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Kotaro Hiramatsu Last modified date:2024.06.03

Associate Professor / Physical Chemistry
Department of Chemistry
Faculty of Sciences

Graduate School

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 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Academic Degree
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Field of Specialization
Molecular spectroscopy, Bioimaging, Laser engineering
ORCID(Open Researcher and Contributor ID)
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Research Interests
  • We are engaged in the development of methods to efficiently explore unexplored temporal, spatial, and energy domains by integrating optical measurement and information processing.
    Specifically, we are developing methodologies for the creation of new useful strains by combining large-scale cell measurement and sorting with genetic mutation, and for providing feedback to material design guidelines by elucidating the material destruction process through high-speed and long-term measurement of spectra. By maximizing the potential of light, we are working to discover new phenomena and elucidate their mechanisms by creating a chemical eye that makes the previously invisible visible.
    keyword : Molecular spectroscopy, laser engineering, vibrational spectroscopy, superresolution microscopy, bioimaging, ultrafast spectroscopy
Academic Activities
Membership in Academic Society
  • SPIE - The international society of optics and photonics
  • American Chemical Society
  • The Optical Society of Japan
  • The Japan Society of Applied Physics
  • The Spectroscopical Society of Japan
  • Japan Society for Molecular Science
  • THe Chemical Society of Japan
  • Best Poster Award, 3rd Asian Spectroscopy Conference
  • Best Presentation Award, 6th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Molecular Science
  • Best Presentation Award, 9th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Molecular Science
  • CSJ Student Presentation Award 2015
  • Best Presentation Award, Annual Meeting of Spectroscopical Society of Japan 2015
  • Poster Award, 15th International Conference on Chiroptical Spectroscopy (CD2015)
  • School of Science Research Award
  • Springer Thesis Award
  • Presentation Award (Academic)
  • Best Presentation Award, SPIE Photonics West
  • Encouraging prize for research and development
Educational Activities
Our goal is to create new methodologies to capture natural phenomena, to carry out research that can create new value through such research, and to provide education that will foster human resources with the ability to do so. To this end, our educational activities focus on the following elements
1. Deep understanding of basic physics and chemistry and the ability to apply them on one's own
2. the ability to coarse-grained and model phenomena that cannot be fully explained by deduction from basic equations
3. strong curiosity about natural phenomena
4. matching curiosity with social needs
While the amount of data obtained experimentally has dramatically increased due to improvements in the performance of measuring instruments and computers, and the estimation of phenomena by machine learning has become very powerful in basic science research, it is still difficult to extrapolate to phenomena that have not been measured before or to areas where data is scarce. In order to explore such new areas, we train researchers to define an area based on their curiosity, design measurements that can cover the area based on basic physics and chemistry, and then measure and model the area.
Other Educational Activities
  • 2024.04.
Professional and Outreach Activities
Public lectures are held for the general public. Accepting trainees from abroad in the laboratory..