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Nguyen Duy Hien Last modified date:2024.06.03

Professor / Division of Industrial and Mathematical Statistics
Division of Industrial and Mathematical Statistics
Institute of Mathematics for Industry

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Academic Degree
PhD, University of Queensland, Australia, Bachelor of Science (Honours I, Statistics), University of Queensland, Australia, Bachelor of Economics, University of Queensland, Australia
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Yes Bachelor Doctor
Field of Specialization
ORCID(Open Researcher and Contributor ID)
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Research Interests
  • I have a strong interest in the research of computational statistics and its interaction with the fields of machine learning and AI. My research focuses on the analysis of large datasets that are acquired incrementally or are too large for conventional computers. In such settings, my work centers around the use of methods such as stochastic optimization theory and Bayesian inference to handle such difficulties. I am also interested in the development of rigorous statistical tools for choosing between models when data are complex and for testing the validity of such choices, as well as providing confidence statements regarding the goodness of inferential decisions in practice.
    keyword : Statistics, Computational Statistics, Bayesian Methods, Mathematical Statistics
Academic Activities
Works, Software and Database
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Membership in Academic Society
  • Australian Mathematical Society
  • Statistical Society of Australia
Educational Activities

2022, 2023 Mathematics for Data Science 1 (MATH7501, University of Queensland; Undergraduate)
2022, 2023 Problems and Applications in Modern Statistics (STAT3500, University of Queensland; Undergraduate)
2021–2023 Statistical Learning (STAT3006, University of Queensland; Undergraduate)


2020, 2021 Models for bioinformatics (STA5MB, La Trobe University; Postgraduate)
2020 Biostatistics (STA2BS, La Trobe University; Undergraduate)
2020 Engineering probability and statistics (STM2EPS, La Trobe University; Undergraduate)
2020, 2021 Models for bioinformatics (STA5MB, La Trobe University; Postgraduate)
2016 Experimental design (STAT3003, University of Queensland; Undergraduate)
Professional and Outreach Activities
I have an extensive record of international collaboration with researchers, primarily from Australia, but also from other countries such as Norway, Scotland, France, and Canada. Notably, I am involved in an Australian Research Council grant focused on Stochastic Optimization algorithms, which I am conducting alongside colleagues from France (2023-2025). Additionally, in collaboration with Dr. Florence Forbes from Inria Grenoble, France, we have established two joint Inria teams: LANDER (2019-2021) and WOMBAT (2023-2026). These initiatives aim to foster strong relationships between Australia and France in the fields of computational statistics and modeling..