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Kimura Hajime Last modified date:2024.06.27

Professor / Naval Architecture and Marine Systems Engineering Human Resource Development Course
Faculty of Engineering

Graduate School

 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Hajime Kimura
Dept. of Marine Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering .
Academic Degree
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Field of Specialization
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Information processing, Robotics, automatic pipe routing, Reinforcement learning, Statistics, ship building
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Outline Activities
Research activities:

(1) Automatic pipe arrangement for ships and its evaluation
(2) Optimization in Logistics of Manufacturing making use of IT devices or Robots
(3) Development of ship cargo hold wall surface adsorption walking work robot

Education activities:
(1) Systems design engineering
(2) Advanced systems design
(3) Advanced Naval Information Processing
(4) Automatic Control Theory
(5) Programming exercise
Research Interests
  • Wall Adsorption Robot Using Pneumatic Cylinder and Internally Balanced Magnetic Unit
    keyword : Robotics, Magnet
  • Development of ship cargo hold wall surface adsorption walking work robot
    keyword : Internal Balancing Magnet, walking robot
  • A position estimation system making use of signal strength of wireless LAN in a shipyard
    keyword : Indoor positioning system, position estimation, wireless LAN, Radio field intensity
  • A development of automatic piping design system
    keyword : piping, pipe routing, automatic design, equipment arrangement, Dijkstra method, Touch and Cross method
  • Automatic painting robot in shipbuilding
    keyword : shipbuilding, painting, automatic paint system, paint robot
  • Measurement of shapes making use of 3D scannar in shipbuilding
    keyword : 3D-scannar, point clouds, shape recognition, shape measurement
  • Optimization in shipbulding
    keyword : optimization scheduling
    2004.04~2019.03Investigation of optimization techniques in logistics.
  • Assist system for decision of main hull parameters on ground design for shipbuilding
    keyword : Shipbuilding, ground design, main hull parameters
  • Behavior learning of underwater robots using Reinforcement learning
    keyword : Reinforcement learning, underwater robots
  • Mine search robot using electrical sensor
    keyword : robotics, mine search, electrical sensor
    2004.07~2006.03mine detection using an electrical method.
  • underwater sensor using electrical search
    keyword : electrical search, underwater sensor
  • Development of Reinforcement learning
    keyword : reinforcement learning, Robotics
    1995.03~2015.03Reinforcement Learning: Finding control rules through trial and error interactions in the unknown environments.
  • Decision making under uncertainty
    keyword : decision making, Markov decision process
    1995.03Decision making under uncertainty.
Current and Past Project
  • Development of automatic piping design system
  • Development of decision support system for early stage of ship hull design
Academic Activities
1. (Relay Review: Recent Developments in Reinforcement Learning) A Basis of Reinforcement Learning.
1. Automatic Routing System for Multiple Pipe-lines.
2. An Automatic Piping Algorithm including Elbows and Bends, [URL].
3. Automatic Designing System for Piping and Instruments Arrangement including Branches of Pipes: Multi-objective Optimization of Piping Material Costs and Valve Operability

Automatic designing of piping layout is challenging since it is composed of several numerical and/or combinational optimization problems, e.g., routing problems of pipes including branches, and arrangement problems of equipments. This paper presents a new approach based on a simple idea that the branches of pipes are considered to be a variety of equipment. Accordingly, the pipe routing problems are fairly simplified by removing the branches, and it derives a lot of efficient algorithms to solve the pipe arrangement problems. One is a multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA) in which the gene represents both the locations of the equipments and the arrangement of the pipes. And a new simple and efficient crossover operation which appropriately merges two different piping layouts (but of course the PID is the same) is proposed. In order to provide a fairly good initial population for the MOGA, a new heuristics making use of self-organization techniques to arrange equipments is proposed. The efficiency of the proposed approach is demonstrated through two experiments, one is a designing problem including five valves, one pump, and five branches, and the other includes seven valves, one pump, and six branches. The objective of the optimization in the experiments is to minimize the length of the pipes, the number of elbows, and the valve operability cost. The algorithms are programmed using Java language. Although the automatic arrangement system used in the experiments is academic, the concept of the proposed approach will be accepted in practical systems. , [URL].
4. Reinforcement Learning in multi-dimensional state-action space using random tiling and Gibbs sampling.
Works, Software and Database
1. .
1. Hajime Kimura, A position estimation system for indoor workshops making use of maximum likelihood estimation in Weibull distribution model of wireless LAN, International Conference on Computer Applications in Shipbuilding (ICCAS), 2022.09, In shipyards, it is required to obtain the position of people and goods in order to manage people, objects, improve work placement, and secure workers' safety. Although the mainstream of location estimation is GPS, it cannot be used for position detection at indoor workshops. Meanwhile, the infrastructure of the wireless LAN has been in place in recent factories, and if these can be used for position detection, the installation cost of facilities for position detection can be reduced. In this research, we investigate a location estimation method based on a certain statistical algorithm using radio field intensity distribution maps of unspecified number of wireless LANs without specifying the access point installation position, and verify the position estimation accuracy in several indoor workshops..
2. Automatic Pipeline Design System Using Reinforcement Learning.
3. Akihito Matsubasa, Tomoyuki Asanuma and Hajime Kimura:
A Hull Wall Walking Robot Using Magnetic Adsorption Unit and Air Actuator,
Conference Proceedings of the Japan Society of Naval Architectures and Ocean Engineers, Vol.34, pp.431--434 (May 2022) in Japanese.
4. Hajime Kimura, Kandai Fukumoto:
A Position Estimation System Making use of Distribution of Wi-Fi Radio Intensity,
49th SICE Symposium on Intelligent Systems, March 14-15, 2022, Online (in Japanese).
5. Akihito Matsubasa and Hajime Kimura:
Magnetic Adsorbing Unit for Ship-hull Wall Walking Robot,
Conference Proceedings of the Japan Society of Naval Architectures and Ocean Engineers, Vol.33, pp.335--336 (Nov 2021) in Japanese.
6. Koya Murata, Hajime Kimura, A Development of Web Application for Viewing SPEEDS Format Using X3D, International Conference on Computer Applications in Shipbuilding, 2019.09, Currently, in Japan, as an information sharing platform to effectively use ship 3D data in the maritime industry, a format called SPEEDS (Smart Platform of Enhanced Engineering Data for Shipping and Shipbuilding) is being developed. This is a format that aims to facilitate the sharing of ship 3D data between shipyards and other organizations. However, SPEEDS is still a developing, and there is no free software that can handle. Therefore, we aimed for free system development for SPEEDS, and developed an open source system that can browse SPEEDS data. This system uses X3D and operates on a web browser. Therefore, even small devices can use data, so various usage scenes can be expected. This paper describes the functions and specifications of this system and the expected use cases. We will also examine the problems and possibilities of SPEEDS discovered through the development of this system..
7. Hajime Kimura, Nariki Iwauchi, Yuuichi Yoshida, A Position Estimation System Making Use Of Signal Strength Of Wireless LAN in a Shipyard, International Conference on Computer Applications in Shipbuilding, 2019.09, 造船所において,人・モノの管理や作業・配置改善等のために人・モノの位置の取得が求められている.
8. Hajime Kimura, Automatic Piping Arrangement Design Considering Piping Supports and Curved Surfaces of Building Blocks, International Conference on Computer Applications in Shipbuilding, 2017.09, In piping design, consideration must be given to the position and direction in which pipes are passed, in order to properly support pipes from pipe racks and structural members with support. In this paper, a new piping path planning system is proposed in order to automate piping design corresponding to pipe supports and curved hulls. In the proposed system, candidates for positions and directions to which pipes should be passed are given in advance as 'candidate points' from the circumstances of pipe racks and support. Then, the system selects the appropriate candidate points automatically to generate piping paths keeping constraint of many factors, e.g., gravitational flow, or geometrical limitation of the pipe-bending machine, etc. Therefore, it is quite practical. The performance of the proposed system is demonstrated through several simulations.
9. Yuto Ando, Hajime Kimura, Automatic Pipe Routing to Avoid Air Pockets, International Conference on Computer Applications in Shipbuilding, 2013.09, [URL], Pipe arrangement is one of the most time-consuming works in ship production because the process requires designers to decide the optimum pipe routes. Previous works focused on finding preferable routes by applying optimization methods, but these methods have not considered the effect of gravity in obtained pipe routes. This paper presents an automatic pipe routing method that avoids air pockets. We call vertical U-shaped pipes “air pockets”. In this paper, the pipe routing problem is considered as a routing problem in a directed and weighted graph. Dijkstra’s method is used in the routing process for generating candidates of optimum routes. In order to avoid making air pockets in the obtained routes, we try to use a new cost function. The performance of this method is shown in several demonstrations..
10. Kimura Hajime, An Automatic Pipe Arrangement Algorithm Considering Elbows and Bends, International Conference on Computer Applications in Shipbuilding, 2012.06, [URL], Nowadays, piping arrangement has been enabled to be more efficient by development and spread of CAD (Computer-Aided Design). However, it is difficult to design piping layout automatically because there are many regulations and functional design rules which must be satisfied. We propose an automatic routing method for simple pipes considering elbows and bends. In practical design of piping layout, there are many bends connecting straight eccentric pipes which have gaps within the pipes' diameter. However, no precedence automatic piping algorithm has been taken into account pipelines with such bends. The proposed method finds piping routes making use of not only elbows but the bends minimizing costs of the path connecting start point to goal point, while avoiding obstacles such as structures, equipments and the other circuits. In our approach, we consider the piping route design problem to a routing problem in a directed and weighted graph. Note that the nodes in the proposed graph have state variables not only locations but directions of the pipes. Consequently, this graph can easily express the bends as simple edges, and then the routing algorithm can easily handle the bends. In addition, the presented method has specifications that the sizes of each cell, which is generated by decomposing of a free space, are not restricted within the diameter of the pipe. The routing algorithm uses Dijkstra's method to provide candidate paths. For practical use, the system adopts XML-file-based interface. This paper presents a new idea to express specific arrangement rules or policies using XML. The efficiency of the proposed method is demonstrated through several experiments..
11. Reinforcement Learning in Multi-Dimensional State-Action Space Using Random Rectangular Coarse Coding and Gibbs Sampling, [URL].
Membership in Academic Society
  • Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
  • The Society of Instrument and Control Enginerrs
  • Robotics Society of Japan
Educational Activities
Systems Design Engineering
Automatic Control Engineering
Advanced Systems Optimization
Advanced Course of Naval Information Processing
Information Processing
Computer Programming Exercise