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Masayoshi Harada Last modified date:2024.06.03

Graduate School
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 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Academic Degree
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Field of Specialization
Environmental Hydraulics, Water Quality Engineering
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Outline Activities
The research stands fundamentally on Hydrology and Environmental Hydraulics, and are related with the analysis, prediction and control of the water environment in closed waters and estuarine-coastal areas. Ongoing research topics are the hydraulic and hydrological functions in flat low-lying agricultural areas, the environmental hydraulics in closed waters, estuaries, irrigation and drainage canals, and the ecological function of hydraulic structures.
Research Interests
  • Development of Hybrid System of Water Quality Improvement technics in Closed Water Body with based on Aquatic Environmental Characteristics
    keyword : Aquatic environmental remediation, Improvement of Water Quality, Closed Water Body, Organic Pollution, Eutrophication
  • Development of Water Quality Improvement System by using LED for Closed Water Body with UNDERScarce Underwater Light Environment due to Organic Pollution
    keyword : Improvement of Water Quality, Closed Water Body, Organic Pollution, Eutrophication
  • Dynamic Analysis of Water Quality and Quantitative Evaluation of Environmental Preservation Measures for Eutrophic Agricultural Reservoirs in an Urban-Rural Area
    keyword : Water Environment, Dynamic of Water Quality, Eutrophication, Reservoir, Urban-Rural Area, Numerical simulation
  • Development of integrated watershed management model for urbanizing agricultural watersheds in monsoon Asia area
    keyword : Integrated watershed management model, Hydrological model, Numerical simulation, GIS
  • Development of prediction model for pesticide concentration in a paddy field and scaleup into watershed level
    keyword : Pesticide, Paddy field, Dynamic prediction, Watershed, GIS
  • Dynamiv analysis of water environment in the brackish lake under artificial control salinity
    keyword : brackish lake, Eutrophication, Salinity, Ecosystem model
  • Environmental hydraulics study on water quality in eutrophic closed water bodies
    keyword : Closed water body, Eutrophication, water bloom, anoxic water, ecosystem model
Academic Activities
1. Daisuke Hizume, Toshinori Tabata, Kazuaki Hiramatsu, Masayoshi Harada, Akinori Ozaki, Hydraulic analyses using two‑dimensional shallow water equations for functional evaluation of the Yamadazeki barrage in the Chikugo river, Japan, Paddy and Water Environment, DOI: 10.1007/s10333-023-00956-4, 22, 109-123, 2023.11.
2. Daoluang Honglikith, Masayoshi Harada, Kazuaki Hiramatsu, Toshinori Tabata, Akinori Ozaki, Anoxification Recovery Using Underwater LED Irradiation and Influence of its Optical Spectrum on Water Quality Improvement, Paddy and Water Environment, DOI: 10.1007/s10333-021-00883-2, 20, 1, 153-175, 2022.01.
3. Ren Yamamoto, Masayoshi Harada, Kazuaki Hiramatsu, Toshinori Tabata, Three-layered Feedforward Artificial Neural Network with Dropout for Short-term Prediction of Class-differentiated Chl-a Based on Weekly Water-quality Observations in a Eutrophic Agricultural Reservoir, Paddy and Water Environment, DOI: 10.1007/s10333-021-00874-3, 20, 1, 61-78, 2022.01.
4. Tran Tuan Thach, Masayoshi Harada, Kazuaki Hiramatsu and Toshinori Tabata, Estimation of water quality dynamics under long‑term anoxic state in organically polluted reservoir by field observations and improved ecosystem model, Paddy and Water Environment, DOI 10.1007/s10333-018-0659-6, 16, 4, 665-686, 2018.10.
5. Tran Tuan Thach, Masayoshi Harada, Kazuaki Hiramatsu and Toshinori Tabata, The Influence of Bottom Sediment Redox State on Water Quality Dynamics under Long-term Anoxic Conditions in an Organically Polluted Reservoir, Journal of Rainwater Catchment Systems, 24, 1, 23-31, 2018.07.
6. Tran Tuan Thach, Masayoshi Harada, Ayaka Oniki, Kazuaki Hiramatsu and Toshinori Tabata, Experimental Study on the Influence of Dissolved Organic Matter and Redox State of Bottom Sediment on Water Quality Dynamics under Anaerobic Conditions due to Organic Pollution, Paddy and Water Environment, DOI 10.1007/s10333-017-0600-4, 15, 4, 889-906, 2017.10.
7. Nguyen Thuy Do, Yuichiro Yoshimura, Masayoshi Harada, Kazuaki Hiramatsu, Generation of hydrogen sulfide in the deepest part of a reservoir under anoxic water conditions, Paddy and Water Environment, 13, 1, 101-113, 2015.01.
8. Do Thuy Nguyen, Masayoshi Harada, Kazuaki Hiramatsu and Shinji Fukuda, Application of a simple genetic algorithm for the calibration of aquatic ecosystem model of an agricultural pond, Paddy and Water Environment, 12, 1, 1-15, 2014.01.
9. Masayoshi Harada, Takafumi Tominaga, Kazuaki Hiramatsu and Atsushi Marui , Real-time Prediction of Chlorophyll-a Time Series in a Eutrophic Agricultural Reservoir in a Coastal Zone Using Recurrent Neural Networks with Periodic Chaos Neurons, Irrigation and Drainage, 62, Suppl. 1, 36-43, 2013.10.
10. Masayoshi Harada, Akifumi Douma, Kazuaki Hiramatsu, Do Thuy Nguyen and Atsushi Marui, Analysis of Seasonal Changes in Water Qualities in Eutrophic Reservoirs in a Flat Low-lying Agricultural Area Using an Algae-based Ecosystem Model, Irrigation and Drainage, 62, Suppl. 1, 24-35, 2013.10.
11. Bui Quoc Lap, 平松 和昭, 原田 昌佳, The Initial Result of Development of k-ε Model for Simulation of Hydrodynamics in Lakes Toward to Simulation of Their Water Quality, Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 59, 1, 155-161, 2014.02.
12. Bui Quoc Lap, 平松 和昭, 原田 昌佳, Dynamics of Water Quality in the Truc Bach Lake, Hanoi Capital, Vietnam, Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 58, 1, 145-151, 2013.02.
13. Trieu Anh Ngoc, 平松 和昭, 原田 昌佳, Optimizing Parameters for Two Conceptual Hydrological Models Using a Genetic Algorithm: A Case Study in the Dau Tieng River Watershed, Vietnam, Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly, 47, 1, 85-96, 2013.01.
14. Le Van Chinh, Haruka Iseri, 平松 和昭, 原田 昌佳, 森 牧人, Simulation of Rainfall Runoff and Pollutant Load for Chikugo River Basin in Japan Using GIS-based Distributed Parameter Model, Paddy and Water Environment, 11, 1-4, 97-112, 2013.01.
15. L. V. Chinh, K. Hiramatsu, M. Harada and M. Mori, Estimation of Water Levels in a Main Drainage Canal in a Flat Low-lying Agricultural Area Using Artificial Neural Network Models, Agricultural Water Management, No.96, pp.1332-1338, 2009.06.
16. L. V. Chinh, K. Hiramatsu, M. Harada and M. Mori, Nitrogen and phosphorus runoff modeling in a flat low-lying paddy cultivated area, Paddy Water Environment, 6(4), 405-414, 2008.12.
17. L. V. Chinh, K. Hiramatsu, M. Harada and M. Mori, Optimal gate operation of a main drainage canal in a flat, low-lying, agricultural area using a tank model, Paddy Water Environment, 6(3), 243-256, 2008.09.
18. K. Sai, M. Harada , I. Yoshida, K. Hiramatsu and M. Mori, Application of Artificial Neural Network Models to the Estimation of Chlorophyll a Concentration in Lake Koyama, Tottori Prefecture, Japan, Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 52(2), 405-410, 2007.11.
19. H. Ix, K. Hiramatsu, M. Harada and M. Mori , Water Quality Conservation in an Agricultural Pond using an Ecosystem Model and Scenario Analysis, Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 52(2), 423-430, 2007.11.
20. M. Harada and I. Yoshida, On the Bottom Sediment Environment in Lake Koyama, Proceedings of 13th Congress of the Asia and Pacific Division of the International Association for Hydraulic Research, pp.1030-1035, 2002.01.
21. M. Harada, S. Hayashi and K. Wakimizu, Characteristics of wind field using a mass-consistent model with a genetic algorithm, Proceedings of Twelfth Congress of the Asia and Pacific Division of the International Association for Hydraulic Research, pp.1017-1025, 2000.01.
22. M. Harada, S. Hayashi and K. Wakimizu, Introduction of a genetic algorithm to a mass-consistent model, Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture Kyushu University, 44, 3-4, 403-418, Vol.44(3・4), pp.403-418, 2000.01.
23. M. Harada, K. Hiramatsu and S. Hayashi, Settling velocity of particles in a grid-generated turbulence, Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture Kyushu University, 44, 3-4, 385-402, Vol.44(3・4), pp.385-402, 2000.01.
24. M. Harada, K. Hiramatsu, S. Shiomi and K. Mori, Measuring method of suspension concentration in open channel flow using image processing, Proceedings of Eleventh Congress of the Asia and Pacific Division of the International Association for Hydraulic Research, pp.607-616, 1998.01.
1. Tran Thi Lan Huong, Masayoshi Harada, Kazuaki Hiramatsu, Toshinori Tabata and Akinori Ozaki, Influence of Nutritional Status on Suppression of Algal Overgrowth by Bactericidal Effect of Copper
Ions, International Conference of PAWEES 2022 Fukuoka, 2022.11.
2. Akinori Ozaki, Masayoshi Harada, Kanae Hasegawa, Kazuaki Hiramatsu and Toshinori Tabata, Quantification of Algal Bloom in an Agriculture Reservoir by Using Time-Lapse Images at Local Point, International Conference of PAWEES 2022 Fukuoka, 2022.11.
3. Daoluang Honglikith, Masayoshi Harada, Kazuaki Hiramatsu, Toshinori Tabata and Akinori Ozaki, Water Quality Improvement via Anoxification Recovery Using Underwater LED Irradiation, International Conference of PAWEES 2021 Taiwan, 2021.10.
4. Masayoshi Harada, Kosuke Hayami, Kazuaki Hiramatsu and Toshinori Tabata, Water Environment Improvement in an Organically Polluted Closed Water Body by Artificial Water Surface Cooling, 22nd Congress of the Asia and Pacific Division of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR-APD) 2020, 2020.09.
5. Takuma Kobayashi, Masayoshi Harada, Kazuaki Hiramatsu and Toshinori Tabata, Seasonal Changes in Phytoplankton characteristics in a Hyper-eutrophic Water Area under Nitrogen Limitation, International Workshop on “Integrated Land & Water Management and Climate Change in Vietnam and Japan, 2019.11.
6. Misaki Kawara, Masayoshi Harada, Kazuaki Hiramatsu and Toshinori Tabata, Experimental Suppression of Phytoplankton Growth Employing Bactericidal Effects of Copper Ions under Eutrophic Conditions, International Workshop on “Integrated Land & Water Management and Climate Change in Vietnam and Japan, 2019.11.
7. Masayoshi Harada, Tran Tuan Thach, Kazuaki Hiramatsu, Toshinori Tabata, Biochemical Characteristics of Water Quality Dynamics near the Bottom Sediment under Anaerobic State in the Organically Polluted Reservoir, 21th Congress of the Asia and Pacific Division of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR-APD) 2014, 2018.09.
8. Tran Tuan Thach, Masayoshi Harada, Kazuaki Hiramatsu and Toshinori Tabata, Improvement of vertical one-dimensional prediction model of water quality based on ecosystem model in an organically polluted reservoir, International Symposium on Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Life Sciences in Asia (AFELiSA 2017), 2017.11.
9. Takayoshi Nishioka, 原田 昌佳, 平松 和昭, Toshinori Tabata, Analysis of Water Quality Dynamics under the Anaerobic State in a Closed Water Body by Laboratory Experiment, Proceedings of the Joint Symposium between Kyushu University and Vietnam National University of Agriculture -Impacts of Land Use Change on the Soil and Water Quality and Rural Environment in Vietnam - Japan, 2015.11.
10. Vu Thi Hoai Thu, Toshinori Tabata, 平松 和昭, 原田 昌佳, 85) , Toshinori Tabata, Kazuaki Hiramatsu and Masayoshi Harada (2015): Applying a Two-Dimensional Finite Difference Model with a Wet and Dry Scheme to Cangio Bay, Vietnam, Proceedings of the Joint Symposium between Kyushu University and Vietnam National University of Agriculture -Impacts of Land Use Change on the Soil and Water Quality and Rural Environment in Vietnam - Japan, 2015.11.
11. Toshinori Tabata, Emi Otsubo, 平松 和昭, 原田 昌佳, Evaluation of Environmental Influence to the Bivalve Production in the Ariake Sea using Artificial Neural Network, Proceedings of the Joint Symposium between Kyushu University and Vietnam National University of Agriculture -Impacts of Land Use Change on the Soil and Water Quality and Rural Environment in Vietnam - Japan, 2015.11.
12. Kodai Nakashima, 平松 和昭, Toshinori Tabata, 原田 昌佳, Environmental Assessment of the Ariake Sea using a Multi-Box Ecosystem Model, Proceedings of the Joint Symposium between Kyushu University and Vietnam National University of Agriculture -Impacts of Land Use Change on the Soil and Water Quality and Rural Environment in Vietnam - Japan, 2015.11.
13. Hoang Quang Duong, Takayoshi Nishioka, 原田 昌佳, 平松 和昭, Toshinori Tabata, Quantitative Estimation of Water Quality Dynamics under the Anoxic Condition near the Bottom of an Organic Polluted Reservoir, Proceedings of the Joint Symposium between Kyushu University and Vietnam National University of Agriculture -Impacts of Land Use Change on the Soil and Water Quality and Rural Environment in Vietnam - Japan, 2015.11.
14. 原田 昌佳, 平松 和昭, 福田 信二, Short-term Prediction of Chlorophyll-a in a Eutrophic Closed Water Body using Chaos Recurrent Neural Network, 19th Congress of the Asia and Pacific Division of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR-APD) 2014, 2014.09.
15. 田畑 俊範, 平松 和昭, 原田 昌佳, Numerical Analysis for Effective Transplant and Seabed Restoration for Recovery of Pen shell Resources in the Ariake Sea, Japan, 2014 5th International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Applications (ICEEA 2014),, 2014.07.
16. 本田 裕理, 平松 和昭, 原田 昌佳, Comparative Study on Two Nesting Techniques of Overlap and Sponge-Layer in Two-dimensional Numerical Calculations of Tidal Currents in Coastal Waters, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts,, 2012.10.
17. 田畑 俊範, 平松 和昭, 原田 昌佳, Optimal Configuration of Nori Aquafarming Grounds in the Ariake Sea using a Two-dimensional Convective-Dispersion Model and an index of Nitrogen Assimilation Rates, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts,, 2012.10.
18. Do Thuy Nguyen, 原田 昌佳, 平松 和昭, Development of three-dimensional eco-hydrodynamic model for a closed water body under scarce underwater light environment, 平成24年度農業農村工学会大会講演会, 2012.09.
Membership in Academic Society
  • Japan Rainwater Catchment Systems Association
  • PAWEES is pleased to announce that based upon the evaluations of the Nominating committee, you have been selected as Recipients of 2023 PAWEES Paper Award. The award will be given to the following paper: Ren Yamamoto, Masayoshi Harada, Kazuaki Hiramatsu, Toshinori Tabata,“Three‑layered Feedforward artificial neural network with dropout for short‑term prediction of class‑differentiated Chl‑a based on weekly water‑quality observations in a eutrophic agricultural reservoir” 20(1), 61-78, 2022