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Hiroyuki Mitsudo Last modified date:2024.04.23

Associate Professor / Division of Psychology
Department of Human Sciences
Faculty of Human-Environment Studies

Graduate School
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 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Academic Degree
Doctor of Philosophy
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Field of Specialization
Research Interests
  • To investigate mechanisms and principles underlying human perception
    keyword : Visual processing, depth perception, motion perception, eye movements
Academic Activities
1. Sung, Y., Mitsudo, H. , Kimchi or gimchi? Perceived similarity between Korean lenis and Japanese voiced/voiceless stop sounds, Acoustical Science and Technology, 44, 2, 66-76, 2023.03, [URL].
2. Chen, Congying; Mitsudo, Hiroyuki, The gender-based facing bias in 3-D biological motion perception, PERCEPTION, 10.1177/03010066221145320, 52, 3, 183-194, 2023.03, [URL].
3. Mitsudo, Hiroyuki; Hironaga, Naruhito; Ogata, Katsuya; Tobimatsu, Shozo, Large-scale cortico-cerebellar computations for horizontal and vertical vergence in humans, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 10.1038/s41598-022-15780-9, 12, 1, 11672, 2022.07.
4. Kun Qian, Hiroyuki Mitsudo, Spatial dynamics of the eggs illusion
Visual field anisotropy and peripheral vision, Vision Research, 10.1016/j.visres.2020.08.008, 177, 12-19, 2020.12, The eggs illusion is a visual phenomenon in which bright circular patches located at the midpoints between the intersections of a dark grid are perceived as being elongated along the direction orthogonal to the grid line. In the four experiments we report here, we explored the spatial properties of the eggs illusion by manipulating retinal eccentricity and the location of the stimulus in the visual field. In Experiment 1, we examined whether central and peripheral configurations affected the illusory magnitude. In Experiment 2, we varied the spatial location of grid patterns and found that the eggs illusion was intensified when the pattern was presented in the horizontal, not vertical or diagonal position, relative to the fixation. In Experiment 3, we varied the retinal eccentricity of the pattern along the horizontal meridian and found that the illusion was enhanced in the retinal periphery. In Experiment 4, we manipulated the size of the stimulus and found that peripheral enhancement of the eggs illusion was more apparent for a larger pattern. The visual field anisotropy and the peripheral enhancement of the eggs illusion are discussed in relation to mechanisms underlying grid-induced illusions..
5. Yuki Harada, Hiroyuki Mitsudo, Junji Ohyama, The effect of unusualness on the functional field of view in unsafe scenes*, Visual Cognition, 10.1080/13506285.2020.1718817, 2020.01, Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of unusualness of visually presented unsafe items on the functional field of view. In each experiment, after presenting a word indicating a certain context, we presented a picture including a safe or unsafe daily-life item. Participants were asked to identify a target digit that was briefly presented at the periphery immediately after the picture disappeared. Unusualness was manipulated by varying the incongruency between the item and the word, irrespective of the unsafety of the item. The affective habituation was controlled by using between-participants (Experiment 1) and within-block designs (Experiment 2) for the unsafety manipulation. Target identification accuracy was impaired by the incongruency when the items were unsafe, but this impairment was removed by the affective habituation. These results suggest that unusualness and unsafety have a role in the shrinkage of the functional field of view..
6. Qian, K., & Mitsudo, H., Role of Orientation Processing in the Eggs Illusion, PERCEPTION, 10.1177/0301006619878954, 2019.09.
7. Hiroyuki Mitsudo, Naruhito Hironaga, Katsuya Ogata, Shozo Tobimatsu, Vertical size disparity induces enhanced neural responses in good stereo observers, Vision Research, 10.1016/j.visres.2019.08.009, 164, 24-33, 2019.11, Stereoscopic three-dimensional vision requires cortical processing for horizontal binocular disparity between the two eyes’ retinal images. Behavioral and theoretical studies suggest that vertical size disparity is used to recover the viewing geometry and to generate the slant of a large surface. However, unlike horizontal disparity, the relation between stereopsis and neural responses to vertical disparity remains controversial. To determine the role of cortical processing for vertical size disparity in stereopsis, we measured neuromagnetic responses to disparities in people with good and poor stereopsis, using magnetoencephalography (MEG). Healthy adult participants viewed stereograms with a horizontal or vertical size disparity, and judged the perceived slant of the pattern. We assessed neural activity in response to disparities in the visual cortex and the phase locking of oscillatory responses including the alpha frequency range using MEG. For participants with good stereopsis, activity in the visual areas was significantly higher in response to vertical size disparity than to horizontal size disparity. The time–frequency analysis revealed that early neural responses to vertical size disparity were more phase-locked in good stereo participants than in poor stereo participants. These results provide neuromagnetic evidence that vertical-size disparity processing plays a role in good stereo vision..
8. Tomomi Uchiyama, Hiroyuki Mitsudo, No Benefit of Eye-Closure Rehearsal in a Unimodal Recognition Memory Test for Word Items, Japanese Psychological Research, 10.1111/jpr.12248, 2019.01, Recent studies have suggested that closing the eyes helps memory retrieval in recall tests for audiovisual clips that contain multimodal information. In two experiments, we examined whether eye-closure improves recognition memory performance for word lists presented unimodally (i.e., visually or aurally). In the encoding phase, participants saw or heard a list of unrelated, meaningful word items. After a fixed retention interval of 1 week (Experiment 1, n = 110) and 5 min (Experiment 2, n = 44), the participants were asked to mentally rehearse the items with their eyes open or closed, and then they performed a recognition test. The results revealed no effect of eye-closure rehearsal on recognition performance. We discuss the possible reasons why no eye-closure benefit was found in recognition memory tests for unrelated word items..
9. Shinya Harada, Hiroyuki Mitsudo, Stereoscopic Slant Contrast and the Perception of Inducer Slant at Brief Stimulus Presentations, Perception, 10.1177/0301006617739755, 47, 2, 171-184, 2018.02, Slant contrast refers to a stereoscopic phenomenon in which the perceived slant of a test object is affected by the disparity of a surrounding inducer object. Slant contrast has been proposed to involve cue conflict, but it is unclear whether this idea is useful in explaining slant contrast at short stimulus presentations (
10. Harada, S., Mitsudo, H., Stereoscopic Depth Contrast in a 3D Muller-Lyer Configuration: Evidence for Local Normalization, PERCEPTION, 10.1177/0301006616687319, 46, 7, 860-873, 2017.07.
11. Kun QIAN, Mitsudo, H., Eggs illusion: Local shape deformation generated by a grid pattern, JOURNAL OF VISION, 10.1167/16.15.27, 16, 15, 2016.12.
12. Mitsudo, H., Inferring the depth of 3-D objects from tactile spatial information, Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 10.3758/s13414-015-0878-5, 77, 4, 1411-1422, 2015.05, 触覚パタンと感じられる物体の深さの関連について、心理物理学的な実験によって明らかにした。本研究により、人間の知覚系は、直接は触れていない部分の表象も触覚情報に基づいて作り出していることが示唆される。.
13. Mitsudo Hiroyuki, Sakai Ayumi, Kaneko Hirohiko, Vertical size disparity and the correction of stereo correspondence, Perception, 10.1068/p7387, 42, 4, 385-400, 2013.04, 両眼立体視における垂直像差の処理メカニズムを調べる心理物理学実験を行った。実験に用いた刺激は、ランダムドット、同心円、放射状の刺激のそれぞれに垂直拡大像差を設けたものであり、観察者は垂直軸回りの傾きを調整法によって報告した。実験の結果、3つのパタンの傾きはほぼ同じであり、さらに観察距離に対する依存度もほとんど見られなかった。この結果は、人間の視覚系は垂直拡大像差を両眼対応の全体的補正に用いていることを示唆する。さらにこのような補正を行う仕組みを計算シミュレーションによって行い、人間の観察者のデータに近い結果を再現できた。.
14. Mitsudo, Hiroyuki, A minimal algorithm for computing the likelihood of binocular correspondence, Japanese Psychological Research, 10.1111/j.1468-5884.2011.00504.x, 54, 1, 4-15, 2012.03.
15. Mitsudo, Hiroyuki; Nakamizo, Sachio, Illusory motion produced by dichoptic stimuli during saccades, Perception, 10.1068/p6739, 39, 12, 1591-1605, 2010.12, 本研究では、眼球運動によって静止刺激が動いて見える現象を報告する。3つの実験において、観察者は、円盤とランダムドットからなる両眼分離呈示刺激を観察しながらサッカードを行った。実験1・2では、両眼眼球運動の速度と知覚される運動の度合いを測定し、両眼間の画像が大きな輝度差をもつ場合に、運動の印象が強くなることを明らかにした。実験3ではサッカード時にごく短時間呈示される刺激ギャップの検出成績を測定し、サッカード抑制は正しく働いていることを確かめた。これらの結果は、空間的位置の更新を行うメカニズムは視覚刺激と網膜外刺激の両方を組み合せることで、視野の安定を保持していることを示唆する。.
16. Mitsudo, Hiroyuki; Kaneko, Hirohiko; Nishida, Shin'ya, Perceived depth of curved lines in the presence of cyclovergence, Vision Research, 10.1016/j.visres.2008.11.004, 49, 3, 348-361, 2009.02.
17. Mitsudo, Hiroyuki, Illusory depth induced by binocular torsional misalignment, Vision Research, 10.1016/j.visres.2007.02.007, 47, 10, 1303-1314, 2007.05.
18. Mitsudo, Hiroyuki; Ono, Hiroshi, Additivity of retinal and pursuit velocity in the perceptions of depth and rigidity from object-produced motion parallax, Perception, 10.1068/p5562, 36, 1, 125-134, 2007.01.
19. Mitsudo, H., Nakamizo, S., Ono, H. , A long-distance stereoscopic detector for partially occluding surfaces, Vision Research, 46, 1180-1186, 2006.04.
20. Mitsudo, H., Nakamizo, S., Evidence for the correcting-mechanism explanation of the Kanizsa amodal shrinkage, Perception, 10.1068/p5173, 34, 3, 289-303, 34, 289-303, 2005.03.
21. Mitsudo, H., Nakamizo, S., Ono, H., Greater depth seen with phantom stereopsis is coded at the early stages of visual processing, Vision Research, 10.1016/j.visres.2004.12.002, 45, 11, 1365-1374, 45, 1365-1374, 2005.05.
22. Mitsudo, H., Rapid image-segmentation and perceptual transparency share a process which utilises X-junctions generated by temporal integration in the visual system, Perception, 10.1068/p5214, 33, 4, 471-484, 33, 471-484, 2004.04.
23. Mitsudo, H., Information regarding structure and lightness based on phenomenal transparency influences the efficiency of visual search, Perception, 10.1068/p3465, 32, 1, 53-66, 32, 53-66, 2003.01.
1. 光藤 宏行, あの光は紫外線なのか?人工眼内レ ンズによる色・明るさ知覚の変化, 九州心理学会第79回大会, 2018.12.
2. 與島ちさと、梅田 遥霞、斎藤 彩乃、三浦茉莉花、永堀 希実、山本健太郎、光藤 宏行, SNSにおける「いいね」の頻度と共感性の関連の検討, 九州心理学会第79回大会, 2018.12.
3. Yi Zhang, Hiroyuki Mitsudo, Perceived 2D shape and orientation of a 3D object, The 33rd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics, 2017.10.
4. 成 儒彬, 光藤 宏行, 商品カテゴリー名の英語表記は商品の高級さを向上させない, 九州心理学会第77回大会, 2016.12.
5. Qirui Yao, 光藤 宏行, Peripheral visual distractors lead to no bias in supra-second temporal estimation, 日本視覚学会2016年夏季大会, 2016.08.
6. Kaori Furukawa, Kimihiro Nakahara, Hiroyuki Mitsudo, Hemispheric asymmetry in visuospatial attention: Evidence from a functional visual field task, 31st International Congress of Psychology, 2016.07.
7. Yuki Harada, Hiroyuki Mitsudo, The shrinkage of the functional field of view depends on both item type and context, 31st International Congress of Psychology, 2016.07.
8. Yuki Harada, Hiroyuki Mitsudo, The effect of retention interval on recognition memory for central and peripheral details of an armed individual, 31st International Congress of Psychology, 2016.07.
9. Tomomi Uchiyama, Hiroyuki Mitsudo, Eye-closure enhances recognition memory with visual tests but not with auditory tests, 31st International Congress of Psychology, 2016.07.