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Mizoue Nobuya Last modified date:2024.06.03

Professor / Forest Environmental Sciences
Department of Agro-environmental Sciences
Faculty of Agriculture

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 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Lab. of Forest Management .
Academic Degree
Field of Specialization
Forest Management
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Outline Activities
A: Sustainable forest management of conifer plantations in Japan.
Keywords: strip selection, group selection, clearcutting, productivity, biodiversity
B: Sustainable forest management of tropical forests in Southeast Asia
Keywords: selective logging, rubber plantation, community forestry
C: Quality assurance and data utilization of forest monitoring
Keywords; National Forest Inventory, Forest health monitoring, Control survey, Image analysis,
Research Interests
  • Multiple assessments of silviculture and management systems of conifer plantations
    keyword : selective logging, clear cutting, productivety, biodiversity
  • Sustainable Forest Management in Southeast Asia
    keyword : Selevtive logging, plantation forestry, communitry forestry
  • Quality assurance and effective utilization of forest monitoring data
    keyword : QA/QC, precesion, accuracy, data quality, measurement errors, image analysis
Current and Past Project
  • Transformation of silvicultural systems of conifer plantations in Japan; from clearcutting to strip/group selection systems
    In Japan, about 40% of the forested area (ca. 10 million hectares) is covered with plantation forests, mainly even-aged conifer stands, and forest management policy for these simple conifer plantations has shifted away from large-scale clearcutting towards uneven-aged methods (Nyland 1996). Recently, the group selection system has received considerable attention as an alternative for uneven-aged stand management, as a compromise between the environmental effects of clearcuts and the productivity penalties associated with single-tree selection (York et al. 2004). However, there are few examples of where the group selection system has been used in conifer plantations in Japan. Therefore there is a lack of basic information on the growth of planted trees in group selection openings as well as on an appropriate opening size. The objective of this study is to propose an optimal opening size of group selection system, composed of Cryptomeria japonica and Chamaecyparis obtusa, which are the most widely used species in plantations.
    One possible approach to get answers on an appropriate opening size is to compare the growth of trees planted under different size of openings; Indeed York et al. (2003) and Coates (2000) examined the growth of 3 and 5 year old tress regenerated in opening of size from 0.1 to 1.0ha and from 0.03 to 0.1 ha, respectively. However, there have been no such an experimental site in Japan, so we applied a simulation approach based on an empirical growth model.
    Data for developing the growth model were collected from 6-year- old and 18- and 19-year-old Cryptomeria japonica and/or Chamaecyparis obtusa planted group selection openings with size of 0.06 to 0.4 ha. We used the between-cohort competition index (BCI) for predicting tree size within openings, and BCI is calculated from information on tree position and tree height of residual trees.
    We found that simple regression equations were well used to predict tree size of planted trees from BCI. Then we simulated average tree height and diameter within openings under different opening size. It was found that there was largely decreasing in the average size of planted trees below a certain size of openings, with these trends being consistent with the experimental results by York et al. (2003) and Coates (2000). We conclude that at least 0.2 and 0.1 ha for Cryptomeria japonica and/or Chamaecyparis obtusa, respectively, could be need as opening size to avoid large reduction in growth of trees planted in group selection openings.
  • Multiple functions of rubber plantations as forest and wood resources;
    The objective of this research is to evaluate new functions of rubber plantations as forest and wood resources, not only as cash crop and its by-product. We first clarified importance of rubberwood in wood markets in Malaysia, Thailand and Cambodia. And we evaluated wood production and carbon uptake functions, through developing biomass and stem volume equations and investigating wood quality. Finally, we examined interactions between wood and latex production, and climate factor, finding clear trade-off of wood and latex production in rainy season.
  • Interdisciplinary and transnational networking for education and research on adaptive management in Asian tropical countries.

    Recently, “adaptive management” is becoming an important concept for any ecosystem management. Adaptive management is to ensure the circle of “Plan-Do-Check-Action” for continuous improvements of management methods. In tropical forestry, there have been so many “Plan-Do” activities of selective logging, community forestry and plantation forestry, but there have been little “Check-Action”, which are monitoring and assessment of multiple impacts of forestry, by which the management methods and policy are continuously improved.

    In this situation, our objective of this P&P is to make strategies and prototypes of adaptive management in Asian tropical forests, based on strengthening and stimulating interdisciplinary and transnational networking and discussion on multiple impacts of tropical forestry. To achieve this objective, there are two main approaches:
    (1) to carry out monitoring and assessments of multiple impacts of forestry in Asian countries and core research sites in Cambodia.
    (2) to hold “Asia Forest Workshop” for strengthening and stimulating interdisciplinary and transnational discussion on multiple impacts of forestry and for finding a solution to implement adaptive management of Asian tropical forest.
  • Quality assurance and effective utilization of forest resource monitoring data
    National Forest Inventories (NFIs) have been carried out in many countries , and historically, NFIs were very much oriented toward describing state and change of forests with regard to timber production . Over recent decades, there is an increased demand for information on non-productive functions of forests due to the requests of policy makers and the public’s perception of forests . Quality Assurance (QA) is essential in long-term and large-scale environmental monitoring programs to ensure a documentation of quality of the field data and allow a data quality evaluation. However, there has been very limited information of current level of NFI data quality over the world.
    We evaluated data quality of Japanese National Forest Inventory, which had started in 1999 and had not carried out quality assurance program. Forty eight plots in four prefectures were remeasured by a control team, making careful and unhurried measurements. The paired data between field teams of each prefecture and the control team were evaluated, including two tree-level valuables (DBH and total height) and seven plot-level valuables (tree count, tree species richness, understory vegetation species richness and 4 of topographic condition). As compared to the control team, all field teams of each prefecture tended to significantly underestimate all of the continuous valuables. Most variables had larger variability as compared to the published literature, without achieving measurement quality objectives adopted in other monitoring programs. The findings of consistent bias and large variation of the field team measurements call for urgent implementation of quality assurance (QA) program (extensive field training and regular remeasurement) to improve data quality in Japan as well as countries without QA program. This study also suggested to promote international comparisons of data quality data to standardize the quality level at global scale.
Academic Activities
1. Ota T, Lonn P, Mizoue N, , Contribution of Community-Based Ecotourism to Forest Conservation and Local Livelihoods, Springer Nature, Editor: Yahara T, “Decision Science for Future Earth”pp, 251, 2021.01.
1. , [URL].
2. , [URL].
3. 溝上展也(代) , 森林資源モニタリングにおけるデータの品質保証と有効利用.平成17年度~平成19年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究B)研究成果報告書 pp.97, 2008.05.
4. Mizoue, N., Using Image Analysis to Assess Tree Crown Condition. Sub-manual on EANET forest vegetation monitoring (EANET:Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia), in Sub-manual on forest monitoring East Asia, edited. byThe Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia(EANET), p24-34, 2007.08.
5. 溝上展也(代) , 薪炭材消費と森林バイオマス・生物多様性の持続性との関係-カンボジアでの事例-.平成15年度~平成17年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究B)研究成果報告書 pp.132
, 2006.05.
6. 溝上展也(代) , 持続的経営林としての帯状複層林の可能性評価と動態予測.平成14年度~平成16年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C)(2))研究成果報告書 pp.143
, 2005.04.
7. Implications of strip and group cutting in sugi and hinoki plantations (2004) Shinrinkagaku 41: 28-34 (in Japanese).
8. 溝上展也(代) , 画像解析システムCROCOを用いた国際森林健全度モニタリングの実用化に関する研究.平成13年度~平成14年度文部省科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(B)(2))研究成果報告書 pp.186
, 2003.04.
1. , [URL].
2. Yi Lin, Sagi Filin, Roland Billen, Nobuya Mizoue, Co-developing an international TLS network for the 3D ecological understanding of global trees: System architecture, remote sensing models, and functional prospects, Environmental Science and Ecotechnology,, 16, 100257, 2023.10.
3. Miguel Conrado Valdez, Chi-Farn Chen, Santos Daniel Chicas, Nobuya Mizoue, Mapping the probability of wildland fire occurrence in Central America, and identifying the key factors, International journal of wildland fire, http, 32, 12, 1758-1772, 2023.10.
4. Santos Daniel Chicas, Jonas Østergaard Nielsen, Guy M Robinson, Nobuya Mizoue, Tetsuji Ota, The adoption of climate-smart agriculture to address wildfires in the Maya Golden Landscape of Belize: smallholder farmers' perceptions, Journal of environmental management,, 345, 118562, 2023.11.
5. Masayasu Nishioka, Haruka Inoue, Tetsuji Ota, Nobuya Mizoue, Impact of forest type and age on shallow landslide susceptibility: a case study from the 2017 heavy rainfall in northern Kyushu, Japan, Journal of Forest Research,, 28, 6, 389-396, 2023.11.
6. Zhe Li, Tetsuji Ota, Nobuya Mizoue, Monitoring tropical forest change using tree canopy cover time series obtained from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data, International Journal of Digital Earth,, 17, 1, 2024.02.
7. Miwa Ota, Tetsuji Ota, Katsuto Shimizu, Nariaki Onda, Vuthy Ma, Heng Sokh, Nobuya Mizoue, Forest conservation effectiveness of community forests may decline in the future: Evidence from Cambodia, PNAS Nexus, 10.1093/pnasnexus/pgad320, 2, 10, pgad320, 2023.09.
8. Sie Thu Minn, Nobuya Mizoue, Tetsuji Ota, Evaluating ground disturbance at elephant skid trails, logging roads and log landings under the Myanmar selection system, Journal of Forest Research,, 27 , 6, 409-418, 2022.12.
9. Sie Thu Minn, Tetsuji Ota, Nobuya Mizoue, Movements of Semi-captive Elephants during Skidding Season in Myanmar, Journal of Forest Planning,, 29, 11-15, 2023.04.
10. Katsuto Shimizu, Tetsuji Ota, Nariaki Onda, Nobuya Mizoue, Combining post-disturbance land cover and tree canopy cover from Landsat time series data for mapping deforestation, forest degradation, and recovery across Cambodia, International Journal of Digital Earth,, 2022.05.
11. Khin Thu Wint Kyaw, Tetsuji Ota, Nobuya Mizoue, Geographical Factors Trump Community Factors in Deforestation Risk in Two Watershed Conservation Forests in Myanmar, Forests ,, 541, 2021.04.
12. Thein Saung, Nobuya Mizoue, Tetsuji Ota, Tsuyoshi Kajisa, Condition of illegally logged stands following high frequency legal logging in Bago Yoma, Myanmar, Forests,, 12, 2, 115, 2021.01, [URL].
13. Tual Cin Khai, Nobuya Mizoue, Tetsuji Ota, Harvesting intensity and disturbance to residual trees and ground under Myanmar selection system; comparison of four sites, Global Ecology and Conservation, 10.1016/j.gecco.2020.e01214, 24, 2020.12.
14. Khin Thu Wint Kyaw, Tetsuji Ota, Nobuya Mizoue, Forest degradation impacts firewood consumption patterns: A case study in the buffer zone of Inlay Lake Biosphere Reserve, Myanmar, Global Ecology and Conservation,, e01340, 2020.12.
15. Atsushi Kume, Mao Fujimoto, Nobuya Mizoue, Hideharu Honoki, Haruki Nakajima, Megumi Ishida, Impact of reduced ozone concentration on the mountain forests of Mt. Tateyama, Japan, Environmental Pollution,, 267, 115407, 2020.12, [URL].
16. Khin Thu Wint Kyaw, Tetsuji Ota, Nobuya Mizoue, Forest degradation impacts firewood consumption patterns: A case study in the buffer zone of Inlay Lake Biosphere Reserve, Myanmar, Global Ecology and Conservation, 10.1016/j.gecco.2020.e01340, 24, 2020.12.
17. Thein Saung, Nobuya Mizoue, Tetsuji Ota, Tsuyoshi Kajisa, Differences in Forest Use Strategies for Cash Income between Households Living outside and inside Selectively Logged Production Forests in Myanmar, Forests,, 11, 12, 1263, 2020.11, [URL].
18. Kay Khaing Lwin, Tetsuji Ota, Katsuto Shimizu, Nobuya Mizoue, A country-scale analysis revealed effective land-use zoning affecting forest cover changes in Myanmar, Journal of Forest Research,, 2020.08.
19. Katsuto Shimizu, Tetsuji Ota, Nobuya Mizoue, Detecting forest changes using dense Landsat 8 and Sentinel-1 time series data in tropical seasonal forests, Remote Sensing, 10.3390/rs11161899, 11, 16, 2019.01.
20. Fukumoto, Ota T*, Mizoue N, Yoshida S, Teraoka Y, Kajisa T, The effect of weeding frequency and schedule on weeding operation time: a simulation study on a sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) plantation in Japan, Journal of Forestry Research, in press, 2018.12.
21. Zar Chi Win, Nobuya Mizoue*, Tetsuji Ota, Tsuyoshi Kajisa, Shigejiro Yoshida, Thaung Naing Oo, Hwan ok Ma, Evaluating the condition of selectively logged production forests in Myanmar: An analysis using large-scale forest inventory data for Yedashe Township, Journal of Forest Planning, 10.20659/jfp.23.1_Toc1, 23, 1, 1-15, 2018.12, [URL].
22. Zar Chi Win, Nobuya Mizoue*, Tetsuji Ota, Wang G, Innes JL, Tsuyoshi Kajisa, Shigejiro Yoshida, Spatial and temporal patterns of illegal logging in selectively logged production forest: A case study in Yedashe, Myanmar. Journal of Forest Planning., Journal of Forest Planning, 10.20659/jfp.23.2_15, 23, 2, 15-25, 2018.10, [URL].
23. , [URL].
24. Katsuto Shimizu, Oumer S. Ahmed, Raul Ponce-Hernandez, Tetsuji Ota*, Zar Chi Win, Nobuya Mizoue, Shigejiro Yoshida, Attribution of disturbance agents to forest change using a Landsat time series in tropical seasonal forests in the Bago Mountains, Myanmar, Forests,, 8, 6, 2017.06, [URL].
25. Fukumoto, Ota T*, Mizoue N, Yoshida S, Teraoka Y, Kajisa T, The effect of weeding frequency and timing on the height growth of young sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) in southwestern Japan., Journal of Forest Research, , 22, 3, 204-207, 2017.05, [URL].
26. Khai CK, Mizoue N*, Kajisa T, Ota T, Yoshida S, Using a tree-based approach to evaluate logging damage in a tropical mixed deciduous forest of Myanmar: Comparison with cases in Cambodia, Journal of Forest Research,, 22, 3, 185-190, 2017.05, [URL].
27. Shimizu K, Ponce-Hernandez R., Ahmed O.S., Ota Tetsuji*, Zar Chi Win, Mizoue Nobuya, Yoshida Shigejiro, Using Landsat time series imagery to detect forest disturbance in selectively logged tropical forests in Myanmar, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 47, 3, 289-296, 2017.03, [URL].
28. 志水克人, 太田徹志, 溝上展也, 吉田茂二郎, 時系列衛星画像を用いた森林のモニタリング手法とその熱帯林への応用, 日本森林学会誌, in press, 4, 2016.12.
29. Tetsuji Ota, Ogawa M, Shimizu K, Kajisa T, Mizoue Nobuya, Yoshida Shigejiro, Takao G, Hirata Y, Furuya N, Sano T, Sokh H, Ma V, Toriyama J, Ito E, Monda Y, Saito H, Kiyono Y, Chann S, Ket N, Aboveground Biomass Estimation Using Structure from Motion Approach with Aerial Photographs in a Seasonal Tropical Forest, Forests, 10.3390/f6113882, 6, 11, 3882-3898, 2015.11, [URL].
30. Itaka Shizu, Yoshida Shigejiro, Mizoue Nobuya, Tetsuji Ota, Takashima Atsushi, KAJISA Tsuyoshi, Comparing 30-year diameter censuses and tree-ring chronologies in natural old-growth Cryptomeria japonica forest on Yakushima Island, Japan , Journal of Forest Research,  , 20, 255-262, 2014.12.
31. Tetsuji Ota, Ahmed OS, Franklin SE, Wulder MA, KAJISA Tsuyoshi, Mizoue Nobuya, Yoshida Shigejiro, Takao G, Hirata Y, Furuya N, Sano T, Sokh H, Ma V, Estimation of Airborne Lidar-Derived Tropical Forest Canopy Height Using Landsat Time Series in Cambodia, Remote Sensing, doi:10.3390/rs61110750, 6, 11, 10750-10772, 2014.11, [URL].
32. Toyama H., Tange S., Chhang P, Samreth V, Ma V, Sokh H, KAJISA Tsuyoshi, Katayama A, Itadani H, Tateishi M, Sakata K, Ichihashi R, Onoda Y, Mizoue Nobuya, Tachida H, Tetsukazu Yahara, Inventory of woody flora in permanent plots of Kampong Thom and Kampong Chhnang Provinces, Cambodia, Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica, 45-105, 2013.08.
33. Itaka Shizu, Yoshida Shigejiro, Mizoue Nobuya, Tetsuji Ota, Takashima Atsushi, KAJISA Tsuyoshi, Identifying dendroecological growth releases in old-growth Cryptomeria japonica forest on Yakushima island, Japan, Journal of Forest Planning, 19: 9-16, 9-16, 2013.06.
34. Itaka Shizu, Yoshida Shigejiro, Mizoue Nobuya, Tetsuji Ota, Takashima Atsushi, KAJISA Tsuyoshi, Yasue K., Estimation of growth rates based on tree-ring analysis of Cryptomeria japonica on Yakushima island, Japan, Journal of Forest Planning, 19, 1-7, 2013.06.
35. Tetsuji Ota, Nobuya Mizoue, Shigejiro Yoshida, Utility of Very High Resolution Imagery for Forest Type Classification and Stand Structure Estimation, Journal of Forest Planning,, 18, 6, 53-62, 2012.12, [URL].
36. Dinh Thanh Sang, Ogata K, Nobuya Mizoue, Use of edible forest plants among indigenous ethnic minorities in Cat Tien Biosphere Reserve, Vietnam, Asian Journal of Biodiversity, 3, 1, 23-49, 2012.01, [URL].
37. Ota, T., Mizoue, N., Yoshida, S., Influence of using texture information in remote sensed data on the accuracy of forest type classification at different levels of spatial resolution, Journal of Forest Research,, 16, 6, 432-437, 2011.12, [URL].
38. Shigematsu, A., Mizoue, N., Ide, K., Khun, K., Pheng, M., Yoshida S., Kohroki, K., Sato, N., Estimation of rubberwood production in Cambodia, New Forests,, 42, 2, 149-162, 2011.09, [URL].
39. Shigematsu, A., Mizoue, N., Kajisa, T., Yoshida, S., Importance of rubberwood in wood export of Malaysia and Thailand, New Forests,, 41, 2, 179-189, 2011.03, [URL].
40. Inoue, A., Yamamoto, K., Mizoue, N., Comparison of automatic and interactive thresholding of hemispherical photography, Journal of Forest Science,, 57, 2, 78-87, 2011.02, [URL].
41. Yamamoto, K., Kobayashi, K., Nonoda, T., Inoue, A., Mizoue, N., Effect of settings of digital fisheye photography to estimate relative illuminance within forest under low light conditions, Journal of Forest Research, http://dx.doi.org10.1007/s10310-010-0189-6, 15, 5, 283-288, 15(5): 283-288, 2010.10, [URL].
42. Kao D, Mizoue N, Top N, Kajisa T & Yoshida, Stand dynamics of tropical seasonal evergreen forest in central Cambodia, Journal of Forest Planning, 16, 1, 27-33, 2010.09.
43. Ota, T., Mizoue, N., Yoshida, S., Fourier transform analysis of very high resolution remote sensed imagery shows potential for estimating stand density of regular-spaced planted forests, Journal of Forest Planning, 16, 1, 1-7, 2010.09.
44. Kitahara F., Mizoue N., Yoshida S., Effects of training for inexperienced surveyors on data quality of tree diameter and height measurements, Silva Fennica,, 44, 4, 657-667, 2010.08, [URL].
45. Murakami, T., Ohta, T., Kajisa, T., Mizoue, N. and Yoshida S. , Detection of Clear-Cut Areas Using the Image Differencing Method with LANDSAT/TM Data
, Asian Journal of Geoinformatics, 10, 1, 2010.03, [URL].
46. Myat Su Mon, Kajisa T, Mizoue N and Yoshida S., Monitoring Deforestation and Forest Degradation in the Bago Mountain Area, Myanmar using FCD Mapper, Journal of Forest Planning, 15, 2, 63-72, 2010.02.
47. Kitahara F., Mizoue N., Kajisa T., Murakami T., Yoshida S., Positional accuracy of National Forest Inventory plots in Japan, Journal of Forest Planning, 15, 2, 73-79, 2010.02.
48. Myat Su Mon, Kajisa T, Mizoue N and Yoshida S, Factors Affecting Deforestation in Paunglaung Watershed, Myanmar using Remote Sensing and GIS, Journal of Forest Planning, 14: 7-16, 2009.02.
49. Khun K, Mizoue N*, Yoshida S, Murakami T, Stem Volume Equation and Tree Growth For Rubber Trees in Cambodia, Journal of Forest Planning, 13: 335-341, 2008.03.
50. Ito, S., Ishigami, S., Mizoue, N., Buckley, G.P., Ito, S., Ishigami, S., Mizoue, N., Buckley, G.P., Forest Ecology and Management, 231: 234-241 , 2006.08, [URL].
51. Dobbertin, M., Hug, C. Mizoue, Nobuya., Using slides to test for changes in crown condition assessment methods. Part I: Visual assessment of slide.., Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 98: 295-306, 2004.11, [URL].
52. Top, N., Mizoue, N., Ito, S., Kai, S., Estimating forest biomass increment based on permanent sample plots in relation to woodfuel consumption: A case study in Kampong Thom Province, Cambodia., Journal of Forest Research, 10.1007/s10310-003-0064-9, 9, 2, 117-123, 9: 117-123, 2004.05, [URL].
53. Inoue, A., Yamamoto, K., Mizoue, N., Kawahara, Y., Calibrating view angle and lens distortion of Nikon fish-eye converter FC-E8., Journal of Forest Research, 10.1007/s10310-003-0073-8, 9, 2, 177-181, 9:177-181, 2004.04, [URL].
54. Mizoue, N., Dobbertin, M., Detecting differences in crown transparency assessments between countries using the image analysis system CROCO., Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 89: 179-195, 2003.12, [URL].
55. Top N, Mizoue Nobuya*, Kai S, Woodfuel consumption rates and flow in Kamptong Thom, Cambodia., Journal of Forest Planning, 9(1): 17-24, 2003.04.
56. Mizoue, N., Masutani, T., Image analysis measure of crown condition, foliage biomass and stem growth relationships of Chamaecyparis obtusa., Forest Ecology and Management, 172: 79-88, 2003.01, [URL].
57. Mizoue, N., Ito, S., I, T., Growth characteristics of understory trees of sugi (cryptomeria japonica) and hinoki (chamaecyparis obtusa) in the alternate strip-clearcutting stand in morotsuka, miyazaki prefecture, southern Japan. Journal of the Japanese Forestry Society 84: 151-158, 2002.
58. Mizoue, N., CROCO, semi-automatic image analysis system for crown condition assessment in forest health monitoring., Journal of Forest Planning, 8: 17-24, 2002.01.
59. Inoue A., Yamamoto K., Mizoue Nobuya, Kawahara Y., Estimation of relative illuminance using digital hemispherical photography, Journal of Forest Planning, 8: 67-70, 2002.01.
60. Mizoue, N. and Inoue, A., Automatic thresholding of tree crown images, Journal of Forest Planning, 6: 75-80, 2001.01.
61. Mizoue, N., Fractal analysis of tree crown images in relation to crown transparency, Journal of Forest Planning, 7:79-87, 2001.01.
62. Teraoka, Y., Hirata, A., Iida, S., Mizoue, N. Yoshida, S., Imada, M. and Inoue, S., Monitoring survival rates of young plantation trees in mountainous regions in Japan using Landsat TM data, Journal of Forest Planning, 5:49-55, 1999.01.
63. Imada, M. , Kunisaki, T., Mizoue, N. and Teraoka, Y., Optimum planting density forJapanese oak (Quercus mongolica var. grosseserrata) based on spacing experiment with systematic design, Journal of Forest Research, 2: 89-93, 1997.01.
1. Mizoue N, Internationalization Programs of Forestry Education in Kyushu University, southwestern Japan, 4th Asia-Pacific Forestry Education Coordination Mechanism (AP-FECM), 2016.02.
2. Mizoue N, Lonn Pichdara, Tetsuji Ota, Shigejiro Yoshida, What are factors leading to success of community forestry? A review, International Workshop on REDD+, Community Forestry and Women, 2015.12.
3. Mizoue N, Khai TC, Saung T, Win ZC, Chheng K, Khorn S, Kao D, Kajisa T, Ota T, Yoshida S, Sustainability of selective logging in tropical seasonal forests in Asia: Recent studies in Myanmar and Cambodia, International Workshop on REDD+ and Sustainable Landuse Management in Myanmar, 2014.12.
4. , [URL].