九州大学 研究者情報
伊豆永 洋一(いずながよういち) データ更新日:2024.06.03

准教授 /  経済学研究院 経済工学部門 数理情報講座

1. 冨山貴史,瀬貫雄介,菊池明飛,Shurong Sun,北原知就,伊豆永洋一, 状態空間モデルを用いたECサイトにおけるセール効果の分析, 計算機統計学, 掲載決定, 2024.03.
2. 菊池明飛,長野嵩太郎,Sun Shurong,北原知就,伊豆永洋一, 子育て母親向けアプリユーザーのネットワークの構築とその分析, 計算機統計学, 36, 1, 5-13, 2023.03, [URL].
3. Yoichi Izunaga, Satoshi Takahashi, Naoki Watanabe, A subject experiment of an approximate DGS algorithm: Price increment, allocative efficiency, and seller's revenue, Proceedings of 2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, 10.1109/BigData55660.2022.10020612, 3263-3270, 2022.12, [URL].
4. Satoshi Takahashi, Yoichi Izunaga, Naoki Watanabe, An experimental study of VCG mechanism for multi-unit auctions: Competing with machine bidders, Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review, 19, 97-117, 2022.04, [URL].
5. Yoichi Izunaga, Tomomi Matsui, Yoshitsugu Yamamoto, A doubly nonnegative relaxation for modularity density maximization, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 275, 69-78, 2020.03, [URL].
6. Satoshi Takahashi, Yoichi Izunaga, Naoki Watanabe, VCG mechanism for multi-unit auctions and appearance of information: An experiment, Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review, 16, 357-374, 2019.12, [URL].
7. 猿渡康文,伊豆永洋一,鵜飼孝盛,蔭山康太, 空域編成に対する 2 つの最適化アプローチ, 航空無線, 101, 29-36, 2019.10.
8. Keisuke Sato, Yoichi Izunaga, An enhanced MILP-based branch-and-price approach to modularity density maximization on graphs, Computers & Operations Research, 106, 236-245, 2019.06, [URL].
9. Satoshi Takahashi, Yoichi Izunaga, Naoki Watanabe, An approximation algorithm for multi-unit auctions: Numerical and subject experiments, Operations Research and Decisions, https://doi.org/10.5277/ord180105, 28, 1, 95-115, 2018.04.
10. Yoichi Izunaga, Keisuke Sato, A bounding algorithm for selective graph coloring problem, 京都大学 数理解析研究所(RIMS) 講究録, 2069, 84-94, 2018.04.
11. Yoichi Izunaga, Yoshitsugu Yamamoto, A cutting plane algorithm for modularity maximization problem, Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan, 60, 1, 24-42, 2017.01.
12. Yoichi Izunaga, Keisuke Sato, Keiji Tatsumi, Yoshitsugu Yamamoto, Row and column generation algorithms for minimum margin maximization of ranking problems, Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan, 58, 4, 394-409, 2016.10.
13. Kotofumi Inaba, Yoichi Izunaga, Yoshitsugu Yamamoto, A Lagrangian relaxation algorithm for modularity maximization problem, Operations Research Proceedings 2014, 241-247, 2016.03.
14. Yoichi Izunaga, Keisuke Sato, Keiji Tatsumi, Yoshitsugu Yamamoto, Row and column generation algorithm for maximization of minimum margin for ranking problems, Operations Research Proceedings 2014, 249-255, 2016.03.
15. 伊豆永 洋一, 最小取引単位を考慮したポートフォリオ最適化, 経営情報学会誌, 20, 3, 185-201, 2011.12.

