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Aizawa Nobuhiro Last modified date:2024.06.03

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 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Academic Degree
Ph.d Kyoto University, BA University of Tokyo
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Field of Specialization
Southeast Asian Politics, International Relations, Overseas Chinese Studies, Comparative Politics, Migration Studies, Digital Authoritarianism
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Outline Activities
Southeast Asia Area Study, Comparative Politics, Migration politics, Overseas Chinese Studies, International Relations in Asia、Digitalization and Human Rights/Democracy
Research Interests
  • Southeast Asian Studies, Comparative Politics, Migration Studies, Overseas Chinese Studies、International Relations、Human Rights and Digital Transformation、Public Policy
    keyword : Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Thailand, Political Science, Migration, Overseas Chinese, Indonesian Foreign Policy, East Asian regional politics
Current and Past Project
  • Publish an edited volume entitled Japan and Southeast Asia in the Indo-Pacific Era.
  • Our Project analyzes the dynamics of political economy in post 1997/98 economic crisis Southeast Asia, mainly in Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand through the perspectives of elite circulation.
Academic Activities
1. Takashi Shiraishi, Nobuhiro Aizawa, Jun Honna, and Wahyu Prasetyawan, Standing Firm for Indonesia's Democracy:An Oral History of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, World Scientific,, 2024.02, [URL], This book presents the first oral history of Indonesia's President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) (2004–2014). As the first directly elected president, he played a very important role in Indonesia's democratization. Indonesia's economy also got back on the path of growth under his administration.

In a series of interviews, SBY tells how he handled military affairs in 1990s, what he did as minister and coordinating minister under President Abdurrahman Wahid and President Megawati Sukarnoputri, challenges he confronted and how he managed those challenges in his administration. Readers will learn his thought about statecraft, his view of the future, his style of leadership, and the critical decisions he made and the thinking that informed his decisions. Interviewed by a team of Indonesia specialists for more than 30 hours, the oral recording helps the reader understand President Yudhoyono's thinking in his own voice, and also, his policies and actions..
2. Nobuhiro Aizawa, ‘Business Power that changed the US Japan alliance: The military coup and Japanese Bangkokians”in John Ciorciari, Kiyoyasu Tsusui eds.The Courteous Power: Japan and Southeast Asia in an Evolving Indo-Pacific Order, University of Michigan Press, 172−196, 2021.11.
3. AIZAWA, Nobuhiro, 'Peace and Institution Building: Japan in Southeast Asia', in Yuki Tatsumi and Pamela Kennedy eds. Peacebuilding and Japan:Views from the next Generation., Stimson Center, 2017.03, [URL].
4. , [URL].
5. , [URL].
6. Ethnic Chinese and the State:The Chinese/China Problem in Suharto's Indonesia.
1. Nobuhiro Aizawa, Bringing the Young and the Tech into Indonesia’s Digital Education Politics and the Geopolitical Impact, Asia-Pacific Review,, 30, 2, 66-91, 2024.05, Indonesia’s appointment of an ex-CEO of a home-grown tech company in reforming the bureaucracy raises the question of how the government is reshaping its role in education politics in an era of digital transformation. This is a question important not only in understanding domestic politics but also in understanding foreign relations of human capital development.

This article analyzes the case of the Indonesian government’s decision in 2019 to bring in the tech and the young to the Ministry of Education and Culture. The author argues that this decision was made both for the country and for the bureaucracy’s survival and for seeking competitiveness in a leapfrogging manner. This decision goes against the conventional understanding that in the state-society relationship, digital transformation in the bureaucracy is lagging behind and corporations are moving ahead. For Indonesia, with its strong motivation to accelerate national development and counter digital colonialism, a unique political-economic alliance and partnership was made for dramatic bureaucratic reform.

This leapfrogging reform also implies that diplomatic mismatch is likely to happen in an international human capital development agenda where bureaucratic cooperation is increasingly necessary but the difference in bureaucratic reforms widens..
2. Nobuhiro Aizawa, Business Power that changed the US Japan alliance: The military coup and Japanese Bangkokians, John Ciorciari, Kiyoyasu Tsusui eds.The Courteous Power: Japan and Southeast Asia in an Evolving Indo-Pacific Order,, 2021.10, Facing the Thai coup in May 2014, Japan faced a test either to show how close and accommodating Japan’s relationship was with Thailand, a de facto economic ally in Southeast Asia,
or to show that Japan would stand firm on shared democratic principles with its ever more important security ally, the United States.This paper discusses how this Japanese diplomatic dilemma unfolded. In particular, the paper highlights the role of the Japanese business community in Bangkok for reshaping the idea of Democracy and how this gave the Japanese government a diplomatic choice to solve the dilemma..
3. AIZAWA, Nobuhiro, Beyond the Non-Interference dilemma: The Indonesian initiative on ASEAN charter, Nargis crisis and Regionalism, Australian Journal of Politics & History, 10.1111/ajph.12590, 65, 412-429, 2019.09, [URL].
4. From Fifth Column to Entrepreneur: "Masalah Cina" (Chinese Question) and Indonesia-China Relations, 1966-1990, [URL].
1. John G Dale, Nobuhiro Aizawa, Working Human Rights into Digital Technology Policy: Contesting Bureaucratic Futures of Japan’s Automated “Society 5.0, 2022 Annual Meeting American Sociological Association, 2022.08.
2. Nobuhiro Aizawa, Kent Calder, Karl Jackson and David Shear., The US,Japan, and Southeast Asia in the Age of Great Power Competition: Cooperation Post-COVID World, Edwin O. Reischauer Center for East Asian Studies Seminar Series, 2020.07, Renewed great power competition in Southeast Asia poses a formidable challenge to American and Japanese interests and threatens to fragment a region that has enjoyed stability and prosperity for decades. Panelists will explore what kind of region Southeast Asia may find themselves in under great power competition and how the US and Japan can compete with China and contribute to the establishment of a stable regional order. Dr. Kent Calder, Director of the Reischauer Center for East Asian Studies, will moderate a panel discussion joined by Dr. Karl Jackson, C.V. Starr Distinguished Professor of Southeast Asia Studies, Dr. Nobuhiro Aizawa, of Kyushu University, and Reischauer Center Senior Fellow Ambassador David Shear..
3. Nobuhiro, Aizawa, Southeast Asia’s Anglophone Elites and U.S. Foreign Policy, Wilson Center、Asia Program, 2020.06, [URL], Since the 1990s, Southeast Asia’s financial elites, entrepreneurs, and growing middle class alike have been cultivated by the Anglophone higher education system. Unlike previous generations that strengthened ties to the United States through military training, this newly emerging American-influenced elite should have emerged as a major asset for broader U.S. foreign policy objectives and influence in the region. Yet its influence on foreign policy has been overlooked and its implications too have been misinterpreted. Surprising too is the fact that the Anglophone trained elites have emerged as vocal critics of the United States in the region. In spite of U.S. business commitment to the region on the one hand and heightened competition with China on the other, the Anglophone network has not encouraged their countries to side with the United States. Join us for an online discussion about the dynamics of Southeast Asia’s Anglophone elite network and relations with Washington, with a particular focus on Indonesia and Thailand..
4. Nobuhiro Aizawa, Wilson Center Japan Fellow and Kyushu University, Larry Greenwood, Bower Group Asia (former US ambassador to APEC)Courtney Weatherby, Stimson Center, Bryan O’Byrne, USAID, Marvin Ott, Wilson Center and Johns Hopkins University (moderator), Corporate Interests and U.S.-Japan Cooperation in Southeast Asia, Japan's Global Economic Leadership Beyond the G20, 2019.10, [URL], Over the past two years, Japan has emerged as a global leader in forging ahead with multilateral trade agreements, and as such taking on a greater role in ensuring that free, fair, and open markets prevail. At the same time, there are growing expectations for Japan to take on a larger role that goes beyond trade to ensure economic stability worldwide, and act as a global stabilizer amid growing uncertainties.

The ongoing trade friction between China and the United States has undoubtedly impacted the economies of countries across Asia and beyond, and the spillover effect may well continue. At the same time, the challenges of accommodating technological advancement and automation will likely be far greater than crafting any single trade agreement. There are also growing expectations for Japan’s leadership in ensuring continued growth in emerging markets with the greatest need for capital investments. Southeast Asia in particular is at the frontline of increased opportunities for project financing, but at the same time it is being confronted with making a political as much as an economic choice in selecting partners for growth..
5. AIZAWA, Nobuhiro, Building and Integrating the Indonesian State, Symposium: "Origins of Prosperity and Stability: State Building in 20th Century Asia", 2018.10, [URL].
6. AIZAWA, Nobuhiro, Japan’s Southeast Asian Policy at the crossroad, University of London, SOAS Japan research Centre & SOAS Centre of South East Asia Seminar, 2017.12, [URL], Southeast Asia has long been regarded by both Japan’s government and businesses community as a highly important region. Unlike its relationship with the US and China, Japan’s ties with Southeast have been generally stable and uncomplicated. However, against the backdrop of the unprecedented global power shift under way, the core strategic significance of Southeast Asia for Japanese foreign policy is also changing. Japan’s Southeast Asian policy was originally an offshoot of the requirements of the US-Japan alliance. More recently, though, it has been heavily influenced by the China-Japan relationship, which means the principles and assumptions underlying Japan’s policy have been re-evaluated and sometimes revised. In view of changes in the global power balance and the rise of neo-nationalism in Southeast Asia, Japan’s policy towards the region is now at a crossroads. This situation can be illustrated by developments relating to infrastructure projects as well as cooperation in the defence industry and urban governance..
7. AIZAWA, Nobuhiro, Japan’s Southeast Asia Policy at a Crossroad, Hamburg University Department of Southeast Asian Studies Public lecture., 2017.11, [URL], Southeast Asia has been regarded as one of the regions where Japan is most committed to with regard to government and business. Unlike its relationship with the US or China, Japan has always enjoyed a stable and favourable relationship with the region. It could be claimed a resounding victory in the history of Japan’s foreign policy. However, actually a shift in the global balance of power is taking place in an unprecedented way. Therefore, the core strategic basis of Southeast Asia for Japan’s foreign policy is shifting. One aspect of Japan’s Southeast Asian policy was, that it has always been an off-shoot of US-Japan relations. Now, it is heavily influenced by the relations between China and Japan. Thus, the rules, principles, and actors of policies have been contested and revisited. With the shift in the global balance of power, and also, not to forget, with the rise of neo-nationalism in Southeast Asia, Japan’s Southeast Asian policy is at a crossroad. As a result, Japan has been actively redefining its rules and principles through infrastructure projects, cooperation in the development of defence industries, and in urban governance..
8. , [URL].
9. Aizawa, Nobuhiro, Chinese foreign labor in Indonesian politics, ISSCO 2017 Nagasaki, 2017.11.
10. , [URL].
11. Thailand: Party Politics on the brink of collapse.
12. AIZAWA, Nobuhiro, A Tale of Two Governors - Gubernatorial Authority and Limits in Bangkok and Jakarta, Australian Political Science Association Annual Conference 2013, 2013.10.
Membership in Academic Society
  • American Sociological Association
  • American Political Science Association
  • Association of Asian Studies
  • Japan Association of Comparative Politics
  • The Japan Association of International Relations
  • The Japan Society for the Studies of Chinese Overseas
  • Japan Society for Southeast Asian Studies
Educational Activities
Politics of Mobility, Comprehensive East Asian and Japanese Studies, Integrated Seminar(Comprehensive East Asian and Japanese Studies)、Introduction to Politics
Other Educational Activities
  • 2019.04.
  • 2020.04.
  • 2020.07, Asian Studies Program at Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service, Online Graduate Lecture on "Japan in Southeast Asia" .
Professional and Outreach Activities
Hosting a Training Program for the officers of the Office of The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission, Thailand
Harvard Kennedy School Japan Study Tour Guest Lecturer
Latrobe University Joint Research on "Contested ideas of Rule of Law and regional order" Co-Chair
US Department of State Foreign Service Institute、Lecturer
WSSF 2018 Organizing Committee Member
Wilson Center, Japan Scholar.