Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Papers
TETSUYA NAKANISHI Last modified date:2023.11.22

Associate Professor / The Kyushu University Museum

1. Seang SIRISOKHA, Tetsuya NAKANISHI, Kotaro YONEZU, Koichiro WATANABE and Bun Kim NGUN, Initial Study on Alteration, Mineralization and Fluid Inclusion Microthermometry in Oyadav South, Ratanakiri, Cambodia, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2017, 421-425, 2017.12.
2. Sarantuya Oyungerel, TETSUYA NAKANISHI, KOTARO YONEZU, Koichiro Watanabe, Jargalan, The Characteristics of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Ore Fluid of the Olon Ovoot Gold Deposit, South Mongolia, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2016, 440-446, 2016.12.
3. EIJI IZAWA, TETSUYA NAKANISHI, Gold Refining by Cementation with Salt at Sado in Early Seventeenth Century Japan, ISIJ,, 54, 5, 1098-1105, 2014.06.
4. TETSUYA NAKANISHI, EIJI IZAWA, Evolution of Silver-smelting Technology of Japan in the Middle of Sixteenth Century, ISIJ,, 54, 5, 1093-1097, 2014.06.
5. TETSUYA NAKANISHI, EIJI IZAWA, Evolution of silver-smelting technology of Japan in the middle of the sixteenth century, The 8th International Conference on the Beginnings of the Use of Metals and Alloys, 198-202, 2014.01.
6. EIJI IZAWA, TETSUYA NAKANISHI, Gold refining by cementation with salt at Sado in early seventeenth century, The 8th International Conference on the Beginnings of the Use of Metals and Alloys, 203-210, 2014.01.
7. T.Nakanishi,E.Izawa, Evolution of silver-smelting technology of Japan in the middle of the 16th century, 材料とプロセス(CAMP-ISIJ), 24, 1083-1086, 2011.09.
8. 中西哲也, 呷拉宗遺跡製鉄遺構の理化学的分析, 国際ワークショップ『東アジア青銅器・初期鉄器時代の諸問題』, 2009.12.
9. Tetsuya Nakanishi, Variations of the chemical composition of Japanese early modern silver coin "Ichibu-gin", The 7th International Conference on the Beginnings of the Use of Metals and Alloys, p. 49, 2009.09.
10. A research on the Fukuishi deposit at Iwami-ginzan silver mine (1).
11. Mine sites and associated materials in pre-modern Japan..
12. Whereabouts of materials associated with pre-modern mines in Japan.
13. Tetsuya Nakanishi, Ryohta Yoshikawa, Yoshinobu Motomura and Eiji Izawa, Characcteristics of Ores and Slags from the Iwami-Ginzan Silver Mine Site, The 6th International Conference on the Beginnings of the Use of Metals and Alloys, p. 49-50, 2006.09.
14. Ryohta Yoshikawa, Yoshinobu Motomura, Tetuya Nakanishi and Eiji Izawa, Smelting of Oxidized Copper Ore -Ore and Slag from the Naganobori Mine in the Early 8th Century, The 6th International Conference on the Beginnings of the Use of Metals and Alloys, p. 26-27, 2006.09.
15. T. NAKANISHI, E. IZAWA and K. WATANABE, Mineralogical and Geochemical characteristics of Siliceous Sinter in Japan., Proceedings of The 25th New Zealand Geothermal Workshop, p.155-160, 2003.11.
16. Belhadi, A., Nakanishi, T., Watanabe, K. and Izawa, E., Gold mineralization and occurrence of sinter in the Hoshino area, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan., Resource Geology, 10.1111/j.1751-3928.2002.tb00147.x, 52, 4, 371-380, Vol. 52, no. 4, p. 371-380, 2002.01.
17. T., Nakanishi, S., Taguchi, K., Watanabe and E., Izawa, Occurrence and Structure of the Ikiryu Sinter, Kuju Volcanic Region, North-Central Kyushu, Japan., Society of Economic Geologists, Guidebook Series, Vol. 34, P.181-186, 2001.10.
18. T., Nakanishi, K., Watanabe and E., Izawa, Structural and geochemical study of siliceous sinter of Pliocene and Pleistocene
ages in Kyushu, Japan, Proc. on Russian-Japanese Field Seminar 98, p139-141, 1998.07.