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List of Presentations
Hideaki Morishita
Department of Basic Medicine
Faculty of Medical Sciences
Last modified date:2024.05.17
1. Involvement of lysosome in organelle degradation during lens differentiation.
2. Autophagy-related 5 (Atg5) and Pik3C3 (Vps34) are not essential for the programmed organelle degradation, but important for the quality control and development of the lens.
3. Autophagy-deficient lens develop age-related cataract.
4. Autophagy-deficient lens develop age-related cataract.
5. Hideaki Morishita, Michael L. Robinson, Noboru Mizushima, Autophagy is essential for intracellular quality control and suppression of age-related cataract, International Conference on the Lens 2014, 2014.01.
6. Molecular mechanisms of organelle degradation in the lens.
7. Live imaging and molecular dissection of organelle degradation in the lens.
8. Hideaki Morishita, Noboru Mizushima, Live imaging and molecular dissection of organelle degradation in the lens, The 8th International Symposium on Autophagy, 2017.05.
9. Hideaki Morishita, Noboru Mizushima, Dissection of the mechanisms by which autophagy suppresses neurodegeneration using zebrafish as a model, 第2回国際シンポジウム| 脳タンパク質⽼化と認知症制御, 2017.11.
10. 森下英晃, 田村律人, Yan GZhao, 西村多喜, 神田侑季, 酒巻有里子, 岡崎三代, Dongfang Li, Hong Zhang, 水島昇, 小胞体膜タンパク質VMP1はリポタンパク質の小胞体からの脱離に必要である, 第11回オートファジー研究会, 2018.11.
11. Hideaki Morishita, Yuki Kanda, Haruka Chino, Yuriko Sakamaki, Takeshi Kaizuka, Noboru Mizushima, In vivo analysis of the functions of autophagy-related factors using zebrafish, A3 Conference on Autophagy, 2018.02.
12. Keigo Morita, Yutaro Hama, Norito Tamura, ToshihideUeno, Yoshihiro Yamashita, Yuriko Sakamaki, KaitoMimura, Hideaki Morishita, Hiroyuki Mano, Noboru Mizushima, Genome-wide CRISPRscreen identifiesTMEM41B as a generequired forautophagosome formation, The American Society of Cell Biology 58th Annual Meeting, 2018.12.
13. 森下英晃, 神田侑季, 田村律人, 水島昇, オートファジー関連因子WDR45/WDR45Bの脳神経系細胞における機能解析, 新学術領域研究「脳タンパク質老化と認知症制御」第9回班員会議, 2019.01.
14. Hideaki Morishita, Yuki Kanda, Haruka Chino, Takeshi Kaizuka, Yuriko Sakamaki, Noboru Mizushima, Autophagy is required for formation of surfactant-containing lamellar bodies in alveolar and swimbladder epithelial cells, Keystone Sumposia Autophagy: FromModel Systems to Therapeutic Opportunities, 2019.02.
15. A novel macroautophagy-independent mechanism of organelle degradation in the lens.
16. A cytosolic phospholipase-mediated organellar degradation in the lens in zebrafish and mice.
17. Discovery of a novel macroautophagy-independent system for degradation of membrane-bound organelles in the lens.
18. Hideaki Morishita, Tomoya Eguchi, Satoshi Tsukamoto, Yuriko Sakamaki, Satoru Takahashi, Chieko Saito, Ikuko Koyama-Honda, Noboru Mizushima, A novel mechanism of large-scale organelle degradation in the lens, The 26th Japanese Medaka and Zebrafish Meeting, 2020.11.
19. Hideaki Morishita, Ken-ichi Arai Award 2021受賞記念講演:Physiological roles and molecular mechanisms of autophagy-dependent and independent degradation systems in vertebrates., The 27th East Asia Joint Symposium, 2021.10.
20. Hideaki Morishita, A cytosolic PLAAT phospholipase is essential for the programmed degradation of organelles in the lens, ARVO 2022 (Denver), Symposium "Autophagosomes, lysosomes and other -somes: Their role in ocular tissues homeostasis", 2022.05.
21. 森下英晃, Organelle degradation in the lens by PLAAT phospholipases, 第127回日本眼科学会総会 "The International Crosstalk Symposium (日本眼科学会学術奨励賞受賞記念講演)", 2023.04.
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