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Kota Mayanagi Last modified date:2024.06.27

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 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Academic Degree
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Field of Specialization
Structural Biology
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Outline Activities
Three Dimensional Electron Microscopy of Macromolecules
Research Interests
  • Cryo-EM single particle analysis of DNA-protein complexes
    keyword : Cryo-Electron microscopy, Single particle analysis, Macromolecule, Image analysis, Structral Biology
Academic Activities
1. Akihito Nishiyama, Masahiro Shimizu, Tomoyuki Narita, Noriyuki Kodera, Yuriko Ozeki, Akira Yokoyama, Kouta Mayanagi, Takehiro Yamaguchi, Mariko Hakamata, Shaban Amina Kaboso, Yoshitaka Tateishi, Kosuke Ito and Sohkichi Matsumoto, Dynamic action of an intrinsically disordered protein in DNA compaction that induces mycobacterial dormancy, Nucleic Acids Research, 10.1093/nar/gkad1149, in press, 2023.12, Mycobacteria are the major human pathogens with the capacity to become dormant persisters. Mycobacterial DNA-binding protein 1 (MDP1), an abundant histone-like protein in dormant mycobacteria, induces dormancy phenotypes, e.g. chromosome compaction and growth suppression. For these functions, the polycationic intrinsically disordered region (IDR) is essential. However, the disordered property of IDR stands in the way of clarifying the molecular mechanism. Here we clarified the molecular and structural mechanism of DNA compaction by MDP1. Using high-speed atomic force microscopy, we observed that monomeric MDP1 bundles two adjacent DNA duplexes side-by-side via IDR. Combined with coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulation, we revealed the novel dynamic DNA cross-linking model of MDP1 in which a stretched IDR cross-links two DNA duplexes like double-sided tape. IDR is able to hijack HU function, resulting in the induction of strong mycobacterial growth arrest. This IDR-mediated reversible DNA cross-linking is a reasonable model for MDP1 suppression of the genomic function in the resuscitable non-replicating dormant mycobacteria..
2. #Keisuke Oki, Takeshi Yamagami, Mariko Nagata, Kouta Mayanagi, @Tsuyoshi Shirai, @Naruhiko Adachi, Tomoyuki Numata, Sonoko Ishino, Yoshizumi Ishino, DNA polymerase D temporarily connects primase to the CMG-like helicase before interacting with proliferating cell nuclear antigen, Nucleic Acids Research, 10.1093/nar/gkab243., 2021.04, The eukaryotic replisome is comprised of three family-B DNA polymerases (Polα, δ and ϵ). Polα forms a stable complex with primase to synthesize short RNA-DNA primers, which are subsequently elongated by Polδ and Polϵ in concert with proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). In some species of archaea, family-D DNA polymerase (PolD) is the only DNA polymerase essential for cell viability, raising the question of how it alone conducts the bulk of DNA synthesis. We used a hyperthermophilic archaeon, Thermococcus kodakarensis, to demonstrate that PolD connects primase to the archaeal replisome before interacting with PCNA. Whereas PolD stably connects primase to GINS, a component of CMG helicase, cryo-EM analysis indicated a highly flexible PolD-primase complex. A conserved hydrophobic motif at the C-terminus of the DP2 subunit of PolD, a PIP (PCNA-Interacting Peptide) motif, was critical for the interaction with primase. The dissociation of primase was induced by DNA-dependent binding of PCNA to PolD. Point mutations in the alternative PIP-motif of DP2 abrogated the molecular switching that converts the archaeal replicase from de novo to processive synthesis mode..
3. Kouta Mayanagi, Keisuke Oki, Naoyuki Miyazaki, Sonoko Ishino, Takeshi Yamagami, Kosuke Morikawa, Kenji Iwasaki, Daisuke Kohda, Tsuyoshi Shirai, Yoshizumi Ishino, Two conformations of DNA polymerase D-PCNA-DNA, an archaeal replisome complex, revealed by cryo-electron microscopy, BMC Biology, in press, 2020.09.
4. Kouta Mayanagi,Kazumi Saikusa, Naoyuki Miyazaki,Satoko Akashi, Kenji Iwasaki, Yoshifumi Nishimura, Kosuke Morikawa, Yasuo Tsunaka, Structural visualization of key steps in nucleosome reorganization by human FACT, Scientific Reports, 10.1038/s41598-019-46617-7., 9, 1, 10183, 2019.07, Facilitates chromatin transcription (FACT) is a histone chaperone, which accomplishes both nucleosome assembly and disassembly. Our combined cryo-electron microscopy (EM) and native mass spectrometry (MS) studies revealed novel key steps of nucleosome reorganization conducted by a Mid domain and its adjacent acidic AID segment of human FACT. We determined three cryo-EM structures of respective octasomes complexed with the Mid-AID and AID regions, and a hexasome alone. We discovered extensive contacts between a FACT region and histones H2A, H2B, and H3, suggesting that FACT is competent to direct functional replacement of a nucleosomal DNA end by its phosphorylated AID segment (pAID). Mutational assays revealed that the aromatic and phosphorylated residues within pAID are essential for octasome binding. The EM structure of the hexasome, generated by the addition of Mid-pAID or pAID, indicated that the dissociation of H2A-H2B dimer causes significant alteration from the canonical path of the nucleosomal DNA..
5. Takashima N, Ishino S, Oki K, Takafuji M, Yamagami T, Matsuo R, Mayanagi K, Ishino Y., Elucidating functions of DP1 and DP2 subunits from the Thermococcus kodakarensis family D DNA polymerase, Extremophiles, 10.1007/s00792-018-1070-3, 23, 1, 161-172, 2019.01.
6. Kouta Mayanagi, Sonoko Ishino, Tsuyoshi Shirai, Takuji Oyama, Shinichi Kiyonari, Daisuke Kohda, Kosuke Morikawa Yoshizumi Ishino, Direct visualization of DNA baton pass between replication factors bound to PCNA, Scientific Reports, 10.1038/s41598-018-34176-2, 8, 1, 16209, 2018.11, In Eukarya and Archaea, the lagging strand synthesis is accomplished mainly by three key factors, DNA polymerase (Pol), flap endonuclease (FEN), and DNA ligase (Lig), in the DNA replication process. These three factors form important complexes with proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), thereby constructing a platform that enable each protein factor to act successively and smoothly on DNA. The structures of the Pol-PCNA-DNA and Lig-PCNA-DNA complexes alone have been visualized by single particle analysis. However, the FEN-PCNA-DNA complex structure remains unknown. In this report, we for the first time present this tertiary structure determined by single particle analysis. We also successfully visualized the structure of the FEN-Lig-PCNA-DNA complex, corresponding to a putative intermediate state between the removal of the DNA flap by FEN and the sealing of the nicked DNA by Lig. This structural study presents the direct visualization of the handing-over action, which proceeds between different replication factors on a single PCNA clamp bound to DNA. We detected a drastic conversion of the DNA from a bent form to a straight form, in addition to the dynamic motions of replication factors in the switching process.
7. Mayanagi K, Ishino S Takafuji M, Mitsuoka K, Shirai T, Kiyonari S, Nishida H, Kohda D, Morikawa K, Ishino Y., Switching mechanism of DNA replication fork complex revealed by single particle analysis, European Microscopy Congress , 3, 57-58, Vol3, 57-58, 2016.12.
8. Aramaki S, Mayanagi K, Jin M, Aoyama K, Yasunaga T, Filopodia formation by crosslinking of F-actin with fascin in two different binding manners, Cytoskeleton, 10.1002/cm.21309, 73(7):365-74, 2016.06.
9. Takekawa N, Terahara N, Kato T, Gohara M, Mayanagi K, Hijikata A, Onoue Y, Kojima S, Shirai T, Namba K, Homma M, The tetrameric MotA complex as the core of the flagellar motor stator from hyperthermophilic bacterium, Scientific Reports, 10.1038/srep31526, 6:31526, 2016.08.
10. Nakae S, Hijikata A, Tsuji T, Yonezawa K, Kouyama KI, Mayanagi K, Ishino S, Ishino Y, Shirai T, Structure of the EndoMS-DNA Complex as Mismatch Restriction Endonuclease, Structure, 24, 1960-1971, 24, 1960-1971, 2016.07, Archaeal NucS nuclease was thought to degrade the single-stranded region of branched DNA, which contains flapped and splayed DNA. However, recent findings indicated that EndoMS, the orthologous enzyme of NucS, specifically cleaves double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) containing mismatched bases. In this study, we determined the structure of the EndoMS-DNA complex. The complex structure of the EndoMS dimer with dsDNA unexpectedly revealed that the mismatched bases were flipped out into binding sites, and the overall architecture most resembled that of restriction enzymes. The structure of the apo form was similar to the reported structure of Pyrococcus abyssi NucS, indicating that movement of the C-terminal domain from the resting state was required for activity. In addition, a model of the EndoMS-PCNA-DNA complex was preliminarily verified with electron microscopy. The structures strongly support the idea that EndoMS acts in a mismatch repair pathway..
11. Mayanagi K, Kiyonari S, Nishida H, Saito M, Kohda D, Ishino Y, Shirai T, Morikawa K, , Architecture of the DNA polymerase B-proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA)-DNA ternary complex. , PNAS, 108, 5, 1845-1849, (Corresponding Author), 2011.02.
12. Hirokazu. Nishida, Kouta. Mayanagi, Shinichi. Kiyonari, Yuichi. Sato, Takuji. Oyama, Yoshizumi. Ishino, Kosuke. Morikawa, Structural determinant for switching between the polymerase and exonuclease modes in the PCNA-replicative DNA polymerase complex, PNAS, 106, 20693-20698, 2009.11.
13. Kouta Mayanagi, Shinichi Kiyonari, Mihoko Saito, Tsuyoshi Shirai, Yoshizumi Ishino, Kosuke Morikawa, Mechanism of replication machinery assembly as revealed by the DNA ligase-PCNA-DNA complex architecture, PNAS, 106, 4647-4652, (Corresponding Author), 2009.03.
14. Yasuto Murayama, Yumiko Kurokawa, Kouta Mayanagi, and Hiroshi Iwasaki, Formation and branch migration of Holliday junctions mediated by eukaryotic recombinases, Nature, 451, 7181, 1018-1021, 2008.02.
15. Yoshie Fujiwara, Kouta Mayanagi, and Kosuke Morikawa, Functional significance of octameric RuvA for a branch migration complex from Thermus thermophilus., BBRC, 366, 2, 426-431, 2007.12.
16. Kouta Mayanagi, Yoshie Fujiwara, Tomoko Miyata, and Kosuke Morikawa, Electron microscopic single particle analysis of a tetrameric RuvA/RuvB/Holliday junction DNA complex, BBRC, 365, 273-278, (Corresponding Author), 2007.11.
17. Tomoko Miyata, Hirofumi Suzuki, Takuji Oyama, Kouta Mayanagi, Yoshizumi Ishino, and Kosuke Morikawa, Open clamp structure in the clamp-loading complex visualized by electron microscopic image analysis. , PNAS, 10.1073/pnas.0506447102, 102, 39, 13795-13800, 2005.09.
18. Tomoko Miyata, Takuji Oyama, Kouta Mayanagi, Sonoko Ishino, Yoshizumi Ishino, and Kosuke Morikawa, The Clamp-loading Complex for Processive DNA Replication, Nature Struct. & Molec. Biol. , 10.1038/nsmb788, 11, 7, 632-636, 2004.06.
19. Kyoko Matoba, Kouta Mayanagi, Syo Nakasu, Akihiko Kikuchi, and Kosuke Morikawa, Three-dimensional electron microscopy of the reverse gyrase from Sulfolobus tokodaii, BBRC, 297, 4, 749-755, 2002.10.
20. Naoko Kajimura, Matsuyo Yamazaki, Kosuke Morikawa, Akio Yamazaki, and Kouta Mayanagi, Three-dimensional structure of non-activated cGMP phosphodiesterase 6 and comparison of its image with those of activated forms, J. Struct. Biol., 139, 1, 27-38, (Corresponding Author), 2002.07.
21. Mayanagi, K., Miyata, T., Oyama, T., Ishino, Y., and Morikawa, K, Three-dimensional electron microscopy of the clamp loader small subunit from Pyrococcus furiosus, J. Struct. Biol., 134, 1, 35-45, (Corresponding Author), 2001.04.
22. Miyata, T., Yamada, K., Iwasaki, H., Shinagawa, H., Morikawa, K., and Mayanagi. K, Two different oligomeric states of the RuvB branch migration motor protein as revealed by electron microscopy, J. Struct. Biol., 131, 2, 83-89, (Corresponding Author), 2000.08.
23. Mayanagi, K., Ishikawa, T., Toyoshima, C., Inoue, Y., and Nakazato, K, Three-dimensional electron microscopy of the photosystem II core complex, J. Struct. Biol. , 123, 3, 211-224, 1998.11.
1. Kouta Mayanagi, Kazumi Saikusa, Naoyuki Miyazaki, Satoko Akashi, Kenji Iwasaki, Yoshifumi Nishimura, Kosuke Morikawa, and Yasuo Tsunaka, Key steps in nucleosome reorganization by human FACT as revealed by cryo-EM single particle analysis, Gordon Research Conference 3D Electron Microscopy, 2022.06.
2. 真柳浩太, Cryo-EM network aiming to support drug discovery in the Kyushu / West Japan area, 第59回日本生物物理学会, 2021.11, At the 59th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan in November 2021, six speakers are invited to share the recent results of single particle analysis, tomography, and micro-ED by cryo-EMs, and to discuss the issues to be overcome by technical development. This symposium is cosponsored by the AMED-BINDS.
Dr. Kouta Mayanagi from Kyushu Univ. will talk about the two high-end cryo-EMs (200 kV and 300 kV) to be set up in the fiscal year of 2021 at the Pharmaceutical Research Institute, Kyushu University, which is the Library Screening Section organized by Dr. Shigehiro Ohdo. Using these two new cryo-EMs together with the cryo-EM Polara at Medical Institute of Bioregulation, Kyushu Univ. will promote research support for researchers in academia and pharmaceutical companies in the areas of Kyushu and West Japan. Taking advantage of the characteristics of the above Library Screening Section, they aim to focus on research support for drug discovery research, such as structural analysis using libraries of chemical compounds. In addition, they also plan to utilize the supercomputer ITO ( to build a standard single particle analysis environment, easy and convenient for beginners..
3. Kouta Mayanagi, Sonoko Ishino, Tsuyoshi Shirai, Takuji Oyama, Shinichi Kiyonari, Daisuke Kohda, Kosuke Morikawa, Yoshizumi Ishino, Direct Visualization of DNA Baton Pass between Replication Factors Bound to Archaeal Okazakisome., 15th International Congress on Thermophiles, 2019.09.
4. Kouta Mayanagi, Single particle analysis of DNA replication fork complex, 10th International 3R (DNA, Replication, Recombination, and Repair) Symposium, 2016.11,  We have been studying the mechanism of synthesis and maturation of Okazaki fragments, in which three replication factors, i.e. DNA polymerase, Flap endonuclease (FEN), and DNA ligase, are playing essential roles. As all of these three enzymes are known to interact with PCNA, a switching mechanism between these factors, bound simultaneously to a PCNA ring has been proposed, called PCNA tool belt model, which is considered to increase the efficiency of these sequential reactions. Recent biochemical studies, however, suggest sequential binding and releasing of these factors. Little is known regarding the precise switching mechanism, due to the lack of the structural knowledge of these complexes.
We investigated the structures of the core components of the replisome, such as DNA polymerase-PCNA-DNA, and DNA ligase-PCNA-DNA, by single particle analysis. Besides the known interaction through a PIP-box motif, we could find a novel contact between polymerase and PCNA, as well as between ligase and PCNA. Mutant analysis showed that these contacts are involved in the regulation of the replication factors, such as the switching between the polymerizing and editing modes of the polymerase. Our results, showing that both factors are bound to two subunits of the PCNA trimer, were inconsistent with the standard tool belt model. The third PCNA subunit, however, was still free in both complexes, thus we analyzed the complex structures with two replication factors. We could successfully visualize the 3D structure of FEN-DNA ligase-PCNA-DNA complex, and the handing over of the ds DNA from FEN to DNA ligase..
5. Mayanagi K, Ishino S Takafuji M, Mitsuoka K, Shirai T, Kiyonari S, Nishida H, Kohda D, Morikawa K, Ishino Y., Switching mechanism of the replisome as revealed by single particle analysis, 第 89 回日本生化学会大会, 2016.09, DNA replication in archaea and eukaryotes is executed by family B DNA polymerases, which exhibitfull activity when complexed with the DNA clamp, proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). PCNAhas a trimeric ring structure that encircles the DNA, and increases the processivity of the bound DNApolymerase by tethering it to the DNA. It is known now, that PCNA also interacts with multiple partnersto control DNA replication, DNA repair, and cell cycle progression, and works not only as the platform,but also as the conductor for the recruitment and release of these factors. However, the moleculararchitectures as well as the mechanism of the regulation of these replication factors are not known indetail.We have investigated the three-dimensional structure of the core components of the replisome,such as DNA polymerase-PCNA-DNA, and DNA ligase-PCNA-DNA ternary complexes, by singleparticle analysis (2- 3). Besides the authentic interaction through a PCNA-interacting protein box (PIPbox),we could find a novel contact between both polymerase-PCNA and ligase-PCNA. Mutant analysisshowed that these contacts are involved in the regulation of the replication factors, such as the switchingbetween the polymerizing and editing modes of the polymerase. Our results, showing that both factorsbound to two subunits of the PCNA trimer ring, were inconsistent with the standard tool belt model. Thethird PCNA subunit, however, was still free in both complexes, thus we analyzed the complex structureswith two replication factors bound to one PCNA ring, in order to investigate the switching mechanismbetween them in more detail..
6. Mayanagi K, Ishino S Takafuji M, Mitsuoka K, Shirai T, Kiyonari S, Nishida H, Kohda D, Morikawa K, Ishino Y., Switching mechanism of DNA replication fork complex revealed by single particle analysis, The 16th European Microscopy Congress, 2016.08.
7. Kouta Mayanagi, Molecular switching of DNA replication fork complex revealed by single particle analysis, The 1st APPA-PSSJ joint workshop, 2016.06, Okazaki fragments synthesis and maturation, during lagging strand DNA replication, is accomplished by mainly three replication factors, i.e. DNA polymerase, Flap endonuclease, and DNA ligase. All of these three enzymes are known to interact with the DNA clamp, proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), through a PCNA-interacting protein box (PIP-box) motif. PCNA forms a trimeric ring that encircles the DNA, and increases the processivity of the bound DNA polymerase by tethering it to the DNA. As up to three replication factors could be bound to a PCNA trimer, a switching mechanism between these replication factors, bound simultaneously to a PCNA ring has been proposed, called PCNA tool belt model, which is considered to increase the efficiency of the sequential reactions. However, the precise mechanism is not known in detail, due to the lack of structural data of such complexes. In order to investigate the mechanism of the regulation and switching of these replication factors bound to PCNA, we have studied the molecular architectures of the core components of the replisome, such as DNA polymerase-PCNA-DNA, and DNA ligase-PCNA-DNA complexes, by single particle analysis..
8. Kouta Mayanagi, Electron microscopic analysis of molecular architecture and switching mechanism of DNA replication fork complex, ICSG2013-SLS, 2013.07.
9. Kouta Mayanagi, Shinichi Kiyonari, Hirokazu Nishida, Sonoko Iahino, Mihoko Saito, Daisuke Kohda, Yoshizumi Ishino, Tsuyoshi Shirai, Kosuke Morikawa, Molecular architecture and switching mechanism of DNA replication fork complex, Gordon Research Conferences: Three Dimensional Electron Microscopy, 2013.06.
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