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Sasaoka Takashi Last modified date:2024.06.03

Associate Professor / Mining System Engineering
Department of Earth Resources Engineering
Faculty of Engineering

Graduate School
Undergraduate School

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 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Laboratory of Rock Engineering and Mining Machinery .
Academic Degree
Doctor of Engineering, Kyushu University
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Field of Specialization
Rock Mechanics, Blasting, GeoMechanics, Mining Systems for Solid Resources, Mine Design
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Outline Activities
My recent research topics are as follows;
*Ground control issues in mining
*Control blasting
*Pipe-jacking system
*Utilization of flyash
*Grouting system (seepage behavior of grouting material in rock mass & soil, rock/soil improvement)

Mining System Engineering Experiment II
Earth Resources Engineering Practice
Earth Resources Engineering Internship
*Adviser to Graduation (Undergraduate) and Master's Research and Thesis

-Social Activities-
*Member of Special Programs to Promote Mininig Engineers (MEXT and JCOAL Projects)
Research Interests
  • CO2 Undergrond Storage in mined our area
    keyword : CO2, Underground Storage, Enviromental Friendly, Mined-out area, Microbubble
  • Study on Underground Coal Gasification
    keyword : Coal,Underground Gasification, Enviromental-Friendly, Utilization of low rank coal
  • Study on estimation of slaking behavior of argillaceous rock
    keyword : Slake durability, Testing method
  • Research on the Ground Control Problems in Mining
    keyword : Mine, Ground Control, Support System, Slope Stability, Stability of Openings
    2006.07~2025.03Title: Study on Ground Control in Mining Abstract: Underground and open-pit mining involve a number of complex issues for the mining industry ranging from ensuring the safety of miners and the public to maximizing the recovery of ore reserves. Particular challenges are presented by mining under conditions of highly stressed or weak rock masses, mining at greater depth, and mining under permafrost and frontier conditions..
  • Study on control blasting -Environment Friendly-
    keyword : Blasting, Control of Particle Size, Control of Blast Vibration, Noise, Environment
    2006.07~2025.03Title: Study on control blasting Abstract: Blasting technique has been widely used in mining and civil engineering fields as one of the efficient methods. In the mining industry, especially surface mine, blasting is the primary mechanism for ore/rock breakage and represents a significant portion of the total mining costs. The size of fragmentation also has a big impact on the performance and productivity of loading, hauling, crushing and grinding procedures. Hence, it can be said that the controlling/optimizing fragmentation size, in other words, the optimizing blasting design at each site, is the important key for improving the productivity and reducing the total costs in the mining operation. On the other hand, from the safety and/or environment points of view, blasting design also has to be reconsidered in order to reduce vibration to the acceptable levels surrounding area. From these points of view, the guideline for optimizing blasting design based on the geological conditions has to be developed. But, in order to develop this guideline, it has be to evaluate the effects of geological conditions (structural properties and mechanical properties) and the each items of blasting standard on the fragmentation size and blast vibration in quantity. Hence, field experiments were conducted in order to collect data under different mine/geological conditions/blasting designs..
  • Study on the abrasive behavior of cutter bit
    keyword : Abrasiveness, cutter bit
  • Study on control of acid mine drainage at opuncut coal mine
    keyword : Acid Mine Drainage, Surface Mine
    2007.04~2025.03Study on control of acid mine drainage at opuncut coal mine.
  • Study on the utilization of flyash
    keyword : Flyash, Utilization
    2006.07~2025.03Title : Study on the utilization of flyash Abstract : A large amount of flyash from the coal combustion is produced. About 55% of flyash in Japan is now utilized and the remains are dumped at disposal sites; however, the life of these sites is limited. Therefore, in this study, an effort was made to apply flyash for civil engineering field as flyash cement and/or for environmental issues (e.g. a barrier materials for unclear waste disposal)..
  • Study on fluid behavior of grouting materials into rock/soil
    keyword : Grouting Material, Rock Mass, Soil, Seepage Behavior
    2006.07~2025.03Title : Study on fluid behavior of grouting materials into rock/soil Abstract : The injection process into the rock voids is classified into three large processes. There are a transportation process of cement particles, a clogging process in the rock voids and a hardening process. In the analysis, the clogging process and the transportation process were analyzed. As to the analysis of the clogging process, the material transport equation considering the filtration theory was introduced and used. As to the analysis of the transportation process, the equation of the plug flow that was related to Bingham fluid instead of Darcy’s law was expanded and used. From the results of these analyses, the existence of grout concentration corresponding to the purpose was suggested..
  • Study on effect of chemical grout injection on stability of soil and environment
    keyword : Chemical Grouting, Improvement of Soil Characteristics, Unsolid Grouting Material
    2006.07~2025.03Title : Study on effect of chemical grout injection on stability of soil and environment Abstract : In order to maintain a permanent stability of the surrounding soil, chemical grouting material is injected. However, the behavior of the chemical grouting material in the surrounding soil around the tunnel has not yet been clearly understood. Hence, in an effort to identify the performance of the chemical grouting material in the surrounding soil, it can be applied to the seepage and dispersion behavior of the chemical grouting material by using the Eulerian-Lagrangian analysis..
  • Study on application of rock cutting machine for construction of undetground pipeline by pipe jacking
    keyword : pipeline, rock cutting
  • Development of New Eco-Friendly Mining System
    keyword : Mining System, Eco-friednly
Current and Past Project
  • Study on the abrasive behavior of cutting bit
  • Investigation and propose an effective and economical underground coal mining system for very thick seam, especially two 25m thick seams at 500m deep at Mae Moh Mine in Thailand. Afterwards, the proposed system will be applied to India and China
  • Intelligent models in the Control of Mining Technologies
  • Study on the utilization of flyash considering global environment
Academic Activities
1. Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Application of Flash Setting Material for Temporary Earthquake Disaster Restoration of Gas Pipelines Using
Fly Ash Cement Mixture
, Journal of Novel Carbon Resouce Sciences, Vol.1, pp.1-5, 2010.03.
1. Ian Tsuma KROP, Yoshiaki TAKAHASHI, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Joan Atieno ONYANGO , Assessment of Selected Machine Learning Models for Intelligent Classification of Flyrock Hazard in an Open Pit Mine , IEEE Access, https://doi.10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3352733 , 24p, 2024.01.
2. Yuka OTA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Yoshiaki TAKAHASHI , Preliminary Study on Application of Fractal Dimension to Evaluation of Fracture Condition in Rock Mass for Bench Blasting , Proc. of the 11th International Conference on Explosives and Blasting Techniques, 66-74, 2023.12.
3. Bosong YU, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Fumihiko MATSUMOTO, Tomo MORITA , Investigating Box-jacking Forces in Soft Soils of Tokyo, Japan: A Comparative Study , Proc. of NO-DIG 2023 39th International Conference and Exhibition, CD-ROM, 2023.10.
4. Bosong YU, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Fumihiko MATSUMOTO, Tomo MORITA, A Jacking Force Study Based on Interpretation of Box Jacking Record: A Case Study of Curved Rectangular Box Jacking in Soft Soil in Saitama, Japan, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology,, 139, 25p, 2023.05.
5. Joan Atieno OYANGO, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, A Methodology for Slope Stability Analysis in Karst-prone Rock Mass Using Random Number Generator and Finite Element Analysis, Proc. of International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2022, 273-278, 2022.12.
6. Yuka OOTA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Fundamental Study on Applicability of Fractal Dimension for Evaluation of Fracture Conditions in Rock Mass at an Open Pit Mine, Proceedings of 12th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, 176-189, 2022.12.
7. Yukiko SHIRAISHI, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Fumihiko MATSUMOTO, Tomo MORITA, Effect on Deformation of Surrounding Ground in New Pipe Jacking Method with Different Excavation Shape, Proc. of NO-DIG 2022 38th International Conference and Exhibition, Download Data, 2022.10.
8. Joan Atieno ONYANGO, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Dyson MOSES, Stability Assessment of the Slopes of an Oceanside Coral Limestone Quarry under Drawdown Condition of Semidiurnal Ocean Tides, Mining,, 2, 3, 589-615, 2022.09.
9. Akihiro HAMANAKA, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Shinji MATSUMOTO , Amelioration of Acidic Soil Using Fly Ash for Mine Revegetation in Post-mining Land , International Journal of Coal Science and Technology , , 9, 2022.05.
10. Phanthoudeth PONGPANYA, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Prediction of Multi-seam Mining-induced Surface Subsidence in Underground Coal Mine in Indonesia, ASEAN Engineering Journal,, 12, 2, 169-183, 2022.05.
11. Joan Atieno OYANGO, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Dyson MOSES, Tumelo K.M. DINTWE , Estimation of Rock Mass Properties Based on a Modified Geological Modified Index (GSI) and State of Kartsification , Proc. of International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2021, 10-15, 2021.11.
12. Hiroto HASHIKAWA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Masatomo ICHINOSE , Evaluation of Pillar Stability in Underground Coal Mine under Weak Geological Condition in Indonesia , Proc. of International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2021, 83-86, 2021.11.
13. Tumelo K.M. DINTWE, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Dyson MOSES, Ma PENG, Fanfei MENG, Seifei LIU, Ronald SSEBADDUKA, Joan Atieno OYANGO, Numerical Simulation of Crown Pillar Behaviour in Transition from Open Pit to Underground Mining , Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, , 2021.11.
14. Takashi SASAOKA, Hiroto HASHIKAWA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Keisuke TAKAHASHI, Study on Deformation Behavior of Sediments and Applicability of Sealants in Seabed Mining, Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems , 6, 4, 170-175, 2021.07.
15. Fanfei Meng, Hai Pu, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Sifei Liu, Tumelo K.M Dintwe, Ziheng Sha, Time effect and prediction of broken rock bulking coefficient on the base of particle discrete element method, International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, 2021.05.
16. Ulaankhuu BATSAIKHAN, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA , Effect of the Seam Dip Angle in Inclined Extra-thick Coal Seam Mine , Proc. of International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2021, 4-9, 2020.11.
17. Takashi Sasaoka, Pisith Mao, Hideki Shimada, Akihiro Hamanaka, Jiro Oya, Numerical Analysis of Longwall Gate-Entry Stability under Weak Geological Condition: A Case Study of an Indonesian Coal Mine, Energies,, 13, 1-15, 2020.09.
18. Akihiro HAMANAKA, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Shinji MATSUMOTO , Evolution of Plant Growth with Mixture of Fly Ash to Acidic Soil for Rehabilitation of Disturbed Land in Open-cut Mines , Proc. of 3rd International Symposiumon Land Reclamation and Ecological Restoration, CD-ROM, 2020.09.
19. Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Takahiro FUNATSU, Hideki SHIMADA, Keisuke TAKAHASHI , Study on Addition of Surfactants Agents to Improve the Behavior of High Water Content Sediment for Rare Earth Mining in Deep Sea, Inzynieria Mineralna, Vol.45, No.1, 183-188, 2020.07.
20. Takashi SASAOKA, Yoshiaki TAKAHASHI, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Sugeng WAHYUDI, Hideki SHIMADA , Effect of Delay Time and Firing Patterns on the Size of Fragmented Rocks by Bench Blasting , Proc. of the 28th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection - MPES 2019, 449-456, 2019.12.
21. Yoshiaki TAKAHASHI, Takashi SASAOKA, Sugeng WAHYUDI, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Hideki SHIMADA , Control the Size and Uniformity of Rock Fragmentation by Optimizing Firing Pattern in Open Pit Mine , Geoscience Research, , 4, 2, 19-24, 2019.08.
22. Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Takahiro FUNATSU, Hideki SHIMADA, Keisuke TAKAHASHI , Study on Addition of Surfactants Agents to Improve the Behavior of High Water Content Sediment for Rare Earth Mining in Deep Sea , Proc. of 23rd International Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing and Workshop Waste - Secondary Raw Materials, 241-246, 2019.06.
23. Cho Thae OO, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takahiro FUNATSU, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Sugeng WAHYUDI, Tun NAING, Naung NAUNG , Design of Underground Mining System at Shallow Area in Bawsaing Mine, Myanmar , Proc. of International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2018, 287-291, 2018.11.
24. Takashi SASAOKA, Kizuku URATA, Hideki SHIMADA, Tomoki HOSHINO, Toshihiro HATTORI, Tetsuo HATORI , Experimental Study on Quantitative Evaluation and Prediction Method of Cutter Bit Wear for Shield Machine in Gravel Ground , Proc. of 10th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, CD-ROM, 2018.10.
25. Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Koichiro Watanabe, Takeshi Tsuji, Ryo Imai, Hajime Miki, Yasuhiro Fujimitsu, Yuichi Suigai, Kotaro Yonezu, Naoki Hiroyoshi, Cooperative program for resources engineering between Kyushu University and Hokkaido University , International Journal of Georesources and Environment, 10.15273/ijge.2018.03.028, 4, 3, 174-179, 2018.07.
26. Yoshiaki Takahashi, Takashi Sasaoka, Wahyudi Sugeng, Akihiro Hamanaka, Hideki Shimada, Tei Saburi, Shiro Kubota, Study on Prediction of Ground Vibration in Consideration of Damping Effect by Fragment in the Rock Mass, Journal of Geoscience and Enviromental Protection, 10.4236/gep.2018.66001, 6, 6, 1-11, 2018.06.
27. Takashi Sasaoka, Kizuku Urata, Hideki Shimada, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Yoshihiro Tanaka, Tomonori Hoshino, Koji Noguchi , Fundamental Study on Quantitative Evaluation and Prediction Method of Cutter Bit Wear for Shield Machine in Gravel Ground , Proc. of 26th International Symposium on Mine Planning & Equipment Selection, 145-151, 2017.08.
28. Phanthoudeth Pongpanya, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Akihiro HAMANAKA, SUGENG WAHYUDI , Numerical Study on Effect of Longwall Mining on Stability of Main Roadway under Weak Ground Condition , Journal of Geological Resources and Engineering, doi:10.17265/2328-2193/2017.03.001 , 3, 93-104, 2017.07.
29. Phanthoudeth Pongpanya, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Ulaankhuu Badsaikhan, Jiro Oya, Sendy Dwiki, Tri Karian, Numerical Study on Roadway Stability under Weak Geological Condition of PT Gerbang Daya Mandiri Underground Coal Mine in Indonesia, Journal of Geological Science, 10.5176/2335-6774 3.1.26, 3, 1, 15-23, 2017.02.
30. Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Naung Naung, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Application of Pipe Jacking Technology to Development of Underground Mine Roadway under Weak Geological Condition , Proc. of International Conference on Earth Sciences and Sustainable Geo-resources Development, Hanoi VIETNAM, 2016.11.
31. Takashi Sasaoka, Yoshiaki Takahashi, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Hideki Shimada, Tei Saburi, Shiro Kubota, Prediction of Blast-induced Ground Vibration Considering Rock Mass Fracture Condition , Proc. of 6th International Conference on Computer Application in the Mineral Industries, CD-ROM, 2016.10.
32. Takashi Sasaoka, Yoshiaki Takahashi, Kotaro Yamaguchi, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Hideki Shimada, Tei Saburi, Shiro Kubota, Study on Mechanism and Occurrence Conditions of Fly Rock at Bench Blasting, Proc. of 9th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, CD-ROM, 2016.10.
33. Takashi Sasaoka, PHANTHOUDETH Pongpanya, ULAANKHUU Batsaikhan, Hideki Shimada, TAKAMOTO Hiroshi, OYA Jiro, Study on support design for main roadway in new underground coal mine developed from open-cut highwall in Indonesia, Proceedings of 35th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining (China, 2016), 15-23, 2016.09, Indonesia is the second largest coal exporter to Japan, accounting for about 30 Mt annually. They produce over 400 Mt in 2015, over 99% of which is from open-cut mines. However, the conditions of surface mining are becoming worse year by year: the stripping ratio is increasing, approaching to the economic ratio and the infra-structure for coal transportation from inland mining areas is not prepared enough. To meet the demand for coal in Indonesia and the rest of the world, underground mines have to be developed. Under these conditions, our research program is being conducted to study the potential for underground coal mine in Indonesia through the roadway heading research program in which an underground coal mine is attempted to be developed from open pit highwall. The greatest challenge for underground coal mine development in Indonesia is safety of mine roadway in soft rock during heading, because the rock is weaker than other countries. There is a problem of possibility of heading below mobile unconsolidated soft sediment then heading move to deep area. It makes the problem of stability of support system occur due to the increase of ground pressure. The ground behavior of around roadway was measured by using Telltale, Extensometer and conver-gence measures. Moreover, the rock property tests were also conducted by using exploration drilling cores. Based on the geologi-cal data and monitoring data, a series of numerical analyses were conducted in order to discuss the appropriate support design of main roadway to 200m depth..
34. Takashi Sasaoka, Tri Karian, Akihiro Hamanaka, Hideki Shimada, Matsui Kikuo, Masatomo Ichinose, Effect of Mine Water on the Stability of Underground Coal Mine Roadways, Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 10.1007/s10706-016-9977-x, 34, 2, 671-678, 2016.04.
35. Takashi Sasaoka, Tri Karian, Akihiro Hamanaka, Hideki Shimada, Matsui Kikuo, Application of highwall mining system in weak geological condition, International Journal of Coal Science & Technology, 10.1007/s40789-016-0121-6, 2016.04.
36. Tri Karian, Takashi Sasaoka, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Hideki Shimada, Budi Sulistianto, Crown Pillar Characteristics in Cut and Fill Underground Mine , Proc. of International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2015 , 223-228, 2015.12.
37. Yoshiaki Takahashi, Takashi Sasaoka, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Hideki Shimada, Keisuke Takeuchi, Hiroaki Tanaka, Fundamental Study on Behavior of Flyrock in Open-pit Metal Mine , Proc. of International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2015 , 242-247, 2015.12.
38. Takashi Sasaoka, Yoshiaki Takahashi, Hirokuni Inoue, Hideki Shimada, Hiroaki Tanaka, Keisuke Takeuchi, Field Experiments on Flight Behavior of Fragmented Rocks and Control Measure of Fly Rock, Proc. of the 23rd International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, 229-239, 2015.11.
39. Takashi Sasaoka, Akihiro Hamanaka, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Shuichi Fujita, Yasuhiro Yoshida, Hideki Shimada, Construction of Seabed Structures by New Development Covering Material Using Fly Ash , Journal of Development and Applications of Oceanic Engineering , 10.14355/daoe.2015.04.001 , 4, 1-9, 2015.06.
40. Takashi Sasaoka, Akihiro Hamanaka, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Hideki Shimada, Vladimir Kebo, Numerical Study on Effect of Rock Mass Stability on Deep Deposit Slicing at Uranium Mine in Czech Republic , Electrical Journal of Geotechnical Engineering , 20, 12, 4379-4386, 2015.06.
41. Takashi Sasaoka, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Hideki Shimada, Utilization of Coal Ash as a Barrier Material for Radioactive Waste Disposal , Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection , 10.4236/gep.2015.34005 , 3, 3, 31-43, 2015.06.
42. Takashi Sasaoka, Akihiro Hamanaka, Shizuo Ikuta, Hideki Shimada, Matsui Kikuo, Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Issues for Development of Underground Coal Mine from Open Pit Highwall in Seashore Region, Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Mineral Resources and Mine Development, 473-486, 2015.05.
43. Takashi Sasaoka, Akihiro Hamanaka, Shizuo Ikuta, Hideki Shimada, Matsui Kikuo, Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Issues for Development of Underground Coal Mine from Open Pit Highwall in Seashore Region, Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Mineral Resources and Mine Development, 473-486, 2015.05.
44. Takashi Sasaoka, Yoshiaki Takahashi, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Akihiro Hamanaka, Hideki Shimada, Matsui Kikuo, Shiro Kubota, Effects of Rock Mass Conditions and Blasting Standard on Fragmentation Size at Limestone Quarries, Open Journal of Geology, 10.4236/ojg.2015.55030, 5, 5, 331-339, 2015.05, The size distribution of fragmented rocks depends on not only the blasting standard but also the mechanical properties, joint system and crack density of rock mass. As, especially, the cracks in the rock mass are heavily developed at the limestone quarries in Japan, the joints and/or cracks in the rock mass have big impacts on the blasting effects such as the size of fragmented rocks. Therefore, if the joint system and/or crack density in the rock mass can be known and evaluated in quantity, the blasting operation can be done more effectively, efficiency and safety. However, the guideline for designing the appropriate blasting standard based on the rock mass condition such as mechanical properties, joint system and/or distribution of cracks, discontinuities, from the scientific point of view, has not been developed yet. Therefore, a series of blasting tests had been conducted in different mines and faces, geological conditions and blasting standards in order to know the impacts of each factor on the blasting effects. This paper summarizes the results of blasting tests and describes the impacts of rock mass conditions and blasting standard on the size of fragmented rocks..
45. Takashi Sasaoka, Hiroshi Takamoto, Hideki Shimada, Jiro Oya, Akihiro Hamanaka, Matsui Kikuo, Surface subsidence due to underground mining operation under weak geological condition in Indonesia, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineerig, 10.1016/J.jrmge.2015.01.007, 2015.04.
46. Takashi Sasaoka, Tri Karian, Akihiro Hamanaka, Hideki Shimada, Matsui Kikuo, Study on Improvement of Dumping Site Stability in Weak Geological Condition by Using Compacted Layer, Open Journal of Geology, 5, 3, 144-155, 2015.03.
47. Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Akihiro Hamanaka, Budi Sulistianto, Masatomo Ichinose, Matsui Kikuo, Geotechnical Issues on Application of Highwall Mining System in Indonesia , Proc. of VIETROCK 2015 International Symposium , 435-444, 2015.03.
48. Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Nay Zar Lin, Hiroshi Takamoto, Matsui Kikuo, Suseno Kramadibrata, Budi Sulistianto, Geotechnical issues in the application of rock bolting technology for the development of underground coal mines in Indonesia, International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, 10.1080/17480930.2013.804258, 28, 3, 150-172, 2014.06, The application of a rock bolting system for Indonesian underground coal mines has been attempted for a long time, but they has not been successful yet. Recently, two new underground mining trials have been conducted in East Kalimantan, Indonesia in order to investigate the possibility of the technical challenges of underground coal mines under weak geological conditions, especially the application and management of a rock bolting system. Unfortunately, one of them failed and was given up due to a fatal roof fall accident. However, in another trial, even though roof falls have occurred within the working area, the bolted roadways showed reasonable stability over time. Moreover, a comprehensive monitoring system has been installed in order to monitor the ground behaviour and its characteristics. This application of a comprehensive monitoring system has enhanced the ability to increase the level of support and to react to changing/deteriorating conditions.
This paper describes the conditions and geotechnical issues for underground mines in Indonesia and discusses the applicability of the rock bolting system under a weak strata condition in Indonesia and its technical tasks by means of site investigations and numerical analysis from the results of two underground mine trials.
49. Takashi Sasaoka, Akihiro Hamanaka, Hideki Shimada, Matsui Kikuo, Nay Zar Lin, Budi Slistianto, Punch Multi-slice Mining System for Thick Coal Seam Under Weak Geological Conditions, Proc. of Aachen International Mining Symposium -Sixth International Symposium on High Performance Mining-, pp.273-286, 2014.06, Most of coal is produced from open-cut mines in Southeast Asian countries. However, the conditions of their surface mines are worsening each year: the stripping ratio is increasing, approaching economic ratio and the regulation of environmental protection. To meet the demand for coal, underground mines have to be developed in the near future. Under these circumstances, the development of new coal mines from open-cut highwalls are being planned in Southeast Asian countries. Moreover, some of the Southeast Asian mines have thick coal seams. However, if the conventional mining systems and designs introduced in US, Australia and European countries are applied, several geotechnical issues can be expected due to the mines’ weak geological conditions. From these backgrounds, this paper proposed a punch multi-slice mining system with stowing for thick coal seam under weak geoligical conditions and discussed its applicability and suitable design by means of numerical analysis..
50. The Current Situation and Consideration to Prevent Acid Mine Drainage at Dumping Site in Indonesian Coal Mine

Journal of MMIJ, Vol.130, No.1, pp.9-15, January 2014

Akihiro HAMANAKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Masatomo ICHINOSE

51. Taisuke Yamaguchi, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Akihiro Hamanaka, Matsui Kikuo, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Hiroaki Tanaka, Shiro Kubota, Study on the Propagation of Blast-induced Ground Vibration and Its Control Measure in Open Pit Mine, Proc. of the 22nd Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, CD-ROM, 2013.10, In modern mining industry, the blasting technique is one of the most adopted techniques for rock excavation and fragmentation due to its economical and efficient aspects. However, compared with other methods, the use of explosives in blasting is limited by law as it may have a severe impact on the surrounding environment such as vibration, noise and dust. Especially, a ground vibration induced by blasting has to be paid much attention in the mining operation as it may give an obvious impact on the surrounding facilities and buildings and in many established safe level blasting criteria, the ground vibration level is characterized by using three parameters; duration, amplitude (peak particle velocity :PPV) and frequency. Current studies on the blast-induced ground vibration focus on two parameters amplitude and frequency that suggested by USBM when the concerned subject is structure, i.e.. Hence, the control of PPV and dominant frequency are very important in order to design an appropriate blasting standard and minimize its environmental impacts.

This paper discusses the propagation behavior of blast-induced ground vibration in the open pit mine and study by means of field experiments and numerical simulation. In addition, the methods for reduction of blast-induced ground vibration are also discussed by means of numerical simulation in this study.

52. Study of Propagation Property by Blasting at Open Pit Mine

Taisuke YAMAGUCHI, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI, Sugeng WAHYUDI, Masatomo ICHINOSE, Masashi INOUE, Shiro KUBOTA

Proc. of the 34th West Japan Symposium on Rock Engineering, pp.23-26.
53. Takashi Sasaoka, Yanlong Chen, Hideki Shimada, Akihiro Hamanaka, Matsui Kikuo, Appropriate Mining System for Residual Coal around End-slopes in Chinese Surface Coal Mines, Proc. of 32nd International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, 2013.07, Due to large mining depths, sometimes the stripping ratio becomes so large that some coal around the end-wall cannot be mined considering the economic factors at large-scale open pit coal mines in China. Also, to meet requirements of haul roads in the end-wall transporting system, wide transportation benches have to be left, which makes the slope angle of the end-wall slope smaller. Consequently, a large quantity of coal has to be left under the final end-wall slope. For these remaining coal resources, they will be buried again by the inpit dumping site and are impossible to be extracted once more in future. Therefore, how to recover the remaining coal around the end-wall slope with a safe and efficient extraction system before they are buried by the inpit dump is very urgent and valuable research for open pit coal mines in China. .
54. Nay Zar Lin, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Matsui Kikuo, An Alternative Approach of Slice Mining in Conjunction with Stowing Method for Soft Extra-thick Coal Semas, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Advances in Engineering, 2013.07, The paper discusses alternative approach of multi-slice longwall mining in conjunction with stowing

method for 20-30 m thick soft coal seams at the Mae Moh coal field in Thailand. The applicability of

the longwall method for those coal seams was investigated by means of numerical method. Numerical

modelling was carried out using a three dimensional finite difference code “Flac3D.” The ground

behaviour, failure characteristics of strata, performance of stowing, and surface subsidence caused by

underground mining were evaluated and discussed in this paper based on the results obtained from

numerical analyses..
55. Takashi Sasaoka, Akihiro Hamanaka, Hideki Shimada, Matsui Kikuo, Hiroshi Takamoto, Pinyo Meechumna, Pipat Laowattanabandit, Study on Application of Highwall Mining System under Weak Geological Condition in Thailand, Journal of Physical Science and Application, 3, 6, 359-365, 2013.06, The EGAT Mae Moh coal mine is an open-cut coal mine in Thailand that produces about 16 million tons of lignite annually to generate 2,400 MW of electricity. The surface mine pit covers is 4 km by 7 km with mining depths ranging up to 260 m. A large pit slope is formed with the progression of the mining operation. However, massive slides in the pit slope occur often due to the existence weak planes such as faults and bedding, and the weak mechanical properties of the rocks. Hence, 200 m to 300 m boundaries of rock block including coal seams are left in front of faults in order to prevent slides and maintain the stability of the pit slope. As a result, there are significant coal reserves beneath the abandoned area along the pit slope. The focus of this paper is on the applicability and design of the highwall mining for recovering much of the coal left along the pit slope..
56. Takashi Sasaoka, Akihiro Hamanaka, Hideki Shimada, Matsui Kikuo, Hiroshi Takamoto, Pinyo Meechumna, Pipat Lapwattanabandit, Study on Application of Highwall Mining System under Weak Geological Condition in Thailand, Journal of Physical Science and Application, 3, 6, 359-365, 2013.06, The EGAT Mae Moh coal mine is an open-cut coal mine in Thailand that produces about 16 million tons of lignite annually to generate 2,400 MW of electricity. The surface mine pit covers is 4 km by 7 km with mining depths ranging up to 260 m. A large pit slope is formed with the progression of the mining operation. However, massive slides in the pit slope occur often due to the existence weak planes such as faults and bedding, and the weak mechanical properties of the rocks. Hence, 200 m to 300 m boundaries of rock block including coal seams are left in front of faults in order to prevent slides and maintain the stability of the pit slope. As a result, there are significant coal reserves beneath the abandoned area along the pit slope. The focus of this paper is on the applicability and design of the highwall mining for recovering much of the coal left along the pit slope..
57. 笹岡 孝司, 島田 英樹, 竹内啓介, 濱中晃弘, 松井 紀久男, 佐々木誠, 林克彦, Development of Multi-layer Structure Bit and Its Suitable Design for Tunnel Drivage Machine, Proceeding of Aachen International Mining Symposia AIMS 2013, Fourth International Symposium Mineral Resources and Mine Development, 31-40, 2013.05, Tunnel drivage machines, such as the shied machine, are now widely applied for the construction of underground space. In recent years, the distance of their construction span has been increasing and the shield tunneling system can be applied for ground that contains cobble stones and gravel soil. Therefore, the application of a shield drivage machine has become wider due to their advanced technology. However, once the conventional cutter bit hits with cobble stone and/or a boulder stone, the cutter bit fails and the cutting efficiency decreases dramatically or is completely lost. Therefore, the improvement of the impact resistance of their cutter bit is one of the major research topics for a shield tunneling system.
This paper describes the multi-layer structure bits developed in our research and discusses the impact resistance and suitable design by means of laboratory tests and numerical simulation.
58. Yanlong Chen, 島田 英樹, 笹岡 孝司, Akihiro Hamanaka, 松井 紀久男, Research on Exploiting Residual Coal around Final End-walls by Highwall Mining System in China, International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, 27, 3, 2013.05, To improve the resources’ recovery ratio and the economic benefits of surface

coal mines, we present a residual coal extraction technology from final end-walls

with highwall mining system in China. Based on MarkBieniawski formula and

tributary area theory, the evaluation methodology of highwall mining parameters

under the thick cover was given. Furthermore, the pillar design chart in the

highwall mining system under the thick cover was also concluded. In order to

examine the rationality of the pillar design with the presented methodology,

numerical simulation was also carried out. The outcome shows that it will require

a larger pillar width with the thickening of the cover; hence, the recovery ratio will

decrease correspondingly. To improve coal recovery ratio, the backfilling

technology should be considered under the thick cover. According to twodimension

numerical simulation results, the calculated methodology for pillar

stability of highwall mining system under the thick cover presented in this article

is acceptable. It also found that keeping the pillar width-to-height ratio above 1 is

a key measure to maintain the pillar stable and integral under the thick cover.

Meanwhile, it can be concluded that the bigger safety factor is demanded for roof

of openings under much thicker cover and higher stress ratio. In other words, the

highwall mining system is feasible to extract the residual coal around end-walls in

Chinese surface coal mines. Thus, not only coal recovery ratio can be improved

but also can increase the production life of surface coal mines in China..
59. Takashi SASAOKA, Keisuke TAKEUCHI, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Makoto SASAKI, Katsuhiko HAYASHI, Development of New Long-life Bit for Tunnel Drivage Machine, Proc. of the 21st International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, CD-ROM, 2012.11, Tunnel drivage machine such as shield machine are now widely applied for the construction of underground space. In recent years, the distance of each span is getting longer and longer in order to decrease the construction cost and prevent the change of bits and/or the installation of intermediate shafts. Under these conditions, a new long life bit with high wear and impact resistances has been designed and developed by using cemented carbide tips and unique structures..
60. Nay Zar Lin, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Matsui Kikuo, Numerical Study on an Applicable Underground Mining Method for Soft Extra-thick Coal Seams in Thailand, Journal of Engineering, 4, 2012.11, The EGAT Mae Moh Mine is the largest open pit lignite mine in Thailand and it produces lignite about 16 million tons annually. In the near future, the pit limit of the mine will be reached and underground mine will then be developed through the open pit in the depth of 400 - 600 m from the surface. However, due to the challenges for underground mining such as poor geological conditions, extra thickness (20 - 30 m) of coal seams, and weak mechanical properties of coal seams and the surrounding rock, the success possibility of underground mining and an applicable underground mining method is being investigated at the present. The paper discusses the applicability of multi-slice bord-and-pillar method for the soft extra thick coal seams in the Mae Moh mine by means of numerical analyses using the 3D finite difference code “FLAC3D”..
61. Nay Zar LIN, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI, Numerical Analysis of Interaction Effects in Double Extra-thick Coal Seams Mining , Proc. of International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2012, Bandung INDONESIA , 421-426, 2012.09, The interaction effects in multi-seam mining depends on many factors such as local geological and geotechnical environment, mine layout, seam sequencing, and mining method employed. The paper discusses preliminary study on the interaction effects in underground mining of double extra-thick coal seams in Mae Moh coalfield in Thailand. The Mae Moh mine is currently operated as open pit mine by EGAT (Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand) and it is the largest open-pit lignite mine in Thailand. In the near future, the final pit limit of the mine will be reached and underground mining will be commenced from the final highwall in the depth of 400-600 m from the surface. However, due to the problems such as poor geological and geotechnical conditions, extra-thickness (20-30 m) of the coal seams and huge final pit slope, success probability for underground mine are being evaluated at the present. In the paper, it was discussed the ground response and possible interaction effects in the double extra-thick seams mining by means of numerical analyses using three dimensional finite difference code FLAC3D. .
62. Takashi SASAOKA, Shizuo IKUTA, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Hiroshi TAKAMOTO, Kikuo MATSUI , Application of Chain Conveyor Cutter (CCC) to Highwall Mining System, Proc. of 31st International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, Morgantown, WV, USA , CD-ROM, 2012.07, Chain Conveyor Cutter (CCC) is a chainsaw-type machine and originally developed for the construction of underground walls and/or ground improvements. CCC was developed from the accumulated technology of coal mining, combining the cutting technology of a shearer and the fuctions of chain conveyor. The CCC can cut harder soils and soft rocks, and vertically mixes the cut soils/rocks with cementing material selected through the discharging port installed at the bottom of the machine. In Indonesia, highwall mining trials have already been conducted in several coal mines. However, full-scale and regular operations have not been done yet due to the ground and machine control issues from their geological conditions. In order to overcome these problems, the application of CCC to highwall mining systems was proposed, and its applicability and technical issues to be solved were investigated in this research. This paper discribes the characteristics of CCC system and discusses the application of CCC to highwall mining systems. .
63. Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Akihiro Hamanaka, Hiroshi Takamoto, Kikuo Matsui, Suseno Kramadibrata , Overview of Ground Control Research for Underground Coal Mines in Indonesia, Proceedings of 6th International Conference and Exhibition on Mass Mining, CD-ROM, 2012.06, Indonesia is the second largest coal exporter to Japan, accounting for about 30 M tons annually. They produced about 250 M tons in 2010, over 99% of which being from open-cut mines. However, the conditions of surface mining are becoming worse each year: the stripping ratio is increasing, approaching the economic ratio and the infrastructure for coal transportation from inland mining areas is insufficient for such intense mining operations. To meet the demand for coal in Indonesia and the rest of the world, underground mines have to be developed. At present, there are only five small underground mines, three of which are old and the other two have only recently begun mining operations. However, severe ground control problems have been occurring regularly, roof falls in particular. Unfortunately, mining engineers and/or miners in this mine do not have a lot of experiences, expertise and know-how concerning the operations of underground coal mines.

Under these situations, since 2001, Japan has started a ‘five-year plan for coal technology transfer’ to fill Japan’s moral obligation as the largest coal importer in the world. The research team was organized and conducted on-site investigation in order to develop new underground coal mine in Indonesia.

This paper describes the geotechnical issues for development of underground coal mine in Indonesia.
64. Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Hiroshi Takamoto, Akihiro Hamanaka, Kikuo Matsui, Jiro Oya , Applicability of rock bolting system and ground control management under weak strata in Indonesia, Proceedings of 7th International Symposium Rockbolting and Rock Mechanics in Mining, 385-398, 2012.05, A new underground mining trial has been conducted in East Kalimantan, Indonesia in order to investigate the possibility of technical challenges of underground coal mine under weak geological condition, especially the application and management of rock bolting system. The application of rock bolting system for Indonesian underground coal mines had been attempted for a long time, but they had not been success yet. In this mining trial, even though roof falls have occurred within the working area, the bolted roadways showed a reasonable stability over time. Moreover, the comprehensive monitoring system has been installed in order to monitor the ground behaviour and its characteristics. This application of comprehensive monitoring system has enhanced the ability to increase the level of support and to react to changing/deteriorating conditions. In addition, monitoring data has allowed a quantitative assessment for future full scale mining.
This paper discusses the applicability of roof bolting system and its ground control management under weak strata condition in Indonesia by means of site investigations and numerical analysis.
65. Akihiro HAMANAKA, Nay Zar LIN, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI, Hiroshi TAKAMOTO, Eco Underground Coal Mining Systems for Ultra-Thick Coal Seam Utilisation of Flyash and CO2 Storage , Proc. of 2nd International Future Mining Conference 2011, Sydney AUSTRALIA , 2011.11.
66. Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Study on Blast Vibration and Size of Fragmentation at Limestone Quarry, Proc. of the 20th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, CD-ROM, 2011.10.
67. Application of chain conveyor cutter for reinforcement of shaft lining at clao mine in Eastern China.
68. Application of punch mining system in Indonesian coal mine.
69. Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Kikuo Matsui, Akihiro Hamanaka, Nay Zar Lin, Hiroshi Takamoto, Study on Eco-Friendly Underground Mining System for Ultra-Thick Coal Semas in Thailand, Proceeding of 30th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, 341-350, 2011.07.
70. Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Kikuo Matsui, Akihiro Hamanaka, Nay Zar Lin, Hiroshi Takamoto, Study on Eco-Friendly Underground Mining System for Ultra-Thick Coal Semas in Thailand, Proceeding of 30th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, 341-350, 2011.07.
71. Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Kikuo Matsui, Akihiro Hamanaka, Nay Zar Lin, Hiroshi Takamoto, Study on Eco-Friendly Underground Mining System for Ultra-Thick Coal Semas in Thailand, Proceeding of 30th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, 341-350, 2011.07.
72. Hiroshi TAKAMOTO, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI, Masatomo ICHINOSE , Effect of Mine Water on the Stability of Underground Coal Mine Roadways, Proc. of 5th International Conference on Sustainable Development in the Minerals Industry, Aachen GERMANY , 645-652, 2011.06.
73. Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Akiriho HAMANAKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Jan GOTTFRIED , Utilization of Flyash for Barrier Layer Materials in Radioactive Waste Disposal , Proc. of 14th Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing, Ostrava CZECH , Vol.2, 407-413, 2011.06.
74. Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Akihiro Hamanaka, Kikuo Matsui, Masatomo Ichinose, Study on Control of Rock Fragmentation at Limestone Quarry, Proceedings of 5th International Workshop and Conference on Earth Resources Technology, 58-61, 2011.05.
75. Sugeng WAHYUDI, Hideki SHIMADA, Ganda Mahirot SIMANGUNSONG, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Suseno KRAMADIBRATA, Budi SULISTIANTO , A Review Study of Predictive Model Blast Vibration Attenuation Equation by Using Neural Network as an Evaluator , International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, 25, 1, 69-85, 2011.03.
76. Nay Zar LIN, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI , Study on Applicable Underground Mining System for Extra Thick Coal Seams under Weak Geological Conditions in Thailand , Proc. of International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2010, Fukuoka JAPAN, 51-56, 2010.12.
77. Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI , Study on Utilization of Flyash for Barrier/Buffer Materials for Radioactive Waste Disposal , Proc. of 19th International Symposium on Mine Planning & Equipment Selection, Fremantle AUSTRALIA , CD-ROM, 2010.12.
78. Akihiro HAMANAKA, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI, Hiroshi TAKAMOTO, Pinyo MEECHUMNA, Pipat LAOWATTANABANDIT , Application of Multi Slicing Highwall Mining System with Stowing at Surface Coal Mine at Thailand , Proc. of 19th International Symposium on Mine Planning & Equipment Selection, Fremantle AUSTRALIA , CD-ROM, 2010.12.
79. Effect of Construction of Underground Structures by the Pipe Roof Method Using a Pipe Jacking System on Surrounding Soil
Hideki SHIMADA, Toru SATO, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI
Journal of Japan Sewage Works Association, Vol.47, No.574, pp.115-124 .
80. Akihiro Hamanaka, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Kikuo Matsui, Hiroshi Takamoto, Pinyo Meechumna, Pipat Laowattanabandit, Application of Highwall Mining System at Surface Coal Mine in Thailand, Proceedings of 29th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, pp.304-311, 2010.07.
81. Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Kikuo Matsui, Hiroshi Takamoto, Geothechnical Considerations in Highwall Mining Applications in Indonesia, Proceedings of 29th International Conerence on Ground Contol in Mining, pp.312-317, 2010.07.
82. Kikuo Matsui, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Hirofumi Furukawa, Hiroshi Takamoto, Masatomo Ichinose, Some Considerations in Underground Mining Systems for Extra Thick Coal Seams, Proc. of Third International Symposium on Mineral Resources and Mine Development, 355-368, 2010.05.
83. Akihiro Hamanaka, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Kikuo Matsui, Hiroshi Takamoto, Pinyo Meechumna, Pipat Laowattanabandit , Application of Highwall Mining System at Surface Coal Mine in Thailand, Proc. of The 4th International Workshop and Conference on Earth Resources Technology, CD-ROM, 2010.05.
84. 笹岡 孝司, 島田 英樹, 松井 紀久男, Suseno Kramadibrata, Budi Sulistianto, Ridho Kresna Wattimena, Development of a colliery from open cut highwall in Indonesia, Mining Reporter - International Journal for Mining, Equipment and Technology-, 16-22, 2009.11, About 200 Mill. t of coal were imported into Japan in 2006 and Indonesia was its second largest exporter, accounting for about 30 Mill. t (12 % of the total imported coal). They produced about 200 Mill. t of coal, about 75 % of which was exported in 2007. As the Indonesian government has decided on an energy policy wherein 33 % of the country’s primary energy will be met by coal by the year 2025, the domestic demand for coal has increased dramatically in recent years.
Over 99 % of coal produced in Indonesia comes from surface mines. However, surface mine conditions are worsening each year: the stripping ratio is increasing, approaching the economic ratio, and the infrastructure for coal from inland mining areas is insufficient for such intense mining operations. To meet the demand for coal in Indonesia and the rest of the world, underground mines have to be developed. However, mining engineers and/or miners do not have a lot of experiences, expertise and know-how concerning the plans and operations of collieries. Besides, they have a lot of problems and/or worse conditions such as steep coal seam, groundwater problem, stability of pit slope. Under these circumustances, the coal mine targeted in this research attempts to develop a new colliery from open-cut highwall. In order to discuss and make a suitable underground mine design such as mine layouts including panel layout and location of main entries, design and stability of pit wall, support and mining system etc., onsite investigation and numerical analysis are being conducted in this research project.
As an initial stage of this research project, this paper introduces the overview of this project and discusses the possible development of a new colliery from an open-cut highwall by means of field observation and numerical analysis.
85. Takashi Sasaoka, Hirofumi Furukawa, Yoshiaki Sakai, Kikuo Matsui, Hideki Shimada, Suseno Kramadibrata, Budi Sulistianto , Ground Control Problems at Ombilin Coal Mine, Indonesia, Proc. of 2009 Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Rock Engineering, Rock Mechanics for Energy and Environment, pp.281-288, 2009.10.
86. Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Kikuo Matsui, Suseno Kramadibrata, Budi Sulistianto, Ridho Watinena, Feasibility Study and Design of a New Underground Coal Mine Developed from Open Cut Highwall in Indonesia , Proc. of 28th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, pp.92-99, 2009.07.
87. Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Kikuo Matsui, Development of underground coal mine from open cut highwall in Indonesia, Proc. of AIMS 2009-High Performance Mining-, pp.495-510, 2009.06.
88. Candra NUGRAHA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Masatomo ICHINOSE, Kikuo MATSUI, Imanuel MANEGE , Geochemistry of Waste Rock at Dumping Area , International Journal of Mining, Reclamination and Environment , 23, 2, 132-143, 2009.06.
89. Candra NUGRAHA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Masatomo ICHINOSE, Kikuo MATSUI, Imanuel MANEGE , Waste Rock Characteristics at Tropical Coal Mine Area: A Case Study of PT. Kaltim Prima Coal, Indonesia , International Journal of the Japanese Committee for Rock Mechanics , 5, 2, 77-82, 2009.05.
90. Kikuo Matsui, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Utilisation of Underground Space in Final Pit Walls at Surface Mines, Proceedings of First International Future Mining Conference & Exhibition 2008, pp.35-38, 2008.11.
91. Characteristics and Tasks of Lubricant Injected into Over-cutting Area for Pipe Jacking
Hideki SHIMADA, Yasuhiro YOSHIDA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI
Journal of Japan Sewage Works Association, Vol.45, No.550, pp.141-153, August 2008 .
92. Restoration of Pipeline Position Using Grouting
Koichi ARAKI, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Takahisa TOMII
No-Dig Today, Vol.64, pp64-71, 2008 .
93. Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Masatomo Ichinose, Kikuo Matsui, Suseno Kramadibrata, and Budi Sulistianto, Footwall Stability and Final Pit Design in the P.T. Adaro Coal Mine, Indonesia, 27th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, pp.166-172, 2008.07.
94. Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Masatomo ICHINOSE, Kikuo MATSUI , Improvement of Roof Support System under Weak Roof Conditions by way of Numerical Analysis , Proc. of 6th International Symposium on Rockbolting in Mining & Injection Technology and Roadway Support Systems , pp.69-84 , 2008.05.
95. Kikuo MATSUI, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takeshi UEDA, Suseno KRAMADIBRATA, Budi SULISTIANTO , Highwall Mining Systems at Surface Coal Mines in Indonesia, Coal International, Vol.256, No.3, pp.28-31 , 2008.05.
96. Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Takashi KAWAI, Yasuhiro YOSHIDA, Koichi ARAKI , Constuction of an Infrastructure Pipeline Using a No-Digging Pipe-jacking System in Japan , Proc. of the International Workshop and Conference on Earth Science Technology, Bangkok THAILAND , CD-ROM, pp.120-125, 2008.04.
97. Development of Grouting Material for Rehabilitations of Pipeline Using Flyash-Surfactant Cement Mixture Material
Yasuhiro YOSHIDA, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Masatomo ICHINOSE, Shuichi FUJITA, Masakazu MINESHITA and Tatsuya MIZUNUMA
Journal of MMIJ, Vol.124, No.12, pp.794-800, December, 2008
98. Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Masatomo ICHINOSE, Kikuo MATSUI, Suseno KRAMADIBRATA, Budi SRISTIANTO, Ridho WATINENA, Improvement in Roof Support Systems at a New Underground Coal Mine Developed from Open-Cut Highwall in Indonesia, Proc. of the 26th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, Morgantown WV, USA , pp.122-128 , 2007.08.
99. Takashi SASAOKA, Kikuo MATSUI, Hideki SHIMADA, Hirofumi FURUWAKA, Masafumi UEHARA, Suseno KRAMADIBRATA and Budi SULISTIANTO, Roof Support System at a New Underground Mine Developed from Open-cut Highwall in Indonesia, High-Performance Mine Production, pp.107-120, 2007.05.
100. Takashi Sasaoka, Syd S. Peng, David X. Tang, and Gene Wilson, Estimation of Roof Strata Strength in Mine Roof GeologyInformation System(MRGIS), SME Annual Meeting, Preprint No.06-09, 2006.02.
101. Syd S. Peng, David X. Tang, Takashi Sasaoka, Yi Luo, and Gene Wilson, A Method for Quantitative Void/Fracture Detection and Estimation of Rock Strength for Underground Mine Roof, 24th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, pp.187-195, 2005.08.
102. Numerical Simulation on Seepage Behavior and Effect of Chemical Grount Injection in the Construction of Underground Pipelines Using Slurry Pipe-jacking
Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Shiro Kubota, and Kikuo Matsui
Journal of Japan Sewage Works Association, Vol.40-487, pp.117-126, 2003.
103. Properties of Mud Slurry and Mortar Injection in Using Pipe Jacking
Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Shiro Kubota, and Kikuo Matsui
Journal of the mining and materials processing institute of Japan, Vol.117-3, pp.195-201, 2001.
104. Estimation of Thrust in the Construction of Underground Pipeline Systems in a Curved Area Using Slurry Pipe-jacking -2nd Report-
Hideki Shimada, Masafumi Inoue, Takashi Sasaoka, Shiro Kubota, and Kikuo Matsui
Journal of the mining and materials processing institute of Japan, Vol.116-12, pp.979-987, 2000.
105. T.Sasaoka, H.Shimada, S.Kubota, K.Matsui, M.Koga, Fundamental Study for Simulation of Grouting in Soil/Fracture Rock Mass Using Eulerian-Lagradian Seepage Analysis, Proc. of '99 Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Rock Engineering, Fukuoka JAPAN, pp.483-488, 1999.08.
1. Takashi Sasaoka, Engineering Considerations for Pipe-jacking Technology, Pipe-jacking Technical Seminar in ITB, 2023.11.
2. Yuka OTA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Yoshiaki TAKAHASHI , Preliminary Study on Application of Fractal Dimension to Evaluation of Fracture Condition in Rock Mass for Bench Blasting , The 11th International Conference on Explosives and Blasting Techniques , 2023.12.
3. Bosong YU, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Fumihiko MATSUMOTO, Tomo MORITA , Investigating Box-jacking Forces in Soft Soils of Tokyo, Japan: A Comparative Study , NO-DIG 2023 39th International Conference and Exhibition , 2023.10.
4. Ian KROP, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Rawnaq EZATULLAH , Prediction of Peak Vector Sum as an Alternative to Peak Particle Velocity in a Lignite Mine: A Comparative Study of Selected Machine Learning Models Using Random Search, Bayesian Optimization & Genetic Algorithm , 第41回西日本岩盤工学シンポジウム , 2023.08.
5. Joan Atieno OYANGO, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA , Optimum Bench Design for a Karst Prone Weak Coral Limestone Quarry , 第41回西日本岩盤工学シンポジウム , 2023.08.
6. Yuka OOTA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Fundamental Study on Applicability of Fractal Dimension for Evaluation of Fracture Conditions in Rock Mass at an Open Pit Mine, 12th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, 2022.11.
7. Yukiko SHIRAISHI, Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Fumihiko MATSUMOTO, Tomo MORITA, Effect on Deformation of Surrounding Ground in New Pipe Jacking Method with Different Excavation Shape, NO-DIG 2022 38th International Conference and Exhibition, 2022.10.
8. Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Challenge of the Pipe Jacking into Conglomerate Soil and Its Countermeasures, 2022 International Trenchless Technology Workshop in Thailand, 2022.09.
9. Ulaankhuu BATSAIKHAN, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA , Effect of the Seam Dip Angle in Inclined Extra-thick Coal Seam Mine , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2021 , 2021.11.
10. Hiroto HASHIKAWA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Masatomo ICHINOSE , Evaluation of Pillar Stability in Underground Coal Mine under Weak Geological Condition in Indonesia , International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2021 , 2021.11.
11. Hideki SHIMADA, Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Application of the Conception of Underpinning for Ground Stability Control with Pipe Jacking Method, 24th International Trenchless Technology Conference, 2020.09.
12. Takashi SASAOKA, Yoshiaki TAKAHASHI, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Sugeng WAHYUDI, Hideki SHIMADA , Drilling, Blasting and Excavation Engineering Effect of Delay Time and Firing Patterns on the Size of Fragmented Rocks by Bench Blasting , The 28th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection - MPES 2019, 2019.12.
13. Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Akihiro Hamanaka, Shinji Matsumoto, Rudy Sayoga Gautama, Ginting Jalu Kusuma, Sendy Dwiki, Classification Method of Waste Rocks for Prevention of Acid Mine Drainage by Considering AMD Potential in a Short and a Long Term, National Seminar in Acid Mine Drainage and Mine Water Management in Indonesia, 2019.09.
14. Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Koichiro WATANABE, Akira IMAI, Takeshi TSUJI, Hajime MIKI , Cooperative Program for Resources Engineering between Kyushu University and Hokkaido University, Japan , 30th SOMP Annual Meeting and Conference , 2019.07.
15. Takashi SASAOKA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Takahiro FUNATSU, Hideki SHIMADA, Keisuke TAKAHASHI , Study on Addition of Surfactants Agents to Improve the Behavior of High Water Content Sediment for Rare Earth Mining in Deep Sea , 23rd International Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing and Workshop Waste - Secondary Raw Materials , 2019.06.
16. Takashi SASAOKA, Pisith MAO, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Jiro OYA , Study on Control Measures of Shield Support in Longwall Face under Weal Geological Condition in Indonesia , Aachen International Mining Symposia - Mines of the Future - , 2019.06.
17. Takashi SASAOKA, Kizuku URATA, Hideki SHIMADA, Tomoki HOSHINO, Toshihiro HATTORI, Tetsuo HATORI , Experimental Study on Quantitative Evaluation and Prediction Method of Cutter Bit Wear for Shield Machine in Gravel Ground , 10th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium , 2018.11.
18. Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Koichiro Watanabe, Takeshi Tsuji, Ryo Imai, Hajime Miki, Yasuhiro Fujimitsu, Yuichi Suigai, Kotaro Yonezu, Naoki Hiroyoshi, Cooperative program for resources engineering between Kyushu University and Hokkaido University-International Field Exercise 2017, 29th Annual Meeting and Conference for Society of Mining Professors , 2018.07.
19. Takashi SASAOKA, Hiroshi TAKAMOTO, Hideki SHIMADA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Sugeng WAHYUDI, Jiro OYA , Study on Appropriate Support System and Control Criteria for Main Roadway under Weak Geological Conditions in Indonesia, Mining In Asia International Symposium, 2018.07.
20. Takashi SASAOKA, Hiroshi TAKAMOTO, Phanthoudeth PONGPANYA, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Guidelines for an Apropriate Support System and Control Criteria for Main Roadway under Weak Geological Conditions in Indonesia, AIMS2018 First International Conference Mines of the Future, 2018.05.
21. Takashi Sasaoka, Kizuku Urata, Hideki Shimada, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Yoshihiro Tanaka, Tomonori Hoshino, Koji Noguchi , Fundamental Study on Quantitative Evaluation and Prediction Method of Cutter Bit Wear for Shield Machine in Gravel Ground , 26th International Symposium on Mine Planning & Equipment Selection , 2017.08.
22. Takashi Sasaoka, Naung Naung, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Hideki Shimada, Application of Pipe Jacking Technology to Development of Underground Mine Roadway under Weak Geological Condition
, International Conference on Earth Sciences and Sustainable Geo-resources Development , 2016.11.
23. Takashi Sasaoka, Yoshiaki Takahashi, Kotaro Yamaguchi, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Hideki Shimada, Tei Saburi, Shiro Kubota, Study on Mechanism and Occurrence Conditions of Fly Rock at Bench Blasting , 9th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, 2016.10.
24. Takashi Sasaoka, Yoshiaki Takahashi, Hideki Shimada, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Tei Saburi, Shiro Kubota, Prediction of Blast-induced Ground Vibration Considering Rock Mass Fracture Condition , 6th International Conference on Computer Application in the Mineral Industries , 2016.10.
25. Takashi Sasaoka, PHANTHOUDETH Pongpanya, ULAANKHUU Batsaikhan, Hideki Shimada, TAKAMOTO Hiroshi, OYA Jiro, Study on Support Design for Main Roadway in New Underground Coal Mine Developed from Open-cut Highwall in Indonesia, 35th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining (China, 2016), 2016.09, Indonesia is the second largest coal exporter to Japan, accounting for about 30 Mt annually. They produce over 400 Mt in 2015, over 99% of which is from open-cut mines. However, the conditions of surface mining are becoming worse year by year: the stripping ratio is increasing, approaching to the economic ratio and the infra-structure for coal transportation from inland mining areas is not prepared enough. To meet the demand for coal in Indonesia and the rest of the world, underground mines have to be developed. Under these conditions, our research program is being conducted to study the potential for underground coal mine in Indonesia through the roadway heading research program in which an underground coal mine is attempted to be developed from open pit highwall. The greatest challenge for underground coal mine development in Indonesia is safety of mine roadway in soft rock during heading, because the rock is weaker than other countries. There is a problem of possibility of heading below mobile unconsolidated soft sediment then heading move to deep area. It makes the problem of stability of support system occur due to the increase of ground pressure. The ground behavior of around roadway was measured by using Telltale, Extensometer and conver-gence measures. Moreover, the rock property tests were also conducted by using exploration drilling cores. Based on the geologi-cal data and monitoring data, a series of numerical analyses were conducted in order to discuss the appropriate support design of main roadway to 200m depth..
26. Takashi Sasaoka, Hiro Yamamoto, Hideki Shimada, Koji Noguchi, Quantitative Evaluation and Prediction Method of Cutter Bit Wear for Drivage Machine, AIMS2016 First International Conference Mining in Europe, 2016.05.
27. Yoshiaki Takahashi, Takashi Sasaoka, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Hideki Shimada, Keisuke TAkeuchi, Hiroaki Tanaka, Fundamental Study on Behavior of Flyrock in Open-pit Metal Mine, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2015, 2015.12.
28. Ulaankhuu Batsaikhan, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Analysis of Stability and Dimensioning of Openings/Pillars with Highwall Mining System in Panian Pit of Semirara Coal Mine, Philippines, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2015, 2015.12.
29. Tri Karian, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, SUGENG WAHYUDI, Crown Pillar Characteristics in Cut and Fill Underground Mine, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2015, 2015.12.
30. Takashi Sasaoka, Yoshiaki Takahasi, Hirokuni Inoue, Hideki Shimada, Hiroaki Tanaka, Keisuke Takeuchi, Field Experiments on Flight Behavior of Fragmented Rocks and Control Measure of Fly Rock , The 23rd International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, 2015.11.
31. Takashi Sasaoka, Akihiro Hamanaka, Shizuo Ikuta, Hideki Shimada, Matsui Kikuo, Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Issues for Development of Underground Coal Mine from Open Pit Highwall in Seashore Region, 5th International Symposium on Mineral Resources and Mine Development, 2015.05.
32. Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Akihiro Hamanaka, Budi Sulistianto, Masatomo Ichinose, Matsui Kikuo, Geotechnical Issues on Application of Highwall Mining System in Indonesia , VIETROCK 2015 International Symposium , 2015.03.
33. Hiroshi Takamoto, Takashi Sasaoka, Hideki Shimada, Jiro Oya, Akihiro Hamanaka, Matsui Kikuo, Study on Surface Subsidence due to Longwall Mining Operation under Weak Geological Condition in Indonesia , 33rd International Conference on Ground Control in Mining (China) , 2014.10.
34. Application of Punch Mining System for Surface Coal Mines in South-east Asian Countries.
35. Takashi Sasaoka, Akihiro Hamanaka, Hideki Shimada, Matsui Kikuo, Nay Zar Lin, Budi Sulistianto, Punch Multi-slice Mining System for Thick Coal Seam Under Weak Geological Conditions, Aachen International Mining Symposium -Sixth International Symposium on High Performance Mining-, 2014.06, Most of coal is produced from open-cut mines in Southeast Asian countries. However, the conditions of their surface mines are worsening each year: the stripping ratio is increasing, approaching economic ratio and the regulation of environmental protection. To meet the demand for coal, underground mines have to be developed in the near future. Under these circumstances, the development of new coal mines from open-cut highwalls are being planned in Southeast Asian countries. Moreover, some of the Southeast Asian mines have thick coal seams. However, if the conventional mining systems and designs introduced in US, Australia and European countries are applied, several geotechnical issues can be expected due to the mines’ weak geological conditions. From these backgrounds, this paper proposed a punch multi-slice mining system with stowing for thick coal seam under weak geoligical conditions and discussed its applicability and suitable design by means of numerical analysis..
36. Study on Blast Vibration and Prediction of Blasting Fragmentation under Different Rock Mass Conditions

73th Annual Meeting of Limestone Association of Japan

Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI, Shiro KUBOTA.
37. 笹岡 孝司, Yanlong Chen, 島田 英樹, Akihiro Hamanaka, 松井 紀久男, Appropriate Mining System for Residual Coal around End-slopes in Chinese Surface Coal Mines, 32nd International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, 2013.08, Due to large mining depths, sometimes the stripping ratio becomes so large that some coal around the end-wall cannot be mined considering the economic factors at large-scale open pit coal mines in China. Also, to meet requirements of haul roads in the end-wall transporting system, wide transportation benches have to be left, which makes the slope angle of the end-wall slope smaller. Consequently, a large quantity of coal has to be left under the final end-wall slope. For these remaining coal resources, they will be buried again by the inpit dumping site and are impossible to be extracted once more in future. Therefore, how to recover the remaining coal around the end-wall slope with a safe and efficient extraction system before they are buried by the inpit dump is very urgent and valuable research for open pit coal mines in China. .
38. 笹岡 孝司, 島田 英樹, 竹内啓介, 濱中晃弘, 松井 紀久男, 佐々木誠, 林克彦, Development of Multi-layer Structure Bit and Its Suitable Design for Tunnel Drivage Machine, Aachen International Mining Symposia (AIMS 2013) Fourth International Symposium Mineral Resources and Mine Development, 2013.05, Tunnel drivage machines, such as the shied machine, are now widely applied for the construction of underground space. In recent years, the distance of their construction span has been increasing and the shield tunneling system can be applied for ground that contains cobble stones and gravel soil. Therefore, the application of a shield drivage machine has become wider due to their advanced technology. However, once the conventional cutter bit hits with cobble stone and/or a boulder stone, the cutter bit fails and the cutting efficiency decreases dramatically or is completely lost. Therefore, the improvement of the impact resistance of their cutter bit is one of the major research topics for a shield tunneling system.
This paper describes the multi-layer structure bits developed in our research and discusses the impact resistance and suitable design by means of laboratory tests and numerical simulation.
39. Study on the Application of Bolt Support System for Underground Coal Mines in Indonesia
Hiroshi TAKAMOTO, Jiro OYA, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Masatomo ICHINOSE
Fall Annual Symposium on the Mining and Materials Processing
40. Study on Impact Resistance and Abrasibity of Cutter Bit for Shield Machine
The 33rd West Japan Symposium on Rock Engineering, August 2012
Keisuke TAKEUCHI, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI, Katsuhiko HAYASHI, Makoto SASAKI
41. Study on Underground Mininig System with Stowing for Ultra Thick Coal Seam in Mae Moh Coal Mine in Thailand.
42. Application of punch mining system in Indonesian coal mine.
43. Study on Abrasivity of Shield Type Cutter Bit
Spring Annual Meeting on the Mining and Materials Processing, Kyushu Blanch
Keisuke TAKEUCHI, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI, Katsuhiko HAYASHI, Makoto SASAKI
44. Study on Optimum Design of Underground Coal Mine at New Development Area in Indonesia
Spring Annual Meeting on the Mining and Materials Processing, Kyushu Blanch
Hikaru SHIMADA, Hiroshi TAKAMOTO, Akihiro HAMANAKA, Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI, Masatomo ICHINOSE
45. Geotechnical Issues on Development of Underground Coal Mine in Indonesia.
46. Some Issues on eco-friendly development of coal mine from the rock mechanics point of view.
47. Study on application of highwall mining system in Mae Moh Coal Mine, Thailand.
48. Study on Bolt Support Sysem at Satui Coal Mine in Indonesia
Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Masatomo ICHINOSE, Kikuo MATSUI
Fall Anual Symposium on the Mining and Metarials Processing .
49. Rehabilitation for Weak Floor at Berau Coal Mine, Indonesia
Spring Anual Symposium on the Mining and Metarials Processing
Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Masatomo ICHINOSE, Kikuo MATSUI, Jiro OYA, Candra NUGRAHA.
50. Characteristics of blast vibration and size distribution of fragmentation in limestone quarry
Spring Anual Symposium on the Mining and Metarials Processing
Takashi SASAOKA, Hideki SHIMADA, Kikuo MATSUI, Masatomo ICHINOSE, Shiro KUBOTA, Yuji OGATA .
Membership in Academic Society
  • Japan Explosive Society
  • Japanese Committee for International Society for Rock Mechanics
  • Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc.
  • The Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan
Educational Activities
Fundamental Physics IB
Utilization of Underground Space
Management and ethics in Mining
Mining System Engineering Experiment I, II
Earth Resources Engineering Practice
Earth Resources Engineering Internship
Earth Resources Engineering Internship Guidance

Rock Engineering (Advanced) II (for Japanese and International students)
Rock Engineering (Advanced), Experiments I, II (for Japanese students)
Rock Engineering (Advanced), Experiments I, II (for International students)

Adviser to Graduation (Undergraduate) , Master's and Doctor's Research and Thesis
Other Educational Activities
  • 2020.04.
  • 2020.01.
  • 2020.04.
  • 2019.04.
Professional and Outreach Activities
Study on Ground Control in Mining
Study on Conrol Blasting
Study on Pipe-jacking Construction System
Study on Utilization of Flyash

 Special Program to Promote Mininig Engineers.