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Shin-ichi Yatsuki Last modified date:2024.06.26

Professor / Fields in International Economic Analysis
Department of International Economy and Business
Faculty of Economics

Graduate School
Undergraduate School

 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Academic Degree
Ph. D. (Economics)
Field of Specialization
Local Public Finance, Public Policy Studies of Municipality, Environmental Economics
Outline Activities
My main study is on local environmental governance, especially focusing on governance dynamics and transformation of structures and functions of local governments in the field of waste management, urban greenbelt conservation, renewable energy and ground water conservation.
Research Interests
  • The dynamic state of local environmental governance and the transformation of government
    keyword : Local governance, Dynamic state of governance, Transformation of the funcitons of government(including intergovernmental relationship), Bridging organization
    2016.04My main study is on the formation and development of the system of mass emission sociey in Japan. In addition to this theme, I have also focused on a change to the closed-loop society. I have studied these thema aspect from administrative and fiscal system in Japan. Especially, I have three points of view. Fisrt of all, intergovernmental relationship between national government and local one. Secondary, scale and coorporation of municipalities. Finally, public governance in a local level..
Academic Activities