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Mori Shuji Last modified date:2024.06.03

Graduate School
Undergraduate School

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Academic Degree
Ph.D. in Psychology (University of British Columbia, Canada)
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Yes Doctor
Field of Specialization
cognitive science, psychophysics, auditory science
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Outline Activities
Research: Psychophysical approach to human cognitive processing
Ongoing research topics include
* Auditory temporal resolution: theory and test development
Education: Graduate courses titled Cognitive Science, Psychophysics, Psychophysics1, Psychophysics2, Informatics Exercise, Informatics Advanced Study I and II, Cognition and Behavior Advanced Study, undergraduate courses titled Introduction to Electrical Engineering and Information Science I, Data Analysis and Experimental Design
Organized 23rd Annual Meeting of International Society for Psychophysics (October 2007), and The 11th Joint Workshop on Machine Perception and Robotics (November, 2015)
Chief Researcher of JSPS Grand-in Aid Type (A) "Between-channel processing of perception of time, space and speech" (fiscal years of 2013 to 2017)
Chief Researcher of JSPS Grand-in Aid Challenging Research (Exploratory) "Developing test battery of auditory temporal resolution for elderly population, using fast measurement method QUEST" (fiscal years of 2020 to 2020)
Chief Researcher of JSPS Grand-in Aid Type (A) "Comprehensive approach to human auditory temporal resolution - theory, brain function analysis, testing, training -" (fiscal years of 2024 to 2028)
Research Interests
  • Comprehensive approach to auditory temporal resolution
    keyword : Auditory Perception, Temporal Resolution, Modeling, Brain Function Analysis, Testing, Training
    2023.04Across-frequency gap detection Our auditory system is good at detection a silent gap in otherwise continuous sounds. However, such gap detection deteriorates when the gap is inserted at the point of frequency change in the sound. This is called across-frequency gap detection, and we are now investigating its underlying mechanism by psychophysical experiments, measurement of brain activity, and simulations of cochlear functions..
  • Between-channel processing of perception of time, space, and speech
    keyword : Auditory Perception, Channel, Time, Space, Speech
    2013.04~2018.03Across-frequency gap detection Our auditory system is good at detection a silent gap in otherwise continuous sounds. However, such gap detection deteriorates when the gap is inserted at the point of frequency change in the sound. This is called across-frequency gap detection, and we are now investigating its underlying mechanism by psychophysical experiments, measurement of brain activity, and simulations of cochlear functions..
  • Psychophysics of Japanese reading
    keyword : Japanese, reading, letter recognition
    2008.04~2015.03Psychophysics of Japanese reading This research investigate stimulus factors (letter size, contrast, etc.) and individual factors (age, native language, etc) that possibly affect reading and letter recognition of Japanese by psychophysical experiments..
  • Sport psychophysics
    keyword : sport, psychophysics, anticipation, reaction time, induced motion
    2001.01~2015.03Sport psychophysics Sport psychophysics is a branch of psychophysics that study perceptual and cognitive abilities specific to athletes, i.e. expertise perception, by psychophysical measurement methods. Our initial research focused on karate athletes, measuring their reaction times, expectation, and eye movements. The results show that these measures are quite different between karate athletes and non-athletes (Mori et al., 2002, Human Movement Science; Seya & Mori, Visual Cognition, in press). We are now studying expertise perception of penalty kicks in soccer, side-by-side steps in Rugby, and tennis forhand strokes, using video-filmed motions of the athletes, and point-light displays (biological motion) and computer graphics coverted from the motions..
  • Reaction time and arousal level during automobile driving
    keyword : driving, reaction time, arousal level
    2007.04~2012.03Reaction time and arousal level during automobile driving Reaction times to external stimuli during automobile driving, and driver's arousal level are closely related to occurence of automobile accindents. In order to predict probability of collision during automobile driving and promote safety driving, we are now investigating driver's reaction times and arousal level under simulated driving situations..
  • Auditory search in frequency and intensity
    keyword : audition, search, frequency, intensity, tonal sequence
    2001.04~2006.03Auditory search in frequency and intensity To understand perception and attention of sounds in the temporal dimension, we study auditory search performance for a target in tonal sequence. Search is easier as the target and non-targets are increasing different in frequency, which is modelled in terms of attention band (Mori & Wong, 2004, Journal of Physiological Anthropology and Applied Human Science). However, the model does not fit intensity effects on search, and we are now working on new models..
  • Reference frame for human orientation processing
    keyword : orientation processing, reference frame, visual search, rod-frame illusion, orientation contrast
    2001.01~2004.01Reference frame for human orientation processing Human vision is quite sensitive to orientation difference, while such orientation sensitivity is greatly modulated by a reference frame. This research investigated effects of reference frame on orientation processing in visual search experiments. The results showed that three mechanisms contribute to the effects, namely distraction by frame components, orientation contrast, and interference in local orientation processing (for details, Mori & Kataoka, 2004, Perception & Psychophysics)..
Current and Past Project
  • We investigated mechanisms of across-channel processing in audition, in JSPS grant (Kaken A).
  • A a part of joint research with Rion Co.Ltd, we aim to find methodologies to objectively estimate human auditory temporal resolution.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Challenging Research (Exploratory)
  • Development of methods enabling efficient and fast measurements of gap detection thresholds and temporal modulation functions that are indices of human auditory system, and denoising methods of auditory brainstem response
  • We make comprehensive approach to human auditory temporal resolution, supported by JSPS Basic Research (Kiban) (A).
Academic Activities
1. Cognitive Science Dictionary (2002). Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ed.) Authored items: Method of adjustment, Method of limit, Up-and-down method, Method of constant stimuli, Psychometric function, Probit method, Magnitude estimation, Stimulus uncertainty, Attentional deficit of schizophrenic patients. Tokyo: Kyoritsu Shuppan. (in Japanese).
2. Mori, S. (2005). Applying Basic Research. In M. Naka (ed.), New approach of Cognitive Psychology, Ch.7 (pp.153-178). Tokyo: Seishinshobo Publishers. (in Japanese).
3. Mori, S., Miyaoka, T., & Wong, W., Fechner Day '07: Proceedings of International Society for Psychophysics, International Society for Psychophysics, 2007.10, 筆頭著者の森が大会委員長となって2007年10月20日から23日に東京で開催した第23回国際心理物理学会年次大会の発表原稿集である。序言、目次に続いて、招待講演、テーマセッション、口頭発表、ポスター発表の原稿(4若しくは6ページ)から成る。.
4. Takahiro Yoshioka, Shuji Mori, Yuji Matsuki, Osamu Uekusa, Stochastic changes in driver reaction time with arousal state. In L. Dorn & M. Sullman (Eds.) Advances in Traffic Psychology, Ashgate Publishing Ltd., 2012.05.
5. Chapter 10 Attention. Shuji Mori (in Japanese).
1. Shuji Mori, Yousuke Kikuchi, Nobuyuki Hirose, Hugo Lepage, Willy Wong, Auditory gap detection: psychometric functions and insights into the underlying neural activity, Biological Cybernetics,, 112, 6, 575-584, 2018.10.
2. Friedrich Müller, Shuji Mori, Yuko Sakaki, Kwangoh Yi, Sungbong Bae, Yuka Tan, Lawrence M. Ward, Anspannung: Introduction to concept and quantification of mental strain exemplified on data taken in five countries, Methods in Psychology,, 2022.06, [URL].
3. Shuji Mori, Takashi Morimoto, Yuto Murata, Yasuhide Okamoto, Sho Kanzaki, Tests of human auditory temporal resolution: Preliminary investigation of ZEST parameters for amplitude modulation detection, Frontiers in Neuroscience, doi: 10.3389/fnins.2023.1148476, 17:1148476, 1-13, 2023.07.
4. Shuji Mori, Mikoto Ono, Timecourse of two-dimensional decision-making to offensive actions, Experimental Brain Research,, 241, 2521-2534, 2023.09, [URL].
1. Hitomi Kondo, Shuji Mori, Takako Mitsudo, Does brainstem categorize speech? Study of ABR to voiced and unvoiced consonants, 56th Annual Meeting of Psychonomic Society, 2015.11.
2. Yousuke Kikuchi, Shuji Mori, Nobuyuki Hirose, Binaural temporal fusion shifts perceptual boundary of stop consonants, The 54th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, 2013.11.
3. Takako Mitsudo, Naruhito Hironaga, Shuji Mori, Neuromagnetic correlates of temporal gap detection in human auditory cortex, The 9th Joint Workshop on Machine, Perception and Robotics (MPR2013), 2013.10.
4. Shuji Mori, Perception, anticipation, and deception in sports, 2012 Concluding Symposium of Perception and Action Project, 2012.08.
5. Shuji Mori, What underlies across-channel gap detection:Overview, 5th Joint Meeting of Acoustical Society of America and Acoustical Society of Japan, 2016.12.
6. Nobuyuki Hirose, Yuzuru Okuda, Shuji Mori, Across-frequency impairment in seeing a temporal gap, European Association for Vision and Eye Research (EVER) 20th Annual Meeting, 2017.09.
Membership in Academic Society
  • Japanese Psychological Association
  • Acoustical Society of Japan
  • Psychonomic Society
Educational Activities
Graduate courses: Psychophysics1, Psychophysics2, Informatics 1/2/3, Informatics study, Informatics Advanced Study I and II, Cognition and Behavior Advanced Study at School of Electrical Engineering and Information Science
Undergraduate courses: Introduction to Engineering 1, Introduction to Engineering 2, Data Analysis and Experimental Design1 (in English), Data Analysis and Experimental Design2 (in English), Electrical and Information Engineering Graduate Thesis
Other Educational Activities
  • 2007.01, Member of Ph.D. University Defense Committee of Graduate School of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan Unviersity.
  • 2007.07, JSPS Summer Program Host (Visited student: Sheena Luu, University of Toronto).
Professional and Outreach Activities
2006 Tokyo Metropolitan University 'Open University` lecture.