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Seno Takeharu Last modified date:2024.06.03

Associate Professor / Faculty of Design
Department of Media Design
Faculty of Design

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 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Academic Degree
Field of Specialization
Research Interests
  • General research on self-motion perception
    keyword : Vection, Virtual Reality, Experimental Psychology, Self Motion Perception, Vision, Percept, Motion Perception
  • Contributions of vection to locomotion
    keyword : Vection, Vection Aftereffect, Optic Flow, Walking, locomotion
Academic Activities
1. Hirotaro Sato, Yuki Morimoto, Gerard Remijn, & Takeharu Seno, Differences in three vection indices (latency, duration and magnitude) induced by “camera-moving” and “object-moving” in a virtual Computer Graphics world, in spite of similarity in the retinal images, i-Perception, in Press, in Press, in Press, 2020.10, ベクション におけるオプティカルフローの製作のCG再現の表現法の違いが、映像としての心理効果、すなわちベクション の強さに影響することを報告した。.
2. Seno, T., Murata, K., Fuji, Y., Kanaya, H., Ogawa, M., Tokunaga, K., and Palmisano, S. , Vection is enhanced by increased exposure to optic flow. , i-Perception, 9, 3, 2041669518774069., 2018.07.
3. Takeharu Seno, Stephen Palmisano, Bernhard E. Riecke, Shinji Nakamura, Walking without optic flow reduces subsequent vection, EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH, 10.1007/s00221-014-4109-4, 233, 1, 275-281, 2014.10.
4. Takeharu Seno, Vection is not determined by the retinal coordinate, PSYCH, 2014.01.
5. Takeharu Seno, Fumiya Funatsu, Stephen Palmisano, Virtual Swimming — Breaststroke Body Movements Facilitate Vection
, Multisensory Research , 10.1163/22134808-00002402, 26, 2013.12.
6. Takeharu Seno, Stephen Palmisano, Hiroyuki ITO, Shoji Sunaga, Perceived Gravitoinertial Force During Vection, AVIATION SPACE AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE, 10.3357/ASEM.3601.2013, 84, 9, 971-974, 2013.09.
7. Takeharu Seno, Music Modulates the Strength of Vection, Psychology, 7, 566-568, 2013.07.
8. Takeharu Seno, Keiko Ihaya, Yuki Yamada, I speak fast when I move fast: The speed of illusory self-motion (vection) modulates the speed of utterances, Frontiers in Psychology, Article 494, 2013.04.
9. Takeharu Seno, George H. Van Doorn, Illusory upward self-motion results in a decrease in perceived room temperature, Psychology , 4, 823-826, 2013.04.
10. Takeharu Seno, Social inhibition of vection, Psychology, 4, 619-612, 2013.04.
11. Takeharu Seno, Takahiro Kawabe, Hiroyuki ITO, Shoji Sunaga, Vection modulates emotional valence of autobiographical episodic memories, COGNITION, 10.1016/j.cognition.2012.08.009, 126, 1, 115-120, 2013.01.
12. Takeharu Seno, Shinji Nakamura, Alcohol consumption enhances vection, PERCEPTION, 10.1068/p7473, 42, 5, 580-582, 2013.01.
13. Takeharu Seno, Keiga Abe, Sachiko Kiyokawa, Wearing Heavy Iron Clogs Can Inhibit Vection, MULTISENSORY RESEARCH, 10.1163/22134808-00002433, 26, 6, 569-580, 2013.01.
14. Takeharu Seno, Akiyoshi Kitaoka, Stephen Palmisano, Vection induced by illusory motion in a stationary image, PERCEPTION, 10.1068/p7511, 42, 9, 1001-1005, 2013.01.
15. Takeharu Seno, Haruaki Fukuda, Stimulus Meanings Alter Illusory Self-motion (Vection) — Experimental Examination of the Train Illusion
, Seeing & Perceiving , 25, 631-645, 2012.12.
16. Takeharu Seno, Yuki Yamada, Stephen Palmisano , Directionless vection: A new illusoru self-motion perception
, i-Perception , 3, 775-777, 2012.10.
17. Takeharu Seno, Takahiro Kawabe, Hiroyuki Ito, Shoji Sunaga , Vection modulates emotional valence of autobiographical episodic memories
, Cognition , 126, 115-120, 2012.10.
18. Takeharu Seno, Hiroyuki Ito, Shoji Sunaga, Stephen Palmisano , Hunger enhances vertical vection
, Perception , 41, 1003-1006, 2012.09.
19. Takeharu Seno, Shuichiro Taya, Yuki Yamada, Keiko Ihaya, Hiroyuki Ito, Shoji Sunaga, Vection (self-motion perception) alters cognitive states, cognition of time, mental number line and personality., Proceedings of the 34th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2306-2309, 2012.08.
20. Takeharu Seno, Emi Hasuo, Hiroyuki Ito, Yoshitaka Nakajima , Perceptually plausible sounds facilitate visually induced self-motion perception (vection)
, Perception , 41, 577-593, 2012.07.
21. Takeharu Seno, Stephen Palmisano, Hiroyuki Ito, Shoji Sunaga , Vection can be induced without global motion awareness.
, Perception , 41, 493-497, 2012.05.
22. Takeharu Seno, Hiroyuki Ito, Shoji Sunaga , Vection can be induced in the absence of explicit motion stimuli.
, Experimental Brain Research , 291, 235-244, 2012.03.
23. Takeharu Seno, Takao Sato , Vection can be induced without explicit motion signal using backscroll illusion
, Japanese Psychological Research , 54, 218-222, 2012.02.
24. Takeharu Seno, Stephen Palmisano , Second-order motion is less efficient at modulating vection strength
, Seeing & Perceiving , 25, 213-221, 2012.02.
25. Takeharu Seno, Yuki Yamada, Keiko Ihaya , Narcissistic people cannot by moved easily by visual stimulation.
, Perception , 40, 1390-1392, 2011.10.
26. Takeharu Seno, Stephen Palmisano, Hiroyuki Ito , Independent modulation of motion and vection aftereffects revealed by using coherent oscillation and random jitter in optic flow
, Vision Research , 51, 2499-2508, 2011.10.
27. Takeharu Seno, Shuichiro Taya, Hiroyuki Ito, Shoji Sunaga , Mental number line in depth revealed by vection
, Perception , 40, 1241-1244, 2011.08.
28. Takeharu Seno, Masaki Ogawa, Hiroyuki Ito, Shoji Sunaga , Consistent air flow to the face facilitates vection
, Perception , 40, 1237-1240, 2011.08.
29. Takeharu Seno, Hiroyuki Ito, Shoji Sunaga , Inconsistent locomotion inhibits vection
, Perception , 40, 747-750, 2011.06.
30. Takeharu Seno, Hiroyuki Ito, Shoji Sunaga , Self-motion perception compresses time experienced in return travel.
, Perception , 40, 497-499, 2011.03.
31. Takeharu Seno, Hiroyuki Ito, Shoji Sunaga , Attentional load inhibits vection
, Attention, Perception & Psychophysics , 73, 1467-1476, 2011.03.
32. Takeharu Seno, Hiroyuki Ito, Shoji Sunaga , Vection aftereffect from expanding / contracting stimuli.
, Seeing & Perceiving , 23, 273-294, 2010.10.
33. Takeharu Seno, Shinji Nakamura, Hiroyuki Ito, Shoji Sunaga , Static visual components without depth modulation alter the strength of vection.
, Vision Research , 50, 1972-1981, 2010.06.
34. Takeharu Seno, Hiroyuki Ito, Shoji Sunaga , Three new factors for vection induction ?For creating VR contents utilizing vection
, Proceedings of ASIAGRAPH 2010 in Tokyo , 4, 53-58, 2010.06.
35. Takeharu Seno, Hiroyuki Ito, Shoji Sunaga, Shinji Nakamura , Temporonasal motion projected on the nasal retina underlies expansion-contraction asymmetry in vection.
, Vision Research , 50, 1131-1139, 2010.04.
36. Takeharu Seno, Shoji Sunaga, Hiroyuki Ito , Inhibition of vection by red.
, Attention, Perception & Psychophysics , 72, 1642-1653, 2010.03.
37. Takeharu Seno, Hiroyuki Ito, Shoji Sunaga , The object and background hypothesis for vection.
, Vision Research , 49, 2973-2982, 2009.09.
38. Takeharu Seno, Takao Sato , Positional and directional preponderance in vection.
, Experimental Brain Research , 192, 221-229, 2009.02.
39. Takeharu Seno, Masaharu Hayashi, Tetsurou Ogi, Takao Sato , Virtual depth effect for non-stereoscopic dome image
, Proceedings of ASIAGRAPH 2008 in Shanghai , 2, 121-126, 2008.06.
Works, Software and Database
1. .
1. Takeharu Seno, Opening remarks and an introduction to vection, The 22nd Virtual Reality Psychology International Conference, 2013.10.
2. Takeharu Seno, Stimulus meaning alters vection strength, The 22nd Virtual Reality Psychology International Conference, 2013.10.
3. Takeharu Seno, No sex difference in vection, ECVP 2013, 2013.08.
4. Takeharu Seno, Hiroyuki ITO, Shoji Sunaga, Emi Hasuo, Yoshitaka NAKAJIMA, Masaki Ogawa, Consistency between modalities enhances visually induced self-motion (vection), IMRF2011, 2011.10.
5. Takeharu Seno, Hiroyuki ITO, Shoji Sunaga, Return travel is perceived shorter because of self-motion perception, ECVP, Perception 40, 2011.08.
6. Takeharu Seno, Hiroyuki ITO, Shoji Sunaga, Vection induction without the awareness of global motion, Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness 15, 2011.06.
7. Takeharu Seno, Hiroyuki ITO, Shoji Sunaga, Attentional load decreases the strength of vection, ECVP, Perception 38, 2009.08.
  • Vection is an illusory self-motion perception induced by a coherent motion in a wide visual field. Scientific study of vection began in 1973 (Brandt et al., 1973). From this study, every parameters of every stimulus attribute was considered to be effective or inefficient to induce vection. These effective stimulus parameters can be applied to VR contents. In this 10 years many brain imaging studies also have done in vection. Those studies were reviewed and evaluated in this article. Those physiological results should be converted into stimulus parameters for developers of VR contents. This conversion should be made by psychological studies. The further psychological studies are necessary to connect the physiological knowledge and VR contents
Other Educational Activities
  • 2018.06.