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松江 要(まつえ かなめ) データ更新日:2024.05.07

2023.04~2025.03, 代表者:松江 要, 九州大学IMI / I2CNER, 九州大学(日本)
2018.09~2019.03, 代表者:松江 要, 九州大学IMI / I2CNER, アメリカ合衆国
1. 岡本 健太郎, 松江 要 (著), 国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構研究開発戦略センター(JST/CRDS), 高島 洋典, 吉脇 理雄 (編集), 社会に最先端の数学が求められるワケ (1) 新しい数学と産業の協奏 , 日本評論社, ISBN:978-4535789593, 2022.03, [URL], 社会のさまざまな問題を解決するために、どのような数学が必要なのか。第1巻では数学と産業界で交差する研究を紹介する。.
2. 若山 正人, 高島 洋典, 吉脇 理雄, 松江 要, 宮西 吉久, JST-CRDS俯瞰ワークショップ報告書「システム・情報科学技術分野『数学と科学、工学の協働に関する連続セミナー』」, JST-CRDS, ISBN 978-4-88890-713-2, 2021.03, [URL], 日本における数学と自然科学、工学の連携についての俯瞰調査、政策提言を目指して現状を調査する第1段階としてのセミナーシリーズをCRDSにて開催、その講演録及び議事録である。.
3. Akihito Hirata, Kaname Matsue and MingWei Chen, Structural analysis of metallic glasses with computational homology, Springer, 2016.06.
1. Norio Konno, Kaname Matsue, Etsuo Segawa, A crossover between open quantum random walks to quantum walks, Journal of Statistical Physics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10955-023-03211-6, 190, 2024.12, [URL], We propose an intermediate walk continuously connecting an open quantum random walk and a quantum walk with parameters M\in \mathbb{N} controlling a decoherence effect; if M=1, the walk coincides with an open quantum random walk, while M=\infty, the walk coincides with a quantum walk. We define a measure which recovers usual probability measures on \mathbb{Z} for M=\infty and M=1 and we observe intermediate behavior through numerical simulations for varied positive values M. In the case for M=2, we analytically show that a typical behavior of quantum walks appears even in a small gap of the parameter from the open quantum random walk. More precisely, we observe both the ballistically moving towards left and right sides and localization of this walker simultaneously. The analysis is based on Kato’s perturbation theory for linear operator. We further analyze this limit theorem in more detail and show that the above three modes are described by Gaussian distributions..
2. Kaname Matsue, Rigorous numerics for fast-slow systems, Sugaku Expositions, https://doi.org/10.1090/suga/483, 36, 221-253, 2023.08, [URL], We show a series of results about rigorous numerics for dynamical systems generated by ordinary differential equations called fast-slow systems obtained through the author’s recent research. The contents of the present paper are mainly based on the results of Matsue [Topol. Methods Nonlinear Anal. 50 (2017), pp. 357–486]..
3. Jean-Philippe Lessard, Kaname Matsue, Akitoshi Takayasu, Saddle-Type Blow-Up Solutions with Computer-Assisted Proofs: Validation and Extraction of Global Nature, Journal of Nonlinear Science, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00332-023-09900-6, 33, 2023.03, [URL], In this paper, blow-up solutions of autonomous ordinary differential equations (ODEs) which are unstable under perturbations of initial points, referred to as saddletype blow-up solutions, are studied.
Combining dynamical systems machinery (e.g., compactifications, timescale desingularizations of vector fields) with tools from
computer-assisted proofs (e.g., rigorous integrators, the parameterization method for invariant manifolds), these blow-up solutions are obtained as trajectories on local stable manifolds of hyperbolic saddle equilibria at infinity.
With the help of computer-assisted proofs, global trajectories on stable manifolds, inducing blow-up solutions,
provide a global picture organized by global-in-time solutions and blow-up solutions simultaneously.
Using the proposed methodology, intrinsic features of saddle-type blow-ups are observed: locally smooth dependence of blow-up times on initial points, level set distribution of blow-up times and decomposition of the phase space playing
a role as separatrixes among solutions, where the magnitude of initial points near those blow-ups does not matter for asymptotic behavior.
Finally, singular behavior of blow-up times on initial points belonging to different family of blow-up solutions is addressed..
4. Kaname Matsue, Moshe Matalon, Dynamics of hydrodynamically unstable premixed flames in a gravitational field - Local and global bifurcation structures, Combustion Theory and Modelling, https://doi.org/10.1080/13647830.2023.2165968, 27, 3, 346-374, 2023.01, [URL], The dynamics of hydrodynamically unstable premixed flames are studied using the nonlinear Michelson–Sivashinsky (MS) equation, modified appropriately to incorporate effects due to gravity.
The problem depends on two parameters: the Markstein number that characterises the combustible mixture and its diffusion properties, and the gravitational parameter that represents the ratio of buoyancy to inertial forces.
A comprehensive portrait of all possible equilibrium solutions are obtained for a wide range of parameters, using a continuation methodology adopted from bifurcation theory.
The results heighten the distinction between upward and downward propagation.
In the absence of gravity, the nonlinear development always leads to stationary solutions, namely, cellular flames propagating at a constant speed without change in shape.
When decreasing the Markstein number, a modest growth in amplitude is observed with the propagation speed reaching an upper bound. For upward propagation, the equilibrium states are also stationary solutions, but their spatial structure depends on the
initial conditions leading to their development.
The combined Darrieus–Landau and Rayleigh–Taylor instabilities create profiles of invariably larger amplitudes and sharper
crests that propagate at an increasingly faster speed when reducing the Markstein number.
For downward propagation, the equilibrium states consist in addition to stationary structures time-periodic solutions, namely, pulsating flames propagating at a constant average speed.
The stabilising influence of gravity dampens the nonlinear growth and leads to spatiotemporal changes in flame morphology, such as the formation of multicrest stationary profiles or pulsating cell splitting and merging patterns, and an overall reduction in propagation speed.
The transition between these states occurs at bifurcation and exchange of stability points, which becomes more prominent when reducing the Markstein number and/or increasing the influence of gravity.
In addition to the local bifurcation characterisation the global bifurcation structure of the equation, obtained
by tracing the continuation of the bifurcation points themselves unravels qualitative features such as the manifestation of bi-stability and hysteresis, and/or the onset and sustenance of time-periodic solutions.
Overall, the results exhibit the rich and complex dynamics that occur when gravity, however small, becomes physically meaningful..
5. Kaname Matsue, Akitoshi Takayasu, Numerical validation of blow-up solutions with quasi-homogeneous compactifications, Numerische Mathematik, 10.1007/s00211-020-01125-z, 50 pages, 2020.06, [URL].
6. Kaname Matsue, Akitoshi Takayasu, Rigorous numerics of blow-up solutions for ODEs with exponential nonlinearity, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2020.02, Our concerns here are blow-up solutions for ODEs with exponential nonlinearity from the viewpoint of dynamical systems and their numerical validations.
As an example, the finite difference discretization of $u_t = u_{xx} + e^{u^m}$ with the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition is considered.
Our idea is based on compactification of phase spaces and time-scale desingularization as in previous works.
In the present case, treatment of exponential nonlinearity is the main issue.
Fortunately, under a kind of exponential homogeneity of vector field, we can treat the problem in the same way as polynomial vector fields.
In particular, we can characterize and validate blow-up solutions with their blow-up times for differential equations with such exponential nonlinearity in the similar way to previous works.
A series of technical treatments of exponential nonlinearity in blow-up problems is also shown with concrete validation examples..
7. 松江 要, Fast-slow系における精度保証付き数値計算, 『数学』(日本数学会編集), 71, 252-281, 2019.07, Fast-slow系における著者の近年の精度保証付き数値計算に関する研究を、幾何学的特異摂動論や近年の精度保証付き数値計算による力学系の研究の動向も交えて解説する。.
8. Kaname Matsue, Geometric treatments and a common mechanism in finite-time singularities for autonomous ODEs, Journal of Differential Equations, 10.1016/j.jde.2019.07.022, 267, 12, 7313-7368, 2019.12, [URL], Geometric treatments of blow-up solutions for autonomous ordinary differential equations and their blow-up rates are concerned. Our approach focuses on the type of invariant sets at infinity via compactifications of phase spaces, and dynamics on their center-stable manifolds. In particular, we show that dynamics on center-stable manifolds of invariant sets at infinity with appropriate time-scale desingularizations as well as blowing-up of singularities characterize dynamics of blow-up solutions as well as their rigorous blow-up rates. Similarities for characterizing finite-time extinction and asymptotic behavior of compacton traveling waves to blow-up solutions are also shown..
9. Kaname Matsue, Shikhar Mohan, Moshe Matalon, Effect of gravity on hydrodynamically unstable flames, The 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, 2019.07, The hydrodynamic instability, due to the large deviation of density between fresh cold mixture and hot combusted products, was discovered by Darrieus and Landau. After seven or eight decades, many aspects of this intrinsic flame instability have been revealed, such as the effects of the flame front curvature and of flow strain rate, its influence on turbulent flames and the self-wrinkling and self-turbulization of expanding flames. In the present study we focus on the composite effects of thermal expansion, differential diffusion, and gravity on flame dynamics, based on a fully nonlinear, hydrodynamic model obtained by a multi-scale analysis that exploits the distinct length scales associated with such problems. The simulations verify the stabilization effect of gravity on planar flames propagating downwards, known from linear stability theory, and show that in the presence of gravity the nonlinear development beyond the stability threshold leads to cusp-like structures of smaller amplitude that propagate at a reduced speed. Finally, we observe that a judicious choice of the Markstein number, controlled by mixture composition and domain size, and of the Froude number creates richer morphological flame structures than in the absence of gravity..
10. 松江 要, 微分方程式の爆発解:精度保証付き数値計算と力学系的解釈, 日本シミュレーション学会誌「シミュレーション」, 37, 3, 2018.10, [URL].
11. Kaname Matsue, On blow-up solutions of differential equations with Poincare-type compactifications, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, doi:10.1137/17M1124498, 17, 2249-2288, 2018.08, [URL].
12. 松江 要, 数学・数理科学的アプローチの可能性 - 予混合火炎のモデル方程式を例に -, 公益社団法人自動車技術会2018年春季大会, 1-6, 2018.05.
13. Kaname Matsue, Rigorous numerics for fast-slow systems with one-dimensional slow variable: topological shadowing approach, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, doi=http://dx.doi.org/10.12775/TMNA.2016.072, 50, 2, 357-468, 2017.12.
14. Kaname Matsue, Osamu Ogurisu and Etsuo Segawa, Quantum Search on Simplicial Complexes, Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40509-017-0144-8, 1-27, 2017.10.
15. Kaname Matsue, Osamu Ogurisu and Etsuo Segawa, A note on the spectral mapping theorem of quantum walk models, Interdisciplinary Information Sciences, 23, 105-114, 2017.03.
16. Kaname Matsue, Tomohiro Hiwaki and Nobito Yamamoto, On the construction of Lyapunov functions with computer assistance, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 319, 385-412, 2017.02.
17. Akitoshi Takayasu, Kaname Matsue, Takiko Sasaki, Kazuaki Tanaka, Makoto Mizuguchi and Shin'ichi Oishi, Numerical validation of blow-up solutions for ODEs, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 314, 10-29, 2017.01.
18. Kaname Matsue, Osamu Ogurisu and Etsuo Segawa, Quantum walks on simplicial complexes, Quantum Information Processing, 15, 5, 1865-1896, 2016.02.
19. 松江 要, 内藤 久資, 非一様拡散係数を持つ熱方程式固有値問題の第一固有値の最適化 - 粘性近似問題の大域適切性 -, 京都大学数理解析研究所講究録別冊, B54, 25-48, 2016.01.
20. Kaname Matsue, Hisashi Naito, Numerical studies of the optimization of the first eigenvalue of the heat diffusion in inhomogeneous media, Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 32, 2, 489-512, 2015.10.
21. Akihiko Hirata, L.J. Kang, Takeshi Fujita, B. Klumov, Kaname Matsue, Motoko Kotani, A.R. Yavari and Mingwei Chen, Geometric frustration of icosahedron in metallic glasses, Science, 341, 6144, 376-379, 2013.07.
主要総説, 論評, 解説, 書評, 報告書等
1. 松江 要, 梶原 健司(責任監修), 九州大学マス・フォア・インダストリ研究所「令和5年度 自己点検·評価報告書」
(FY2023 Self-Assessment Report in Institute of Mathematics for Industry, Kyushu University)
, 2024.03, [URL], 2011年4月設立から2023年度までのマス・フォア・インダストリ研究所(IMI)の業績・活動をまとめ、総括を行う。.
1. 松江 要, 微分方程式における有限時間特異性:次に進む前のレビュー, 多分野交流会, 2024.03, [URL].
2. Kaname Matsue, Nonlinear dynamics of hydrodynamically unstable premixed flames with physicochemical interactions, Algoritmy2024, 2024.03, [URL].
3. Kaname Matsue, A unified characterization of blow-up solutions for ODEs through dynamics at infinity, ANZIAM (Australian and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics) 2024 Conference, 2024.02, [URL].
4. Kaname Matsue, Interaction between flame and physicochemical phenomena based on asymptotic studies: continued, Mathematical Research in Energy Systems: I2CNER-IMI Joint International Workshop, 2024.02, [URL].
5. 松江 要, 微分方程式の有限時間特異性 〜 幾何学的・包括的記述を目指して, 数学と脳科学の連携に向けたワークショップ , 2023.12, [URL].
6. 松江 要, 無限遠ダイナミクスと非自励的爆発, 2023年度応用数学合同研究集会, 2023.12, [URL].
7. 松江 要, 微分方程式の有限時間特異性:ラクな計算への長~い道程, RIMS共同研究:新時代における高性能科学技術計算法の探究, 2023.10, [URL].
8. Kaname Matsue, Nonlinear dynamics of hydrodynamically unstable premixed flames with physicochemical interactions, Forum "Math-for-Industry" 2023 - MfI 2.0 -, 2023.09, [URL].
9. Kaname Matsue, Finite-Time Singularity and Dynamics at Infinity : Characterization and Asymptotic Expansions, ICIAM2023, 2023.08, [URL].
10. 松江 要, 常微分方程式の爆発解と無限遠ダイナミクス:基礎形・漸近展開・非自励系, さいたま数理解析セミナー, 2023.07, [URL].
11. 松江 要, 落合 啓之, 小谷 久寿, 高安 亮紀, 常微分方程式の爆発解の漸近展開と無限遠ダイナミクス, 日本数学会2023年度年会, 2023.03.
12. 松江 要, 炎と音、時々他のもの -Sivashinsky方程式と分岐理論の可能性-, 消炎や振動を含む不安定燃焼の数理@IMI共同利用, 2023.03.
13. Kaname Matsue, Dynamics of hydrodynamically unstable premixed flames in a gravitational field, ANZIAM2023 (Australian and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics), 2023.02.
14. Kaname Matsue, Interaction between flame and physical phenomena - Asymptotic studies, results and reviews -, I2CNER-IMI Joint International Workshop - Engineering and Mathematics: Where Do We Meet?-, 2023.01.
15. 松江 要, 落合 啓之, 小谷 久寿, @高安 亮紀, 常微分方程式の爆発解の漸近展開と無限遠ダイナミクスの対応, 2022年度 応用数学合同研究集会, 2022.12.
16. 松江 要, 分岐理論と計算:流体力学的不安定な予混合火炎動態の全体像を探る, オープンイノベーションワークショップ@九州大学, 2022.11.
17. 松江 要, 線型安定性と分岐:火炎動態の全体像の理解に向けて, 意見交換+施設見学会@三菱重工業株式会社, 2022.09.
18. Kaname Matsue, On Recent progress in Blow-Up Solutions from the viewpoint of Dynamical Systems -Theory and Rigorous Numerics-, SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures (NWCS22), 2022.09.
19. Kaname Matsue, Blow-up Solutions for Ordinary Differential Equations from a viewpoint of dynamical systems, La Trobe-Kyushu Joint Seminar on Mathematics for Industry, 2022.07.
20. 松江 要, 落合 啓之, 小谷 久寿, 佐々木 多希子, 浅井 大晴, 常微分方程式の爆発解の複数項漸近展開, 2022年度 応用数学に関する研究発表会, 2022.03.
21. Kaname Matsue, Recent progress in blow-up characterization of ODEs -theory and rigorous numerics-, International Workshop on Reliable Computing and Computer-Assisted Proofs (ReCAP2022), 2022.03, [URL].
22. 松江 要, Moshe Matalon, Shikhar Mohan, 重力環境下における流体力学的不安定な予混合火炎動態の全体像, IMI共同利用 「燃焼・消炎機構の数理に基づく火災・爆発の安全対策」, 2022.03, [URL].
23. 松江 要, 落合 啓之, 小谷 久寿, 佐々木 多希子, 浅井 大晴, 常微分方程式の爆発解の複数項漸近展開, 2021年度応用数学合同研究集会, 2021.12, [URL].
24. Kaname Matsue, Jean-Philippe Lessard, Akitoshi Takayasu, Rigorous numerics of blow-up separatrix in autonomous ODEs, SCAN2020, 2021.09, [URL], This talk is concerned with special blow-up solutions for ordinary differential equations (ODEs) separating sets of initial points into two regions, one of which admits solutions global in time, and another admits blow-up solutions..
25. Kaname Matsue, Rigorous numerics of blow-up solutions for autonomous ODEs, CRM CAMP in Nonlinear Analysis, 2021.05, [URL].
26. 松江 要, Jean-Philippe Lessard, 高安 亮紀, 微分方程式のサドル型爆発解 -精度保証付き数値計算と爆発時刻の初期値連続依存性の考察-, 日本応用数理学会 第17回研究部会連合発表会, 2021.03, [URL].
27. Kaname Matsue, Effect of gravity on premixed flame dynamics -Mathematical Approach-, Institute Interest Seminar Series @ I2CNER, 2021.02, [URL].
28. 松江 要, Jean-Philippe Lessard, 高安 亮紀, Rigorous numerics for saddle-type blow-up solutions, 2020年度応用数学合同研究集会, 2020.12, [URL].
29. 松江 要, 有限時間特異性 -力学系的アプローチ-, 材料科学における幾何と代数 I, 2020.09, [URL].
30. Kaname Matsue, On numerical and Mathematical description of premixed flame dynamics, I2CNER Hydrogen Materials Compatibility Division Winter Retreat, 2020.02.
31. Kaname Matsue, On numerical and Mathematical description of premixed flame dynamics, I2CNER-IMI International Joint Workshop "Applied Math for Energy: Future Directions", 2020.01.
32. Kaname Matsue, On numerical and Mathematical description of premixed flame dynamics, I2CNER Institute Interest Seminar Series, 2020.01.
33. 松江 要, 「法双曲型爆発」: ケーススタディ, 2019年度応用数学合同研究集会, 2019.12.
34. 松江 要, 数理・数理科学を軸としたエネルギー問題への取り組み - 予混火炎ダイナミクス: 精度保証付き数値計算も添えて -, 第33期CAMMフォーラム(コンピュータによる材料開発・物質設計を考える会) 本例会, 2019.12.
35. 松江 要, Shikhar Mohan, Moshe Matalon, 流体力学的不安定な予混火炎における重力効果 , 第57回燃焼シンポジウム, 2019.11.
36. 松江 要, 予混火炎ダイナミクス:モデリング、数値的・数学的考察 , RIMS共同研究 (公開型): 諸科学分野を結ぶ基礎学問としての数値解析学, 2019.11.
37. Kaname Matsue, Premixed Flame Dynamics: Modeling, Numerical and Mathematical Studies , Mathematical Science Workshop in Yamaguchi 2019 Presented by RITS, 2019.11.
38. 松江 要, Fast-slow系における精度保証付き数値計算: 局所構造から大域構造まで , 中部大学創発学術院第2回数学専門部会セミナー, 2019.10.
39. 松江 要, 続・力学系の視点から見る解の爆発 , 九州関数方程式セミナー, 2019.10.
40. 松江 要, Shikhar Mohan, Moshe Matalon, 流体力学的不安定な予混火炎ダイナミクス:重力の影響 , 日本流体力学会年会2019, 2019.09.
41. 松江 要, Moshe Matalon, Rigorous numerics in combustion problem: premixed stationary flames in weak thermal expansion setting , 日本応用数理学会2019年度年会, 2019.09.
42. Kaname Matsue, Rigorous numerics for finite-time singularities -fundamentals and perspectives- , ICIAM2019, 2019.07, [URL].
43. Kaname Matsue, Shikhar Mohan, Moshe Matalon, Effect of gravity on hydrodynamically unstable flames , The 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, 2019.07, [URL].
44. Kaname Matsue, Blow-up solutions for ODEs from the viewpoint of dynamical systems : theory and applications, HADES (Harmonic Analysis and Differential Equations Seminar), 2018.11.
45. Kaname Matsue, Rigorous numerics and asymptotic analysis of finite-time singularities : qualitative and quantitative natures , SCAN2018, 2018.09.
46. 松江 要、高安 亮紀, 微分方程式の爆発解の精度保証付き数値計算:ケーススタディ --- 指数関数非線型項を持つ場合, 日本応用数理学会2018年度年会, 2018.09.
47. 松江 要, 力学系と精度保証付き数値計算、特異点論との接点を訪ねて, 応用特異点論ラボセミナー, 2018.08.
48. 松江 要, 壁と扉:力学系の精度保証付き数値計算にて, 語ろう数理解析, 2018.07.
49. 松江 要, 微分方程式の数値計算:特異なものを『素直』に扱う, 筑波大学数学談話会, 2018.06, [URL].
50. @松江 要, 2006 - 2018, 筑波大学数学談話会, 2018.06, [URL].
51. Kaname Matsue, Rigorous numerics of finite-time singularity for ODEs , EASIAM2018, 2018.06, [URL].
52. Kaname Matsue, Finite-time singularity for ODEs from the viewpoint of dynamical systems, EASIAM2018, 2018.06, [URL].
53. 松江 要, 有限時間特異性の力学系的記述, RIMS研究集会「力学系 -理論と応用の融合-」, 2018.06.
54. 松江 要, 数学・数理科学的アプローチの可能性:予混合火炎のモデル方程式を例に, 公益社団法人自動車技術会2018年春季大会, 2018.05, [URL].
55. 松江 要, 有限時間特異性:定性・定量的普遍性 , ダイナミクス研究会中野, 2018.05.
56. 松江 要, 速いレートで振る舞う振動爆発解と, 振動発散解, 日本数学会2018年度年会, 2018.03.
57. 松江 要 , 無限遠ダイナミクスが導く解の爆発レート, 日本数学会2018年度年会, 2018.03.
58. 松江 要, 異分野・異業種放浪記, AIMaP公開シンポジウム「数学と産業の協働ケーススタディ」, 2018.01, [URL].
59. Kaname Matsue, Technology for New Energy Generation - Mathematics of Combustion - , I2CNER Annual Symposium 2018, 2018.01.
60. 松江 要, A mechanism of blow-up phenomena for differential equations in terms of dynamics at infinity, 平成29年度高等研究院・ISIT研究交流会, 2018.01.
61. @福本 康秀、@鍛冶 静雄、早水 桃子、中野 直人、@松江 要、下津 直武、池森 俊文、宮下 大、檜貝 信一, パネルディスカッション, AIMaP公開シンポジウム「数学と産業の協働ケーススタディ」, 2018.01.
62. 松江 要, 絶滅・コンパクトン進行波 - 精度保証付き数値計算からその先へ, 2017年度応用数学合同研究集会, 2017.12.
63. 松江 要, 有限時間特異性:基礎的計算法が生み出す豊かな解構造, 第1回精度保証付き数値計算の実問題への応用研究集会, 2017.12.
64. 松江 要, 力学系の視点から見る解の爆発, 九州関数方程式セミナー, 2017.11.
65. Moshe Matalon, Yasuhide Fukumoto and Kaname Matsue, Energy Outlook “Special Interview” : Understanding and Incorporating the Power of Mathematics, Energy Outlook “Special Interview”, 2017.10.
66. Kaname Matsue, Mathematical treatment of flame dynamics toward foundation of combustion, FMfI2017 (Forum of Mathematics for Industry), 2017.10.
67. Kaname Matsue, Rigorous numerics of blow-up solutions for autonomous ODEs, A3 workshop on Fluid Dynamics and Materials Science in CSIAM 2017, 2017.10.
68. 松江 要, サドルが紡ぐ縁 -えにし- : 精度保証付き数値計算と力学系, 日本数学会2017年度秋季総合分科会, 2017.09, [URL], 精度保証付き数値計算が微分方程式, 力学系の諸問題に応用されて久しい.
常微分方程式の時間定常解に始まり, 周期解, フロケ理論, コネクティングオービット, 記号力学系, 分岐などその適用は多岐にわたる.
近年では偏微分方程式 (ill-posedなものも含む), 時間遅れを含む方程式などの無限次元問題にも適用が爆発的に広がっている.
精度保証付き数値計算の微分方程式への応用は解の具体的なプロファイル, 存在や安定性などの性質を導く定理に基づき, その仮定を計算機により検証する事を主としているが, その真価の一つとして, 数学解析でも数値計算でも捉えることが一般に困難な対象をリーズナブルに計算することが挙げられる.
その根源をたどると, (i) : 何かしらの写像の不動点問題に帰着させる, あるいは (ii) : サドル型平衡点の検証を出発点にするものが少なくない. 前者は解析的アプローチ, 後者は位相的・幾何学的アプローチでしばしば見受けられる. 著者は後者の立場をとり, サドルを軸として精度保証付き数値計算の力学系への応用を展開してきた. 本講演では, その流れの一端を紹介する..
69. 松江 要, 有理関数ベクトル場の平衡点・無限遠付近における『型』は決められるか?, 第1回JST数学領域未解決問題ワークショップ, 2017.09.
70. 松江 要、小栗栖 修、瀬川 悦生, 単体的量子探索, 日本数学会2017年度秋季総合分科会, 2017.09.
71. 松江 要、小栗栖 修、瀬川 悦生, 単体的量子ウォーク Version 2 -グラフ上coined walkとの対応-, 日本数学会2017年度秋季総合分科会, 2017.09.
72. @松江 要, 有限進行波の精度保証付き数値計算, 日本応用数理学会2017年度年会, 2017.09, 偏微分方程式の進行波解で、有限時刻で一定値を達成するものの精度保証付き数値計算法を構成する。
73. @松江 要, Rigorous numerics of traveling waves with finite frame singularities, Workshop for young scholars : Control and inverse problems on waves, oscillations and flows - Mathematical analysis and computational methods -, 2017.08.
74. @松江 要, 炎のダイナミクス:基礎とトレンド, 水戸数学情報数理研究会2017, 2017.08.
75. Kaname Matsue, Mathematics in Combustion -Fundamentals and Trends- , I2CNER Hydrogen Materials Compatibility Research Division Summer Retreat 2017, 2017.06.
76. Kaname Matsue, Technology for New Energy Generation - Mathematics of Combustion - , I2CNER Site Visit, 2017.06.
77. 松江 要, 有限時間特異性:ダイナミクスと数値計算に関する一考察, 九州力学系セミナー, 2017.06.
78. @松江 要, 微分方程式の有限時間特異性・数値計算・特異点論の交差点, 東京理科大学理工学部数学科 談話会, 2017.05.
2023.04.01~2024.03.31, 「有限時間特異性」勉強会(第8回-第9回), 座長、企画運営.
2023.08.21~2023.08.21, Treatment of infinity and finite-time singularities in differential equations (in International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics 2023), Organizer.
2022.04.01~2023.03.31, 「有限時間特異性」勉強会(第6回-第7回), 座長、企画運営.
2022.11.22~2022.04.02, 「混相流」勉強会 (第1回-第2回), 企画運営.
2022.06.08~2022.03.22, 「有限時間特異性」勉強会(第1回-第5回), 座長、企画運営.
2022.03.08~2022.03.09, 日本応用数理学会2021年度(第18回)研究部会連合発表会, 企画運営.
2020.10.07~2021.02.24, JST-CRDS システム・情報科学技術分野 数学と科学、工学の協働に関する連続セミナー, 座長、企画運営、報告書執筆.
2019.07.16~2019.07.16, Rigorous Numerics towards Characterization of Singular Nature in Dynamical Systems (in International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics 2019), Organizer.
2019.07.01~2019.07.05, The 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, A member of local organizing committee.
2018.02.02~2018.02.02, I2CNER International Workshop 2018 (Initiatives on Applied Math for Energy Division) "Landscape of Applied Mathematics in Energy Problem", Chair, Chief Organizer.
2019.04~2023.03, Mathematical Review, 国際, 査読委員.
2019.04~2023.03, 日本応用数理学会論文誌, 国内, 編集委員.
2015.04~2018.03, 学会誌「応用数理」(日本応用数理学会), 国内, 編集委員.
年度 外国語雑誌査読論文数 日本語雑誌査読論文数 国際会議録査読論文数 国内会議録査読論文数 合計
海外渡航状況, 海外での教育研究歴
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2023.03~2023.04.
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2018.09~2019.03.
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2018.02~2018.02.
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2017.02~2017.03.
2017年度日本応用数理学会年会若手優秀講演賞, 日本応用数理学会, 2018.06.
日本数学会2014年度応用数学研究奨励賞, 日本数学会, 2015.03.
2021年度~2024年度, 基盤研究(B), 代表, 有限時間特異性の包括的記述に向けた数学解析・計算機援用解析の展開.
2021年度~2023年度, 基盤研究(C), 分担, 障害物を持つ斜面を流下する粒子流の数学解析.
2020年度~2025年度, 基盤研究(B), 分担, 特異点を持つ超曲面に対する変分問題及び幾何解析と離散曲面論の新展開.
2018年度~2020年度, 基盤研究(C), 分担, 斜面の状態効果がもたらす懸濁液ダイナミクスの数学解析.
2017年度~2019年度, 若手研究(B), 代表, 力学系における特異的軌道の精度保証付き数値計算法の包括的理論の構築.
2023.04~2024.03, 代表, 物理化学的相互作用を伴う予混合火炎動態の大域的描像の記述と予測.
2021.08~2024.10, 代表, 炭化物の水性ガス化反応を通したガス化炉稼働状況の把握と改質ガス生成改善に向けた戦略の立案.
2016年度~2017年度, WPI-I2CNER Competitive Funding Initiative, 代表, Mathematics of combustion towards new technology for effective power generations.
2017年度~2017年度, 九州大学: 文部科学省 国立大学改革強化推進補助金, 代表, 精度保証付き数値計算による力学系の計算技術の構築.

