九州大学 研究者情報
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金田 礼人(かなだ あやと) データ更新日:2024.04.10

2019.06, NHKおはよう東海, 壁登り降りするロボット ヒル参考に開発.

2019.07, 東愛知新聞, 壁登り乗り超えるロボット.

2019.07, 中日新聞, 壁登りロボット次々.

2019.07, 日刊工業新聞, 垂直な壁登るロボット.

2019.07, 朝日新聞, ヒル型ロポ 伸縮かるがる壁 スイスイ.

2019.06, 東日新聞, ヒルのごとく壁を縦横に移動.

2019.05, Watch a Leech-Like Robot Crawl Its Way up a Wallt.

2019.05, Wall-climbing robot inspired by the soft body of a leech.

2019.05, This soft and flexible leech-inspired robot can climb walls.

2019.05, This leech-like robot can crawl on walls.

2019.05, This Soft and Flexible Leech-Inspired Robot Can Climb Walls.

2019.06, These soft robots will amaze you.

2019.09, The wall-climbing robot inspired by a leech.

2019.05, Sucking leech robot scales walls after bathroom revelation.

2019.05, Sucker for walls: Soft robot inspired by leeches can grip, climb up walls like a pro.

2019.05, Robotics Leech-like climbing robot a world first in free movement.

2019.05, Robot Leeches Can Climb Over Walls.

2019.05, https://www.azorobotics.com/News.aspx?newsID=10530, Researchers Develop Leech-Shaped Robot that Climbs Vertical Walls.

2019.05, Now, a robot that can climb walls.

2019.05, Newly-developed tiny wall climbing robot opens up host of possibilities“.

2019.05, Leech-inspired soft robot can climb walls.

2019.05, Leech-inspired robot climbs walls.

2019.05, Leech inspired wall climbing robot.

2019.05, Inspired by a soft body of a leech — a wall-climbing robot.

2019.05, Inspired by a Soft Body of a Leech — A Wall-Climbing Robot.

2019.05, Inspired By A Soft Body Of A Leech: A Wall-Climbing Robot.

2019.05, A Leech-Like Robot Climbs Up the Walls.

2020.11, Arduino Blog, Researchers propose a coil spring-based soft actuator using two flexible ultrasonic motors.

2020.11, HACKADAY, Flexible Actuators Spring Into Action.

