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Kenta Goto Last modified date:2024.06.27

Assistant Professor / Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Sciences
Department of Applied Molecular Chemistry
Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering

Graduate School
Undergraduate School

 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Academic Degree
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Field of Specialization
Organic Chemistry
ORCID(Open Researcher and Contributor ID)
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Research Interests
  • Kinetically generated multiple droplet by liquid-liquid phase separation
    keyword : liquid-liquid phase separation, multiple emulsion, multiple droplet, non-equilibrium
  • Photo-induced mechanical property of aromatic diimide molecules
    keyword : Photochemistry; Aromatic diimide; mechanical effect
  • Photo induced mechanical effect of aromatic diimide having alkyl amino side chains
    keyword : Photochemistry; Aromatic diimide; mechanical effect
  • Supramolecular chemistry of 4,6-substituted pyrimidine
    keyword : self-organization; self-assembly; hydrogen bond
  • Syntheses and properties of giant macrocyclic molecules
    keyword : Giant molecule, macrocycle, cyclization
Academic Activities
1. Fuji Lili, Goto Kenta, Tani Fumito, Two phase coexistence of quasi-liquid with solid state formed by a kinetic solubilization of an organic molecule, International IRCCS-ILR-IRTG Symposium on New Horizons of Molecular Functions, 2023.12.
2. A liquid-liquid phase-separated multiple droplet was formed as a kinetic product, and its color was markedly different from that at thermodynamic equilibrium. The chemical reaction in the micro-channel was dynamically synchronized with droplet movement via mass transfer..
3. Kenta GOTO, Photomechanical effect of naphthalene diimides having alkylamino side chains , International Symposium on New Development of Physical Organic Chemistry: Construction of Chemical Principles Determining Structures, Reactions, and Properties FUJIHARA Seminar-70, 2016.04.
4. Kenta GOTO, Photomechanical effect of naphthalene diimides having alkylamino side chains , Pure and Applied Chemistry International Conference 2016, 2016.02.
5. Kenta Goto, Photomechanical effect of naphthalene diimides having alkylamino side chains , 2016.10.
Membership in Academic Society
  • The Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan
  • The Chemical Society of Japan
Other Educational Activities
  • 2011.10.
  • 2010.10.