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YAMAO Dai Last modified date:2024.06.03

Associate Professor / Department of Social Sciences
Department of Social Studies
Faculty of Social and Cultural Studies

Graduate School
Undergraduate School

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 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Academic Degree
Ph.D. (Kyoto University, Area Studies)
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Field of Specialization
Iraqi Politics, Middle East Politics, Comparative Politics
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Outline Activities
Iraqi politics. Moddle East politics and Islamist movements
Research Interests
  • State Builiding in the post-conflict society
    keyword : conflict, state building, education, poll survey
  • State-building of Iraq in the post conflict era
    keyword : Iraqi Politics, Middle East Politics, Islamist Movements
Academic Activities
1. Yamao, Dai, “2017 Opinion Poll in Iraq: Sampling Method and Descriptive Statistics” Relational Studies on Global Crises Online Paper Series: Research Report , (Online Paper Series No.4: Research Report No.2), 43p.(, 2018.12.
2. YAMAO, Dai, Books Review: Fusein-Iraku Seiken no Shihai Kouzou, Keiko Sakai; Iraqu: Sensouto Senryou, Keiko Sakai; Iraku Sensou Deita Bukku, Masayuki Yamauchi and Motohiro Ono; Gendai Islam Sekairon, Yasushi Kosugi, International Journal of Contemporary Iraqi Studies, 2007.09.
1. Yamao, Dai and Kota Suechika., “Measuring the Evolution of Arab States’ Perceptions of the Iranian Threat: A Quantitative Text Analysis of Arabic-Language State Media, 2010-20”, British Journal of the Middle East Studies,, 10.1080/13530194.2024.2345882, 2024.05.
2. Sakai, Keiko, Akiko Yoshioka, Dai Yamao, and Ali Taher al-Hammood, From Protest to Ballot Box: 2021 election in Iraq and its national, regional and local consequences, RSGC Occational Paper, 28 Feb, 2022. (, 2022.04.
3. Kinoshita, Hiroko and Dai Yamao, “A Quantitative Text Analysis on Mobilization of Electorate by Islamist Parties during the 2018 Iraqi Parliamentary Election”, Ratuva, Steven, Hamdy A. Hassan and Radmir Compel eds., Risk, Identity and Conflict: Theoretical Perspectives and Case Studies, Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 207-229., 2021.08.
4. Yamao, Dai and Shingo Hamanaka., “Political mobilization and its impact on voter turnout: A survey experiment in Iraq”, Asian Journal of Comparative Politics, , , Asian Journal of Comparative Politics, online first,, 6(4): 421-440., 2021.09.
5. Yamao, Dai, “Re-securitization as Evasion of Responsibility: A Quantitative Text Analysis of Refugee Crisis in Major Arabic Newspapers”, Journal of Population and Social Studies, Special Issues, 2020: 1-26., 2020.10.
6. Yamao, Dai, “Regime Change and National Integration Policy: Focusing on Iraqi School Textbooks before and after the 2003 U.S. Invasion”, Keiko Sakai and Philip Marfleet eds., Iraq after the Invasion: People and Politics in a State of Conflict, London: Routledge, pp. 153-171., 2020.08.
7. Yamao, Dai, “The Conflict in Iraq and its Impact on Perception toward Statehood: Based on Poll Surveys”, Relational Studies on Global Crises Online Paper Series No. 8, Working Paper No. 4, 2019.05, [URL].
8. Yamao, Dai, “From Regional Politics to Street Demonstrations: Changes in the Iraqi Communist Party’s Political Strategies in the Post-war Era”, International Journal of Contemporary Iraqi Studies, 12 (2), pp. 147-165., 2018.09, This article analyses how the Iraqi Communist Party (ICP) altered its political strategies
in post-war Iraq. After the decline of the political presence, the ICP formed large
alliances with small parties in the third round of local and national elections, opting
to support candidates on a national scale; in doing so, the ICP achieved significant
breakthrough. The party’s election strategy not only led to the ICP’s success but also
to the overall stabilization of Iraqi party politics. After the rise of ISIS, the ICP overcame
its ideological differences with Sadrist factions that similarly stood alongside
the masses; pursuing large-scale demonstrations, the ICP found further opportunities
to carry out its political activities. The ICP has thus been adroit in adapting its
political strategies according to political and social circumstances. As Islamist groups
have seized political power and religious sentiment has spread, the ICP might be
seen as pursuing the best of strategies that remain available to it..
9. YAMAO, Dai, “Foreign Impacts Revisited: Islamists’ Struggles in Post-war Iraq”, , World Political Science Review, , 9, 1, 155-172, 2013.07, [URL].
10. YAMAO, Dai, "Iraqi Islamist Parties in International Politics: The Impact of Historical and International Politics on Political Conflict in Post-War Iraq", International Journal of Contemporary Iraqi Studies, 6, 1, 27-52, pp. 27-52, 2012.05.
11. Yamao, Dai, "Sectarianism Twisted: Changing Cleavages in the Elections of Post-war Iraq", Arab Studies Quarterly, 34, 1, pp. 27-51, 2012.01.
12. Yamao, Dai, Transformation of the Iraqi Islamist Parties and their Framing in the Changing Regional and International Political Environments, Kyoto Working Papers on Area Studies, 16, 1-39, 2009.12.
13. Yamao, Dai, "The Hidden Surge of the Shiʻite Authority under the Ṣaddām Regime in Iraq: A Social Movement of the Second al-Ṣadr in the 1990s", Journal of Greater Middle East Studies, 1, 2, 33-77, 2009.05.
14. Yamao, Dai, "An Islamist Social Movement under the Authoritarian Regime in Iraq during 1990s: A Study on the Shiʻite Leadership of Ṣādiq al-Ṣadr and its Socio-political Base", AJAMES, 25, 1, 1-29, 2009.03.
15. Yamao, Dai, Struggle for Political Space in post-War Iraq: Contending Relation between ex-Exile Ruling Parties and Later-formed Parties, Kyoto Working Papers on Area Studies, 6, 1-29, 2009.02.
16. Yamao, Dai, "Al-Ṣadr’s Revolutionary Ideas and the Islamic Daʻwa Party in its Formative Period", Al-Ādāb, (Journal of the College of Arts, University of Baghdad), 84, 1-26, 2008.08.
17. Yamao, Dai, "Transformation of the Islamic Daʻwa Party in Iraq: from the Revolutionary Period to the Diaspora Era", Asian and African Area Studies, 7, 2, 238‐267, 2008.04.
1. Yamao, Dai, “Heroes stirring up political unrest: Measuring evaluation of former-militia (PMU) by a list experiment in Iraq”, 27th World Congress of Political Science (International Political Science Association, IPSA) , 2023.07.
2. Suechika, Kota and Dai Yamao, “How do Syrians perceive roles of the resurgent Assad regime in the post-conflict period? An analysis of the 2021 public opinion survey”, , Humanitarian narratives and interventions from the contemporary Middle East , 2023.03.
3. Yamao, Dai, “Measuring Strength of National Integration during Political Crisis in Iraq: based on Quantitative Text Analysis”,, 25th World Congress of Political Science (International Political Science Association, IPSA), 2021.07.
4. Yamao, Dai, “”Re-securitization” as “Evasion of Responsibility”: A Quantitative Text Analysis of Major Arabic Newspapers on Refugee Crisis”, Relational Studies on Global Conflicts: International Conference on Resources and Human Mobility, 2019.12.
5. Yamao, Dai, “How the Refugee Crisis was Reported in the Middle East: A Quantitative Text Analysis of Major Arabic Newspapers”, JAIR Annual Convention, 2019.10.
6. Yamao, Dai, “Measuring the Impact of the IS on Media Reporting: Based on Quantitative Text Analysis of Major Iraqi Newspapers”,, Poltext, 2019.09.
7. Kinoshita, Hiroko and Dai Yamao, “A Quantitative Text Analysis on Mobilization of the Electorate by Islamist Parties during the 2018 Iraqi Parliamentary Election”, International Conference on Global Risk, Security and Ethnicity, IPSA Research Committee 44, 2019.08.
8. Yamao, Dai, "Negotiating multi‐vectored state image in fighting state enemy in Iraq", World Social Science Forum 2018, 2018.09.
9. Yamao, Dai, “Conflict and its Impact on Statehood in Iraq: Based on Poll Surveys”,, Relational Studies on Global Conflicts: Toward a New Approach to Contemporary Crises, 2018.12.
10. Yamao, Dai, Reconfiguration of State Image in Fighting State Enemy in Iraq, 25th World Congress of Political Science (International Political Science Association, IPSA, 2018.07.
11. Yamao, Dai, “Struggle for State Images in post-war Iraq”, World Congress of the Middle East Sturdies, WOCMES 5, 2018.07.
12. Dai YAMAO, “How Nation was re-created? Comparative Studies in Post-war Japan and Iraq”, 7th Iraqi Japanese International Conference, Role of Religious Scholars and Intellectual Elites to Enhance the National Identity in Iraq and Japan, 2017.01.
13. Dai YAMAO, “Elite Politics or a Rational Government? Abadi’s Reforms and Rise of Social Movement”, 6th Iraq-Japan Academic Workshop: Post-ISIS Iraq, Searching for a Better Future, 2016.09.
14. Dai YAMAO, “Mobilising Sectarianism in the Changing Regional and International Politics: The Case of Iraq”, 24th World Congress of Political Science (International Political Science Association, IPSA) , 2016.07.
15. Dai YAMAO, “Reconstruction of National History: Iraqi and Japanese Case”, 5th Iraqi-Japanese Symposium , 2015.12.
16. 山尾 大, “Turmoil of Iraqi Politics and its Impact on Iraqi-Japanese Relation”, CMENAS/CJI Symposium, Japan and the Middle East: Energy, Politics, and Culture , 2015.11.
17. Dai YAMAO, “Historical Syria Revisited? 'Failure' of State Building in Iraq and Challenges on Regional Security”, International Studies Association, Global South Caucus Conference, 2015.01.
18. Dai YAMAO, “The Transformation of Politicised Sectarianism in Iraq”, World Congress of the Middle East Sturdies, WOCMES 4, 2014.08.
19. Dai YAMAO, “From Mesopotamian Iraq to What? The Transformation of “Official Nationalism” after the Iraqi War in 2003”, International Conference, Iraq 10 years on, 2013.06.
Membership in Academic Society
  • International Association for Contemporary Iraqi Studies
Educational Activities
In political science class, I teach overview of what political science as discipline covers firstly, then move to the Middle East politics. In graduate level, advanced Middle East politics and Islamist movements are dealt with.