Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Presentations
Hirota Yuko Last modified date:2024.06.03

Assistant Professor / Division of Molecular Bioinformatics / Department of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences / Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

1. Hong-bin Chen, Jorge Carlos Pineda Garcia, Shinako Arizono, Tomoki Takeda, Ren-shi Li, Yukiko Hattori, Hiroe Sano, Yuu Miyauchi, Yuko Hirota, Yoshitaka Tanaka, Yuji Ishii, Death-associated protein-like 1 (DAPL1) in regulating testosterone production: study using Dapl1-null mice and testis-derived I-10 tumor Leydig cells, 24th North American ISSX Meeting 2021, 2021.09.
2. Riham N. S. Amen, Yoshitaka Tanaka, Yuko Hirota, Yuu Miyauchi, Yuji Ishii, Keiko Fujimoto, A Proteomic Analysis of Integral and Associated Lysosomal Membrane Proteins, 第42回日本分子生物学会年会, 2019.12.
3. Keiko Fujimoto,Ryo Tadakuma,Chiaki Tanaka,Yuko Hirota,Yuu Miyauchi,Yuji Ishii,Yoshitaka Tanaka, Papuamine prevents the fusion between autophagosomes and lysosomes by inhibiting the maturation of autophagosomes., Experimental Biology 2019, 2019.04.
4. S. Kimura, Y. Miyauchi, Yuko Hirota, Yoshitaka Tanaka, Peter I. Mackenzie, Hideyuki Yamada, YUJI ISHII, Mechanism for the retention of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B7 in the endoplasmic reticulum: the role of luminal domain, 19th North American ISSX/29th JSSX Meeting, 2014.10.