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Kyogo Kobayashi Last modified date:2023.12.06

Assistant Professor / Dynamic Biology
Department of Biology
Faculty of Sciences

Undergraduate School

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Academic Degree
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Field of Specialization
Neuroscience, Molecular Biology
ORCID(Open Researcher and Contributor ID)
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Research Interests
  • Principles of learning and memory
    keyword : learning and memory, mice
Academic Activities
1. Kyogo S Kobayashi, Naoki Matsuo, Persistent representation of the environment in the hippocampus., Cell Reports, 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.111989, 42, 1, 111989-111989, 2023.01, In the hippocampus, environmental changes elicit rearrangement of active neuronal ensembles or remapping of place cells. However, it remains elusive how the brain ensures a consistent representation of a certain environment itself despite salient events occurring there. Here, we longitudinally tracked calcium dynamics of dorsal hippocampal CA1 neurons in mice subjected to contextual fear conditioning and extinction training. Overall population activities were significantly changed by fear conditioning and were responsive to footshocks and freezing. However, a small subset of neurons, termed environment cells, were consistently active in a specific environment irrespective of experiences. A decoder modeling study showed that these cells, but not place cells, were able to predict the environment to which the mouse was exposed. Environment cells might underlie the constancy of cognition for distinct environments across time and events. Additionally, our study highlights the functional heterogeneity of cells in the hippocampus..
2. Kyogo Kobayashi, Shunji Nakano, Mutsuki Amano, Daisuke Tsuboi, Tomoki Nishioka, Shingo Ikeda, Genta Yokoyama, Kozo Kaibuchi, Ikue Mori, Single-Cell Memory Regulates a Neural Circuit for Sensory Behavior, Cell Reports, 10.1016/j.celrep.2015.11.064, 14, 1, 11-21, 2016.01, Unveiling the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying memory has been a challenge for the past few decades. Although synaptic plasticity is proven to be essential for memory formation, the significance of "single-cell memory'' still remains elusive. Here, we exploited a primary culture system for the analysis of C. elegans neurons and show that a single thermosensory neuron has an ability to form, retain, and reset a temperature memory. Genetic and proteomic analyses found that the expression of the single-cell memory exhibits inter-individual variability, which is controlled by the evolutionarily conserved CaMKI/IV and Raf pathway. The variable responses of a sensory neuron influenced the neural activity of downstream interneurons, suggesting that modulation of the sensory neurons ultimately determines the behavioral output in C. elegans. Our results provide proof of single-cell memory and suggest that the individual differences in neural responses at the single-cell level can confer individuality..
Works, Software and Database
1. MATLAB code used in Kobayashi and Matsuo, Cell Reports (2023)
2. MATLAB code used in Kobayashi & Matsuo, Cell Reports (2023)
Membership in Academic Society
  • Molecular and Cellular Cognition Society
  • Society for Neuroscience
  • The Best Bachelor Thesis Award
  • The Best Master Thesis Award
  • The Dean’s Outstanding Master Research Award
  • Annual Research Award, Integrative Graduate Education and Research Program