九州大学 研究者情報
津田 誠(つだ まこと) データ更新日:2024.04.12

教授 /  薬学研究院 臨床薬学部門 薬理学分野

1. 津田誠, 脊髄反射と脊髄/中枢性感作, 「疼痛医学」教科書制作研究会, 2020.03.
2. Tsuda Makoto, Microglia in the CNS and neuropathic pain, Springer New York LLC, 10.1007/978-981-13-1756-9_7, 77-91, 2018.01, [URL], Neuropathic pain occurring after peripheral nerve injury is not simply a consequence of temporal continuity of acute nociceptive signals, but rather of maladaptive nervous system function. Over the past decades, a body of literature has provided evidence for the necessity and sufficiency of microglia, the tissue-resident macrophages of the central nervous system, for nerve injury-induced alterations in synaptic function. Recent studies have also revealed active roles for microglia in brain regions important for emotion and memory. In this chapter, I highlight recent advances in our understanding of the mechanisms that underlie the role of spinal and brain microglia in neuropathic pain, with a focus on how microglia are activated and alter synaptic function. I also discuss the therapeutic potential of microglia from recent advances in the development of new drugs targeting microglia, which may facilitate translation from the bench to bedside..
3. 津田誠, 神経障害性疼痛のメカニズム解析とそれによる創薬について, 一般社団法人 医薬品医療機器レギュラトリーサイエンス財団, 2017.11.
4. 津田誠, 神経障害性疼痛における最新メカニズムと創薬への応用, 技術情報協会, 2017.08.
5. 津田 誠, グリアと神経障害性痛(痛みのScience&Practice), 文光堂, 2014.05.
6. Masuda Takahiro et al., Intrathecal infusion of microglia cells., Springer, 2013.09.
7. Masuda Takahiro et al., Lentiviral transduction of cultured microglia., Springer, 2013.09.
8. 井上 和秀, 津田 誠, 神経障害性疼痛, 克誠堂出版, pp24-32「脊髄・二次ニューロンの可塑的変化と神経障害性疼痛」, 2012.10.
9. 津田誠,井上和秀, 慢性疼痛における薬剤選定と治療薬開発, 技術情報協会, 2010.06.
10. 津田誠,井上和秀, 実践行動薬理学:脊髄ミクログリアのATP受容体を介する新しい神経障害性疼痛メカニズム, 株式会社金芳堂, 2010.03.
11. Toulme E, Tsuda M, Khakh BS, Inoue K, On the role of ATP-gated P2X receptors in acute, inflammatory and neuropathic pain, CRC Press, 2009.11.
12. M. Tsuda, K. Inoue, The nociceptive membrane, Current Topics in Membrane 57, Chapter 9. P2X receptors in sensory neurons., Elsevier, pp277-310, (2006), 2006.09.
13. Inoue K, Tsuda M, Koizumi S., Chronic pain and microglia: the role of ATP., Novartis Found Symp. 261, 55-64; discussion 64-67, 149-54 (2004)., 2004.05.

