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CLONTS CHARLENE(くろんつ しやるれーぬ) データ更新日:2024.06.26

准教授 /  人文科学研究院 文学部門 Faculty of Humanities - Department of Literatures and Languages (French Studies) (Graduate and Undergraduate)

 研究者プロファイリングツール 九州大学Pure
Charlène CLONTS' Kyushu University Homepage .
Charlène CLONTS's Research Archive Homepage .
Well-Being with Arts research module (Q-AOS) .
就職実績有, Associate Professor (Kyushu University, Japan) -
Lecturer (Kyushu University, Japan) -
Associate Researcher (ALTER/CRPHLL research teams, Pau University, France) -
Adjunct Lecturer (Paris I Sorbonne-Pantheon University, France) -
Adjunct Lecturer (Paris XII Est-Créteil University, France) -
Certified French Literature Tenured (French National Education, France)
PhD. in French Literature and Language - Highest honors and unanimous congratulations - Pau University - France
French and Francophone Modern and Contemporary Literatures: Poetics - Intermediality (Poetry, Arts, Performance) - Poetic Space and Mediation - Ghérasim Luca - French and Francophone Literatures/Arts in relation to East Asia
ORCID(Open Researcher and Contributor ID)
Charlène CLONTS is Associate Professor (PhD.), Faculty of Humanities, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan. She published books, studies and articles in the fields of poetics, intermediality (poetry, arts and performance), spaces and mediations in the 20th-21st c. French and Francophone studies. She specialized in 20th c. Francophone Romanian intermedia poetry, and in French/Francophone literatures/arts and East Asia relationships. She is also the Principal Investigator (PI) of the Well-Being with Arts research project at the Institute for Asian and Oceanian Studies (Q-AOS). Within the ALTER research unit at Pau and Pays de l'Adour University, France, she participated in French ANR international research projects centered on the book as a space of creation (2011-2015) and on the Romanian avant-garde (Digital Humanities project, 2016-2020). She taught at Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne and Paris Est-Créteil University, France. She also worked for the French National Education.
Last books: Origami, le pli dans les littératures et les arts (ed.) (in Op. cit. – Revue des Littératures et des Arts, Pau University, 2021) ; Gherasim Luca. Texte, Image, Son (Peter Lang, 2020). Last book chapters and articles: see Kyushu University website (https://kyushu-u.elsevierpure.com/en/persons/charlene-clonts/publications/) or ResearchGate (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Charlene-Clonts).

