九州大学 研究者情報
田原 健二(たはら けんじ) データ更新日:2024.04.05

教授 /  工学研究院 機械工学部門 制御システム

1. 有田 輝, 中村 隼, 田原 健二, 近接覚に基づく粘弾性を用いた接触遷移制御の基礎検討, ROBOMECH2023, 2023.06.
2. 中村 隼, 有田 輝, 田原 健二, 近接覚センサを用いた力制御におけるセンサ出力のモデル化による実験データに基づく解析の基礎検討, ROBOMECH2023, 2023.06.
3. 森 隆典, 藤木 拓人, 有田 輝, 田原 健二, 直列アドミッタンス・インピーダンス制御による衝突力軽減, ROBOMECH2023, 2023.06.
4. 山本 修平, 有田 輝, 田原 健二, 内在筋と外在筋を模した油冷ナイロン糸人工筋肉ロボット指, ROBOMECH2023, 2023.06.
5. 本司 澄空, 有田 輝, 田原 健二, 関節粘弾性3要素を用いたソフトフィンガの動力学モデル, 第28回ロボティクスシンポジア, 2023.03.
6. 壷井 翔貴, 有田 輝, 木野 仁, 田原 健二, 筋骨格冗長アームの可変手先粘弾性制御, 第28回ロボティクスシンポジア, 2023.03.
7. 松谷 祐希, 田原 健二, 木野 仁, 角度に応じてモーメントアームが変化する関節を有する筋骨格システム, SICE SI2022, 2022.12.
8. 中村 隼, 有田 輝, 田原 健二, 光学式近接覚センサとアドミッタンス制御を用いた衝撃力低減手法の検討, SICE SI2022, 2022.12.
9. 岡本 岳人, 東内 裕武, 入澤 寿平, 塩屋 正俊, 舛屋 賢, 田原 健二, 比留田 稔樹, 高木 賢太郎, 釣糸人工筋肉の作製時荷重と駆動変位量の関係について, SICE SI2022, 2022.12.
10. 赤松 駿, 岡本 岳人, 東内 裕武, 舛屋 賢, 田原 健二, 入澤 寿平, 比留田 稔樹, 高木 賢太郎, 釣糸人工筋とポリウレタン外骨格を用いた手背装着型指先補助装具の開発にむけて, SICE SI2022, 2022.12.
11. 本司 澄空, 有田 輝, 田原 健二, 腱駆動ソフトフィンガの集中定数系モデル化とパラメータ推定手法, SICE SI2022, 2022.12.
12. 壷井 翔貴, 木野 仁, 有田 輝, 田原 健二,, 筋骨格ロボットアームを用いた可変手先粘弾性楕円体による外力適応性の向上, RSJ2022, 2022.09.
13. 吉田 優太郎, 林 亮, 舛屋 賢, 高木 賢太郎, 有田 輝, 田原 健二,, 回転型釣糸人工筋肉アクチュエータの拮抗型合トルク制御, RSJ2022, 2022.09.
14. 雉本 幹哉, 鈴木 陽介, 田原 健二, ナイロン糸人工筋肉で駆動する高分子ハンド, ROBOMECH2022, 2022.06.
15. 赤松 周, 田原 健二, DDモータと高分子材料の複合による粘弾性駆動モジュール, ROBOMECH2022, 2022.06.
16. 舛屋 賢, 高木 賢太郎, 田原 健二, ワイヤ貯蔵型パンタグラフを用いた釣糸人工筋肉のひずみ・力増幅, ROBOMECH2022, 2022.06.
17. Ha Thang Long Doan, Kenji Tahara, Fingertip contact detection for a multi-fingered under-actuated robotic hand using density-based clustering method, ROBOMECH2022, 2022.06.
18. 福田 圭太郎, 田原 健二, 脚車輪型移動ロボットの最適化を用いた車輪移動・歩行複合, ROBOMECH2022, 2022.06.
19. 本司 澄空, 田原 健二, 腱駆動ソフトグリッパのセンサレス指先接触力推定, ROBOMECH2022, 2022.06.
20. 藤木 拓人, 田原 健二, 直列アドミッタンス・インピーダンス制御による安定領域拡大, ROBOMECH2022, 2022.06.
21. 伊藤 蒼大, 東内 裕武, 岡本 岳人, 平良 龍吾, 舛屋 賢, 田原 健二, 入澤 寿平, 高木 賢太郎, 共振を利用した釣糸人工筋の高速駆動について, ROBOMECH2022, 2022.06.
22. チュルーンバト ウスフバヤル, 田原 健二, 無段変速機構を有するマニピュレータの手先出力拡大のための変速アルゴリズムの構築, ROBOMECH2022, 2022.06.
23. Ha Thang Long Doan, Kenji Tahara , Data-driven-based Stable Object Grasping for a Triple-fingered Under-actuated Robotic Hand, IEEE SII2023, 2023.01.
24. Shoki Tsuboi, Hitoshi Kino, Kenji Tahara, End-Point stiffness and joint viscosity control of musculoskeletal robotic arm using muscle redundancy, IEEE/RSJ IROS2022, 2022.10.
25. D. Kimura, T. Irisawa, K. Takagi, K. Tahara, D. Sakurai, H. Watanabe, W. Takarada, and M. Shioya,, The origin of contraction of twisted polymer fiber muscles: whether the cause is entropic elasticity or thermal expansion, SPIE Smart Structures+NDE 2022, 2022.04.
26. 本司澄空, 田原健二, 駆動ワイヤ情報を用いた腱駆動ソフトグリッパの指先力推定, 第22回 計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2021.12.
27. 岡本岳人, 東内裕武, 入澤寿平, 塩谷正俊, 舛屋賢, 田原健二, 高木賢太郎, 釣糸人工筋肉のCoil Spring Indexと作製時荷重の関係について, 第22回 計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2021.12.
28. 舛屋賢, 高木賢太郎, 田原健二, 高分子被膜付き光ファイバ人工筋肉の光センシングを用いた変位制御, 第22回 計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2021.12.
29. Faruq Aiman, 足立征士, 東内裕武, 田原健二. 舛屋賢, 入澤寿平, 高木賢太郎, 誘電エラストマセンサを用いた釣糸人工筋の張力計測に向けて, 第22回 計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2021.12.
30. 木村大輔, 小林拓未, 塩谷正俊, 入澤寿平, 高木賢太郎, 長谷川貴, 田原健二, 舛屋賢, 櫻井大地, 鷲野誠一郎, 奈良健一, ポリアミド繊維の負の線膨張係数の発現機構, 繊維学会, 2021.10.
31. 伊藤壮平,田原健二, 多指ロボットハンドの転がり接触を考慮したセンサレス把持剛性制御, 第39回日本ロボット学会学術講演会, 2021.09.
32. 藤木拓人,田原健二, 直列アドミッタンス・インピーダンス制御の実験的検証, 第39回日本ロボット学会学術講演会, 2021.09.
33. 東内裕武, 安達悠河, 田原健二, 舛屋賢, 入澤寿平, 高木賢太郎, 加熱と強制空冷の切り替えを伴う釣糸人工筋の位置制御のためのモデル化について, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2021, 2021.06.
34. 吉田優太郎, 林亮, 岩﨑政仁, 田原健二, 拮抗配置された回転型釣糸人工筋肉アクチュエータのセンサレストルク制御, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2021, 2021.06.
35. 壷井翔貴, 木野仁, 田原健二, 筋骨格構造を持つ腱駆動冗長マニピュレータによる手先剛性制御, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2021, 2021.06.
36. 安達悠河, 東内裕武, 舛屋賢, 田原健二, 入澤寿平, 高木賢太郎, 釣糸人工筋の収縮速度を10倍以上改善するフィードフォワード制御と温度制限について, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2021, 2021.06.
37. Takuto Fujiki,Kenji Tahara, Numerical simulations of a novel force controller serially combining the admittance and impedance controllers, IEEE ICRA2021, 2021.06.
38. 岩井宏樹, 高木賢太郎, 入澤寿平, 塩谷正俊, 舛屋賢, 田原健二, コイル型釣糸人工筋(TCPF)の粘弾性の温度依存性について, 第21回 公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2020.12, Twisted (and coiled) polymer fiber (T(C)PF) is a class of heat-responsive polymer actuators reported by Haines et al. in 2014. The authors discovered the temperature dependent hysteresis of TCPFs; this kind of actuators has the property that the equilibrium point changes depending on the relationship between temperature and load. Due to this property, it is difficult to capture the behavior of a TCPF accurately when it is modeled as a mere viscoelastic material. In this study, for modeling TCPF considering hysteresis, we measured the tension creep response to the step displacement input at high temperature as well as at high temperature. We investigates that the viscoelasticity parameter changes depending on the temperature..
39. 福田圭太郎, 藤木拓人, 田原健二, 半球足を持つ二足歩行ロボットを用いた車輪移動と歩行の遷移動作, 第21回 公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2020.12, In order to realize effective mobility for robots that are expected to work around human’s living space, a bipedal robot that has hemispheric feet as one of the wheeled-leg robots has been developed. Up to now, the gait generation with wheels movement method on the sagittal plane, which does not consider the transition between wheel movement and walking movement, has already been proposed. On the other hand, the movement transition control is important in order for this kind of dual mobility robot to be useful in a real situation. In this paper, a control method for the transition between the wheel and the walking movement of the wheeled-leg mobile robot with hemispherical feet is proposed. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated through numerical simulation results using a 7-link dynamics model on the sagittal plane.
40. チェスンヒョン, 田原健二, 多指ハンドの指先姿勢による接触位置推定を用いたセンサレス把持物体姿勢制御, 第21回 公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2020.12, This paper proposes a method for controlling the position and orientation of a grasping object by a multi-fingered robotic hand without using external sensing information such as a visual camera and force sensor. In our previous study, a sensorless orientation control method for a grasped object has already been proposed so far. However, there remained considerable orientation error due to only the use of virtual object information which does not use any external sensing information. In this paper, the contact position with each fingertip and the grasped object using each fingertip orientation information and the virtual object frame is estimated. By using the estimated information, the control accuracy is improved. Its usefulness is demonstrated through numerical simulation results using a three multi-fingered robotic hand model.
41. 藤木拓人, 田原健二, 独立異方剛性を持つアドミッタンス・インピーダンス制御の環境適応性, 第21回 公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2020.12, Impedance control and admittance control are known as force control methods that use the relationship between force and velocity. Up to now, we have proposed a force control method that combines the advantages of impedance and admittance controllers. This study demonstrates the usefulness of the proposed method in the case of a two-dimensional plane and the superiority of mechanical property design by stiffness ellipses.
42. Ken Masuya, Kenji Tahara, Model-based control of a novel planar tendon-driven joint having a soft rolling constraint on a plane, IEEE/ASME AIM2020, 2020.07.
43. Sumitaka Honji, Kenji Tahara, Dynamic Modeling and Joint Design of a Cable Driven Soft Gripper, 2020 IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics, 2020.05.
44. 藤木 拓人, 田原 健二, アドミッタンス・インピーダンス制御の機械特性変化に関する定性的解析, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会 2020, 2020.05.
45. 林 亮, 田原 健二, 回転型釣糸人工筋肉アクチュエータのセンサレストルク制御, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会 2020, 2020.05, A Twisted Polymeric Fiber Actuator (TPFA) has been attracting attention as a new actuator that is silent, inexpensive, and can directly extract a rotational motion. Until now, we have proposed a sensorless rotational angle controller using estimated temperature feedback in order to take advantage of the low cost of TPFA. In order to construct a sensorless torque control method as an expansion of the utility of the TPFA, the relationship between output torque and change in temperature is modeled and the sensorless torque controller is designed. The proposed method is eventually verified through experiments..
46. 福田 圭太郎, 藤木 拓人, 田原 健二, 半球足を持つ脚車輪型移動ロボットの車輪移動を伴う歩容生成, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会 2020, 2020.05.
47. 岩﨑 政仁, 田原 健二, 釣⽷⼈⼯筋⾁を⽤いた多関節ロボット指の姿勢制御, 第64回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 2020.05.
48. 細見 直弘, 田原 健二, 二本指ロボットによる把持物体の分解剛性制御, 第25回ロボティクスシンポジア, 2020.03.
49. Seunghyun Choi, Kenji Tahara, Development of a Visual-Tactile Fingertip Sensor and an Object Manipulation Method using a Multi-Fingered Robotic Hand, 2020 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2020, 2020.01, [URL], In this paper, a novel visual-tactile sensor is proposed and an object manipulation method of a grasped object by a multi-fingered robotic hand is proposed by detecting a contact position using the visual-tactile sensor. The visual-tactile sensor is composed of a hemispheric fingertip part made of soft silicone with hollow inside and a general USB camera located at the inside of the fingertip to detect the displacement of many point markers embedded in the silicone. The deformation of each point marker due to a contact force is measured and a contact position is estimated in stable through a novel method of creating virtual points in figuring out the point clouds. Not only to demonstrate the estimation performance of the new visual-tactile sensor itself, but its practical usefulness in a grasping and manipulation task is also illustrated as well. By using a contact position obtained from the proposed sensor and the position of each fingertip obtained from kinematics, the position and orientation of a grasped object are estimated and controlled. Its performance is demonstrated through numerical simulation results..
50. Hiroki Iwai, Kentaro Takagi, Chihaya Oiwa, Ken Masuya, Kenji Tahara, Toshihira Irisawa, Masatoshi Shioya, Haruhiko Watanabe, Daichi Sakurai, Kinji Asaka, On the fluctuation phenomenon of axial thermal stress of a torsional fishing-line artificial muscle (Twisted Polymer Fiber) actuator, Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (EAPAD) XXII 2020, 2020.01, [URL], Fishing-line artificial muscles can exhibit various motions. Twisted Polymer Fiber (TPF) actuators, which are a class of fishing-line artificial muscle actuators, generate torsional motion by applying heat. In general, untwisted fiber contracts by heating. However, measuring the blocking thermal tensile force of a TPF, we have discovered that the tensile force decreased and fluctuated depending on the initial number of twists in the TPF. This suggests that a TPF expands depending on the initial number of twists. Furthermore, the tensile force does not decrease monotonically but fluctuates during heating..
51. 谷嵜 星斗, 高木 賢太郎, 田原 健二, 舛屋 賢, 入澤 寿平, 塩谷 正俊, 安積 欣志, 収縮型釣糸人工筋 (TCPF) のヒステリシスを除去するためのトレーニング方法の考案, 第20回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2019.12.
52. 岩井 宏樹, 高木 賢太郎, 入澤 寿平, 塩谷 正俊, 舛屋 賢, 田原 健二, 渡邊 晴彦, 櫻井 大地, 安積 欣志, ねじり型釣糸人工筋(TPF)のアキシャル方向の変形も考慮したモデル化に向けて, 第20回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2019.12.
53. 林 亮, 田原 健二, 回転型釣糸人工筋肉の非線形補償による角度制御精度の向上, 第20回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2019.12.
54. 小林 太一, 中島 康貴, 田原 健二, 山本 元司, 両足支持での滑り転倒回避戦略における安定性指標の提案, 第20回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2019.12.
55. 藤木 拓人, 田原 健二, インピーダンス制御とアドミッタンス制御の融合による力制御の拡張, 第20回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2019.12.
56. 本司 澄空, 田原 健二, 腱駆動型ソフトグリッパの関節粘性のモデル化, 第20回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2019.12.
57. 岩井 宏樹, 高木 賢太郎, 大岩 千隼, 入澤 寿平, 塩谷 正俊, 舛屋 賢, 田原 健二, 渡邊 晴彦, 櫻井 大地, 安積 欣志, ねじり型釣糸人工筋(TPF)が初期ねじり回数によって収縮もしくは伸長する現象について, 第37回日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集, 2019.09.
58. 田原 健二, 筋骨格構造および釣糸人工筋肉のモデル化と制御, 日本末梢神経学会, 2019.08, 間の運動知能は未だロボットのそれと比較して圧倒的に洗練されており,その乖離はまだ大きい.その理由は数多く考えらえるが,その一つに制御構造が挙げられる.例えば視覚から得た情報を元にフィードバックを行い,自身の運動に反映させる場合,人の視覚フィードバックにおいては,鍛え上げられたアスリートでさえ150~200[ms]の時間的な遅れがあると言われている.ロボットのフィードバック制御において人と同様の運動を実現する事を目標とした場合,200[ms]の遅れは致命的であり,遅れがあるフィードバックのみで人と同様の運動を実現する事はほぼ不可能に近い.すなわち,感覚情報からのフィードバックの遅れを感じさせない運動生成能力は,フィードバックだけでなく,体性感覚や学習などによって獲得したフィードフォワード系が大きく寄与していると言われている.工学的に言い換えれば,時間遅れに対して非常に頑健な制御構造を有していると言える.これまで,フィードバックとフィードフォワードを組み合わせた制御構造は,運動生理学やロボティクスなどの分野でいくつか提案されているが,決定打はまだない.
59. 松谷祐希, 田原健二, 木野仁, 腱駆動ロボットのワイヤ配置誤差に対するロバストな位置制御手法, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会, 2019.06.
60. 葛谷光平, 高木賢太郎, 谷嵜星斗, 大岩千隼, 田原健二, 舛屋賢, 入澤寿平, 安積欣志, 加熱と空冷ファンを用いた釣糸人工筋肉アクチュエータのPWM制御について, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会, 2019.06.
61. 岩﨑政仁, 田原健二, 釣糸人工筋肉アクチュエータの油冷駆動による応答性改善, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会, 2019.06.
62. 本司澄空, 田原健二, マルチタスクを前提としたソフトグリッパのモデル化と剛性設計, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会, 2019.06.
63. 木野仁, 金城善博, 田原健二, 後藤雅明, 小杉卓裕, 筋の粘弾性特性を考慮した筋骨格ポテンシャル法の基礎的な解析, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会, 2019.06.
64. 小野秀, 田原健二, 釣糸人工筋肉アクチュエータを用いた姿勢3自由度プラットフォームの繰返し学習による起動追従制御, 第24回ロボティクス・シンポジア, 2019.03.
65. 舛屋賢, 田原健二, 曲面上の柔軟転がり接触を有する平面腱駆動関節のPTP制御, 第24回ロボティクス・シンポジア, 2019.03.
66. 小杉卓裕, 後藤雅明, 田原健二, 木野仁, 経由点を有する1リンク2筋骨格システムにおけるポテンシャル解析, 第24回ロボティクス・シンポジア, 2019.03.
67. 藤木拓人, 丸林央樹, 杉原知道, 田原健二, 半球足を持つ二脚ロボットの歩容生成, 第24回ロボティクス・シンポジア, 2019.03.
68. Hoshito Tanizaki, Kentaro Takagi, Chihaya Oiwa, Ken Masuya, Kenji Tahara, Toshihira Irisawa, Masatoshi Shioya, Kinji Asaka, Experimental investigation of temperature-dependent hysteresis of fishing-line artificial muscle (twisted and coiled polymer fiber) actuator, Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (EAPAD) XXI 2019, 2019.01, [URL], A fishing-line artificial muscle actuator is typically tested under a constant weight load. This paper reports a new hysteresis phenomenon discovered by changing both load weight and temperature applied to a fishing-line artificial muscle actuator. Obviously the equilibrium position of an actuator changes by load weight. Interestingly, the equilibrium position also largely changes when the actuator is firstly heated and cooled just after exchanging the load weight. In this paper we call this phenomenon as temperature-dependent hysteresis. We have observed that the magnitude of the temperature-dependent hysteresis in the experiment reached the same level as the thermal contraction and was not negligible..
69. 久保田 洋輝, 田原 健二, 複数枚のシート型誘電エラストマーアクチュエータを用いた直動ユニットの力制御, 第18回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2018.12.
70. 木野 仁, 清田 哲広, 宮元 展義, 稲富 巧, 加藤 友規, 藤岡 寛之, 森 直文, 田原 健二, ナノシート液晶を用いたゲルアクチュエータの応答特性の基礎評価, 第18回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2018.12.
71. 大岩 千隼, 舛屋 賢, 田原 健二, 入澤 寿平, 安積 欣志, 高木 賢太郎, ねじり型釣糸人工筋アクチュエータのグレーボックスモデリングについて, 第18回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2018.12.
72. 小野 秀, 舛屋 賢, 高木 賢太郎, 田原 健二, 釣糸アクチュエータを複数本用いた1自由度マニピュレータの繰り返し学習による力軌道追従制御, 第18回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2018.12.
73. 木野 仁, 後藤 雅明, 田原 健二, 越智 裕章, 松谷 祐希, 人体モデルを想定した筋骨格システムにおけるフィードフォワード制御の解析, 第18回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2018.12.
74. Tokuo Tsuji, Hidetoshi Seki, Daisuke Inada, Ken Ichi Morooka, Kensuke Harada, Kenji Tahara, Masatoshi Hikizu, Hiroaki Seki, Grasp Synergy Analysis Based on Contact Area of Fingers Using Thermal Signatures, 57th Annual Conference of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan, SICE 2018, 2018.10, [URL], We propose a new method for analyzing human grasping motion using an infrared camera. This technique simplifies the teaching of motion to robots based on the observation of human motion. In this method, the contact area on the object is extracted by observing the thermal signature captured by an infrared camera. To understand the intention of human behavior, we propose a grasping identification method using 3D thermal signatures. In addition, we perform a principal component analysis on the contact area and the center of gravity for the contact area of each finger. This method expresses the grasp motion space with a small number of parameters and can be used to enable easy correspondence between human and robot hands. We confirm experimentally that the proposed method is effective for teaching motion to robot..
75. 木野 仁, 後藤 雅明, 小杉 卓裕, 田原 健二, 筋屈曲点を有する筋骨格システムにおけるフィードフォワード位置決め制御, 第36回日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集, 2018.09.
76. 舛屋 賢, 田原 健二, 柔軟転がり接触を有する1関節筋骨格システムのPTP制御, 第36回日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集, 2018.09.
77. 小野 秀, 田原 健二, 釣糸人工筋肉アクチュエータを用いた姿勢3自由度パラレル構造プラットフォーム, 第36回日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集, 2018.09.
78. 林 亮, 田原 健二, 舛屋 賢, 入澤 寿平, 高木 賢太郎, 山内 拓磨, 田中 栄太郎, ねじり型ナイロンアクチュエータを用いた温度フィードバックによる角度制御, 第36回日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集, 2018.09.
79. 林亮, 田原健二, 舛屋賢, 入澤寿平, 高木賢太郎, 山内拓磨, 田中栄太郎, ねじり型ナイロンアクチュエータを用いた温度フィードバックによる角度制御, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2018.09.
80. 舛屋賢, 田原健二, 柔軟転がり接触を有する1関節筋骨格システムのPTP制御, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2018.09.
81. 木野仁, 後藤雅明, 小杉卓裕, 田原健二, 筋屈曲点を有する筋骨格システムにおけるフィードフォワード位置決め制御, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2018.09.
82. 小野秀, 田原健二, 釣糸人工筋肉アクチュエータを用いた姿勢3自由度パラレル構造プラットフォーム, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2018.09.
83. Hiroki Kubota, Kenji Tahara, Two-types force controllers for a prismatic actuation module redundantly driven by multiple sheet-type dielectric elastomer actuators, 2018 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM 2018, 2018.08, [URL], A prismatic actuation module redundantly driven by multiple sheet-type dielectric elastomer actuators (DEAs) is developed, and two-types force controllers are proposed to make it control its tensile force with overcoming two representative drawbacks of DEAs. One of two drawbacks of DEAs is a narrow dynamic range of an output force. To cope with this drawback, a force controller that can change the number of activated actuators according to a desired tensile force is proposed. This controller makes it possible to expand the range of output force according to the number of the activated actuators. The other drawback is a short durability, especially breakdown easily occurs when the maximum voltage is steadily inputted. To overcome this drawback, another force controller that can drive the module by activating the only one of several elastomer actuators alternatively depending on time in order for an activating time of the actuator to be short is proposed. This controller makes it possible to reduce the activating time of one actuator with maintaining a desired total output force of the module. First, a prototype of the proposed module is developed, and next, the effectiveness of the proposed two-types force controllers is demonstrated through experiments using the prototype..
84. Shu Ono, Ken Masuya, Kentaro Takagi, Kenji Tahara, Trajectory tracking of a one-DOF manipulator using multiple fishing line actuators by iterative learning control, 1st IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics, RoboSoft 2018, 2018.07, [URL], In this paper, an iterative learning control scheme for a trajectory tracking task using a one-DOF joint manipulator which is driven by multiple antagonistic fishing line artificial muscle actuators is proposed. The fishing line actuator is one of the soft actuators made by coiling and heating a twisted polymer fiber. It has attracted attention from those who would develop soft robotic devices because it is soft, light, and low-cost. It, however, has several drawbacks, e.g. output force limitation, strong nonlinearity, or energy efficiency, etc. To cope with these drawbacks, firstly a one-DOF manipulator driven by multiple antagonistic actuators is proposed to enhance its output force, and the energy efficiency is analyzed to investigate the relationship between the energy consumption and a number of activated fishing line actuator. Next, an iterative learning control scheme to accomplish a trajectory tracking task by the one-DOF manipulator is proposed to improve its control performance even though under the existence of unknown nonlinearities. The effectiveness of the proposed control scheme is demonstrated through several experiments..
85. 木野 仁, 後藤 雅明, 田原 健二, 越智 裕章, 松谷 祐希, 森園 哲也, 人体を参照した筋骨格システムにおけるフィードフォワード制御の解析, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会, 2018.06.
86. 谷嵜 星斗, 大岩 千隼, 舛屋 賢, 田原 健二, 入澤 寿平, 塩谷 正俊, 安積 欣志, 高木 賢太郎, 収縮型釣糸人工筋アクチュエータの温度・ひずみ履歴依存性について, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会, 2018.06.
87. 舛屋 賢, 小野 秀, 高木 賢太郎, 田原 健二, 複数の釣糸アクチュエータを用いた面状筋の開発, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会, 2018.06.
88. 木野 仁, 清田 哲広, 宮元 展義, 稲富 巧, 加藤 友規, 藤岡 寛之, 森 直文, 田原 健二, 伸縮異方性を有するシート状粒子/高分子複合ゲルアクチュエータの応答特性の基礎解析, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会, 2018.06.
89. 木野 仁, 後藤 雅明, 田原 健二, 越智 裕章, 松谷 祐希, 森園 哲也, 人体を参照した筋骨格システムにおけるフィードフォワード制御の解析, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2018.06,

This study reports the motion behavior of a musculoskeletal structure when inputting constant muscular internal force. In this paper, we focuses a human finger model, and demonstrate the motion convergence.

90. Yuki Matsutani, Kenji Tahara, Hitoshi Kino, Hiroaki Ochi, Stiffness evaluation of a tendon-driven robot with variable joint stiffness mechanisms, 17th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robotics, Humanoids 2017, 2017.12, This paper proposes a new tendon-driven robot with variable joint stiffness mechanisms. The tendon-driven robot is able to vary the stiffness of joints by sliding variable stiffness mechanisms over the link by wire tensions. As a reason for that structure and moment arms of the tendon-driven robot are changed depending on the position of the variable mechanism. Thus in this paper, the tendon-driven robot with variable stiffness mechanisms is designed, and the stiffness of the tendon-driven robot is evaluated by using a stiffness ellipsoid..
91. 舛屋賢, 小野秀, 高木賢太郎, 田原健二, 温度の逆ダイナミクスをHammersteinモデルで近似した釣糸人工筋肉のフィードフォワード制御, 第35回日本ロボット学会学術講演会, 2017.09.
92. 小野秀, 舛屋賢, 高木賢太郎, 田原健二, 繰り返し学習制御による釣糸アクチュエータを用いた1自由度マニピュレータの軌道追従制御, 第35回日本ロボット学会学術講演会, 2017.09.
93. 丸林央樹, 舛屋賢, 杉原知道, 田原健二, 半球足を持つ二足歩行ロボットの倒立振子モデルにおけるバランス制御, 第35回日本ロボット学会学術講演会, 2017.09.
94. Ken Masuya, Shu Ono, Kentaro Takagi, Kenji Tahara, Nonlinear dynamics of twisted and coiled polymer actuator made of conductive nylon based on the energy balance, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM 2017, 2017.08, This paper proposes a novel dynamics model of the twisted and coiled polymer actuator (TCPA) which is one of the artificial muscles recently discovered. It can be driven by Joule heating and can contract up to 25%. Most of the conventional works employed the linear model of TCPA which represents the relationships between the input voltage, the temperature, and the displacement, but the real TCPA shows the nonlinearity. Although a nonlinear model was proposed based on the curve fitting, it is difficult to apply the model to the various TCPAs. Additionally, the conventional works cannot explain the effect of the convective heat transfer condition on the displacement behavior of TCPA. This paper aims to construct a general nonlinear model of TCPA based on the following two ideas: (1) The energy balance of TCPA and (2) the temperature and velocity dependence of the heat transfer coefficient. The temperature model is obtained from the time derivative of the energy balance, and the displacement model is derived as Lagrange's equation of motion with the dissipation function. Through experiments, it is verified that the proposed model is closer to the real dynamics than the conventional linear model..
95. 舛屋賢, 小野秀, 高木賢太郎, 田原健二, 対流熱伝達の温度・速度依存性に基づく釣糸人工筋肉の変位モデリング, ROBOMECH2017, 2017.05.
96. 舛屋賢, 小野秀, 高木賢太郎, 田原健二, 釣糸人工筋肉の束を利用したアクチュエータユニットの開発, ROBOMECH2017, 2017.05.
97. 小野秀, 舛屋賢, 高木賢太郎, 田原健二, 複数の釣糸アクチュエータを用いた2自由度マニピュレータの位置・剛性制御, ROBOMECH2017, 2017.05.
98. 大岩千隼, 荒川武士, 舛屋賢, 田原健二, 入澤寿平, 安積欣志, 高木賢太郎, ねじり型釣糸人工筋アクチュエータのトルク制御, ROBOMECH2017, 2017.05.
99. 久保田洋輝, 田原健二, 誘電エラストマーアクチュエータを用いた1自由度マニピュレータの位置・力制御, ROBOMECH2017, 2017.05.
100. 大岩千隼, 荒川武士, 舛屋賢, 田原健二, 入澤寿平, 安積欣志, 高木賢太郎, ねじり型釣糸人工筋アクチュエータのトルク制御, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2017.05.
101. 舛屋賢, 小野秀, 高木賢太郎, 田原健二, 対流熱伝達の温度・速度依存性に基づく釣糸人工筋肉の変位モデリング, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2017.05.
102. 小野秀, 舛屋賢, 高木賢太郎, 田原健二, 複数の釣糸アクチュエータを用いた2自由度マニピュレータの位置・剛性制御, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2017.05.
103. 久保田洋輝, 田原健二, 誘電エラストマーアクチュエータを用いた1自由度マニピュレータの位置・力制御, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2017.05.
104. 舛屋賢, 小野秀, 高木賢太郎, 田原健二, 釣糸人工筋肉の束を利用したアクチュエータユニットの開発, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2017.05.
105. 大岩 千隼, 荒川 武士, 舛屋 賢, 田原 健二, 入澤 寿平, 安積 欣志, 高木 賢太郎, ねじり型釣糸人工筋アクチュエータのトルク制御, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2017.05, Fishing-line artificial muscle is one of the soft actuators attracting a lot of attention. It is made of commercially available polymer fiber. It is heat-driven actuator, so that its efficiency and responsiveness are low. However it is a low-cost, light-weight, large-force, large-stroke, quiet actuator and can be easily made. It is roughly divided into the contract type actuator and the torsional type actuator. In this study, we focus on the torsional type actuator and aim at black-box modeling and controlling it. Torsional type fishing-line actuator generates torsional torque and limited rotation angle. In this paper, we assume first-order transfer function as the model of the torque from the electrical power applied the actuator. In the experiment, we measure the torque and identify the system. Then we control the torque of it with PI control, and validate the model and design of control system..
106. 舛屋 賢, 小野 秀, 高木 賢太郎, 田原 健二, 対流熱伝達の温度・速度依存性に基づく釣糸人工筋肉の変位モデリング, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2017.05, A novel displacement model of the twisted and coiled polymer actuator (TCPA) is proposed. In order to explicitly deal with the effect of the convective heat transfer on the displacement behavior, we focus on the temperature and velocity dependence of the convective heat transfer and regard the convective heat transfer as one of the dissipation function. Through some experiments for three TCPAs, it is verified that the proposed model is more plausible than the conventional linear model..
107. 小野 秀, 舛屋 賢, 高木 賢太郎, 田原 健二, 複数の釣糸アクチュエータを用いた2自由度マニピュレータの位置・剛性制御, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2017.05, A fishing line actuator is one of the soft actuators made by coiling a twisted polymer fiber. In this paper, we propose 2 DOF manipulator driven by the multiple fishing line actuators to realize a joint angle control and a variable stiffness independently. The effectiveness of the proposed mechanism is evaluated experimentally..
108. 久保田 洋輝, 田原 健二, 誘電エラストマーアクチュエータを用いた1自由度マニピュレータの位置・力制御, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2017.05, Recently, soft actuators have been paid attention to make robots lighter and more flexible than especially present industrial robots. Above all, the dielectric elastomer actuator is useful for the robot because of its relatively high output force and voltage driving. However, the dielectric elastomer actuator has several drawbacks that its stroke is small, and a characteristic that is extended when inputting a voltage. In this paper, by combining a joint system driven by antagonistic dielectric elastomer actuators and four-bar linkage, a 1 DOF manipulator which a has large range of motion is developed. In addition, the joint angle and force controllers of this manipulator are introduced, and those performance is verified experimentally..
109. 舛屋 賢, 小野 秀, 高木 賢太郎, 田原 健二, 釣糸人工筋肉の束を利用したアクチュエータユニットの開発, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2017.05, An actuator unit consisting of multiple twisted and coiled polymer actuators (TCPA) with the feedforward controller is proposed. TCPA is made by two methods: 1) overtwisting the fiber and 2) winding the twisted fiber around the mandrel. The former output the larger force than the latter, while the former shows the smaller stroke. In order to realize the coexistence of large stroke and large output force, we combine multiple TCPAs fabricated by the latter method. The performance of the actuator unit is investigated through the experiment. Additionally, it is verified that the feedforward controller based on the authors' nonlinear displacement model can reduce the offset error compared with that based on the linear model..
110. Kentaro Takagi, Takeshi Arakawa, Jun Takeda, Ken Masuya, Kenji Tahara, Kinji Asaka, Position control of twisted and coiled polymer actuator using a controlled fan for cooling, Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (EAPAD) 2017, 2017.03, Recently, artificial muscles made of fishing lines or sewing threads, namely twisted and coiled polymer actuators (TCPAs), have been proposed by Haines et al. A TCPA contracts by applying heat and returns to its initial length by cooling. A TCPA can be driven by voltage if the TCPA is plated by metal or if conductive wire such as nichrome is wound around it. Compared with the conventional electroactive polymers, advantages of TCPAs are low cost, simple structure, large actuation strain, and large force. However, a big disadvantage of TCPAs is slow response due to heat transfer. The problem becomes apparent during cooling, although the response of heating can be improved by feedback control. This paper proposes a control method of switching heating and cooling. In the proposed method, a TCPA is cooled by an electric cooling fan. When the TCPA is heating, the cooling fan is stopped. In a previous report, the response speed can be improved by keeping cooling fan always on; however, unnecessary energy consumption is required even during heating. In the proposed method, energy consumption during heating does not increase and the response speed can be improved using fan only during cooling. The proposed control law is as follows. Firstly, the desired control input is determined by PI-D control with respect to the length of the actuator. Then, the control inputs to the heater and to the cooling fan are switched according to the sign of the PI-D controller output. The effectiveness of the proposed control method is demonstrated by comparing the cases with and without the cooling fan in the experiments..
111. 荒川武士, 武田惇, 高木賢太郎, 舛屋賢, 田原健二, 安積欣志, 冷却時に送風機を用いる釣糸人工筋肉(TCPA)の位置制御, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM), 2016.12.
112. 舛屋賢, 高木賢太郎, 田原健二, マンドレル型釣糸人工筋肉を用いた指先運動補助装具の開発, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM), 2016.12.
113. 丸林央樹, 田原健二, 柔軟半球足を持つ二足歩行ロボットの開発, SI2016, 2016.12.
114. 越智裕章, 木野仁, 田原健二, 松谷祐希, 筋骨格システムの筋内力ポテンシャルに対する筋―骨格間の干渉による筋の形状変形が及ぼす影響, SI2016, 2016.12.
115. 佐藤正昂, 木野仁, 田原健二, 筋骨格アームによる筋内力のつり合いを利用した手先軌道追従制御, SI2016, 2016.12.
116. チェスンヒョン, 田原健二, 仮想物体位置情報の更新による外力に対してロバストな把持制御手法, SI2016, 2016.12.
117. 大藤康平, 河村 晃宏, 辻徳生, 田原健二, 外界センサ情報と仮想物体情報の組合せによる未知物体の把持・操作手法の実験的検証, SI2016, 2016.12.
118. Kenji Tahara, Yuki Matsutani, Daisuke Nakagawa, Masataka Sato, Hitoshi Kino, Variable combination of feed-forward and feedback manners for set-point control of a musculoskeletal arm considering the maximum exertable muscular force, 42nd Conference of the Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2016, 2016.12, In this paper, our previously proposed set-point control method for a musculoskeletal system is improved to reduce required muscular forces and to avoid a saturation of muscular forces during movement. The previous method is robust against a considerable time-delay in sensory information, but it still requires large muscular forces to accomplish a desired position, and the maximum exertable muscular force has not yet been taken into consideration. To cope with these two issues, two variable parameters are newly introduced. One is for changing the combination ratio of feed-forward and feedback controllers to reduce necessary muscular forces. The other is for avoiding the saturation of muscular forces during movement The effectiveness of the proposed controller is demonstrated through several numerical simulation results..
119. CHOI Seunghyun, 田原健二, 仮想物体位置情報の更新による外力に対してロバストな把持制御手法, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM), 2016.12.
120. 大藤康平, 河村晃宏, 辻徳生, 田原健二, 外界センサ情報と仮想物体情報の組合せによる未知物体の把持・操作手法の実験的検証, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM), 2016.12.
121. 丸林央樹, 田原健二, 柔軟半球足を持つ二足歩行ロボットの開発, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM), 2016.12.
122. 佐藤正昂, 木野仁, 田原健二, 筋骨格アームによる筋内力のつり合いを利用した手先軌道追従制御, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM), 2016.12.
123. 越智裕章, 木野仁, 田原健二, 松谷祐希, 筋骨格システムの筋内力ポテンシャルに対する筋―骨格間の干渉による筋の形状変形が及ぼす影響, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM), 2016.12.
124. 佐藤正昂, 田原健二, 木野仁, 筋骨格システムにおける筋内力位置制御のロバスト性評価, 日本機械学会2016年度年次大会, 2016.09.
125. 佐藤正昂, 田原健二, 門﨑正滉, 柔軟半球足を持つ二足歩行ロボットのバランス制御と歩容生成, 日本機械学会2016年度年次大会, 2016.09.
126. 石橋良太, 田原健二, 木野仁, SMA拮抗駆動系における温度変化にロバストな機構の考察, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2016.09.
127. 丸林央樹, 門崎正滉, 田原健二, 柔軟半球足を持つ二足歩行ロボットのバランス制御と歩容生成, 日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2016.09.
128. 佐藤正昂, 木野仁, 田原健二, 筋内力を利用した位置制御手法の外力に対するロバスト性の実験的検証, 日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2016.09.
129. 稲田大亮, 辻徳生, 諸岡健一, 田原健二, 河村晃宏, 倉爪亮, 原田研介, 複数の遠赤外線画像を用いた全周の接触領域検出と把持形態推定への応用, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2016.09.
130. 舛屋賢, 小野秀, 高木賢太郎, 田原健二, 電圧駆動型Twisted and Coiled Polymer Actuatorにおける温度応答の非線形モデリング, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2016.09.
131. 松谷祐希, 田原健二, 木野仁, 越智裕章, リンク上に可変剛性機構を有する腱駆動ロボットの剛性評価, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2016.06.
132. 佐藤正昂, 田原健二, 木野仁, 筋内力を利用した位置制御手法の提案と実験的検証, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2016.06.
133. 木野 仁, 越智 裕章, 田原 健二, 松谷 祐希, アクティブバランサを用いたパラレルワイヤ駆動ロボット, 第21回ロボティクスシンポジア, 2016.03.
134. 木野 仁, 和田 竜治, 吉武 翼, 田原 健二, 越智 裕章, 筋骨格構造の持つ特性を利用した位置制御に関する考察, 第21回ロボティクスシンポジア, 2016.03.
135. Takeshi Arakawa, Kentaro Takagi, Kenji Tahara, Kinji Asaka, Position control of fishing line artificial muscles (coiled polymer actuators) from nylon thread, SIPE, 2016.03.
136. Takeshi Arakawa, Kentaro Takagi, Kenji Tahara, Kinji Asaka, Position control of fishing line artificial muscles (coiled polymer actuators) from nylon thread, Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (EAPAD) 2016, 2016.03, Recently, fishing line artificial muscle has been developed and is paid much attention due to the properties such as large contraction, light weight and extremely low cost. Typical fishing line artificial muscle is made from Nylon thread and made by just twisting the polymer. In this paper, because of the structure of the actuator, such actuators may be named as coiled polymer actuators (CPAs). In this paper, a CPA is fabricated from commercial Nylon fishing line and Ni-Cr alloy (Nichrome) wire is wound around it. The CPA contracts by the Joule heat generated by applied voltage to the Nichrome wire. For designing the control system, a simple model is proposed. According to the physical principle of the actuator, two first-order transfer functions are introduced to represent the actuator model. One is a system from the input power to the temperature and the other is a system from the temperature to the deformation. From the system identification result, it is shown that the dominant dynamics is the system from the input power to the temperature. Using the developed model, position control of the voltage-driven CPA is discussed. Firstly, the static nonlinearity from the voltage to the power is eliminated. Then, a 2-DOF PID controller which includes an inversion-based feed forward controller and a PID controller are designed. In order to demonstrate the proposed controller, experimental verification is shown..
137. Tetsuya Morizono, Kenji Tahara, Hitoshi Kino, Experimental investigation of contribution of biarticular actuation to mappings between sensory and motor spaces, 41st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2015, 2016.01, This paper considers experimental investigation of an antagonistically actuated robot manipulator. The focus of the investigation is how biarticular actuation contributes to control of the manipulator. Based on the feature that antagonistically robot manipulators can be controlled by feedforward control with constant inputs, this paper treats the case of PTP (point-to-point) control of robot postures. Due to expectation of difficulty for analytical approach, this paper takes experimental methodology of acquiring mappings between sensory and motor spaces by ANNs (artificial neural networks). Based on the idea that contribution of biarticular actuation may be influenced by choice of a sensory space, this paper considers not only joint angles of a manipulator but also Cartesian coordinate and angles in binocular visual space at the hand of the manipulator as sensory spaces. For each of them, the mappings obtained from trained ANNs are compared for the cases with and without biarticular actuation, based on interpolation performance of the ANNs examined through PTP control of the manipulator. The results of the comparison shows that choice of a sensory space is less effective to the interpolation performance in the case of biarticular actuation..
138. Hiroaki Ochi, Hitoshi Kino, Kenji Tahara, Yuki Matsutani, Geometrie conditions for feedforward positioning of musculoskeletal tendon-driven structure, 41st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2015, 2016.01, The human body possesses a musculoskeletal structure in which muscles exist around the bones and joints. The musculoskeletal tendon-driven robot utilizes this structure. This robotic system uses sets of mechanical tendons, such as wire-cables and actuators instead of the vital muscles. The redundant actuation is necessary for the system when it does not actively use any external force nor a tensioner because the mechanical tendon can transmit only a tensile force. This structural characteristic enables feedforward motion-generation that does not need any sensory feedback. However, the convergent posture strongly depends on the tendon-arrangement. Targeting the tendon-driven manipulator, which has two links and six tendons, this paper expands the mathematical conditions for the convergence into the geometric conditions of tendon-arrangement. Based on the geometric conditions, a design method of the tendon-arrangement is discussed..
139. 太田 悠介, 辻 徳生, 諸岡 健一, 田原 健二, 河村 晃宏, 原田 研介, Ryo Kurazume, 統計的形状モデルを用いた把持計画類, 第16回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2015.12.
140. 稲田大亮, 辻徳生, 原田研介, 田原健二, 河村晃宏, 諸岡健一, 倉爪亮, 遠赤外線画像の熱痕跡を用いた接触履歴の検出と把持形態推定への応用, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM), 2015.12.
141. 石橋 良太, 小田 隆彦, 越智 裕章, 梅田 勝矢, 奥田 竜次, 田原 健二, 木野 仁, 児島 晃, 弾性体とSMA材料とからなる翼機構の剛性適応による流速変化への対応, 第16回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2015.12.
142. 吉川 裕貴, 田原 健二, 透明シリコンとカメラを用いた柔軟指先の剪断力推定センサの開発, 第16回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2015.12.
143. Tokuo Tsuji, Kosei Baba, Kenji Tahara, Kensuke Harada, Kenichi Morooka, Ryo Kurazume, Grasp stability evaluation based on energy tolerance in potential field, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2015, 2015.12, We propose an evaluation method of grasp stability which takes into account the elastic deformation of fingertips from the viewpoint of energy. An evaluation value of grasp stability is derived as the minimum energy which causes slippage of a fingertip on its contact surface. To formulate the evaluation value, the elastic potential energy of fingertips and the gravitational potential energy of a grasped object are considered. It is ensured that fingertips do not slip on grasped object surfaces if the external energy applied to the object is less than the evaluation value. Since our evaluation value explicitly considers the deformation values of fingertips, grasp stability is evaluated by taking into consideration the contact forces generated by the deformation. The effectiveness of our method is verified through numerical examples..
144. 石橋良太, 小田隆彦, 小田隆彦, 越智裕章, 梅田勝矢, 梅田勝矢, 奥田竜次, 奥田竜次, 田原健二, 木野仁, 児島晃, 弾性体とSMA材料とからなる翼機構の剛性適応による流速変化への対応―剛性適応作用の温度応答特性に関する考察―, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM), 2015.12.
145. 太田悠介, 辻徳生, 宮内翔子, 諸岡健一, 田原健二, 河村晃宏, 原田研介, 倉爪亮, 統計的形状モデルを用いた把持計画, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM), 2015.12.
146. 吉川裕貴, 田原健二, 透明シリコンとカメラを用いた柔軟指先接触センサ, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM), 2015.12.
147. Tetsuya Morizono, Kenji Tahara, Hitoshi Kino, Experimental investigation of contribution of biarticular actuation to mappings between sensory and motor spaces, 41st Annual Conf. of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2015.11.
148. Hiroaki Ochi, Hitoshi Kino, Kenji Tahara, Yuki Matsutani, Geometric conditions for feedforward positioning of musculoskeletal tendon-driven structure, 41st Annual Conf. of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2015.11.
149. 石橋 良太, 小田 隆彦, 奥田 竜次, 梅田 勝矢, 田原 健二, 木野 仁, 児島 晃, SMAアクチュエータと柔軟材とを用いた剛性適応法の考察, 第33回日本ロボット学術講演会, 2015.09.
150. 辻徳生, 馬場恒星, 田原健二, 原田研介, 諸岡健一, 倉爪亮, 柔軟指先と関節変位によるポテンシャル場の許容外力エネルギーに基づく把持安定性評価, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2015.09.
151. Tokuo Tsuji, Kosei Baba, Kenji Tahara, Kensuke Harada, KEN'ICHI MOROOKA, Ryo Kurazume, Grasp stability evaluation based on energy tolerance in potential field, IEEE⁄RSJ Int. Conf. Intell. Robots, Syst., 2015.09.
152. 石橋良太, 小田隆彦, 小田隆彦, 奥田竜次, 奥田竜次, 梅田勝矢, 梅田勝矢, 田原健二, 木野仁, 児島晃, SMAアクチュエータと柔軟材とを用いた剛性適応法の考察, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2015.09.
153. 田原 健二, 岡田 共史, 中島 康貴, 山本 元司, リニアアクチュエータを用いた歩行アシスト装置の開発と歩行シミュレーションによるアシスト効果の検証, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会, 2015.05.
154. 大藤 康平, 辻 徳生, 田原 健二, パーティクルフィルタによる物体の位置・姿勢推定値を用いた物体把持・操作手法, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会, 2015.05.
155. 中川 大輔, 松谷 祐希, 木野 仁, 田原 健二, 最大筋力を考慮した筋骨格システムの位置制御, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会, 2015.05.
156. 大藤康平, 辻徳生, 田原健二, パーティクルフィルタによる物体の位置・姿勢推定値を用いた物体把持・操作手法, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2015.05.
157. 田原健二, 岡田共史, 中島康貴, 山本元司, リニアアクチュエータを用いた歩行アシスト装置の開発と歩行シミュレーションによるアシスト効果の検証, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2015.05.
158. 中川大輔, 松谷祐希, 木野仁, 田原健二, 最大筋力を考慮した筋骨格システムの位置制御, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2015.05.
159. 中川 大輔, 松谷 祐希, 木野 仁, Kenji Tahara, 1P1-X02 最大筋力を考慮した筋骨格システムの位置制御, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2015.05, This paper proposes a set-point control method for a musculoskeletal system considering maximum muscular force. In our previous work, the set-point control method for a musculoskeletal system was proposed which combines a feedforward control with a sensory feedback control including a considerable time-delay. However, the maximum output force of each muscle have not been considered though it sometimes induces a wind-up phenomenon because of the saturation of the muscular force. The ratio function to determine the ratio of feedforward and feedback control inputs is newly introduced in this paper to prevent such a wind-up phenomenon without the saturation of muscular force, and generate more sophisticated reaction motion even if disturbances are added on the end-point during movement. Numerical simulation results are shown to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method..
160. 大藤 康平, 辻 徳生, Kenji Tahara, 1P2-O08 パーティクルフィルタによる物体の位置・姿勢推定値を用いた物体把持・操作手法, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2015.05, This paper proposes a new object manipulation method by means of a multi-fingered hand using a particle filter to estimate a position and attitude of an object. In our previous work [1], the object virtual frame has been presented instead of an actual frame to manipulate an object without any external sensing information. A desired position and attitude of the object, however, has not been necessarily realized using the method because of no external sensing information. In order to cope with that, a new virtual frame is proposed based on a 3D laser range sensor data including considerable noise and time-delay in this paper. Firstly a particle filter is designed to estimate the position and attitude of the object from the sensing information. Then the new virtual frame is designed based on estimations of the particle filter..
161. 田原 健二, 岡田 共史, 中島 康貴, 山本 元司, 2A2-K06 リニアアクチュエータを用いた歩行アシスト装置の開発と歩行シミュレーションによるアシスト効果の検証, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2015.05, This paper proposes a wearable walking assist device using a linear actuator for people who feel that walking is slightly painful in everyday life, and numerical walking simulation is conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of proposed devices, and construct an effective control method. The linear actuator intrinsically owns enough back driverbility because there is no reduction gear. Namely, it is possible to prevent tumble of a people who wears this device even if the device suddenly makes unexpected motion. This is because the people can easily resist against an output force of the actuator due to high backdrivability. A joint torque controller to assist a swing leg which is designed, and a numerical walking simulation is conducted to verify the effectiveness of assistance of the proposed device. From these simulation results, an effective feedback controller in terms of energy consumption is designed..
162. 馬場 恒星, 辻 徳生, 田原 健二, 原田 研介, 諸岡 健一, 倉爪 亮, ポテンシャル場における許容エネルギーに基づく柔軟指先のための把持安定性評価, 第20回ロボティクスシンポジア, 2015.03.
163. Tokuo Tsuji, Kosei Baba, Kenji Tahara, Kensuke Harada, KEN'ICHI MOROOKA, Ryo Kurazume, Grasp Stability Analysis for Elastic Fingertips by Using Potential Energy, 2014 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, 2014.12.
164. 石橋良太, 田原 健二, 木野仁, 形状記憶合金アクチュエータの動向, 第15回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2014), 2014.12.
165. 塗 甜, 辻 徳生, 田原 健二, 原田 研介, 諸岡 健一, 倉爪 亮, 多指ハンドの把持形態の生成と分類, 第15回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2014.12.
166. 馬場恒星, 辻徳生, 田原健二, 原田研介, 諸岡健一, 倉爪亮, 柔軟指先と把持物体のポテンシャルを用いた把持安定条件の導出, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2014.09.
167. 石橋良太, 小田隆彦, 奥田竜次, 梅田勝矢, 田原 健二, 木野仁, 児島晃, 弾性体受動要素を用いた流速変化に適応するためのヒレ機構, 第32回日本ロボット学術講演会, 2014.09.
168. 越智裕章, 木野仁, 田原 健二, 松谷祐希, 多関節多筋の筋骨格システムにおけるフィードフォワード位置決め制御の収束安定条件, 第32回日本ロボット学術講演会, 2014.09.
169. 松谷祐希, 田原 健二, 木野仁, 越智裕章, 山本 元司, 筋内力フィードフォワードとむだ時間を含む視覚フィードバックの可変比率による複合位制御, 第32回日本ロボット学術講演会, 2014.09.
170. 越智裕章, 木野仁, 田原健二, 松谷祐希, 多関節多筋の筋骨格システムにおけるフィードフォワード位置決め制御の収束安定条件, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2014.09.
171. 石橋良太, 小田隆彦, 奥田竜次, 梅田勝矢, 田原健二, 木野仁, 児島晃, 弾性体受動要素を用いた流速変化に適応するためのヒレ機構, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2014.09.
172. 松谷祐希, 田原健二, 木野仁, 越智裕章, 山本元司, 筋内力フィードフォワードとむだ時間を含む視覚フィードバックの可変比率による複合位置制御, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2014.09.
173. Tomofumi Okada, Kenji Tahara, Development of a two-link planar manipulator with continuously variable transmission mechanism, 2014 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM 2014, 2014.07, This paper proposes a novel two-link planar manipulator with continuously variable transmission (CVT) mechanism by means of plural linear shaft motors. In our previous works, we have proposed the parallel-link manipulator with the CVT mechanism which has two orthogonal DOFs. However, its configuration is not useful for a practical field because only one main link can be rotated around two joints like a joystick. In order for this mechanism to be more useful, the two-link planar type manipulator with the CVT is newly modeled and developed. Firstly, the proposed manipulator is modeled, and its control signals are designed. Next, the output force of the end-point of the manipulator is evaluated by using both the Manipulating-Force Ellipsoid and the Dynamic Manipulability Ellipsoid. After that, several fundamental experiments are performed to evaluate the CVT mechanism and show the effectiveness of the proposed manipulator..
174. Yuki Matsutani, Kenji Tahara, Hitoshi Kino, Hiroaki Ochi, Motoji Yamamoto, Set-point control of a musculoskeletal arm by the complementary combination of a feedforward and feedback Manner, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2014.06.
175. Miao Li, Hang Yin, Kenji Tahara, Aude Billard, Learning object-level impedance control for robust grasping and dexterous manipulation, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2014.06.
176. Ryota Ishibashi, Hiroaki Ochi, Takahiko Oda, Ryuji Okuda, Katsuya Umeda, Kenji Tahara, Hitoshi Kino, Akira Kojima, A proposal of a SMA actuated wing mechanism using flexible structure for the capability of various flow speeds, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, IEEE ROBIO 2014, 2014.04, This paper proposed a concept of flexible wing-mechanism for the underwater fishlike robots. The proposed system consists of a fishlike body and a pair of flexible wing. The flexible wing mechanism utilizes a Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) actuator to realize small and lightweight system with high output/weight ratio. The SMA actuator can be controlled to adjust the shape. In the flow of water, shape of the wings is controlled and then the fluid resistance will be changed. Then, we can control the posture of the robot. The wing mechanism is constructed mainly from flexible materials. Thus, range of the fluid resistance becomes different between the high speed flow and low speed flow. In the fast flow condition, flexible wing mechanism is compressed and the range of the shape control becomes low. Then, the mechanism can control the posture of the robot under the various flow speeds..
177. 越智 裕章, 木野 仁, 田原 健二, 松谷 祐希, 石橋 良太, フィードフォワード位置決め制御における収束条件を満たす筋骨格構造の決定法, 第19回ロボティクスシンポジア, 2014.03.
178. 松谷 祐希, 田原 健二, 木野 仁, 越智 裕章, 山本 元司, 筋内力フィードフォワードと視覚フィードバックによる相補的複合位置制御, 第19回ロボティクスシンポジア, 2014.03.
179. 土井 佑介, 田原 健二, 触覚情報に基づく仮想物体情報を用いた物体把持・操作, 第19回ロボティクスシンポジア, 2014.03.
180. Tokuo Tsuji, Kosei Baba, Kenji Tahara, Kensuke Harada, Kenichi Morooka, Ryo Kurazume, Grasp stability analysis for elastic fingertips by using potential energy, 7th IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2014, 2014.01, We propose a grasp stability index which takes into account the elastic deformation of fingertips. In this index, an evaluation value of grasp stability is derived as the minimum energy which causes slippage of a fingertip on a grasped object surface. Elastic potential energy of the fingertips and gravitational potential energy of the object are considered in this index. It is ensured that any fingertip does not slip on a grasped object surface if the external energy added to the object is less than the evaluation value. This index has good features as follows. (i) Contact forces corresponding to the grasping state are taken into account. (ii) It is possible to derive a condition of stable grasp including the kinetic energy of a grasped object. The effectiveness of this index is verified through several numerical examples..
181. 木野仁, 越智裕章, 田原健二, 松谷祐希, 石橋良太, 筋骨格構造におけるフィードフォワード位置決め制御の収束性の解析, 計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会2013, 2013.11.
182. 松谷祐希, 田原健二, 木野仁, 越智裕章, 山本元司, むだ時間を含む視覚フィードバックと筋内力フィードフォワードの組み合わせによる位置制御, 計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会2013, 2013.11.
183. Yuki Matsutani, Hiroaki Ochi, Hitoshi Kino, Kenji Tahara, Motoji Yamamoto, Feed-forward positioning of musculoskeletal-like robotic systems with muscular viscosity Determination of an adequate internal force, 2013 IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and Its Social Impacts, ARSO 2013, 2013.11, This paper proposes a new feed-forward positioning method for a musculoskeletal-like robotic system considering a muscle-like nonlinear viscosity, and a new determination method of the internal force using the reinforcement learning scheme. In our previous works, a feed-forward positioning method for the musculoskeletal-like robotic systems has been proposed. In the method, the position regulation of the system can be accomplished by inputting a desired internal force balancing at a desired position. It has been quite effective for the muscle-like driven mechanism because no sensor is necessary to regulate the position. However, this method often induces an overshoot phenomenon when performing a set-point control. In addition, there is another intrinsic problem that musculoskeletal-like redundant-driven mechanisms own the ill-posed problems that the internal force is unable to determine uniquely. In this paper, for the farmer problem, a muscle-like nonlinear viscosity is newly added to the controller to reduce such an overshoot phenomenon and then to expand the stable region of the manipulator. For the latter problem, a determination method of the internal force using a reinforcement learning scheme is newly proposed. In what follows, firstly a new feed-forward controller which considers the muscle-like viscosity is introduced, and shows its effectiveness through numerical simulations. Next, the determination method of the internal force using a reinforcement learning scheme is proposed and its effectiveness is also shown through numerical simulations..
184. Hitoshi Kino, Hiroaki Ochi, Kenji Tahara, Yuki Matsutani, Ryota Ishibashi, Study of human motion generation based on redundancy of musculoskeletal structure Analysis of potential generated by internal force for two-link system, 2013 IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and Its Social Impacts, ARSO 2013, 2013.11, The human body has a musculoskeletal system with the muscles which exist around the bones and joints. Taking notice of the structural characteristics that a human possesses inherently, this paper analyzes feedforward position control for the musculoskeletal system. The feedforward positioning does not need any sensory feedback by use of internal force balancing at a desired posture. Targeting a non-pulley musculoskeletal system with two links and six muscles, this paper clarifies mathematical conditions of the feedforward positioning to converge at a desired posture. In the analysis, muscular length is approximated by Taylor expansion. Based on quasi-statical approach, the convergent conditions are clarified. The verification of the conditions is conducted through simulation..
185. 石橋良太, 越智裕章, 田原健二, 木野仁, V字型SMA拮抗駆動系における位置と剛性呈示, 計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2013.11.
186. 松谷祐希, 田原健二, 木野仁, 越智裕章, 山本元司, むだ時間を含む視覚フィードバックと筋内力フィードブオワードの組み合わせによる位置制御, 計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2013.11.
187. 木野仁, 越智裕章, 田原健二, 松谷祐希, 石橋良太, 筋骨格構造におけるフィードフオワード位置決め制御の収束性の解析, 計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2013.11.
188. 石橋良太, 奥田竜次, 小田隆彦, 梅田勝也, 田原健二, 木野仁, 児島晃, SMAを用いたヒレ機構による姿勢安定化制御, 自動制御連合講演会(CD-ROM), 2013.11.
189. 石橋良太, 小田隆彦, 田原健二, 木野仁, 児島晃, パラレルSMA機構を用いた力覚提示法に関する検討, 自動制御連合講演会(CD-ROM), 2013.11.
190. Yuki Matsutani, Kenji Tahara, Hitoshi Kino, Hiroaki Ochi, Motoji Yamamoto, Linear Combination of Feedforward and Feedback Manners to a Musculoskeletal System for Robust Set-Point Control, The 9th Joint Workshop on Machine Perception and Robotics, 2013.10.
191. 越智裕章, 木野仁, 田原健二, 松谷祐希, 石橋良太, 非プーリ型筋骨格構造アームの製作とフィードフォワード位置決め制御実験, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2013.09.
192. 木野仁, 越智裕章, 田原健二, 松谷祐希, 石橋良太, 筋骨格構造におけるフィードフォワード位置決め制御の収束性の解析, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2013.09.
193. 松谷祐希, 田原健二, 木野仁, 越智裕章, 山本元司, むだ時間を含む視覚フィードバックと筋内力フィードフォワードの組み合わせによる位置制御, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2013.09.
194. 石橋良太, 小田隆彦, 田原健二, 木野仁, 児島晃, V字型SMA拮抗駆動系の機構と制御法, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2013.09.
195. Hitoshi Kino, Shiro Kikuchi, Yuki Matsutani, Kenji Tahara, Sensibility to muscular arrangement of feedforward position control for non-pulley-musculoskeletal system, 5th FTRA International Conference on Information Technology Convergence and Services, ITCS 2013 and the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Robotics, Automations, Telecommunication Facilities, and Applications, IRoA 2013, 2013.07, This paper studies the feedforward position control induced by the redundancy in a non-pulley-musculoskeletal system. Targeting a planar two-link musculoskeletal system with six muscles as a case study, the motion convergence depending on the muscular arrangement is examined. The results indicate that the motion convergence is extremely sensitive to the muscular arrangement and that adding small offsets for the points of muscle connection can remarkably improve the positioning performance..
196. 松谷祐希, 越智裕章, 木野仁, 石橋良太, 田原健二, 山本元司, 筋骨格型ロボットの筋内力フィードフォワード位置制御における関節トルクに基づく筋配置設計法, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2013.05.
197. 木野仁, 越智裕章, 田原健二, 松谷祐希, 石橋良太, 筋骨格システムにおけるフィードフォワード位置決め制御の収束性と筋配置の関係, 第18回ロボティクス・シンポジア, 2013.05.
198. 馬場恒星, 辻徳生, 河村晃宏, PYO Yoonseok, 田原健二, 原田研介, 長谷川勉, 倉爪亮, 多指ハンドを用いた関節角の位置制御に基づく誤差に頑健な物体把持, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2013.05.
199. 松谷 祐希, 越智 裕章, 木野 仁, 石橋 良太, 田原 健二, 山本 元司, 1P1-N05 筋骨格型ロボットの筋内力フィードフォワード位置制御における関節トルクに基づく筋配置設計法(筋骨格モデリング), ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2013.05, This paper proposes a design method of muscular arrangement for feed-forward positioning of a musculoskeletal-like robotic system. In our previous work, we presented that the feed-forward positioning method for the musculoskeletal-like robotic system can be achieved without any sensory feedback by inputting a desired internal force balancing at a desired position to each muscle. However, the muscular arrangement has been determined heuristically so far. In this paper, differentiation of joint torque is focused on the design method of the muscular arrangement to improve motion range. In addition, a moment arm of muscles to evaluate motion convergence is introduced. The usefulness of this proposal method is shown by a numerical simulation..
200. 木野 仁, 寺原 綾一, 石橋 良太, 田原 健二, 形状記憶合金線における繰返し学習制御とCCDカメラを用いた位置決め精度の向上, 第13回計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2012.12.
201. 木野仁, 越智裕章, 田原健二, 松谷祐希, 石橋良太, 非プーリ型筋骨格システムにおける筋長の近似とその検証, 第13回計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2012.12.
202. 土井 佑介, 田原 健二, 3指ハンドによる把持力のつり合い位置変化による動的安定把持手法, 第13回計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2012.12.
203. 石橋 良太, 小田 隆彦, 田原 健二, 木野 仁, 児島 晃, 形状記憶合金線を用いたパラレルワイヤ機構による剛性提示, 第13回計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2012.12.
204. 石橋良太, 小田隆彦, 田原健二, 木野仁, 児島晃, 形状記憶合金線を用いた腱駆動機構における剛性調節法の検討―異方的な剛性提示に関する基礎的検討―, 自動制御連合講演会(CD-ROM), 2012.11.
205. Y. Matsutani, H. Ochi, H. Kino, K. Tahara and M. Yamamoto, Feed-forward Positioning of Musculoskeletal-like Robotic Systems: Determination of Adequate Internal Force by Reinforcement Learning, The 8th Joint Workshop on Machine Perception and Robotics, 2012.10.
206. Kenji Tahara, Yuta Kuboyama, Ryo Kurazume, Iterative learning control for a musculoskeletal arm: Utilizing multiple space variables to improve the robustness, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intell. Robots, Syst., 2012.10.
207. Kenji Tahara, Yuta Kuboyama, Ryo Kurazume, Iterative learning control for a musculoskeletal arm Utilizing multiple space variables to improve the robustness, 25th IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Robotics and Intelligent Systems, IROS 2012, 2012.10, In this paper, a new iterative learning control method which uses multiple space variables for a musculoskeletal-like arm system is proposed to improve the robustness against noises being included in sensory information. In our previous works, the iterative learning control method for the redundant musculoskeletal arm to acquire a desired endpoint trajectory simultaneous with an adequate internal force was proposed. The controller was designed using only muscle space variables, such as a muscle length and contractile velocity. It is known that the movement of the musculoskeletal system can be expressed in a hierarchical three-layered space which is composed of the muscle space, the joint space and the task space. Thus, the new iterative learning control input is composed of multiple space variables to improve its performance and robustness. Numerical simulations are conducted and their result is evaluated from the viewpoint of the robustness to noises of sensory information. An experiment is performed using a prototype of musculoskeletal-like manipulator, and the practical usefulness of the proposed method is demonstrated through the result..
208. Akihiro Kawamura, Kenji Tahara, Ryo Kurazume, Tsutomu Hasegawa, Robust visual servoing for object manipulation with large time-delays of visual information, 25th IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Robotics and Intelligent Systems, IROS 2012, 2012.10, This paper proposes a new visual servoing method for object manipulation robust to considerable time-delays of visual information. There still remain several problems in visual servoing methods although they are quite useful and effective for dexterous object manipulation. For instance, time-delays to obtain necessary information for object manipulation from visual images induce unstable behavior. The time-delays are mainly caused by low sampling rate of visual sensing system, computational cost for image processing, and latency of data transmission from visual sensor to processor. The method makes it possible to avoid such unstable behavior of the systems due to considerable time-delays using virtual object frame defined by only each joint angle. Firstly, a new control scheme for object manipulation using the virtual object frame is designed. Next, numerical simulations are conducted to verify the effectiveness of the control scheme. Finally, experimental results are shown to demonstrate the practical usefulness of proposed method..
209. 河村晃宏, 田原健二, 倉爪亮, 長谷川勉, 視覚情報の時間遅れに頑健な動的物体操作, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2012.09.
210. 石橋良太, 小田隆彦, 田原健二, 木野仁, 児島晃, V字開閉型可変剛性を利用したSMAアクチュエータの剛性制御, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2012.09.
211. Ryota Ishibashi, Takahiko Oda, Kenji Tahara, Hitoshi Kino, Akira Kojima, Parallel system using V-shaped shape memory alloy actuator, 2012 51st Annual Conference on of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan, SICE 2012, 2012.08, This paper proposed a type of tendon driven system using V-shaped SMA (shape-memory-alloy) actuator. In the proposed system, SMA actuators are bended at the end effector and the bended angles are controllable. Thus, the stiffness of the system can be adjusted by the bended angles. In addition, to control the end effector to the desired position, we developed a position control method based on the internal force using only the geometric constraints of the system. The validity of the proposed method was examined by some experiments..
212. K. Tahara, K. Maruta, A. Kawamura and M. Yamamoto, Externally sensorless dynamic regrasping and manipulation by a triple-fingered robotic hand with torsional fingertip joints, IEEE Int. Conf. Robot. Automat., 2012.05.
213. 河村 晃宏, 田原 健二, 倉爪 亮, 長谷川 勉, 把持物体の位置・姿勢情報欠損にロバストな視覚サーボによる物体把持・操作手法の実験的検証, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会, 2012.05.
214. 河村晃宏, 田原健二, 倉爪亮, 長谷川勉, 把持物体の位置・姿勢情報欠損にロバストな視覚サーボによる物体把持・操作手法の実験的検証, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2012.05.
215. Kenji Tahara, Keigo Maruta, Akihiro Kawamura, Motoji Yamamoto, Externally sensorless dynamic regrasping and manipulation by a triple-fingered robotic hand with torsional fingertip joints, 2012 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2012, 2012.01, This paper presents an improvement of our previously proposed dynamic object grasping and manipulation method. This method, which utilizes a dual-fingered hand of which each soft and hemispheric fingertip owns a torsional joint, has performed novel 3-dimensional dynamic object grasping and manipulation stably without the use of any external sensing device. However, several limitation and weakness have still remained in terms of dexterity and robustness. In order to improve it, firstly a triple-fingered hand is newly introduced instead of the dual-fingered hand to perform regrasping. Next, the previously proposed stable object grasping controller is adequately modified to perform dynamic regrasping during manipulation. Additionally, the virtual object attitude controller is also modified to improve its performance. Finally, several experiments are conducted by using a prototype, and the usefulness of proposed controller is demonstrated through these results..
216. 松谷祐希, 越智裕章, 田原健二, 木野仁, 筋骨格システムのフィードフォワード位置制御における強化学習を用いた内力決定法, 第12回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2011.12.
217. 石橋良太, 小田隆彦, 田原健二, 木野仁, 児島晃, V字型SMAを利用したパラレルシステムの基礎的検討, 第12回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2011.12.
218. K. Tahara, K. Maruta and M. Yamamoto, Alternative dexterous object manipulation using torsional fingertip joints of multifingered hand, Int. Symp. Micro-Nano Mechatronics and Human Science, 2011.11.
219. Kenji Tahara, Keigo Maruta, Motoji Yamamoto, Alternative dexterous object manipulation using torsional fingertip joints of multifingered hand, 22nd Annual Symp. on Micro-Nano Mechatronics and Human Science, MHS 2011, Held Jointly with the Symp. on COE for Education and Research of Micro-Nano Mechatronics, Micro-Nano GCOE 2011, Symp. on Hyper Bio Assembler for 3D Cellular System Innovation, 2011.11, This paper proposes a novel object manipulation method by a multifingered robotic hand with torsional fingertip joints. By using the unique joint configuration effectively, a dynamic object manipulation can be achieved without the use of any external sensing. Firstly, a dynamic equation of motion of the overall system considering contact models between each fingertip and objectsurface is given. Secondly, an externally sensorless control signal to grasp and manipulate the object is designed. A numerical simulation and an experiment using a prototype are performed, and then finally the effectiveness of proposed method is illustrated through a simulation and an experiment..
220. 石橋良太, 小田隆彦, 田原健二, 木野仁, 児島晃, 釣り合い内力を考慮したSMAアクチュエータ制御法の検討, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2011.09.
221. 丸田圭悟, 田原健二, 山本元司, 指先捻転機構を持つ3指ハンドによる把持物体の持ち替え動作, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2011.09.
222. 河村晃宏, 田原健二, 倉爪 亮, 長谷川勉, 把持物体のオンライン位置姿勢情報欠損にロバストな動的物体操作手法 -入力切替時におけるトルクの連続性について-, 第29回日本ロボット学会学術講演会, 2011.09.
223. A. Kawamura, K. Tahara, R. Kurazume and T. Hasegawa, Robust manipulation for temporary lack of sensory information by a multi-fingered hand-arm system, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intell. Robots, Syst., 2011.09.
224. Y. Kuboyama, K. Tahara and R. Kurazume, Iterative learning control for musculoskeletal system: Improvement of robustness by combination of multiple learning spaces, 第26回生体・生理シンポジウム, 2011.09.
225. K. Tahara, S. Iwasa, S. Naba and M. Yamamoto, High-backdrivable parallel-link manipulator with continuously variable transmission, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intell. Robots, Syst., 2011.09.
226. Kenji Tahara, Shingo Iwasa, Shu Naba, Motoji Yamamoto, High-backdrivable parallel-link manipulator with continuously variable transmission, 2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems: Celebrating 50 Years of Robotics, IROS'11, 2011.09, This paper proposes a novel high-backdrivable parallel-link manipulator with Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) mechanism using several shaft actuators. The backdrivability is important and necessary for robots that operate around our life space to guarantee the safety of us, themselves and environments. A rotational actuator with a high reduction ratio reducer has been commonly used in traditional robotics field, but it cannot realize the high-backdrivability without any sensory feedback. In this study, several high-backdrivable shaft actuators are used instead of it. Moreover, the CVT mechanism which is brought by a novel configuration of the parallel mechanism is employed effectively. To utilize multiple shaft actuators with the CVT mechanism is able to surmount a drawback of the shaft actuator whose output force is relatively weak. A simple 1 DOF manipulator is proposed as the first step of this study. Firstly, its kinematic and dynamic models are given. Next, a PD type feedback control signal to regulate the arm's angle and the CVT simultaneously is designed. A static relation between an output end-point force and the CVT mechanism is analyzed. Finally, several fundamental experiments are conducted to show the effectiveness of proposed mechanism..
227. Akihiro Kawamura, Kenji Tahara, Ryo Kurazume, Tsutomu Hasegawa, Robust manipulation for temporary lack of sensory information by a multi-fingered hand-arm system, 2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems: Celebrating 50 Years of Robotics, IROS'11, 2011.09, This paper proposes a novel vision-based grasping and manipulation scheme of a multi-fingered hand-arm system robust for a temporary lack of sensory information. Visual information is one of the fundamental components for reliable grasping and manipulation by a multi-fingered hand-arm system. However, in case that visual information such as position and attitude of an object comes to be unavailable due to the occlusion or if the object goes out-of-sight temporarily, unstable and unfavorable behavior is often induced. The proposed method, which utilizes the stable grasping control and the concept of virtual frame, enables to grasp and manipulate an object stably even if the visual information becomes suddenly and temporarily unavailable during manipulation. Firstly, a dynamical model of object grasping using a multi-fingered hand-arm system is formulated. Next, a new control scheme for robust object grasping and manipulation using the virtual frame is proposed. Finally, numerical simulations are performed to verify the usefulness of the proposed method..
228. 河村晃宏, 田原健二, 倉爪亮, 長谷川勉, 把持物体のオンライン位置姿勢情報欠損にロバストな動的物体操作手法―入力切替時におけるトルクの連続性について―, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2011.09.
229. A. Kawamura, K. Tahara, R. Kurazume and T. Hasegawa, Dynamic object manipulation using a multi-fingered hand-arm system: Enhancement of a grasping capability using relative attitude constraints of fingers, the 15th Int. Conf. Adv. Robot., 2011.06.
230. Akihiro Kawamura, Kenji Tahara, Ryo Kurazume, Tsutomu Hasegawa, Dynamic object manipulation using a multi-fingered hand-arm system Enhancement of a grasping capability using relative attitude constraints of fingers, IEEE 15th International Conference on Advanced Robotics: New Boundaries for Robotics, ICAR 2011, 2011.06, In this paper, an enhancement of a dynamic object grasping and manipulation method, which has been proposed by us previously, is presented. This enhancement makes it possible to grasp more various shaped objects which could not have been grasped by our previous method. In our previous method, a force/torque equilibrium condition to satisfy stable object grasping has been realized by only using grasping forces normal to an object surfaces. It is because each fingertip is soft and hemispheric and then rolling constraints arise during movement, and these phenomena cannot be stopped while existing the rolling constraint forces. Therefore, satisfying the dynamic force/torque equilibrium condition depends not only on a configuration of the multi-fingered hand system, but also on the shape of the grasped object. In this paper, a class of satisfying the force/torque equilibrium condition is expanded by generating counter tangential forces to suspend the rolling motion of each fingertip. In order to generate the counter tangential force, a relative attitude constraint between each finger is introduced. Firstly, a rolling constraint between each fingertip and object surface is given. Then, a relative attitude constraint control signal to generate constantly-produced tangential forces is designed. Finally, it is demonstrated through numerical simulations that the proposed control method accomplishes to grasp arbitrary shaped polyhedral objects and regulate its position and attitude, simultaneously..
231. 河村晃宏, 田原健二, 丸田圭吾, 倉爪 亮, 長谷川勉, 外界センサレス動的物体操作手法の実験的検証, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会, 2011.05.
232. K. Tahara and S. Arimoto, Iterative learinig scheme for a redundant manipulator: Skilled hand writing motion on an arbitrary smooth surface, IEEE Int. Conf. Robot. Automat., 2011.05.
233. Kenji Tahara, Suguru Arimoto, Iterative learning scheme for a redundant manipulator Skilled hand writing motion on an arbitrary smooth surface, 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2011, 2011.05, This paper proposes an iterative learning control scheme for a redundant manipulator to acquire a skilled hand writing motion of its end-point specified on an arbitrary smooth surface. Firstly, the existence of a unique solution to the Lagrange equation of motion of the robot, whose end-point motion is coincident with a given desired end-point trajectory described in Cartesian coordinate system, is shown theoretically. Second, the iterative learning control signal that enables the robot end-point to trace a desired trajectory specified on an arbitrary smooth surface with fulfilling a desired contact force is designed. Next, a numerical simulation for the iterative learning scheme is conducted to show the effectiveness of the proposed controller, and its result is compared to a theoretically derived desired joint angle trajectory. This comparison shows that there exists a unique solution of the desired joint angle trajectory when an initial pose of the manipulator and a desired end-point trajectory on the constraint surface are given, even under the existence of holonomic constraint and joint redundancy..
234. 河村晃宏, 田原健二, 倉爪 亮, 長谷川勉, 動的物体操作における指間相対姿勢拘束を用いた把持領域の拡張, 第16回ロボティクス・シンポジア, 2011.03.
235. 吉田守夫, 有本 卓, 田原健二, 転がり拘束下での拇指ロボットによる任意曲線を持つ環境に対する位置と力のハイブリッド制御, 第11回計測自動制御学会SI部門講演会, 2010.12.
236. 河村晃宏, 田原健二, 倉爪 亮, 長谷川勉, 把持物体のオンライン位置姿勢情報の欠損にロバストな動的物体操作, 第11回計測自動制御学会SI部門講演会, 2010.12.
237. A. Kawamura, K. Tahara, R. Kurazume and T. Hasegawa, Sensory feedback attitude control for a grasped object by a multi-fingered hand-arm system, IEEE Int. Conf. Robot. Biomim., 2010.12.
238. Akihiro Kawamura, Kenji Tahara, Ryo Kurazume, Tsutomu Hasegawa, Sensory feedback attitude control for a grasped object by a multi-fingered hand-arm system, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, ROBIO 2010, 2010.12, This paper proposes a novel method for stable grasping and attitude regulation of an object using a multi-fingered hand-arm system. The proposed method is based on a simple sensory-feedback control using the information of an object attitude, and any mathematically complicated computation, such as calculation of inverse dynamics and kinematics, are not required. In addition, the stability of the overall system applied this method is verified. Firstly, nonholonomic rolling constraints between a multi-fingered hand-arm system and an object are formulated. Then, a novel control method for stable grasping and attitude regulation of the grasped object is proposed. It is assumed that information of the attitude of the object is available in real time by external sensors, such as vision, force, tactile sensors, and so on. Next, the stability of the overall system is verified by analyzing the closed-loop dynamics. Finally, it is demonstrated through numerical simulations that our proposed method enables to grasp the object with arbitrary shape, and regulate the attitude of the object stably..
239. K. Tahara and H. Kino, Iterative learning scheme for a redundant musculoskeletal arm: Task space learning with joint and muscle redundancies, the 1st Int. Workshop on Robot Interaction, Control, Communication and Cooperation, 2010.11.
240. H. Kino, S. Kikuchi and K. Tahara, Decision method of internal force for sensorless positioning of musculoskeletal system, the 1st Int. Workshop on Robot Interaction, Control, Communication and Cooperation, 2010.11.
241. Hitoshi Kino, Shiro Kikuchi, Kenji Tahara, Decision method of internal force for sensorless positioning of musculoskeletal system, 5th International Conference on Broadband Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications, BWCCA 2010, 2010.11, In a musculoskeletal structure, a set of internal force among muscles plays an important role. The internal force has the particular potential field. Using this property, we can control the position of a musculoskeletal system without any sensory feedback. However, the internal force can not be selected uniquely due to the muscular redundancy. This paper proposes a decision method of the internal force for the feedforward positioning. The usefulness of the proposed method is demonstrated through numeral analysis..
242. Kenji Tahara, Hitoshi Kino, Iterative learning scheme for a redundant musculoskeletal arm Task space learning with joint and muscle redundancies, 5th International Conference on Broadband Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications, BWCCA 2010, 2010.11, This paper proposes an iterative learning control scheme in a task space for a musculoskeletal redundant planar arm model to accomplish a desired time dependent trajectory tracking task. In our previous work, we have proposed the iterative learning control scheme in a muscle length space for a two-link six-muscle planar arm model. This proposed method has been effective for performing a time dependent desired trajectory tracking task even under the existence of strong nonlinearity of muscles dynamics. However in the previous work, a muscle redundancy only treated, and a joint redundancy has not yet been considered. Also a solution of inverse kinematics from the task space to the joint angle space must be calculated in real-time. This paper considers both muscle and joint redundancies, and the task space iterative learning scheme is newly exploited. By introducing the task space controller, it is unnecessary to compute inverse kinematics from the task space to the joint space in real-time. Firstly, a three-joint nine-muscle redundant planar arm is modeled. Secondly, the task space iterative learning control signal is designed. Then finally, the effectiveness of our proposed controller is illustrated through some numerical simulation results even under the existence of both redundancies and the nonlinear muscle dynamics..
243. K. Tahara and H. Kino, Iterative learning control for a redundant musculoskeletal arm: Acquisition of adequate internal force, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intell. Robots, Syst., 2010.10.
244. A. Kawamura, K. Tahara, R. Kurazume and T. Hasegawa, Dexterous object manipulation by a human-like hand-arm system with unified controller, the 1st Int. Conf. Appl. Bion. Biomech., 2010.10.
245. K. Matsuo, K. Murakami, K. Niwaki, T. Hasegawa, K. Tahara and Ryo Kurazume, A tactile sensing for estimating the position and orientation of a joint-axis of a linked object, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intell. Robots, Syst., 2010.10.
246. Kazuya Matsuo, Kouji Murakami, Katsuya Niwaki, Tsutomu Hasegawa, Kenji Tahara, Ryo Kurazume, A tactile sensing for estimating the position and orientation of a joint-axis of a linked object, 23rd IEEE/RSJ 2010 International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2010, 2010.10, This paper describes a tactile sensing to estimate the position and orientation of a joint-axis of a linked object. This tactile sensing is useful when a multi-jointed multi-fingered robotic hand manipulates a tool which has a joint. This estimation requires sensing of the location of a contact point and the direction of an edge of the tool as contact information measured by a robotic fingertip. A conventional hard fingertip with a force sensor can measure only the location of a contact point. In contrast, we have already developed a robotic fingertip with a force sensor and a soft skin, and it can measure not only the location of a contact point but also the direction of an edge of an object. The estimation of a joint-axis of a linked object is demonstrated by using the soft fingertip..
247. Kenji Tahara, Hitoshi Kino, Iterative learning control for a redundant musculoskeletal arm Acquisition of adequate internal force, 23rd IEEE/RSJ 2010 International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2010, 2010.10, This paper presents a proposal of an iterative learning control method for a musculoskeletal arm to acquire adequate internal force to realize human-like natural movements. Additionally, a dynamic damping ellipsoid at the end-point is introduced to evaluate internal forces obtained through the iterative learning. In our previous works, we have presented that a human-like smooth reaching movement using a musculoskeletal redundant arm model can be obtained by introducing a nonlinear muscle model and "the Virtual spring-damper hypothesis". However, the internal forces have been determined heuristically, so far. In this paper, an iterative learning control method is used for acquisition of an adequate dynamic damping ellipsoid according to a given task, in order to determine internal forces more systematically. It is presented that the learning control scheme can perform effectively to realize given desired tasks, even under the existence of strong nonlinear characteristics of the muscles. After acquiring a given task, the dynamic damping ellipsoid is introduced to evaluate the relation between a damping effect generated by the acquired internal forces and a trajectory of the end-point. Some numerical simulations are performed and the usefulness of the learning control strategy, despite strong nonlinearity of the muscles, is demonstrated through these results..
248. 松谷祐希,菊池史朗,田原健二,木野 仁, 筋の粘性を考慮した筋骨格システムにおけるフィードフォワード位置制御, 第28回日本ロボット学会学術講演会, 2010.09.
249. 岩佐信吾,田原健二,那波 修,山本元司, 無段変速機構を有する逆可動性の高いマニピュレータの開発, 第28回日本ロボット学会学術講演会, 2010.09.
250. 河村晃宏,田原健二,倉爪 亮,長谷川勉, 多指ハンドアームシステムによる把持物体のオンライン情報を基にした姿勢操作手法, 第28回日本ロボット学会学術講演会, 2010.09.
251. 田原健二, 有本 卓, 冗長関節マニピュレータによる繰返し学習 -任意曲面上での書字動作-, 第28回日本ロボット学会学術講演会, 2010.09.
252. 吉田守夫,有本 卓,田原健二, 2本指ロボットによる任意形状を持つ物体把持の数値シミュレータ構築法, 第28回日本ロボット学会学術講演会, 2010.09.
253. 木野仁, 菊池史朗, 田原健二, 筋骨格システムの内力フィードフォワード位置制御における内力と筋配置の決定法, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2010.06.
254. 木野 仁, 菊池史朗, 田原健二, 筋骨格システムの内力フィードフォワード位置制御における内力と筋配置の決定法, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会, 2010.05.
255. K. Tahara, K. Maruta and M. Yamamoto, External sensorless dynamic object manipulation by a dual soft-fingered robotic hand with torsional fingertip motion, IEEE Int. Conf. Robot. Automat., 2010.05.
256. K. Tahara, S. Arimoto and M. Yoshida, Dynamic object manipulation using a virtual frame by a triple soft-fingered robotic hand, IEEE Int. Conf. Robot. Automat., 2010.05.
257. Kenji Tahara, Suguru Arimoto, Morio Yoshida, Dynamic object manipulation using a virtual frame by a triple soft-fingered robotic hand, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2010, 2010.05, This paper proposes a novel object manipulation method to regulate the position and attitude of an object in the task space with dynamic stability by using a triple soft-fingered robotic hand system. In our previous works, a dynamic object grasping method without use of any external sensing, called "the Blind Grasping", has been proposed. Although stable grasping in a dynamic sense has been realized by the method, a simultaneous object position and attitude control has not yet been treated, so far. In this paper, instead of using any information of the real object position and attitude, virtual data of object position and attitude are introduced by defining a virtual frame. By using the virtual information, a control signal to regulate the virtual object position and attitude without use of any external sensing is designed. The usefulness of our proposed control method even under the existence of nonholonomic rolling constraints is illustrated through a numerical simulation result..
258. Kenji Tahara, Keigo Maruta, Motoji Yamamoto, External sensorless dynamic object manipulation by a dual soft-fingered robotic hand with torsional fingertip motion, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2010, 2010.05, This paper proposes a novel object manipulation method by using a dual soft-fingered robotic hand system, in which each fingertip has a torsional joint. By using the torsional motion of the fingertips, a novel 3-dimensional dynamic object manipulation without use of any external sensing can be achieved even though the hand system has only two fingers. Firstly, our proposed system, which includes contact models between each fingertip and surfaces of an object, is modeled. A rolling contact between each fingertip and the object surfaces can be allowed because our proposed system has soft and deformable hemispheric fingertips. Moreover, a torsional contact model between each fingertip and the object surfaces is newly proposed. It is based on an assumption that the torsional motion induces an elastic strain potential. Secondly, a dynamic object manipulation control method is designed. The control signal is composed of four parts, the one is for grasping the object stably, the second one is for controlling a position of the object, the third one is for controlling an attitude of the object, and the last one is for the torsional fingertip motion. A numerical simulation based on our model is performed, and a manipulation experiment by using our developed setup is performed. The usefulness of our proposed method is demonstrated through these results..
259. 河村晃宏, 田原健二, 倉爪 亮, 長谷川勉, 多指ハンドアームシステムを用いたセンソリーフィードバックによる把持物体の姿勢制御, 第15回ロボティクス・シンポジア, 2010.03.
260. 吉田守夫, 有本 卓, 田原健二, 点補間法を用いた任意形状輪郭モデルの物体把持数値シミュレーション, 第10回計測自動制御学会SI部門講演会, 2009.12.
261. Kenji Tahara, Suguru Arimoto, Morio Yoshida, Dynamic force/torque equilibrium for stable grasping by a triple robotic fingers system, 2009 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2009, 2009.12, This paper proposes a stable object grasping method to realize dynamic force/torque equilibrium by using a triple robotic fingers system with soft and deformable hemispherical fingertips. In the authors' previous works, "Blind Grasping" control scheme, which realizes stable object grasping without use of any external sensing such as vision, force, or tactile sensing in the case of using a pair of robot fingers, has been proposed. This control methodology is based on a unique configuration of human hand, called "Fingers-Thumb Opposability". In this paper, a ternary finger in addition to a pair of fingers is introduced not only to expand a stable region of grasping, but also to enhance dexterity and versatility of the multi-fingered robotic hand system. To this end, a "Blind Grasping" manner is modified in order to install it in the triple fingers system. First, dynamics of the triple robotic fingers system and a grasped object with considering rolling constraints is modeled, and a control input based on the blind grasping manner is designed. Next, the closed-loop dynamics is derived and a stability analysis is shown briefly. Finally, its usefulness is discussed through numerical simulation results..
262. Akihiro Kawamura, Kenji Tahara, Ryo Kurazume, Tsutomu Hasegawa, Dynamic grasping for an arbitrary polyhedral object by a multi-fingered hand-arm system, 2009 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2009, 2009.12, This paper proposes a novel control method for stable grasping using a multi-fingered hand-arm system with soft hemispherical finger tips. The proposed method is simple but easily achieves stable grasping of an arbitrary polyhedral object using an arbitrary number of fingers. Firstly, we formulate nonholonomic constraints between a multi-fingered hand-arm system and an object constrained by rolling contact with finger tips, and derive a condition for stable grasping by stability analysis. A new index for evaluating the possibility of stable grasping is proposed and efficient initial relative positions between finger tips and the object for realizing stable grasping are analyzed. The stability of the proposed system and the validity of the index are verified through numerical simulations..
263. Morio Yoshida, Suguru Arimoto, Kenji Tahara, Pinching 2D object with arbitrary shape by two robot fingers under rolling constraints, 2009 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2009, 2009.12, Modeling of pinching an object with arbitrary shape by a pair of robot fingers with hemispherical ends in a horizontal plane is proposed in a mathematical and computational manner. Since the curvature of an object contour with an arbitrary curve is variable according to the change of the contact point between the object surface and the rigid finger tip, the arclength paremeter "s" explicitly appears in the overall fingers-object dynamics. It is shown that the overall fingers-object system should be accompanied with the first-order differential equation of the parameter "s" that includes the curvatures of both the object contour and finger-tip curve. A control input, which is of the same category as the control input called "blind grasping" appeared in our former papers, is utilized for the realization of stable grasp. The control input does neither need to use the kinematic information of the object nor use any external sensing. Finally, numerical simulations are carried out in order to confirm the effectiveness of our proposed model and control input..
264. Kazuya Matsuo, Kouji Murakami, Tsutomu Hasegawa, Kenji Tahara, Ryo Kurazume, Segmentation method of human manipulation task based on measurement of force imposed by a human hand on a grasped object, 2009 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2009, 2009.12, This paper proposes a segmentation method of human manipulation task based on measurement of contact force imposed by a human hand on a grasped object. We define an index measure for segmenting a human manipulation task into primitives. The indices are calculated from the set of the contact forces measured at all the contact points during a manipulation task. Then, we apply the EM algorithm to the set of the indices in order to segment the manipulation task into primitives. These primitives are mapped onto the robotic hand to impose appropriate contact forces on a grasped object. In the experiments, manipulation tasks performed in daily human life have been successfully segmented..
265. K. Matsuo, K. Murakami, T. Hasegawa, K. Tahara and R. Kurazume, Segmentation method of human manipulation task based on measurement of force imposed by a human hand on a grasped object, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intell. Robots, Syst., 2009.10.
266. M. Yoshida, S. Arimoto and K. Tahara, Pinching 2D object with arbitrary shape by two robot fingers under rolling constraints, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intell. Robots, Syst., 2009.10.
267. A. Kawamura, K. Tahara, R. Kurazume and T. Hasegawa, Dynamic grasping for an arbitrary polyhedral object by a multi-fingered hand-arm system, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intell. Robots, Syst., 2009.10.
268. K. Tahara, S. Arimoto and M. Yoshida, Dynamic force/torque equilibrium for stable grasping by a triple robotic fingers system, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intell. Robots, Syst., 2009.10.
269. 菊池史朗, 木野仁, 田原健二, 筋骨格システムのフィードフォワード位置制御におけるGAを用いた内力決定法, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2009.09.
270. 田原健二, 木野仁, 筋骨格システムにおける繰返し学習を用いた筋内力の獲得と動的手先粘性楕円体による評価, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2009.09.
271. 吉田守夫, 有本卓, 田原健二, 楕円形状を有する2次元物体把持の数値シミュレータ構築法, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2009.09.
272. 田原健二, 有本卓, 吉田守夫, 柔軟3本指ロボットハンドによる仮想フレームを用いた対象物体の位置・姿勢制御, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2009.09.
273. 田原健二, 丸田圭悟, 山本元司, 指先捻転機構を有する柔軟2本指ハンドのモデル化と制御, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2009.09.
274. S. Arimoto, M. Yoshida, M. Sekimoto, K. Tahara and J.-H. Bae, Modeling and control for 2-D grasping of an object with arbitrary shape under rolling contact, IFAC Symp. Robot Control, 2009.09.
275. M. Yoshida, S. Arimoto and K. Tahara, Manipulation of 2D object with arbitrary shape by two robot finger under rolling constraint, ICROS-SICE Int. Joint Conf., 2009.08.
276. Morio Yoshida, Suguru Arimoto, Kenji Tahara, Manipulation of 2D object with arbitrary shape by robot finger under rolling constraint, ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009, ICCAS-SICE 2009, 2009.08, Contact of two contours of a pinched object and a robot finger tip, with arbitrary shape, is expressed in terms of differential geometry. The overall finger-object dynamics with rolling and contact constraints is derived as Euler-Lagrange' equation of motion and the first differential equation with curvatures of the contours is derived for updating the length parameters. Despite the complicated mathematical structure, a control input signal is proposed, which can be constructed without using object geometrical information or external sensing, and it is shown that it is effective to stabilize rotation of the object. Consequently, numerical simulations are carried out in order to demonstrate the practicality of the proposed model and control signal..
277. A. Kawamura, K. Tahara, R. Kurazume and T. Hasegawa, Simple orientation control of an object by regrasping using a dual-arm manipulator with multi-fingered hands, the 14th Int. Conf. Adv. Robot., 2009.06.
278. M. Yoshida, S. Arimoto and K. Tahara, Modeling and control of pinching 2D object with arbitrary shape by a pair of robot fingers under rolling constraints, Multibody Dynamics, ECCOMAS Thematic Conference, 2009.06.
279. K. Matsuo, K. Murakami, T. Hasegawa, K. Tahara and R. Kurazume, Measurement of static constraints imposed by a human hand on a grasped objects, the 14th Int. Conf. Adv. Robot., 2009.06.
280. Kazuya Matsuo, Kouji Murakami, Tsutomu Hasegawa, Kenji Tahara, Ryo Kurazume, Measurement of static constraints imposed by a human hand on a grasped object, 2009 International Conference on Advanced Robotics, ICAR 2009, 2009.06, This paper proposes a method of directly measuring static constraints imposed by a human hand on a grasped object.Based on the analysis of the demonstration data of the human grasp, the static constraints are expressed as a combination of frictional force and normal force generated by the human hand.The static constraints are an important property to be mapped to robotic hands in the programming-by-demonstration.Measured static constraints are to be generated to robotic hands to establish the stable grasp.In the experiments, we have successfully measured the static constraints appeared in various different grasps used in the daily human life..
281. Akihiro Kawamura, Kenji Tahara, Ryo Kurazume, Tsutomu Hasegawa, Simple orientation control of an object by regrasping using a dual-arm manipulator with multi-fingered hands, 2009 International Conference on Advanced Robotics, ICAR 2009, 2009.06, This paper proposes a novel control method for stable object grasping and orientation control using a dual-arm manipulator with multi-fingered hands. The control signal of the proposed method is simple but it can easily achieve stable grasping without external sensors and an orientation control of a grasped object. Firstly, holonomic constraints between a dual-arm manipulator with multi-fingered hands and the object surfaces are formulated, and the stability of the system is discussed through its convergence analysis. Next, it is shown that the relationship between a final orientation of an object and initial contact positions of finger tips becomes quasi-linear. Using this quasi-linear relationship, an orientation control method utilizing regrasping of the object is derived. It is verified that the proposed method enables to perform simple orientation control of the object without real-time external sensing through numerical simulations..
282. 田原健二, 松尾純志, 山本元司, 柔軟拇指ロボットによるBlind Touching制御の実験的検証, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2009.05.
283. 田原健二, 丸田圭悟, 山本元司, 指先捻転機構を有する柔軟多指ハンドの開発, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2009.05.
284. 河村晃宏, 田原健二, 倉爪亮, 長谷川勉, 多指ハンドを有するハンドアームシステムを用いた動的多面体把持, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2009.05.
285. M. Yoshida, S. Arimoto and K. Tahara, Modeling and control of a pair of robot fingers with saddle joint under orderless actuations, IEEE Int. Conf. Robot. Automat., 2009.05.
286. H. Kino, S. Kikuchi, T. Yahiro and K. Tahara, Basic study of biarticular muscle’s effect on muscular internal force control based on physiological hypotheses, IEEE Int. Conf. Robot. Automat., 2009.05.
287. S. Arimoto, M. Yoshida, M. Sekimoto and K. Tahara, A Riemannian-Geometry approach for dynamics and control of object manipulation under constraints, IEEE Int. Conf. Robot. Automat., 2009.05.
288. Suguru Arimoto, Morio Yoshida, Masahiro Sekimoto, Kenji Tahara, A riemannian-geometry approach for dynamics and control of object manipulation under constraints, 2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA '09, 2009.05, A Riemannian-geometry approach for control and stabilization of dynamics of object manipulation under holonomic or non-holonomic (but Pfaffian) constraints is presented. First, position/force hybrid control of an endeffector of a multijoint redundant (or nonredundant) robot under a nonholonomic constraint is reinterpreted in terms of "submersion" in Riemannian geometry. A force control signal constructed in the image space spanned from the constraint gradient can be regarded as a lifting in the direction orthogonal to the kernel space. By means of the Riemannian distance on the constraint submanifold, stability on a manifold for a redundant system under holonomic constraints is discussed. Second, control and stabilization of dynamics of two-dimensional object grasping and manipulation by using a pair of multi-joint robot fingers are tackled, when a rigid object is given with arbitrary shape. Then, it is shown that rolling contact constraint induce the Euler equation of motion in an implicit function form, in which constraint forces appear as wrench vectors affecting on the object. The Riemannian metric can be introduced in a natural way on a constraint submanifold induced by rolling contacts. A control signal called "blind grasping" is defined and shown to be effective in stabilization of grasping without using the details of information of object shape and parameters or external sensing. The concept of stability of the closedloop system under constraints is renewed in order to overcome the degrees-of-freedom redundancy problem. An extension of Dirichlet-Lagrange's stability theorem to a system of DOFredundancy under constraints is presented by using a Morse- Lyapunov function..
289. H. Kino, S. Kikuchi, T. Yahiro, Kenji Tahara, Basic study of biarticular muscle's effect on muscular internal force control based on physiological hypotheses, 2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA '09, 2009.05, In a musculoskeletal structure, the internal force among muscles plays an important role. Changing the internal force enables to control not only joint angles but also impedance, so that vertebrate animals can produce a motion according to a situation. Focusing on a musculoskeletal system with two links and six muscles, this paper investigate the effect of biarticular muscles when feedforward position control is inputted. This control gives the constant internal force balancing at desired posture as feedforward input, based on the EP hypothesis in physiology. From the result, we point out that the biarticular muscles can reduce the convergent time of the motion, and theyalso can stabilize the system..
290. 田原 健二, 丸田 圭悟, 山本 元司, 2A2-A14 指先捻転機構を有する柔軟多指ハンドの開発, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2009.05, This paper proposes a novel soft-fingered robotic hand system whose fingertips can perform torsional movement. By using the torsion movement, object manipulations that cannot be executed by human's hand or current humanoid robotic hands are enabled. Moreover, it becomes possible to simplify the motion planning of the hand system for a part of object manipulation. First, we show the mechanism of our robotic hand. Second, a control method, which is not only to grasp an object stably but also to realize desired object position and orientation, is proposed. Then, an experiment of object manipulation is carried out, and discuss the usefulness of our proposed system..
291. 田原 健二, 松尾 純志, 山本 元司, 2A2-B03 柔軟拇指ロボットによるBlind Touching制御の実験的検証, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2009.05, This paper shows experimental results for a hybrid contact force/position control method using 5 D.O.F. soft robotic thumb under 3D rolling constraints and fingertip's deformation due to its softness. One of the authors has previously proposed one of the hybrid contact force/position control method without use of any external sensing, called "Blind Touching" control. By using our controller, a desired position and a contact force can be realized without switching any control law, even though both contact and noncontact phases are included into a desired movement. The usefulness of our proposed control method is shown through some experimental results..
292. 田原健二, 有本 卓, 吉田守夫, 3本指ロボットを用いた物体把持における動的力/トルク平衡の実現, 第14回ロボティクス・シンポジア, 2009.03.
293. 松尾純志, 田原健二, 山本元司, 拇指ロボットを用いた外界センサーレスによる接触力・位置の同時制御についての実験的検証, 第9回計測自動制御学会SI部門講演会, 2008.12.
294. 河村晃宏, 田原健二, 倉爪 亮, 長谷川勉, 多指ハンドを有する双腕ロボットを用いた持ち替えによる物体の簡易姿勢制御, 第9回計測自動制御学会SI部門講演会, 2008.12.
295. 吉田守夫, 有本 卓, 田原健二, ころがり接触する2次元任意形状物体の把持と操作の動的モデルの導出と制御法, 第9回計測自動制御学会SI部門講演会, 2008.12.
296. 田原健二, 有本卓, 木野仁, 冗長筋の内力調整による関節粘性の制御, システム・情報部門学術講演会講演論文集, 2008.11.
297. 吉田守夫, 有本卓, 田原健二, LUO Zhi‐Wei, 順序関係が無い鞍関節と柔軟な指先を有する2本指ロボットを用いた安定把持制御, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2008.09.
298. 木野 仁, 菊池史朗, 八尋俊明, 田原健二, 運動生理仮説に基づく筋内力制御における二関節筋の影響第一報:ポテンシャル場を用いた基礎的研究, 第26回日本ロボット学会学術講演会, 2008.09.
299. 田原健二, 木野仁, 筋骨格冗長アームの手先到達運動における手先粘性楕円体を用いた筋内力の評価, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2008.09.
300. 高木賢太郎, 田原健二, 吉田守夫, 伊東保志, 三田勝己, LUO Zhi‐Wei, 等尺性単収縮における筋力・筋音応答の線形状態空間モデル同定, 生体・生理工学シンポジウム論文集, 2008.09.
301. 田原健二, 有本卓, 吉田守夫, 柔軟3本指ロボットによる物体の動的把持と操作, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2008.09.
302. K. Tahara, S. Arimoto and M. Yoshida, Dynamic object grasping by a triple-fingered robotic hand, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intell. Robots, Syst., 2008.09.
303. Kenji Tahara, Suguru Arimoto, Morio Yoshida, Dynamic object grasping by a triple-fingered robotic hand, 2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS, 2008.09, This paper deals with dynamic object grasping and position control by using a triple-fingered robotic hand with hemispherical soft finger tips. In the authors' previous works, a dynamic object grasping method by using a pair of robotic fingers, called "Blind Grasping", which does not need to use any external sensing, was proposed. However, it is so far assumed that spinning motion around the opposite axis for the object does not occur during the overall movement, because there are only two opposite fingers and thereby the spinning is uncontrollable. By introducing a surplus finger in addition to a pair of robotic fingers, this spinning can be inhibited and it becomes controllable. In this paper, a triple-fingered robotic hand system with nonholonomic constraints is modeled, and a control input to realize stable grasping with object position control is proposed. Its usefulness and effectiveness are illustrated through some numerical simulation results..
304. 木野仁, 菊池史朗, 八尋俊明, 田原健二, 運動生理仮説に基づく筋内力制御における二関節筋の影響 第一報:ポテンシャル場を用いた基礎的研究, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2008.09.
305. K. Tahara, S. Arimoto, M. Sekimoto, M. Yoshida and Z.W. Luo, On iterative learning control for simultaneous force/position trajectory tracking by using a 5 d.o.f. robotic thumb under non-holonomic rolling constraints, IEEE Int. Conf. Robot. Automat., 2008.05.
306. Kenji Tahara, Suguru Arimoto, Masahiro Sekimoto, Morio Yoshida, Zhi Wei Luo, On iterative learning control for simultaneous force/position trajectory tracking by using a 5 D.O.F. robotic thumb under non-holonomic rolling constraints, 2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2008, 2008.05, This paper proposes an iterative learning control method for simultaneous force/position tracking tasks by using a 5 D.O.F. robotic thumb under non-holonomic rolling constraints. In our previous works, "blind touching", which is defined as a point-to-point control scheme for the robot to realize a desired contact position and a contact force simultaneously without any external sensing, have proposed. In this paper, an iterative learning control manner to realize a desired continuous trajectory of the center of the contact point together with a desired contact force on the task plane is proposed. The usefulness of this learning control method is demonstrated by showing results of computer simulations..
307. Y. Itoh, K. Tahara, K. Takagi, M. Yoshida, Z.W. Luo, K, Akataki and K. Mita, Amplitude properties of mechanomyogram with stimulation intensity during single twitch contraction produced by electrical stimulation, Int. Symp. Biol. Physiol. Eng. / the 22nd SICE Symp. Biol. Physiol. Eng., 2008.01.
308. Masaki Onishi, Zhi Wei Luo, Tadashi Odashima, Shinya Hirano, Kenji Tahara, Toshiharu Mukai, Generation of human care behaviors by human-interactive robot RI-MAN, 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA'07, 2007.11, Recently, active researches have been performed to increase a robot's intelligence so as to realize the dexterous tasks in complex environment such as in the street or homes. However, since the skillful human-like task ability is so difficult to be formulated for the robot, not only the analytical and theoretical control researches but also the direct human motion mimetic approach is necessary. In this paper, we propose that to realize the environmental interactive tasks, such as human care tasks, it is insufficient to replay the human motion along. We show a novel motion generation approach to integrate the cognitive information into the mimic of human motions so as to realize the final complex task by the robot..
309. 田原健二, 有本卓, 関本昌紘, 吉田守夫, LUO Zhi‐Wei, 柔軟拇指ロボットを用いた繰返し学習による接触力・位置の同時軌道追従制御, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2007.09.
310. 小田島正, 大西正輝, 田原健二, 向井利春, 平野慎也, LUO Zhi Wei, 細江繁幸, 抱え上げ動作による移乗作業を目的とした介護支援ロボット研究用プラットフォーム”RI‐MAN”の開発と評価, 日本ロボット学会誌, 2007.05.
311. K. Tahara, S. Arimoto, Z.W. Luo and M. Yoshida, On control for "Blind Touching" by human-like thumb robots, IEEE Int. Conf. Robot. Automat., 2007.04.
312. M. Onishi, Z.W. Luo, S. Hirano, K. Tahara and T. Mukai, Generation of human care behaviors by human-interactive robot RI-MAN, IEEE Int. Conf. Robot. Automat., 2007.04.
313. Kenji Tahara, Suguru Arimoto, Zhi Wei Luo, Morio Yoshida, On control for "blind touching" by human-like thumb robots, 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA'07, 2007.04, Human can pinch or grasp and manipulate an object stably and dexterously. Accomplishment of such tasks is contributed from human hand's configuration, called "Fingers-thumb opposability". This opposability of the thumb against other digits is specific and granted to only human among primates. When we use a cell phone, or change a TV's channel using a remote controller, we grasp it by a palm and digits other than the thumb, and push buttons using the thumb quickly, without looking the buttons. These kinds of thumb's movement seem to be one of the most intelligent movements in a human. Therefore, execution of such touching tasks without visual or tactile sensing is called in this paper "Blind Touching". The goal of this research is to realize human-like "Blind Touching" by means of a 5 D.O.F. thumb robot model with soft and hemispherical finger-tip. To do this, we formulate a simultaneous contact position and touching force control by using 3-Dimensional rolling contact with the task plane. First, dynamics of the 5 D.O.F. thumb robot model with hemispherical soft finger-tip under rolling constraints is derived. Then, a sensory-motor control law without vision, force or tactile sensing is proposed. Some numerical simulations show that the desired contact position and touching force can be attained by the proposed control scheme. A theoretical proof of convergence to the desired state is also presented..
314. 木野 仁, 八尋俊明, 山下清一郎, 谷口祥平, 田原健二, 完全拘束型パラレルワイヤ駆動における目標内力を用いたフィードフォワード位置決め:第3報摩擦補償の考察, 第12回ロボティクス・シンポジア, 2007.03.
315. 田原健二, 有本 卓, 羅 志偉, 吉田守夫, 拇指ロボットの3次元回転接触を利用した``BlindTouching''の実現, 第7回計測自動制御学会SI部門講演会, 2006.12.
316. 小田島正, 田原健二, 羅 志偉, 人を抱え上げるロボットに求められる機構上の工夫とその実装, 第7回計測自動制御学会SI部門講演会, 2006.12.
317. 平野慎也, 小田島正, 大西正輝, 田原健二, 高木賢太郎, 向井利春, 羅 志偉, 人と接するソフトロボット“RI-MAN”のための複合階層型分散制御ネットワークの構築, 第7回計測自動制御学会SI部門講演会, 2006.12.
318. 高木賢太郎, 田原健二, 伊東保志, 三田勝己, LUO Zhi‐Wei, 特異値分解法を用いた筋力と筋音の時間応答解析, 生体・生理工学シンポジウム論文集, 2006.11.
319. 田原健二, 羅 志偉, 有本 卓, 仮想バネ・ダンパー仮説に基づいた筋内力と手先粘性の関係に関する考察, 第49回自動制御連合講演会, 2006.11.
320. K. Tahara, Z.W. Luo and S. Arimoto, On control mechanism of human-like reaching movements with musculo-skeletal redundancy, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intell. Robots, Syst., 2006.10.
321. T. Odashima, M. Onishi, K. Tahara, K. Takagi, F. Asano, Y. Kato, H. Nakashima, Y. Kobayashi, T. Mukai, Z.W. Luo and S. Hosoe, A soft human-interactive robot RI-MAN, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intell. Robots, Syst., 2006.10.
322. Kenji Tahara, Zhi Wei Luo, Suguru Arimoto, On control mechanism of human-like reaching movements with musculo-skeletal redundancy, 2006 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2006, 2006.10, This paper focuses on a sensory-motor control mechanism in human reaching movements from the perspective of robotics. By formulating a musculo-skeletal redundant system which takes into account a nonlinear muscle property and performing numerical simulations, we suggest that the human-like reaching movements can be realized by using only simple task-space feedback scheme together with the internal force effect coming from nonlinear property of muscles without any complex mathematical computation such as an inverse dynamics or some optimal trajectory derivation. Firstly, we introduce both kinematics and dynamics of a three-link serial manipulator with six monoarticular muscles and three biarticular muscles model whose movements are limited within a horizontal plane. Secondly, the nonlinear muscle property coming from a physiological study based on Hill's muscle model, is taken into consideration. This nonlinearity makes it possible to modulate the damping effect in joint-space by considering the internal force generated by the redundant muscles. By utilizing this feature, the end-point converges to the desired point using only simple task-space feedback control scheme, even thought the system owns both the joint and muscle redundancies. Finally, we illustrate numerical simulations to show the effectiveness of the control scheme, and suggest one of the direction to study brain-motor control mechanism of human movements..
323. 田原健二, LUO Zhi‐Wei, 小澤隆太, BAE Ji‐Hun, 有本卓, 筋骨格冗長指モデルによるピンチング動作の実現, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2006.09.
324. 小田島正, 大西正輝, 田原健二, 向井利春, 平野慎也, 羅 志偉, 人間と接するロボットRI-MANの開発, 第16回インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム, 2006.09.
325. 小田島正, 大西正輝, 田原健二, 向井利春, 平野慎也, LUO Zhiwei, 人間と接するロボットRI‐MANの開発, インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム講演論文集, 2006.09.
326. K. Tahara, Z.W. Luo and S. Arimoto, On control strategy of a redundant musculo-skeletal arm system, the 3rd Conf. Artificial Muscles, 2006.05.
327. K. Tahara, Z.W. Luo, R. Ozawa, J.-H. Bae and S. Arimoto, Bio-mimetic study on pinching motions of a dual-finger model with synergistic actuation of antagonist muscles, IEEE Int. Conf. Robot. Automat., 2006.05.
328. 大西正輝, 向井利春, 浅野文彦, 小田島正, 田原健二, 高木賢太郎, 羅 志偉, 平野慎也, 触覚情報を用いたソフトロボットによる全身マニピュレーション, 第6回計測自動制御学会SI部門講演会, 2005.12.
329. 田原健二, 羅 志偉, 有本 卓, 筋冗長多リンク系によるリーチング動作について, 第6回計測自動制御学会SI部門講演会, 2005.12.
330. 小田島正, 田原健二, 高木賢太郎, 平野慎也, 大西正輝, 浅野文彦, 加藤 陽, 中島弘道, 小林祐一, 向井利春, 羅 志偉, 細江繁幸, 人と接するロボットに求められる機能とは, 第6回計測自動制御学会SI部門講演会, 2005.12.
331. 大西正輝, 浅野文彦, 向井利春, 小田島正, 田原健二, 高木賢太郎, LUO Zhiwei, 触覚情報を用いたロボットの動的マニピュレーション, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2005.09.
332. 小田島正, 田原健二, 大西正輝, 高木賢太郎, 浅野文彦, 向井利春, LUO Zhiwei, 抱え上げ動作検証用ロボットアームの開発, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2005.09.
333. 田原健二, LUO Zhi‐Wei, 有本卓, 木野仁, リーチング運動を行う冗長筋骨格系の適応重力補償について, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2005.09.
334. K. Tahara, Z.W. Luo, S. Arimoto and H. Kino, Sensory-motor control of a muscle redundant arm for reaching movements -Convergence analysis and gravity compensation-, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intell. Robots, Syst., 2005.08.
335. Kenji Tahara, Zhi Wei Luo, Suguru Arimoto, Hitoshi Kino, Sensory-motor control of a muscle redundant arm for reaching movements - Convergence analysis and gravity compensation, IEEE IRS/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2005, 2005.08, -In this paper, we study the sensory motor control mechanism in human reaching movements by considering the redundant muscle dynamics. We first formulate the kinematics and dynamics of a two-link arm model with six muscles, and introduce the nonlinear muscle dynamics based on the biological understanding. Secondly, we show the stability of the system by using intrinsic muscle characteristics and La Salle's invariance theorem. From this result and the numerical simulations, we propose that the reaching movement can be regulated by the internal forces of the redundant muscles, in detail, the muscle's internal forces can be used to control the damping of the joints. In addition, human can compensate the gravity by using antigravity muscles. To realize this effect in the arm, we propose the gravity compensation method at the muscle input level from the viewpoint of robotics. We present the result of numerical simulation to verify the usefulness of this compensation method..
336. K. Takagi, Z.W. Luo, K. Asaka and K. Tahara, Limited-angle motor using ionic polymer metal composite, Smart Structures and Materials, 2005.05.
337. K. Tahara, Z.W. Luo, S. Arimoto and H. Kino, Task-space feedback control for a two-link arm driven by six muscles with variable damping and elastic properties, IEEE Int. Conf. Robot. Automat., 2005.04.
338. Kenji Tahara, Zhi Wei Luo, Suguru Arimoto, Hitoshi Kino, Task-space feedback control for a two-link arm driven by six muscles with variable damping and elastic properties, 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2005.04, It is well-known that a human musculo-skeletal body is redundant in terms of both kinematics and dynamics. The former means that the degree of freedom in joint space is larger than that in task space, and the latter means that a joint is driven by a number of muscles. All human skillful movements can be performed by using both redundancies. However, these redundancies induce the underlying ill-posedness problem that each joint angle and muscle's output forces cannot be uniquely determined. These ill-posedness problems are known as "Bernstein's problem" and are important to understand how human multi-joint movements are produced. In this study, we address the latter redundancy problem on how muscle's output forces can be determined from the viewpoint of robotics. In this paper, we consider a reaching movement by means of a two-link planar arm with six muscles and show that both damping and elastic properties coming from nonlinear dynamics of the muscles play a crucial role. By using a simple task space feedback control input together with an additional term to control the internal force to regulate damping and elasticity in joint space, we show some simulation results which exhibit human-like quasi-straight line movement..
339. 高木賢太郎, 羅 志偉, 安積欣志, 田原健二, イオン導電性高分子を用いた有限回転型人工筋アクチュエータ, 第5回計測自動制御学会SI部門講演会, 2004.12.
340. K. Tahara, Z.W. Luo, S. Arimoto and H. Kino, Dynamic simulation of redundant musculo-skeletal control system, the 4th Int. Symp. Human and Artificial Intelligence Systems, 2004.12.
341. Kenji Tahara, Z. W. Luo, T. Odashima, M. Onishi, S. Hosoe, A. Kato, Dynamic control and simulation of human musculo-skeletal model, SICE Annual Conference 2004, 2004.12, In this paper, we propose a dynamic human motion simulator to clarify and obtain the natural movement as human carries out. This system consists of a 3D motion capturing system, which has 6 high-speed cameras, 8 force plates, 10 3-axis accelerometers and 32 EMG sensors. To reconstruct the human's complex movement in VR space, a dynamic simulation model of human muscle-skeletal body is constructed. This model has 100 segments of born and has totally 105 D.O.F. in whole body, and also 300 muscles are included in this model. These muscles have the properties of stiffness, damping and contractive force generation. This platform makes it possible for construct human dynamic motion control functions more precisely and is thus useful for biomimetic robots. By using the super-redundant human body model, we are studying the brain motor control functions through the dynamic simulations..
342. Fumihiko Asano, Zhi Wei Luo, Kenji Tahara, Masaki Yamakita, Shigeyuki Hosoe, Modeling and control for whole arm dynamic cooperative manipulation, 2004 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2004.12, This paper studies modeling and bio-mimetic control of a 3D 8-dof whole arm cooperative manipulation system using sensitive skin. A sphere is considered here as a manipulated object. The control law is designed based on integration of voluntary and reflex movements considering the system's redundancy. The voluntary task for holding the object is realized by impedance control at the four contact points with the object using the contact force information from the sensitive skin. The reflection on the other hand is introduced as a regulation problem of the direction between the points of end-effectors and elbows. The solution for the redundant control is formulated and derived from the optimization point of view. The validity of the proposed method is investigated by numerical simulations..
343. F. Asano, Z.W. Luo, K. Tahara, M. Yamakita and S. Hosoe, Modeling and control for whole arm dynamic cooperative manipulation, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intell. Robots, Syst., 2004.10.
344. F. Asano, Z.W. Luo, M. Yamakita, K. Tahara and S. Hosoe, Bio-mimetic control for whole arm cooperative manipulation, IEEE Syst. Man, Cybern., 2004.10.
345. K. Tahara, Z.W. Luo, T. Odashima, M. Onishi, F. Asano and A. Kato, Modeling and dynamic simulation of super-redundant musculo-skeletal system, Complex Syst. Intell. Modern Technological Applications, 2004.09.
346. K. Tahara, Z.W. Luo, T. Odashima, M. Onishi, S. Hosoe and A. Kato, Dynamic control and simulation of human musculo-skeletal model, SICE Annual Conference, 2004.08.
347. 田原健二, LUO Z‐W, 加藤厚生, 筋骨格系モデルを用いた動力学シミュレータの開発, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2004.06.
348. 浅野文彦, LUO Z‐W, 山北昌毅, 田原健二, 細江繁幸, 双腕協調型フルアーム・マニピュレーションのためのバイオ・ミメティック制御, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2004.06.
349. K. Tahara, T. Odashima, M. Onishi, F. Asano, Z.W. Luo and S. Hosoe, Development of a dynamic human movement analysys platform, the 2nd Conf. Artificial Muscles, 2004.05.
350. 田原健二, 羅 志偉, 加藤厚生, 身体の動的運動計測による筋骨格モデルの動力学シミュレーション, 第4回計測自動制御学会SI部門講演会, 2003.12.
351. S. Arimoto, J.-H. Bae and K. Tahara, Stability on a manifold: simultaneous realization of grasp and orientation control of an object by a pair of roboto fingers, IEEE Int. Conf. Robot. Automat., 2003.09.
352. S. Arimoto, J.-H. Bae, M. Yoshida and K. Tahara, Stability on a manifold: concurrent control for secure grasp and manipulation of a rigid object by dual robot fingers, IFAC Symp. Robot Control, 2003.09.
353. S. Nakamura, K. Tahara J.-H. Bae, M. Sekimoto and S. Arimoto, Experiments of grasping and object-manipulation by a pair of multi-degree of freedom robot fingers, IEEE Int. Symp. Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation, 2003.07.
354. J.-H. Bae, K. Tahara, S. Nakamura and S. Arimoto, Computer simulation of grasping and object-manipulation by a pair of multi-degree of freedom robot fingers, IEEE Int. Symp. Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation, 2003.07.
355. J. H. Bae, Kenji Tahara, S. Nakamura, S. Arimoto, Computer simulation of grasping and object-manipulation by a pair of multi-degrees of freedom robot fingers, 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation, CIRA 2003, 2003.01, This paper is concerned with computer simulation of concurrent grasp and orientation control of an object with two parallel flat surfaces by a pair of multi-degrees of freedom robot fingers that have rigid hemispherical ends. Firstly, geometrical relationships in the overall fingers-object system are discussed through four algebraic constraints between the finger tips and surfaces of the object. Then, differential algebraic equations expressing dynamics of the overall system are derived. Secondly, a sensory feedback signal for concurrent grasp and orientation control of the object is proposed and a full description of matrix form for numerically solving the closed-loop differential algebraic equation of the overall fingers-object system on the basis of the CSM (constraint stabilization method) is presented. Thirdly, simulation results of grasping and orientation control of the object are shown and then, the effects of each term of the proposed control input signal on the system performances are discussed. Finally, a guidance of gain tuning is suggested on the basis of well-known force-velocity characteristics of human muscle in muscle physiology..
356. S. Nakamura, Kenji Tahara, J. H. Bae, M. Sekimoto, S. Arimoto, Experiments of grasping and object-manipulation by a pair of multi-degrees of freedom robot fingers, 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation, CIRA 2003, 2003.01, This paper is concerned with experimental analysis of pinching motion by a pair of multi-degrees of freedom robot fingers with rigid hemispherical tips. The experiments were carried out in the case that a parallelepiped object is placed on a non-slippery plate in a horizontal plane and motion of the fingers and the object is confined to the plane. As predicted from the theoretical analyses, experimental results show that stable grasping in a dynamic sense is realized by a sensory feedback constructed by using measurement data of finger joint angles and the rotational angle of the object. Further, it is shown from the experiments that an additional sensory feedback works well in realizing concurrent stable grasp and orientation control of the object..
357. 有本 卓, べ 芝薫, 田原健二, 多様体上の安定性と冗長自由度の不良設定問題の解消, 第3回計測自動制御学会SI部門講演会, 2002.12.
358. S. Arimoto, J.-H. Bae and K. Tahara, Dynamic stable pinching by a pair of robot fingers, IFAC Conf. Mechatronic Systems, 2002.12.
359. 田原健二, べ 芝薫, 中村慎介, 有本 卓, 2本指ロボットを用いたSensoryfeedbackによる物体の安定把持・姿勢制御, 日本ロボット学会創立20周年記念学術講演会, 2002.10.
360. 田原健二, BAE J, 中村慎介, 有本卓, 2本指ロボットを用いたSensory feedbackによる物体の安定把持・姿勢制御, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2002.10.
361. K. Tahara, M. Yamaguchi, J.-H. Bae, S. Nakamura and S. Arimoto, Experimental results of dymanic stable grasping by a pair of robot fingers with soft tips, Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation, 2002.07.
362. 有本 卓, 田原健二, P.T.A. Nguyen, 重力影響下における柔軟多指ハンドの安定把持, 第2回計測自動制御学会SI部門講演会, 2001.12.
363. 田原健二, 山口光治, 有本卓, 柔軟2本指ロボットによる安定把持・姿勢制御の実験的検証, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集, 2001.09.
364. 山口光治, 田原健二, 有本卓, センサーフィードバックに基づく2本指ロボットによる安定把持・姿勢制御, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集, 2001.09.
365. S. Arimoto, K. Tahara and M. Yamaguchi, Existence of feedbacks from sensing to action for stable grasping and dexterous manipulation by multi-fingered robot hands, IEEE Int. Conf. on Control Applications, 2001.09.
366. S. Arimoto, Kenji Tahara, M. Yamaguchi, Existence of feedbacks from sensing to action for stable grasping and dextrous manipulation by multi-fingered robot hands, Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications CCA '01, 2001.09, This paper derives lumped-parameter dynamics of motion of a pair of robot fingers with soft and deformable tips pinching a rigid object. The dynamics of the system in which area contacts between the finger-tips and the surfaces of the object arise are compared with those of a pair of rigid robot fingers with rigid contacts with an object. It is then shown that even in the simplest case of dual single degree-of-freedom fingers there exists a sensory feedback from measurement of finger joint angles and the rotational angle of the object to command inputs to joint actuators and this feedback connection from sensing to action eventually realizes stable grasping of the object, provided that the object is a rectangular parallelepiped and motion is confined to a horizontal plane. It is further shown that in the case of a pair of one d.o.f. and two d.o.f. fingers with soft tips there exists a sensory feedback that realizes not only stable grasping but also regulating the posture of the object at a specified rotational angle..
367. 山口光治, 田原健二, 有本卓, センサーフィードバックに基づく2本指ロボットによる安定把持・姿勢制御, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集, 2001.09.
368. 田原健二, 山口光治, 有本卓, 柔軟2本指ロボットによる安定把持・姿勢制御の実験的検証, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集, 2001.09.
369. S. Arimoto, K. Tahara, S. Hirai, M. Yamaguchi and H.-Y. Han, Sensory feedback for secure grasping by a pair of robot fingers with soft tips, Int. Workshop of Morpho-function Machines, 2001.05.
370. H.-Y. Han, S. Arimoto, K. Tahara, M. Yamaguchi and P.T.A. Nguyen, Robotic pinching by means of a pair of robot fingers with sensory feedback, IEEE Int. Conf. Robot. Automat., 2001.05.
371. H. Y. Han, S. Arimoto, Kenji Tahara, M. Yamaguchi, P. T A Nguyen, Robotic pinching by means of a pair of soft fingers with sensory feedback, 2001IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2001.05, This paper proposes a pair of single or multi D.O.F. robot fingers with soft and deformable tips that can pinch an object stably in a dynamic sense with the aid of real-time sensory feedback. To realize dynamic stable pinching, a practical method of using optical devices is proposed for measuring both the maximum displacement of finger-tip deformation and the relative angle between the object surface and each of finger links. It is shown theoretically and by computer simulation that the overall closed-loop system of a pair of two single-D.O.F. fingers with soft tips with real-time sensory feedback of the difference between centers of two area-contacts at both sides of the object becomes asymptotically stable. This means that the pair achieves dynamic stable grasping (pinching). In the case of a pair of 1 D.O.F. and 2 D.O.F. fingers with soft tips, it is shown that the proposed method of closed-loop feedback of the difference between centers of two area-contacts and the rotational angle of the object can establish not only dynamic stable grasping but also regulation of the posture of the object..
372. S. Arimoto, M. Yamaguchi, H.-Y. Han, K. Tahara and P.T.A. Nguyen, Sensory feedback for dynamic stable pinching by means of a pair of soft fingers, the 32nd Int. Symp. Robotics, 2001.04.
373. 山口光治, 田原健二, NGUYEN P T A, HAN H‐Y, 有本卓, 柔軟2本指ロボットによる安定把持と姿勢制御, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集, 2000.09.
374. K. Tahara, M. Yamaguchi, P.T.A. Nguyen, H.-Y. Han and S. Arimoto, Stable grasping and posture control for a pair of robot fingers with soft tips, Int. Conf. on Machine Automation, 2000.09.
375. S. Arimoto, K. Tahara}, M. Yamaguchi, P.T.A. Nguyen and H.-Y. Han, Principle of superposition for controlling pinch motions by means of robot fingers with soft-tips, IFAC Symp. on Robot Control, 2000.09.

