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Funakoshi Kouta Last modified date:2024.06.03

Assistant Professor / Kyushu University Hospital

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 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Academic Degree
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Field of Specialization
Cardiology, Regulatory Science, Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Medical Informatics
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Outline Activities
As the Department manager, Departent of Clinical Research Supervision ; Office Head, Data Science Office, Departent of Clinical Research Supervision, Center for Clinical and Translational Research, I provide wide-ranging support for clinical research at university hospitals and universities, and simultaneously conducts human resource development and infrastructure development for this purpose.
In collaboration with the Medical Information Center (MIC), I contribute the implementation, support, human resource development, and infrastructure development of real-world evidence creation research, as well as the development of human resources, systems, and operational frameworks for decentralized clinical trials, in collaboration with core clinical research hospitals in Japan.
Research Interests
  • creating a feedback Mechanism Of performance measUreS with an aim to improve QUality of care in Elderly diabetic patients: A naTional collAboration of core hospitals for clInical research to create Real world Evidence (MOUSQUETAIRE)
    keyword : diabetes, core hospitals for clinical research, real world data, real world evidence
  • Trial design of pivotal trial of medical devices
    keyword : trial design, medical device
Academic Activities
1. Kouta Funakoshi, Kazuya Hosokawa, Takuya Kishi, Tomomi Ide, Kenji Sunagawa, Striking Volume Intolerance Is Induced by Mimicking Arterial Baroreflex Failure in Normal Left Ventricular Function, JOURNAL OF CARDIAC FAILURE, 10.1016/j.cardfail.2013.11.007, 20, 1, 53-59, 2014.01, Background: Patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) are supersensitive to volume overload, and a striking increase in left atrial pressure (LAP) often occurs transiently and is rapidly resolved by intravascular volume reduction. The arterial baroreflex is a powerful regulator of intravascular stressed blood volume. We examined whether arterial baroreflex failure (FAIL) mimicked by constant carotid sinus pressure (CSP) causes a striking increase in LAP and systemic arterial pressure (AP) by volume loading in rats with normal left ventricular (LV) function.

Methods and results: In anesthetized Sprague-Dawley rats, we isolated bilateral carotid sinuses and controlled CSP by a servo-controlled piston pump. We mimicked the normal arterial baroreflex by matching CSP to instantaneous AP and FAIL by maintaining CSP at a constant value regardless of AP. We infused dextran stepwise (infused volume [Vi]) until LAP reached 15 mm Hg and obtained the LAP-Vi relationship. We estimated the critical Vi as the Vi at which LAP reached 20 mm Hg. In FAIL, critical Vi decreased markedly from 19.4 ± 1.6 mL/kg to 15.6 ± 1.6 mL/kg (P
Conclusions: Arterial baroreflex failure induces striking volume intolerance in the absence of LV dysfunction and may play an important role in the pathogenesis of acute heart failure, especially in states of HFpEF..
Membership in Academic Society
  • Japanese Society of Echocardiography
  • Japanese Society of Echocardiography
  • Japanese Association for Medical Informatics
  • The Japanese Circulation Society
  • The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
  • The Biometric Society of Japan
  • Society for Regulatory Science of Medical Products