Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Presentations
Takarada Tohru Last modified dateļ¼š2024.06.03

Lecturer / Division of General Dentistry / Comprehensive Dentistry / Kyushu University Hospital

1. The Influence of training system on Mwental Health Condition on Trainee Dentists.
2. Basic education of oral surgery for trainee dentist.
3. Relationship between stress coping ablity (SOC) and mental health condition of trainee dentists.
4. Research on Mental Health Status of Dental Residents Using GHQ 28 and MBI (2nd report).
5. Clinical Training of the Residents Concerning Dental Treatment of the Medically Compromised Patients .
6. Object Setting and Action Planning for the Clinical Training Course in Division of General Oral Care, Kyushu University Hospital .
7. Minor Surgery Training for Dental Residents in Kyushu University Hospital.
8. Infuruences of implant on existing teeth.
9. Prosthetic treatment on Division of General Oral Care, Kyushu University Hospital.
10. Outline of the Faculty Development for improving the educational system of Division of General Oral Care.
11. Review of Clinical Training at the Collaborating External Fascilities of Kyushu University Hospital.
12. Minor Surgery Training for Dental Residents.
13. Research on Mental Health Condition of Dental Resident using GHQ 28 and MBI.