Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Papers
IIJIMA SHUJI Last modified date:2024.04.27

Professor / Department of Clinical Psychology and Community Studies / Department of Human Sciences / Faculty of Human-Environment Studies

1. NAKATANI Ayami,ITO Atsunori, IJICHI Noriko, IIJIMA Shuji, ishihara mai, KIMURA Shuhei, MATSUDA Motoji, and MAJIMA Ichiro, ”Interim Report on the Past and Future Prospects of Cultural Anthropology, as Reflected from the “(Draft) Ethical Guidelines
for Research on the Ainu People”, Japanese Review of Cultural Anthropology, 24, 2, 83-119, 2024.04.
2. Between Humans and Environments.
3. Crossing Petals: Ethnography and Reconciliations.
4. Noriko TAKAHASHI,IIJIMA Shuji, and BANDO Mitsuhiko, A Review of Community and the outlook of Community Social Approach, Journal of Modern Education Review, 8, 6, 452-457, 2018.06.
5. 高橋 紀子, 飯嶋 秀治, 板東 充彦, A Review of Community and the outlook of Community Social Approach,, Journal of Modern Education Review, 8, 6, 452-457, 2018.06.
6. Education as a Contact Zone
This article claims the following. At first, this article introduces "teaching anthropology" or "the anthropology of teaching" into the Anthropology of Education in Japan. Further, we regard our seminar on cultural anthropology as a chain of contact zones. According to our framework, five aspects of our seminar are distinguishable. (1) A teacher establishes contact with villagers at the field sites. (2) At the university, the teacher provides students with several materials and methods to make them skilled fieldworkers. (3) On their path of learning ethnography, the students establish contact with villagers. (4) After the seminar, students describe what they have learned. However, interestingly, their recognition of what they could learn often differs from the teacher's objective. (5) At the end, the teacher contacts villagers to ensure every effect of the seminar, which contributes in their planning of the next seminar. The central point here is the way of treating contact zones established between teachers and students, students and villagers, and villagers and teachers. We would like to name this chain of contact zones as a field of "total education, " where unintentional development of three agents̶teachers, students, and villagers̶occurred, enabling us to expand teaching anthropology and not restrict it to the evaluation of teachers, students, and villagers. Then we can combine "philosophical anthropology" and "scientific anthropology" on the practical level, which I believe enhances our anthropology for the future..
7. The consciousness structure of the Shinto priests for the management the shrine forests in urban area.
8. IIJIMA Shuji, Australian Aboriginal Studies in Japan,1892-2006, Japanese Review of Cultural Anthropology, Vol.7,51-70
, 2007.04.
9. , [URL].
10. Social Movements of Australian Indigenous Peoples:Trials at Alice Springs.
11. IIJIMA Shuji , Frictionizing ‘Cultures’: The Futurity of the Identity Culture of Indigenous Peoples in a Multicultural Society, APC Asia-Pacific Study, Vol.11,42-49 , 2002.07.
12. Rooting and Having Wings.
13. Environmental Senses and Its Transformation in the Process of Social Movements: A Case Study on the Indigenous Senses and Its Transformation in the Process of Social Movements: A Case Study on the Indigenous Australians in Central Desert Area.
14. Rethinking Ritual Theory.
15. Reconsidering Ritual Theories: Retrospective Action and Its Mode.