九州大学 研究者情報
柴田 弘紀(しばたひろき) データ更新日:2024.05.08

准教授 /  生体防御医学研究所 研究推進ユニット システム生命科学府 生命医科学講座

1. 田原義太慶, 柴田弘紀, 友永達也, 大蛇全書, グラフィック社, ISBN 978-4766135589., 2022.03.
2. Tomohisa Ogawa, Hiroki Shibata, Venomics study of Protobothrops flavoviridis snake: Habu snake venomics: How venom proteins have evolved?, IntechOpen, 2020.04, Venomics projects have been conducted to disclose the divergent profiles and evolution of various venomous animals. Here, we describe the venomics project including genome and transcriptome of Habu snake leading to drug discovery..
3. 田原義太慶, 柴田弘紀, 友永達也, 毒ヘビ全書, グラフィック社, ISBN 978-4-76613-313-4, 2020.02.
4. Tomohisa Ogawa, Asa Sekikawa, Hajime Sato, Koji Muramoto, Hiroki Shibata, Shosaku Hattori, Proteomic analysis of venomous fang matrix proteins of Protobothrops flavoviridis (Habu) snake. In: Endo K, Kogure T, Nagasawa H. (eds) Biomineralization: From Molecular and Nano-structural Analyses to Environmental Science., Springer Nature, Singapore (2018)., 2018.10, Venomous animals have specialized venom delivery apparatus such as nematocysts, stings, and fangs in addition to the poisonous organs consisting venom gland or sac, which produce and stock the venom. Snake is one of the major venomous animals, of which fangs are connected to the venom gland to inject the venom into prey. Snake’s venomous fangs showed the unique characteristics including mechanical strength and chemical stability. Especially, Protobothrops flavoviridis (habu) snake fangs showed the resistance against its venom digestive proteases, whereas the bones and teeth of mouse were completely digested in the gastrointestinal tract, although habu fangs were also drawn into the body with the prey. These observations suggest that structural differences exist between venomous fangs and mammalian bones and teeth.
In this study, to reveal the molecular properties of venomous snake fangs, the matrix proteins of P. flavoviridis (habu) snake venom fang were analyzed by using proteomics experiments using 2D-PAGE and TOF MS/MS analyses. As a result, several biomineralization-related proteins such as vimentin, tectorin, adaptin, and collagen were identified in the venomous fang matrix proteins. Interestingly, the inhibitory proteins against venomous proteins such as metalloproteinase and PLA2 were also identified in fang’s matrix proteins..
5. 柴田 弘紀, ヒトは病気とともに進化した, 勁草書房, ヒトは病気とともに進化した(長谷川真理子、太田博樹編)(「第七章: ヒトらしさの起源」の執筆を担当), 2013.12.
6. 柴田弘紀, 医学大辞典, 医学書院, 医学大辞典 伊藤正男、井村裕夫、高久史麿 総編集
3項目, 2003.02.
7. 柴田弘紀、服巻保幸, 未知遺伝子多型の検索法, 医薬ジャーナル社, 薬物動態・作用と遺伝子多型 澤田康文他編、pp74-86, 2001.09.
8. 柴田弘紀、服巻保幸, 新女性医学体系第28巻 遺伝の基礎と臨床, 中山書店, 新女性医学体系第28巻 遺伝の基礎と臨床 DNA・遺伝子診断の基礎 PCR法大濱紘三編、pp81-89, 2000.05.

