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Kinoshita Hiroko Last modified date:2024.06.03

Associate Professor / Comparative and International Education Studies
Department of Education
Faculty of Human-Environment Studies

Graduate School
Undergraduate School
Other Organization

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(Research map) .
Academic Degree
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Field of Specialization
environmental psychology, environment behavior research, human-environment studies for education and development
ORCID(Open Researcher and Contributor ID)
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Research Interests
  • Methodological study on field working
    keyword : participant, participant observation, fieldwork, qualitative research, methodology
  • experience and action: the hermeneutics of encounters
    keyword : hermeneutics, encounters, experience, action
  • School as a lifeworld
    keyword : locality, school, lifeworld, neighbor,
  • Hermeneutic Phenomenology of Atmosphere Originated in Everyday Life of an Elementary School
    keyword : atmosphere, fudo/climate, lifeworld, hermeneutics or theory of interpretation
Academic Activities
1. The Moment When “Atmosphere” is Worded: Hermeneutic Phenomenology of Atmosphere Originated in Everyday Life of an Elementary School.
2. Where is the Quality? : Rethinking "Qualitative Research" for Starting it(HOW CAN WE DESCRIBE THE SENSE OF QUALITY FELT IN FIELD SITES?).
3. Toward phenomenology of ambience : Based on the ambience experienced as a volunteer in an elementary school
This paper aims at presenting phenomenology of ambience in an elementary school setting. When I (the author) experienced the specific ambience at school volunteer activities, the question of what ambience itself was occurred to me. Then, basing my own experience, I started tackling it. Through a reflection on my approach to the question, it became clear that this process was understood as phenomenology itself. In this paper, it is tried to describe an ambience with three episodes that I encountered in the elementary school during five years and to bring the situation of interpenetration between the ambience and myself into light. The situation can be represented the expression that "I will manage to be here", in other words, I am involved in the ambience while preserving my own existence. In short, it is understood that I had already engaged in phenomenology of ambience in that situation..
1. Hiroko KINOSHITA, Blooming qualities in fields: For psychology as historical/interpretive practices, SQIP(Society for Qualitative Inquiry in Psychology), 2022.06.
Membership in Academic Society
  • Man- Environment Research Association
  • Japanese Association of Qualitative Psychology
  • Japanese Association of Educational Psychology
  • Japan Society of Devolopmental Psychology
  • Japanese Society for Hans-Georg Gadamer Studies
  • Poster-Presentation Best Award in the 14th Congress of Japanese Association of Qualitative Psychology