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Ishihara Takeshi Last modified date:2024.06.03

Professor / Informational Biology
Department of Biology
Faculty of Sciences

Graduate School
Undergraduate School
Other Organization

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 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Academic Degree
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Field of Specialization
Molecular Biology
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Outline Activities
Animals sense many environmental stimuli and, by responding to
them, they behave properly. We are interested in mechanisms on sensory processing in neuronal circuits which regulates behavior. We use C. elegans as a model organism to elucidate molecular mechanisms of informational processing.
I give lectures on basic molecular genetics and molecular biology for under graduate student. In addition for members in our lab, I have earnest discussions not only on their students studies but also on the logic and methodology of biological science.
Research Interests
  • Studies on sensory processing in C. elegans
    keyword : behavior, brain, neuronal plasticity, C. elegans, genetics
    2000.01~2032.12Analysis of molecular mechanisms of sensory processing in C. elegans.
Academic Activities
1. Arai Mary. #Kurokawa Itsuki, Arakane Hoshinosuke, Kitazono Tomohiro, Ishihara Takeshi, Regulation of Diacylglycerol Content in Olfactory Neurons Determines Forgetting or Retrieval of Olfactory Memory in Caenorhabditis elegans, JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0090-22.2022, 42, 43, 8039-8053, 2022.10, 忘れることと思い出すことは、記憶の適切な管理にとって重要なプロセスだが、これらのプロセスの基礎となるメカニズムはほとんど明確にされていない。私たちは、Caenorhabditis elegans(線虫)において、嗅覚ニューロンのジアシルグリセロール含有量を変える突然変異は、行動レベルで忘却に影響を与えましたが、感覚記憶痕跡には影響をあたえないことを見出しました。このことは、記憶獲得までのジアシルグリセロール含有量が、記憶を思い出すか忘れるかを決定することを示唆している。.
2. Tomohiro Kitazono, Sayuri Hara-Kuge, Osamu Matsuda, Akitoshi Inoue, Manabi Fujiwara, Takeshi Ishihara, Multiple signaling pathways coordinately regulate forgetting of olfactory adaptation through control of sensory responses in caenorhabditis elegans, Journal of Neuroscience, 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0031-17.2017, 37, 42, 10240-10251, 2017.10, Forgetting memories is important for animals to properly respond to continuously changing environments. To elucidate the mechanisms of forgetting, we used one of the behavioral plasticities of Caenorhabditis elegans hermaphrodite, olfactory adaptation to an attractive odorant, diacetyl, as a simple model of learning. In C. elegans, the TIR-1/JNK-1 pathway accelerates forgetting of olfactory adaptation by facilitating neural secretion from AWC sensory neurons. In this study, to identify the downstream effectors of the TIR-1/JNK-1 pathway, we conducted a genetic screen for suppressors of the gain-of-function mutant of tir-1 (ok1052), which shows excessive forgetting. Our screening showed that three proteins—a membrane protein, MACO-1; a receptor tyrosine kinase, SCD-2; and its putative ligand, HEN-1—regulated forgetting downstream of the TIR-1/JNK-1 pathway. We further demonstrated that MACO-1 and SCD-2/HEN-1 functioned in parallel genetic pathways, and only MACO-1 regulated forgetting of olfactory adaptation to isoamyl alcohol, which is an attractive odorant sensed by different types of sensory neurons. In olfactory adaptation, odor-evoked Ca2+ responses in olfactory neurons are attenuated by conditioning and recovered thereafter. A Ca2+ imaging study revealed that this attenuation is sustained longer in maco-1 and scd-2 mutant animals than in wild-type animals like the TIR-1/JNK-1 pathway mutants. Furthermore, temporal silencing by histamine-gated chloride channels revealed that the neuronal activity of AWC neurons after conditioning is important for proper forgetting. We propose that distinct signaling pathways, each of which has a specific function, may coordinately and temporally regulate forgetting by controlling sensory responses..
3. Akitoshi Inoue, Etsuko Sawatari, Naoki Hisamoto, Tomohiro Kitazono, Takayuki Teramoto, Manabi Fujiwara, Kunihiro Matsumoto, Takeshi Ishihara, Forgetting in C. elegans is accelerageted by neuronal communication via the TIR-1/JNK-1 pathway, Cell Reports, 10.1016/j.celrep., 3, 3, 809-819, 2013.03, 線虫の嗅覚順応をモデルとして、忘却機構の解析を行ったところ、忘却を促進するシグナルが外部環境に応じて放出されていることが明らかになった。これは能動的な忘却制御システムがあることを示している。.
4. Yoshida K, Hirotsu T, Tagawa T, Oda S, Wakabayashi T, Iino Y, Ishihara T., Odour concentration -dependent olfactory preference change in C. elegans., Nature Communications, 3, 739, 2012.03, 動物は、同じ刺激であっても強さに応答を変える場合がある。線虫においては、低濃度では誘引される物質に対して高濃度では忌避するという現象がある。このメカニズムを解析したところ、主に方向転換を使って忌避していること、低濃度の場合と高濃度の場合で感覚するニューロンが異なっていることなどが明らかになった。.
5. Zhao Y, Araki S, Wu J, Teramoto T, Chang YF, Nakano M, Abdelfattah AS, Fujiwara M, Ishihara T, Nagai T, Campbell RE, An expanded palette of genetically encoded Ca2+ indicators, Science, 333, 1888-91, 2011.09, 細胞内のCa2+の変化を、蛍光タンパク質Ca2+センサーを用いて調べることができる。この論文では、蛍光タンパク質Ca2+センサーに変異を導入し、これまでの数倍感度が高いセンサーを開発した。さらに、これまでなかった、赤色蛍光タンパク質Ca2+センサーを開発した。これらのセンサーは、培養細胞だけでなく個体で特定の神経細胞での活動測定にも有用であることを明らかにした。.
6. Shinkai Y, Yamamoto Y, Fujiwara M, Tabata T, Murayama T, Hirotsu T, Ikeda DD, Tsunozaki M, Iino Y, Bargmann CI, Katsura I, Ishihara T., Behavioral choice between conflicting alternatives is regulated by a receptor guanylyl cyclase, GCY-28, and a receptor tyrosine kinase, SCD-2, in AIA interneurons of Caenorhabditis elegans., Journal of Neuroscience, 31, 8, 3007 , 2011.02, 動物は、同時に受容している多くの感覚情報のなかから、生存に適した情報を選択して、それに応答して行動している。しかし、その制御を行っている神経・分子メカニズムは、明らかになっていない。本研究では、線虫C. elegansをモデルとして、2つの相反する刺激に対する応答を解析した。その結果、一対に介在ニューロンにおいて、グアニル酸シクラーゼと受容体チロシンキナーゼを介して、情報処理が行われていることを明らかにした。.
7. Fujiwara M, Teramoto T, Ishihara T, Ohshima Y, McIntire SL., 2.A novel zf-MYND protein, CHB-3, mediates guanylyl cyclase localization to sensory cilia and controls body size of Caenorhabditis elegans.
, Plos Genetics, 6, 11, e1001211., 2010.11.
8. Yamada K, Hirotsu T, Matsuki M, Butcher RA, Tomioka M, Ishihara T, Clardy J, Kunitomo H, Iino Y., Olfactory plasticity is regulated by pheromonal signaling in Caenorhabditis elegans., Science. , 329, 5999, 1647-1650, 2010.09, 動物は、集団密度などの環境によって、外界シグナルに対する応答を変化させる。線虫C. elegansをモデルとして、動物の集団密度が行動可塑性に与える影響を解析した。その結果、線虫は、集団密度の情報をフェロモンとして受容し、ペプチド性シグナルSNET-1と、そのシグナル強度を変化させるNEP-2を介して、嗅覚順応の制御を行っていることを明らかにした。.
9. Hayashi Y., Hirotsu T., Iwata R., Kage-Nakadai E., Kunitomo H., Ishihara T., Iino Y. and Kubo T., A trophic role for Wnt-Ror kinase signaling during developmental pruning in Caenorhabditis elegans., Nature Neuroscience, 12, 981-987, 2009.06.
10. Ohta, H., Fujiwara, M., Ohshima, Y. and Ishihara, T. , ADBP-1 regulates an ADAR RNA-editing enzyme to antagonize RNAi-mediated gene silencing in C.elegans., Genetics, 180, 785-796, 2008.07.
11. Bauer Huang,SL., Saheki, Y., Vanhoven, MK., Torayama, I., Ishihara, T., Katsura, I, van der Linden, A., Sengupta, P. and Bargmann, CI., Left-right olfactory asymmetry results from antagonistic functions of voltage-activated calcium channels and the Raw repeat protein OLRN-1 in C. elegans., Neural Development, 2,24 (PMID17986337), 2007.12.
12. Torayama I, Ishihara T, Katsura I, Caenorhabditis elegans integrates the signals of butanone and food to enhance chemotaxis to butanone., Journal of Neuroscience, 27,741-50, 2007.01.
Educational Activities
I give lectures on basic molecular genetics and molecular biology for under graduate student. In addition for members in our lab, I have earnest discussions not only on their students studies but also on the logic and methodology of biological science.