九州大学 研究者情報
森 英男(もり ひでお) データ更新日:2024.04.24

准教授 /  工学研究院 機械工学部門 流体工学講座

1. Seongmin Kang, Myungjin Seo, Kyungjun Lee, Hideo Mori, Jae-Ho Jeong, TEG heat sink heat exchange performance evaluation and validation utilizing thermographic phosphor, 2024 the 14th IEEE International Conference on Power, Energy and Electrical Engineering (CPEEE 2024), 2024.02.
2. 森英男,西山遥,山下温大,黒木崇光, 寿命法を適用した複層PSP/TSPによる圧力場計測の温度補正効果に関する議論, 高速度イメージングとフォトニクスに関する総合シンポジウム2023, 2023.12, Dual-layer PSP/TSP (DL-PTSP) technique, based on overlay of pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) layer on temperature-sensitive paint (TSP) layer, is a method to compensate for the temperature sensitivity of PSP by composite measurement of pressure and temperature. Applying lifetime-based calibration to DL-PTSP enables simultaneous measurement of pressure and temperature by DL-PTSP with a single-camera equipment if the lifetime of PSP luminophore is very different from that of TSP luminophore. In this study, fundamental properties such as pressure and temperature sensitivity of DL-PTSP with the lifetime-based calibration method are examined, to clarify the feasibility of simultaneous imaging measurement of pressure and temperature with a single-camera equipment. In addition, the relation between the thickness of the intermediate layers and the properties of DL-PTSP, such as the sensitivity of pressure and temperature and the time response of temperature measurement, are also examined..
3. 弓場智己,渡邉聡,津田伸一,森英男,片山雄介, キャビテーション発生下における液中溶存酸素濃度分布の可視化の試み, 高速度イメージングとフォトニクスに関する総合シンポジウム2023, 2023.12, When liquid pressure locally falls below the saturated vapor pressure, vapor bubbles appear (called “Cavitation”), and it is known that the precipitation and redissolution of dissolved gas in the liquid can affect this phenomenon. Therefore, to get quantitative elucidation, it is important to understand the transport phenomenon of dissolved gas. However, measuring the distribution of dissolved gas concentration around the cavity is difficult. In this study, we focused on
pressure-sensitive paint measurement method, as a visualization method based on the principle that luminescence intensity depends on the concentration of oxygen in the paint film. It is generally adopted for pressure measurement of airflow field, but according to our previous experimental result, it is suggested that this measurement method can also be adopted for measurement of dissolved oxygen concentration in liquid flows. Then we tried to measure the distribution of dissolved oxygen concentration around the sheet cavity which appeared at a two-dimensional convergent-divergent channel by using the PSP method. As a result, we confirmed that distribution of DO in the liquid around a cavity can be captured by PSP method although further study is needed for the quantitative validation..
4. 兼廣茉弦,堤広志郎,宗像瑞恵,吉川浩行,森英男, FLIM法による圧力・温度の同時計測 -単一発光塗料と重ね塗り発光塗料での計測精度の比較-, 第51回可視化情報シンポジウム, 2023.08.
5. 辻航大,吉川将史,居倉竜也,森英男,古川雅人, DL-PTSPを用いたサージングに伴う逆流現象の非定常計測実現に向けた低温度感度PSPの開発, 第51回可視化情報シンポジウム, 2023.08.
6. 西山遥,黒木崇光,山下温大,森英男, 塗膜の薄膜化によるDL-PTSPの圧力・温度場同時計測手法の改良, 第51回可視化情報シンポジウム, 2023.08.
7. 吉川将史,辻航大,森英男,古川雅人, DL-PTSPを用いた遷音速遠心圧縮機のサージングに伴う逆流現象の非定常計測, 第50回可視化情報シンポジウム, 2022.08.
8. 黒木崇光,西山遥,森英男, 寿命法を適用したDL-PTSPによる圧力・温度場の同時計測の進展, 第50回可視化情報シンポジウム, 2022.08.
9. Hideo Mori, Takamitsu Kuroki and Haruka Nishiyama, Dependence of Measurement Accuracy and Time Delay of Lifetime-based Dual-layer PSP/TSP on Film Thickness, 13th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing (PSFVIP13), 2022.08.
10. 森英男、黒木崇光、西山遥, 寿命法を適用したDL-PTSPにおける塗膜厚さ・構造の影響, 第17回「学際領域における分子イメージングフォーラム」, 2021.12, 寿命法に基づくDL-PTSP(Dual-layer PSP/TSP)の適用において,有限の膜厚さがもたらす層間の温度差は,DL-PTSPのPSP層が有する温度依存性の補正効果に影響をもたらす.そこでDL-PTSPによる圧力・温度場の同時計測精度向上を念頭に,PSPおよびTSP層や中間層の膜厚さがもたらす層間の温度差について検討するとともに,これらの層の構造がDL-PTSPの特性に及ぼす影響についても議論する..
11. 森英男,黒木崇光,小浦悠太郎, 寿命法を適用したDL-PTSPにおける塗膜層の構造に関する検討, 第49回可視化情報シンポジウム, 2021.09, Applying the lifetime-based method to dual-layer PSP/TSP (DL-PTSP) enables the simultaneous measurement of pressure and temperature fields by using a single high-speed camera. Structures of intermediate layers between the PSP layer and the TSP layer of DL-PTSP may affect the sensitivity and the accuracy of measurement by DL-PTSP. In this study, the dependence of the thickness of a colorless poly(TMSP) layer, one of the intermediate layers beneath the PSP layer, on the sensitivity and the accuracy of measurement. It is clarified that the mass of poly(TMSP), which affects the thickness of the colorless poly(TMSP) layer, shows the dependence on the luminescence intensity ratio of the PSP layer and the TSP layer, which affects the independence of the temperature measurement by the TSP layer from the pressure sensitivity of the PSP layer..
12. Hideo MORI, Yutaro KOURA, Takamitsu KUROKI, Development of Lifetime-based Method of dual-layer PSP/TSP for Simultaneous Imaging Measurement of Pressure and Temperature, 19th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, 2021.09, Temperature sensitivity of pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) has been one of the most serious problems for application of PSP. Dual-layer PSP/TSP (DL-PTSP) technique can compensate for the temperature sensitivity of PSP by composite measurement of temperature based on temperature-sensitive paint (TSP) technique. In addition, by applying lifetime-based method to DL-PTSP, the emission from a PSP layer and a TSP layer of DL-PTSP can be separated, because the order of the lifetime of the PSP luminophore, PtTFPP, is larger than that of the TSP luminophore, Ru-phen. This feature enables the simultaneous measurement of pressure and temperature by DL-PTSP with a single-camera equipment. In the previous study by Moon et al., data of emission decay of DL-PTSP for 50 periods of excitation must be accumulated to obtain a set of pressure and temperature data. This study enables to obtain a set of pressure and temperature data from emission decay of DL-PTSP for only one period of excitation, by setting appropriate timing of exposure gate of a high-speed camera. As shown in Figure 1 and 2, temperature and pressure sensitivity of the DL-PTSP is comparable to that of the previous work, while the SN ratio can be increased drastically because of the 50-times efficient data analysis. The result enables imaging measurement of pressure and temperature distribution on surfaces by using DL-PTSP..
13. 森英男、小浦悠太郎、黒木崇光, 寿命法を適用したDL-PTSPによる圧力・温度分布の同時計測における課題検証, 第16回「学際領域における分子イメージングフォーラム」, 2020.11, 温度不均一性がもたらす圧力計測誤差の補正を目的とした,PSPとTSPの複合手法であるDual-layer PSP/TSP (DL-PTSP) に対し,寿命法を適用した圧力・温度分布の同時計測を行ううえで,イメージング計測における計測感度および精度検証の観点から,カメラゲートの設定や色素濃度等,最適な適用条件を示すとともに,課題点およびその解決法について議論を行う..
14. 小浦悠太郎,太田貴文,森英男, 二次元計測へ向けたDL-PTSPの圧力・温度場の同時計測, 第48回可視化情報シンポジウム, 2020.09.
15. 伊藤流石、太田貴文、森英男、古川雅人、郡司嶋智, 遷音速遠心圧縮機のディープサージにおける感温塗料を用いた逆流流量解析, 一般社団法人ターボ機械協会 第83回 総会講演会, 2020.05.
16. 森英男、文吉周、小浦悠太郎, DL-PTSPによる低速・低ゲージ圧流れ場の圧力・温度分布計測, 第15回「学際領域における分子イメージングフォーラム」, 2019.12, ゲージ圧の小さい低速流れ場における圧力分布計測において,温度不均一性を補正することを目的として,PSPとTSPの複合手法であるDual-layer PSP/TSP (DL-PTSP) を適用した圧力・温度複合計測を行うにあたり,計測感度および精度検証の観点から,強度法および寿命法の比較検討,ならびに色素の組み合わせや撮影条件等について議論を行う..
17. 森英男,一志和樹,文吉周, 強度法および寿命法による重ね塗りPSP/TSPの温度補正効果の検証, 日本機械学会2019年度年次大会, 2019.09.
18. Hideo Mori, Kil-Ju Moon and Yutaro Koura, Intensity-based and Lifetime-based Dual-layer PSP/TSP for Low-speed Flow Fields, 7th Japanese-German Joint Seminar, Molecular Imaging Technology for Interdisciplinary Research, 2019.09, Dual-layer PSP/TSP (DL-PTSP) method can reduce the measurement error of PSP technique caused by temperature sensitivity of PSP. Applying intensity-based calibration method to DL-PTSP is relatively easy, because it does not require either high-speed imaging or pulsed light source. However, overlap of emission spectra of the two luminescent dyes results in insufficient separation of the two emission, reducing the sensitivity of both the PSP component and the TSP component. Lifetime-based calibration enables the separation of emission from the PSP and the TSP by using the large difference in their lifetime, even if their emission spectra overlap each other. On the other hand, insufficient difference in the lifetime may results in the decrease in the sensitivity of them. In this study the effect of the overlap of the emission spectra on the intensity-based calibration of DL-PTSP, and the effect of the difference in the lifetime on the lifetime-based calibration of DL-PTSP are discussed..
19. Hideo Mori, Tomohiro Imazeki, Kil Ju Moon, Temperature compensation for measurement of low-speed internal flow fields using fast-response pressure sensitive paint, ASME-JSME-KSME 2019 8th Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, AJKFluids 2019, 2019.08, [URL], Because most fast-response pressure sensitive paints (PSP) suffer from temperature sensitivity, causing large error in pressure measurement when spatial non-uniformity of pressure distribution is large. In this study, the two methods of composite measurement of temperature and pressure by using the segment painting of PSP and TSP, and Dual-layer PSP/TSP (DL-PTSP), are applied to measurement of pressure distribution on inner surface of casing of test axial compressor, by using transparent method. We apply a paintable fast-response PSP composed of PtTFPP and silica nanoparticles and polymer-based TSP composed of Ru-phen and PMMA, with opaque, oxygen permeable overcoat, in order to enhance the luminescence intensity of PSP and TSP and avoid overlaying image of rotors inside the casing. When segmented-painting method of PSP and TSP is applied, pitch-wise symmetry is assumed. Therefore, asymmetric temperature distribution causes error in temperature compensation. On the other hand, DL-PTSP method can be used for asymmetric conditions, but sequential measurement of pressure and temperature may cause error in temperature compensation, when temperature distribution on the surface is nonstationary..
20. 森英男,半田和也,今関智博,文吉周, 感圧塗料を用いた内部流れ場の圧力分布計測における温度補正効果, 日本機械学会流体工学部門講演会, 2018.11.
21. 森英男,一志和樹,文吉周, 寿命法の適用を想定した重ね塗りPSP/TSPにおけるTSPの発光色素の選定, 第46回可視化情報シンポジウム, 2018.09.
22. 今関智博,半田和也,文吉周,一志和樹,森英男, 感圧塗料を用いたターボ機械内壁面の圧力分布計測に及ぼす温度分布の影響検証, 日本機械学会2018年度年次大会, 2018.09.
23. 文 吉周, 森 英男, 圧力・温度同時計測のための重ね塗りPSP/TSP構成最適化, 日本機械学会九州支部第71期総会・講演会, 2018.03.
24. Hideo Mori, Keishiro Takeda, Kazuya Handa, Tomohiro Imazeki, Kil-Ju Moon, APPLICATION OF FAST-RESPONSE PRESSURE SENSITIVE PAINT FOR MEASUREMENT OF INTERNAL FLOWS, The 11th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing, 2017.12, There are still very few applications of pressure sensitive paint (PSP) for measurement of nonstationary pressure distribution of internal flows in mechanical engineering fields. Application method of PSP taking the luminescent images of PSP through the transparent solid body (e.g. shroud wall of turbomachinery) and translucent PSP layer enables to apply PSP to the measurement of internal flows. However, this method results in low S/N, because PSP without opaque white basecoat has low luminescent intensity and overlaying image inside the body through the transparent material and PSP layer cause significant error in taking the luminescent image of PSP. To solve the problem, we have developed the application method of PSP by using an opaque, oxygen-permeable overcoat layer having porous structure made of nanoparticles of boron nitride (BN). This overcoat enables to increase the S/N of PSP in the transparent mode, which is needed for measurement of internal flows. In this study, we apply silica nanoparticle PSP having fast time response, because the pressure distribution on a shroud wall of turbomachinery is intrinsically unsteady. To analyze the effect of the opaque overcoat on the pressure sensitivity and the time response of the PSP, we have compared the properties of the PSP with the overcoat and those of the PSP without the overcoat. As a result, it is clarified that the opaque overcoat of BN nanoparticle does not reduce the pressure sensitivity and the time response of the fast-response PSP, which can detect periodical pressure change of the order of 100Pa and lower than 3 kHz. We have applied the fast-response PSP with the overcoat to the pressure measurement of an inner wall of a test axial compressor with the blade-passing frequency of 520Hz, and the qualitative images of the pressure distribution are obtained. We consider that the most significant source of the error in the pressure measurement is the temperature-dependence of the PSP. Therefore, the simultaneous measurement of temperature distribution is needed to increase the accuracy of the pressure measurement using the PSP..
25. 半田和也,竹田敬士郎,今関智博,文吉周,森英男, 感圧塗料を用いたターボファン内壁面における圧力分布計測手法の開発, 可視化情報全国講演会(室蘭2017), 2017.11, To measure pressure distribution on inner wall surfaces of turbofans using PSP, it is necessary to make the casing transparent and measure from the back side of the PSP coated surface. However, this method has problems such as the excitation light reflected on the rotating blade surface inside the turbofan cause uneven excitation of the PSP, and the SN ratio drops due to the inability to use the white basecoat. Therefore, in this study, by applying white opaque overcoat of boron nitride ultrafine particles (BN) to the PSP layer and functioning as a screen layer for blocking transmission of excitation light, the above problem was solved without lowering the pressure sensitivity and time response of PSP. In addition, we measure the pressure distribution on a casing of a turbofan using this method and investigate the validity of the visualization measurement of the pressure distribution on the inner wall of consumer turbomachinery with relatively low pressure rise..
26. Kil-Ju Moon, Hideo Mori, Lifetime-based method of dual-layer PSP/TSP for simultaneous measurement of pressure and temperature using a single camera, The 9th JSME-KSME Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference, 2017.10, The measurement method using PSP (Pressure Sensitive Paint) is useful to measure the two-dimensional pressure distributions on solid surfaces. However, PSP has not only pressure dependence but also temperature dependence. The error of temperature dependence becomes relatively large when measuring low-gauge pressure condition because PSP is absolute pressure sensor. To solve the problem, we designed DL-PTSP (Dual layer PSP/TSP) which stack up TSP (Temperature Sensitive Paint) and PSP layers, to apply TSP to temperature compensation of PSP. In the previous studies, we showed the temperature compensation effect of DL-PTSP with the intensity-based method at non-uniform temperature field in low-gauge pressure condition. However, the intensity-based method using DL-PTSP requires two cameras for simultaneous measurement of temperature and pressure because it requires two optical filters to separate the luminescence of PSP and TSP. In this study, we propose the method of simultaneous measurement using DL-PTSP with lifetime-based method. Big advantage of the method is to enable simultaneous measurement of pressure and temperature with a single camera, because the different lifetime of PSP and TSP enables to separate the luminescence of PSP and TSP without using two optical filters. In addition, DL-PTSP using lifetime-based method does not require wind off images, which may cause significant error of PSP with intensity-based method. At first, we show the dependence of the lifetime of mono-layer PSP and mono-layer TSP on the pressure and the temperature, to clarify the feasibility of the lifetime-based measurement method of PSP and TSP, and we propose the detailed method to separate the luminescence of them. Finally, we apply the lifetime-based method to DL-PTSP and suggest the possibility of temperature compensation of the DL-PTSP..
27. Hideo Mori, Kil-Ju Moon, Application of Lifetime-based Method to Dual-layer PSP/TSP for Simultaneous Measurement of Pressure and Temperature, 6th German-Japanese Joint Seminar, High-speed Molecular Imaging Technology for Interdisciplinary Research, 2017.09.
28. 森 英男,竹田 敬士郎, 半田 和也, 今関智博, 文 吉周,, 高速応答感圧塗料を用いた内部流れ場における圧力分布計測, 日本機械学会年次大会2017, 2017.09, 民生用や産業用として広く用いられるターボ機械の性能を大きく左右する異常流動現象の解明のためには,内部流れ場の詳細な解析が不可欠である.ターボ機械内部流れ場の実験的解析へ,面計測が可能な可視化計測手法である感圧塗料(Pressure Sensitive Paint: PSP)を適用するにあたり,光学的アクセスの限られる内部流れ場への適用方法の検討が必要不可欠である.本研究では,高速応答性を有するシリカナノ粒子PSPに白色多孔質の上塗りを組み合わせ,透明なケーシング面に塗布したPSPの光励起および発光画像撮影を,PSP層の背面から透過形態で行う手法を適用することで,内部流れ場へPSPを適用する手法を考案し,その有効性を示すとともに,本手法を供試軸流圧縮機の壁面圧力場計測に適用する.白色多孔質の上塗りは,透過形態でPSPを適用する際のスクリーン層として,PSPの光励起および発光の増強,ならびにケーシング内部で回転する動翼等の映り込みによるPSPの誤差発生を抑える働きがあるが,上塗りによりPSPの時間応答性を悪化させないことが必要不可欠である.本研究では,窒化ホウ素の微粒子をシリカナノ粒子PSPへ上塗りすることで,およそ3kHz程度の周期圧力変動へ追従可能なシリカナノ粒子PSPの時間応答性を保持したまま,透過形態でPSPを適用する手法を実現した.そのうえで,本手法を供試軸流圧縮機のケーシング面圧力分布計測に適用し,第2段目の動翼まわりの圧力分布計測を行ったところ,得られた圧力値に大きな誤差が生じる結果となった.この誤差はPSPの有する温度依存性の影響によるものと考えられ,現在,ケーシング面に生じる温度分布の検証および温度誤差補正について検討を行っている..
29. 文吉周,森英男, 寿命法を用いた重ね塗りPSP/TSPの圧力・温度同時計測方法, 第45回可視化情報シンポジウム, 2017.07, The pressure measurement method using PSP (Pressure Sensitive Paint) is useful but the temperature dependence of PSP causes large error on the near atmospheric pressure. To solve this problem, DL-PTSP (dual-layer PSP/TSP) measurement method was devised for temperature compensation of PSP. The main idea of DL-PTSP is to stack up PSP layer on TSP (Temperature Sensitive Paint). We apply the lifetime-based method to DL-PTSP and separate the luminescence of PSP and TSP using the difference between their luminophore lifetimes. This method makes the simultaneous measurement of pressure and temperature with a single camera possible, because it does not require changing the optical filters. In this study, we propose the method to analyze the luminescence decay using high-speed camera whose exposure time is comparable to the lifetime, to increase the SN ratio of luminescence intensity, and suggest the possibility of temperature compensation of the DL-PTSP..
30. 竹田 敬士郎, 内田 祐樹, 半田 和也, 文 吉周, 森 英男, 感圧塗料を用いたターボ機械内壁面における圧力分布計測, 日本機械学会流体工学部門講演会, 2016.11, We have developed the method to apply fast-response pressure sensitive paint (PSP) to measurement of internal flows to analyze anomalous flow phenomena of internal flows of turbomachinery, and we have applied the method to measurement of pressure distribution of a casing wall surface of an axial compressor, to investigate the validity and feasibility of this method. We have clarified that the luminescence intensity is enhanced by applying the white opaque, oxygen-permeable coating composed of boron nitride (BN) nanoparticle on the PSP layer, and the qualitative pressure distribution showing pressure rises caused by rotor blades was obtained. Because uncompensated temperature influence is one of the other error sources, proper temperature compensation of PSP is needed to improve the accuracy of the pressure measurement..
31. 文 吉周, 森 英男, 低速流れ場への適応に向けた感圧塗料の寿命法に関する研究, 日本機械学会流体工学部門講演会, 2016.11, Pressure sensitive paint (PSP) is very powerful method to measure pressure on solid surfaces. However, PSP has not only pressure dependence but also temperature dependence. In addition, error caused by temperature dependence have a great effect on PSP sensitivity in low gauge pressure condition. Therefore, it requires temperature compensation for precise pressure measurement in low gauge pressure condition. In this study we shows the characteristics of dual-layer PSP/TSP with lifetime based method using high speed camera. Firstly, we checked mono-layer PSP and TSP characteristics with lifetime based method and optimum measuring point. And Then we shows the feasibility of the temperature compensation of PSP for dual-layer PSP/TSP for the measurement in low-speed flow fields with temperature distribution..
32. Hideo Mori, Keishiro Takeda, Kazuya Handa, Kil-Ju Moon, Pressure Sensitive Paint for measurement of internal flow, KAIST-Kyushu Univ. Joint Workshop, 2016.09, Nowadays fast-response pressure sensitive paints (PSP) have been developed [1], but there are still very few applications of PSP for measurement of nonstationary pressure distribution of internal flows. Applying PSP on a transparent solid surface (e.g. shroud surface of turbomachinery) made of glass or acrylic resin and taking the luminescent image of PSP through the transparent material results in low S/N, because PSP without opaque white basecoat has low luminescent intensity and overlaying image through the transparent material and translucent PSP layer cause significant error in taking the luminescent image of PSP. To solve the problem, we have developed the fast-response PSP with an opaque, oxygen-permeable overcoat layer having porous structure made of nanoparticles of boron nitride (BN), which enables to increase the S/N of PSP for measurement of internal flows. From the static calibration tests, it is clarified that the opaque overcoat of BN nanoparticle does not reduce the pressure sensitivity of the PSP. From the dynamic calibration tests using an acoustic resonant tube, we also have clarified that the opaque coating of BN nanoparticle does not reduce the time response of the fast-response PSP for pressure fluctuation whose amplitude is of the order of 100Pa, within the frequency range lower than 3kHz..
33. 文 吉周, 森 英男, 高速度カメラを用いた寿命法に基づく重ね塗り感圧・感温塗料による圧力・温度計測技術, 日本機械学会年次大会, 2016.09, Pressure sensitive paint (PSP) has temperature dependence as well as pressure dependence. Dual-layer PSP/TSP with intensity-based method has a practical problem to apply to simultaneous measurement because this method requires replacement of the optical filters to separate PSP and TSP component. To solve this problem, we applied lifetime-based method to dual-layer PSP/TSP. Lifetime-based method enables simultaneous measurement of PSP and TSP luminescence components using the lifetime difference of PSP and TSP. Temperature data can be obtained at 2.5μs, pressure data can be obtained at 22.5μs using dual-layer PSP/TSP in high speed camera with the shooting speed of 100kfps. Temperature information obtained by the 2.5μs can be used for the temperature compensation of the PSP..
34. 竹田 敬士郎, 内田 祐樹, 半田 和也, 文 吉周, 森 英男, 感圧塗料を用いたターボ機械内部流れ場における圧力分布計測手法の構築, 日本機械学会年次大会, 2016.09, In this study, we measured pressure distribution of a casing wall surface of an axial compressor by using pressure sensitive paint (PSP) as a measurement technique of internal flows to analyze anomalous flow phenomena of internal flows of turbo machinery, and we investigated the validity and feasibility of this method. Consequently, we clarified that the luminescence intensity is enhanced and measurement error due to reflection from the rotor blades is reduced by applying the white opaque coating composed of boron nitride (BN) nanoparticle on the PSP layer. Although uncompensated temperature influence is one of the other error sources, proper temperature compensation can improve the accuracy of the pressure measurement by PSP..
35. Hideo Mori, Yuki Uchida, Keishiro Takeda, Masashi Yoshikawa, Kazuya Handa, Kil-Ju Moon, Development of PSP for Measurement of Internal Flows, The 17th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, 2016.06, Nowadays fast-response pressure sensitive paints (PSP) have been developed, but there are still very few applications of PSP for measurement of nonstationary pressure distribution of internal flows, because of the very limited optical access of the target system. By applying PSP on a transparent solid surface (e.g. wall of pipes or shrouds of turbomachinery, made of glass or acrylic resin) and taking the luminescent image of PSP through the transparent solid body, pressure distribution on the surface caused by internal flows can be measured in principle. However, low S/N caused by low luminescent intensity of PSP without screen layer and overlaying image through the transparent solid body and translucent PSP layer, acting as one of noise sources, is a serious problem for practical application of PSP. We have developed the fast-response PSP with an opaque overcoat layer having porous structure made of nanoparticles of boron nitride (BN) whose average particle size of 50nm, which enables to increase the S/N of PSP for measurement of internal flows. The pressure sensitivity of the PSP is examined, and it is clarified that the opaque overcoat of BN nanoparticle does not reduce the pressure sensitivity of the PSP. We also have examined the time response of the PSP by using an acoustic resonant tube, to compare the time response of the PSP with BN overcoat with that of the PSP without overcoat. As a result it is clarified that the opaque coating of BN nanoparticle does not reduce the time response of the fast-response PSP for pressure fluctuation whose amplitude is of the order of 100Pa, within the frequency range lower than 3kHz..
36. Kil-Ju Moon, Hideo Mori, Simultaneous Measurement of Pressure and Temperature using Dual-layer PSP/TSP by Lifetime-based Method, The 17th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, 2016.06, The greatest advantage of the lifetime-based method for pressure sensitive paint (PSP) and temperature sensitive paint (TSP) compared with the widely used intensity-based method is that reference images are not required, because theoretically lifetime of PSP luminescence does not depend on luminophore concentration, paint thickness, photodegradation and paint contamination. However, lifetime of PSP luminescence as well as intensity has temperature dependence, and temperature compensation of PSP is needed to increase the accuracy of pressure measurement. To solve this problem, we introduced dual-layer PSP/TSP, the combining method of PSP and TSP. However, simultaneous measurement of pressure and temperature by the intensity-based method needs two cameras because different optical filters are needed to separate the luminescence of PSP and TSP. On the other hand, because luminophores of PSP and TSP has different lifetime, the two luminescence can be separated by using the lifetime difference instead of using different optical filters, allowing simultaneous measurement by dual-layer PSP with one camera. In this study we have clarified the lifetime sensitivity of the dual-layer PSP/TSP in low-gauge pressure conditions in order to show the feasibility of the dual-layer PSP/TSP with the lifetime-based method for the measurement in low-speed flow fields with temperature distribution. Normalized luminescence intensity at 22.5μs after the end of excitation light has high pressure dependence, while the luminescence of TSP has almost vanished at 22.5μs. On the other hand, normalized luminescence intensity at 6.25μs has high temperature sensitivity, while the pressure sensitivity at 6.25μs is very small. Using this combining method, temperature information obtained by the TSP can be used for the temperature compensation of the PSP. .
37. 吉川政志, 内田祐樹, 竹田敬士郎, 半田和也, 森 英男, 感圧塗料を用いたターボ機械内壁面上の非定常圧力変動計測手法の開発, 日本機械学会九州支部第69期総会・講演会, 2016.03.
38. 内田祐樹, 前田恭平, 竹田敬士郎, 森 英男, 古川 雅人, 秋吉雅夫, 感圧塗料を用いたターボファン内部における非定常圧力場の計測技術, 日本機械学会第93期流体工学部門講演会, 2015.11.
39. Hideo Mori, Kyohei Maeda, Masato Furukawa, Masao Akiyoshi, Measurement technique for unsteady low-speed flow fields using poly(TMSP)-based pressure sensitive paint, ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2015, 2015.07.
40. 森 英男, 前田恭平, 内田祐樹, 竹田敬士郎, 古川 雅人, 秋吉雅夫, 塗装式PSPによる非定常低速流れ場の計測, 第43可視化情報シンポジウム, 2015.07.
41. 内田祐樹, 前田恭平, 竹田敬士郎, 森 英男, 古川 雅人, 秋吉雅夫, 低速流れ場における非定常圧力分布計測へのポリマー型感圧塗料の適用, 第14回日本流体力学会中四国・九州支部総会・講演会, 2015.05.
42. 前田恭平, 森 英男, 古川 雅人, 秋吉雅夫, ポリマー型感圧塗料を用いた低速流れ場における非定常計測技術, 日本機械学会第92期流体工学部門講演会, 2014.10.
43. 森 英男, 大村尚登, 前田恭平, 大渕貴之, 中野 晋, 小野英樹, 簗瀬祐太, 重ね塗りPSP/TSPによる超音速タービン翼列周り流れ場の定量的可視化解析, 第42回日本ガスタービン学会定期講演会, 2014.10.
44. 森 英男, 大村尚登, 前田恭平, 大渕貴之, 低ゲージ圧複雑流動場におけるPSPの精度向上手法, 第42可視化情報シンポジウム, 2014.07, 機械工学分野の研究開発において,感圧塗料(PSP)を用いた固体表面の圧力計測技術を,流体機械内部流れなど複雑流れ場の実験的解析を通じて異常流動現象に関する有用な知見を得るためのツールとするには,低ゲージ圧領域におけるPSPの圧力感度の低さやPSPの温度依存性の存在,および曲面かつ大面積の対象物に対する励起光照射の不均一性など,圧力計測精度に大きく影響する数多くの課題点を克服する必要がある.本研究では,ゲージ圧が低く,かつ温度分布が不均一な場を対象とした圧力計測の精度向上を実現するため,励起光強度の補正法および感温塗料(TSP)による温度分布計測を併用した温度補正法の適用によるPSPの精度向上手法について議論する.これらの手法を,圧力上昇が小さく,かつ大面積の曲面であるプロペラファン動翼負圧面上の圧力・温度計測に適用し,PSPの精度向上効果を検証する..
45. Hideo Mori, Naoto Omura, Kyohei Maeda, Takayuki Ohbuchi, Susumu Nakano, Hideki Ono, Yuta Yanase, Imaging measurement of the pressure distribution using dual-layer PSP/TSP in the supersonic flow field with shockwaves, 16th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, 2014.06, We apply pressure sensitive paint (PSP) to quantitative analysis of pressure distribution and visualization of shockwave structures on a sidewall in a supersonic flow passing through a turbine cascade. To compensate for the temperature dependence of PSP, we apply dual-layer PSP/TSP, the combination method of PSP and temperature sensitive paint (TSP) based on luminescent nanoparticles of ZnS-AgInS2 (ZAIS). Accuracy of the pressure measurement of the sidewall with non-uniform temperature distribution by the dual-layer PSP/TSP is examined in the supersonic wind tunnel tests, by comparing the pressure data obtained by the dual-layer PSP/TSP with those measured by pressure taps. The pressure distribution on the sidewall measured by the PSP component showed large error without temperature compensation, which is reduced effectively by the temperature compensation using the temperature distribution obtained by the TSP component. In addition, the shockwave structures visualized by the dual-layer PSP/TSP is compared with those obtained by the schlieren photograph. There is slight difference in shock angles and thickness between them, because the PSP visualizes the shockwave structure close to the sidewall while the schlieren photograph visualizes the shock structure in the mainstream..
46. 簗瀬祐太, 小野英樹, 柴田貴範, 大村尚登, 森 英男, 谷 泰寛, 超音速流入タービン翼列の風洞試験, 第26回翼列研究会, 2013.11.
47. 大村尚登, 前田恭平, 森 英男, 古川 雅人, 感圧・感温塗料を用いた民生用プロペラファン翼面上の圧力分布計測, 日本機械学会第91期流体工学部門講演会, 2013.11.
48. 大村尚登, 前田恭平, 大渕貴之, 森 英男, 重ね塗り手法によるプロペラファン翼面の圧力分布計測へ向けた誤差低減手法の検討, 第9回学際領域における分子イメージングフォーラム, 2013.10.
49. 大村尚登, 川幡宏亮, 前田恭平, 森 英男, 中野 晋, 小野英樹, 簗瀬祐太, 超音速流れ場における重ね塗りPSP/TSPを用いた圧力分布の可視化, 第41回可視化情報シンポジウム, 2013.07.
50. 川幡宏亮, 大村尚登, 森 英男, 古川 雅人, 秋吉雅夫, 沖野真也, 感圧塗料を用いた低速流れ場における非定常計測技術, 日本機械学会第90期流体工学部門講演会, 2012.11.
51. 森 英男, 川幡宏亮, 大村尚登, 前田恭平, 不均一な温度分布を持つ低速度流れ場におけるPSPの温度補正効果の検証, 第8回学際領域における分子イメージングフォーラム, 2012.11.
52. 森 英男, 大村尚登, 川幡宏亮, 文吉周, 案部雄一郎, 重ね塗りPSP/TSPによる圧力計測の低速流れ場における計測精度検証, 日本流体力学会年会2012, 2012.09.
53. Hideo Mori, Kil-Ju Moon, Yuichiro Ambe, Hiroaki Kawabata, Naoto Omura, Pressure and temperature measurements in low-speed flow field using dual-layer PSP and TSP, The Sixth KAIST-Kyushu University Joint Workshop on Frontiers in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, 2012.09, Pressure sensitive paint (PSP) is a powerful measurement tool to visualize pressure distribution on solid surfaces using emission of luminescent molecules, and application of PSP to analysis of complex pressure distribution in several experimental fluid dynamics (EFD) problems is strongly demanded. However, it is difficult to apply PSP to low-speed flow fields with small differential pressure and non-uniform temperature distribution, which may cause a significant error of the pressure measurement. Therefore temperature compensation of PSP is needed to obtain highly precise pressure distribution when PSP is applied to low speed flow field with low gauge pressure. In this study temperature sensitive paint (TSP) is employed for temperature compensation of PSP to increase the accuracy of pressure measurement using PSP in conditions with non-uniform temperature distribution. We have developed dual-layer PSP/TSP by painting PSP over a TSP layer. By using this method, temperature distribution on solid surfaces can be measured by TSP layer, and the temperature distribution map can be used for temperature compensation of PSP. We discuss the sensitivity of the dual-layer PSP/TSP in low gauge pressure conditions below 1kPa, and the effect of the temperature compensation to increase the accuracy of pressure obtained by PSP..
54. Hideo Mori, Naoto Omura, Hiroaki Kawabata, Kil-Ju Moon, Yuichiro Ambe, Combined Method of PSP and TSP for Low-speed Flows, 3rd Japanese-German Joint Seminar, Molecular Imaging Technology for Interdisciplinary Research, , 2012.09.
55. 森 英男, 案部雄一郎, 大村尚登, 川幡宏亮, 文吉周, 感圧・感温塗料を用いた低圧ターボ機械翼面上の計測技術, 第40回可視化情報シンポジウム, 2012.07.
56. Kil-Ju Moon, Yuichiro Ambe, Hiroaki Kawabata, Hideo Mori , Effect of Temperature Compensation for Dual-layer PSP/TSP in Low Speed Flow, Eighth International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD2011), 2011.11.
57. 文吉周,案部雄一郎,川幡宏亮,大村尚登,森英男, 重ね塗りPSP/TSPを用いた不均一温度場を持つ低速度流れ場での圧力分布計測, 第7回学際領域における分子イメージングフォーラム, 2011.11.
58. 案部雄一郎、文吉周、川幡宏亮、森英男, 感圧塗料を用いたプロペラファン翼面上の圧力分布計測技術, 日本機械学会2011年度年次大会, 2011.09.
59. Kil-Ju Moon, Hideo Mori, Yuichiro Ambe and Hiroaki Kawabata , Development of Dual-layer PSP/TSP System for Pressure and Temperature Measurements in Low-speed Flow Field, ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2011, 2011.07.
60. 文吉周,案部雄一郎,川幡宏亮,森英男, 低速流れ場における重ね塗り感圧・感温塗料の温度補正効果, 第39回可視化情報シンポジウム, 2011.07.
61. 文吉周,案部雄一郎,川幡宏亮,森英男, 重ね塗り感圧・感温塗料を用いた低速流れ場の圧力計測の実用化検証, 日本機械学会九州支部総会講演会, 2011.03.
62. 文吉周,森英男,吉本俊純,井上雄策, 重ね塗り感圧・感温塗料を用いた低速流れ場における圧力・温度計測技術, 日本機械学会第88期流体工学部門講演会, 2010.10.
63. 文吉周,森英男,吉本俊純,井上雄策,案部雄一郎, 重ね塗り感圧・感温塗料を用いた低速流れ場における圧力・温度分布の可視化, 可視化情報学会全国講演会(鹿児島2010), 2010.10.
64. 森英男, PSP/TSPの低圧力域および低速流れ場への適用, 日本機械学会2010年度年次大会, 2010.09.
65. 森英男,吉本俊純,文吉周,井上雄策, ターボ機械への適用へ向けた重ね塗りPSP/TSPの低速度流れ場における特性調査, 第38回可視化情報シンポジウム, 2010.07.
66. Hideo Mori, Toshizumi Yoshimoto, Kil-Ju Moon, Yusaku Inoue, A Priori Calibration of Pressure Sensitive Paint for Low-speed Flows, The 14th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, 2010.06.
67. Hideo Mori, Kazunori Uchida, Toshizumi Yoshimoto, Hiroaki Tanoue, Kil-Ju Moon, Yusaku Inoue, Application of PSP to Low Gauge Pressure Conditions, PSP & TSP Workshop 2010, 2010.05.
68. Kil-Ju Moon and Hideo Mori, Application of PSP and TSP to low-speed flow field for analyses of turbomachinery flows, International Workshop on the Eco-Friendly Energy Machinery 2010, 2010.05.
69. 森英男,吉本俊純,内田和徳,田上博明,文吉周,井上雄策, ターボ機械への適用へ向けたPSPの低速度流れ場における性能調査, 第5回学際領域における分子イメージングフォーラム, 2009.11.
70. 吉本俊純,森英男,内田和徳,田上博明, 感圧塗料を用いた低速流れ場における計測技術の開発, 日本機械学会第87期流体工学部門講演会, 2009.11.
71. Hideo Mori, Kazunori Uchida, Toshizumi Yoshimoto, Hiroaki Tanoue, Kil-Ju Moon and Yusaku Inoue, Application of PSP to Low-speed Flow Fields for Analyses of Turbomachinery Flows, 2nd Japanese-German Joint Seminar “Molecular Imaging Technology for Interdisciplinary Research”, 2009.09.
72. Hideo Mori, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Kosaku Kataoka, Noriaki Sugiyama, Kyohei Ide, Tomohide Niimi, Detection of Nitrogen Molecular Beam and Analysis of Rotational Energy by REMPI, The 7th JSME-KSME Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference, 2008.10.
73. Hideo Mori, Yu Matsuda, Dai Naito, Masaya Hayashida, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Tomohide Niimi , Measurement of pressure distribution on shrouded co-rotating disks by pressure sensitive paint, Japanese-German Joint Seminar, New Prospects of Molecular Imaging Technology for Interdisciplinary Research, 2008.09.
74. Hideo Mori, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Yoshio Tsuchiya, Kosaku Kataoka, Noriaki Sugiyama, Tomohide Niimi, Measurement and analysis of Rotational Energy of Nitrogen Molecular Beam by REMPI, 26th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, 2008.07.
75. Hideo Mori, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Yoshio Tsuchiya, Kosaku Kataoka, Noriaki Sugiyama, Tomohide Niimi, Measurement of rotational energy of nitrogen molecular beam by REMPI, 14th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, 2008.07.
76. Hideo Mori, Yu Matsuda, Yoshiki Sakazaki, Toru Uchida, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Tomohide Niimi, Development of pressure sensitive molecular film with nanometer-order thickness, 13th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, 2008.07.
77. 森英男、山口浩樹、福島敦至、二村正輝、谷口 真潮、新美智秀, NO-LIFおよびPSPを用いたリニアエアロスパイクノズル側壁の形状最適化に関する実験的解析, 宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム, 2007.12.
78. 森英男、山口浩樹、土屋良雄、片岡耕作、杉山範晃、新美智秀, REMPIによる窒素分子線の回転エネルギー解析, 日本機械学会第85期流体工学部門講演会, 2007.11.
79. 森英男、山口浩樹、福島敦至、二村正輝、新美智秀, NO-LIF及びPSPを用いたリニアエアロスパイクノズル側壁の最適形状に関する実験的解析, 可視化情報学会全国講演会(岐阜2007), 2007.09.
80. Hideo Mori, Yu Matsuda, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Yoshiki Sakazaki, Toru Uchida, Tomohide Niimi, Pressure Sensitive Molecular Film for Measurement in High Knudsen Number Flows, 7th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, 2007.09.
81. 森英男、山口浩樹、土屋良雄、片岡耕作、杉山範晃、新美智秀, REMPIによる窒素分子線の回転エネルギー計測, 日本流体力学会年会2007, 2007.08.
82. Hideo Mori, Yu Matsuda, Hiroki Yamaguchi,Yoshiki Sakazaki, Toru Uchida, Tomohide Niimi, Development of Pressure Sensitive Molecular Film Suitable for Measurement in High Knudsen Number Flows, 2007 ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering and Summer Heat Transfer Conference, 2007.07.

