Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Reports
Mita Toshiharu Last modified date:2024.06.03

Assistant Professor / Agricultural Bioresource Sciences / Department of Bioresource Sciences / Faculty of Agriculture

1. Gonatopus hishimonovorus (Xu & He) new to Japan, collected in the Imperial Palace and TokiwamatsuImperial Villa, Tokyo.
2. Name-bearing Types of Coleoptera (Insecta) in the Museum of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture
type:Research Data
All the name-bearing types of Coleoptera deposited in the Museum of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture (Atsugi Campus) are listed. According to the original descriptions, name-bearing types of 395 species and 18 subspecies in the families Staphylinidae, Lucanidae, Scarabaeidae, Anobiidae, Cerambycidae, and Anthribidae should be housed in the museum. However, none of the holotypes and syntypes of Scarabaeidae described before 1951 by Dr. H. Sawada can been found there. It is most probable that they were lost during or after the Second World War.
3. Chrysidoid wasps of the Yata hills, Nara Prefecture, Japan
奈良県矢田丘陵におけるセイボウ上科(ハチ目)のリストを示した.文献調査,機関および筆者らの所蔵する標本および新たに採集された個体による奈良県矢田丘陵におけるセイボウ上科のリス トを示した.採集方法は,捕虫網を用いたスウィーピングを中心とした任意採集,マレーゼトラップ, 羽化トラップ,黄色水盤トラップ,青色水盤トラップを用いた.本調査により,セイボウ科14種,ア リガタバチ科35種,カマバチ科14種,アリモドキバチ科1種,計64種が記録された.このうち,セイボ ウ科3種とカマバチ科2種を除いた59種が矢田丘陵から初めて記録された.
A list of Chrysidoidea(Hymenoptera)of Yata hills, Nara Pref., Japan is provided based on literature records, institute and authors’ collections and newly collected materials. These wasps were collected using Malaise traps, emergence trap, yellow pans, blue pans and sweeping nets. The list includes 14 species of the Chrysididae, 35 species of the Bethylidae, 14 species of the Dryinidae and one species of Embolemidae, for a total of 64 species. Among them, 59 species are newly recorded from Yata hills..
4. Genetic variation of Dryinidae and migration of rice planthopper.
5. Foraging strategy and phylogeny of Aculeata.