Updated on 2024/08/20




Faculty of Social and Cultural Studies Associate Professor
Advanced Asian Archaeology Research Center(QA3RC) (Concurrent)
School of Interdisciplinary Science and Innovation Department of Interdisciplinary Science and Innovation(Concurrent)
Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Global Society Department of Integrated Sciences for Global Society(Concurrent)
Associate Professor
Contact information
専門分野は固体地球化学。さまざまな無機的試料(これまでは主に岩石)の高精度微量元素・同位体比分析の技術を活かし、特に白金族元素や白金族元素の中のオスミウム同位体比を用いて、地球内部のマントル内の元素や物質の移動、また火山岩の履歴とその起源を探る研究を行ってきた。 今後は、これに加えて土器や青銅器などの微量元素・同位体比分析から産地や履歴の解析などを行う手法の開発も視野に入れている。
External link


  • Ph.D

Research History

  • 国立研究開発法人海洋研究開発機構(2005年12月~2017年1月)


Research Interests・Research Keywords

  • Research theme:To know the origin and records of the archaeological artifacts using geochemical methodology

    Keyword:Archaeological artifact, isotope analysis

    Research period: 2017.2

  • Research theme:To understand the mantle recycling system with the view of the platinum group elements and Os isotope ratios

    Keyword:Platinum group elements, Os isotope ratios, mantle

    Research period: 2017.2


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  • オマーン掘削プロジェクトで得られた地殻ーマントル境界コア試料の Os 同位体比と白金族元素組成の変化


    日本地球化学会年会  2023.9 

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    Event date: 2023.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:東京海洋大学品川キャンパス   Country:Japan  

  • The PGE and Os isotope variations in the mantle transition zone from the Samail Ophiolite from the Cores of the Oman Drilling Project International conference

    Ryoko Senda, Katsuhiko Suzuki, Tomoaki Morishita, Eiichi Takazawa, The Oman Drilling Project Science Party

    International Conference on Ophiolites and the Oceanic Lithosphere  2020.1 

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    Event date: 2020.1

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Geochemistry of the Samail ophiolite mantle section drilled at Oman Drilling Project phase 2, Holes BA1B, BA3A and BA4A ~ preliminary results on board International conference

    Ryoko Senda, Elliot Carter, Jon Zaloumis, Chang Zhang, Alexander Sousa, Delphine Klaessens, Marguerite Godard, Peter Kelemen, Katsu Michibayashi, Damon Teagle, Eiichi Takazawa, Jude Coggon, Saebyul Choe, The Oman Drilling Project Phase 2 Science Party

    International Conference on Ophiolites and the Oceanic Lithosphere  2020.1 

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    Event date: 2020.1

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • The PGE and Os isotope variations in the mantle transition zone from the Samail Ophiolite from the Oman Drilling Project Cores International conference


    Goldschmidt Conference 2019  2019.8 

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    Event date: 2019.8

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • PGE and Os isotope variation in the gabbros and peridotites from the Oman DP drilling cores in the Samail ophiolite, Oman

    Ryoko Senda, Katsuhiko Suzuki, Tomoaki Morishita, Eiichi TAKAZAWA, Katsuyoshi Michibayashi, Peter B Kelemen, Damon AH Teagle, Jude Ann Coggan, Marguerite Godard, The Oman DP Science Party

    JpGU2019  2019.5 

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    Event date: 2019.5

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Geochemistry of the Samail ophiolite mantle section drilled at Oman Drilling Project Holes BA1B, BA3A and BA4A (Batin area, Oman Drilling Project Phase 2) International conference


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    Event date: 2018.12

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:United States  

  • 海洋底下部地殻ハンレイ岩相の白金族元素存在度とOs同位体組成:ICDP Oman Drilling Project phase1速報

    仙田量子、鈴木勝彦、森下知晃、Kelemen Peter、Teagle Damon、⾼澤栄⼀、Coggon Jude、Matter M. Juerg、Harris Michelle、道林克禎、The Oman Drilling Project Science Party

    日本地球化学会2018年年会  2018.9 

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    Event date: 2018.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:琉球大学   Country:Japan  

  • The PGE abundances and Os isotope ratios in gabbros from ICDP Oman drilling cores International conference

    Ryoko Senda, Katsuhiko Suzuki, The Oman Drilling Project Phase I Science Party

    JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2018  2018.5 

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    Event date: 2018.5

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 北九州に産出するかんらん岩捕獲岩のOs同位体比と白金族元素組成


    日本地球化学会2017年年会  2017.9 

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    Event date: 2017.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:東京工業大学   Country:Japan  

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  • 入門講座「分析試料の取り扱い方」-岩石 Reviewed


    ぶんせき   2020.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

Professional Memberships

  • The Geochemical Society of Japan

  • 日本鉱物科学会

  • 日本分析化学会

  • American Geophysical Union

  • Japan Geoscience Union

  • Geochemical Society

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Academic Activities

  • Screening of academic papers

    Role(s): Peer review


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    Type:Peer review 

    Number of peer-reviewed articles in foreign language journals:2

    Number of peer-reviewed articles in Japanese journals:1

    Proceedings of International Conference Number of peer-reviewed papers:2

  • Screening of academic papers

    Role(s): Peer review


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    Type:Peer review 

    Number of peer-reviewed articles in foreign language journals:2

    Proceedings of International Conference Number of peer-reviewed papers:3

  • Screening of academic papers

    Role(s): Peer review


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    Type:Peer review 

    Number of peer-reviewed articles in foreign language journals:1

  • Screening of academic papers

    Role(s): Peer review


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    Type:Peer review 

    Number of peer-reviewed articles in foreign language journals:0

    Number of peer-reviewed articles in Japanese journals:1

Research Projects

  • Understand the relationships between upper mantle heterogenity and plate forming place

    Grant number:20K04111  2020 - 2022

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    SENDA Ryoko

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Scientific research funding

    The purpose of this study is to understand the differences in the uppermost mantle materials from different oceanic plate formation fields and to validate the oceanic plate formation model from the actual sample data of the oceanic plate. For this purpose, we have analyzed drilling samples of Oman Ophiolites, which are thought to be fossils of oceanic ridges as oceanic plate-forming fields, and samples collected from the seafloor of the northern Mariana Trough, which is an active back-arc basin. Differences in the abundances of the platinum group elements suggest that a relatively simple process is required for the back-arc basin samples, and a complex process is required for the ridge sample. Detailed validations will be needed about the plate formation model in each plate formation field.

    CiNii Research

  • Oman Drilling Project International coauthorship

    2016.10 - 2019.5

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    Authorship:Collaborating Investigator(s) (not designated on Grant-in-Aid) 

    The overarching goal of scientific drilling in the Samail ophiolite is to understand the full spectrum of processes that create and modify oceanic crust and shallow mantle, involving mass and energy transfer between the mantle, the crust, the hydrosphere, the atmosphere and the biosphere over a range of temperatures from ~ 1350 to 20°C, depths from the surface to 10 or 20 km below the paleo-seafloor, and tectonic settings from spreading ridges to the deep ocean to surficial weathering to subduction zones.

  • 海嶺下における太古代枯渇かんらん岩の普遍性と時空分布:海洋地殻形成機構の再検討

    Grant number:15K05358  2016 - 2018

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)

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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Scientific research funding

  • 海洋プレート最上部マントル近傍の含水量と流入水の起源解明に向けて

    Grant number:19H01990 

    森下 知晃, 芳川 雅子, 牛久保 孝行, 海野 進, 清水 健二, 仙田 量子, 水上 知行

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    Grant type:Scientific research funding


    CiNii Research

Educational Activities

  • I have some classes as omnibus type in Kikan and Kyoso (ISI) for the undergraduate students with Degree Project in Kyoso (ISI).
    For graduate students, I have some teaching classes: Geochemistry of Earth Materials Ⅰ-Ⅳ, Comprehensive Earth Sciences B,Field Research and Practicum etc.

Class subject

  • 地球物質化学 Ⅷ

    2024.12 - 2025.2   Winter quarter

  • TutorialⅡ

    2024.12 - 2025.2   Winter quarter

  • Geochemistry of Earth Materials Ⅳ

    2024.12 - 2025.2   Winter quarter

  • Geochemistry of Earth Materials Ⅷ

    2024.12 - 2025.2   Winter quarter

  • 地球物質化学 Ⅳ

    2024.12 - 2025.2   Winter quarter

  • Doctoral Integrated Seminar Ⅱ

    2024.10 - 2025.3   Second semester

  • 個別研究指導Ⅰ

    2024.10 - 2025.3   Second semester

  • 個別研究指導Ⅲ

    2024.10 - 2025.3   Second semester

  • Field Research and Practicum

    2024.10 - 2025.3   Second semester

  • 博士総合演習 Ⅱ

    2024.10 - 2025.3   Second semester

  • 地球物質化学 Ⅶ

    2024.10 - 2024.12   Fall quarter

  • 〔自然〕地球科学A

    2024.10 - 2024.12   Fall quarter

  • TutorialⅠ

    2024.10 - 2024.12   Fall quarter

  • Geochemistry of Earth Materials Ⅲ

    2024.10 - 2024.12   Fall quarter

  • Geochemistry of Earth Materials Ⅶ

    2024.10 - 2024.12   Fall quarter

  • 地球物質化学 Ⅲ

    2024.10 - 2024.12   Fall quarter

  • 共創プロジェクト

    2024.6 - 2024.8   Summer quarter

  • 社会の中の地球科学

    2024.6 - 2024.8   Summer quarter

  • TutorialⅡ

    2024.6 - 2024.8   Summer quarter

  • Comprehensive Earth Sciences B

    2024.6 - 2024.8   Summer quarter

  • Geochemistry of Earth Materials Ⅱ

    2024.6 - 2024.8   Summer quarter

  • Geochemistry of Earth Materials Ⅵ

    2024.6 - 2024.8   Summer quarter

  • 包括的地球科学 B

    2024.6 - 2024.8   Summer quarter

  • 地球物質化学 Ⅱ

    2024.6 - 2024.8   Summer quarter

  • 地球物質化学 Ⅵ

    2024.6 - 2024.8   Summer quarter

  • Doctoral Integrated Seminar Ⅰ

    2024.4 - 2024.9   First semester

  • フィールド調査実習

    2024.4 - 2024.9   First semester

  • 個別研究指導Ⅱ

    2024.4 - 2024.9   First semester

  • Field Research and Practicum

    2024.4 - 2024.9   First semester

  • 博士総合演習 Ⅰ

    2024.4 - 2024.9   First semester

  • 共創プロジェクト

    2024.4 - 2024.6   Spring quarter

  • 社会の中の地球科学

    2024.4 - 2024.6   Spring quarter

  • 学術英語・テーマベース

    2024.4 - 2024.6   Spring quarter

  • チュートリアルⅠ

    2024.4 - 2024.6   Spring quarter

  • TutorialⅠ

    2024.4 - 2024.6   Spring quarter

  • Geochemistry of Earth Materials Ⅰ

    2024.4 - 2024.6   Spring quarter

  • Geochemistry of Earth Materials Ⅴ

    2024.4 - 2024.6   Spring quarter

  • 地球物質化学 Ⅰ

    2024.4 - 2024.6   Spring quarter

  • 地球物質化学 Ⅴ

    2024.4 - 2024.6   Spring quarter

  • TutorialⅡ

    2023.12 - 2024.2   Winter quarter

  • 地球物質化学 Ⅳ

    2023.12 - 2024.2   Winter quarter

  • Geochemistry of Earth Materials Ⅳ

    2023.12 - 2024.2   Winter quarter

  • 地球物質化学 Ⅷ

    2023.12 - 2024.2   Winter quarter

  • Geochemistry of Earth Materials Ⅷ

    2023.12 - 2024.2   Winter quarter

  • Thesis AdvisingⅠ

    2023.10 - 2024.3   Second semester

  • 地球環境実習

    2023.10 - 2024.3   Second semester

  • フィールド調査実習

    2023.10 - 2024.3   Second semester

  • Field Research and Practicum

    2023.10 - 2024.3   Second semester

  • TutorialⅠ

    2023.10 - 2023.12   Fall quarter

  • 地球の理解

    2023.10 - 2023.12   Fall quarter

  • 地球物質化学 Ⅲ

    2023.10 - 2023.12   Fall quarter

  • Geochemistry of Earth Materials Ⅲ

    2023.10 - 2023.12   Fall quarter

  • 地球物質化学 Ⅶ

    2023.10 - 2023.12   Fall quarter

  • Geochemistry of Earth Materials Ⅶ

    2023.10 - 2023.12   Fall quarter

  • Geochemistry of Earth Materials Ⅵ

    2023.6 - 2023.8   Summer quarter

  • TutorialⅡ

    2023.6 - 2023.8   Summer quarter

  • 包括的地球科学 B

    2023.6 - 2023.8   Summer quarter

  • Comprehensive Earth Sciences B

    2023.6 - 2023.8   Summer quarter

  • 地球物質化学 Ⅱ

    2023.6 - 2023.8   Summer quarter

  • Geochemistry of Earth Materials Ⅱ

    2023.6 - 2023.8   Summer quarter

  • 地球物質化学 Ⅵ

    2023.6 - 2023.8   Summer quarter

  • Field Research and Practicum

    2023.4 - 2024.3   Full year

  • フィールド調査実習

    2023.4 - 2024.3   Full year

  • 個別研究指導Ⅱ

    2023.4 - 2023.9   First semester

  • 地球環境実習

    2023.4 - 2023.9   First semester

  • Geochemistry of Earth Materials Ⅴ

    2023.4 - 2023.6   Spring quarter

  • 共創プロジェクト

    2023.4 - 2023.6   Spring quarter

  • 社会の中の地球科学

    2023.4 - 2023.6   Spring quarter

  • 地球の理解

    2023.4 - 2023.6   Spring quarter

  • チュートリアルⅠ

    2023.4 - 2023.6   Spring quarter

  • TutorialⅠ

    2023.4 - 2023.6   Spring quarter

  • 地球物質化学 Ⅰ

    2023.4 - 2023.6   Spring quarter

  • Geochemistry of Earth Materials Ⅰ

    2023.4 - 2023.6   Spring quarter

  • 地球物質化学 Ⅴ

    2023.4 - 2023.6   Spring quarter

  • Geochemistry of Earth Materials Ⅷ

    2022.12 - 2023.2   Winter quarter

  • 地球物質化学 Ⅳ

    2022.12 - 2023.2   Winter quarter

  • Geochemistry of Earth Materials Ⅳ

    2022.12 - 2023.2   Winter quarter

  • 地球物質化学 Ⅷ

    2022.12 - 2023.2   Winter quarter

  • フィールド調査実習

    2022.10 - 2023.3   Second semester

  • 地球環境実習

    2022.10 - 2023.3   Second semester

  • Geochemistry of Earth Materials Ⅶ

    2022.10 - 2022.12   Fall quarter

  • 地球物質化学 Ⅲ

    2022.10 - 2022.12   Fall quarter

  • Geochemistry of Earth Materials Ⅲ

    2022.10 - 2022.12   Fall quarter

  • 地球物質化学 Ⅶ

    2022.10 - 2022.12   Fall quarter

  • 地球の理解

    2022.10 - 2022.12   Fall quarter

  • Geochemistry of Earth Materials Ⅵ

    2022.6 - 2022.8   Summer quarter

  • 地球物質化学 Ⅵ

    2022.6 - 2022.8   Summer quarter

  • 共創基礎プロジェクト 2

    2022.6 - 2022.8   Summer quarter

  • 包括的地球科学 B

    2022.6 - 2022.8   Summer quarter

  • Comprehensive Earth Sciences B

    2022.6 - 2022.8   Summer quarter

  • 地球物質化学 Ⅱ

    2022.6 - 2022.8   Summer quarter

  • Geochemistry of Earth Materials Ⅱ

    2022.6 - 2022.8   Summer quarter

  • Field Research and Practicum

    2022.4 - 2022.9   First semester

  • 地球環境実習

    2022.4 - 2022.9   First semester

  • フィールド調査実習

    2022.4 - 2022.9   First semester

  • Geochemistry of Earth Materials Ⅴ

    2022.4 - 2022.6   Spring quarter

  • 社会の中の地球科学

    2022.4 - 2022.6   Spring quarter

  • 地球の理解

    2022.4 - 2022.6   Spring quarter

  • 地球物質化学 Ⅰ

    2022.4 - 2022.6   Spring quarter

  • Geochemistry of Earth Materials Ⅰ

    2022.4 - 2022.6   Spring quarter

  • 地球物質化学 Ⅴ

    2022.4 - 2022.6   Spring quarter

  • Geochemistry of Earth Materials Ⅳ

    2021.12 - 2022.2   Winter quarter

  • 地球物質化学 Ⅳ

    2021.12 - 2022.2   Winter quarter

  • Field Research and Practicum

    2021.10 - 2022.3   Second semester

  • 地球環境実習

    2021.10 - 2022.3   Second semester

  • 地球物質化学 Ⅱ

    2021.10 - 2022.3   Second semester

  • 地球物質化学 Ⅳ

    2021.10 - 2022.3   Second semester

  • Geochemistry of Earth Materials Ⅱ

    2021.10 - 2022.3   Second semester

  • Geochemistry of Earth Materials Ⅳ

    2021.10 - 2022.3   Second semester

  • フィールド調査実習

    2021.10 - 2022.3   Second semester

  • Geochemistry of Earth Materials Ⅲ

    2021.10 - 2021.12   Fall quarter

  • 地球の理解

    2021.10 - 2021.12   Fall quarter

  • 地球物質化学 Ⅲ

    2021.10 - 2021.12   Fall quarter

  • Geochemistry of Earth Materials Ⅱ

    2021.6 - 2021.8   Summer quarter

  • 基幹教育セミナー

    2021.6 - 2021.8   Summer quarter

  • 包括的地球科学 B

    2021.6 - 2021.8   Summer quarter

  • Comprehensive Earth Sciences B

    2021.6 - 2021.8   Summer quarter

  • 地球物質化学 Ⅱ

    2021.6 - 2021.8   Summer quarter

  • Geochemistry of Earth Materials Ⅲ

    2021.4 - 2021.9   First semester

  • 地球環境実習

    2021.4 - 2021.9   First semester

  • フィールド調査実習

    2021.4 - 2021.9   First semester

  • Field Research and Practicum

    2021.4 - 2021.9   First semester

  • 地球物質化学 Ⅰ

    2021.4 - 2021.9   First semester

  • 地球物質化学 Ⅲ

    2021.4 - 2021.9   First semester

  • Geochemistry of Earth Materials Ⅰ

    2021.4 - 2021.9   First semester

  • Geochemistry of Earth Materials Ⅰ

    2021.4 - 2021.6   Spring quarter

  • 社会の中の地球科学

    2021.4 - 2021.6   Spring quarter

  • 地球の理解

    2021.4 - 2021.6   Spring quarter

  • 地球物質化学 Ⅰ

    2021.4 - 2021.6   Spring quarter

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FD Participation

  • 2017.12   Role:Speech   Title:統合的学際教育の実践に向けて―第3回FD 学際融合研究の実践―アジア埋蔵文化財研究センターの挑戦

    Organizer:[Undergraduate school/graduate school/graduate faculty]

Visiting, concurrent, or part-time lecturers at other universities, institutions, etc.

  • 2024  独立研究開発法人海洋研究開発機構海底資源センター  Domestic/International Classification:Japan 

  • 2019  国立研究開発法人海洋研究開発機構  Domestic/International Classification:Japan 

    Semester, Day Time or Duration:2019年4月1日~2020年3月31日

  • 2018  国立研究開発法人海洋研究開発機構次世代海洋資源調査技術研究開発プロジェクトチーム・成因研究ユニット  Domestic/International Classification:Japan 

  • 2017  国立研究開発法人海洋研究開発機構次世代海洋資源調査技術研究開発プロジェクトチーム・成因研究ユニット  Domestic/International Classification:Japan 

Social Activities

  • 高大連携接続講座 「地球温暖化」は なぜ問題なのか?

    神奈川県立相模原高等学校  2021.10

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    Audience: Infants, Schoolchildren, Junior students, High school students

    Type:Seminar, workshop

  • 格差〉を読み解くー学際的な視点から⑥ 地域による災害の/と格差〜地球科学の視点から

    朝日カルチャーセンター福岡教室  朝日カルチャーセンター福岡教室  2021.3

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    Audience: General, Scientific, Company, Civic organization, Governmental agency


  • 時の文化史と地球史-「地球史とはどのように調べられているのか?」

    朝日カルチャーセンター福岡教室  朝日カルチャーセンター福岡教室  2019.6

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    Audience: General, Scientific, Company, Civic organization, Governmental agency


  • 「マントルとは何か?~地球内部の調べ方~」 高校生向け進学セミナー

    主催:Frompage 後援:文部科学省 協賛 河合塾 Z会 ベネッセ 河合塾マナビス 協力:国立大学55工学系学部長会議  マリンメッセ福岡  2017.12

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    Audience: General, Scientific, Company, Civic organization, Governmental agency


  • 福岡市男女共同参画課によるキャリアデザイン啓発事業 「キャリアあるいは仕事についての私見」 男女共同参画推進のためのキャリアデザイン啓発に関する講演

    福岡市立友泉中学校  2017.9

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    Audience: Infants, Schoolchildren, Junior students, High school students

    Type:Seminar, workshop

Travel Abroad

  • 2017.12 - 2018.1

    Staying countory name 1:Other   Staying institution name 1:Oman Drilling Project Phase2 CM site