers: Contact Zones of Empires in Asia and Europe: Complexity, Contingency, Causality. Fukuoka, Japan..
50. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2009) The transformation of the mortuary ritual in the 'peripheral' area in the Japanese archipelago from 4th to 5th centuries (in English). 19th INDO-PACIFIC PREHISTORY ASSOCIATION CONGRESS, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, Hanoi:Vietnam, [URL].
51. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2008) The appearance of the stone structure covering wooden coffin of the mounded tumuli during late 3rd century, Northern Kyushu, Japan (in Japanese). The annual meeting of the Historical Society of Kyushu, Kyushu University, Fukuoka:Japan.
52. TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2008) The reorganization of interregional relations at the beginning of the Kofun Period, Japan, as seen from fragmented/complete Chinese bronze mirrors (in English). Society for East Asian Archaeology, 4th Worldwide Conference, Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing:China.
Membership in Academic Society
  • The Japanese Archaeological Association
  • Society of Archaeolocical Studies
  • The Archaeological Society of Kyushu
  • The Archaeological Society of Keyhole-shaped tumuli in Kyushu
  • The 35th Hamada Seiryo Award, 2023.9.24