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satoshi kaneshima Last modified date:2024.06.26

Professor / Dynamics, Structure and Evolution of the Earth and Planets
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Faculty of Sciences

Graduate School
Undergraduate School

 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Academic Degree
dr. scence
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Field of Specialization
solid earth geophysics
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Outline Activities
Earth's deep interior, history of earth-moon system
Research Interests
  • Earth's deep interior
    keyword : mantle, core
  • earth's deep interior
    history of earth-moon system
    keyword : deep earth  core mantle moon
    1996.05~2024.03Earth's deep interior Volcano.
Academic Activities
1. Satoshi Kaneshima, George Helffrich, Lower mantle scattering profiles and fabric below Pacific subduction zones, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 282, 234-239, 2009, 2009.03.
2. S. Kaneshima, T. Okamoto, H. Takenaka, Evidence for a metastable olivine wedge inside the subducted Mariana slab, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 258、219-227, 2007.04.
3. satoshi kaneshima, George Helffrich, Vp structure of the outermost core derived from ana- lyzing large scale array data of SmKS waves, Geophysical Journal International, 193, 1537-1555, 2013.04.
1. Satoshi Kaneshita, Seismic structure of the Earth's outermost core, IAG-IASPEI, 2017.08.
2. 金嶋 聰, Stratification of Earth's outermost core inferred from SmKS waves, SEDI 2014, 2014.08.
Membership in Academic Society
  • American Geophysical Union
  • seismlogical society of japan
Educational Activities
Teach seismology and geophysics.
Other Educational Activities
  • 2007.04.