Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
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10 people were found.
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No. Graduate School Position Name Field of Specialization
1 Department of Library Science
Graduate School of Integrated Frontier Sciences
Professor Emi Ishita Library and Information Science, Research Data Management, Text Classification, Computational Social Science,
2 Department of Library Science
Graduate School of Integrated Frontier Sciences
Professor Fujioka Kentaro Histiory of Kyushu University / Archival Science / History of Japanese Modern Thought
3 Department of Library Science
Graduate School of Integrated Frontier Sciences
Professor KAWAHIRA TOSHIFUMI Japanese literature in Edo Period
4 Department of Library Science
Graduate School of Integrated Frontier Sciences
Professor Miwa Munehiro Business History , Military History, Record Management
5 Department of Library Science
Graduate School of Integrated Frontier Sciences
Professor Tomiura Yoichi Natural Language Processing
6 Department of Library Science
Graduate School of Integrated Frontier Sciences
Associate Professor Akashi Tomonori History of Universities, Archival science, Modern history of Japan
7 Department of Library Science
Graduate School of Integrated Frontier Sciences
Associate Professor Ikeda Daisuke Informatics
8 Department of Library Science
Graduate School of Integrated Frontier Sciences
Associate Professor Nakagawa Natsuko Linguistics, Digital Humanities
9 Department of Library Science
Graduate School of Integrated Frontier Sciences
Associate Professor Shimizu Toshiyuki Database
10 Department of Library Science
Graduate School of Integrated Frontier Sciences
Associate Professor Yukiko Watanabe Library & Information Science
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