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Morita Taichi Last modified date:2024.06.03

Associate Professor / Engineering Science for Advanced energy system
Department of Advanced Energy Science and Engineering
Faculty of Engineering Sciences

Graduate School
Undergraduate School

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Academic Degree
Ph. D
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Field of Specialization
Plasma Physics
ORCID(Open Researcher and Contributor ID)
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Research Interests
  • Magnetic reconnection research using high-power laser-produced plasma
    keyword : magnetic reconnection, high-power laser, plasma diagnostics
  • Collisionless shock in laser-produced plasma
    keyword : high-power laser, collisionless shock, particle acceleration
  • Proof of concept on magnetic nozzle for laser propulsion
    keyword : laser propulsion, laser fusion propulsion, magnetic nozzle
  • Experimental research on collisionless shocks with high-power laser
    keyword : Laboratory astrophysics, Shock wave, High-power laser
Academic Activities
1. T. Morita, T. Kojima, S. Matsuo, S. Matsukiyo, S. Isayama, R. Yamazaki, S. J. Tanaka, K. Aihara, Y. Sato, J. Shiota, Y. Pan, K. Tomita, T. Takezaki, Y. Kuramitsu, K. Sakai, S. Egashira, H. Ishihara, O. Kuramoto, Y. Matsumoto, K. Maeda, and Y. Sakawa, Detection of current-sheet and bipolar ion flows in a self-generated antiparallel magnetic field of laser-produced plasmas for magnetic reconnection research, Physical Review E, 106, 055207, 2022.11, Magnetic reconnection in laser-produced magnetized plasma is investigated by using optical diagnostics. The
magnetic field is generated via the Biermann battery effect, and the inversely directed magnetic field lines interact
with each other. It is shown by self-emission measurement that two colliding plasmas stagnate on a midplane,
forming two planar dense regions, and that they interact later in time. Laser Thomson scattering spectra are
distorted in the direction of the self-generated magnetic field, indicating asymmetric ion velocity distribution and
plasma acceleration. In addition, the spectra perpendicular to the magnetic field show different peak intensity,
suggesting an electron current formation. These results are interpreted as magnetic field dissipation, reconnection, and outflow acceleration. Two-directional laser Thomson scattering is, as discussed here, a powerful tool
for the investigation of microphysics in the reconnection region..
2. Kentaro Sakai, T Moritaka, T Morita, K Tomita, T Minami, T Nishimoto, S Egashira, M Ota, Y Sakawa, N Ozaki, R Kodama, T Kojima, T Takezaki, R Yamazaki, SJ Tanaka, K Aihara, M Koenig, B Albertazzi, P Mabey, N Woolsey, S Matsukiyo, H Takabe, M Hoshino, Y Kuramitsu, Direct observations of pure electron outflow in magnetic reconnection, Scientific reports, 12, 10921, 2022.06, Magnetic reconnection is a universal process in space, astrophysical, and laboratory plasmas. It alters
magnetic feld topology and results in energy release to the plasma. Here we report the experimental
results of a pure electron outfow in magnetic reconnection, which is not accompanied with ion
fows. By controlling an applied magnetic feld in a laser produced plasma, we have constructed an
experiment that magnetizes the electrons but not the ions. This allows us to isolate the electron
dynamics from the ions. Collective Thomson scattering measurements reveal the electron Alfvénic
outfow without ion outfow. The resultant plasmoid and whistler waves are observed with the
magnetic induction probe measurements. We observe the unique features of electron-scale magnetic
reconnection simultaneously in laser produced plasmas, including global structures, local plasma
parameters, magnetic feld, and waves..
3. S Matsukiyo, R Yamazaki, Taichi Morita, Kentaro Tomita, Y Kuramitsu, T Sano, SJ Tanaka, T Takezaki, S Isayama, T Higuchi, H Murakami, Y Horie, N Katsuki, R Hatsuyama, M Edamoto, H Nishioka, M Takagi, T Kojima, S Tomita, N Ishizaka, S Kakuchi, S Sei, K Sugiyama, K Aihara, S Kambayashi, M Ota, S Egashira, T Izumi, T Minami, Y Nakagawa, K Sakai, M Iwamoto, N Ozaki, Y Sakawa, High-power laser experiment on developing supercritical shock propagating in homogeneously magnetized plasma of ambient gas origin, Physical Review E, 106, 025205, 2022.08, A developing supercritical collisionless shock propagating in a homogeneously magnetized plasma of ambient
gas origin having higher uniformity than the previous experiments is formed by using high-power laser experiment. The ambient plasma is not contaminated by the plasma produced in the early time after the laser shot. While
the observed developing shock does not have stationary downstream structure, it possesses some characteristics
of a magnetized supercritical shock, which are supported by a one-dimensional full particle-in-cell simulation
taking the effect of finite time of laser-target interaction into account..
4. Ryo Yamazaki, S Matsukiyo, T Morita, SJ Tanaka, T Umeda, K Aihara, M Edamoto, S Egashira, R Hatsuyama, T Higuchi, T Hihara, Y Horie, M Hoshino, A Ishii, N Ishizaka, Y Itadani, T Izumi, S Kambayashi, S Kakuchi, N Katsuki, R Kawamura, Y Kawamura, S Kisaka, T Kojima, A Konuma, R Kumar, T Minami, I Miyata, T Moritaka, Y Murakami, K Nagashima, Y Nakagawa, T Nishimoto, Y Nishioka, Y Ohira, N Ohnishi, M Ota, N Ozaki, T Sano, K Sakai, S Sei, J Shiota, Y Shoji, K Sugiyama, D Suzuki, M Takagi, H Toda, S Tomita, S Tomiya, H Yoneda, T Takezaki, Kentaro Tomita, Y Kuramitsu, Y Sakawa, High-power laser experiment forming a supercritical collisionless shock in a magnetized uniform plasma at rest, Physical Review E, 105, 025203, 2022.02.
5. Takayoshi Sano, Shohei Tamatani, Kazuki Matsuo, King Fai Farley Law, Taichi Morita, Shunsuke Egashira, Masato Ota, Rajesh Kumar, Hiroshi Shimogawara, Yukiko Hara, Seungho Lee, Shohei Sakata, Gabriel Rigon, Thibault Michel, Paul Mabey, Bruno Albertazzi, Michel Koenig, Alexis Casner, Keisuke Shigemori, Shinsuke Fujioka, Masakatsu Murakami, Youichi Sakawa, Laser astrophysics experiment on the amplification of magnetic fields by shock-induced interfacial instabilities, Physical Review E, 104, 035206, 2021.09.
6. K. Sakai, S. Isayama, N. Bolouki, M. S. Habibi, Y. L. Liu, Y. H. Hsieh, H. H. Chu, J. Wang, S. H. Chen, T. Morita, K. Tomita, R. Yamazaki, Y. Sakawa, S. Matsukiyo, and Y. Kuramitsu, Collective Thomson scattering in non-equilibrium laser produced two-stream plasmas, Physics of Plasmas, 27, 103104, 2020.10.
7. Toru Yamamura, Masafumi Edamoto, Tomihiko Kojima, Taichi Morita, Naoji Yamamoto, Atsushi Sunahara, Tomoyuki Johzaki, Hideki Nakashima, Numerical analysis on a conical shaped target for laser fusion rocket, High Energy Density Physics, 37, 100894, 2020.10.
8. Tomihiko Kojima, Taichi Morita, Naoji Yamamoto, Analysis of plasma detachment in the magnetic thrust chamber using full particle-in-cell simulation, High Energy Density Physics, 36, 100814, 2020.08.
9. T.Morita, K. Tomita, K. Sakai, M. Takagi, K. Aihara, M. Edamoto, S. Egashira, T. Higuchi, N. Ishizaka, T. Izumim S. Kakuchi, T. Kojima, Y. Kuramitsu, S. Matsukiyo, Y. Nakagawa, T. Minami, H. Murakami, Y. Nishioka, and Y.Sakawa, Local plasma parameter measurements in colliding laser-produced plasmas for studying magnetic reconnection, High Energy Density Physics, 36, 100754, 2020.03.
10. T Morita, K Nagashima, M Edamoto, K Tomita, T Sano, Y Itadani, R Kumar, M Ota, S Egashira, R Yamazaki, SJ Tanaka, S Tomita, S Tomiya, H Toda, I Miyata, S Kakuchi, S Sei, N Ishizaka, S Matsukiyo, Y Kuramitsu, Y Ohira, M Hoshino, Y Sakawa, Anomalous plasma acceleration in colliding high-power laser-produced plasmas, Physics of Plasmas, 26, 090702, 2019.09.
11. N Bolouki, K Sakai, TY Huang, S Isayama, YL Liu, CW Peng, CH Chen, N Khasanah, HH Chu, T Moritaka, Kentaro Tomita, Y Sato, Kiichiro Uchino, Taichi Morita, Shuichi Matsukiyo, Y Hara, H Shimogawara, Y Sakawa, S Sakata, S Kojima, S Fujioka, Y Shoji, S Tomiya, R Yamazaki, M Koenig, Y Kuramitsu, Collective Thomson scattering measurements of electron feature using stimulated Brillouin scattering in laser-produced plasmas, High Energy Density Physics, 32, 82-88, 2019.07.
12. Takayuki Umeda, Ryo Yamazaki, Yutaka Ohira, Natsuki Ishizaka, Shin Kakuchi, Yasuhiro Kuramitsu, Shuichi Matsukiyo, Itaru Miyata, Taichi Morita, Youichi Sakawa, Takayoshi Sano, Shuto Sei, Shuta J Tanaka, Hirohumi Toda, Sara Tomita, Full particle-in-cell simulation of the interaction between two plasmas for laboratory experiments on the generation of magnetized collisionless shocks with high-power lasers, Physics of Plasmas, 26, 032303, 2019.03.
13. Naoji Yamamoto, Taichi Morita, Yasushi Ohkawa, Masakatsu Nakano, Ikkoh Funaki, Ion thruster operation with carbon nanotube field emission cathode, Journal of Propulsion and Power, 35, 490-493, 2019.03.
14. Y Kuramitsu, T Moritaka, Y Sakawa, T Morita, T Sano, M Koenig, CD Gregory, N Woolsey, K Tomita, H Takabe, YL Liu, SH Chen, Shuichi Matsukiyo, M Hoshino, Magnetic reconnection driven by electron dynamics, Nature communications, 9, 5109, 2018.11.
15. Masafumi Edamoto, Taichi Morita, Naoya Saito, Yutaro Itadani, Satoshi Miura, Shinsuke Fujioka, Hideki Nakashima, Naoji Yamamoto, Portable and noise-tolerant magnetic field generation system, Review of Scientific Instruments, 89, 094706, 2018.09.
16. Naoya Saito, Naoji Yamamoto, Taichi Morita, Masafumi Edamoto, Hideki Nakashima, Shinsuke Fujioka, Akifumi Yogo, Hiroaki Nishimura, Atsushi Sunahara, Yoshitaka Mori, Tomoyuki Johzaki, Experimental demonstration of ion extraction from magnetic thrust chamber for laser fusion rocket, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 57, 50303, 2018.03.
17. A Rigby, F Cruz, B Albertazzi, R Bamford, AR Bell, JE Cross, F Fraschetti, P Graham, Y Hara, PM Kozlowski, Y Kuramitsu, DQ Lamb, S Lebedev, JR Marques, F Miniati, T Morita, M Oliver, B Reville, Y Sakawa, S Sarkar, C Spindloe, R Trines, P Tzeferacos, LO Silva, R Bingham, M Koenig, G Gregori, Electron acceleration by wave turbulence in a magnetized plasma, Nature Physics, 2018.03.
18. Yutaro Itadani, Taichi Morita, Naoya Saito, Masahumi Edamoto, Tomihiko Kojima, Mariko Takagi, Sinsuke Fujioka, Akihumi Yogo, Hiroaki Nishimura, Hideo Nagatomo, Atushi Sunahara, Yoshitaka Mori, Tomoyuki Johzaki, Hideki Nakashima, Naoji Yamamoto, Thomson scattering measurement of laser-produced plasma in a magnetic thrust chamber, Plasma fusion Research, 13, 1306016, 2018.03.
19. Taichi Morita, Masafumi Edamoto, Satoshi Miura, Atsushi Sunahara, Naoya Saito,Yutaro Itadani,Tomihiko Kojima, Yoshitaka Mori, Tomoyuki Johzaki,Yoshihiro Kajimura, Shinsuke Fujioka, Akifumi Yogo, Hiroaki Nishimura, Hideki Nakashima, and Naoji Yamamoto, Control of unsteady laser-produced plasma-flow with a multiple-coil magnetic nozzle, Scientific Reports, 7, 8910, 2017.08.
20. T Morita, Y Sakawa, Y Kuramitsu, S Dono, H Aoki, H Tanji, JN Waugh, CD Gregory, M Koenig, NC Woolsey, and H Takabe, Characterization of electrostatic shock in laser-produced optically-thin plasma flows using optical diagnostics, Physics of Plasmas, 24, 072701, 2017.07.
21. Y Sakawa, T Ide, T Morita, K Tomita, K Uchino, Y Kuramitsu, N Ohnishi, H Takabe, Generation of counter-streaming plasmas for collisionless shock experiment, High Energy Density Physics, 23, 207-211, 2017.05.
22. T Morita, N Yamamoto, R Kawashima, N Saito, M Edamoto, S Fujioka, Y Itadani, T Johzaki, S Miura, Y Mori, H Nishimura, A Sunahara, A Yogo, H Nakashima, Plasma structure and energy dependence in a magnetic thrust chamber system, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 717, 012071, 2016.06.
23. Y Sakawa, T Morita, Y Kuramitsu, and H Takabe, Collisionless electrostatic shock generation using high-energy laser systems, Advances in Physics: X, 1, 425-443, 2016.05.
24. Yoshitaka Shoji, Ryo Yamazaki, Sara Tomita, Yushiro Kawamura, Yutaka Ohira, Satoshi Tomiya, Yoichi Sakawa, Takayoshi Sano, Yukiko Hara, Sarana Kondo, Hiroshi Shimogawara, Shuichi Matsukiyo, Taichi Morita, Kentaro Tomita, Hitoki Yoneda, Kazunori Nagamine, Yasuhiro Kuramitsu, Toseo Moritaka, Naofumi Ohnishi, Takayuki Umeda, Hideaki Takabe, Toward the Generation of Magnetized Collisionless Shocks with High-Power Lasers, Plasma and Fusion Research, 11, 3401031, 2016.04.
25. T Morita, NL Kugland, W Wan, R Crowston, RP Drake, F Fiuza, G Gregori, C Huntington, T Ishikawa, M Koenig, C Kuranz, MC Levy, D Martinez, J Meinecke, F Miniati, CD Murphy, A Pelka, C Plechaty, R Presura, N Quirós, BA Remington, B Reville, JS Ross, DD Ryutov, Y Sakawa, L Steele, H Takabe, Y Yamaura, N Woolsey, and H-S Park, Proton imaging of an electrostatic field structure formed in laser-produced counter-streaming plasmas, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 688, 012071, 2016.04.
26. T Ishikawa, Y Sakawa, T Morita, Y Yamaura, Y Kuramitsu, T Moritaka, T Sano, R Shimoda, K Tomita, K Uchino, S Matsukiyo, A Mizuta, N Ohnishi, R Crowston, N Woolsey, H Doyle, G Gregori, M Koenig, C Michaut, A Pelka, D Yuan, Y Li, K Zhang, J Zhong, F Wang, H Takabe, Thomson scattering measurement of a collimated plasma jet generated by a high-power laser system, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 688, 012098, 2016.04.
27. Y Kuramitsu, N Ohnishi, Y Sakawa, T Morita, H Tanji, T Ide, K Nishio, CD Gregory, JN Waugh, N Booth, R Heathcote, C Murphy, G Gregori, J Smallcombe, C Barton, A Dizière, M Koenig, N Woolsey, Y Matsumoto, A Mizuta, T Sugiyama, S Matsukiyo, T Moritaka, T Sano, H Takabe, Model experiment of magnetic field amplification in laser-produced plasmas via the Richtmyer-Meshkov instability, Physics of Plasmas, 23, 032126, 2016.03.
28. Ryosuke KAWASHIMA, Taichi MORITA, Naoji YAMAMOTO, Naoya SAITO, Shinsuke FUJIOKA, Hiroaki NISHIMURA, Hiraku MATSUKUMA, Atsushi SUNAHARA, Yoshitaka MORI, Tomoyuki JOHZAKI and Hideki NAKASHIMA, The measurement of plasma structure in a magnetic thrust chamber, Plasma and Fusion Research, 11, 3406012, 2016.02.
29. Naoya Saito, Hiroshi Tominaga, Ryosuke Kawashima, Taichi Morita, Naoji Yamamoto, Hideki Nakashima, Shinsuke Fujioka, Atsushi Sunahara, Yoshitaka Mori, and Tomoyuki Johzaki, Acceleration of Miniature Targets by Kilo-Tesla Magnetic Field, Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Aerospace Technology Japan, 13, 17-21, 2015.06.
30. H-S Park, CM Huntington, F Fiuza, RP Drake, DH Froula, G Gregori, M Koenig, NL Kugland, CC Kuranz, DQ Lamb, MC Levy, CK Li, J Meinecke, T Morita, RD Petrasso, BB Pollock, BA Remington, HG Rinderknecht, M Rosenberg, JS Ross, DD Ryutov, Y Sakawa, A Spitkovsky, H Takabe, DP Turnbull, P Tzeferacos, SV Weber, AB Zylstra, Collisionless shock experiments with lasers and observation of Weibel instabilities, Physics of Plasmas, 22, 056311, 2015.05.
31. C. M. Huntington, F. Fiuza, J. S. Ross, A. B. Zylstra, R. P. Drake, D. H. Froula, G. Gregori, N. L. Kugland, C. C. Kuranz, M. C. Levy, C. K. Li, J. Meinecke, T. Morita, R. Petrasso, C. Plechaty, B. A. Remington, D. D. Ryutov, Y. Sakawa, A. Spitkovsky, H. Takabe, and H.-S. Park, Observation of magnetic field generation via the Weibel instability in interpenetrating plasma flows, Nature Physics, 11.0, 173.0-176.0, 2015.01.
32. CD Gregory, A Diziere, H Aoki, H Tanji, T Ide, E Falize, B Loupias, C Michaut, T Morita, SA Pikuz, A Ravasio, Y Kuramitsu, Y Sakawa, H Takabe, NC Woolsey, and M Koenig, Experiments to investigate the effects of radiative cooling on plasma jet collimation, High Energy Density Physics, 11, 12-16, 2014.11.
33. T. Morita, Y. Sakawa, K. Tomita, T. Ide, Y. Kuramitsu, T. Moritaka, K. Nishio, K. Nakayama, K. Inoue, M. Kuwada, H. Ide, K. Tsubouchi, K. Uchino, and H. Takabe, Thomson scattering measurement of a shock in laser-produced counter-streaming plasmas, Physics of Plasmas, 20, 092115, 2013.09.
34. NL Kugland, JS Ross, P-Y Chang, RP Drake, G Fiksel, DH Froula, SH Glenzer, G Gregori, M Grosskopf, C Huntington, M Koenig, Y Kuramitsu, C Kuranz, MC Levy, E Liang, D Martinez, J Meinecke, F Miniati, T Morita, A Pelka, C Plechaty, R Presura, A Ravasio, BA Remington, B Reville, DD Ryutov, Y Sakawa, A Spitkovsky, H Takabe, H-S Park, Visualizing electromagnetic fields in laser-produced counter-streaming plasma experiments for collisionless shock laboratory astrophysics, Physics of Plasmas, 20, 056313, 2013.05.
35. T. Morita, Y. Sakawa, Y. Kuramitsu, S. Dono, H. Tanji, H. Aoki, T. Ide, K. Nishio, C. D. Gregory, J. N. Waugh, N. Woolsey, A. Diziere, M. Koenig, H. Ide , K. Tsubouchi , H. Takabe, Interaction of high Mach-number shocks in laser-produced plasmas, High Energy Density Physics, 9, 187-191, 2013.01.
36. NL Kugland, DD Ryutov, PY Chang, RP Drake, G Fiksel, DH Froula, SH Glenzer, G Gregori, M Grosskopf, M Koenig, Y Kuramitsu, C Kuranz, MC Levy, E Liang, J Meinecke, F Miniati, T Morita, A Pelka, C Plechaty, R Presura, A Ravasio, BA Remington, B Reville, JS Ross, Y Sakawa, A Spitkovsky, H Takabe, and HS Park, Self-organized electromagnetic field structures in laser-produced counter-streaming plasmas, Nature Physics, 8, 809-812, 2012.11.
37. T Morita, Y Sakawa, Y Kuramitsu, S Dono, T Ide, S Shibata, H Aoki, H Tanji, T Sano, A Shiroshita, JN Waugh, CD Gregory, NC Woolsey, and H Takabe, Optical pyrometer system for collisionless shock experiments in high-power laser-produced plasmas, Review of Scientific Instruments, 83, 10D514, 2012.10.
38. T. Morita, Y. Sakawa, Y. Kuramitsu, H. Tanji, H. Aoki, T. Ide, S. Shibata, N. Onishi, C. Gregory, A. Diziere, J. Waugh, N. Woolsey, Y. Sano, A. Shiroshita, K. Shigemori, N. Ozaki, T. Kimura, K. Miyanishi, R. Kodama, M. Koenig, and H. Takabe, Temperature measurements of electrostatic shocks in laser-produced counter-streaming plasmas, Astrophysics and Space Science, 336, 283-286, 2011.11.
39. T. Morita, Y. Sakawa, Y. Kuramitsu, S. Dono, H. Aoki, H. Tanji, T. N. Kato, Y. T. Li, Y. Zhang, X. Liu, J. Y. Zhong, H. Takabe, and J. Zhang, Collisionless shock generation in high-speed counter-streaming plasma flows by a high-power laser, Physics of Plasmas, 17, 122702, 2010.12.
40. T Morita, Y Sakawa, Y Kuramitsu, S Dono, H Aoki, H Tanji, T Kato, Y T Li, Y Zhang, X Liu, J Y Zhong, N Woolsey, H Takabe and J Zhang, Collisionless shock generation by a high-power laser, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 244, 042010, 2010.08.
1. T. Morita, Y. Muramoto, Y. Maenosono, S. Isayama, M. Edamoto, M. Hanano, Y. Kanesada, Y. Kuramitsu, S. Matsukiyo, G. Nakayama, K. Obayashi, K. Oshida, K. Sakai, J. Shiota, Y. Suzuki, T. Takezaki, S. J. Tanaka, K. Tomita, S. Yakura, R. Yamazaki, and Y. Sakawa, Laser astrophysics experiments for the investigation of plasma heating and acceleration in magnetic reconnection, International Conference on High Energy Density Science 2024, 2024.04.
2. Taichi MORITA, Shuichi MATSUKIYO, Ryo YAMAZAKI, Shogo ISAYAMA, Shuta TANAKA, Masahiro HANANO, Yoshiki KANESADA, Yasuhiro KURAMITSU, Yoshio MAENOSONO, Yuya MURAMOTO, Gaku NAKAYAMA, Kaori OBAYASHI, Kotaro OSHIDA, Kentaro SAKAI, Juri SHIOTA, Yuto SUZUKI, Taichi TAKEZAKI, Kentaro TOMITA, Shoma YAKURA, and Youichi SAKAWA, Experimental investigation of energy conversion in a magnetic reconnection in laser-produced plasma, International Conference on Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications, 2023.09.
3. T. Morita, S. Matsuo, T. Kojima, K. Aihara, Y. Arikawa, S. Egashira, S. Isayama, O. Kuramoto, S. Matsukiyo, Y. Matsumoto, K. Sakai, K. Sugiyama, T. Takezaki, R. Yamazaki, and Y. Sakawa, Experimental investigation of magnetic reconnection in laser-driven self-generated magnetic field, international conference for the high energy density sciences, 2021.04.
4. S. Matsuo, T. Morita, T. Kojima, S. Isayama, S. Matsukiyo, T. Takezaki, Y. Arikawa, Y. Sakawa, S. Egashira, O. Kuramoto, Y. Matsumoto, K. Sakai, R. Yamazaki, K. Sugiyama and K. Aihara, Time-evolution of the magnetic field structure in laser-driven magnetic reconnection measured by proton radiography, international conference for the high energy density sciences, 2021.04.
5. T. Morita, N. Yamamoto, M. Edamoto, T. Kojima, A. Yamato, T. Machida, H. Nakashima, Y. Mori, A. Sunahara, T. Johzaki, S. Namba, S. Fujioka, Y. Abe, Y. Kajimura, T. Ise, K. Yagi, Experimental and numerical studies on the thrust generation for laser-fusion-powered spacecraft, 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics, 2020.10.
6. T. Morita, M. Edamoto, T. Kojima, Y. Nishioka, M. Takagi, Y. Sano, M. Ota, S. Egashira, T. Izumi, Y. Nakagawa, S. Matsukiyo, T. Higuchi, H. Murakami, R. Yamazaki, S. Tanaka, S. Kakuchi, S. Sei, N. Ishizaka, K. Sugiyama, K. Aihara, K. Tomita, Y. Kuramitsu, T. Minami, K. Sakai, Y.T Li, D. Yuan, J. Zhong, Y. Ping, Z. Zhe, H. Takabe, Y. Sakawa, Laser astrophysics experiments for studying collisionless shock and magnetic reconnection, 3rd Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics, 2019.11.
7. T. Morita , M. Edamoto, Y. Nishioka, Y. Sano, M. Ota, S. Egashira, T. Izumi, Y.T Li, D. Yuan, J Zhong, Y. Ping, Z. Zhe, S. Matsukiyo, T. Higuchi, R. Yamazaki, S. Tanaka, S. Kakuchi, S. Sei, N. Ishizaka, K. Sugiyama, K. Tomita, Y. Kuramitsu, K. Sakai, T. Minami, Y. Sakawa, High-power Laser experiments for studying magnetic reconnection, kick-off meeting of Asian Core-to-Core “Asian Laser Astrophysics International Research and Education Center”, 2019.09.
8. T. Morita, M. Edamoto, Y. Nishioka, Y. Sano, M. Ota, S. Egashira, T. Izumi, S. Matsukiyo, Y. Horie, T. Higuchi, R. Yamazaki, S. Tanaka, H. Toda, I. Miyata, S. Kakuchi, S. Sei, N. Ishizaka, S. Tomita, R. Kawamura, K. Sugiyama, D. Suzuki, S. Takayama, K. Tomita, Y. Kuramitsu, K. Sakai, T. Minami, Y. Sakawa, Magnetic Reconnection in Self-Generated
and Externally Applied Magnetic Fields in
Laser-Produced Plasmas, 11th International Conference on Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications, 2019.09.
9. T. Morita, K. Nagashima, M. Edamoto, Y. Itadani, T. Sano, R. Kumar, M. Ota, S. Egashira, R. Yamazaki, S. Tanaka, S. Tomiya, H. Toda, I. Miyata, S. Kakuchi, S. Sei, N. Ishizaka, S. Tomita, K. Tomita, Y. Kuramitsu, S. Matsukiyo, and Y. Sakawa, Study of driven magnetic reconnection in high-power laser-produced plasma, 12th International Conference on High Energy Density Laboratory Astrophysics (HEDLA), 2018.05.
10. Taichi MORITA, Satoshi MIURA, Masafumi EDAMOTO, Kentaro TOMITA, Yutaro ITADANI, Naoji YAMAMOTO, Shinsuke FUJIOKA, and Youichi SAKAWA, Magnetic reconnection experiment
with an external magnetic field by
using Gekko-XII laser, 10th International Conference on Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications, 2017.09.
11. Taichi Morita , Satoshi Miura , Hideo Nagatomo , Atsushi Sunahara , Tomohiko Kojima , Naoya Saito , Yutaro Itadani , Yoshitaka Mori , Tomoyuki Johzaki , Akifumi Yogo , Hiroaki Nishimura , Shinsuke Fujioka , Hideki Nakashima , Naoji Yamamoto, Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Thrust Generation and Vector Control with a Magnetic Thrust
Chamber, International Symposium on Space Technology and Science(ISTS), 2017.06.
12. Taichi Morita, Youichi Sakawa, Kentaro Tomita, Robert Crowston, Ryosuke Fujino, Daisuke Harada, Shogo Isayama, Taishi Ishikawa, Kai Zhang, Michel Koenig, Yasuhiro Kuramitsu, Yutong Li, Shuichi Matsukiyo, Claire Michaut, Toseo Moritaka, Kazuyoshi Nagamine, Tatsuya Oyama, Alexander Pelka, Takayoshi Sano, Yuta Sato, Ryo Shimoda, Tomoya Wadagaki, Nigel Woolsey, Yuta Yamaura, Chuanlei Yin, Hitoki Yoneda, Dawei Yuan, Roman Yurchak, Zhang Zhe, Jiayong Zhong, Hideaki Takabe, Experimental study on jet formation and propagation by use of Gekko-XII laser system, 10th International Conference on High Energy Density Laboratory Astrophysics, 2014.05.
13. T. Morita, Y. Sakawa, T. Ishikawa, Y. Yamaura, T. Wadagaki, T. Norimatsu, T. Sano, T. Moritaka, H. Azechi, H. Takabe, N. Ohnishi, A. Mizuta, H. Yoneda, K. Nagamine, K. Tomita, K. Nakayama, K. Inoue, R. Shimoda, Y. Sato, K. Uchino, S. Matsukiyo, S. Isayama, D. Harada, T. Oyama, R. Fujino, H-S. Park, D. Ryutov, B. Remington, J. S. Ross, N. L. Kugland, C. Plechaty, F. Fiuza, C. Huntington, M. C. Levy, D. Martinz, L. Steele, A. Spitkovsky, L. Gargate, L. Sironi, D. Froula, J. Knauer, G. Fiskel, F. Miniati, E. Liang, R. P. Drake, C. Kuranz, W. Wan, R. Presura, N. Quiros, N. Woolsey, R. Crowston, M. Koenig, A. Ravasio, R. Yurchak; B. Loupias; C. Michaut, A. Pelka, G. Gregori, J. Meinecke, C. D. MurphyY. Kuramitsu, JP Wang, P. Chen, Y. Li, D. Yuan, J. Zhong, C. Yin, J. Zhang, Collisionless electrostatic shock generation using high-power laser systems, Japan-US Workshop on Laboratory Astrophysics -Collisionless shock experiment using high-power laser systems-, 2014.02.
14. T. Morita, Y. Sakawa, T. Ishikawa, Y. Yamaura, T. Wadagaki, T. Norimatsu, T. Sano, T. Moritaka, H. Azechi, H. Takabe, N. Ohnishi, A. Mizuta, H. Yoneda, K. Nagamine, K. Tomita, K. Nakayama, K. Inoue, R. Shimoda, Y. Sato, K. Uchino, S. Matsukiyo, S. Isayama, D. Harada, T. Oyama, R. Fujino, H-S. Park, D. Ryutov, B. Remington, J. S. Ross, N. L. Kugland, C. Plechaty, F. Fiuza, C. Huntington, M. C. Levy, D. Martinz, L. Steele, A. Spitkovsky, L. Gargate, L. Sironi, D. Froula, J. Knauer, G. Fiskel, F. Miniati, E. Liang, R. P. Drake, C. Kuranz, W. Wan, R. Presura, N. Quiros, N. Woolsey, R. Crowston, M. Koenig, A. Ravasio, R. Yurchak; B. Loupias; C. Michaut, A. Pelka, G. Gregori, J. Meinecke, C. D. MurphyY. Kuramitsu, JP Wang, P. Chen, Y. Li, D. Yuan, J. Zhong, C. Yin, J. Zhang, Electrostatic collisionless shock experiment with Gekko-XII laser system, NIF/JLF user meeting, 2014.02.
Membership in Academic Society
  • The Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research
  • The Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences
  • The Astronomical Society of Japan
  • The Physical Society of Japan