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Oya Makoto Last modified date:2024.06.03

Graduate School
Undergraduate School

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 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Academic Degree
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Field of Specialization
Nuclear Fusion Reactor Engineering
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Research Interests
  • Hydrogen production by electrolysis of high temperature steam
    keyword : SOEC, electrolysis of high temperature steam, hydrogen production
  • Hydrogen production processes in plasma direct decomposition of hydrogen compound gas
    keyword : hydrogen compound, plasma, hydrogen production
  • Hydrogen isotope retention in tungsten materials
    keyword : tungsten, hydrogen isotope, retention
  • Surface morphology changes in tungsten materials after hydrogen isotope plasma exposure
    keyword : tungsten, hydrogen isotope, surface morphology (melting and blistering)
Academic Activities
1. M. Oya, M. Shimada, C.N. Taylor, M.I. Kobayashi, Y. Nobuta, Y. Yamauchi, Y. Oya, Y. Ueda, Y. Hatano, Deuterium retention in tungsten irradiated by high-dose neutrons at high temperature, Nuclear Materials and Energy, 2021.06.
2. Makoto Oya, G. Motojima, M. Tokitani, H. Tanaka, S. Masuzaki, Y. Ueda, The role of the graphite divertor tiles in helium retention on the LHD wall, Nuclear Materials and Energy, 10.1016/j.nme.2017.07.006, 13, 58-62, 2017.12, In this study, global particle balance of helium (He) long pulse discharge with graphite divertor in the Large Helical Device (LHD) and He retention in graphite from lab-scale experiments were compared in order to determine the role of the graphite divertor in He retention on the LHD wall. Global He particle balance analysis was conducted in long-pulse discharges in LHD with only turbo molecular pump. The analysis showed that static He retention was ∼2.9 × 1022 He and the ratio of retained He (= retention over fluence) was ∼0.45%. In the lab-scale study, He retention was measured by Thermal Desorption Spectroscopy (TDS) after ion irradiation or plasma exposure. The ratio of retained He were 0.1 ∼ 0.5% in all conditions, which was well consistent with LHD results. Therefore, it may be concluded that graphite divertor tiles have an important role in He absorption in the LHD wall at the initial phase of discharges..
1. M. Oya, M. Shimada, C.N. Taylor, M.I. Kobayashi, Y. Nobuta, Y. Yamauchi, Y. Oya, Y. Ueda and Y. Hatano, Deuterium retention in tungsten irradiated by high-dose neutrons at high temperature, 24th International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices, 2021.01, 高温・高照射量で中性子照射されたタングステンについて、その水素同位体吸蔵特性を調べた。実験結果をシミュレーション解析することにより、吸蔵特性を特徴付ける「深さ」「濃度」「脱捕捉エネルギー」を評価した。.