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Tadahiro Kin Last modified date:2024.06.03

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Official website of Kin's laboratory (Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan) .
Academic Degree
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Field of Specialization
Radiation Metrology, Particle Beam Engineering, Nuclear Science and Technology
ORCID(Open Researcher and Contributor ID)
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Outline Activities
Research Subject:
I have mainly two research subjects. The first one is cosmic-ray muon radiography or muography. We have been developing detectors and novel analysis methods of huge magnetic field imaging for fusion reactors and
infrastructure buildings to inspect degradation non-destructively. The second one is useful radioisotopes (RI) production, i.e., medical RIs, environmental tracer, by the accelerator neutron method.

Example of the other sub-subjects are
- 3D printing plastic scintillator
- webcam, as a tool of radiation education

Laboratory: radiation meteorology, radiation application, machine learning in radiation meteorology.
Graduation: Radiation Physics and Engineering, Group work research activity, Statics and Probability

Science communication (Science Cafe), Lecture to high schools, junior high schools, and elementary schools students on their school.
Research Interests
  • Radiation detector development (for cosmic-ray muon radiography,
    monitoring air dose rate, and so on).
    keyword : radiation detector, cosmic-ray muon, radiography, air dose rate
  • A development of a method to produce radio isotopes for medicine, engineering and so on, using accelerator based neutron sources.
    keyword : medical radio isotope, accelerator based neutron source, RI production method, nuclear reaction
  • Development of machine learning gamma-ray spectrometry for trace element analysis
    keyword : radiation measurement, trace element analysis, gamma-ray spectrometry
  • Development of a radiation detector made by a 3D-printer.
    keyword : 3D-printer, scintillator, radiation detector
Current and Past Project
  • Muography has been applied to observe the inside of huge objects such as volcanoes, pyramids, etc. This project aims to expand the application to the sea. We have placed and will place muon sensitive detectors along the undersea tunnel of the Tokyo Aqua Line. The output of the detectors can show real-time tidal levels and exploration of natural gas under Tokyo bay. Kyushu University member take part of the exploration of natural gas using the Cosmic-ray Tomography technique.
Academic Activities
1. Hiroyuki K. M. Tanaka, Cristiano Bozza, Alan Bross, Elena Cantoni, Osvaldo Catalano, Giancarlo Cerretto, Andrea Giammanco, Jon Gluyas, Ivan Gnesi, Marko Holma, Tadahiro Kin, Ignacio Lázaro Roche, Giovanni Leone, Zhiyi Liu, Domenico Lo Presti, Jacques Marteau, Jun Matsushima, László Oláh, Natalia Polukhina, Surireddi S. V. S. Ramakrishna, Marco Sellone, Armando Hideki Shinohara, Sara Steigerwald, Kenji Sumiya, Lee Thompson, Valeri Tioukov, Yusuke Yokota & Dezső Varga , The Muography, nature reviews methods primers ,, 3, 88, 2023.11, Muography takes advantage of the specific properties of cosmic-ray muons, relativistic leptons that are much heavier than electrons. Cosmic-ray muons have strong penetrating power and a relativistic nature, which means they can be used in a range of technologies, including imagery; positioning, navigation, timing (PNT); and secured communication in environments where conventional techniques are unavailable. As cosmic-ray muons are universally present on Earth, muographic measurements can be conducted in the same manner across the globe. Similar results have been produced independent of where measurements were taken. This has enabled the muographic field to grow and develop into a powerful tool for investigating natural phenomena, cultural heritage and PNT. This Primer is intended as an introductory article that introduces new and established muographic techniques. Case studies are provided, with examples from recent interdisciplinary advances. Data reproducibility and limitations are discussed, before finishing with an outlook of future developments.
2. Md Kawchar Ahmed Patwary, Tadahiro Kin, Katsumi Aoki, Kosuke Yoshinami, Masaya Yamaguchi, Yukinobu Watanabe, Kazuaki Tsukada, Nozomi Sato, Masato Asai, Tetsuya K. Sato, Yuichi Hatsukawa, Shinsuke Nakayama, Measurement of double-differential thick-target neutron yields of the C(d,n) reaction at 12, 20, and 30 MeV, journal of nuclear science and technology, 10.1080/00223131.2020.1819908, 58, 252-258, 2020.09, While designing deuteron accelerator neutron sources for radioisotope production, nuclear data for light elements such as Li, Be, and C have been systematically measured in the deuteron energy range from a few MeV to around 50 MeV. Currently, the experimental data available on double-differential thick-target neutron yields (DDTTNYs) are insufficient, especially for deuteron energies between 18 and 33 MeV. In this study, we measured the DDTTNYs of (d,n) reactions on natC target for incident deuteron energies of 12, 20, and 30 MeV using the multiple-foil activation method to improve nuclear data insufficiency. The neutrons were detected at emission angles of 0°, 10°, 20°, 30°, and 45°. We applied the GRAVEL code for the unfolding process to derive the DDTTNYs. The results were compared with the calculation by the deuteron-induced reaction analysis code system (DEURACS), and the DEURACS calculation underestimated our results 12 and 20 MeV deuteron. The present data were also used to confirm the systematics of the differential neutron yields at 0° and total neutron yield per incident deuteron in 12–30 MeV of deuteron energy..
3. Kullapha Chaiwongkhot1, Tadahiro Kin, Ryo Sasaki, Hikaru Sato, Yuta Nagata, Tomohiro Komori, Yukinobu Watanabe, A Feaibility Study of 3D Cosmic-Ray Muon Tomography with a Portable Muography Detector, JPS Conference Proceedings (Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Radiation Detectors and Their Uses (ISRD2018)) 24, 011010 (2019),, 24, 011010, 6 pages, 2019.01, The Maximum Likelihood-Expectation Maximization (ML-EM) method was applied to 3D image reconstruction of cosmic-ray muon tomography. The feasibility was examined by using Monte Carlo simulation for a simple configuration where two lead blocks were placed at a different height from a muography detector. The 2D projection of the average thickness of the blocks as a function of the muon direction was simulated for multiple detection positions. The 3D image of the density profile was reconstructed by applying the ML-EM method to the simulated projections. It was found that the image reproduces reasonably well the position of the two blocks. The effect of the limited number of detection positions and the number of iteration in the ML-EM method on the image reconstruction was investigated in detail..
4. Tadahiro Kin1, Md. Kawchar Ahmed Patwary, Masaki Kamida, Katsumi Aoki, Naoto Araki, Kosuke Yoshinami, Yukinobu Watanabe, Masatoshi Itoh, Development of Radioisotopes Production Method by Accelerator-Based Neutron: Activity at Kyushu University, JPS Conference Proceedings (Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Radiation Detectors and Their Uses (ISRD2018)) 24, 011010 (2019),, 24, 011031, 6 pages, 2019.01, We have studied Radioisotopes (RIs) production by the accelerator-based neutron method with neutrons generated via the (d,n) reaction on C or Be in the incident energy range less than 50 MeV. The study has been conducted by the two approaches: proposal of new production routes or new RIs with the accelerator-based neutron method and systematic measurements of double-differential thick-target neutron yields (DDTTNYs). In the study, we have proposed effective production methods of 64Cu for a new PET RI and 92Y for application of radio immunotherapy. Moreover, the DDTTNYs have been systematically measured by the multiple-foil activation method, and a new unfolding code with artificial neural network was developed for the unfolding process. In the present paper, our research activity and results are reviewed comprehensively to show examples of 64Cu production and a TTNY measurement of C(d,n) reaction at 12-MeV deuteron..
5. Tadahiro Kin, Yukimasa Sanzen, Masaki Kamida, Yukinobu Watanabe, Masatoshi Itoh, Production of 92Y via the 92Zr(n, p) reaction using the C(d, n) accelerator neutron source, 2016 International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, ND 2016 ND 2016 International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, 10.1051/epjconf/201714608009, 146, 2017.09, We have proposed a new method of producing medical radioisotope 92Y as a candidate of alternatives of 111In bioscan prior to 90Y ibritumomab tiuxetan treatment. The 92Y isotope is produced via the 92Zr (n,p) reaction using accelerator neutrons generated by the interaction of deuteron beams with carbon. A feasibility experiment was performed at Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center, Tohoku University. A carbon thick target was irradiated by 20-MeV deuterons to produce accelerator neutrons. The thick target neutron yield (TTNY) was measured by using the multiple foils activation method. The foils were made of Al, Fe, Co, Ni, Zn, Zr, Nb, and Au. The production amount of 92Y and induced impurities were estimated by simulation with the measured TTNY and the JENDL-4.0 nuclear data..
6. Tadahiro KIN, Takaya Kawagoe, Shouhei Araki, Yukinobu Watanabe, Production of high-purity medical radio isotope 64Cu with accelerator-based neutrons generated with 9 and 12 MeV deuterons, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology,, 54, 10, 1123-1130, 2017.07, We conducted a feasibility study for producing a high-purity medical radioisotope 64Cu from natural zinc with accelerator-based neutrons. 64Cu isotopes were produced via the 64Zn(n,p) reaction. The accelerator-based neutrons were generated via the C(d,n) reaction using low-energy deuterons of 9 and 12 MeV on a 1-mm-thick carbon target. First, the production purity was estimated using the evaluated nuclear data library JENDL-4.0 and our previously measured thick target neutron yield. We found that even when natural zinc was used as the starting material, significantly high-purity 64Cu could be obtained. Next, irradiation experiments for producing 64Cu using natural zinc were conducted at Kyushu University Tandem Laboratory, with the amounts of 64Cu isotopes and other gamma-emission nuclides measured by a high-purity germanium detector. As a result, high-purity 64Cu isotopes of 1.11(49) × 100 and 3.70 (17) × 100 Bq/g/uC were produced with incident deuteron energies of 9 and 12 MeV, respectively..
7. Tadahiro KIN, Kullapha Chaiwongkhot, Hiroaki Ohno, Kazuhiro Kondo, Yukinobu Watanabe, Measurement of Zenith and Azimuth Angular Differential Flux of Cosmic-ray Muons Using a Prototype Portable Muography Detector, JPS Conference Proceedings,, 11, 070006, 6 pages, 2016.11, We have developed a prototype portable muography detector and applied it to measurement of zenith and azimuth angular differential fluxes of cosmic-ray muons on the ground. The detector system was operated stably and the obtained angular fluxes were consistent with the well-known ones. This result demonstrated that the prototype detector has basic performance for muography after careful realignment..
8. Takaya Kawagoe, Tadahiro KIN, Shouhei Araki, Yukinobu Watanabe, Measurement of neutron yield by multiple-foil activation unfolding method for medical radioisotopes production using accelerator neutrons, the 2014 Symposium on Nuclear Data,, JAEA-Conf 2015-003, 297-302, 2016.03, We measured the angle-differential TTNYs of the C(d,n) reaction at Ed = 12 MeV using multiple-foil activation unfolding method. The spectral shape was in good agreement with previous experimental data..
9. Tadahiro KIN, Yukinobu Watanabe, Development of a Remote and Multipoint Air-dose Rate Monitoring System Using Webcams, 2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, 3 pages, 2015.11, We propose a new webcam-based air-dose rate monitoring system, in which multiple webcams are driven remotely by a single PC..
10. Tadahiro KIN, Yasuki Nagai, Nobuyuki Iwamoto, Futoshi Minato, Osamu Iwamoto, Yuichi Hatsukawa, Mariko Segawa, Hideo Harada, Chikara Konno, Kentaro Ochiai, Kosuke Takakura, New Production Routes for Medical Isotopes 64Cu and 67Cu Using Accelerator Neutrons, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 82, 034201-8 pages, 2013.02, We have measured the activation cross sections producing 64Cu and 67Cu, promising medical radioisotopes for molecular imaging and radioimmunotherapy, by bombarding a natural zinc sample with 14 MeV neutrons. We estimated the production yields of 64Cu and 67Cu by fast neutrons from natC(d,n) with 40MeV 5mA deuterons. We used the present result together with the evaluated cross section of the (n,x) reaction on Zn isotopes. The calculated 64Cu yield is 1.8 TBq (175 g 64Zn) for 12 hours of irradiation; the yields of 67Cu by 67Zn(n,p)67Cu and 68Zn(n,x)67Cu were 249 GBq (184 g 67Zn) and 287 GBq (186 g 68Zn) at the end of 2 days of irradiation, respectively. From the results, we proposed a new route to produce 67Cu with very little radionuclide impurity via the 68Zn(n,x)67Cu reaction, and showed the 64Zn(n,p)64Cu reaction to be a promising route to produce 64Cu. Both 67Cu and 64Cu should be noted to be produced by using fast neutrons..
11. T. KIN, K. Furutaka, S. Goko, H. Harada, J. Hori, M. Igashira, T. Kamiyama, T. Katabuchi, A. Kimura, K. Kino, F. Kitatani, Y. Kiyanagi, M. Koizumi, M. Mizumoto, S. Nakamura, M. Ohta, M. Oshima, and Y. Toh, THE “4π GERMANIUM SPECTROMETER” FOR MEASUREMENTS OF NEUTRON CAPTURE CROSS SECTIONS BY THE TIME-OF-FLIGHT METHOD AT THE J-PARC/MLF/NNRI, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 59, 1769, 2011.08.
12. Tadahiro Kin, Masumi Oshima, Kazuyoshi Furutaka, Mitsuo Koizumi, Yosuke Toh, Atsushi Kimura, Identification of Nuclear Levels of 34S for Determination of the Neutron Capture Cross Section, Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, AIP Conference Proceedings 1090, 575, 2009.01.
13. Tadahiro Kin, Ken-ichi Makino, Nobuo Noda, Kazuharu Koide and Masahiro Nakano, The Molecular Dynamics Calculation of Clathrate Hydrate Structure Stability for Innovative Organ Preservation Method, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 4, 2, 249, 2008.02.
14. Tadahiro Kin, Masumi Oshima, Kazuyoshi Furutaka, Mitsuo Koizumi, Yosuke Toh and Atsushi Kimura, Development of a Spectrometer for Multiple Prompt Gamma-Ray Measurement to Identify Nuclear Levels, FRONTIERS IN NUCLEAR STRUCTURE, ASTROPHYSICS, AND REACTIONS “FINUSTAR 2”, AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 1012, 374, 2008.01.
15. Tadahiro KIN, Ken-ichi MAKINO, Kazuharu KOIDE, Tetsuya NEMOTO, Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Complex Phase Transition of Clathrate Hydrates in Living Body, 2006 International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 556, 2007.01.
16. Tadahiro Kin, Fuminobu Saiho, Sin-ya Hohara, Katsuhiko Ikeda, Kiyohisa Ichikawa, Yusuke Yamashita, Minoru Imamura, Genichiro Wakabayashi, Nobuo Ikeda, Yusuke Uozumi, Masaru Matoba, Norihiko Koori, Proton Production Cross Sections for Reactions Induced by 300 and 392 MeV Protons, International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science & Technology ND2004, 769, Part One, 207-210, 2005.08.
17. Tadahiro Kin, Fuminobu Saiho, Shinya Hohara, Katsuhiko Ikeda, Kiyohisa Ichikawa, Yusuke Yamashita, Minoru Imamura, Genichiro Wakabayashi, Nobuo Ikeda, Yusuke Uozumi, Masaru Matoba, Masahiro Nakano, Norihiko Koori, Proton production cross sections for reactions by 300- and 392-MeV protons on carbon, aluminum and niobium., Physical Review C, 10.1103/PhysRevC.72.014606, 72, 1, 014606, 2005.07.
1. Tadahiro Kin, Hamid Basiri Eduardo Cortina Gil Andrea Giammanco, , Magnetic Field imaging by Cosmic-ray muon (Magic-µ), IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, 2021.09, Cosmic-ray muon radiography, also called muography, consists of two techniques: absorption and scattering methods. Alvarez proposed the absorption method in 1970 to survey hidden chambers in pyramids. The method has been applied to various targets to inspect their density distribution or inner structure. Since Borozdin invented the scattering method in 2003, the muography approach can also identify nuclides, especially heavy ones such as uranium or plutonium. This study proposes a new approach, which aims at measuring magnetic field. We call the project, Magic-µ, which is short for MAGnetic field Imaging by Cosmic-ray MUons. Charged particles in motion receive Lorentz force when passing through a magnetic field, and they change their trajectories without losing kinetic energy. The charge of the muons, positive or negative, determines in which direction the trajectory is shifted. Given a magnetic flux density and a trajectory length in the magnetic field, i.e., we can uniquely determine the magnetic flux density along the trajectory for a specific trajectory shift. We have proposed a muography system with sensitivity to magnetic fields and developed data analysis methods to estimate a 3-dimensional magnetic flux density. In the present paper, we will treat the outline of the Magic-µ project and prospect..
2. Hamid BASIRI Tadahiro KIN Eduardo Cortina Gil Andrea Giammanco, Simulation of a first case study for magnetic field imaging with the Magic-μ technique, International Workshop on Cosmic-ray Muography (Muography2021), 2021.11, So far, most of the developments in muography (or cosmic-ray muon radiography) have been based on
either the scattering or the absorption of cosmic-ray muons produced by the nuclear interactions between
primary cosmic-rays and the nuclei of the Earth’s atmosphere. Applications of muography are increasing in
various disciplines. A new use of this technique to measure a magnetic field has recently been proposed by
our group. This new application takes advantage of the electric charge of cosmic-ray muons, which causes
them to change their trajectory due to the Lorentz force generated by a magnetic field. In this study, we
present a feasibility study of the proposed technique by simulating a permanent magnet using the threedimensional
finite element solution package AMaze, together with the PHITS Monte Carlo simulation
tools. The distribution of magnetic field flux densities around the magnet was calculated in AMaze and
entered into the PHITS code. Positive and negative cosmic-ray muons were generated based on the PHITSbased
analytical radiation model (PARMA). A comparison of the count rate maps of the detected muons on
two position-sensitive scintillator detectors for the magnetic field ON and OFF was studied using PHITS.
The simulation results show the effect of the magnet on the count rate maps and are promising for the
newly proposed application of cosmic-ray muons, the imaging of a magnetic field..
3. Tadahiro KIN Hamid BASIRI Eduardo Cortina Gil Andrea Giammanco, Magnetic-field imaging by cosmic-ray muon (Magic-µ), International Workshop on Cosmic-ray Muography (Muography2021), 2021.11, Cosmic-ray muon radiography, also called muography, can exploit the internal structure of an object that muons traversed. In the conventional absorption method, transmission or absorption ratio to background terrestrial muon flux can determine the density length. After the scattering method was invented, muography can inspect nuclear materials' existence in targets. The identification is possible because the nuclear materials have a large electron density to scatter muon at large angles. This study proposes new targets, "magnetic field imaging" and "magnetic flux density measurement." We call the project, Magic-µ, which is short for MAGnetic field Imaging by Cosmic-ray MUons. When a muon traverses in a magnetic field, they are deflected and change their trajectories with its velocity and charge. In other words, the magnetic field must distort the muography image from its original (non-magnetic field condition) image only around the magnetic field. The distortion is detectable with the same process as anomaly detection in the absorption muography. This technique is promising to detect the degradation of a superconductive coil of a fusion reactor because it can find a weak magnetic field region. Next, let us move toward magnetic flux density measurement. In standard muography, muon charge identification is not necessary, but it is mandatory for the magnetic flux density measurement. We will install a muon charge identifier to a standard absorption muography detector. Also, a novel data analysis technique is required to determine the absolute value of the magnetic flux density from the distorted image. We will start with the so-called template matching method, which can find displacement from a template image, a muography image without a magnetic field. We will estimate the magnetic flux density from the displacement. It is useful to understand the magnetic field applied by multipole electromagnets using for Fixed-Field Alternating Gradient accelerator. Additionally to these overviews, simulation results for the feasibility study will be shown in the workshop..
4. Tadahiro KIN, Machine learning in radiation metrology: Neutron spectrum unfolding and Gamma-ray spectrometry
, Consultancy Meeting on Machine Learning for Nuclear Data, 2020.12.
5. Hikaru Sato, Tadahiro Kin, Yukinobu Watanabe, Double-differential Energy Spectrum of Terrestrial Cosmic-ray Muons in the 100-340 MeV Range, 2019 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium (NSS) and Medical Imaging Conference (MIC), 2019.10, We have developed a muon spectrometer named full absorption muon energy spectrometer (FAMES) that consists of plastic scintillators to measure cosmic-ray muon energy spectra in the low energy region from 100 to 340 MeV. The detection acceptance of zenith angle can be arbitrarily adjusted in the measurement of double-differential spectra. We measured the double-differential spectra at Chikushi Campus of Kyushu University in Japan by using FAMES. The measured spectra are in good agreement with the calculated ones with the PHITS-based analytical radiation model in the atmosphere (PARMA). From this result, we concluded that PARMA has a predictive power in the low energy range..
6. Tadahiro Kin, Jun Goto, Masumi Oshima, Machine Learning Approach for Gamma-ray Spectra Identification for Radioactivity Analysis, 2019 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium (NSS) and Medical Imaging Conference (MIC), 2019.10, Gamma-ray spectrometry for radioactive analysis plays important role on environmental recovery after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident. A huge amount of debris should be analyzed to determine whether it has potential of secondary pollution or not. In the gamma-ray spectrometry, a screening process is required to determine measurement time to satisfy a prescribed accuracy. In the screening process, short time measurement of gamma-ray spectrum is conducted to estimate the measurement time. In the conventional radioactive analysis procedure, only photo peaks are counted and identified by human. If Compton component in the spectrum can be used, required time of the screening process will be around 10 times shorter than the conventional procedure. That is because total gamma-ray efficiency is around 10 times higher than photo-peak efficiency. We focus on machine learning to take the Compton component into the screening process for efficient measurement cycle without human. For the first step, we have developed a gamma-ray spectrum identification model using the machine learning in the present study. Architecture of the machine learning model is as follows: 1) Input layer having 4096 units is corresponding to a 4k-ch gamma-ray spectrum. 2) The model has two hidden layers having 170 and 40 units, respectively. 3) Output layer has 7 units corresponding to radioactive nuclides interested in the analysis. 4) Activation functions of all units in the hidden layers are ReLU. Softmax function is used for output layer. 5) Backpropagation method with the stochastic gradient descent method is adopted for learning process. A loss function used in the model is the categorical cross entropy. 6) A metrics to evaluate the model is accuracy which is the mean accuracy rate across all predictions for learning dataset. The accuracy for all learning dataset was more than 95% at 20 epochs. We concluded that the model can sufficiently predict a nuclide included in a spectrum..
7. Naoya OKAMOTO, Tadahiro KIN, Yuta NAGATA, Hikaru SATO, Tomohiro KOMORI, Yu HORAI, Infrastructure Survey by Muography, Muographers 2019, 2019.09.
8. Tadahiro KIN, Rock-filled Dam Muography, Muographers 2019, 2019.09.
9. Tadahiro Kin, Naoto Araki, Md Kawchar Ahmed Patwary, Katsumi Aoki, Kosuke Yoshinami, Masaya Yamaguchi, Masatoshi Itoh, Yukinobu Watanabe, Production Method of Environmental Tracer Cs-132 by Accelerator-based Neutron, International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology 2019, 2019.05, Cesium-137 has been well-known as the most problematic nuclide in a nuclear accident. For instance, in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power accident, large amounts of radioactive nuclides were released into the environment. There are three dominant nuclides; 137Cs, 134Cs, and 131I. Among all, 137Cs is the dominant radiation source of the environment in these days because of its long half-life (T1/2 = 30 y). Huge effort has devoted to the study on the dynamics of cesium in soil to develop decontamination method or investigate pollution of agricultural crops and so on. In these study, short-time dynamics of cesium in soil is very important. Nevertheless, long half-life radioactive cesium; 137Cs has been using, because no short half-life radioactive cesium is available. Moreover, using unsealed 137Cs source requires careful management to avoid environmental pollution for long time. Although such difficulties are existing, it is clear that further study on cesium dynamics in the environment is important. To enhance these study, we have proposed a new environmental tracer, 132Cs. The dynamics in the environment is completely same as 137Cs, and the gamma-ray energy of 137Cs (662 keV) and 132Cs (668 keV) is very close. Cesium-132 can be produced via the 133Cs(n,2n) reaction by accelerator-based neutron. We have conducted a production experiment of the accelerator-based production method at CYRIC, Tohoku University, Japan. The accelerator-based neutron was generated by the C(d,n) reaction in thick carbon neutron converter by 30-MeV deuteron. A raw material made of Cs2CO3 was irradiated by the neutron and produced radioactivity of 132Cs was measured by a HP Ge detector. Then, to demonstrate its feasibility, the simple dynamics in a few spices of soil was investigated by using a NaI(Tl) detector. We found that sufficient radioactivity of 132Cs can be produced by a few uA of deuteron beam, and the dynamics can be clearly measured..
10. Tadahiro Kin, Md. Kawchar Ahmed Patwary, Masaki Kamida, Katsumi Aoki, Naoto Araki, Kosuke Yoshinami, Yukinobu Watanabe, Masatoshi Itoh, Development of Radioisotopes Production Method by Accelerator-based Neutron: Activity at Kyushu University, ISRD2018 : International Symposium on Radiation Detectors and Their Uses, 2018.01, Recently, applications of accelerator-based neutron source have been widely expanding in various fields. Among all, we have focused on radioisotopes (RIs) production. The deuteron induced reactions on a thick target made of carbon or beryllium have large advantages to generate high intense neutron [1]. Moreover, since the neutron spectra induced by deuteron have a peak around a half of incident energy, the spectra can be adjusted to reduce amount of by-products, as reported in [2]. For the RI production, deuteron incident energy from 10 to 50 MeV is useful to suppress by-products, because above 50 MeV, too many uncontrollable reactions occur. To estimate quantity and quality of the RI product and to design radiation shielding, double differential thick target neutron yields (DDTTNYs) are required on carbon or beryllium targets for the energy region. However, there is no systematic experimental data available, so far. To overcome the situation, we have systematically measuring DDTTNYs at CYRIC, Tohoku University by means of the multiple-foil activation method. The measurements of the C(d,n) reaction at incident deuteron energies of 12, 16, 20, and 25 MeV and Be(d,n) reaction at those of 16 and 25 MeV were conducted. The DDTTNYs were determined by using unfolding technique from activity of irradiated multiple foils. The analysis method has been also developed by comparison of various conventional unfolding codes as well as an original artificial neural network unfolding code. In addition, production experiment and practical tests were performed for some of feasible RIs such as Cu-64 (a new PET nuclide), Mo-99 (mother of conventional SPECT nuclide Tc-99m), and Cs-132 (a new environmental tracer). We will show details of the analysis method to determine DDTTNYs for the C(d,n) reaction at incident deuteron energies of 12 and 20 MeV. Furthermore as an example of feasibility study, development of chemical process to recover highly enriched Mo-100 target in the Mo-99 production will be given in the presentation.
[1] Y. Nagai, et al., J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 82 (2013) 1.
[2] T. Kin, et al., J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 54 (2017) 1123..
11. T. Kin, Y. Sanzen, M. Kamida, K. Aoki, N. Araki, Y. Watanabe, Artificial Neural Network for Unfolding Accelerator-based Neutron Spectrum by Means of Multiple Foil Activation Method, 2017 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, 2017.10, Recently, applications of accelerator-based neutron are widely spread to many fields. Among all, we have focused on the medical RIs production. In the study, accelerator-based neutrons are generated by 10- to 40-MeV deuteron induced reactions on thick target made of C or Be. For design of irradiation system and estimation of production rate and purity, double differential thick target neutron yields (DDTTNY) are required. There are, however, not sufficient available data. Therefore, in the medical RI production study, the DDTTNY is necessary to be measured. We adopted the multiple foil activation method for the measurement. It is appropriate for the medical RI production study, because the direct activation power of the neutron source can be obtained. The DDTTNY should be derived by an unfolding technique from measured yields of atoms produced via the activation reactions. Performances of conventional unfolding codes are strongly dependent on the initial guess spectrum and a human-inducible parameter of convergence condition. We have developed an unfolding code using artificial neural network (ANN) which requires no initial guess spectrum and no human-inducible convergence condition. Once the ANN is trained, neutron spectrum can be derived from inputting yields of atoms produced via the activation reactions only. To demonstrate the ability to derive the DDTTNY by the ANN unfolding code, we input yields of produced atoms obtained by a multiple foil activation experiment conducted at Kyushu University Tandem Laboratory. The resultant DDTTNY is compared with that by GRAVEL code, which is one of the conventional codes. Since there is no large discrepancy, we found that the ANN unfolding code has same ability to GRAVEL code even without the initial guess spectrum..
12. Tadahiro Kin, Muography Project at Kyushu University, MUOGRAPHERS 17 General Assembly, 2017.10.
13. Tadahiro Kin, Muography at Kyushu University, MUOGRAPHERS 16 General Assembly, 2016.11.
14. Kin Tadahiro, Yukimasa Sanzen, Masaki Kamida, Yukinobu Watanabe, Masatoshi Itoh, Production of 92Y via the 92Zr(n,p) reaction using the C(d,n) accelerator neutron source, International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology 2016, 2016.09, Medical radioisotopes are widely applied not only for diagnostic but also therapeutic purposes.
In particular, radioimmunotherapy (RIT) plays an important role in cancer therapy in recent years.
Yttrium-90-ibritumomab tiuxetan is the first RIT agent approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
After that it has been approved in more than 40 countries.
Until Nov. 2011, assessment of biodistribution by using 111In-ibritumomab tiuxetan before administration of 90Y-ibritumomab tiuxetan (called “bioscan”) was required in United States, Japan and Switzerland. The FDA removed the bioscan at Nov. 2011 and the first reason was “analysis of data in 253 patients showed that the In-111 imaging dose and bioscan was not a reliable predictor of altered Y-90 ZEVALIN (the trade name of ibritumomab tiuxetan) bio-distribution”.
If ibritumomab tiuxetan is labeled with an Yttrium isotope, it has to be a reliable predictor.
Since gamma-ray imaging is used for the bioscan, gamma-ray emitter has to be used as the labelling nuclide.
There are a few Yttrium isotopes which emit gamma ray. Among all we focus on 92Y, because it has relatively-long half-life (3.5 h) and decays to a stable isotope (92Zr).
We propose a new method to produce 92Y using accelerator neutrons. Yttrium-92 is produced via the (n,p) reaction on 92Zr.
A feasibility experiment was performed at Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center in Tohoku University. A carbon thick target was irradiated by 20 MeV deuterons to produce accelerator neutrons.
The thick target neutron yield (TTNY) was measured by using the multiple foils activation method. The foils were made of Al, Fe, Co, Ni, Zn, Zr, Nb, and Au. The amount of 92Y production and induced impurities were estimated by simulation with the measured TTNY.
The details of the data analysis and the results are shown in the presentation..
15. Tadahiro KIN, Kullapha Chaiwongkhot, 大野 裕明, 近藤 和博, 渡辺 幸信, Measurement of Zenith and Azimuth Angular Differential Flux of Cosmic-ray Muons Using a Prototype Portable Muography Detector, International Symposium on Radiation Detectors and Their Uses, 2016.01, We have developed a prototype portable muography detector and applied it to measurement of zenith and azimuth angular differential fluxes of cosmic-ray muons on the ground..
16. Tadahiro KIN, 渡辺 幸信, Development of a Remote and Multipoint Air-dose Rate Monitoring System Using Webcams, 2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, 2015.11, We propose a new webcam-based air-dose rate monitoring system, in which multiple webcams are driven remotely by a single PC..
17. Tadahiro KIN, 渡辺 幸信, Accelerator-based Neutron Source for Medical RI Production, the AFAD 6th Asian Forum for Accelerators and Detectors, 2015.01, Accelerator-based neutron sources have been used for various studies: fundamental physics, engineering application, medical application, and so on. Recently, the applications have been spread to medical RI production. In 2013, a new method for Generation of Radioisotopes (RI) with Accelerator Neutrons by Deuterons (GRAND) has been proposed.
In the method for GRAND, two types of neutron sources with deuteron-induced reactions have been considered: one is the DT reaction and the other is the C(d,n) or the Be(d,n) reaction. We focused on the latter reaction. For the reaction, deuterons are accelerated up to a few ~ 40 MeV and bombard on a neutron converter made of thick carbon or beryllium. Thick target neutron yields (TTNYs) of the reactions are very important to predict the amount of medical RIs, however, experimental data are not sufficient. We can simulate TTNYs with calculation codes e.g. PHITS, but the reproducibility is not satisfactory.
At the Kyushu University Tandem Accelerator, we have so far measured TTNYs of the X(d,n) reactions systematically (here, X= natC to 181Ta) not only to improve insufficient experimental data but also to modify/develop theoretical models. In addition, we have carried out some test experiments of medical RI production e.g. 58Co and 64Cu for positron emission tomography. At the end of FY2014, however, the accelerator will be shut down, and a new 8 MV Tandem accelerator is now in preparation to star up in FY 2015 at the Center for Accelerator and Beam Applied Science, Kyushu University. Now we have a plan to develop a dedicated beam line as a neutron source to proceed and expand our research work.
Our past relevant results and future plan will be reported in the forum.
18. 川越 敬也, Tadahiro KIN, 荒木 祥平, 渡辺 幸信, Measurement of neutron yield by foils activation unfolding method for medical radioisotopes production using accelerator neutrons, 2014 Symposium on Nuclear Data, 2014.11, Accelerator neutrons have been proposed to produce medical radioisotopes. The C(d,n) reaction is one of the candidates to produce neutrons. The data of thick target neutron yields (TTNYs) is needed for reliable prediction of the amount of production. We measured the angle-differential TTNYs of the C(d,n) reaction at Ed = 12 MeV using multiple-foil activation unfolding method. The spectral shape was in good agreement with previous experimental data. This demonstrates that the experimental method is applicable to prediction of the amount of medical radioisotopes produced with accelerator neutrons..
Membership in Academic Society
  • The Japan Society of Applied Physics
  • Atomic Energy Society of Japan
  • The Japanese Society of Nuclear Medicine
Educational Activities
Laboratory: radiation metrology, radiation application, machine learning in radiation metrology.
Graduation: Radiation Physics and Engineering, Group work research activity, Statics and Probability