九州大学 研究者情報
中尾 実樹(なかお みき) データ更新日:2024.05.02

教授 /  農学研究院 生命機能科学部門 生物機能分子化学講座

総説, 論評, 解説, 書評, 報告書等
1. Ryu T, Okamoto K, Ansai S, Nakao M, Kumar A, Iguchi T, Ogino Y., Gene Duplication of Androgen Receptor As An Evolutionary Driving Force Underlying the Diversity of Sexual Characteristics in Teleost Fishes, Zoolog. Sci., DOI: 10.2108/zs230098, 2024.02, Sexual dimorphism allows species to meet their fitness optima based on the physiological availability of each sex. Although intralocus sexual conflict appears to be a genetic constraint for the evolution of sex-specific traits, sex-linked genes and the regulation of sex steroid hormones contribute to resolving this conflict by allowing sex-specific developments. Androgens and their receptor, androgen receptor (Ar), regulate male-biased phenotypes. In teleost fish, ar ohnologs have emerged as a result of teleost-specific whole genome duplication (TSGD). Recent studies have highlighted the evolutionary differentiation of ar ohnologs responsible for the development of sexual characteristics, which sheds light on the need for comparative studies on androgen regulation among different species. In this review, we discuss the importance of ar signaling as a regulator of male-specific traits in teleost species because teleost species are suitable experimental models for comparative studies owing to their great diversity in male-biased morphological and physiological traits. To date, both in vivo and in vitro studies on teleost ar ohnologs have shown a substantial influence of ars as a regulator of male-specific reproductive traits such as fin elongation, courtship behavior, and nuptial coloration. In addition to these sexual characteristics, ar substantially influences immunity, inducing a sex-biased immune response. This review aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current state of teleost ar studies and emphasizes the potential of teleost fishes, given their availability, to find molecular evidence about what gives rise to the spectacular diversity among fish species..
2. 中尾実樹, 補体の多面性:生物の進化から探る, 日本臨牀, Vol. 80, No. 11, 1723-1727.
ISSN: 00471852, 2022.11, The complement system has an evolutionary ancient origin, which can be traced back to Porifera phylum. The putative prototype of the complement system is believed to consist of simple C3-activating cascades homologous to the lectin and alternative pathways of mammals. In recent years, functional implications of the complement system are expanding beyond the traditional innate immune defense. For better understanding and comprehensive exploration of novel and multifaceted functions of the complement system, this article will review evolutionary approaches to uncover conserved and diversified features of the complement system on various animals, including non-mammalian primitive vertebrates such as fish and invertebrates..
3. 中尾実樹, 「補体系の進化」 生物学の百科事典 第9章, 丸善, 2018.10.
4. 中尾実樹, 生物の進化と補体学の歴史, 腎と透析(東京医学社), 2017.10, 哺乳類の補体系は、血漿タンパク質および細胞膜上のレセプター・制御因子を含めると30種以上の成分から構成される自然免疫因子である。構成成分が属するタンパク質ファミリーは、C3、B因子(以下、Bf)、mannose-binding lectin-associated serine protease (以下MASP)、C6、I因子(以下、If)など多様である。それらファミリーそれぞれにおいて遺伝子重複とドメインのシャッフリングが起こって成分が多様化し、現在我々に備わっているような、古典経路、第2経路、レクチン経路、溶解経路および補体レセプター・制御因子から構成される、高度に発達した補体系が完成したと考えられる。その結果、哺乳類の補体系は、様々なパターン認識分子による異物認識、異物細胞のオプソニン化と破壊、炎症反応の惹起、獲得免疫応答の制御など、多彩な生体防御機能を担っている。
5. Van Muiswinkel WB, Miki Nakao, A short history of research on immunity to infectious diseases in fish, Dev Comp Immunol. , doi: 10.1016/j.dci.2013.08.016, 2013.08, This review describes the history of research on immunity to infectious diseases of fish in the period between 1965 and today. Special attention is paid to those studies, which are dealing with the interaction between immune system and invading pathogens in bony fish. Moreover, additional biographic information will be provided of people involved. In the 1960s and 1970s the focus of most studies was on humoral (Ig, B-cell) responses. Thorough studies on specific cellular (T-cell) responses and innate immunity (lectins, lysozyme, interferon, phagocytic cells) became available later. In the period between 1980 and today an overwhelming amount of data on regulation (e.g. cell cooperation, cytokines) and cell surface receptors (e.g. T-cell receptor; MHC) was published. It became also clear, that innate responses were often interacting with the acquired immune responses. Fish turned out to be vertebrates like all others with a sophisticated immune system showing specificity and memory. These basic data on the immune system could be applied in vaccination or in selection of disease resistant fish. Successful vaccines against bacterial diseases became available in the 1970s and 1980s. Effective anti-viral vaccines appeared from the 1980s onwards. There is no doubt, that Fish Immunology has become a flourishing science by the end of the 20th century and has contributed to our understanding of fish diseases as well as the success of aquaculture..
6. Miki Nakao, Takahiko Horiuchi, H. Ohi, I. Ohsawa, T. Fujita, M. Matsushita, N. Okada, T. Seya, T. Yamamoto, Y. Endo, M. Hatanaka, N. Wakamiya, M. Mizuno, H. Okada, H. Tsukamoto, M. Matsumoto, N. Inoue, M. Nonaka, T. Kinoshita, Guideline for hereditary angioedema (HAE) 2010 by the Japanese Association for Complement Research - secondary publication., Allergology International, 2012.06, [URL], This guideline was provided by the Japanese Association for Complement Research targeting clinicians for making an accurate diagnosis of hereditary angioedema (HAE), and for prompt treatment of the HAE patient in Japan. This is a 2010 year version and will be updated according to any pertinent medical advancements..
7. 辻倉正和・杣本智軌・鵜木陽子・中尾実樹, 魚類における膜型補体制御因子の同定と機能解析:次世代魚病ワクチンアジュバントへの展開に向けて, 生物機能研究 Vol 14, 2010.11.
8. Nakao M, Tsujikura M, Ichiki S, Vo TK, Somamoto T., The complement system in teleost fish: Progress of post-homolog-hunting researches., Dev Comp Immunol. , Epub, 2011.05.
9. 中尾実樹、杣本智軌, 補体活性化の系統発生, 臨床免疫・アレルギー科, 48(1): 80-85, 2007.07.
10. Nakao M, Kato-Unoki Y, Nakahara M, Mutsuro J and Somamoto T, Diversified components of bony fish complement system: More genes for robuster innate defense?, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 586: 121-138, 2006.03.
11. Nakao M, Mutsuro J, Nakahara M, Kato Y, Yano T, Expansion of genes encoding complement components in bony fish: biological implications of the complement diversity., Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 27: 749-762., 2003.01.
12. Nakao M, Mutsuro J, Yano T, The structural and functional diversity of complement components in carp, Cyprinus carpio, Fisheries Science, 68 suppl II, 1139-1142., 2002.01.
13. 矢野友紀・中尾実樹, 多糖類の感染防御効果とそのメカニズム., 養殖, 11: 64-66., 2001.01.
14. 中尾実樹, 補体の多様性を中心とした硬骨魚類のユニークな生体防御戦略., 生物機能の新展開(栄養・食糧科学セレクション2) 安本教傳・松本 清・今泉勝己編, 日本食品出版, pp 25-31, 2000.01.
15. Bayne CJ, Nakao M, Clarifying complement complexity., Trends in Immunology, 22: 58-59..

