2024/12/01 更新




アイシマ シンイチ
相島 慎一
医学研究院 基礎医学部門 教授
九州大学病院 病理診断科・病理部(併任)
医学部 医学科(併任)
医学系学府 医学専攻(併任)
医学系学府 医科学専攻(併任)


  • ライフサイエンス / 人体病理学


  • 肝内胆管癌の血管新生、腫瘍進展におけるチミジンフォスフォリラーゼおよびトロンボスポンジン-1蛋白発現の役割


  • 九州大学大学院 病態制御学講座構造病態病理学分野 教授

    2023年7月 - 現在


  • 佐賀大学医学部 病因病態科学講座診断病理学分野

    2014年2月 - 2023年6月


  • 国家公務員共済組合連合会 浜の町病院 病理医長 2005年4月~2008年3月

    国家公務員共済組合連合会 浜の町病院 病理医長 2005年4月~2008年3月

  • 佐賀大学医学部 病因病態科学講座診断病理学分野 教授 2014年2月~2023年6月


  • 九州大学   医学系研究科

    - 2002年


    国名: 日本国


  • 佐賀医科大学   医学部

    - 1996年


    国名: 日本国



  • 研究テーマ:肝・胆・膵病理学


    研究期間: 2024年

  • 研究テーマ:NBNC肝癌の発癌 Metabolic associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD)からの肝発癌 肝内胆管癌の腫瘍微小環境 胆嚢癌の前癌・前駆病変の病理学的解析


    研究期間: 2023年9月 - 2023年12月


  • 学術奨励賞

    2010年9月   日本癌学会  

  • 学術研究賞(A演説)

    2007年11月   日本病理学会  


  • Novel method for classification of prion diseases by detecting PrP<SUP>res</SUP> signal patterns from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded samples 国際誌

    Koyama, S; Yagita, K; Hamasaki, H; Noguchi, H; Shijo, M; Matsuzono, K; Takase, KI; Kai, KT; Aishima, SI; Itoh, K; Ninomiya, T; Sasagasako, N; Honda, H

    PRION   18 ( 1 )   40 - 53   2024年12月   ISSN:1933-6896 eISSN:1933-690X


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Prion  

    Prion disease is an infectious and fatal neurodegenerative disease. Western blotting (WB)-based identification of proteinase K (PK)-resistant prion protein (PrPres) is considered a definitive diagnosis of prion diseases. In this study, we aimed to detect PrPres using formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) specimens from cases of sporadic Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (sCJD), Gerstmann–Sträussler–Scheinker disease (GSS), glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchorless prion disease (GPIALP), and V180I CJD. FFPE samples were prepared after formic acid treatment to inactivate infectivity. After deparaffinization, PK digestion was performed, and the protein was extracted. In sCJD, a pronounced PrPres signal was observed, with antibodies specific for type 1 and type 2 PrPres exhibited a strong or weak signals depending on the case. Histological examination of serial sections revealed that the histological changes were compatible with the biochemical characteristics. In GSS and GPIALP, prion protein core-specific antibodies presented as PrPres bands at 8–9 kDa and smear bands, respectively. However, an antibody specific for the C-terminus presented as smears in GSS, with no PrPres detected in GPIALP. It was difficult to detect PrPres in V180I CJD. Collectively, our findings demonstrate the possibility of detecting PrPres in FFPE and classifying the prion disease types. This approach facilitates histopathological and biochemical evaluation in the same sample and is safe owing to the inactivation of infectivity. Therefore, it may be valuable for the diagnosis and research of prion diseases.

    DOI: 10.1080/19336896.2024.2337981

    Web of Science




  • Validation study of age-independent fibrosis score (Fibrosis-3 index) in patients with metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease 国際誌

    Nouso, K; Kawanaka, M; Fujii, H; Kariyama, K; Toyoda, H; Iwaki, M; Hayashi, H; Oeda, S; Hyogo, H; Morishita, A; Munekage, K; Kawata, K; Tsutsumi, T; Sawada, K; Maeshiro, T; Tobita, H; Yoshida, Y; Naito, M; Araki, A; Arakaki, S; Kawaguchi, T; Noritake, H; Ono, M; Masaki, T; Yasuda, S; Tomita, E; Yoneda, M; Tokushige, A; Kamada, Y; Takahashi, H; Ueda, S; Aishima, S; Sumida, Y; Nakajima, A; Kumada, T; Okanoue, T

    HEPATOLOGY RESEARCH   54 ( 10 )   912 - 920   2024年10月   ISSN:1386-6346 eISSN:1872-034X


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Hepatology Research  

    Background and Aims: Because the accuracy of the Fibrosis-4 (FIB-4) index for predicting liver fibrosis changes with age, the need for different cut-offs in various age groups has frequently been discussed. We developed the age-independent score, the Fibrosis-3 (FIB-3) index, and have shown its usefulness in patients with metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD). This study aimed to validate the diagnostic ability of the FIB-3 index to predict fibrosis progression using a large new patient cohort. Methods: The ability of the FIB-3 index to predict liver fibrosis was analyzed by comparing it with that of the FIB-4 index using data from 1398 patients with MASLD enrolled in the Asia-based clinical outcome NAFLD study. Results: The areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves for predicting fibrosis stage F3 or higher were not different between the FIB-3 and FIB-4 indices in the entire cohort. Using the single ideal cut-offs of the indices (3.41 for FIB-3 index and 2.01 for FIB-4 index), the predictive accuracy of the FIB-3 index was not significantly different from that of the FIB-4 index among patients aged <60 years; however, the accuracy of the FIB-3 index was significantly higher than that of the FIB-4 index in those aged ≥60 years (0.645 and 0.529, respectively; p < 0.0001). Conclusion: The high ability of the FIB-3 index with a single cut-off to predict liver fibrosis in patients with MASLD was confirmed. The FIB-3 index could serve as a useful tool for assessing liver fibrosis regardless of age.

    DOI: 10.1111/hepr.14039

    Web of Science




  • 後腹膜に嚢胞状転移巣を形成した,非常に稀な顎下腺腺様嚢胞癌の1例

    三根 夢花, 甲斐 敬太, 北村 捷, 川崎 佳奈子, 山内 盛泰, 馬塲 耕一, 倉富 勇一郎, 能城 浩和, 末岡 榮三朗, 相島 慎一

    日本臨床細胞学会九州連合会雑誌   55   47 - 51   2024年7月   ISSN:0912-6600


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本臨床細胞学会-九州連合会  

    背景 腺様嚢胞癌の遠隔転移は肺や骨が多く,後腹膜転移は稀である.今回,後腹膜に嚢胞状腫瘤を形成し,臨床的に乳癌の転移が疑われたが,嚢胞内容液の細胞診で顎下腺原発腺様嚢胞癌の後腹膜転移と推定しえた1例を経験したので報告する.症例 60歳代女性.右側腹部腫瘤を主訴に前医を受診し,精査により右骨盤部後腹膜に骨破壊を伴う嚢胞性腫瘍と左乳房腫瘤を指摘された.左乳房腫瘤は生検で乳癌(浸潤性乳管癌)の診断となり,加療目的に当院紹介となった.後腹膜腫瘍に対しては乳癌転移疑いとして穿刺吸引細胞診が施行されたが,腺様嚢胞癌を疑う異型細胞を認めるも確定診断には至らなかった.その後MRIで左顎下腺に長径約5cm大の腫瘤が認められ,穿刺吸引細胞診で腺様嚢胞癌の診断となった.後腹膜腫瘍が乳癌の転移か,腺様嚢胞癌の転移かの鑑別目的に,再度嚢胞内容液の穿刺吸引細胞診が施行され,腺様嚢胞癌の後腹膜転移の診断となった.結語 腺様嚢胞癌はその特徴的な細胞形態に着目し,ギムザ染色やセルブロックによる免疫組織化学を加味することで細胞診検体による推定が可能である.自験例の様に,腺様嚢胞癌は転移好発臓器以外にも転移巣を形成することがあるので,細胞診判定の際には留意が必要である.(著者抄録)

  • Fulminant demyelinating disease of the central nervous system effectively treated with a combination of decompressive craniectomy and immunotherapy: A case report and literature review. 国際誌

    Toshihiro Ide, Ryo Ebashi, Makoto Eriguchi, Shinichi Aishima, Tatsuya Abe, Hideo Hara

    Clinical case reports   12 ( 7 )   e9059   2024年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    KEY CLINICAL MESSAGE: Accurately identifying fulminant demyelinating diseases is important for sudden onset of asymmetric cerebral white matter lesions with mass effect. Initially, immunotherapy should be administered; however, surgical intervention should be performed with poor response to medical management and evident signs of cerebral herniation. ABSTRACT: A case of fulminant demyelinating disease of the central nervous system that required decompressive craniectomy 8 days after symptom onset is presented. The patient recovered without sequelae after a combination of neurosurgery and immunotherapy with steroids and has remained relapse-free for 4 years.

    DOI: 10.1002/ccr3.9059



  • Hepatic inflammation and fibrosis are profiles related to mid-term mortality in biopsy-proven MASLD: A multicenter study in Japan 国際誌

    Tsutsumi, T; Kawaguchi, T; Fujii, H; Kamada, Y; Takahashi, H; Kawanaka, M; Sumida, Y; Iwaki, M; Hayashi, H; Toyoda, H; Oeda, S; Hyogo, H; Morishita, A; Munekage, K; Kawata, K; Sawada, K; Maeshiro, T; Tobita, H; Yoshida, Y; Naito, M; Araki, A; Arakaki, S; Noritake, H; Ono, M; Masaki, T; Yasuda, S; Tomita, E; Yoneda, M; Tokushige, A; Ueda, S; Aishima, S; Nakajima, A; Okanoue, T

    ALIMENTARY PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS   59 ( 12 )   1559 - 1570   2024年6月   ISSN:0269-2813 eISSN:1365-2036


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics  

    Aims: A multi-stakeholder consensus has proposed MASLD (metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease). We aimed to investigate the pathological findings related to the mid-term mortality of patients with biopsy-proven MASLD in Japan. Methods: We enrolled 1349 patients with biopsy-proven MASLD. The observational period was 8010 person years. We evaluated independent factors associated with mortality in patients with MASLD by Cox regression analysis. We also investigated pathological profiles related to mortality in patients with MASLD using data-mining analysis. Results: The prevalence of MASH and stage 3/4 fibrosis was observed in 65.6% and 17.4%, respectively. Forty-five patients with MASLD died. Of these, liver-related events were the most common cause at 40% (n = 18), followed by extrahepatic malignancies at 26.7% (n = 12). Grade 2/3 lobular inflammation and stage 3/4 fibrosis had a 1.9-fold and 1.8-fold risk of mortality, respectively. In the decision-tree analysis, the profiles with the worst prognosis were characterised by Grade 2/3 hepatic inflammation, along with advanced ballooning (grade 1/2) and fibrosis (stage 3/4). This profile showed a mortality at 8.3%. Furthermore, the random forest analysis identified that hepatic fibrosis and inflammation were the first and second responsible factors for the mid-term prognosis of patients with MASLD. Conclusions: In patients with biopsy-proven MASLD, the prevalence of MASH and advanced fibrosis was approximately 65% and 20%, respectively. The leading cause of mortality was liver-related events. Hepatic inflammation and fibrosis were significant factors influencing mid-term mortality. These findings highlight the importance of targeting inflammation and fibrosis in the management of patients with MASLD.

    DOI: 10.1111/apt.17995

    Web of Science




  • 奈良宣言(ALT over 30)のMASLD(metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease)における臨床的意義の検証

    川中 美和, 藤井 英樹, 岩城 慶大, 林 秀樹, 豊田 秀徳, 大枝 敏, 兵庫 秀幸, 森下 朝洋, 宗景 玄祐, 川田 一仁, 堤 翼, 澤田 康司, 前城 達次, 飛田 博史, 吉田 雄一, 内藤 雅文, 荒木 亜寿香, 新垣 伸吾, 川口 巧, 則武 秀尚, 小野 正文, 正木 勉, 安田 諭, 冨田 栄一, 米田 正人, 徳重 明央, 鎌田 佳宏, 高橋 宏和, 植田 真一郎, 相島 慎一, 角田 圭雄, 岡上 武, 中島 淳, Japan Study Group of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease(JSG-NAFLD)

    肝臓   65 ( 4 )   186 - 191   2024年4月   ISSN:04514203 eISSN:18813593


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:一般社団法人 日本肝臓学会  

    The Nara Declaration 2023 recommends that patients with ALT levels of >30 U/L and those who have steatosis, diabetes, hypertension, and/or dyslipidemia should be referred to a hepatologist, considering the results of the FIB4 index and/or platelet count. ALT levels of >30 U/L is a simple and useful indicator and, when combined with the FIB4 index and platelet count, can detect MASLD cases that require further treatment and follow-up. Moreover, among patients with MAFLD and ALT levels of30 U/L, the FIB4 index may be useful for identifying those at risk of MASLD. The Nara Declaration 2023 is an important and convenient guideline that provides primary care doctors with specific indications for referral to a hepatologist. When combined with the FIB4 index, ALT levels of >30 U/L is expected to predict high-risk MASLD cases.

    DOI: 10.2957/kanzo.65.186


    CiNii Research


  • Accuracy of the Enhanced Liver Fibrosis Test in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Its Clinical Implications 査読 国際誌

    @Arai T, @Takahashi H, @Seko Y, @Toyoda H, @Hayashi H, @Yamaguchi K, @Iwaki M, @Yoneda M, @Shima T, @Fujii H, @Morishita A,@Kawata K, @Tomita K, @Kawanaka M, @Yoshida Y, @Ikegami T, @Notsumata K, @Oeda S, @Atsukawa M, @Kamada Y, @Sumida Y, @Fukushima H, @Miyoshi E, Aishima S, @Okanoue T, @Itoh Y, @Nakajima A; Japan Study Group of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (JSG-NAFLD).

    Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2024   22 ( 4 )   789 - 797   2024年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.cgh.2023.11.022.

  • Prognosis of biopsy-confirmed metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease: A sub-analysis of the CLIONE study

    Iwaki, M; Fujii, H; Hayashi, H; Toyoda, H; Oeda, S; Hyogo, H; Kawanaka, M; Morishita, A; Munekage, K; Kawata, K; Tsutsumi, T; Sawada, K; Maeshiro, T; Tobita, H; Yoshida, Y; Naito, M; Araki, A; Arakaki, S; Kawaguchi, T; Noritake, H; Ono, M; Masaki, T; Yasuda, S; Tomita, E; Yoneda, M; Tokushige, A; Kamada, Y; Takahashi, H; Ueda, S; Aishima, S; Sumida, Y; Nakajima, A; Okanoue, T

    CLINICAL AND MOLECULAR HEPATOLOGY   30 ( 2 )   225 - 234   2024年4月   ISSN:2287-2728 eISSN:2287-285X


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Clinical and Molecular Hepatology  

    Background/Aims: Metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD) was recently proposed as an alternative disease concept to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). We aimed to investigate the prognosis of patients with biopsy-confirmed MASLD using data from a multicenter study. Methods: This was a sub-analysis of the Clinical Outcome Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (CLIONE) study that included 1,398 patients with NAFLD. Liver biopsy specimens were pathologically diagnosed and histologically scored using the NASH Clinical Research Network system, the FLIP algorithm, and the SAF score. Patients who met at least one cardiometabolic criterion were diagnosed with MASLD. Results: Approximately 99&#37; of cases (n=1,381) were classified as MASLD. Patients with no cardiometabolic risk (n=17) had a significantly lower BMI than patients with MASLD (20.9 kg/m2 vs. 28.0 kg/m2, P<0.001), in addition to significantly lower levels of inflammation, ballooning, NAFLD activity score, and fibrosis stage based on liver histology. These 17 patients had a median follow-up of 5.9 years, equivalent to 115 person-years, with no deaths, liver-related events, cardiovascular events, or extrahepatic cancers. The results showed that the prognosis for pure MASLD was similar to that for the original CLIONE cohort, with 47 deaths and one patient who underwent orthotopic liver transplantation. The leading cause of death was extrahepatic cancer (n=10), while the leading causes of liver-related death were liver failure (n=9), hepatocellular carcinoma (n=8), and cholangiocarcinoma (n=4). Conclusions: Approximately 99&#37; of NAFLD cases were considered MASLD based on the 2023 liver disease nomenclature. The NAFLD-only group, which is not encompassed by MASLD, had a relatively mild histopathologic severity and a favorable prognosis. Consequently, the prognosis of MASLD is similar to that previously reported for NAFLD.

    DOI: 10.3350/cmh.2023.0515

    Web of Science




  • Interobserver agreement of pathologic classification and grading of tumoral intraductal pre-invasive neoplasms of the bile duct

    Nakanuma, Y; Sato, Y; Kakuda, Y; Naito, Y; Fukumura, Y; Fukushima, M; Minato, H; Aishima, S; Ohike, N; Furukawa, T

    ANNALS OF DIAGNOSTIC PATHOLOGY   69   152247   2024年4月   ISSN:1092-9134 eISSN:1532-8198


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Annals of Diagnostic Pathology  

    Current WHO terminology and recent publications have classified tumoral (grossly visible) intraductal pre-invasive neoplasms of bile duct (TIDN) into three categories: intraductal papillary neoplasm of bile duct (IPNB), intraductal papillary oncocytic neoplasm (IOPN), and intraductal tubulopapillary neoplasm (ITPN). A total of 227 cases of TIDN and related lesions ≥3 mm in height were examined by 10 biliary pathologists referring to these 3 categories and two pathologic gradings: two-tiered system (low- and high-grade dysplasia) and modified types 1 and 2 subclassification. Among them, IPNB was the most frequent (183 cases), followed by IOPN (28 cases), while ITPN was rare (2 cases), and interobserver agreement in this classification was “substantial” (κ-value, 0.657). The interobserver agreement of two-tiered grading system of TIDN was “slight” (κ-value, 0.201), while that of modified types 1 and 2 subclassification was “moderate” (κ-value, 0.515), and 42 &#37; were of type 1, and 58 &#37; were of type 2. Type 1 TIDN showed occasional stromal invasion (6.7 &#37;), whereas type 2 TIDN was frequently associated with stromal invasion (49.6 &#37;) (p < 0.01). In conclusion, the classification of TIDN into three categories and modified types 1 and 2 subclassification are a practically applicable classification and grading system for TIDN.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.anndiagpath.2023.152247

    Web of Science




  • Accuracy of the Enhanced Liver Fibrosis Test in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Its Clinical Implications

    Taeang Arai, Hirokazu Takahashi, Yuya Seko, Hidenori Toyoda, Hideki Hayashi, Kanji Yamaguchi, Michihiro Iwaki, Masato Yoneda, Toshihide Shima, Hideki Fujii, Asahiro Morishita, Kazuhito Kawata, Kengo Tomita, Miwa Kawanaka, Yuichi Yoshida, Tadashi Ikegami, Kazuo Notsumata, Satoshi Oeda, Masanori Atsukawa, Yoshihiro Kamada, Yoshio Sumida, Hideaki Fukushima, Eiji Miyoshi, Shinichi Aishima, Takeshi Okanoue, Yoshito Itoh, Atsushi Nakajima

    Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology   22 ( 4 )   789 - 797.e8   2024年4月   ISSN:1542-3565 eISSN:1542-7714


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Background and Aims: The diagnostic performance of the Fibrosis-4 (FIB-4) index and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) fibrosis score (NFS) is poor in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). We determined the usefulness of the Enhanced Liver Fibrosis (ELF) test in patients with T2DM. Methods: A total of 1228 patients with biopsy-proven NAFLD were enrolled. The diagnostic performance of the ELF test for predicting advanced fibrosis in participants with or without T2DM was evaluated in comparison with the FIB-4 index and NFS. Results: Overall, the area under the curve of the ELF test for predicting advanced fibrosis was greater (0.828) than that of the FIB-4 index (0.727) and NFS (0.733). The diagnostic performance of the ELF test (area under the curve, 0.820) was also superior to that of the FIB-4 index (0.698) and NFS (0.700) in patients with T2DM. With the low cutoff values for each noninvasive test, the ELF test provided an acceptable false negative rate (cutoff value 9.8, 6.7%) in this population, unlike the FIB-4 index (1.30, 14.5%) and NFS (−1.455, 12.4%). After propensity score matching to avoid selection bias including age, sex, body mass index, and the prevalence of advanced fibrosis, the ELF test with a low cutoff value showed a high sensitivity (≥91.4%) and a high negative predictive value (≥96.8%), irrespective of the presence or absence of T2DM. Conclusions: The high diagnostic performance of the ELF test for predicting advanced fibrosis in individuals with or without T2DM could address an unmet medical need for accurate assessment of liver fibrosis in patients with diabetes and NAFLD.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.cgh.2023.11.022




  • 奈良宣言(ALT over 30)のMASLD(metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease)における臨床的意義の検証

    川中 美和, 藤井 英樹, 岩城 慶大, 林 秀樹, 豊田 秀徳, 大枝 敏, 兵庫 秀幸, 森下 朝洋, 宗景 玄祐, 川田 一仁, 堤 翼, 澤田 康司, 前城 達次, 飛田 博史, 吉田 雄一, 内藤 雅文, 荒木 亜寿香, 新垣 伸吾, 川口 巧, 則武 秀尚, 小野 正文, 正木 勉, 安田 諭, 冨田 栄一, 米田 正人, 徳重 明央, 鎌田 佳宏, 高橋 宏和, 植田 真一郎, 相島 慎一, 角田 圭雄, 岡上 武, 中島 淳, Japan Study Group of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease(JSG-NAFLD)

    肝臓   65 ( 4 )   186 - 191   2024年4月   ISSN:0451-4203


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(一社)日本肝臓学会  

    肝生検を施行されたMASLD(metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease)における「ALT>30U/L」の有用性とその意義についてFIB-4 Index、血小板数を組み合わせて検討した。1994年12月~2020年12月に肝生検を施行されたNAFLD(Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease)1398例のうちMASLDに該当する1381例を対象とした。stage≧2は614例に認め、そのうちALT>50U/Lは470例(76%)であった。ALT>30U/LにすることによりALT30~50U/Lの症例を追加で拾い上げることができ、stage≧2は578例(94%)とより多くの線維化進展したMASLDの検出が可能となった。FIB-4 IndexでみてみるとFIB-4 Index>1.3は全体で805症例に認められたが、ALT>50U/Lから>30U/Lに基準値を変えることにより、572例(71%)から742例(92%)に検出可能症例が増加した。同様に血小板20×10^4/μL未満の557例においてもALT>50U/Lから>30U/Lにすることにより367例(66%)から509例(91%)の症例も検出可能となった。FIB-4 Indexと血小板を組み合わせることにより、治療適応になるMASLD症例の取りこぼしが少なくすることが期待された。

  • A rare case of liver regenerative and non-neoplastic lesion resembling a well-differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma

    Hirose, K; Toshima, T; Tobo, T; Kai, S; Hirakawa, M; Higuchi, S; Ofuchi, T; Hosoda, K; Yonemura, Y; Hisamatsu, Y; Masuda, T; Aishima, S; Mimori, K

    SURGICAL CASE REPORTS   10 ( 1 )   30   2024年2月   ISSN:2198-7793


  • 高分化型肝細胞癌との鑑別に苦慮した肝再生性非腫瘍性病変の稀な1例(A rare case of liver regenerative and non-neoplastic lesion resembling a well-differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma)

    Hirose Kosuke, Toshima Takeo, Tobo Taro, Kai Satohiro, Hirakawa Masakazu, Higuchi Satoshi, Ofuchi Takashi, Hosoda Kiyotaka, Yonemura Yusuke, Hisamatsu Yuichi, Masuda Takaaki, Aishima Shinichi, Mimori Koshi

    Surgical Case Reports   10   1 of 6 - 6 of 6   2024年2月


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:Springer Berlin Heidelberg  


  • 副鼻腔原発神経内分泌癌の1例

    宮本 晃多, 江頭 玲子, 福井 修一, 入江 裕之, 佐藤 有記, 木戸 伸一, 相島 慎一

    Japanese Journal of Radiology   42 ( Suppl. )   49 - 49   2024年2月   ISSN:1867-1071 eISSN:1867-108X


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本医学放射線学会  


  • Comparison of the treatment effect between lenvatinib and atezolizumab plus bevacizumab for unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma in pathologically diagnosed metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease

    Takahashi, H; Koshiyama, Y; Mitsumoto, Y; Kobayashi, T; Hayashi, H; Arai, T; Sawada, K; Nonaka, M; Nakahara, T; Tomita, K; Ito, T; Notsumata, K; Seko, Y; Fujii, H; Aishima, S; Yoneda, M; Toyoda, H; Sumida, Y; Nakajima, A; Okanoue, T

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY   42 ( 3_SUPPL )   493 - 493   2024年1月   ISSN:0732-183X eISSN:1527-7755

  • CTを契機に発見された消化管AL型アミロイドーシスの一例

    西田 大輝, 芥川 剛至, 藤田 真衣, 沖井 詩織, 水田 優実, 島村 拓弥, 行元 崇浩, 相島 慎一, 江崎 幹宏

    日本消化管学会雑誌   8 ( Suppl. )   376 - 376   2024年1月   ISSN:2433-3840 eISSN:2435-8967


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(一社)日本消化管学会  


  • Collision tumor of a papillary and follicular thyroid carcinoma: a case report

    16 ( 1 )   2023年12月   eISSN:1756-6614


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Background: Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) and follicular thyroid carcinoma (FTC) are common differentiated thyroid cancers, but the detection of a collision tumor is an extremely rare event. Case presentation: The patient was a 69-year-old Japanese female with multiple cervical lymph node swellings and a thyroid tumor. Preoperative fine needle aspiration cytology of the enlarged lymph node revealed a cytological diagnosis of papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC). A total thyroidectomy, right cervical dissection and paratracheal dissection were performed. Histopathological and immunohistochemical analyses of resected specimens revealed a collision tumor of PTC and FTC. Multiple metastases of papillary carcinoma were found in the dissected lymph nodes. In the PTC lesion, IHC for BRAF (V600E) was positive but negative for the FTC lesion. Genetic analyses further revealed a TERT promoter C228T mutation in PTC and a NRAS codon 61 mutation in FTC. The patient died of recurrent cancer 8 months after surgery. Conclusions: A case of a collision tumor of PTC and FTC is very rare, and even fewer cases have been subjected to genetic scrutiny. The present case was successfully diagnosed by pathological examination using immunohistochemical and genetic analyses. The TERT promoter mutation in the PTC lesion was consistent with the aggressive behavior of the cancer.

    DOI: 10.1186/s13044-023-00167-3



  • Pseudohypercreatininemia after surgery for aortic dissection: a case report

    Ayako Tasaki, Makoto Fukuda, Yuki Ikeda, Masatora Yamasaki, Ikko Yamaguchi, Shinichi Aishima, Motoaki Miyazono

    BMC Nephrology   24 ( 1 )   2023年12月   eISSN:1471-2369


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Background: Elevated creatinine concentrations often indicate acute renal injury and renal biopsies are considered in this situation. However,pseudohypercreatininemia is potential cause of elevated creatinine concentrations, and invasive interventions should be avoided. Case presentation: A 54-year-old woman underwent surgery for descending aortic dissection.Nine days postoperatively, her creatinine concentration increased from 1 mg/dl to 5.78 mg/dl (normal range, 0.47–0.7 mg/dl). Azotemia and hyperkalemia were absent and physical examination findings were unremarkable. Cystatin C concentration was 1.56 mg/l (normal range, 0.56–0.8 mg/l) and pseudohypercreatininemia was suspected. Testing with different reagents showed a creatinine concentration of 0.84 mg/dl. Immunoglobulin (Ig)G was markedly elevated, and creatinine and IgG fluctuated in parallel, suggesting the cause of the pseudohypercreatininemia. IgG4 was also elevated at 844 mg/dl. Immunosuppressive steroid therapy effectively decreased the IgG concentration and resolved the pseudohypercreatininemia. Conclusions: In cases of elevated creatinine concentration with the presence of abnormal proteins, pseudohypercreatininemia should be considered. We report a rare case of pseudohypercreatininemia caused by polyclonal IgG.

    DOI: 10.1186/s12882-023-03275-2




  • Subcutaneous angiogenesis induced by transdermal delivery of gel-in-oil nanogel dispersion

    Zhang, Y; Fardous, J; Inoue, Y; Doi, R; Obata, A; Sakai, Y; Aishima, S; Ijima, H

    BIOMATERIALS ADVANCES   154   213628   2023年11月   eISSN:2772-9508


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Biomaterials Advances  

    Subcutaneous transplantation aims to enhance the growth and functionality of transplanted cells for therapeutic outcomes in tissue engineering. However, the limited subcutaneous vascular network poses a challenge. Conventional methods involve co-transplantation with endothelial cells or angiogenic scaffold implantation, but they have drawbacks like tissue inflammation, compromised endothelial cell functionality, and the risk of repeated scaffold transplantation. Effective techniques are needed to overcome these challenges. This study explores the potential of G/O-NGD, a gel-in-oil nanogel dispersion, as a transdermal carrier of proliferative factors to promote angiogenesis in subcutaneous graft beds before cell transplantation. We observed robust subcutaneous angiogenesis by delivering varying amounts of bFGF using the G/O-NGD emulsion. Quantitative analysis of several parameters confirmed the efficacy of this method for building a subcutaneous vascular network. G/O-NGD is a biodegradable material that facilitates localized transdermal delivery of bFGF while maintaining its activity. The findings of this study have significant implications in both medical and industrial fields.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.bioadv.2023.213628

    Web of Science




  • 増大号 「胃と腸」式 読影問題集2023 応用と発展-考える画像診断が身につく 全消化管 3 Cases Case 3

    芥川 剛至, 沖井 詩織, 島村 拓弥, 相島 慎一, 江﨑 幹宏

    胃と腸   58 ( 10 )   1434 - 1437   2023年10月



    DOI: 10.11477/mf.1403203389

  • 肝胆道領域の病理診断

    相島 慎一

    日本臨床細胞学会雑誌   62 ( Suppl.2 )   409 - 409   2023年10月



  • Agile 3+ and Agile 4, noninvasive tests for liver fibrosis, are excellent formulae to predict liver-related events in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

    Kouichi Miura, Hideki Hayashi, Yoshihiro Kamada, Hideki Fujii, Hirokazu Takahashi, Satoshi Oeda, Michihiro Iwaki, Takumi Kawaguchi, Eiichi Tomita, Masato Yoneda, Akihiro Tokushige, Shinichiro Ueda, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshio Sumida, Atsushi Nakajima, Takeshi Okanoue

    Hepatology Research   53 ( 10 )   978 - 988   2023年10月   ISSN:1386-6346 eISSN:1872-034X


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Aim: The noninvasive tests (NITs) Agile 3+ and Agile 4 effectively identify patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) complicated with advanced fibrosis (F3–4) and cirrhosis (F4), respectively. Little information is available on associations between Agile scores and intra-/extrahepatic events. The aim of this study was to determine the predictive performance of Agile scores for intra-/extrahepatic events in Asian patients with biopsy-proven NAFLD. Methods: We undertook a retrospective multicenter cohort study to investigate associations between intra-/extrahepatic events and two Agile scores, Agile 3+ and Agile 4. The scores were obtained by combining clinical parameters and liver stiffness measurement using transient elastography. Results: Among 403 enrolled patients, 11 had liver-related events (LREs), including seven with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The incidence of LREs and HCC showed a stepwise increase in the advanced fibrosis group (F3–4), Agile 3+ rule-in (F3–4, highly suspected), and Agile 4 rule-in (F4, highly suspected) groups, compared to their counterparts. Hazard ratios for LREs in the advanced fibrosis group, Agile 3+ rule-in, and Agile 4 rule-in groups were 4.05 (p = 0.03), 23.5 (p = 0.003), and 45.5 (p < 0.001), respectively. The predictive performance results for Agile 3+ and Agile 4 were 0.780 and 0.866, respectively, which were higher than for fibrosis (0.595). Unlike for LREs, Agile scores failed to identify patients with extrahepatic events, including cardiovascular events and extrahepatic cancer. Conclusions: Agile 3+ and Agile 4 scores are excellent NITs for predicting LREs in patients with NAFLD, possibly without histological assessment.

    DOI: 10.1111/hepr.13938



  • Palisading Adenocarcinoma: A Morphologically Unique Salivary Gland Tumor with a Neuroendocrine-like Appearance and a Predilection for the Sublingual Glands of Women

    Justin A. Bishop, Ilan Weinreb, Chris Van Vliet, Connull Leslie, Yoshitaka Utsumi, Shinichi Aishima, Junichi Shiraishi, Masamichi Koyama, Yoshiharu Nara, Masatomo Kimura, Doreen Palsgrove, Ying Ju Kuo, Ralph Gilbert, Jeffrey Gagan, Masato Nakaguro, Toshitaka Nagao

    American Journal of Surgical Pathology   47 ( 10 )   1176 - 1185   2023年10月   ISSN:0147-5185 eISSN:1532-0979


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Adenocarcinoma, not otherwise specified (NOS) is a heterogenous group of salivary gland tumors that likely contains distinct tumors that have not yet been characterized. Indeed, in recent years, cases previously diagnosed as adenocarcinoma, NOS have been recategorized into novel tumor designations such as secretory carcinoma, microsecretory adenocarcinoma, and sclerosing microcystic adenocarcinoma. We sought to describe a distinctive, hitherto-undescribed salivary gland tumor encountered in the authors' practices. Cases were pulled from the surgical pathology archives of the authors' institutions. Histologic, immunohistochemical, and clinical findings were tabulated, and targeted next-generation sequencing was performed on all cases. Nine cases were identified, arising in 8 women and 1 man ranging from 45 to 74 years (mean, 56.7 y). Seven tumors (78%) arose in the sublingual gland, while 2 (22%) arose in the submandibular gland. The cases shared a distinctive morphologic appearance. They were biphasic, with ducts scattered among a predominant polygonal cell with round nuclei, prominent nucleoli, and pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. These cells were arranged as trabeculae and palisaded as pseudorosettes around hyalinized stroma and vessels, resembling a neuroendocrine tumor. Four of the cases were well-circumscribed, while the remaining 5 showed infiltrative growth including perineural invasion in 2 (22%) and lymphovascular invasion in 1 (11%). Mitotic rates were low (mean, 2.2/10 HPFs); necrosis was absent. By immunohistochemistry, the predominant cell type was strongly positive for CD56 (9 of 9) and variably positive for pan-cytokeratin (AE1/AE3) (7 of 9) with patchy S100 (4 of 9), but negative for synaptophysin (0 of 9) and chromogranin (0 of 9), while the ducts were strongly positive for pan-cytokeratin (AE1/AE3) (9 of 9) and CK5/6 (7 of 7). Next-generation sequencing did not reveal any fusions or obvious driver mutations. All cases were resected surgically, with external beam radiation also done in 1 case. Follow-up was available in 8 cases; there were no metastases or recurrences after 4 to 160 months (mean, 53.1 mo). A dual population of scattered ducts with a predominance of CD56-positive neuroendocrine-like cells characterizes a unique salivary gland tumor which is often encountered in the sublingual glands of women, for which we propose the term "palisading adenocarcinoma." Although the tumor was biphasic and had a neuroendocrine-like appearance, it lacked convincing immunohistochemical evidence of myoepithelial or neuroendocrine differentiation. Although a subset showed unequivocally invasive growth, this tumor appears to behave in an indolent manner. Moving forward, recognition of palisading adenocarcinoma and its separation from other salivary adenocarcinomas, NOS will facilitate a better understanding of the characteristics of this previously unrecognized tumor.

    DOI: 10.1097/PAS.0000000000002091




  • Identification of clinical phenotypes associated with poor prognosis in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease via unsupervised machine learning

    Takanori Ito, Hikaru Morooka, Hirokazu Takahashi, Hideki Fujii, Michihiro Iwaki, Hideki Hayashi, Hidenori Toyoda, Satoshi Oeda, Hideyuki Hyogo, Miwa Kawanaka, Asahiro Morishita, Kensuke Munekage, Kazuhito Kawata, Tsubasa Tsutsumi, Koji Sawada, Tatsuji Maeshiro, Hiroshi Tobita, Yuichi Yoshida, Masafumi Naito, Asuka Araki, Shingo Arakaki, Takumi Kawaguchi, Hidenao Noritake, Masafumi Ono, Tsutomu Masaki, Satoshi Yasuda, Eiichi Tomita, Masato Yoneda, Akihiro Tokushige, Masatoshi Ishigami, Yoshihiro Kamada, Shinichiro Ueda, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshio Sumida, Atsushi Nakajima, Takeshi Okanoue

    Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (Australia)   38 ( 10 )   1832 - 1839   2023年10月   ISSN:0815-9319 eISSN:1440-1746


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Background and Aims: Both fibrosis status and body weight are important for assessing prognosis in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). The aim of this study was to identify population clusters for specific clinical outcomes based on fibrosis-4 (FIB-4) index and body mass index (BMI) using an unsupervised machine learning method. Methods: We conducted a multicenter study of 1335 biopsy-proven NAFLD patients from Japan. Using the Gaussian mixture model to divide the cohort into clusters based on FIB-4 index and BMI, we investigated prognosis for these clusters. Results: The cohort consisted of 223 cases (16.0%) with advanced fibrosis (F3–4) as assessed from liver biopsy. Median values of BMI and FIB-4 index were 27.3 kg/m2 and 1.67. The patients were divided into four clusters by Bayesian information criterion, and all-cause mortality was highest in cluster d, followed by cluster b (P = 0.001). Regarding the characteristics of each cluster, clusters d and b presented a high FIB-4 index (median 5.23 and 2.23), cluster a presented the lowest FIB-4 index (median 0.78), and cluster c was associated with moderate FIB-4 level (median 1.30) and highest BMI (median 34.3 kg/m2). Clusters a and c had lower mortality rates than clusters b and d. However, all-cause of death in clusters a and c was unrelated to liver disease. Conclusions: Our clustering approach found that the FIB-4 index is an important predictor of mortality in NAFLD patients regardless of BMI. Additionally, non-liver-related diseases were identified as the causes of death in NAFLD patients with low FIB-4 index.

    DOI: 10.1111/jgh.16326




  • 肝線維化の非侵襲性検査であるAgile 3+とAgile 4は非アルコール性脂肪性肝疾患における肝関連イベントを予測する優れた式である(Agile 3+ and Agile 4, noninvasive tests for liver fibrosis, are excellent formulae to predict liver-related events in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease)

    Miura Kouichi, Hayashi Hideki, Kamada Yoshihiro, Fujii Hideki, Takahashi Hirokazu, Oeda Satoshi, Iwaki Michihiro, Kawaguchi Takumi, Tomita Eiichi, Yoneda Masato, Tokushige Akihiro, Ueda Shinichiro, Aishima Shinichi, Sumida Yoshio, Nakajima Atsushi, Okanoue Takeshi

    Hepatology Research   53 ( 10 )   978 - 988   2023年10月   ISSN:1386-6346


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd  

    アジア人の非アルコール性脂肪性肝疾患(NAFLD)における肝内/肝外イベントに対するAgileスコアの予測能を明らかにするため、多施設共同後ろ向きコホート研究を実施した。対象はNAFLD患者403例(男性40.2%、年齢中央値60歳)で、Agile 3+ rule-in患者は145例、Agile 4 rule-in患者は46例であった。11例が肝関連イベント(LRE)を経験した(肝細胞癌7例)。進行線維症(F3~4)群、Agile 3+ rule-in群、Agile 4 rule-in群におけるLREのハザード比はそれぞれ4.05(p=0.03)、23.5(p=0.003)、45.5(p<0.001)であった。Agile 3+とAgile 4の予測性能は線維症よりも高かった。肝外イベントとして、主要有害心血管イベントが7件、心血管疾患が7件、肝外癌イベントが11件あった。Agileスコアは肝外イベント患者を同定できなかった。

  • A Case of Multicystic Biliary Hamartoma with a Marked Peribiliary Gland Component Successfully Treated by Purely Laparoscopic Anatomical Liver Resection

    Keita Kai, Takao Ide, Tomokazu Tanaka, Kumpei Yukimoto, Hiroyuki Irie, Hirokazu Noshiro, Shinichi Aishima

    Journal of Gastrointestinal Cancer   54 ( 3 )   996 - 999   2023年9月   ISSN:1941-6628 eISSN:1941-6636


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Background: Multicystic biliary hamartoma (MCBH) is an extremely rare benign liver lesion characterized by a gross well-circumscribed multicystic honeycomb appearance. This report presents a MCBH case with a marked peribiliary gland component which showed unusual histology. Case Presentation: A 63-year-old Japanese male was admitted to our hospital for a detailed examination of a hepatic cystic lesion, which was originally detected 14 years ago and had slowly enlarged. A preoperative imaging study revealed a well-demarcated multicystic lesion without communication to the biliary tracts. The possible clinical diagnoses were mucinous cystic neoplasm (MCN) or MCBH. The lesion was successfully resected by purely laparoscopic right anterior sectionectomy. The cut surfaces of resected specimens grossly exhibited a well-circumscribed multicystic lesion with a thick septum. Histologically, the cyst wall was covered by cuboidal epithelial cells resembling epithelium of the bile duct while abundant small ducts, which morphologically resembled peribiliary glands, were observed among the fibrous stroma of the thick septum. Although possible pathological diagnosis varied, including intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, intraductal papillary neoplasm of the bile duct, biliary adenofibroma, MCN and MCBH, the lesion was finally diagnosed as MCBH with a marked peribiliary gland component. Conclusions: MCBH can contain abundant peribiliary glands in the fibrous stroma. A pathologist should be careful not to diagnose such peribiliary glands in MCBH as neoplastic glands.

    DOI: 10.1007/s12029-022-00893-1




  • M-PAST score is better than MAST score for the diagnosis of active fibrotic nonalcoholic steatohepatitis

    Kento Imajo, Yusuke Saigusa, Takashi Kobayashi, Koki Nagai, Shinya Nishida, Nobuyoshi Kawamura, Hiroyoshi Doi, Michihiro Iwaki, Asako Nogami, Yasushi Honda, Takaomi Kessoku, Yuji Ogawa, Hiroyuki Kirikoshi, Satoshi Yasuda, Hidenori Toyoda, Hideki Hayashi, Shigehiro Kokubu, Daisuke Utsunomiya, Hirokazu Takahashi, Shinichi Aishima, Beom Kyung Kim, Nobuharu Tamaki, Satoru Saito, Masato Yoneda, Rohit Loomba, Atsushi Nakajima

    Hepatology Research   53 ( 9 )   844 - 856   2023年9月   ISSN:1386-6346 eISSN:1872-034X


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Background: Clinical trials enroll patients with active fibrotic nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) (nonalcoholic fatty liver disease [NAFLD] activity score ≥ 4) and significant fibrosis (F ≥ 2); however, screening failure rates are high following biopsy. We developed new scores to identify active fibrotic NASH using FibroScan and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Methods: We undertook prospective primary (n = 176), retrospective validation (n = 169), and University of California San Diego (UCSD; n = 234) studies of liver biopsy-proven NAFLD. Liver stiffness measurement (LSM) using FibroScan or magnetic resonance elastography (MRE), controlled attenuation parameter (CAP), or proton density fat fraction (PDFF), and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) were combined to develop a two-step strategy—FibroScan-based LSM followed by CAP with AST (F-CAST) and MRE-based LSM followed by PDFF with AST (M-PAST)—and compared with FibroScan-AST (FAST) and MRI-AST (MAST) for diagnosing active fibrotic NASH. Each model was categorized using rule-in and rule-out criteria. Results: Areas under receiver operating characteristic curves (AUROCs) of F-CAST (0.826) and M-PAST (0.832) were significantly higher than those of FAST (0.744, p = 0.004) and MAST (0.710, p < 0.001). Following the rule-in criteria, positive predictive values of F-CAST (81.8%) and M-PAST (81.8%) were higher than those of FAST (73.5%) and MAST (70.0%). Following the rule-out criteria, negative predictive values of F-CAST (90.5%) and M-PAST (90.9%) were higher than those of FAST (84.0%) and MAST (73.9%). In the validation and UCSD cohorts, AUROCs did not differ significantly between F-CAST and FAST, but M-PAST had a higher diagnostic performance than MAST. Conclusions: The two-step strategy, especially M-PAST, showed reliability of rule-in/-out for active fibrotic NASH, with better predictive performance compared with MAST. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov (number, UMIN000012757).

    DOI: 10.1111/hepr.13927



  • Histological validation of atrial structural remodelling in patients with atrial fibrillation

    Yuya Takahashi, Takanori Yamaguchi, Toyokazu Otsubo, Kana Nakashima, Kodai Shinzato, Ryosuke Osako, Shigeki Shichida, Yuki Kawano, Akira Fukui, Atsushi Kawaguchi, Shinichi Aishima, Tsunenori Saito, Naohiko Takahashi, Koichi Node

    European Heart Journal   44 ( 35 )   3339 - 3353   2023年9月   ISSN:0195-668X eISSN:1522-9645


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Background and Aims: This study aimed to histologically validate atrial structural remodelling associated with atrial fibrillation. Methods and results: Patients undergoing atrial fibrillation ablation and endomyocardial atrial biopsy were included (n = 230; 67 ± 12 years old; 69 women). Electroanatomic mapping was performed during right atrial pacing. Voltage at the biopsy site (Vbiopsy), global left atrial voltage (VGLA), and the proportion of points with fractionated electrograms defined as ≥5 deflections in each electrogram (%Fractionated EGM) were evaluated. SCZtotal was calculated as the total width of slow conduction zones, defined as regions with a conduction velocity of <30 cm/s. Histological factors potentially associated with electroanatomic characteristics were evaluated using multiple linear regression analyses. Ultrastructural features and immune cell infiltration were evaluated by electron microscopy and immunohistochemical staining in 33 and 60 patients, respectively. Fibrosis, intercellular space, myofibrillar loss, and myocardial nuclear density were significantly associated with Vbiopsy (P =. 014, P <. 001, P <. 001, and P =. 002, respectively) and VGLA (P =. 010, P <. 001, P =. 001, and P <. 001, respectively). The intercellular space was associated with the %Fractionated EGM (P =. 001). Fibrosis, intercellular space, and myofibrillar loss were associated with SCZtotal (P =. 028, P <. 001, and P =. 015, respectively). Electron microscopy confirmed plasma components and immature collagen fibrils in the increased intercellular space and myofilament lysis in cardiomyocytes, depending on myofibrillar loss. Among the histological factors, the severity of myofibrillar loss was associated with an increase in macrophage infiltration. Conclusion: Histological correlates of atrial structural remodelling were fibrosis, increased intercellular space, myofibrillar loss, and decreased nuclear density. Each histological component was defined using electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry studies.

    DOI: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehad396




  • 活動性線維化非アルコール性脂肪性肝炎の診断にはMASTスコアよりM-PASTスコアが適している(M-PAST score is better than MAST score for the diagnosis of active fibrotic nonalcoholic steatohepatitis)

    Imajo Kento, Saigusa Yusuke, Kobayashi Takashi, Nagai Koki, Nishida Shinya, Kawamura Nobuyoshi, Doi Hiroyoshi, Iwaki Michihiro, Nogami Asako, Honda Yasushi, Kessoku Takaomi, Ogawa Yuji, Kirikoshi Hiroyuki, Yasuda Satoshi, Toyoda Hidenori, Hayashi Hideki, Kokubu Shigehiro, Utsunomiya Daisuke, Takahashi Hirokazu, Aishima Shinichi, Kim Beom Kyung, Tamaki Nobuharu, Saito Satoru, Yoneda Masato, Loomba Rohit, Nakajima Atsushi

    Hepatology Research   53 ( 9 )   844 - 856   2023年9月   ISSN:1386-6346


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd  


  • Prediction of Liver-Related Events With a Combination of Liver Stiffness Measurements and Controlled Attenuation Parameters in Japanese Patients With Biopsy-Proven Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

    Hideki Hayashi, Yoshihiro Kamada, Hideki Fujii, Hirokazu Takahashi, Satoshi Oeda, Michihiro Iwaki, Takumi Kawaguchi, Eiichi Tomita, Masato Yoneda, Akihiro Tokushige, Shinichiro Ueda, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshio Sumida, Atsushi Nakajima, Takeshi Okanoue

    Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology   49 ( 7 )   1658 - 1664   2023年7月   ISSN:0301-5629 eISSN:1879-291X


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Objective: Liver stiffness measurements (LSMs) and controlled attenuation parameters (CAPs) obtained using vibration-controlled transient elastography (VCTE) are recognized non-invasive methods of assessing liver histology. The usefulness of CAP for predicting liver-related events (LREs: hepatocellular carcinoma, decompensation, bleeding varices) is not well understood worldwide. Our aim was to re-evaluate the cutoff values of LSM/CAP in Japan and to examine whether LSM/CAP can predict LRE. Methods: Japanese NAFLD patients (n = 403) who underwent both liver biopsy and VCTE were enrolled. We determined optimal cutoff values of LSM/CAP diagnoses for fibrosis stage and steatosis grade and investigated their clinical outcome based on LSM/CAP values. Results: The LSM cutoff values for F1 to F4 are 7.1, 7.9, 10.0 and 20.2 kPa, and the CAP cutoff values for S1 to S3 are 230, 282 and 320 dB/m. During a median follow-up of 2.7 y (range: 0.0–12.5 y), 11 patients developed LREs. The incidence of LREs in the LSM Hi (≥8.7) group was significantly higher than that in the LSM Lo (<8.7) group (p = 0.003), and the incidence in the CAP Lo (<295) group was higher than that in CAP Hi (≥295) group (p = 0.018). Considering LSM and CAP together, the risk of LRE was higher in the LSM Hi CAP Lo group than in the LSM Hi CAP Hi group (p = 0.03). Conclusion: We set LSM/CAP cutoff values to diagnose liver fibrosis and steatosis in Japan. Our study determined that NAFLD patients with high LSM and low CAP values are at high risk for LREs.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ultrasmedbio.2023.03.023




  • 穿刺吸引細胞診で悪性を疑った好酸性細胞型濾胞腺腫の一例

    井樋 有紗, 甲斐 敬太, 中村 光男, 川崎 佳奈子, 石田 知也, 峯崎 晃充, 山内 盛泰, 武市 幸奈, 倉富 勇一郎, 相島 慎一

    日本臨床細胞学会九州連合会雑誌   54   49 - 53   2023年7月   ISSN:0912-6600


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本臨床細胞学会-九州連合会  

    背景 甲状腺好酸性細胞型濾胞腺腫は75%以上が好酸性細胞からなる濾胞腺腫の1亜型である.時に核異型が目立つが,組織学的な良悪性診断は通常の濾胞腺腫に準じる.今回,穿刺吸引細胞診(Fine-needle Aspiration:FNA)で悪性を疑った甲状腺好酸性細胞型濾胞腺腫の一例を経験した.症例 60代男性.甲状腺左葉の約3cm大の腫瘤に対し,FNAが施行された.FNA検体ではライトグリーン好性の顆粒状細胞質と著明な核の大小不同を有する異型細胞が出現しており,悪性と判断するも組織型推定に窮した.切除の方針となり,甲状腺左葉切除検体が術中迅速に提出された.迅速時の捺印細胞診でも術前FNAと同様の異型細胞を認めたが,凍結標本の組織所見と肉眼所見とを併せて「好酸性細胞型濾胞性腫瘍を疑うが良悪性の判定困難」と報告した.切除検体の組織学的検討では,p53の核内発現率とKi-67標識率より悪性のポテンシャルが示唆されたが,悪性の根拠たる被膜・脈管侵襲は認めず,好酸性細胞型濾胞腺腫の最終診断とした.結語 甲状腺のFNA検体で好酸性細胞を示唆するライトグリーン好性の顆粒状細胞質を認めた場合,好酸性細胞型濾胞腺腫の可能性を考慮して慎重な良悪性判定を行う必要がある.(著者抄録)

  • Noninvasive tests predict liver-related events and mortality in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: sub-analysis of the CLIONE-Asia study

    Hiroshi Ishiba, Yoshio Sumida, Yoshihiro Kamada, Hideki Fujii, Michihiro Iwaki, Hideki Hayashi, Hidenori Toyoda, Satoshi Oeda, Hideyuki Hyogo, Miwa Kawanaka, Asahiro Morishita, Kensuke Munekage, Kazuhito Kawata, Tsubasa Tsutsumi, Koji Sawada, Tatsuji Maeshiro, Hiroshi Tobita, Yuichi Yoshida, Masafumi Naito, Asuka Araki, Shingo Arakaki, Takumi Kawaguchi, Hidenao Noritake, Masafumi Ono, Tsutomu Masaki, Satoshi Yasuda, Eiichi Tomita, Masato Yoneda, Akihiro Tokushige, Hirokazu Takahashi, Shinichiro Ueda, Shinichi Aishima, Atsushi Nakajima, Takeshi Okanoue

    Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (Australia)   38 ( 6 )   896 - 904   2023年6月   ISSN:0815-9319 eISSN:1440-1746


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Background and Aims: Noninvasive tests (NITs) have prognostic potential, but whether NITs are comparable with liver biopsy is unclear. This study aimed to examine the prognostic accuracy of NITs for liver-related mortality (LRM) and events (LREs) in patients with biopsy-proven nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Methods: We investigated 1313 patients with NAFLD. Patients were assigned to low-risk, indeterminate-risk, and high-risk groups using conventional cutoff values of each FIB-4 and NAFLD fibrosis score (NFS) and to stage 0–2 and stage 3–4 groups using the fibrosis stage. Survival and Cox regression analyses of the prognostic potential of NITs for LRM/LREs were conducted. Results: During a median follow-up of 4.5 years, regarding to FIB-4, the incidence rate (/1000 person-years) in the low risk was zero for LRM and 0.5 for LREs. In contrast, the rate in stage 0–2 was 1.3 for LRM and 2.8 for LRE. The adjusted hazard ratios (aHRs) for LREs in the high risk compared with the low risk were 32.85 (P < 0.01). The aHRs in stage 3–4 compared with stage 0–2 were 2.68 (P = 0.02) for LREs and 2.26 (P = 0.582) for LRM. In the same fibrosis stage, the incidence of LRM/LREs was more frequent with a higher risk stratification. The same trend was observed for NFS. Conclusions: NITs accurately predict LRM and LREs as well as a liver biopsy in Japanese patients with NAFLD. Patients in the low risk may not require close follow-up for at least 5 years. The simple NITs could be an acceptable alternative method to performing a liver biopsy for the prognosis of NAFLD.

    DOI: 10.1111/jgh.16144




  • Validation of the utility of Agile scores to identify advanced fibrosis and cirrhosis in Japanese patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

    Satoshi Oeda, Yuya Seko, Hideki Hayashi, Taeang Arai, Michihiro Iwaki, Masato Yoneda, Toshihide Shima, Kazuo Notsumata, Tadashi Ikegami, Hideki Fujii, Hidenori Toyoda, Kouichi Miura, Asahiro Morishita, Kazuhito Kawata, Kengo Tomita, Miwa Kawanaka, Hiroshi Isoda, Kanji Yamaguchi, Hideaki Fukushima, Yoshihiro Kamada, Yoshio Sumida, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshito Itoh, Takeshi Okanoue, Atsushi Nakajima, Hirokazu Takahashi

    Hepatology Research   53 ( 6 )   489 - 496   2023年6月   ISSN:1386-6346 eISSN:1872-034X


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Aim: Agile 3+ and Agile 4 scores, based on liver stiffness measurement (LSM) by transient elastography and clinical parameters, were recently reported to be effective in identifying advanced fibrosis and cirrhosis in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). This study aimed to validate the utility of these scores in Japanese patients with NAFLD. Methods: Six hundred forty-one patients with biopsy-proven NAFLD were analyzed. The severity of liver fibrosis was pathologically evaluated by one expert pathologist. The LSM, age, sex, diabetes status, platelet count, and aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase levels were used to calculate Agile 3+ scores, and the parameters above excluding age were used for Agile 4 scores. The diagnostic performance of the two scores was evaluated using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis. Sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values of the original low cut-off (for rule-out) value and high cut-off (for rule-in) value were tested. Results: For diagnosis of fibrosis stage ≥3, the area under the ROC (AUROC) was 0.886, and the sensitivity of the low cut-off value and the specificity of the high cut-off value were 95.3% and 73.4%, respectively. For diagnosis of fibrosis stage 4, AUROC, the sensitivity of the low cut-off value, and the specificity of the high cut-off value were 0.930, 100%, and 86.5%, respectively. Both scores had higher diagnostic performance than the FIB-4 index and the enhanced liver fibrosis score. Conclusions: Agile 3+ and Agile 4 are reliable noninvasive tests to identify advanced fibrosis and cirrhosis in Japanese NAFLD patients with adequate diagnostic performance.

    DOI: 10.1111/hepr.13890



  • 非アルコール性脂肪性肝疾患の日本人患者におけるAgileスコアを用いた進行性線維化および肝硬変特定の有用性に関する検証(Validation of the utility of Agile scores to identify advanced fibrosis and cirrhosis in Japanese patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease)

    Oeda Satoshi, Seko Yuya, Hayashi Hideki, Arai Taeang, Iwaki Michihiro, Yoneda Masato, Shima Toshihide, Notsumata Kazuo, Ikegami Tadashi, Fujii Hideki, Toyoda Hidenori, Miura Kouichi, Morishita Asahiro, Kawata Kazuhito, Tomita Kengo, Kawanaka Miwa, Isoda Hiroshi, Yamaguchi Kanji, Fukushima Hideaki, Kamada Yoshihiro, Sumida Yoshio, Aishima Shinichi, Itoh Yoshito, Okanoue Takeshi, Nakajima Atsushi, Takahashi Hirokazu

    Hepatology Research   53 ( 6 )   489 - 496   2023年6月   ISSN:1386-6346


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd  

    非アルコール性脂肪性肝疾患(NAFLD)の日本人患者において、進行性線維化および肝硬変の特定にAgile 3+とAgile 4スコアが有用かどうか検討した。2012~2021年に肝生検と肝硬度測定を受け、NAFLDが証明された患者を後ろ向きに調べた。ROC曲線解析でAgile 3+とAgile 4スコアの診断能を評価し、除外診断(rule-out)の低カットオフ値、診断(rule-in)の高カットオフ値の感度、特異度、予測値を算出した。診断能を既存のFIB-4 indexとELF(Enhanced Liver Fibrosis)スコアと比較した。患者641例(年齢17~86歳、女性56.2%)を解析した。Agile 3+による線維化ステージ3以上の診断のROC曲線下面積(AUROC)は0.886、低カットオフ値の感度は95.3%、高カットオフ値の特異度は73.4%であった。Agile 4による線維化ステージ4の診断のAUROC、低カットオフ値の感度、高カットオフ値の特異度はそれぞれ0.930、100%、86.5%であった。両スコアは、FIB-4 indexおよびELFスコアより診断能が高かった。以上より、NAFLD日本人患者においてAgile 3+とAgile 4スコアは進行性線維化および肝硬変の診断に用いることが可能と考えられた。

  • Association of Serum Albumin Levels and Long-Term Prognosis in Patients with Biopsy-Confirmed Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

    Hirokazu Takahashi, Miwa Kawanaka, Hideki Fujii, Michihiro Iwaki, Hideki Hayashi, Hidenori Toyoda, Satoshi Oeda, Hideyuki Hyogo, Asahiro Morishita, Kensuke Munekage, Kazuhito Kawata, Tsubasa Tsutsumi, Koji Sawada, Tatsuji Maeshiro, Hiroshi Tobita, Yuichi Yoshida, Masafumi Naito, Asuka Araki, Shingo Arakaki, Takumi Kawaguchi, Hidenao Noritake, Masafumi Ono, Tsutomu Masaki, Satoshi Yasuda, Eiichi Tomita, Masato Yoneda, Akihiro Tokushige, Yoshihiro Kamada, Shinichiro Ueda, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshio Sumida, Atsushi Nakajima, Takeshi Okanoue

    Nutrients   15 ( 9 )   2023年5月   eISSN:2072-6643


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    The relationship between baseline serum albumin level and long-term prognosis of patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) remains unknown. This is a sub-analysis of the CLIONE (Clinical Outcome Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease) study. The main outcomes were: death or orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT), liver-related death, and liver-related events (hepatocellular carcinoma [HCC], decompensated cirrhosis, and gastroesophageal varices/bleeding). 1383 Japanese patients with biopsy-confirmed NAFLD were analyzed. They were divided into 3 groups based on serum albumin: high (>4.0 g/dL), intermediate (3.5–4.0 g/dL), and low (<3.5 g/dL). Unadjusted hazard ratio [HR] of the intermediate albumin group, compared with the high albumin group, were 3.6 for death or OLT, 11.2 for liver-related death, 4.6 for HCC, 8.2 for decompensated cirrhosis, and 6.2 for gastroesophageal varices (all risks were statistically significant). After adjusting confounding factors, albumin remained significantly associated with death or OLT (intermediate vs. high albumin group: HR 3.06, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.59–5.91, p < 0.001; low vs. high albumin group: HR 22.9, 95% CI 8.21–63.9, p < 0.001). Among biopsy-confirmed NAFLD patients, those with intermediate or low serum albumin had a significantly higher risk of death or OLT than those with high serum albumin.

    DOI: 10.3390/nu15092014




  • Multicenter, retrospective, cohort study shows platelet counts predict hepatocellular carcinoma development in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

    Hideki Fujii, Makoto Fujii, Michihiro Iwaki, Hideki Hayashi, Hidenori Toyoda, Satoshi Oeda, Hideyuki Hyogo, Miwa Kawanaka, Asahiro Morishita, Kensuke Munekage, Kazuhito Kawata, Tsubasa Tsutsumi, Koji Sawada, Tatsuji Maeshiro, Hiroshi Tobita, Yuichi Yoshida, Masafumi Naito, Asuka Araki, Shingo Arakaki, Takumi Kawaguchi, Hidenao Noritake, Masafumi Ono, Tsutomu Masaki, Satoshi Yasuda, Eiichi Tomita, Masato Yoneda, Norifumi Kawada, Akihiro Tokushige, Yoshihiro Kamada, Hirokazu Takahashi, Shinichiro Ueda, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshio Sumida, Atsushi Nakajima, Takeshi Okanoue

    Hepatology Research   53 ( 5 )   391 - 400   2023年5月   ISSN:1386-6346 eISSN:1872-034X


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Aim: Impacts of platelet counts at the time of liver biopsy on hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) development in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) remain unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate the prognostic value of platelet counts in patients with biopsy-confirmed NAFLD using data from a multicenter study. Methods: One thousand three hundred ninety-eight patients were included in this subanalysis of the CLIONE (Clinical Outcome Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease) in Asia study. Liver biopsy specimens were pathologically diagnosed, and histologically scored using the NASH Clinical Research Network system. Demographic, clinical, laboratory, and pathological data were collected. Results: During a median follow-up period of 4.6 years (range, 0.3–21.6 years), which corresponds to 8874 person-years, 37 patients developed HCC. Using a cut-off baseline platelet count of 192 × 109/L, the lower platelet group had a higher HCC rate than the higher platelet group (6.7% vs. 0.4%; p < 0.001). This cut-off value significantly stratified the event-free rate for HCC. Lower platelet counts were associated with an increased risk of HCC development. Relative to patients with platelet counts of 192 × 109/L, patients with platelet counts of 100 × 109/L had an unadjusted hazard ratio (HR) for HCC development of 7.37 (95% confidence interval [CI], 3.81–14.2) and an adjusted HR of 11.2 (95% CI, 3.81–32.7; p < 0.001), adjusting for age, sex, NASH, and diabetes. Conclusions: Baseline platelet counts of 192 × 109/L and lower are associated with a higher risk of developing HCC in patients with biopsy-confirmed NAFLD and require active surveillance.

    DOI: 10.1111/hepr.13884



  • 多施設共同後ろ向きコホート研究により、血小板数が非アルコール性脂肪性肝疾患患者の肝細胞癌発生を予測することが示された(Multicenter, retrospective, cohort study shows platelet counts predict hepatocellular carcinoma development in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease)

    Fujii Hideki, Fujii Makoto, Iwaki Michihiro, Hayashi Hideki, Toyoda Hidenori, Oeda Satoshi, Hyogo Hideyuki, Kawanaka Miwa, Morishita Asahiro, Munekage Kensuke, Kawata Kazuhito, Tsutsumi Tsubasa, Sawada Koji, Maeshiro Tatsuji, Tobita Hiroshi, Yoshida Yuichi, Naito Masafumi, Araki Asuka, Arakaki Shingo, Kawaguchi Takumi, Noritake Hidenao, Ono Masafumi, Masaki Tsutomu, Yasuda Satoshi, Tomita Eiichi, Yoneda Masato, Kawada Norifumi, Tokushige Akihiro, Kamada Yoshihiro, Takahashi Hirokazu, Ueda Shinichiro, Aishima Shinichi, Sumida Yoshio, Nakajima Atsushi, Okanoue Takeshi, Japan Study Group of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease(JSG-NAFLD)

    Hepatology Research   53 ( 5 )   391 - 400   2023年5月   ISSN:1386-6346


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd  

    多施設共同コホート研究であるCLIONE(Clinical Outcome Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease)研究のサブ解析を実施し、非アルコール性脂肪性肝疾患(NAFLD)患者における血小板数の予後予測能について検討した。NAFLD患者1398例(男性599例、平均54.5±14.2歳)を解析対象とした。評価項目は人口統計学的特徴、各種臨床所見(糖尿病、高血圧、脂質異常症などの有無)、各種検査データ(血小板数など)、病理学的データなどとした。その結果、追跡期間中央値4.6年、追跡期間は8874人・年に37例が肝細胞癌を発症していた。また、ベースラインの血小板数に基づき、血小板低値群495例、血小板高値群903例に分けて検討した。その結果、血小板低値群では血小板高値群と比較して、肝細胞癌発症率が高かった(6.7%対0.4%、p<0.001)。Kaplan-Meier曲線解析の結果、カットオフ値192×10^9/Lは肝細胞癌無イベント率を有意に層別化していた。血小板数低下と肝細胞癌発症リスク上昇には関連が認められた。血小板数192×10^9/Lと比較した場合の血小板数100×10^9/Lの交絡因子調整前ハザード比は7.37(95%CI 3.81~14.2、p<0.001)、調整後ハザード比は11.2(95%CI 3.81~32.7、p<0.001)であった。以上から、血小板数が肝細胞癌の発症に及ぼす潜在的な影響が示され、血小板数の少ない患者に対する積極的なサーベイランスを行う必要性が示唆された。

  • 低異型粘液性上皮を伴う胆嚢壁内嚢胞性病変の1例

    杉生 久実, 村田 年弘, 川真田 修, 今田 孝子, 眞壁 幹夫, 相島 慎一

    日本臨床外科学会雑誌   84 ( 5 )   820 - 824   2023年5月   ISSN:1345-2843


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本臨床外科学会  

    症例は71歳,男性.以前より胆石の指摘があり,術前の腹部MRIで胆石症と胆嚢腺筋症の術前診断となり,腹腔鏡下胆嚢摘出術を施行.切除標本で25mm大の粘膜下腫瘤様の隆起を認め,割面で多房性の嚢胞性病変と判明.病理組織学的検査で,胆嚢腺筋症と胆嚢壁内に限局した粘液性上皮による多房性の嚢胞性病変を認めた.嚢胞上皮はMUC5ACとMCU6が部分的に陽性で胃型粘液の特徴を示し,一部でlow gradeの異型上皮を認めた.自験例は胆嚢壁内に限局した壁内発育型の嚢胞性病変であり,形態的にintramural multicystic mucinous neoplasm with low-grade intraepithelial neoplasiaと表現した.まれな病理像であったため報告する.(著者抄録)

  • Heparin/Growth Factors-Immobilized Aligned Electrospun Nanofibers Promote Nerve Regeneration in Polycaprolactone/Gelatin-Based Nerve Guidance Conduits (Feb, 10.1007/s42765-023-00261-z, 2023)

    Ikegami, Y; Shafiq, M; Aishima, S; Ijima, H

    ADVANCED FIBER MATERIALS   5 ( 2 )   696 - 696   2023年4月   ISSN:2524-7921 eISSN:2524-793X


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Advanced Fiber Materials  

    In this article the affiliation details for Author Muhammad Shafiq were incorrectly given. They should have been assigned as shown below. The original article has been corrected. Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Graduate School, Kyushu University, 744 Motooka, Nishi-Ku, Fukuoka, 819–0395, Japan Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Central Punjab (UCP), Lahore, 54,000, Pakistan.

    DOI: 10.1007/s42765-023-00261-z

    Web of Science



  • Heparin/Growth Factors-Immobilized Aligned Electrospun Nanofibers Promote Nerve Regeneration in Polycaprolactone/Gelatin-Based Nerve Guidance Conduits

    Ikegami, Y; Shafiq, M; Aishima, S; Ijima, H

    ADVANCED FIBER MATERIALS   5 ( 2 )   554 - 573   2023年4月   ISSN:2524-7921 eISSN:2524-793X


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Advanced Fiber Materials  

    Injuries to the nervous system account for the widespread morbidity, mortality, and discomfort worldwide. Artificial nerve guidance conduits (NGCs) offer a promising platform for nerve reconstruction, however, they require extracellular matrix (ECM)-like features to better mimic the in vivo microenvironment. Consequently, this research was aimed to fabricate heparin/growth factors (GFs)-immobilized artificial NGCs. Heparin was covalently immobilized onto aligned electrospun polycaprolactone/gelatin (PCL/Gel) nanofibers. Thereafter, basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and nerve growth factor (NGF) were preferentially immobilized on heparinized nanofibers; the immobilization efficiency of GFs was found to be 50&#37; with respect to (w.r.t.) their initial loaded amounts. The in vivo implantation of NGCs in a sciatic nerve defect model revealed the successful retention (~ 10&#37; w.r.t the initial loaded amount) and bioactivity of NGF for up to 5 days. The permeability of bovine serum albumin (BSA) from nanofibrous membranes was further assessed and found to be comparable with the commercialized cellulose acetate membranes. The bioactivity of NGCs was assessed in a sciatic nerve defect model in rats for short-term (1 week) and long-term (1-month). The NGCs displayed good structural stability and biocompatibility in vivo. The in vivo evaluation revealed the accumulation of host cells into the transplanted NGCs. Taken together; these heparin/GFs-immobilized artificial NGCs may have broad implications for nerve regeneration and related tissue engineering disciplines. Graphical Abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.].

    DOI: 10.1007/s42765-022-00244-6

    Web of Science



  • Diagnostic accuracy of enhanced liver fibrosis test for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis-related fibrosis: Multicenter study

    Yuya Seko, Hirokazu Takahashi, Hidenori Toyoda, Hideki Hayashi, Kanji Yamaguchi, Michihiro Iwaki, Masato Yoneda, Taeang Arai, Toshihide Shima, Hideki Fujii, Asahiro Morishita, Kazuhito Kawata, Kengo Tomita, Miwa Kawanaka, Yuichi Yoshida, Tadashi Ikegami, Kazuo Notsumata, Satoshi Oeda, Yoshihiro Kamada, Yoshio Sumida, Hideaki Fukushima, Eiji Miyoshi, Shinichi Aishima, Takeshi Okanoue, Atsushi Nakajima, Yoshito Itoh

    Hepatology Research   53 ( 4 )   312 - 321   2023年4月   ISSN:1386-6346 eISSN:1872-034X


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Aim: The enhanced liver fibrosis (ELF) test is a noninvasive method for diagnosing hepatic fibrosis in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). This multicenter cohort study aimed to evaluate the accuracy of the ELF test and compare it with other noninvasive tests in Japan. Methods: We analyzed 371 Japanese patients with biopsy-proven NAFLD. We constructed area under the receiver operator characteristic curves (AUROC) to determine the diagnostic accuracies of the ELF test, the Mac-2-binding protein glycosylation isomer (M2BPGi), the Fibrosis-4 (FIB-4) index, and combinations of these indices. Results: In patients with F0/F1/F2/F3/F4 fibrosis, the median values of the ELF test were 8.98/9.56/10.39/10.92/11.41, respectively. The AUROCs of the ELF test for patients with F0 versus F1–4, F0–1 versus F2–4, F0–2 versus F3–4, and F0–3 versus F4 fibrosis were 0.825/0.817/0.802/0.812, respectively. The AUROCs of the ELF test were greater than those of the FIB-4 index and M2BPGi at each fibrosis stage. Respective low and high cut-off values yielded sensitivities and specificities for predicting advanced fibrosis (≥F3) of 91.1% and 50.8%, and 38.5% and 92.8%, respectively. For F3 or F4 fibrosis, the combined values from the ELF test and FIB-4 index showed a sensitivity of 98.5%, and the combined values from the ELF test and M2BPGi assay showed a specificity of 97.5%. Conclusions: In Japan, the ELF test predicts NAFLD-related fibrosis from its early stages. The diagnostic ability of the ELF test was not inferior to that of other indices, and the combined values of ELF plus other indices were more accurate.

    DOI: 10.1111/hepr.13871



  • 非アルコール性脂肪肝炎関連線維症に対するEnhanced Liver fibrosis検査の診断精度 多施設共同研究(Diagnostic accuracy of enhanced liver fibrosis test for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis-related fibrosis: Multicenter study)

    Seko Yuya, Takahashi Hirokazu, Toyoda Hidenori, Hayashi Hideki, Yamaguchi Kanji, Iwaki Michihiro, Yoneda Masato, Arai Taeang, Shima Toshihide, Fujii Hideki, Morishita Asahiro, Kawata Kazuhito, Tomita Kengo, Kawanaka Miwa, Yoshida Yuichi, Ikegami Tadashi, Notsumata Kazuo, Oeda Satoshi, Kamada Yoshihiro, Sumida Yoshio, Fukushima Hideaki, Miyoshi Eiji, Aishima Shinichi, Okanoue Takeshi, Nakajima Atsushi, Itoh Yoshito, Japan Study Group of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease(JSG-NAFLD)

    Hepatology Research   53 ( 4 )   312 - 321   2023年4月   ISSN:1386-6346


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd  

    1990年1月から2020年2月までに6施設で登録された日本人非アルコール性脂肪性肝疾患(NAFLD)患者を対象に、Enhanced Liver fibrosis(ELF)検査の診断能を推定し、他の非侵襲的検査と比較した。NAFLD患者371例(年齢17~85歳)を対象とした。ROC曲線下面積(AUC)を作成し、ELF検査、Mac-2結合蛋白糖鎖修飾異性体(M2BPGi)、Fibrosis-4(FIB-4)指標、それらの指標の組み合わせの診断精度を検討した。その結果、F0/F1/F2/F3/F4線維症患者では、ELF検査の中央値はそれぞれ8.98/9.56/10.39/10.92/11.41であった。F0対F1-4、F0-1対F2-4、F0-2対F3-4、F0-3対F4線維症の患者に対するELF検査のAUCは、それぞれ0.825/0.817/0.802/0.812であった。低いカットオフ値9.80と高いカットオフ値11.30では、進行線維症(≧F3)の予測に対する感度と特異度は、それぞれ91.1%と50.8%、38.5%と92.8%であった。F3またはF4線維症では、ELF検査とFIB-4指標を組み合わせた値は98.5%の感度を示し、ELF検査とM2BPGiアッセイを組み合わせた値は97.5%の特異度を示した。以上より、ELF検査の診断能力は他の指標より劣っておらず、ELFと他の指標の組み合わせはより正確であった。

  • Combined effect of SDF-1 peptide and angiogenic cues in co-axial PLGA/ gelatin fibers for cutaneous wound healing in diabetic rats

    Shafiq, M; Yuan, ZC; Rafique, M; Aishima, S; Jing, H; Yuqing, L; Ijima, H; Jiang, SC; Mo, XM

    COLLOIDS AND SURFACES B-BIOINTERFACES   223   113140   2023年3月   ISSN:0927-7765 eISSN:1873-4367


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces  

    Skin regeneration is hindered by poor vascularization, prolonged inflammation, and excessive scar tissue formation, which necessitate newer strategies to simultaneously induce blood vessel regeneration, resolve inflammation, and induce host cell recruitment. Concurrent deployment of multiple biological cues to realize synergistic reparative effects may be an enticing avenue for wound healing. Herein, we simultaneously deployed SDF (stromal cell-derived factor)− 1α, VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor)-binding peptide (BP), and GLP (glucagon like peptide)− 1 analog, liraglutide (LG) in core/shell poly(L-lactide-co-glycolide)/gelatin fibers to harness their synergistic effects for skin repair in healthy as well as diabetic wound models in rats. Microscopic techniques, such as SEM and TEM revealed fibrous and core/shell type morphology of membranes. Boyden chamber assay and scratch-wound assay displayed significant migration of HUVECs (human umbilical vein endothelial cells) in SDF-1α containing fibers. Subcutaneous implantation of membranes revealed higher cellular infiltration in SDF-1α loaded fibers, especially, those which were co-loaded with LG or BP. Implantation of membranes in an excisional wound model in healthy rats further showed significant and rapid wound closure in dual cues loaded groups as compared to control or single cue loaded groups. Similarly, the implantation of dressings in type 2 diabetes rat model revealed fast healing, skin appendages regeneration, and blood vessel regeneration in dual cues loaded fibers (SDF-1α/LG, SDF-1α/BP). Taken together, core/shell type fibers containing bioactive peptides significantly promoted wound repair in healthy as well as diabetic wound models in rats.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2023.113140

    Web of Science




  • Prevention and Repair of Ultraviolet B-Induced Skin Damage in Hairless Mice via Transdermal Delivery of Growth Factors Immobilized in a Gel-in-Oil Nanoemulsion

    Zhang, Y; Inoue, Y; Fardous, J; Doi, R; Ijima, T; Fujibuchi, T; Yamashita, YI; Aishima, S; Ijima, H

    ACS OMEGA   8 ( 10 )   9239 - 9249   2023年3月   ISSN:2470-1343 eISSN:2470-1343


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:ACS Omega  

    Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun or artificial sources is one of the primary causes of skin damage, including sunburns, tanning, erythema, and skin cancer. Among the three different types of UV rays, UVB rays have a medium wavelength that can penetrate the epidermal layer of the skin, resulting in sunburn, suntan, blistering, and melanoma in case of chronic exposure. This study aimed to evaluate the preventive and therapeutic effects of a gel-in-oil nanogel dispersion (G/O-NGD) as a transdermal delivery biomolecular carrier for skin damage caused by UVB light. The efficacy of this carrier against UVB-induced skin damage was investigated in vivo by delivering different growth factors (GFs) encapsulated in a G/O-NGD. Artificial UVB light was used to induce skin damage in nude mice, followed by the transdermal application of five GF [vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), epidermal growth factor (EGF), transforming growth factor (TGF)-1, and insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-α]-immobilized G/O-NGD. Among these GFs, VEGF and bFGF promoted angiogenesis, while EGF, TGF-1, and IGF-α promoted the repair and regeneration of damaged cells. The results showed that G/O-NGD was superior to heparin-immobilized G/O-NGD in reducing UVB-induced skin damage, such as erythema, epidermal water reduction, inflammation, and dermis thickening. In addition, G/O-NGD could prevent and treat abnormal follicle proliferation caused by UVB rays and exhibited potential to repair lipid glands. Overall, our results demonstrate the potential of G/O-NGDs for the treatment of UVB-induced skin damage.

    DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.2c07343

    Web of Science




  • Clinical Outcomes in Biopsy-Proven Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Patients: A Multicenter Registry-based Cohort Study

    Hideki Fujii, Michihiro Iwaki, Hideki Hayashi, Hidenori Toyoda, Satoshi Oeda, Hideyuki Hyogo, Miwa Kawanaka, Asahiro Morishita, Kensuke Munekage, Kazuhito Kawata, Sakura Yamamura, Koji Sawada, Tatsuji Maeshiro, Hiroshi Tobita, Yuichi Yoshida, Masafumi Naito, Asuka Araki, Shingo Arakaki, Takumi Kawaguchi, Hidenao Noritake, Masafumi Ono, Tsutomu Masaki, Satoshi Yasuda, Eiichi Tomita, Masato Yoneda, Norifumi Kawada, Akihiro Tokushige, Yoshihiro Kamada, Hirokazu Takahashi, Shinichiro Ueda, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshio Sumida, Atsushi Nakajima, Takeshi Okanoue

    Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology   21 ( 2 )   370 - 379   2023年2月   ISSN:1542-3565 eISSN:1542-7714


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Background & Aims: There are no detailed reports of clinical outcomes in Asian patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) who undergo liver biopsy. We aimed to investigate the clinical outcomes of a large cohort of Asian patients with biopsy-proven NAFLD and evaluate the specific effects of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and fibrosis stage. Methods: This multicenter registry-based retrospective cohort study, called the CLIONE (Clinical Outcome Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease) in Asia, included 1398 patients. Results: The median follow-up period was 4.6 years (range, 0.3–21.6 years), representing a total of 8874 person-years of follow-up. During that time, 47 patients died, and 1 patient underwent orthotopic liver transplantation. The leading cause of death was nonhepatic cancer (n = 10). The leading causes of liver-related death were liver failure (n = 9), hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) (n = 8), and cholangiocellular carcinoma (n = 4). During follow-up, 37 patients developed HCC, 31 developed cardiovascular disease, and 68 developed nonhepatic cancer (mainly breast, stomach, and colon/rectum). Among our cohort of patients with NAFLD, liver-specific mortality was 2.34/1000 person-years (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.52–3.58), overall mortality was 5.34/1000 person-years (95% CI, 4.02–7.08), and HCC incidence was 4.17/1000 person-years (95% CI, 3.02–5.75). Liver fibrosis was independently associated with liver-related events but not overall mortality. Conclusions: Liver-related mortality was the leading cause of mortality in Asian patients with biopsy-confirmed NAFLD. Although fibrosis stage was independently associated with liver-related events, it was not associated with overall mortality after adjusting for confounders, such as histologic features of steatohepatitis.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.cgh.2022.01.002




  • Time to enhancement of breast lesions and normal breast parenchyma in light of menopausal status and menstrual cycle for ultrafast dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI using compressed sensing

    Ken Yamaguchi, Takahiko Nakazono, Ryoko Egashira, Shuichi Fukui, Koichi Baba, Takahiro Hamamoto, Shinichi Aishima, Katsuya Maruyama, Dominik Nickel, Hiroyuki Irie

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging   96   102 - 107   2023年2月   ISSN:0730-725X eISSN:1873-5894


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Purpose: To assess the dependency of the Time to enhancement (TTE) of breast lesions and normal breast parenchyma from menopausal status and menstrual cycle using ultrafast compressed sensing (CS) -accelerated dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) MRI. Methods: This institutional review board approved retrospective study included 89 breast cancers, 22 benign lesions and 131 normal breast parenchymal foci. A prototypical ultrafast DCE sequence obtained 30 phases with 2.9 s temporal resolution. Mean and median TTE of all breast cancers, benign lesions and normal breast parenchymal foci were assessed. we also assessed whether there were any differences in TTE regarding the menopausal status and menstrual cycle. Results: The TTE of breast cancer was significantly shorter than that of benign lesions and normal breast parenchymal foci in both the premenopausal status (5.8 vs. 8.7 and 8.7 s, respectively) (p = 0.0028 and < 0.0001, respectively) and postmenopausal status (5.8 vs. 11.6 and 11.6 s, respectively) (p < 0.0001 in both). The TTE of parenchymal foci in the premenopausal status was significantly shorter than that in the postmenopausal status (p = 0.0025). Although the TTE interval between cancer and parenchymal foci in premenopausal status is shorter than that in postmenopausal status, the AUCs in the pre- and postmenopausal status for differentiating breast cancer and parenchymal foci were comparable with using different cutoff TTE values. There were no differences in TTE regarding the menstrual cycle. Conclusions: The TTE derived from ultrafast CS-accelerated DCE MRI was useful to differentiate breast cancer from benign lesions and normal breast parenchymal foci in both pre- and postmenopausal status.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.mri.2022.11.006




  • Validation of Noninvasive Markers for HCC Risk Stratification in 1389 Patients With Biopsy-proven NAFLD

    Hidenori Toyoda, Hideki Fujii, Michihiro Iwaki, Hideki Hayashi, Satoshi Oeda, Hideyuki Hyogo, Miwa Kawanaka, Asahiro Morishita, Kensuke Munekage, Kazuhito Kawata, Sakura Yamamura, Koji Sawada, Tatsuji Maeshiro, Hiroshi Tobita, Yuichi Yoshida, Masafumi Naito, Asuka Araki, Shingo Arakaki, Takumi Kawaguchi, Hidenao Noritake, Masafumi Ono, Tsutomu Masaki, Satoshi Yasuda, Eiichi Tomita, Masato Yoneda, Norifumi Kawada, Akihiro Tokushige, Yoshihiro Kamada, Hirokazu Takahashi, Shinichiro Ueda, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshio Sumida, Atsushi Nakajima, Takeshi Okanoue

    Gastro Hep Advances   2 ( 8 )   1093 - 1102   2023年1月   eISSN:2772-5723


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Background and Aims: Nonalcoholic fatty liver diseases (NAFLD) and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) can cause hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). We examined histological features and reported noninvasive markers/models for stratifying the risk of HCC development in patients with biopsy-proven NAFLD or NASH. Methods: A total of 1389 patients who had a histological diagnosis of NAFLD or NASH based on liver biopsy and underwent regular surveillance for HCC were included. The ability to predict HCC development was compared between histological features including liver fibrosis and NAFLD activity score, and noninvasive markers/models including aMAP (age, male, albumin–bilirubin, and platelet) score, FIB-4 (Fibrosis-4) index, and ALBI (albumin-bilirubin) score calculated at the time of biopsy. Results: The C index of aMAP score was 0.887, which was consistent with the original report, comparable to FIB-4 index (0.878), and higher than those of ALBI score (0.789), histological liver fibrosis (0.723), and NAFLD activity score (0.589). The hazard ratios for HCC development in the aMAP intermediate and high-risk groups were 21.0 (95% confidence interval [CI], 3.6–402.0) and 110.3 (95% CI, 16.3–2251.4), respectively, in comparison to the aMAP score low-risk group. Those in the FIB-4 index moderate- and high-fibrosis groups were 10.3 (95% CI, 1.7–199.8) and 93.1 (95% CI, 16.3–1773.8), respectively, in comparison to the FIB-4 index mild-fibrosis group. No patients in the aMAP score low-risk group developed HCC during the study period. Conclusion: For stratifying the risk of HCC development in patients with biopsy-proven NAFLD or NASH, both aMAP score and FIB-4 index showed high discriminative ability as noninvasive markers, which were superior histological features.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.gastha.2023.07.018



  • ALK rearrangement-associated renal cell carcinoma morphologically mimicking mucinous tubular and spindle cell carcinoma: a case report

    Keita Kai, Shohei Tobu, Shinichi Kido, Shuji Mikami, Kengo Takeuchi, Akito Dobashi, Yuki Togashi, Mitsuru Noguchi, Shinichi Aishima

    Diagnostic Pathology   17 ( 1 )   2022年12月   eISSN:1746-1596


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Background: Anaplastic lymphoma kinase rearrangement-associated renal cell carcinoma (ALK-RCC) is an extremely rare tumor and ALK-RCC that mimics mucinous tubular and spindle cell carcinoma (MTSCC) has been very reported only in one instance. Case presentation: A 42-year-old Japanese woman was admitted to our hospital for the treatment of a left renal tumor measuring 5 cm in maximum dimension. She underwent a laparoscopic left nephrectomy. Histologically, the tumor formed tubular or focally papillary structures with a small amount of spindle-shaped tumor cells against the background of prominent extracellular mucin. Although the tumor cells were negative for immunohistochemistry (IHC) of alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase (AMACR) and lymph node metastasis was presented (these are atypical findings for MTSCC), we initially diagnosed the tumor as MTSCC based on its morphological characteristics with mucin deposition. However, an additional IHC analysis revealed that the tumor cells were diffusely positive for ALK-IHC. In addition, TPM3 exon 8 – ALK exon 20 fusion gene was detected by RNA sequencing. The tumor was thus correctly diagnosed as ALK rearrangement-associated renal cell carcinoma (ALK-RCC). Conclusions: Since the use of molecular targeted therapy with an ALK inhibitor for ALK-RCC is promising, the correct pathological diagnosis of ALK-RCC is quite important. We strongly recommend that ALK-IHC be routinely performed for renal tumors with negative AMACR staining that mimic MTSCC.

    DOI: 10.1186/s13000-022-01238-z




  • Silence of resident microglia in GPI anchorless prion disease and activation of microglia in Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker disease and sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

    Noguchi, H; Koyama, S; Yagita, K; Shijo, M; Matsuzono, K; Hamasaki, H; Kanemaru, T; Okamoto, T; Kai, K; Aishima, S; Abe, K; Sasagasako, N; Honda, H

    JOURNAL OF NEUROPATHOLOGY AND EXPERIMENTAL NEUROLOGY   82 ( 1 )   38 - 48   2022年12月   ISSN:0022-3069 eISSN:1554-6578


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology  

    GPI anchorless prion diseases (GPIALPs) show numerous coarse prion protein (PrP) deposits in the CNS but neuropil spongiform changes are mild and the incidence of dementia is low. Here, we examined differences in resident microglial phenotypes between GPIALP (D178fs25) and the other prion diseases Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker (GSS) disease and sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD) with respect to homeostasis and activation. Immunohistochemistry was performed on 2 GPIALP (D178fs25), 4 GSS (P102L), and 4 sCJD cases. Homeostatic microglia expressing TMEM119 and P2RY12 were preserved in GPIALP compared to GSS and sCJD. Microglia/macrophage activation in GSS and sCJD was associated with the extent of spongiform change. Immunoelectron microscopy revealed TMEM119 and P2RY12 in PrP plaque cores. Activated microglia/macrophages expressing HLA-DR and CD68 were predominant in GSS and sCJD whereas in GPIALP, homeostatic microglia were retained and activated microglia/macrophages were rarely observed. These data suggest that PrP deposition in GPIALP is less toxic and that microglia may be immune-tolerant to PrP deposition. This may be associated with milder tissue damage and a low incidence of dementia. Whereas microglia/macrophage activation is considered to be a reaction to tissue injury, this study shows that the degree of microglia/macrophage activity might influence the extent of tissue damage.

    DOI: 10.1093/jnen/nlac098

    Web of Science




  • Age-dependent effects of diabetes and obesity on liver-related events in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: Subanalysis of CLIONE in Asia

    Yuya Seko, Miwa Kawanaka, Hideki Fujii, Michihiro Iwaki, Hideki Hayashi, Hidenori Toyoda, Satoshi Oeda, Hideyuki Hyogo, Asahiro Morishita, Kensuke Munekage, Kazuhito Kawata, Sakura Yamamura, Koji Sawada, Tatsuji Maeshiro, Hiroshi Tobita, Yuichi Yoshida, Masafumi Naito, Asuka Araki, Shingo Arakaki, Takumi Kawaguchi, Hidenao Noritake, Masafumi Ono, Tsutomu Masaki, Satoshi Yasuda, Eiichi Tomita, Masato Yoneda, Akihiro Tokushige, Yoshihiro Kamada, Hirokazu Takahashi, Shinichiro Ueda, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshio Sumida, Takeshi Okanoue, Yoshito Itoh, Atsushi Nakajima

    Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (Australia)   37 ( 12 )   2313 - 2320   2022年12月   ISSN:0815-9319 eISSN:1440-1746


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Background and Aim: Older age, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), and obesity are known risk factors for liver-related events (LREs). We investigated the impacts of T2DM and obesity on LRE according to age in Japanese patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Methods: We performed a subanalysis of a retrospective cohort study (CLIONE in Asia), including 1395 patients with biopsy-proven NAFLD. The median follow-up was 4.6 years. Results: The median age was 57 years, and 36.2% had T2DM. The median body mass index (BMI) was 27.4, and 28.5% were severely obese (BMI ≥ 30). During follow-up, 37 patients developed hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), and 58 patients developed LRE. In patients younger than 65 years, advanced fibrosis (hazard ratio [HR] 7.69, P < 0.001) and T2DM (HR 3.37, P = 0.017) were HCC risk factors, and advanced fibrosis (HR 9.40, P < 0.001) and T2DM (HR 2.51, P = 0.016) were LRE risk factors. In patients 65 years and older, advanced fibrosis (HR 4.24, P = 0.010) and obesity (HR 4.60, P = 0.006) were HCC risk factors, and advanced fibrosis (HR 4.22, P = 0.002) and obesity (HR 4.22, P = 0.002) were LRE risk factors. Conclusion: Type 2 diabetes mellitus and obesity contributed to LRE in younger and older patients, respectively, along with advanced fibrosis. Therefore, controlling T2DM in patients younger than 65 years and controlling weight in patients 65 years and older could prevent LRE. The development of age-dependent screening and management strategies is necessary for patients with NAFLD.

    DOI: 10.1111/jgh.16019




  • A Case of Massive Dendriform Ossification Showing Diffuse Interstitial Lung Disease in a Patient with a History of Intensive Occupational Dust Exposure

    Ryoko Egashira, Koichiro Takahashi, Takahiko Nakazono, Ken Yamaguchi, Naofumi Miyahara, Shinichi Aishima, Kenzo Okamoto, Hiroyuki Irie

    Journal of Thoracic Imaging   37 ( 6 )   W106 - W108   2022年11月   ISSN:0883-5993 eISSN:1536-0237


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(その他学術会議資料等)  

    Dendriform pulmonary ossification is a subtype of pulmonary ossification that causes ectopic lung tissue ossification.1 Although the exact mechanism is unclear, it is thought to be caused by fibroblasts associated with lung injury.2 The ossification can be idiopathic or secondary and is typically observed as linear or branching structures on computed tomography (CT).3-5 We encountered a case of massive dendriform pulmonary ossification with atypical CT findings in a patient with a history of occupational dust exposure.

    DOI: 10.1097/RTI.0000000000000672




  • Relationship between cellular morphology and abnormality of SWI/SNF complex subunits in pancreatic undifferentiated carcinoma

    Yamamoto, T; Kohashi, K; Yamada, Y; Kawata, J; Sakihama, K; Matsuda, R; Koga, Y; Aishima, S; Nakamura, M; Oda, Y

    JOURNAL OF CANCER RESEARCH AND CLINICAL ONCOLOGY   148 ( 11 )   2945 - 2957   2022年11月   ISSN:0171-5216 eISSN:1432-1335


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology  

    Purpose: Pancreatic undifferentiated carcinoma (UDC) is a rare tumor with a worse prognosis than pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). Recent study showed that UDC exhibits loss of SMARCB1, which is one of the subunits of the SWI/SNF complex. However, whether there are abnormalities of other SWI/SNF complex subunits in UDC has remained unknown. In this study, we attempted to clarify whether the loss of SWI/SNF complex subunits is related to the pathogenesis of UDC by comparing undifferentiated component (UC) and ductal adenocarcinoma component (DAC). Methods: Genetic analysis of the ten UCs and six DACs was performed. The expression of ARID1A, SMARCA2, SMARCA4, SMARCB1, SMARCC1, and SMARCC2 in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tumor tissues collected by surgical resection from 18 UDC patients was evaluated immunohistochemically. Moreover, two pancreatic cell lines were evaluated for the effects of siARID1A on the mRNA and protein expression of E-cadherin, vimentin, and epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT)-related markers by qRT-PCR, western blotting, and immunofluorescence staining. Results: UCs tended to have a higher frequency of mutation in ARID1A, SMARCA4, and SMARCC2 than DACs. Immunohistochemically, UCs revealed reduced/lost expression of ARID1A (72&#37;), SMARCB1 (44&#37;), SMARCC1 (31&#37;), and SMARCC2 (67&#37;). Reduced/lost expression of ARID1A, SMARCB1, and SMARCC2 was significantly more frequently observed in UCs than in DACs. In the pancreatic cell lines, western blotting and qRT-PCR showed that the downregulation of ARID1A increased the expression of vimentin and EMT-related markers. Conclusion: Our results suggest that the abnormality of SWI/SNF complex subunits, especially ARID1A, is one of the factors behind the morphological change of UDC.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00432-021-03860-8

    Web of Science




  • Chronological Changes in the Expression Pattern of Hippocampal Prion Proteins During Disease Progression in Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease MM1 Subtype

    Yagita, K; Noguchi, H; Koyama, S; Hamasaki, H; Komori, T; Aishima, S; Kosaka, T; Ueda, M; Komohara, Y; Watanabe, A; Sasagasako, N; Ninomiya, T; Oda, Y; Honda, H

    JOURNAL OF NEUROPATHOLOGY AND EXPERIMENTAL NEUROLOGY   81 ( 11 )   900 - 909   2022年11月   ISSN:0022-3069 eISSN:1554-6578


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology  

    The differential effects of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD) on the hippocampus and other neocortical areas are poorly understood. We aimed to reveal the histological patterns of cellular prion protein (PrPC) and abnormal prion protein (PrPSc) in hippocampi of sCJD patients and normal controls (NCs). Our study examined 18 postmortem sCJD patients (MM1, 14 cases; MM1 + 2c, 3 cases; MM1 + 2t, 1 case) and 12 NCs. Immunohistochemistry was conducted using 4 primary antibodies, of which 3 targeted the N-terminus of the prion protein (PrP), and 1 (EP1802Y) targeted the C-terminal domain. PrPC expression was abundant in the hippocampus of NCs, and the distribution of PrPC at CA3/4 was reminiscent of synaptic complexes. In sCJD cases with a disease history of <2 years, antibodies against the N-terminus could not detect synapse-like PrP expression at CA4; however, EP1802Y could characterize the synapse-like expression. PrPSc accumulation and spongiform changes became evident after 2 years of illness, when PrPSc deposits were more noticeably detected by N-terminal-specific antibodies. Our findings highlighted the chronology of histopathological alterations in the CA4 region in sCJD patients.

    DOI: 10.1093/jnen/nlac078

    Web of Science




  • Comparison of long-term prognosis between non-obese and obese patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

    Michihiro Iwaki, Takaomi Kessoku, Kosuke Tanaka, Anna Ozaki, Yuki Kasai, Atsushi Yamamoto, Kota Takahashi, Takashi Kobayashi, Asako Nogami, Yasushi Honda, Yuji Ogawa, Kento Imajo, Shunsuke Oyamada, Noritoshi Kobayashi, Shinichi Aishima, Satoru Saito, Atsushi Nakajima, Masato Yoneda

    JGH Open   6 ( 10 )   696 - 703   2022年10月   eISSN:2397-9070


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Background and Aim: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) can progress in non-obese patients as in obese patients. Reports on long-term prognosis in non-obese NAFLD patients are controversial. Therefore, we aimed to examine the long-term prognosis of non-obese patients with NAFLD. Methods: This single-center, retrospective cohort study enrolled biopsy-proven non-obese and obese NAFLD patients between January 2002 and December 2011 and followed them up until 31 March 2021, for death and clinical events (cardiovascular and liver-related events and extrahepatic cancers). Results: Of the 223 NAFLD patients, 58 (26.0%) were non-obese. Compared with obese patients, they had a lower fibrosis stage (0.8 ± 0.80 vs 1.2 ± 0.91; P = 0.004), milder lobular inflammation (0.9 ± 0.7 vs 1.1 ± 0.7; P = 0.02), and significantly lower serum creatinine, total bilirubin, ferritin, and type IV collagen 7S and higher high-density lipoprotein levels. After a median follow-up of 8.9 years, no significant difference was noted in mortality between the two groups (2 [3.4%] non-obese vs 5 [3.0%] obese; log-rank test, P = 0.63). Twelve patients (20.7%) in the non-obese group and 32 (19.4%) in the obese group had clinical events. Although the obese group had a higher incidence of clinical events during the first 10 years of follow-up, the non-obese group had a higher incidence after that (log-rank test, P = 0.67). The non-obese group had a high incidence of malignancy (9 [15.5%] non-obese vs 14 [8.3%] obese; P = 0.13). Conclusion: Non-obese NAFLD does not necessarily have a good prognosis, and some cases have a poor prognosis such as extrahepatic cancers. Further validation is required in the future.

    DOI: 10.1002/jgh3.12808



  • Multimodality Imaging Approach for a Left Ventricular Aneurysm in a Patient With Myocardial Infarction and Non-Obstructive Coronary Arteries

    Goro Yoshioka, Shinjo Sonoda, Shinichi Aishima, Koichi Node

    Circulation Journal   86 ( 10 )   1586   2022年10月   ISSN:1346-9843 eISSN:1347-4820


  • Diagnostic Categories and Key Features for Pathological Diagnosis of Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy Samples of Pancreatic Lesions: A Consensus Study

    Yoshiki Naito, Kenji Notohara, Yuko Omori, Shinichi Aishima, Takao Itoi, Nobuyuki Ohike, Yoshinobu Okabe, Motohiro Kojima, Takuma Tajiri, Mariko Tanaka, Masayuki Tsuneki, Toshio Nakagohri, Tomoko Norose, Kenichi Hirabayashi, Yuki Fukumura, Tomoko Mitsuhashi, Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Noriyoshi Fukushima, Toru Furukawa

    Pancreas   51 ( 9 )   1105 - 1111   2022年10月   ISSN:0885-3177 eISSN:1536-4828


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Objectives This study aimed to establish a reliable and reproducible categorized diagnostic classification system with identification of key features to achieve accurate pathological diagnosis of endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration biopsy (EUS-FNAB) samples of pancreatic lesions. Methods Twelve pathologists examined virtual whole-slide images of EUS-FNAB samples obtained from 80 patients according to proposed diagnostic categories and key features for diagnosis. Fleiss κ was used to assess the concordance. Results A hierarchical diagnostic system consisting of the following 6 diagnostic categories was proposed: inadequate, nonneoplasm, indeterminate, ductal carcinoma, nonductal neoplasm, and unclassified neoplasm. Adopting these categories, the average κ value of participants was 0.677 (substantial agreement). Among these categories, ductal carcinoma and nonductal neoplasm showed high κ values of 0.866 and 0.837, respectively, which indicated the almost perfect agreement. Key features identified for diagnosing ductal carcinoma were necrosis in low-power appearance; structural atypia/abnormalities recognized by irregular glandular contours, including cribriform and nonuniform shapes; cellular atypia, including enlarged nuclei, irregular nuclear contours, and foamy gland changes; and haphazard glandular arrangement and stromal desmoplasia. Conclusions The proposed hierarchical diagnostic classification system was proved to be useful for achieving reliable and reproducible diagnosis of EUS-FNAB specimens of pancreatic lesions based on evaluated histological features.

    DOI: 10.1097/MPA.0000000000002179




  • Characterization of Nutrient Intake in Biopsy-Confirmed NAFLD Patients

    Yoshihiro Kamada, Hirokazu Takahashi, Yuji Ogawa, Hideyuki Hyogo, Kyoko Nakamura, Tomomi Yada, Norihiko Asada, Tomomi Bando, Hanako Sawano, Mika Hatanaka, Takako Tosa, Mika Ando, Etsuko Hikita, Kaori Yoshida, Masahiro Koseki, Yoshio Sumida, Kazuhisa Maeda, Makoto Fujii, Shinichi Aishima, Mariko Hayakawa, Atsushi Nakajima

    Nutrients   14 ( 17 )   2022年9月   eISSN:2072-6643


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Objectives: Weight loss improves the liver pathophysiological status of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) patients. However, there are few studies that investigate the accurate relationships between nutritional intake and disease progression in NAFLD patients. Methods: A total of 37 biopsy-confirmed NAFLD patients were enrolled in this study. Clinical and nutritional control data of 5074 persons were obtained from the National Institute of Health and Nutrition. Each NAFLD subject recorded dietary intake for seven consecutive days using a dietary questionnaire and photographs of each meal. A dietitian analyzed and quantified the nutritional data in each patient. We further analyzed the nutritional intake of NAFLD patients in three groups according to the following criteria: (1) liver fibrosis degree (advanced, early), (2) gender (male, female), and (3) body mass index (BMI) (high, low). Results: Excesses or deficiencies of multiple nutrients were found in NAFLD patients compared with control subjects. In addition, there were variations in nutritional intake. (1) The intake of vitamins A, B6, and E, pantothenic acid, soluble dietary fiber, and salt was lower in the advanced fibrosis group than in the early fibrosis group. (2) Fat intake was higher in male patients, and dietary fiber intake was lower in both male and female patients compared with control subjects. (3) Saturated fatty acid intake was higher, and copper and vitamin E intakes were lower in patients with high BMI than with low BMI. Conclusions: Our study demonstrates that differences were found in some nutrient intake of NAFLD patients and controls and according to the severity of the conditions (liver fibrosis degree, BMI).

    DOI: 10.3390/nu14173453




  • Pathological Evaluation of Resected Colorectal Liver Metastases: mFOLFOX6 Plus Bevacizumab versus mFOLFOX6 Plus Cetuximab in the Phase II ATOM Trial

    Takahashi, T; Ishida, K; Emi, Y; Sakamoto, M; Imura, J; Aishima, S; Muro, K; Uetake, H; Oki, E; Katayose, Y; Yoshida, K; Unno, M; Hyodo, I; Tomita, N; Sugihara, K; Maehara, Y

    CANCERS   14 ( 18 )   2022年9月   ISSN:2072-6694 eISSN:2072-6694


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Cancers  

    We compared the preplanned histopathological responses of resected liver metastases from patients who received modified FOLFOX6 plus bevacizumab or modified FOLFOX6 plus cetuximab for liver-limited colorectal metastases in the ATOM trial. Fibrosis and viable tumor cells in tumor regression grade (TRG), infarct-like necrosis in modified TRG (mTRG), and dangerous halo (DH) were assessed. Fifty-five patients (28 and 27 patients in the bevacizumab and cetuximab arms, respectively) were divided into the low (viable tumor cells ≤ 50&#37;) and high (>50&#37;) TRG or mTRG groups. DH was characterized as absent/rare or focal/diffuse. Compared to the bevacizumab arm, the cetuximab arm was more effective, with respect to low TRG (13 vs. 23 patients) and absent/rare DH (14 vs. 19 patients), respectively. Low mTRG was similarly observed in both arms. Low TRG/mTRG and absent/rare DH showed better relapse-free survival (RFS) than high TRG/mTRG and focal/diffuse DH. In the bevacizumab arm, a significant difference in RFS existed between the low and high TRG groups, while in the cetuximab arm, for TRG, mTRG, and DH, the low and absent/rare groups demonstrated significantly longer RFS than the high and focal/diffuse groups, respectively. TRG could estimate RFS in patients who underwent liver metastasectomy after bevacizumab or cetuximab chemotherapy.

    DOI: 10.3390/cancers14184392

    Web of Science




  • Substantial improvement of histopathological diagnosis by whole-slide image-based remote consultation

    Shinohara, S; Bychkov, A; Munkhdelger, J; Kuroda, K; Yoon, HS; Fujimura, S; Tabata, K; Furusato, B; Niino, D; Morimoto, S; Yao, T; Itoh, T; Aoyama, H; Tsuyama, N; Mikami, Y; Nagao, T; Ikeda, T; Fukushima, N; Harada, O; Kiyokawa, T; Yoshimi, N; Aishima, S; Maeda, I; Mori, I; Yamanegi, K; Tsuneyama, K; Katoh, R; Izumi, M; Oda, Y; Fukuoka, J

    VIRCHOWS ARCHIV   481 ( 2 )   295 - 305   2022年8月   ISSN:0945-6317 eISSN:1432-2307


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Virchows Archiv  

    Consultation by subspecialty experts is the most common mode of rendering diagnosis in challenging cases in pathological practice. Our study aimed to highlight the diagnostic benefits of whole-slide image (WSI)-based remote consultation. We obtained diagnostically challenging cases from two institutions from the years 2010 and 2013, with histological diagnoses that contained keywords “probable,” “suggestive,” “suspicious,” “inconclusive,” and “uncertain.” A total of 270 cases were selected for remote consultation using WSIs scanned at 40 ×. The consultation process consisted of three rounds: the first and second rounds each with 12 subspecialty experts and the third round with six multi-expertise senior pathologists. The first consultation yielded 44&#37; concordance, and a change in diagnosis occurred in 56&#37; of cases. The most frequent change was from inconclusive to definite diagnosis (30&#37;), followed by minor discordance (14&#37;), and major discordance (12&#37;). Out of the 70 cases which reached the second round, 31 cases showed discrepancy between the two consultants. For these 31 cases, a consensus diagnosis was provided by six multi-expertise senior pathologists. Combining all WSI-based consultation rounds, the original inconclusive diagnosis was changed in 140 (52&#37;) out of 266 cases. Among these cases, 80 cases (30&#37;) upgraded the inconclusive diagnosis to a definite diagnosis, and 60 cases (22&#37;) changed the diagnosis with major or minor discordance, accounting for 28 cases (10&#37;) and 32 cases (12&#37;), respectively. We observed significant improvement in the pathological diagnosis of difficult cases by remote consultation using WSIs, which can further assist in patient healthcare. A post-study survey highlighted various benefits of WSI-based consults.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00428-022-03327-2

    Web of Science




  • 前立腺Mucinous adenocarcinomaの一例

    藤木 和也, 山口 健, 福井 修一, 中園 貴彦, 有働 和馬, 野口 満, 花島 克幸, 相島 慎一, 入江 裕之

    断層映像研究会雑誌   49 ( 1 )   1 - 6   2022年8月   ISSN:0914-8663


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:断層映像研究会  

    症例は70歳代男性。夜間頻尿を主訴に近医を受診。血液検査でPSA値が11.0ng/mlと高値であり前医紹介となった。前医施行の単純MRIで前立腺に多房性嚢胞性腫瘤を認め、STUMP(stromal tumors of uncertain malignant potential)やcystadenoma、cystadenocarcinomaなどが疑われた。更なる精査、加療目的に当院泌尿器科紹介となった。当院施行の造影MRIでは前立腺背側の両葉で移行域、辺縁域にまたがる48×46×55mmの辺縁分葉状の腫瘤を認めた。内部はT2強調像でやや不均一かつ著明な高信号を呈し、隔壁様の構造が多発していた。T1強調像では大部分は低信号を呈し、腫瘤右側には出血や高粘稠度の液貯留を疑う高信号域を認めた。有意な拡散制限は認めず、dynamic studyでは辺縁優位に漸増性の増強効果を認めた。CTでは腫瘤辺縁にわずかに石灰化を認めた。前立腺生検が施行され、10/10本よりmucinous adenocarcinomaの所見が得られた。他部位に原発巣を示唆する所見はなく、前立腺原発のmucinous adenocarcinomaが強く疑われた。前立腺のmucinous adenocarcinomaは全前立腺癌の0.4%と稀な疾患である。腫瘍内に少なくとも25%以上のムチンを含むと定義されている。今回の症例は手術未施行であるが、全身検索および局所の画像所見からは前立腺原発のmucinous adenocarcinomaとして矛盾しない所見であった。画像所見上の鑑別としてSTUMPやcystadenoma、cystadenocarcinomaなどが挙げられたが、所見によってはこれらとの鑑別は困難となる場合も多い。前立腺のmucinous adenocarcinomaの画像所見についての報告は少なく、今回文献的考察を含めて報告する。(著者抄録)

  • Association of Serum and Fecal Bile Acid Patterns With Liver Fibrosis in Biopsy-Proven Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: An Observational Study

    Yuki Kasai, Takaomi Kessoku, Kosuke Tanaka, Atsushi Yamamoto, Kota Takahashi, Takashi Kobayashi, Michihiro Iwaki, Anna Ozaki, Asako Nogami, Yasushi Honda, Yuji Ogawa, Shingo Kato, Kento Imajo, Takuma Higurashi, Kunihiro Hosono, Masato Yoneda, Haruki Usuda, Koichiro Wada, Miwa Kawanaka, Takumi Kawaguchi, Takuji Torimura, Masayoshi Kage, Hideyuki Hyogo, Hirokazu Takahashi, Yuichiro Eguchi, Shinichi Aishima, Noritoshi Kobayashi, Yoshio Sumida, Akira Honda, Shunsuke Oyamada, Satoru Shinoda, Satoru Saito, Atsushi Nakajima

    Clinical and translational gastroenterology   13 ( 7 )   e00503   2022年7月   eISSN:2155-384X


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    INTRODUCTION: No reports on both blood and fecal bile acids (BAs) in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) exist. We simultaneously assessed the serum and fecal BA patterns in healthy participants and those with NAFLD. METHODS: We collected stool samples from 287 participants from 5 hospitals in Japan (healthy control [HC]: n = 88; mild fibrosis: n = 104; and advanced fibrosis group: n = 95). Blood samples were collected and analyzed for serum BAs and 7α-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one (C4)-a surrogate marker for BA synthesis ability-from 141 patients. Concentrations of BAs, including cholic acid (CA), deoxycholic acid (DCA), chenodeoxycholic acid, ursodeoxycholic acid, and lithocholic acid (LCA), were measured using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. RESULTS: The total fecal BA concentration was significantly higher in the NAFLD group with worsening of fibrosis than in the HC group. Most of the fecal BAs were secondary and unconjugated. In the fecal BA fraction, CA, DCA, chenodeoxycholic acid, ursodeoxycholic acid, and LCA were significantly higher in the NAFLD than in the HC group. The total serum BA concentration was higher in the NAFLD group with worsening of fibrosis than in the HC group. In the serum BA fraction, CA, LCA, and C4 concentrations were significantly higher in the NAFLD than in the HC group. DISCUSSION: Fecal and serum BA and C4 concentrations were high in patients with NAFLD with worsening of fibrosis, suggesting involvement of abnormal BA metabolism in NAFLD with fibrosis progression. Abnormalities in BA metabolism may be a therapeutic target in NAFLD with fibrosis.

    DOI: 10.14309/ctg.0000000000000503




  • Influence of liver stiffness heterogeneity on staging fibrosis in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

    Nobuyoshi Kawamura, Kento Imajo, Kyle J. Kalutkiewicz, Koki Nagai, Michihiro Iwaki, Takashi Kobayashi, Asako Nogami, Yasushi Honda, Takaomi Kessoku, Yuji Ogawa, Takuma Higurashi, Kunihiro Hosono, Hirokazu Takahashi, Masato Yoneda, Satoru Saito, Shinichi Aishima, Hidenori Toyoda, Hideki Hayashi, Yoshio Sumida, Richard L. Ehman, Atsushi Nakajima

    Hepatology   76 ( 1 )   186 - 195   2022年7月   ISSN:0270-9139 eISSN:1527-3350


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Background and Aims: Despite that hepatic fibrosis often affects the liver globally, spatial distribution can be heterogeneous. This study aimed to investigate the effect of liver stiffness (LS) heterogeneity on concordance between MR elastography (MRE)-based fibrosis staging and biopsy staging in patients with NAFLD. Approach and Results: We retrospectively evaluated data from 155 NAFLD patients who underwent liver biopsy and 3 Tesla MRE and undertook a retrospective validation study of 169 NAFLD patients at three hepatology centers. Heterogeneity of stiffness was assessed by measuring the range between minimum and maximum MRE-based LS measurement (LSM). Variability of LSM was defined as the stiffness range divided by the maximum stiffness value. The cohort was divided into two groups (homogenous or heterogeneous), according to whether variability was below or above the average for the training cohort. Based on histopathology and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis, optimum LSM thresholds were determined for MRE-based fibrosis staging of stage 4 (4.43, kPa; AUROC, 0.89) and stage ≥3 (3.93, kPa; AUROC, 0.89). In total, 53 had LSM above the threshold for stage 4. Within this group, 30 had a biopsy stage of <4. In 86.7% of these discordant cases, variability of LSM was classified as heterogeneous. In MRE-based LSM stage ≥3, 88.9% of discordant cases were classified as heterogeneous. Results of the validation cohort were similar to those of the training cohort. Conclusions: Discordance between biopsy- and MRE-based fibrosis staging is associated with heterogeneity in LSM, as depicted with MRE.

    DOI: 10.1002/hep.32302




  • <i>HSPA8</i> Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Is Associated with Serum HSC70 Concentration and Carotid Artery Atherosclerosis in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

    Zhao, WL; Mori, HT; Tomiga, Y; Tanaka, K; Perveen, R; Mine, K; Inadomi, C; Yoshioka, W; Kubotsu, Y; Isoda, H; Kuwashiro, T; Oeda, S; Akiyama, T; Zhao, Y; Ozaki, I; Nagafuchi, S; Kawaguchi, A; Aishima, S; Anzai, K; Takahashi, H

    GENES   13 ( 7 )   2022年7月   eISSN:2073-4425


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Genes  

    There is an association between nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and atherosclerosis, but the genetic risk of atherosclerosis in NAFLD remains unclear. Here, a single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of the heat shock 70 kDa protein 8 (HSPA8) gene was analyzed in 123 NAFLD patients who had been diagnosed using a liver biopsy, and the NAFLD phenotype including the maximum intima–media thickness (Max-IMT) of the carotid artery was investigated. Patients with the minor allele (A/G or G/G) of rs2236659 showed a lower serum heat shock cognate 71 kDa protein concentration than those with the major A/A allele. Compared with the patients with the major allele, those with the minor allele showed a higher prevalence of hypertension and higher Max-IMT in men. No significant associations between the HSPA8 genotype and hepatic pathological findings were identified. In decision-tree analysis, age, sex, liver fibrosis, and HSPA8 genotype were individually associated with severe carotid artery atherosclerosis (Max-IMT ≥ 1.5 mm). Noncirrhotic men aged ≥ 65 years were most significantly affected by the minor allele of HSPA8. To predict the risk of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease, HSPA8 SNP genotyping might be useful, particularly for older male NAFLD patients.

    DOI: 10.3390/genes13071265

    Web of Science




  • Efficacy of a newly developed bioabsorbable pancreatic clip for distal pancreatectomy in swine

    Yamashita, Y; Yamao, T; Nakao, Y; Miyata, T; Ikegami, Y; Yamane, S; Ito, T; Furukawa, T; Cho, J; Wu, FQ; Fujie, Y; Arima, M; Aishima, S; Ijima, H; Baba, H

    SURGERY TODAY   52 ( 7 )   1109 - 1114   2022年7月   ISSN:0941-1291 eISSN:1436-2813


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Surgery Today  

    Purpose: At present, ≥ 20&#37; of patients experience clinically relevant postoperative pancreatic fistula (POPF) after distal pancreatectomy (DP). Methods: We developed a new bioabsorbable pancreatic clip (BioPaC) made of polycaprolactone that does not crush the pancreatic parenchyma during occlusion of the pancreatic stump. We confirmed the efficacy of this BioPac in a porcine DP model and compared it to a linear stapling device (Reinforce®). Results: Pigs were killed at 1 month after DP. In the BioPaC group, all swine (n = 3) survived well without POPF. In the Reinforce® group (n = 2), one pig died early at postoperative day 7 with Grade C POPF (amylase 43 700 U/l), and the other survived until 1 month at scarification with biochemical leakage of POPF (amylase 3 725 U/l). Pathologically, the main pancreatic duct and pancreatic parenchyma were well closed by BioPaC. Conclusion: The newly developed BioPaC is effective in a porcine DP model.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00595-021-02435-x

    Web of Science




  • ブタの膵尾部切除に用いられる新規生体吸収性膵臓クリップの有効性(Efficacy of a newly developed bioabsorbable pancreatic clip for distal pancreatectomy in swine)

    Yamashita Yo-ichi, Yamao Takanobu, Nakao Yosuke, Miyata Tatsunori, Ikegami Yasuhiro, Yamane Soichiro, Ito Taiga, Furukawa Taku, Cho Jaeyong, Wu Fanqi, Fujie Yasumitsu, Arima Mitsuru, Aishima Shinichi, Ijima Hiroyuki, Baba Hideo

    Surgery Today   52 ( 7 )   1109 - 1114   2022年7月   ISSN:0941-1291


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:シュプリンガー・ジャパン(株)  


  • 嚢胞内容液中に異型を伴う反応性中皮細胞が出現し、良悪性判定が困難であった巨大肝嚢胞の1例

    北村 捷, 甲斐 敬太, 田中 智和, 井手 貴雄, 上瀧 さやか, 能城 浩和, 末岡 榮三朗, 相島 慎一

    日本臨床細胞学会九州連合会雑誌   53   73 - 77   2022年7月   ISSN:0912-6600


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本臨床細胞学会-九州連合会  

    背景 反応性中皮細胞は時に強い核異型を呈し、しばしば良悪性の鑑別が問題となる。今回、腹腔鏡下肝嚢胞開窓術中に採取された嚢胞液に反応性中皮細胞が出現し、腺癌との鑑別が問題となった1例を経験した。症例 60歳代女性。肝右葉を占拠する長径17cm大の感染が疑われる肝嚢胞に対して、経皮的穿刺ドレナージが行われた。一旦嚢胞は縮小したが再増大したため、腹腔鏡下肝嚢胞開窓術が施行された。嚢胞開窓後に採取された肝嚢胞内容液が術中迅速細胞診に提出され、核腫大した異型細胞集塊を1ヶ所に認めた。出現数は少ないが腺癌を否定できない異型細胞と報告した。細胞診の結果を受け、肝右葉切除術が施行された。切除検体の組織学的検討において、嚢胞壁を被覆する上皮に異型は認められず、漿膜側に中皮マーカー陽性を示す反応性中皮細胞を多数認めた。迅速細胞診で悪性を疑った異型細胞は反応性中皮細胞であったと結論し、最終的に単純性肝嚢胞と診断した。結論 経皮的穿刺ドレナージの経歴から、反応性中皮細胞が出現しうる状況であることを認識していれば、迅速細胞診で正診に至った可能性がある。教訓的な症例であるため、ここに報告する。(著者抄録)

  • Application of contralateral osteotomy for the en bloc resection of paraspinal and spinal tumours: a report of three cases

    Toda, Y; Morimoto, T; Matsumoto, Y; Setsu, N; Yoshihara, T; Aishima, S; Oda, Y; Nakashima, Y; Mawatari, M

    BRITISH JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY   38 ( 5 )   1151 - 1157   2022年5月   ISSN:0268-8697 eISSN:1360-046X


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:British Journal of Neurosurgery  

    We herein report the effectiveness of contralateral osteotomy of the pedicle and posterolateral elements for en bloc resection (COPPER) of paraspinal and spinal tumours. This surgical method allows for complete resection of the localized tumour in the lateral posterior lesion without removing the entire vertebral body, as in total en bloc spondylectomy. Complete resection of paraspinal and spinal tumours is challenging for spinal surgeons because of anatomical complexities. Although the COPPER method has been introduced as a less invasive surgical procedure for wide resection of spinal tumours, no studies have reported the usefulness of this technique. We identified three patients with paraspinal or spinal tumours who underwent wide resection using the COPPER method and reviewed their clinical, radiological, and pathological outcomes. In all cases, we resected the spinal and paraspinal tumours extending to the anterior column and extravertebral component using the modified COPPER method. All patients underwent en bloc resection with a negative margin. We report three cases of spinal and paraspinal tumours extending to the anterior column and extravertebral component.

    DOI: 10.1080/02688697.2022.2076809

    Web of Science




  • Cytological Comparison between Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma by Image Analysis Software Using Touch Smear Samples of Surgically Resected Specimens

    Sho Kitamura, Keita Kai, Mitsuo Nakamura, Tomokazu Tanaka, Takao Ide, Hirokazu Noshiro, Eisaburo Sueoka, Shinich Aishima

    Cancers   14 ( 9 )   2022年5月   eISSN:2072-6694


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    To investigate useful cytological features for differential diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC), this study cytologically compared HCC to ICC using image analysis software. Touch smear specimens of surgically resected specimens were obtained from a total of 61 nodules of HCC and 16 of ICC. The results indicated that the major/minor axis ratio of ICC is significantly larger than that of HCC (1.67 ± 0.27 vs. 1.32 ± 0.11, p < 0.0001) in Papanicolaou staining. This result means that the nucleus of HCC is close to round and the nucleus of ICC is close to an oval. This significant difference in the major/minor axis ratio between ICC and HCC was consistently observed by the same analyses using clinical samples of cytology (4 cases of HCC and 13 cases of ICC) such a fine-needle aspiration, brushing and ascites (ICC: 1.45 ± 0.13 vs. HCC: 1.18 ± 0.056, p = 0.004). We also confirmed that nuclear position center-positioned nucleus (p < 0.0001) and granular cytoplasm (p <0.0001) are typical features of HCC tumor cells compared to ICC tumor cells. The research study found a significant difference in the nuclear morphology of HCC (round shape) and ICC (oval shape) in Papanicolaou-stained cytology specimens. This simple and objective finding will be very useful for the differential cytodiagnosis of HCC and ICC.

    DOI: 10.3390/cancers14092301



  • Direct Comparison of US and MR Elastography for Staging Liver Fibrosis in Patients With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

    Kento Imajo, Yasushi Honda, Takashi Kobayashi, Koki Nagai, Anna Ozaki, Michihiro Iwaki, Takaomi Kessoku, Yuji Ogawa, Hirokazu Takahashi, Yusuke Saigusa, Masato Yoneda, Hiroyuki Kirikoshi, Daisuke Utsunomiya, Shinichi Aishima, Satoru Saito, Atsushi Nakajima

    Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology   20 ( 4 )   908 - 917.e11   2022年4月   ISSN:1542-3565 eISSN:1542-7714


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Background & Aims: As alternatives to the expensive liver biopsy for assessing liver fibrosis stage in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), we directly compared the diagnostic abilities of magnetic resonance elastography (MRE), vibration-controlled transient elastography (VCTE), and two-dimensional shear wave elastography (2D-SWE). Methods: Overall, 231 patients with biopsy-proven NAFLD were included. Intra- and inter-observer reproducibility was analyzed using intraclass correlation coefficient in a sub-group of 70 participants, in whom liver stiffness measurement (LSM) was performed by an elastography expert and an ultrasound expert who was an elastography trainee on the same day. Results: Valid LSMs were obtained for 227, 220, 204, and 201 patients using MRE, VCTE, 2D-SWE, and all three modalities combined, respectively. Although the area under the curve did not differ between the modalities for detecting stage ≥1, ≥2, and ≥3 liver fibrosis, it was higher for MRE than VCTE and 2D-SWE for stage 4. Sex was a significant predictor of discordance between VCTE and liver fibrosis stage. Skin-capsule distance and the ratio of the interquartile range of liver stiffness to the median were significantly associated with discordance between 2D-SWE and liver fibrosis stage. However, no factors were associated with discordance between MRE and liver fibrosis stage. Intra- and inter-observer reproducibility in detecting liver fibrosis was higher for MRE than VCTE and 2D-SWE. Conclusions: MRE, VCTE, and 2D-SWE demonstrated excellent diagnostic accuracy in detecting liver fibrosis in patients with NAFLD. MRE demonstrated the highest diagnostic accuracy for stage 4 detection and intra- and inter-observer reproducibility. UMIN Clinical Trials Registry No. UMIN000031491.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.cgh.2020.12.016




  • Atrial Structural Remodeling in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation Is a Diffuse Fibrotic Process: Evidence From High-Density Voltage Mapping and Atrial Biopsy

    Takanori Yamaguchi, Toyokazu Otsubo, Yuya Takahashi, Kana Nakashima, Akira Fukui, Kei Hirota, Yumi Ishii, Kodai Shinzato, Ryosuke Osako, Mai Tahara, Yuki Kawano, Atsushi Kawaguchi, Shinichi Aishima, Naohiko Takahashi, Koichi Node

    Journal of the American Heart Association   11 ( 6 )   2022年3月   eISSN:2047-9980


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND: Low-voltage areas (LVAs) in the atria of patients with atrial fibrillation are considered local fibrosis. We hypoth-esized that voltage reduction in the atria is a diffuse process associated with fibrosis and that the presence of LVAs reflects a global voltage reduction. METHODS AND RESULTS: We examined 140 patients with atrial fibrillation and 13 patients with a left accessory pathway (con-trols). High-density bipolar voltage mapping was performed using a grid-mapping catheter during high right atrial pacing. Global left atrial (LA) voltage (VGLA) in the whole LA and regional LA voltage (VRLA) in 6 anatomic regions were evaluated with the mean of the highest voltage at a sampling density of 1 cm2. Patients with atrial fibrillation were categorized into quartiles by VGLA. LVAs were evaluated at voltage cutoffs of 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 mV. Twenty-eight patients with atrial fibrillation also underwent right atrial septum biopsy, and the fibrosis extent was quantified. Voltage at the biopsy site (Vbiopsy) was recorded. VGLA results by category were Q1 (<4.2 mV), Q2 (4.2–5.6 mV), Q3 (5.7–7.0 mV), and Q4 (≥7.1 mV). VRLA at any region was reduced as VGLA decreased. VGLA and VRLA did not differ between Q4 and controls. The presence of LVAs increased as VGLA decreased at any voltage cutoff. Biopsies revealed 11±6% fibrosis, which was inversely correlated with both Vbiopsy and VGLA (r=–0.71 and –0.72, respectively). Vbiopsy was correlated with VGLA (r=0.82). CONCLUSIONS: Voltage reduction in the LA is a diffuse process associated with fibrosis. Presence of LVAs reflects diffuse voltage reduction of the LA.

    DOI: 10.1161/JAHA.121.024521




  • Concordance of the histological diagnosis of type 1 autoimmune pancreatitis and its distinction from pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma with endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle biopsy specimens: an interobserver agreement study

    Kenji Notohara, Terumi Kamisawa, Toru Furukawa, Noriyoshi Fukushima, Takeshi Uehara, Satomi Kasashima, Eisuke Iwasaki, Atsushi Kanno, Atsuhiro Kawashima, Kensuke Kubota, Yasuhiro Kuraishi, Masayo Motoya, Itaru Naitoh, Takayoshi Nishino, Junichi Sakagami, Kyoko Shimizu, Teruko Tomono, Shinichi Aishima, Yuki Fukumura, Kenichi Hirabayashi, Motohiro Kojima, Tomoko Mitsuhashi, Yoshiki Naito, Nobuyuki Ohike, Takuma Tajiri, Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Hideyo Fujiwara, Emi Ibuki, Shota Kobayashi, Masashi Miyaoka, Mamiko Nagase, Junko Nakashima, Masamichi Nakayama, Shinsuke Oda, Daiki Taniyama, Sho Tsuyama, Syunsuke Watanabe, Tsukasa Ikeura, Shigeyuki Kawa, Kazuichi Okazaki

    Virchows Archiv   480 ( 3 )   565 - 575   2022年3月   ISSN:0945-6317 eISSN:1432-2307


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    The histological diagnosis of type 1 autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) based on the findings obtained by an endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle biopsy (EUS-FNB) is feasible, but the diagnostic consistency of this method has not been confirmed. We determined the interobserver agreement among 20 pathologists regarding the diagnosis of type 1 AIP, including the distinction from pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) using large tissue samples obtained by EUS-FNB. After guidance for diagnosing AIP with biopsy tissues was provided, a round 2 was performed. The median sensitivity and specificity for diagnosing PDAC vs. non-neoplastic diseases were 95.2% and 100%, respectively. In groups of specialists (n = 7) and the generalists (n = 13), Fleiss’ к-values increased from 0.886 to 0.958 and from 0.750 to 0.816 in round 2. The concordance was fair or moderate for obliterative phlebitis and storiform fibrosis but slight for ductal lesion of type 1 AIP. Discordant results were due to ambiguous findings and biopsy tissue limitations. Among the specialists, the ratio of cases with perfect agreement regarding the presence of storiform fibrosis increased in round 2, but agreement regarding obliterative phlebitis or ductal lesions was not improved. Although the histological definite diagnosis of type 1 AIP was achieved by most observers in > 60% of the cases, the confidence levels varied. Because some ambiguities exist, the histological diagnostic levels based on the diagnostic criteria of type 1 AIP should not be taken for granted. Guidance is effective for improving accurate PDAC diagnoses (notably by recognizing acinar-ductal metaplasia) and for evaluating storiform fibrosis.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00428-021-03236-w




  • Ipragliflozin Improves the Hepatic Outcomes of Patients With Diabetes with NAFLD

    Hirokazu Takahashi, Takaomi Kessoku, Miwa Kawanaka, Michihiro Nonaka, Hideyuki Hyogo, Hideki Fujii, Tomoaki Nakajima, Kento Imajo, Kenichi Tanaka, Yoshihito Kubotsu, Hiroshi Isoda, Satoshi Oeda, Osamu Kurai, Masato Yoneda, Masafumi Ono, Yoichiro Kitajima, Ryo Tajiri, Ayako Takamori, Atsushi Kawaguchi, Shinichi Aishima, Masayoshi Kage, Atsushi Nakajima, Yuichiro Eguchi, Keizo Anzai

    Hepatology Communications   6 ( 1 )   120 - 132   2022年1月   eISSN:2471-254X


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Sodium glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors (SGLT2is) are now widely used to treat diabetes, but their effects on nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) remain to be determined. We aimed to evaluate the effects of SGLT2is on the pathogenesis of NAFLD. A multicenter, randomized, controlled trial was conducted in patients with type 2 diabetes with NAFLD. The changes in glycemic control, obesity, and liver pathology were compared between participants taking ipragliflozin (50 mg/day for 72 weeks; IPR group) and participants being managed without SGLT2is, pioglitazone, glucagon-like peptide-1 analogs, or insulin (CTR group). In the IPR group (n = 25), there were significant decreases in hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) and body mass index (BMI) during the study (HbA1c, −0.41%, P < 0.01; BMI, −1.06 kg/m2, P < 0.01), whereas these did not change in the CTR group (n = 26). Liver pathology was evaluated in 21/25 participants in the IPR/CTR groups, and hepatic fibrosis was found in 17 (81%) and 18 (72%) participants in the IPR and CTR groups at baseline. This was ameliorated in 70.6% (12 of 17) of participants in the IPR group and 22.2 % (4 of 18) of those in the CTR group (P < 0.01). Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) resolved in 66.7% of IPR-treated participants and 27.3% of CTR participants. None of the participants in the IPR group developed NASH, whereas 33.3% of the CTR group developed NASH. Conclusion: Long-term ipragliflozin treatment ameliorates hepatic fibrosis in patients with NAFLD. Thus, ipragliflozin might be effective for the treatment and prevention of NASH in patients with diabetes, as well as improving glycemic control and obesity. Therefore, SGLT2is may represent a therapeutic choice for patients with diabetes with NAFLD, but further larger studies are required to confirm these effects.

    DOI: 10.1002/hep4.1696



  • 成人T細胞白血病に対する同種造血幹細胞移植後に発症した移植片対宿主病による中枢神経病変の1例

    井手 俊宏, 飯田 紘太郎, 勝屋 弘雄, 伊藤 寛, 相島 慎一, 原 英夫

    臨床神経学   62 ( 1 )   33 - 38   2022年1月   ISSN:0009-918X


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(一社)日本神経学会  

    症例は54歳女性.2015年11月に急性型成人T細胞白血病(adult T cell leukemia,以下ATLと略記)を発症し,翌年3月に同種造血幹細胞移植を受けた.2019年5月に急激に認知機能障害が出現し,頭部MRIで大脳白質病変を認めた.髄液検査では蛋白の上昇を認めた.脳生検ではCD8陽性のT細胞を主体とする炎症細胞が白質へ浸潤していた.肺・腸管の慢性移植片対宿主病(graft versus host disease,以下GVHDと略記)の既往と病理所見から慢性GVHDの中枢神経病変(central nervous system involvement of GVHD,以下CNS-GVHDと略記)と診断した.ステロイドとミコフェノール酸モフェチルによる免疫療法を行い,認知機能障害と髄液所見の改善を得た.本症例はATLにおけるCNS-GVHDの初の報告であり,脳生検による診断の重要性と免疫療法の有効性を示した.(著者抄録)

  • Predictive value of cytokeratin-18 fragment levels for diagnosing steatohepatitis in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. 国際誌

    Toshifumi Tada, Toshiji Saibara, Masafumi Ono, Hirokazu Takahashi, Yuichiro Eguchi, Hideyuki Hyogo, Miwa Kawanaka, Takashi Kumada, Hidenori Toyoda, Satoshi Yasuda, Atsushi Nakajima, Masato Yoneda, Saiyu Tanaka, Keiji Shimada, Hideaki Hoshino, Shinichi Aishima, Masayoshi Kage, Yoshio Sumida

    European journal of gastroenterology & hepatology   33 ( 11 )   1451 - 1458   2021年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1097/MEG.0000000000002176

  • Hepatic stellate cell as a Mac-2-binding protein-producing cell in patients with liver fibrosis. 国際誌

    Dolgormaa Gantumur, Norifumi Harimoto, Ryo Muranushi, Kouki Hoshino, Chingun Batbayar, Kei Hagiwara, Takahiro Yamanaka, Norihiro Ishii, Mariko Tsukagoshi, Takamichi Igarashi, Akira Watanabe, Norio Kubo, Kenichiro Araki, Takehiko Yokobori, Shinichi Aishima, Ken Shirabe

    Hepatology research : the official journal of the Japan Society of Hepatology   51 ( 10 )   1058 - 1063   2021年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1111/hepr.13648

  • Intracranial Mönckeberg's Atherosclerosis Is Frequently Found in Autopsy Cases of Advanced Stage Malignancy with Cerebral Infarction. 国際誌

    13 ( 20 )   2021年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Cerebral infarction (CI) severely affects the prognosis of patients with malignancy. The aim of the study was to compare the pathology of CI between cases with and without malignancy focusing on intracranial Mönckeberg's atherosclerosis. Among 778 autopsy cases of craniotomy, 53 cases of "cerebral infarction without malignancy group" (CI group), 50 cases of "malignant tumor without CI group" (MT group), and 39 cases of "cerebral infarction with malignancy group" (CM group) were identified. Mönckeberg's atherosclerosis was mainly found in the basal ganglia and its prevalence in the CM group (38.5&#37;) was significantly higher than in the MT group (12.0&#37;, p = 0.005), and apparently higher than in the CI group (18.9&#37;, p = 0.057). The CI group was significantly older, had higher BMIs, and a greater prevalence of hypertension and atrial fibrillation compared to the CM group. In addition, the prevalence of chronic renal disease was significantly lower in the CM group (2.6&#37;, p = 0.012) than in the CI group (20.8&#37;). Our results indicated that Mönckeberg's atherosclerosis was often found in the basal ganglia of CM cases and that intracranial Mönckeberg's atherosclerosis is a potential risk factor for CI in patients with advanced stage malignancy.

    DOI: 10.3390/cancers13205234

  • Effect of skin-capsular distance on controlled attenuation parameter for diagnosing liver steatosis in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. 国際誌

    Syunichiro Kimura, Kenichi Tanaka, Satoshi Oeda, Kaori Inoue, Chika Inadomi, Yoshihito Kubotsu, Wataru Yoshioka, Michiaki Okada, Hiroshi Isoda, Takuya Kuwashiro, Takumi Akiyama, Aya Kurashige, Ayaka Oshima, Mayumi Oshima, Yasue Matsumoto, Atsushi Kawaguchi, Keizo Anzai, Eisaburo Sueoka, Shinichi Aishima, Hirokazu Takahashi

    Scientific reports   11 ( 1 )   15641 - 15641   2021年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-94970-3

  • Prognostic implications of the coexisting precursor lesion types in invasive gallbladder cancer. 国際誌

    Naoki Mochidome, Yutaka Koga, Yoshihiro Ohishi, Tetsuyuki Miyazaki, Ryota Matsuda, Yuichi Yamada, Shinichi Aishima, Masafumi Nakamura, Yoshinao Oda

    Human pathology   114   44 - 53   2021年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.humpath.2021.05.001

  • Infiltration of CD1a-positive dendritic cells in advanced laryngeal cancer correlates with unfavorable outcomes post-laryngectomy. 国際誌

    Akimichi Minesaki, Keita Kai, Yuichiro Kuratomi, Shinichi Aishima

    BMC cancer   21 ( 1 )   973 - 973   2021年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1186/s12885-021-08715-6

  • Gut microbiota composition associated with hepatic fibrosis in non-obese patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. 国際誌

    Michihiro Iwaki, Takaomi Kessoku, Anna Ozaki, Yuki Kasai, Takashi Kobayashi, Asako Nogami, Yasushi Honda, Yuji Ogawa, Kento Imajo, Masato Yoneda, Ayako Maeda, Yoshiki Tanaka, Shunji Nakajima, Hiroshi Ohno, Haruki Usuda, Miwa Kawanaka, Takumi Kawaguchi, Takuji Torimura, Masayoshi Kage, Hideyuki Hyogo, Hirokazu Takahashi, Yuichiro Eguchi, Shinichi Aishima, Koichiro Wada, Noritoshi Kobayashi, Yoshio Sumida, Satoru Saito, Atsushi Nakajima

    Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology   36 ( 8 )   2275 - 2284   2021年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1111/jgh.15487

  • A deep learning model to detect pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma on endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle biopsy. 国際誌

    Yoshiki Naito, Masayuki Tsuneki, Noriyoshi Fukushima, Yutaka Koga, Michiyo Higashi, Kenji Notohara, Shinichi Aishima, Nobuyuki Ohike, Takuma Tajiri, Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Yuki Fukumura, Motohiro Kojima, Kenichi Hirabayashi, Yoshihiro Hamada, Tomoko Norose, Keita Kai, Yuko Omori, Aoi Sukeda, Hirotsugu Noguchi, Kaori Uchino, Junya Itakura, Yoshinobu Okabe, Yuichi Yamada, Jun Akiba, Fahdi Kanavati, Yoshinao Oda, Toru Furukawa, Hirohisa Yano

    Scientific reports   11 ( 1 )   8454 - 8454   2021年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-87748-0

  • Unclassified hepatocellular adenoma with beta-catenin mutation: a case report. 国際誌

    Ryo Muranushi, Kenichiro Araki, Norifumi Harimoto, Takehiko Yokobori, Kouki Hoshino, Kei Hagiwara, Norihiro Ishii, Mariko Tsukagoshi, Takamichi Igarashi, Akira Watanabe, Norio Kubo, Shinichi Aishima, Ken Shirabe

    Surgical case reports   7 ( 1 )   46 - 46   2021年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1186/s40792-021-01131-9

  • Exploiting synergistic effect of externally loaded bFGF and endogenous growth factors for accelerated wound healing using heparin functionalized PCL/gelatin co-spun nanofibrous patches

    Akshat Joshi, Zhe Xu, Yasuhiro Ikegami, Kozue Yoshida, Yusuke Sakai, Akshay Joshi, Tejinder Kaur, Yosuke Nakao, Yo ichi Yamashita, Hideo Baba, Shinichi Aishima, Neetu Singh, Hiroyuki Ijima

    Chemical Engineering Journal   404   2021年1月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2020.126518

  • Immunohistochemical analysis of the aggregation of CD1a-positive dendritic cells in resected specimens and its association with surgical outcomes for patients with gallbladder cancer. 国際誌

    Keita Kai, Tomokazu Tanaka, Takao Ide, Atsushi Kawaguchi, Hirokazu Noshiro, Shinichi Aishima

    Translational oncology   14 ( 1 )   100923 - 100923   2021年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.tranon.2020.100923

  • Decrease in fasting insulin secretory function correlates with significant liver fibrosis in Japanese non-alcoholic fatty liver disease patients. 国際誌

    Norimasa Araki, Hirokazu Takahashi, Ayako Takamori, Yoichiro Kitajima, Hideyuki Hyogo, Yoshio Sumida, Saiyu Tanaka, Keizo Anzai, Shinichi Aishima, Kazuaki Chayama, Kazuma Fujimoto, Yuichiro Eguchi

    JGH open : an open access journal of gastroenterology and hepatology   4 ( 5 )   929 - 936   2020年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1002/jgh3.12367

  • Histopathological findings of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.

    Masayoshi Kage, Shinichi Aishima, Hironori Kusano, Hirohisa Yano

    Journal of medical ultrasonics (2001)   47 ( 4 )   549 - 554   2020年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s10396-020-01061-3

  • Guidance for diagnosing autoimmune pancreatitis with biopsy tissues. 国際誌

    Kenji Notohara, Terumi Kamisawa, Noriyoshi Fukushima, Toru Furukawa, Takuma Tajiri, Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Shinichi Aishima, Yuki Fukumura, Kenichi Hirabayashi, Eisuke Iwasaki, Atsushi Kanno, Satomi Kasashima, Atsuhiro Kawashima, Motohiro Kojima, Kensuke Kubota, Yasuhiro Kuraishi, Tomoko Mitsuhashi, Yoshiki Naito, Itaru Naitoh, Hiroshi Nakase, Takayoshi Nishino, Nobuyuki Ohike, Junichi Sakagami, Kyoko Shimizu, Masahiro Shiokawa, Takeshi Uehara, Tsukasa Ikeura, Shigeyuki Kawa, Kazuichi Okazaki

    Pathology international   70 ( 10 )   699 - 711   2020年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1111/pin.12994

  • Metabolomic/lipidomic-based analysis of plasma to diagnose hepatocellular ballooning in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: A multicenter study. 国際誌

    Yuji Ogawa, Takashi Kobayashi, Yasushi Honda, Takaomi Kessoku, Wataru Tomeno, Kento Imajo, Takashi Nakahara, Satoshi Oeda, Yuko Nagaoki, Yuichiro Amano, Tatsuya Ando, Megumi Hirayama, Osamu Isono, Hidenori Kamiguchi, Hiroshi Nagabukuro, Shinji Ogawa, Yoshinori Satomi, Yusuke Saigusa, Hirokazu Takahashi, Hideyuki Hyogo, Masato Yoneda, Satoru Saito, Takeharu Yamanaka, Shinichi Aishima, Yuichiro Eguchi, Masayoshi Kage, Kazuaki Chayama, Atsushi Nakajima

    Hepatology research : the official journal of the Japan Society of Hepatology   50 ( 8 )   955 - 965   2020年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1111/hepr.13528

  • Clinicopathological characteristics of combined hepatocellular cholangiocarcinoma from the viewpoint of patient prognosis after hepatic resection: High rate of early recurrence and its predictors. 国際誌

    Yo-Ichi Yamashita, Shinichi Aishima, Yosuke Nakao, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Hiroaki Nagano, Tamotsu Kuroki, Yuko Takami, Takao Ide, Masayuki Ohta, Mitsuhisa Takatsuki, Atsushi Nanashima, Fuminori Ishii, Kenji Kitahara, Satoshi Iino, Toru Beppu, Hideo Baba, Susumu Eguchi

    Hepatology research : the official journal of the Japan Society of Hepatology   50 ( 7 )   863 - 870   2020年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1111/hepr.13507

  • Diagnostic accuracy of FibroScan-AST score to identify non-alcoholic steatohepatitis with significant activity and fibrosis in Japanese patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: Comparison between M and XL probes. 国際誌

    Satoshi Oeda, Hirokazu Takahashi, Kento Imajo, Yuya Seko, Takashi Kobayashi, Yuji Ogawa, Michihisa Moriguchi, Masato Yoneda, Keizo Anzai, Hiroyuki Irie, Eisaburo Sueoka, Shinichi Aishima, Masayoshi Kage, Yoshito Itoh, Yuichiro Eguchi, Atsushi Nakajima

    Hepatology research : the official journal of the Japan Society of Hepatology   50 ( 7 )   831 - 839   2020年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1111/hepr.13508

  • Accuracy of the Enhanced Liver Fibrosis test, and combination of the Enhanced Liver Fibrosis and non-invasive tests for the diagnosis of advanced liver fibrosis in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. 国際誌

    Chika Inadomi, Hirokazu Takahashi, Yuji Ogawa, Satoshi Oeda, Kento Imajo, Yoshihito Kubotsu, Kenichi Tanaka, Takaomi Kessoku, Michiaki Okada, Hiroshi Isoda, Takumi Akiyama, Hideaki Fukushima, Masato Yoneda, Keizo Anzai, Shinichi Aishima, Atsushi Nakajima, Yuichiro Eguchi

    Hepatology research : the official journal of the Japan Society of Hepatology   50 ( 6 )   682 - 692   2020年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1111/hepr.13495

  • Discordant pathological diagnosis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: A prospective multicenter study. 国際誌

    Takuya Kuwashiro, Hirokazu Takahashi, Hideyuki Hyogo, Yuji Ogawa, Kento Imajo, Masato Yoneda, Takashi Nakahara, Satoshi Oeda, Kenichi Tanaka, Yuichiro Amano, Shinji Ogawa, Atsushi Kawaguchi, Shinichi Aishima, Masayoshi Kage, Kazuaki Chayama, Atsushi Nakajima, Yuichiro Eguchi

    JGH open : an open access journal of gastroenterology and hepatology   4 ( 3 )   497 - 502   2020年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1002/jgh3.12289

  • Unclassified hepatocellular adenoma with histological brown pigment deposition and serum PIVKA-II level elevation: a case report. 国際誌

    Kouki Hoshino, Norifumi Harimoto, Ryo Muranushi, Kei Hagiwara, Takahiro Yamanaka, Norihiro Ishii, Mariko Tsukagoshi, Takamichi Igarashi, Akira Watanabe, Norio Kubo, Kenichiro Araki, Ran Tomomasa, Sumihito Nobusawa, Shinichi Aishima, Osamu Nakashima, Ken Shirabe

    Surgical case reports   6 ( 1 )   94 - 94   2020年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1186/s40792-020-00853-6

  • Accumulation of Astrocytic Aquaporin 4 and Aquaporin 1 in Prion Protein Plaques. 国際誌

    Shoko Sadashima, Hiroyuki Honda, Satoshi O Suzuki, Masahiro Shijo, Shinichi Aishima, Keita Kai, Junichi Kira, Toru Iwaki

    Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology   79 ( 4 )   419 - 429   2020年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1093/jnen/nlaa010

  • Accuracy of liver stiffness measurement and controlled attenuation parameter using FibroScan® M/XL probes to diagnose liver fibrosis and steatosis in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: a multicenter prospective study.

    55 ( 4 )   428 - 440   2020年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND: Few studies have evaluated both liver fibrosis and steatosis in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) using both FibroScan® M and XL probes. This study was performed to investigate the accuracy of both FibroScan® probes to diagnose liver fibrosis and steatosis in patients with NAFLD. METHODS: We prospectively enrolled 137 consecutive patients with clinically suspected NAFLD in our joint-research facilities. Liver biopsies, liver stiffness measurements (LSMs), and controlled attenuation parameter (CAP) measurements were performed, and 122 patients with NAFLD diagnosed pathologically by central pathologists were included in the final analysis. RESULTS: Reliable LSM results were obtained in 85.2% (M) and 89.3% (XL) of patients, and CAP was reliable in 90.2% (M) and 90.2% (XL). The median LSM was significantly lower with the XL than M probe, and CAP was significantly higher with the XL than M probe. The optimal cut-off values for diagnosing the fibrosis stage were lower for LSM with the XL than M probe (stage ≥ 2, 6.7 vs. 7.0; stage ≥ 3, 8.2 vs. 10.8; stage 4, 14.3 vs. 16.8, respectively), whereas those of CAP were higher for the XL than M probe (score of ≥ 2, 273 vs. 267; score of 3, 302 vs. 286, respectively). There were no significant differences in accuracy of the LSM and CAP between the probes. CONCLUSIONS: Liver fibrosis and steatosis could be equally evaluated with FibroScan® M and XL probes in patients with NAFLD. There was no significant difference in diagnostic accuracy between the two probes using probe-specific cut-off values.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00535-019-01635-0

  • Decreased cytokeratin 7 expression correlates with the progression of cervical squamous cell carcinoma and poor patient outcomes. 国際誌

    Mariko Hashiguchi, Masanori Masuda, Keita Kai, Yoshifumi Nakao, Atsushi Kawaguchi, Masatoshi Yokoyama, Shinichi Aishima

    The journal of obstetrics and gynaecology research   45 ( 11 )   2228 - 2236   2019年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1111/jog.14108

  • Fairly rare small-diameter hepatocellular carcinoma with right adrenal gland metastasis having an inferior vena cava tumor thrombus: a case report. 国際誌

    Takamichi Igarashi, Norifumi Harimoto, Nozomi Matsumura, Masaya Sugiyama, Kenichiro Araki, Takehiko Yokobori, Takashi Kosone, Hitoshi Takagi, Shinichi Aishima, Hideaki Yokoo, Ken Shirabe

    Surgical case reports   5 ( 1 )   170 - 170   2019年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1186/s40792-019-0705-7

  • A unique autopsy case of ascending aortic dissection caused by giant cell arteritis without drug therapy. 国際誌

    Yukari Takase, Yosuke Murakami, Jumpei Nishi, Osamu Tokunaga, Toshiharu Matsumoto, Shinichi Aishima

    Pathology international   69 ( 10 )   614 - 618   2019年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1111/pin.12845

  • Frequent Detection of Pituitary-Derived PrPres in Human Prion Diseases. 国際誌

    Hiroyuki Honda, Masaki Matsumoto, Masahiro Shijo, Hideomi Hamasaki, Shoko Sadashima, Satoshi O Suzuki, Shinichi Aishima, Keita Kai, Keiichi I Nakayama, Naokazu Sasagasako, Toru Iwaki

    Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology   78 ( 10 )   922 - 929   2019年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1093/jnen/nlz075

  • CXCL12 expression in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma is associated with metastasis and poor prognosis. 国際誌

    Tatsunori Miyata, Yo-Ichi Yamashita, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Masayuki Shiraishi, Masayuki Ohta, Susumu Eguchi, Shinichi Aishima, Hikaru Fujioka, Hideo Baba

    Cancer science   110 ( 10 )   3197 - 3203   2019年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1111/cas.14151

  • IFN-γ Promotes Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and the Expression of PD-L1 in Pancreatic Cancer. 国際誌

    240   115 - 123   2019年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND: Tumor immune reactions not only provide host defense but also accelerate tumor immune escape and phenotype switching. Here, we examined the association of programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1) expression with epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT)-associated markers in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA) within the context of the tumor microenvironment. MATERIALS AND METHODS: PDA samples from 36 patients were analyzed for PD-L1, vimentin, E-cadherin, and Snail expressions and for PDA cell and immune cell infiltration. PD-L1 expression and EMT in PDA cell lines under conditions of altering interferon gamma (IFN-γ) signals were also assessed. RESULTS: Immunohistochemistry revealed a significant correlation between vimentin and PD-L1 expression, whereas double staining showed them to be simultaneously expressed by PDA cells. Positive vimentin expression was associated with the infiltration of a lower number of CD8+ T cells and a higher number of FoxP3+ cells and poor patient prognosis (P = 0.03). PDA tumor cells promoted PD-L1 expression and EMT under the presence of IFN-γ, which was inhibited by the signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT)1 small interfering RNA. CONCLUSIONS: Strong correlations were observed between PD-L1 expression, EMT, and the immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment. Targeting STAT1 combined with PD-1/PD-L1 immunotherapy may improve outcomes for patients with PDA.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jss.2019.02.038

  • Primary mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the liver with CRTC1-MAML2 fusion: a case report. 国際誌

    Jiro Watanabe, Keita Kai, Ken Tanikawa, Mamoru Hiraki, Naohisa Mizukami, Shinichi Aishima, Takafumi Nakano, Hidetaka Yamamoto

    Diagnostic pathology   14 ( 1 )   84 - 84   2019年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1186/s13000-019-0863-8

  • Transferrin receptor 1 overexpression is associated with tumour de-differentiation and acts as a potential prognostic indicator of hepatocellular carcinoma. 国際誌

    Makiko Adachi, Keita Kai, Koutaro Yamaji, Takao Ide, Hirokazu Noshiro, Atsushi Kawaguchi, Shinichi Aishima

    Histopathology   75 ( 1 )   63 - 73   2019年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1111/his.13847

  • External validation of ADNEX MR SCORING system: a single-centre retrospective study

    K. Sasaguri, K. Yamaguchi, T. Nakazono, M. Mizuguchi, S. Aishima, M. Yokoyama, H. Irie

    Clinical Radiology   74 ( 2 )   131 - 139   2019年2月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.crad.2018.10.014

  • Mieap-induced accumulation of lysosomes within mitochondria (MALM) regulates gastric cancer cell invasion under hypoxia by suppressing reactive oxygen species accumulation. 国際誌

    Keiichiro Okuyama, Yoshihiko Kitajima, Noriyuki Egawa, Hiroshi Kitagawa, Kotaro Ito, Shinichi Aishima, Kazuyoshi Yanagihara, Tomokazu Tanaka, Hirokazu Noshiro

    Scientific reports   9 ( 1 )   2822 - 2822   2019年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-39563-x

  • Formalin fixation on HER-2 and PD-L1 expression in gastric cancer: A pilot analysis using the same surgical specimens with different fixation times. 国際誌

    Keita Kai, Yukie Yoda, Atsushi Kawaguchi, Akimichi Minesaki, Hironori Iwasaki, Shinichi Aishima, Hirokazu Noshiro

    World journal of clinical cases   7 ( 4 )   419 - 430   2019年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.12998/wjcc.v7.i4.419

  • Occult HBV infection status and its impact on surgical outcomes in patients with curative resection for HCV-associated hepatocellular carcinoma. 国際誌

    Koutaro Yamaji, Keita Kai, Sho Komukai, Hiroki Koga, Takao Ide, Atsushi Kawaguchi, Hirokazu Noshiro, Shinichi Aishima

    Hepatobiliary surgery and nutrition   7 ( 6 )   443 - 453   2018年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.21037/hbsn.2018.10.01

  • Primary intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma with sarcomatous stroma: case report and review of the literature. 国際誌

    Kyohei Yugawa, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Yohei Mano, Noboru Harada, Shinji Itoh, Toru Ikegami, Yuji Soejima, Nobuhiro Fujita, Kenichi Kohashi, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshinao Oda, Masaki Mori

    Surgical case reports   4 ( 1 )   138 - 138   2018年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1186/s40792-018-0543-z

  • Successful treatment of post-transplant relapsed adult T cell leukemia after cord blood transplantation with low-dose, short-term lenalidomide. 国際誌

    Toshihiko Ando, Kensuke Kojima, Haruhiko Sano, Keisuke Kidoguchi, Kana Kusaba, Mariko Yoshimura, Masako Yokoo, Yasushi Kubota, Hideaki Nakamura, Yukari Takase, Shinichi Aishima, Shinya Kimura

    Leukemia & lymphoma   59 ( 10 )   2474 - 2477   2018年10月



    DOI: 10.1080/10428194.2018.1427859

  • A case report of intracholecystic papillary neoplasm of the gallbladder resembling a submucosal tumor. 国際誌

    Ryo Muranushi, Hideyuki Saito, Asuka Matsumoto, Toshihide Kato, Naritaka Tanaka, Kenji Nakazato, Nobuhiro Morinaga, Yoshinori Shitara, Masatoshi Ishizaki, Takatomo Yoshida, Shinichi Aishima, Ken Shirabe

    Surgical case reports   4 ( 1 )   124 - 124   2018年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1186/s40792-018-0524-2

  • A Novel Autoantibody against Plexin D1 in Patients with Neuropathic Pain. 国際誌

    Takayuki Fujii, Ryo Yamasaki, Kyoko Iinuma, Daisuke Tsuchimoto, Yoshinori Hayashi, Ban-Yu Saitoh, Takuya Matsushita, Mizuho A Kido, Shinichi Aishima, Hiroshi Nakanishi, Yusaku Nakabeppu, Jun-Ichi Kira

    Annals of neurology   84 ( 2 )   208 - 224   2018年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1002/ana.25279

  • Synchronous mantle cell lymphoma and lung adenocarcinoma presenting in a pleural effusion: A rare tumour combination and a potential pitfall of cytodiagnosis

    K. Kai, Y. Ryu, K. Kamochi, A. Nishioka, Y. Kubota, M. Nakamura, S. Kimura, E. Sueoka, S. Aishima

    Cytopathology   29 ( 4 )   400 - 402   2018年8月



    DOI: 10.1111/cyt.12532

  • Neuroendocrine tumor of the pancreas with rhabdoid feature. 国際誌

    Tetsuyuki Miyazaki, Shinichi Aishima, Minoru Fujino, Keigo Ozono, Yuichiro Kubo, Yasuhiro Ushijima, Takashi Osoegawa, Eikichi Ihara, Itou Tetsuhide, Takao Ohtsuka, Masafumi Nakamura, Yoshinao Oda

    Virchows Archiv : an international journal of pathology   473 ( 2 )   247 - 252   2018年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s00428-018-2398-x

  • Increased expression and altered localization of cathepsin Z are associated with progression to jaundice stage in primary biliary cholangitis. 国際誌

    Yoshihiro Aiba, Kenichi Harada, Masahiro Ito, Takashi Suematsu, Shinichi Aishima, Yuki Hitomi, Nao Nishida, Minae Kawashima, Mitsuhisa Takatsuki, Susumu Eguchi, Shinji Shimoda, Hitomi Nakamura, Atsumasa Komori, Seigo Abiru, Shinya Nagaoka, Kiyoshi Migita, Hiroshi Yatsuhashi, Katsushi Tokunaga, Minoru Nakamura

    Scientific reports   8 ( 1 )   11808 - 11808   2018年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-30146-w

  • Fairly rare clear cell adenocarcinoma mimicking liver cancer: a case report. 国際誌

    Norifumi Harimoto, Kei Hagiwara, Takahiro Yamanaka, Norihiro Ishii, Takamichi Igarashi, Akira Watanabe, Norio Kubo, Kenichirou Araki, Hayato Ikota, Masafumi Suyama, Takeshi Maki, Shinichi Aishima, Hiroyuki Kuwano, Ken Shirabe

    Surgical case reports   4 ( 1 )   97 - 97   2018年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1186/s40792-018-0500-x

  • cHCC-CCA: Consensus terminology for primary liver carcinomas with both hepatocytic and cholangiocytic differentation. 国際誌

    Elizabeth Brunt, Shinichi Aishima, Pierre-Alain Clavien, Kathryn Fowler, Zachary Goodman, Gregory Gores, Annette Gouw, Alex Kagen, David Klimstra, Mina Komuta, Fukuo Kondo, Rebecca Miksad, Masayuki Nakano, Yasuni Nakanuma, Irene Ng, Valerie Paradis, Young Nyun Park, Alberto Quaglia, Massimo Roncalli, Tania Roskams, Michiie Sakamoto, Romil Saxena, Christine Sempoux, Claude Sirlin, Ashley Stueck, Swan Thung, W M S Tsui, Xin-Wei Wang, Aileen Wee, Hirohisa Yano, Matthew Yeh, Yoh Zen, Jessica Zucman-Rossi, Neil Theise

    Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.)   68 ( 1 )   113 - 126   2018年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1002/hep.29789

  • Microvascular invasion of single small hepatocellular carcinoma ≤3 cm: Predictors and optimal treatments.

    2 ( 3 )   197 - 203   2018年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND: Small hepatocellular carcinomas (HCC ≤3 cm) are generally considered to have low malignant potential; however, some of them display pathological microvascular invasion (MVI). METHODS: Between 1991 and 2013, 414 patients with a single HCC ≤3 cm underwent curative hepatic resection (HR). Predictors for MVI were identified. Using another cohort (149 patients during 2000-2014), our predictors for MVI in HCC ≤3 cm were validated. In 428 patients with a single HCC ≤3 cm who had predictors for MVI, survival was compared among anatomical HR (n = 149), partial HR (n = 227), and radiofrequency ablation (RFA) (n = 52). RESULTS: The positive rate of MVI reached 40.6% (168/414 patients). Independent predictors for MVI were as follows: tumor diameter ≥2 cm (odds ratio 1.84, P = .0052), alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) ≥200 ng/mL (odds ratio 1.82, P = .0466), and des-gamma-carboxy prothrombin (DCP) ≥40 mAU/mL (odds ratio 1.79, P = .0126). Matching at least one predictor among these three could predict MVI in HCC ≤3 cm well (sensitivity 82.8%, positive predictive value [PPV] 48.7%). This criterion could also predict MVI in HCC ≤3 cm well in another cohort (sensitivity 82.8%, PPV 30.3%). In patients with single HCC ≤3 cm matching our criterion for predicting MVI, anatomical HR led to significantly better survival in both disease-free (hazard ratio 0.689, P = .0231) and overall (hazard ratio 0.589, P = .0316) survivals. CONCLUSION: Matching at least one factor among three (tumor diameter ≥2 cm, AFP ≥200 ng/mL, or DCP ≥40 mAU/mL) can predict MVI in HCC ≤3 cm. In such patients, anatomical HR would be recommended to improve survival.

    DOI: 10.1002/ags3.12057

  • Resected primary mucinous cholangiocarcinoma of the liver. 国際誌

    Kei Hagiwara, Kenichiro Araki, Takahiro Yamanaka, Norihiro Ishii, Takamichi Igarashi, Akira Watanabe, Norio Kubo, Norifumi Harimoto, Hiroyuki Kuwano, Sumito Nobusawa, Shinichi Aishima, Ken Shirabe

    Surgical case reports   4 ( 1 )   41 - 41   2018年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1186/s40792-018-0450-3

  • A dedifferentiated liposarcoma with inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor-like features. 国際誌

    Keita Kai, Kazuma Udo, Ken Yamaguchi, Shohei Tobu, Mitsuru Noguchi, Shinichi Aishima

    Pathology international   68 ( 4 )   262 - 264   2018年4月



    DOI: 10.1111/pin.12645

  • Clear Cell Carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix Presented as a Submucosal Tumor Arising in a Background of Cervical Endometriosis. 国際誌

    Mariko Hashiguchi, Keita Kai, Satoshi Nishiyama, Yoshifumi Nakao, Masatoshi Yokoyama, Shinichi Aishima

    International journal of gynecological pathology : official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Pathologists   37 ( 1 )   88 - 92   2018年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1097/PGP.0000000000000386

  • Correlation between smoking habit and surgical outcomes on viral-associated hepatocellular carcinomas. 国際誌

    Keita Kai, Sho Komukai, Hiroki Koga, Koutaro Yamaji, Takao Ide, Atsushi Kawaguchi, Shinichi Aishima, Hirokazu Noshiro

    World journal of gastroenterology   24 ( 1 )   58 - 68   2018年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3748/wjg.v24.i1.58

  • Immunoserological and histological differences between autoimmune hepatitis with acute presentation and chronic autoimmune hepatitis. 国際誌

    Kazufumi Dohmen, Hirofumi Tanaka, Masatora Haruno, Shinichi Aishima

    Hepatology research : the official journal of the Japan Society of Hepatology   47 ( 13 )   1375 - 1382   2017年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1111/hepr.12875

  • Occult hepatitis B virus infection and surgical outcomes in non-B, non-C patients with curative resection for hepatocellular carcinoma. 国際誌

    Hiroki Koga, Keita Kai, Shinichi Aishima, Atsushi Kawaguchi, Koutaro Yamaji, Takao Ide, Junji Ueda, Hirokazu Noshiro

    World journal of hepatology   9 ( 35 )   1286 - 1295   2017年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.4254/wjh.v9.i35.1286

  • Colonic poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma with abundant cancer-associated fibroblasts diagnosed by trans-gastric endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration cytology

    M. Yamasaki, K. Kai, A. Nomura, H. Kono, H. Kawakubo, Y. Sakata, M. Mizuguchi, S. Aishima

    Cytopathology   28 ( 5 )   442 - 444   2017年10月



    DOI: 10.1111/cyt.12443

  • Low-dose YC-1 combined with glucose and insulin selectively induces apoptosis in hypoxic gastric carcinoma cells by inhibiting anaerobic glycolysis. 国際誌

    Kota Wakiyama, Yoshihiko Kitajima, Tomokazu Tanaka, Masao Kaneki, Kazuyoshi Yanagihara, Shinichi Aishima, Jun Nakamura, Hirokazu Noshiro

    Scientific reports   7 ( 1 )   12653 - 12653   2017年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-12929-9

  • Small cholangiolocellular carcinoma that was difficult to distinguish from cholangiocellular carcinoma: a case report. 国際誌

    Norihiro Ishii, Kenichiro Araki, Takahiro Yamanaka, Tadashi Handa, Mariko Tsukagoshi, Takamichi Igarashi, Akira Watanabe, Norio Kubo, Shinichi Aishima, Hiroyuki Kuwano, Ken Shirabe

    Surgical case reports   3 ( 1 )   103 - 103   2017年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1186/s40792-017-0377-0

  • Autopsy case of systemic EBV-positive T-cell lymphoma of childhood with marked hepatomegaly in a middle-aged man. 国際誌

    Keita Kai, Futa Koga, Norimasa Araki, Takero Shindo, Yuichiro Eguchi, Shuji Toda, Shinichi Aishima

    Pathology international   67 ( 8 )   431 - 433   2017年8月



    DOI: 10.1111/pin.12549

  • SLC2A1/GLUT1 expression in mural nodules of intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas. 国際誌

    Yasunori Oda, Shinichi Aishima, Koji Shindo, Minoru Fujino, Yusuke Mizuuchi, Masami Hattori, Tetsuyuki Miyazaki, Masao Tanaka, Yoshinao Oda

    Human pathology   65   71 - 78   2017年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.humpath.2017.03.008

  • The prognostic impact of programmed cell death ligand 1 and human leukocyte antigen class I in pancreatic cancer. 国際誌

    Daisuke Imai, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Shinji Okano, Hideaki Uchiyama, Toru Ikegami, Norifumi Harimoto, Shinji Itoh, Yuji Soejima, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshinao Oda, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Cancer medicine   6 ( 7 )   1614 - 1626   2017年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1002/cam4.1087

  • Coexpression of SALL4 with HDAC1 and/or HDAC2 is associated with underexpression of PTEN and poor prognosis in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. 国際誌

    Huanlin Wang, Kenichi Kohashi, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Yukihiko Okumura, Yuki Tanaka, Masahiro Shimokawa, Takeshi Iwasaki, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshihiko Maehara, Yoshinao Oda

    Human pathology   64   69 - 75   2017年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.humpath.2017.03.007

  • Prognostic significance of contrast-enhanced CT attenuation value in extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. 国際誌

    Yoshiki Asayama, Akihiro Nishie, Kousei Ishigami, Yasuhiro Ushijima, Yukihisa Takayama, Daisuke Okamoto, Nobuhiro Fujita, Takao Ohtsuka, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshinao Oda, Hiroshi Honda

    European radiology   27 ( 6 )   2563 - 2569   2017年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s00330-016-4621-y

  • Pathology of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: Peripheral and perihilar type

    Shinichi Aishima

    Pathology of the Bile Duct   149 - 161   2017年5月



    DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-3500-5_12

  • Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic: Hepatocellular carcinoma developed with angiomyolipoma

    T. Miyata, Y. Yamashita, T. Yamao, N. Umezaki, M. Tsukamoto, Y. Kitano, K. Yamamura, K. Arima, T. Kaida, S. Nakagawa, K. Imai, D. Hashimoto, A. Chikamoto, T. Ishiko, T. Asato, Y. Mikami, S. Aishima, H. Baba

    Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (Australia)   32 ( 3 )   547   2017年3月



    DOI: 10.1111/jgh.13655

  • Impact of smoking habit on surgical outcomes in non-B non-C patients with curative resection for hepatocellular carcinoma. 国際誌

    Keita Kai, Hiroki Koga, Shinichi Aishima, Atsushi Kawaguchi, Koutaro Yamaji, Takao Ide, Junji Ueda, Hirokazu Noshiro

    World journal of gastroenterology   23 ( 8 )   1397 - 1405   2017年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3748/wjg.v23.i8.1397

  • Mass-forming intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: Enhancement patterns in the arterial phase of dynamic hepatic CT - Correlation with clinicopathological findings. 国際誌

    Nobuhiro Fujita, Yoshiki Asayama, Akihiro Nishie, Kousei Ishigami, Yasuhiro Ushijima, Yukihisa Takayama, Daisuke Okamoto, Koichiro Moirta, Ken Shirabe, Shinichi Aishima, Huanlin Wang, Yoshinao Oda, Hiroshi Honda

    European radiology   27 ( 2 )   498 - 506   2017年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s00330-016-4386-3

  • Extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and pancreatic duct adenocarcinoma

    Shinichi Aishima

    Biliary Diseases with Pancreatic Counterparts: A New Disease Concept   85 - 109   2017年1月



  • Inverse correlation between CD8+ inflammatory cells and E-cadherin expression in gallbladder cancer: Tissue microarray and imaging analysis. 国際誌

    Keita Kai, Masanori Masuda, Shinichi Aishima

    World journal of clinical cases   5 ( 1 )   1 - 8   2017年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.12998/wjcc.v5.i1.1

  • Clinical Significances of Preoperative Classification of Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma: Different Characteristics of Perihilar vs. Peripheral ICC. 国際誌

    Yo-Ichi Yamashita, Huanlin Wang, Takeshi Kurihara, Eiji Tsujita, Akihiro Nishie, Katsunori Imai, Daisuke Hashimoto, Akira Chikamoto, Shinichi Aishima, Hideo Baba

    Anticancer research   36 ( 12 )   6563 - 6569   2016年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.21873/anticanres.11260

  • Fatty change in moderately and poorly differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma on MRI: a possible mechanism related to decreased arterial flow

    Y. Asayama, A. Nishie, K. Ishigami, Y. Ushijima, Y. Takayama, D. Okamoto, N. Fujita, Y. Kubo, S. Aishima, T. Yoshizumi, H. Honda

    Clinical Radiology   71 ( 12 )   1277 - 1283   2016年12月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.crad.2016.04.020

  • Expression of glucose transporter-1 is correlated with hypoxia-inducible factor 1α and malignant potential in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. 国際誌

    12 ( 5 )   3337 - 3343   2016年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    The present study aimed to investigate the prognostic usefulness of the expression of glucose transporter type 1 (GLUT-1) and GLUT-2, hypoxia-inducible factor 1α (HIF-1α) and insulin-like growth factor II messenger RNA-binding protein 3 (IMP3) in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (pNETs). Immunohistochemical staining for GLUT-1, GLUT-2, HIF-1α and IMP3 was performed in 70 pNET specimens. The expression of GLUT-1 and HIF-1α was significantly higher in the World Health Organization grade 2 (G2), neuroendocrine carcinoma cases and mixed-type pNETs compared with the G1 cases. Vessel invasion, a high Ki-67 labeling index and a high mitotic count were significantly more frequent in the GLUT-1- and HIF-1α-positive cases compared with the negative cases. Lymph node metastasis was significantly higher in the GLUT-1-positive cases than in the negative cases. Insulin expression was significantly higher in the IMP3-positive cases than the negative cases. The GLUT-1 expression group experienced a significantly poor disease-free survival rate compared with the negative GLUT-1 expression group. HIF-1α expression was significantly correlated with poor disease-free survival and overall survival rates. A multivariate analysis revealed that lymph node metastasis was an independent risk factor for disease-free survival in all cases. In the G1/G2 group, tumor size and lymph node metastasis were independent risk factors for disease-free survival. Overall, the results suggested that GLUT-1 is a useful prognostic biomarker for pNETs.

    DOI: 10.3892/ol.2016.5092

  • Malignant transformation of hepatocellular adenoma with bone marrow metaplasia arising in glycogen storage disease type I: A case report. 国際誌

    Tomohiro Iguchi, Motoyuki Yamagata, Takashi Sonoda, Kimihiko Yanagita, Tetsuhiro Fukahori, Eiji Tsujita, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshinao Oda, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Molecular and clinical oncology   5 ( 5 )   599 - 603   2016年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Effect of EGFR and p-AKT Overexpression on Chromosomal Instability in Gastric Cancer. 国際誌

    Yuichi Hisamatsu, Eiji Oki, Hajime Otsu, Koji Ando, Hiroshi Saeki, Eriko Tokunaga, Shinichi Aishima, Masaru Morita, Yoshinao Oda, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Annals of surgical oncology   23 ( 6 )   1986 - 92   2016年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1245/s10434-016-5097-3

  • Spalt-like transcription factor 4 immunopositivity is associated with epithelial cell adhesion molecule expression in combined hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma. 国際誌

    Yuki Tanaka, Shinichi Aishima, Kenichi Kohashi, Yukihiko Okumura, Huanlin Wang, Tomoyuki Hida, Kazuhiro Kotoh, Ken Shirabe, Yoshihiko Maehara, Ryoichi Takayanagi, Yoshinao Oda

    Histopathology   68 ( 5 )   693 - 701   2016年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1111/his.12806

  • Cytokeratin immunohistochemistry improves interobserver variability between unskilled pathologists in the evaluation of tumor budding in T1 colorectal cancer. 国際誌

    Keita Kai, Shinichi Aishima, Shigehisa Aoki, Yukari Takase, Kazuyoshi Uchihashi, Masanori Masuda, Aki Nishijima-Matsunobu, Mihoko Yamamoto, Kousuke Ide, Atsushi Nakayama, Makiko Yamasaki, Shuji Toda

    Pathology international   66 ( 2 )   75 - 82   2016年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1111/pin.12374

  • Dysregulated YAP1/TAZ and TGF-β signaling mediate hepatocarcinogenesis in Mob1a/1b-deficient mice. 国際誌

    113 ( 1 )   E71-80 - E80   2016年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Mps One Binder Kinase Activator (MOB)1A/1B are core components of the Hippo pathway that coactivate large tumor suppressor homolog (LATS) kinases. Mob1a/1b double deficiency in mouse liver (LMob1DKO) results in hyperplasia of oval cells and immature cholangiocytes accompanied by inflammatory cell infiltration and fibrosis. More than half of mutant mice die within 3 wk of birth. All survivors eventually develop liver cancers, particularly combined hepatocellular and cholangiocarcinomas (cHC-CCs) and intrahepatic cholangiocellular carcinomas (ICCs), and die by age 60 wk. Because this phenotype is the most severe among mutant mice lacking a Hippo signaling component, MOB1A/1B constitute the critical hub of Hippo signaling in mammalian liver. LMob1DKO liver cells show hyperproliferation, increased cell saturation density, hepatocyte dedifferentiation, enhanced epithelial-mesenchymal transition and cell migration, and elevated transforming growth factor beta(TGF-β)2/3 production. These changes are strongly dependent on Yes-Associated Protein-1 (Yap1) and partially dependent on PDZ-binding motif (Taz) and Tgfbr2, but independent of connective tissue growth factor (Ctgf). In human liver cancers, YAP1 activation is frequent in cHC-CCs and ICCs and correlates with SMAD family member 2 activation. Drug screening revealed that antiparasitic macrocyclic lactones inhibit YAP1 activation in vitro and in vivo. Targeting YAP1/TAZ with these drugs in combination with inhibition of the TGF-β pathway may be effective treatment for cHC-CCs and ICCs.

    DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1517188113

  • Predictors and Diagnostic Strategies for Early-Stage Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma: A Retrospective Study. 国際誌

    Hideyo Kimura, Takao Ohtsuka, Taketo Matsunaga, Yusuke Watanabe, Koji Tamura, Noboru Ideno, Teppei Aso, Tetsuyuki Miyazaki, Takashi Osoegawa, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshihiro Miyasaka, Junji Ueda, Yasuhiro Ushijima, Hisato Igarashi, Tetsuhide Ito, Shunichi Takahata, Yoshinao Oda, Kazuhiro Mizumoto, Masao Tanaka

    Pancreas   44 ( 7 )   1148 - 54   2015年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1097/MPA.0000000000000393

  • Impact of GATA-3 and FOXA1 expression in patients with hormone receptor-positive/HER2-negative breast cancer.

    Yuichi Hisamatsu, Eriko Tokunaga, Nami Yamashita, Sayuri Akiyoshi, Satoko Okada, Yuichiro Nakashima, Kenji Taketani, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshinao Oda, Masaru Morita, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Breast cancer (Tokyo, Japan)   22 ( 5 )   520 - 8   2015年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s12282-013-0515-x

  • Predictors of Microvascular Invasion in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. 国際誌

    Yo-Ichi Yamashita, Ken Shirabe, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Digestive diseases (Basel, Switzerland)   33 ( 5 )   655 - 60   2015年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1159/000438475

  • Granulomatous reaction in hepatic inflammatory angiomyolipoma after chemoembolization and spontaneous rupture. 国際誌

    Keita Kai, Atsushi Miyosh, Shinichi Aishima, Kota Wakiyama, Shunya Nakashita, Shinji Iwane, Shinya Azama, Hiroyuki Irie, Hirokazu Noshiro

    World journal of gastroenterology   21 ( 32 )   9675 - 82   2015年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3748/wjg.v21.i32.9675

  • Surgical Outcomes of Hepatic Resection for Hepatitis B Virus Surface Antigen-Negative and Hepatitis C Virus Antibody-Negative Hepatocellular Carcinoma. 国際誌

    Yo-Ichi Yamashita, Daisuke Imai, Yuki Bekki, Koichi Kimura, Yoshiriro Matsumoto, Hidekazu Nakagawara, Toru Ikegami, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Ken Shirabe, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Annals of surgical oncology   22 ( 7 )   2279 - 85   2015年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1245/s10434-014-4261-x

  • New Pathologic Stratification of Microvascular Invasion in Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Predicting Prognosis After Living-donor Liver Transplantation. 国際誌

    Tomohiro Iguchi, Ken Shirabe, Shinichi Aishima, Huanlin Wang, Nobuhiro Fujita, Mizuki Ninomiya, Yo-ichi Yamashita, Toru Ikegami, Hideaki Uchiyama, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Yoshinao Oda, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Transplantation   99 ( 6 )   1236 - 42   2015年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1097/TP.0000000000000489

  • 桂枝加竜骨牡蛎湯,辛夷清肺湯による薬物性肝障害の1例

    道免 和文, 田中 博文, 春野 政虎, 下田 慎治, 相島 慎一

    日本消化器病学会雑誌   112 ( 6 )   1054 - 9   2015年6月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


    DOI: 10.11405/nisshoshi.112.1054

  • Reply to Letter to the Editor by Pujals et al. 国際誌

    65 ( 6 )   339 - 339   2015年6月



    DOI: 10.1111/pin.12307

  • Recurrence 11 years after complete response to gemcitabine, 5-Fluorouracil, and Cisplatin chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy in a patient with advanced pancreatic cancer: a case report. 国際誌

    Tomoyuki Uchihara, Yo-Ichi Yamashita, Wang Hualin, Kazuki Takeishi, Shinji Itoh, Norihumi Harimoto, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Shinichi Aishima, Ken Shirabe, Hideo Baba, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Anticancer research   35 ( 5 )   2867 - 71   2015年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Correlation of HER2 expression with clinicopathological characteristics and prognosis in resectable gastric cancer. 国際誌

    Hajime Otsu, Eiji Oki, Ayae Ikawa-Yoshida, Hiroyuki Kawano, Koji Ando, Satoshi Ida, Yasue Kimura, Shinichi Aishima, Hiroshi Saeki, Masaru Morita, Shunji Kohnoe, Yoshinao Oda, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Anticancer research   35 ( 4 )   2441 - 6   2015年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Long-term outcome of living-donor liver transplantation for combined hepatocellular-cholangiocarcinoma. 国際誌

    Shinji Itoh, Toru Ikegami, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Huanlin Wang, Kazuki Takeishi, Norifumi Harimoto, Yo-Ichi Yamashita, Hirofumi Kawanaka, Shinichi Aishima, Ken Shirabe, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Anticancer research   35 ( 4 )   2475 - 6   2015年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Hepatology: Rare Stevens-Johnson syndrome and vanishing bile duct syndrome induced by acetaminophen, requiring liver transplantation

    N. Harimoto, H. Wang, T. Ikegami, K. Takeishi, S. Itoh, Y. I. Yamashita, T. Yoshizumi, S. Aishima, K. Shirabe, Y. Oda, Y. Maehara

    Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (Australia)   30 ( 4 )   656 - 656   2015年4月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1111/jgh.12849

  • Granulomatous interstitial pneumonia induced by the intake of rice bran pickles: a rare subtype of pulmonary manifestation associated with food allergy. 国際誌

    Yoshiaki Kinoshita, Atsuhiko Sakamoto, Shinichi Aishima, Kouko Hidaka

    BMJ case reports   2015   2015年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2014-208261

  • Evaluation of techniques to prevent colorectal anastomotic leakage. 国際誌

    Tetsuo Ikeda, Ryuichi Kumashiro, Eiji Oki, Kenji Taketani, Koji Ando, Shinichi Aishima, Tomohiko Akahoshi, Masaru Morita, Yoshihiko Maehara

    The Journal of surgical research   194 ( 2 )   450 - 457   2015年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jss.2014.11.045

  • Clinical significance of GNAS mutation in intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas with concomitant pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. 国際誌

    Noboru Ideno, Takao Ohtsuka, Taketo Matsunaga, Hideyo Kimura, Yusuke Watanabe, Koji Tamura, Teppei Aso, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshihiro Miyasaka, Kenoki Ohuchida, Junji Ueda, Shunichi Takahata, Yoshinao Oda, Kazuhiro Mizumoto, Masao Tanaka

    Pancreas   44 ( 2 )   311 - 20   2015年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1097/MPA.0000000000000258

  • [α-Fetoprotein-producing tumor].

    73 Suppl 3   784 - 7   2015年3月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Primary hepatic tumors with myxoid change: morphologically unique hepatic adenomas and hepatocellular carcinomas. 国際誌

    Safia N Salaria, Rondell P Graham, Shinichi Aishima, Taofic Mounajjed, Matthew M Yeh, Michael S Torbenson

    The American journal of surgical pathology   39 ( 3 )   318 - 24   2015年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1097/PAS.0000000000000382

  • Anterior gradient 2 downregulation in a subset of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma is a prognostic factor indicative of epithelial-mesenchymal transition. 国際誌

    Yusuke Mizuuchi, Shinichi Aishima, Kenoki Ohuchida, Koji Shindo, Minoru Fujino, Masami Hattori, Tetsuyuki Miyazaki, Kazuhiro Mizumoto, Masao Tanaka, Yoshinao Oda

    Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology   95 ( 2 )   193 - 206   2015年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1038/labinvest.2014.138

  • Pathogenesis and classification of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: different characters of perihilar large duct type versus peripheral small duct type.

    Shinichi Aishima, Yoshinao Oda

    Journal of hepato-biliary-pancreatic sciences   22 ( 2 )   94 - 100   2015年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1002/jhbp.154

  • A novel serum marker, glycosylated Wisteria floribunda agglutinin-positive Mac-2 binding protein (WFA(+)-M2BP), for assessing liver fibrosis.

    Takeo Toshima, Ken Shirabe, Toru Ikegami, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Atsushi Kuno, Akira Togayachi, Masanori Gotoh, Hisashi Narimatsu, Masaaki Korenaga, Masashi Mizokami, Akihito Nishie, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Journal of gastroenterology   50 ( 1 )   76 - 84   2015年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s00535-014-0946-y

  • Prognostic impact of programmed cell death 1 ligand 1 expression in human leukocyte antigen class I-positive hepatocellular carcinoma after curative hepatectomy.

    Yuichiroh Umemoto, Shinji Okano, Yoshihiro Matsumoto, Hidekazu Nakagawara, Rumi Matono, Shohei Yoshiya, Yo-Ichi Yamashita, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Toru Ikegami, Yuji Soejima, Mamoru Harada, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshinao Oda, Ken Shirabe, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Journal of gastroenterology   50 ( 1 )   65 - 75   2015年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s00535-014-0933-3

  • Hepatocellular carcinoma: clinical significance of signal heterogeneity in the hepatobiliary phase of gadoxetic acid-enhanced MR imaging. 国際誌

    Nobuhiro Fujita, Akihiro Nishie, Yuichiro Kubo, Yoshiki Asayama, Yasuhiro Ushijima, Yukihisa Takayama, Koichiro Moirta, Ken Shirabe, Shinichi Aishima, Hiroshi Honda

    European radiology   25 ( 1 )   211 - 20   2015年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s00330-014-3349-9

  • Different histological sequelae of immune-mediated graft dysfunction after interferon treatment in transplanted dual grafts from living donors. 国際誌

    Mizuki Ninomiya, Shinichi Aishima, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Toru Ikegami, Huanlin Wang, Norifumi Harimoto, Shinji Ito, Hideaki Uchiyama, Yuji Soejima, Hirofumi Kawanaka, Ken Shirabe, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Liver transplantation : official publication of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and the International Liver Transplantation Society   20 ( 12 )   1520 - 2   2014年12月



    DOI: 10.1002/lt.23996

  • Micro RNA-373 is down-regulated in pancreatic cancer and inhibits cancer cell invasion. 国際誌

    Kohei Nakata, Kenoki Ohuchida, Kazuhiro Mizumoto, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshinao Oda, Eishi Nagai, Masao Tanaka

    Annals of surgical oncology   21 Suppl 4 ( 4 )   S564-74 - 574   2014年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1245/s10434-014-3676-8

  • "High-risk stigmata" of the 2012 international consensus guidelines correlate with the malignant grade of branch duct intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms of the pancreas. 国際誌

    Teppei Aso, Takao Ohtsuka, Taketo Matsunaga, Hideyo Kimura, Yusuke Watanabe, Koji Tamura, Noboru Ideno, Takashi Osoegawa, Shunnichi Takahata, Koji Shindo, Yasuhiro Ushijima, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshinao Oda, Tetsuhide Ito, Kazuhiro Mizumoto, Masao Tanaka

    Pancreas   43 ( 8 )   1239 - 43   2014年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1097/MPA.0000000000000199

  • Bile duct adenoma and von Meyenburg complex-like duct arising in hepatitis and cirrhosis: pathogenesis and histological characteristics. 国際誌

    Shinichi Aishima, Yuki Tanaka, Yuichiro Kubo, Ken Shirabe, Yoshihiko Maehara, Yoshinao Oda

    Pathology international   64 ( 11 )   551 - 9   2014年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1111/pin.12209

  • Gallbladder cancer: Clinical and pathological approach. 国際誌

    Keita Kai, Shinichi Aishima, Kohji Miyazaki

    World journal of clinical cases   2 ( 10 )   515 - 21   2014年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.12998/wjcc.v2.i10.515

  • The apelin-APJ system induces tumor arteriogenesis in hepatocellular carcinoma. 国際誌

    Jun Muto, Ken Shirabe, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Toru Ikegami, Shinichi Aishima, Kousei Ishigami, Yoshikazu Yonemitsu, Tetsuo Ikeda, Yuji Soejima, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Anticancer research   34 ( 10 )   5313 - 20   2014年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Pathological manifestation of difference in washout pattern of adrenal hyperplasia on dynamic CT. 国際誌

    Akihiro Nishie, Yoshiki Asayama, Kousei Ishigami, Daisuke Kakihara, Tomohiro Nakayama, Yasuhiro Ushijima, Yukihisa Takayama, Akira Yokomizo, Katsunori Tatsugami, Junichi Inokuchi, Nobuhiro Fujita, Yuichiro Kubo, Shinichi Aishima, Masakazu Hirakawa, Hiroshi Honda

    Journal of medical imaging and radiation oncology   58 ( 5 )   559 - 64   2014年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1111/1754-9485.12211

  • Correlation between biological marker expression and fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose uptake in hepatocellular carcinoma. 国際誌

    Yohei Mano, Shinichi Aishima, Yuichiro Kubo, Yuki Tanaka, Takashi Motomura, Takeo Toshima, Ken Shirabe, Shingo Baba, Yoshihiko Maehara, Yoshinao Oda

    American journal of clinical pathology   142 ( 3 )   391 - 7   2014年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


  • Podoplanin expression in the cyst wall correlates with the progression of intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm. 国際誌

    Koji Shindo, Shinichi Aishima, Kenoki Ohuchida, Minoru Fujino, Yusuke Mizuuchi, Masami Hattori, Takao Ohtsuka, Shoji Tokunaga, Kazuhiro Mizumoto, Masao Tanaka, Yoshinao Oda

    Virchows Archiv : an international journal of pathology   465 ( 3 )   265 - 73   2014年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s00428-014-1610-x

  • Pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia in the background of invasive ductal carcinoma of the pancreas as a prognostic factor. 国際誌

    Yasunori Oda, Shinichi Aishima, Katsuya Morimatsu, Koji Shindo, Minoru Fujino, Yusuke Mizuuchi, Masami Hattori, Tetsuyuki Miyazaki, Masao Tanaka, Yoshinao Oda

    Histopathology   65 ( 3 )   389 - 97   2014年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1111/his.12397

  • Different expression of glucose transporters in the progression of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. 国際誌

    Yuichiro Kubo, Shinichi Aishima, Yuki Tanaka, Koji Shindo, Yusuke Mizuuchi, Koichiro Abe, Ken Shirabe, Yoshihiko Maehara, Hiroshi Honda, Yoshinao Oda

    Human pathology   45 ( 8 )   1610 - 7   2014年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.humpath.2014.03.008

  • Significance of accurate human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER2) evaluation as a new biomarker in gastric cancer. 国際誌

    Yasue Kimura, Eiji Oki, Ayae Yoshida, Shinichi Aishima, Yoko Zaitsu, Hajime Ohtsu, Koji Ando, Satoshi Ida, Hiroshi Saeki, Masaru Morita, Tetsuya Kusumoto, Yoshinao Oda, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Anticancer research   34 ( 8 )   4207 - 12   2014年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Histological features of precancerous and early cancerous lesions of biliary tract carcinoma.

    Shinichi Aishima, Yuichiro Kubo, Yuki Tanaka, Yoshinao Oda

    Journal of hepato-biliary-pancreatic sciences   21 ( 7 )   448 - 52   2014年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1002/jhbp.71

  • Phase II study of docetaxel and S-1 (DS) as neoadjuvant chemotherapy for clinical stage III resectable gastric cancer. 国際誌

    Eiji Oki, Yasunori Emi, Tetsuya Kusumoto, Yoshihisa Sakaguchi, Manabu Yamamoto, Noriaki Sadanaga, Mototsugu Shimokawa, Takeharu Yamanaka, Hiroshi Saeki, Masaru Morita, Ikuo Takahashi, Naoki Hirabayashi, Kenji Sakai, Hiroyuki Orita, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshihiro Kakeji, Kazuya Yamaguchi, Kazuhiro Yoshida, Hideo Baba, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Annals of surgical oncology   21 ( 7 )   2340 - 6   2014年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1245/s10434-014-3594-9

  • Peritoneal myofibroblasts at metastatic foci promote dissemination of pancreatic cancer. 国際誌

    Shin Akagawa, Kenoki Ohuchida, Nobuhiro Torata, Masami Hattori, Daiki Eguchi, Kenji Fujiwara, Shingo Kozono, Lin Cui, Naoki Ikenaga, Takao Ohtsuka, Shinichi Aishima, Kazuhiro Mizumoto, Yoshinao Oda, Masao Tanaka

    International journal of oncology   45 ( 1 )   113 - 20   2014年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3892/ijo.2014.2391

  • New scoring system for prediction of microvascular invasion in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. 国際誌

    Ken Shirabe, Takeo Toshima, Koichi Kimura, Yoichi Yamashita, Tetsuo Ikeda, Toru Ikegami, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Koichiro Abe, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Liver international : official journal of the International Association for the Study of the Liver   34 ( 6 )   937 - 41   2014年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1111/liv.12459

  • Analysis of risk factors for recurrence after curative resection of well-differentiated pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors based on the new grading classification.

    Kosuke Tsutsumi, Takao Ohtsuka, Minoru Fujino, Hiroshi Nakashima, Shinichi Aishima, Junji Ueda, Shunichi Takahata, Masafumi Nakamura, Yoshinao Oda, Masao Tanaka

    Journal of hepato-biliary-pancreatic sciences   21 ( 6 )   418 - 25   2014年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1002/jhbp.47

  • Role of tumor-associated macrophages in the angiogenesis of well-differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma: pathological-radiological correlation. 国際誌

    Nobuhiro Fujita, Akihiro Nishie, Shinichi Aishima, Yuichiro Kubo, Yoshiki Asayama, Kousei Ishigami, Daisuke Kakihara, Yasuhiro Ushijima, Yukihisa Takayama, Ken Shirabe, Yoshinao Oda, Hiroshi Honda

    Oncology reports   31 ( 6 )   2499 - 505   2014年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3892/or.2014.3138

  • Combination of hepatocellular markers is useful for prognostication in gastric hepatoid adenocarcinoma. 国際誌

    Mikako Osada, Shinichi Aishima, Minako Hirahashi, Nobuyoshi Takizawa, Shunsuke Takahashi, Kazuhiko Nakamura, Masao Tanaka, Yoshihiko Maehara, Ryoichi Takayanagi, Yoshinao Oda

    Human pathology   45 ( 6 )   1243 - 50   2014年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.humpath.2014.02.003

  • Chronic immune-mediated reaction syndrome as the cause of late graft mortality in living-donor liver transplantation for primary biliary cirrhosis

    N. Harimoto, T. Ikegami, H. Nakagawara, Y. I. Yamashita, T. Yoshizumi, H. Uchiyama, Y. Soejima, T. Ikeda, K. Shirabe, S. Aishima, Y. Oda, Y. Maehara

    Transplantation Proceedings   46 ( 5 )   1438 - 1443   2014年6月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2014.02.021

  • Overexpression of metadherin/MTDH is associated with an aggressive phenotype and a poor prognosis in invasive breast cancer.

    Eriko Tokunaga, Yuichiro Nakashima, Nami Yamashita, Yuichi Hisamatsu, Satoko Okada, Sayuri Akiyoshi, Shinichi Aishima, Hiroyuki Kitao, Masaru Morita, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Breast cancer (Tokyo, Japan)   21 ( 3 )   341 - 9   2014年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s12282-012-0398-2

  • A case of invasive micropapillary carcinoma of the breast involving extensive lymph node metastasis. 国際誌

    Kenji Taketani, Eriko Tokunaga, Nami Yamashita, Kimihiro Tanaka, Yoko Zaitsu, Sayuri Akiyoshi, Satoko Okada, Shinichi Aishima, Masaru Morita, Yoshihiko Maehara

    World journal of surgical oncology   12 ( 1 )   84 - 84   2014年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1186/1477-7819-12-84

  • Strategies to treat interferon-induced graft dysfunction after living donor liver transplantation for hepatitis C. 国際誌

    Toru Ikegami, Huanlin Wang, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Takeo Toshima, Shinichi Aishima, Takasuke Fukuhara, Norihiro Furusyo, Kazuhiro Kotoh, Shinji Shimoda, Ken Shirabe, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Hepatology international   8 ( 2 )   285 - 92   2014年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s12072-013-9496-2

  • Induced nitric oxide synthetase and peroxiredoxin expression in intramucosal poorly differentiated gastric cancer of young patients. 国際誌

    Minako Hirahashi, Yutaka Koga, Reiko Kumagai, Shinichi Aishima, Kenichi Taguchi, Yoshinao Oda

    Pathology international   64 ( 4 )   155 - 63   2014年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1111/pin.12152

  • Elevated expression level of microRNA-196a is predictive of intestinal-type intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas. 国際誌

    Teppei Aso, Takao Ohtsuka, Koji Tamura, Noboru Ideno, Hiroshi Kono, Yosuke Nagayoshi, Kennoki Ohuchida, Junji Ueda, Shunnichi Takahata, Koji Shindo, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshinao Oda, Kazuhiro Mizumoto, Masao Tanaka

    Pancreas   43 ( 3 )   361 - 6   2014年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1097/MPA.0000000000000042

  • Key endoscopic ultrasound features of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma smaller than 20 mm. 国際誌

    Akira Aso, Eikichi Ihara, Takashi Osoegawa, Kazuhiko Nakamura, Soichi Itaba, Hisato Igarashi, Tetsuhide Ito, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshinao Oda, Masao Tanaka, Ryoichi Takayanagi

    Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology   49 ( 3 )   332 - 8   2014年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3109/00365521.2013.878745

  • Follicular pancreatitis, report of a case clinically mimicking pancreatic cancer and literature review. 国際誌

    Yusuke Mizuuchi, Shinichi Aishima, Masami Hattori, Yasuhiro Ushijima, Akira Aso, Shunichi Takahata, Takao Ohtsuka, Junji Ueda, Masao Tanaka, Yoshinao Oda

    Pathology, research and practice   210 ( 2 )   118 - 22   2014年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.prp.2013.09.005

  • Treatment strategy for main duct intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms of the pancreas based on the assessment of recurrence in the remnant pancreas after resection: a retrospective review. 国際誌

    Koji Tamura, Takao Ohtsuka, Noboru Ideno, Teppei Aso, Koji Shindo, Shinichi Aishima, Kenoki Ohuchida, Shunichi Takahata, Yasuhiro Ushijima, Tetsuhide Ito, Yoshinao Oda, Kazuhiro Mizumoto, Masao Tanaka

    Annals of surgery   259 ( 2 )   360 - 8   2014年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1097/SLA.0b013e3182a690ff

  • Expression of glucagon-like Peptide 1 receptor and its effects on biologic behavior in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. 国際誌

    Ana Ines Cases, Takao Ohtsuka, Minoru Fujino, Noboru Ideno, Shingo Kozono, Ming Zhao, Kenoki Ohuchida, Shinichi Aishima, Masatoshi Nomura, Yoshinao Oda, Kazuhiro Mizumoto, Masao Tanaka

    Pancreas   43 ( 1 )   1 - 6   2014年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1097/MPA.0b013e3182a71537

  • Tissue tablet method: an efficient tissue banking procedure applicable to both molecular analysis and frozen tissue microarray. 国際誌

    Nobuhiro Torata, Kenoki Ohuchida, Shin Akagawa, Lin Cui, Shingo Kozono, Kazuhiro Mizumoto, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshinao Oda, Masao Tanaka

    Human pathology   45 ( 1 )   143 - 52   2014年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.humpath.2013.08.013

  • Spontaneous massive necrosis of hepatocellular carcinoma with narrowing and occlusion of the arteries and portal veins. 国際誌

    Takahiro Tomino, Yo-Ichi Yamashita, Tomohiro Iguchi, Shinji Itoh, Mizuki Ninomiya, Toru Ikegami, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Yuji Soejima, Hirofumi Kawanaka, Tetsuo Ikeda, Shinichi Aishima, Ken Shirabe, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Case reports in gastroenterology   8 ( 1 )   148 - 55   2014年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1159/000362440

  • Pathological diagnosis of flat epithelial lesions of the biliary tract with emphasis on biliary intraepithelial neoplasia.

    Yasunori Sato, Motoko Sasaki, Kenichi Harada, Shinichi Aishima, Toshio Fukusato, Hidenori Ojima, Yae Kanai, Masayoshi Kage, Yasuni Nakanuma, Hirohito Tsubouchi

    Journal of gastroenterology   49 ( 1 )   64 - 72   2014年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s00535-013-0810-5

  • Intraoperative irrigation cytology of the remnant pancreas to detect remnant distinct pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma in patients with intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm undergoing partial pancreatectomy. 国際誌

    Yasuhisa Mori, Takao Ohtsuka, Koji Tamura, Noboru Ideno, Teppei Aso, Hiroshi Kono, Yosuke Nagayoshi, Junji Ueda, Shunichi Takahata, Shinichi Aishima, Fumihiko Ookubo, Yoshinao Oda, Masao Tanaka

    Surgery   155 ( 1 )   67 - 73   2014年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.surg.2013.06.059

  • Differential impact of the expression of the androgen receptor by age in estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer. 国際誌

    Eriko Tokunaga, Yuichi Hisamatsu, Kenji Taketani, Nami Yamashita, Sayuri Akiyoshi, Satoko Okada, Kimihiro Tanaka, Hiroshi Saeki, Eiji Oki, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshinao Oda, Masaru Morita, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Cancer medicine   2 ( 6 )   763 - 73   2013年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1002/cam4.138

  • mFOLFOX6療法後に発症した門脈圧亢進症の1例

    緒方 大聡, 具嶋 敏文, 丸岡 新子, 高崎 智子, 田中 吏佐, 松浦 隆志, 相島 慎一, 高橋 和弘

    日本消化器病学会雑誌   110 ( 12 )   2119 - 26   2013年12月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


    DOI: 10.11405/nisshoshi.110.2119, 10.2957/kanzo.61.358_references_DOI_UKRW5UlBD1NDFXslFg78J5YToE0, 10.5833/jjgs.2017.0194_references_DOI_UKRW5UlBD1NDFXslFg78J5YToE0

  • Podoplanin expression in cancer-associated fibroblasts enhances tumor progression of invasive ductal carcinoma of the pancreas. 国際誌

    Koji Shindo, Shinichi Aishima, Kenoki Ohuchida, Kenji Fujiwara, Minoru Fujino, Yusuke Mizuuchi, Masami Hattori, Kazuhiro Mizumoto, Masao Tanaka, Yoshinao Oda

    Molecular cancer   12 ( 1 )   168 - 168   2013年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1186/1476-4598-12-168

  • Decreased roundabout 1 expression promotes development of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. 国際誌

    Yohei Mano, Shinichi Aishima, Takasuke Fukuhara, Yuki Tanaka, Yuichiro Kubo, Takashi Motomura, Takeo Toshima, Tomohiro Iguchi, Ken Shirabe, Yoshihiko Maehara, Yoshinao Oda

    Human pathology   44 ( 11 )   2419 - 26   2013年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.humpath.2013.03.022

  • Migratory activity of CD105+ pancreatic cancer cells is strongly enhanced by pancreatic stellate cells. 国際誌

    Kenji Fujiwara, Kenoki Ohuchida, Takao Ohtsuka, Kazuhiro Mizumoto, Koji Shindo, Naoki Ikenaga, Lin Cui, Shunichi Takahata, Shinichi Aishima, Masao Tanaka

    Pancreas   42 ( 8 )   1283 - 90   2013年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1097/MPA.0b013e318293e7bd

  • A case of fatal intrahepatic cholestasis with primary AL amyloidosis: is early diagnosis possible?

    Shinichiro Takao, Kosuke Tanaka, Masayuki Miyazaki, Masatake Tanaka, Tomoko Ohashi, Masaki Kato, Kazuhiro Kotoh, Shinichi Aishima, Ryoichi Takayanagi

    Clinical journal of gastroenterology   6 ( 5 )   386 - 9   2013年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s12328-013-0406-x

  • Insulin-like growth factor II messenger RNA-binding protein-3 is a valuable diagnostic and prognostic marker of intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm. 国際誌

    Katsuya Morimatsu, Shinichi Aishima, Hidetaka Yamamoto, Akifumi Hayashi, Kohei Nakata, Yasunori Oda, Koji Shindo, Minoru Fujino, Masao Tanaka, Yoshinao Oda

    Human pathology   44 ( 9 )   1714 - 21   2013年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.humpath.2012.12.020

  • Differential ezrin and phosphorylated ezrin expression profiles between pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia, intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm, and invasive ductal carcinoma of the pancreas. 国際誌

    Yasunori Oda, Shinichi Aishima, Katsuya Morimatsu, Akifumi Hayashi, Koji Shindo, Minoru Fujino, Yusuke Mizuuchi, Masami Hattori, Masao Tanaka, Yoshinao Oda

    Human pathology   44 ( 8 )   1487 - 98   2013年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.humpath.2012.12.001

  • S-1/Docetaxel併用療法にて同時性肝転移が病理学的完全奏効となった胃癌の1例

    北原大和, 沖英次, 佐伯浩司, 安藤幸滋, 調憲, 鴻江俊治, 相島慎一, 掛地吉弘, 前原喜彦

    癌と化学療法   40 ( 8 )   1093 - 7   2013年8月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Preoperative neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio is a predictor of survival after hepatectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma: a retrospective analysis. 国際誌

    Yohei Mano, Ken Shirabe, Yo-Ichi Yamashita, Norifumi Harimoto, Eiji Tsujita, Kazuki Takeishi, Shinichi Aishima, Toru Ikegami, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Takeharu Yamanaka, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Annals of surgery   258 ( 2 )   301 - 5   2013年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1097/SLA.0b013e318297ad6b

  • Distinctive histopathologic findings of pancreatic hamartomas suggesting their "hamartomatous" nature: a study of 9 cases. 国際誌

    Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshinao Oda, Hiroki Mizukami, Takuma Tajiri, Sohsuke Yamada, Takashi Tasaki, Keisuke Yamakita, Koji Imai, Fumi Kawakami, Shigeo Hara, Keiji Hanada, Tomohiro Iiboshi, Toshikatsu Fukuda, Hiroshi Imai, Hiroyuki Inoue, Tatsuya Nagakawa, Shunji Muraoka, Toru Furukawa, Michio Shimizu

    The American journal of surgical pathology   37 ( 7 )   1006 - 13   2013年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1097/PAS.0b013e318283ce4c

  • Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms of the pancreas with distinct pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas are frequently of gastric subtype. 国際誌

    Noboru Ideno, Takao Ohtsuka, Hiroshi Kono, Kenji Fujiwara, Yasunori Oda, Shinichi Aishima, Tetsuhide Ito, Kousei Ishigami, Shoji Tokunaga, Kenoki Ohuchida, Shunichi Takahata, Masafumi Nakamura, Kazuhiro Mizumoto, Masao Tanaka

    Annals of surgery   258 ( 1 )   141 - 51   2013年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1097/SLA.0b013e31828cd008

  • High expression of microRNA-155 is associated with the aggressive malignant behavior of gallbladder carcinoma. 国際誌

    Hiroshi Kono, Masafumi Nakamura, Takao Ohtsuka, Yosuke Nagayoshi, Yasuhisa Mori, Shunichi Takahata, Shinichi Aishima, Masao Tanaka

    Oncology reports   30 ( 1 )   17 - 24   2013年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3892/or.2013.2443

  • Different roles of inducible nitric oxide synthase and cyclooxygenase-2 in carcinogenesis and metastasis of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. 国際誌

    Shinichi Aishima, Yohei Mano, Yuki Tanaka, Yuichiro Kubo, Ken Shirabe, Yoshihiko Maehara, Yoshinao Oda

    Human pathology   44 ( 6 )   1031 - 7   2013年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.humpath.2012.09.004

  • Early extensive viremia, but not rs8099917 genotype, is the only predictor for cholestatic hepatitis C after living-donor liver transplantation. 国際誌

    Toru Ikegami, Ken Shirabe, Takasuke Fukuhara, Norihiro Furusyo, Kazuhiro Kotoh, Masaki Kato, Shinji Shimoda, Shinichi Aishima, Yuji Soejima, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Hepatology research : the official journal of the Japan Society of Hepatology   43 ( 6 )   621 - 9   2013年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1111/hepr.12003

  • Clinical usefulness of (18) F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography for patients with primary liver cancer with special reference to rare histological types, hepatocellular carcinoma with sarcomatous change and combined hepatocellular and cholangiocarcinoma. 国際誌

    Hideki Ijichi, Ken Shirabe, Akinobu Taketomi, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Toru Ikegami, Youhei Mano, Shinichi Aishima, Koichiro Abe, Hiroshi Honda, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Hepatology research : the official journal of the Japan Society of Hepatology   43 ( 5 )   481 - 7   2013年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1872-034X.2012.01107.x

  • Vimentin as a poor prognostic factor for triple-negative breast cancer. 国際誌

    Nami Yamashita, Eriko Tokunaga, Hiroyuki Kitao, Yuichi Hisamatsu, Kenji Taketani, Sayuri Akiyoshi, Satoko Okada, Shinichi Aishima, Masaru Morita, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology   139 ( 5 )   739 - 46   2013年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s00432-013-1376-6

  • Granulocyte colony-stimulating-factor-producing hepatocellular carcinoma with extensive sarcomatous changes: report of a case.

    Mikihiro Kohno, Ken Shirabe, Yohei Mano, Jun Muto, Takashi Motomura, Kazuki Takeishi, Takeo Toshima, Masanori Yoshimatsu, Hideki Ijichi, Noboru Harada, Shinichi Aishima, Hideaki Uchiyama, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Akinobu Taketomi, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Surgery today   43 ( 4 )   439 - 45   2013年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s00595-012-0202-0

  • Kindlin-1 expression is involved in migration and invasion of pancreatic cancer. 国際誌

    Prawej Mahawithitwong, Kenoki Ohuchida, Naoki Ikenaga, Hayato Fujita, Ming Zhao, Shingo Kozono, Koji Shindo, Takao Ohtsuka, Shinichi Aishima, Kazuhiro Mizumoto, Masao Tanaka

    International journal of oncology   42 ( 4 )   1360 - 6   2013年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3892/ijo.2013.1838

  • Ezrin expression and its phosphorylation in gastric carcinoma with lymphoid stroma and Epstein-Barr virus infection. 国際誌

    Taro Tobo, Minako Hirahashi, Takashi Yao, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshinao Oda

    Molecular and clinical oncology   1 ( 2 )   220 - 224   2013年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Role of endoscopic retrograde pancreatography for early detection of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma concomitant with intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas.

    Takao Ohtsuka, Noboru Ideno, Teppei Aso, Yosuke Nagayoshi, Hiroshi Kono, Yasuhisa Mori, Shunichi Takahata, Yasunori Oda, Shinichi Aishima, Hisato Igarashi, Tetsuhide Ito, Kousei Ishigami, Masafumi Nakamura, Kazuhiro Mizumoto, Masao Tanaka

    Journal of hepato-biliary-pancreatic sciences   20 ( 3 )   356 - 61   2013年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s00534-012-0541-7

  • Reduction of fatty acid oxidation and responses to hypoxia correlate with the progression of de-differentiation in HCC. 国際誌

    Masatake Tanaka, Yuko Masaki, Kosuke Tanaka, Masayuki Miyazaki, Masaki Kato, Rie Sugimoto, Kazuhiko Nakamura, Shinichi Aishima, Ken Shirabe, Makoto Nakamuta, Munechika Enjoji, Kazuhiro Kotoh, Ryoichi Takayanagi

    Molecular medicine reports   7 ( 2 )   365 - 70   2013年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3892/mmr.2012.1201

  • A morphological study of the removed livers from patients receiving living donor liver transplantation for adult biliary atresia. 国際誌

    Toshiharu Matsuura, Kenichi Kohashi, Yusuke Yanagi, Isamu Saeki, Makoto Hayashida, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshinao Oda, Tomoaki Taguchi

    Pediatric surgery international   28 ( 12 )   1171 - 5   2012年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s00383-012-3183-6

  • Management strategy for multifocal branch duct intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms of the pancreas. 国際誌

    Yasuhisa Mori, Takao Ohtsuka, Hiroshi Kono, Noboru Ideno, Teppei Aso, Yosuke Nagayoshi, Shunichi Takahata, Masafumi Nakamura, Kousei Ishigami, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshinao Oda, Masao Tanaka

    Pancreas   41 ( 7 )   1008 - 12   2012年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1097/MPA.0b013e31824b22c6

  • The risk of lymph node metastasis in mucosal gastric carcinoma: especially for a mixture of differentiated and undifferentiated adenocarcinoma. 国際誌

    Kohei Nakata, Eishi Nagai, Yoshihiro Miyasaka, Kenoki Ohuchida, Takao Ohtsuka, Hiroki Toma, Minako Hirahashi, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshinao Oda, Masao Tanaka

    Hepato-gastroenterology   59 ( 118 )   1855 - 8   2012年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.5754/hge10130

  • Diagnostic significance of a dilated orifice of the duodenal papilla in intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas. 国際誌

    Teppei Aso, Takao Ohtsuka, Noboru Ideno, Hiroshi Kono, Yosuke Nagayoshi, Yasuhisa Mori, Kennoki Ohuchida, Junji Ueda, Shunnichi Takahata, Katsuya Morimatsu, Shinichi Aishima, Hisato Igarashi, Tetsuhide Ito, Kousei Ishigami, Kazuhiro Mizumoto, Masao Tanaka

    Gastrointestinal endoscopy   76 ( 2 )   313 - 20   2012年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.gie.2012.03.682

  • Follow-up study after resection of intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas; special references to the multifocal lesions and development of ductal carcinoma in the remnant pancreas. 国際誌

    Takao Ohtsuka, Hiroshi Kono, Reiko Tanabe, Yosuke Nagayoshi, Yasuhisa Mori, Yoshihiko Sadakari, Shunichi Takahata, Yasunori Oda, Shinichi Aishima, Hisato Igarashi, Tetsuhide Ito, Kousei Ishigami, Masafumi Nakamura, Kazuhiro Mizumoto, Masao Tanaka

    American journal of surgery   204 ( 1 )   44 - 8   2012年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.amjsurg.2011.04.007

  • Primary graft dysfunction after living donor liver transplantation is characterized by delayed functional hyperbilirubinemia

    Toru Ikegami, K. Shirabe, T. Yoshizumi, S. Aishima, Y. A. Taketomi, Y. Soejima, H. Uchiyama, H. Kayashima, T. Toshima, Y. Maehara

    American Journal of Transplantation   12 ( 7 )   1886 - 1897   2012年7月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-6143.2012.04052.x

  • Analysis of lymph node metastasis in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (PNETs) based on the tumor size and hormonal production.

    Kosuke Tsutsumi, Takao Ohtsuka, Yasuhisa Mori, Minoru Fujino, Takaharu Yasui, Shinichi Aishima, Shunichi Takahata, Masafumi Nakamura, Tetsuhide Ito, Masao Tanaka

    Journal of gastroenterology   47 ( 6 )   678 - 85   2012年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s00535-012-0540-0

  • Predictors for microinvasion of small hepatocellular carcinoma ≤ 2 cm. 国際誌

    19 ( 6 )   2027 - 34   2012年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) ≤ 2 cm in diameter is considered to have a low potential for malignancy. METHODS: A retrospective review was undertaken of 149 patients with primary solitary HCC ≤ 2 cm who underwent initial hepatic resection between 1994 and 2010. The independent predictors of the microinvasion (MI) such as portal venous, hepatic vein, or bile duct infiltration and/or intrahepatic metastasis were identified by multivariate analysis. Prognosis of patients with HCC ≤ 2 cm accompanied by MI was compared to that of patients with HCC ≤ 2 cm without MI. RESULTS: Forty-three patients with HCC ≤ 2 cm had MI in patients (28.9%). Three independent predictors of the MI were revealed: invasive gross type (simple nodular type with extranodular growth or confluent multinodular type), des-γ-carboxy prothrombin (DCP) >100 mAU/ml, and poorly differentiated. Disease-free survival rates of patients with HCC ≤ 2 cm with MI (3 year 44%) were significantly worse than those for HCC ≤ 2 cm without MI (3 year 72%). This disadvantage of disease-free survival rate of patients with HCC ≤ 2 cm with MI could be dissolved by hepatic resection with a wide tumor margin of ≥ 5 mm (P = 0.04). CONCLUSIONS: Even in cases of HCC ≤ 2 cm, patients who are suspected of having invasive gross type tumors in preoperative imaging diagnosis or who have a high DCP level (>100 mAU/ml) are at risk for MI. Therefore, in such patients, hepatic resection with a wide tumor margin should be recommended.

    DOI: 10.1245/s10434-011-2195-0

  • Enhancement pattern analysis of hypervascular hepatocellular carcinoma on dynamic MR imaging with histopathological correlation: validity of portal phase imaging for predicting tumor grade. 国際誌

    Daisuke Okamoto, Kengo Yoshimitsu, Akihiro Nishie, Tsuyoshi Tajima, Yoshiki Asayama, Kousei Ishigami, Masakazu Hirakawa, Yasuhiro Ushijima, Daisuke Kakihara, Tomohiro Nakayama, Yunosuke Nishihara, Shinichi Aishima, Akinobu Taketomi, Junji Kishimoto, Hiroshi Honda

    European journal of radiology   81 ( 6 )   1116 - 21   2012年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ejrad.2011.02.056

  • Impact of FOXA1 expression on the prognosis of patients with hormone receptor-positive breast cancer. 国際誌

    Yuichi Hisamatsu, Eriko Tokunaga, Nami Yamashita, Sayuri Akiyoshi, Satoko Okada, Yuichiro Nakashima, Shinichi Aishima, Masaru Morita, Yoshihiro Kakeji, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Annals of surgical oncology   19 ( 4 )   1145 - 52   2012年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1245/s10434-011-2094-4

  • An increase in the number of predictive factors augments the likelihood of malignancy in branch duct intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas. 国際誌

    Takao Ohtsuka, Hiroshi Kono, Yosuke Nagayoshi, Yasuhisa Mori, Kosuke Tsutsumi, Yoshihiko Sadakari, Shunichi Takahata, Katsuya Morimatsu, Shinichi Aishima, Hisato Igarashi, Tetsuhide Ito, Kousei Ishigami, Masafumi Nakamura, Kazuhiro Mizumoto, Masao Tanaka

    Surgery   151 ( 1 )   76 - 83   2012年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.surg.2011.07.009

  • Total resection of the right hepatic vein drainage area with the aid of three-dimensional computed tomography.

    Akinobu Taketomi, Kazuki Takeishi, Yohei Mano, Takeo Toshima, Takashi Motomura, Shinichi Aishima, Hideaki Uchiyama, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Ken Shirabe, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Surgery today   42 ( 1 )   46 - 51   2012年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s00595-011-0021-8

  • Uptake of Gd-EOB-DTPA by hepatocellular carcinoma: radiologic-pathologic correlation with special reference to bile production. 国際誌

    Yoshiki Asayama, Tsuyoshi Tajima, Akihiro Nishie, Kousei Ishigami, Daisuke Kakihara, Tomohiro Nakayama, Daisuke Okamoto, Nobuhiro Fujita, Shinichi Aishima, Ken Shirabe, Hiroshi Honda

    European journal of radiology   80 ( 3 )   e243-8   2011年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ejrad.2010.10.032

  • Nuclear atypia grading score is a useful prognostic factor in papillary gastric adenocarcinoma. 国際誌

    Yuichiro Nakashima, Takashi Yao, Minako Hirahashi, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshihiro Kakeji, Yoshihiko Maehara, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    Histopathology   59 ( 5 )   841 - 9   2011年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2559.2011.04035.x

  • Histological and immunohistological findings in biliary intraepithelial neoplasia arising from a background of chronic biliary disease compared with liver cirrhosis of non-biliary aetiology. 国際誌

    Shinichi Aishima, Tomohiro Iguchi, Nobuhiro Fujita, Akinobu Taketomi, Yoshihiko Maehara, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi, Yoshinao Oda

    Histopathology   59 ( 5 )   867 - 75   2011年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2559.2011.04011.x

  • MicroRNA-10b is overexpressed in pancreatic cancer, promotes its invasiveness, and correlates with a poor prognosis. 国際誌

    Kohei Nakata, Kenoki Ohuchida, Kazuhiro Mizumoto, Tadashi Kayashima, Naoki Ikenaga, Hiroshi Sakai, Cui Lin, Hayato Fujita, Takao Otsuka, Shinichi Aishima, Eishi Nagai, Yoshinao Oda, Masao Tanaka

    Surgery   150 ( 5 )   916 - 22   2011年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.surg.2011.06.017

  • 広範微小肺腫瘍塞栓によって呼吸不全を来たした肝細胞癌患者の一例

    田中 紘介, 中舎 晃男, 宮崎 将之, 高尾 信一郎, 樋口 野日斗, 田中 正剛, 田中 ゆき, 加藤 正樹, 古藤 和浩, 髙栁 涼一, 相島 慎一

    福岡醫學雜誌   102 ( 10 )   298 - 302   2011年10月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    肝細胞癌の肝外転移臓器として,肺は最も頻度の高い臓器である.CT やMR などの画像検査機器の発達により,肺転移巣の同定は容易となり,その診断に苦慮することは希である.また,肝細胞癌からの肺転移は高頻度であるにもかかわらず,呼吸不全に至る症例は少なく,多くの場合,肺転移巣が拡大して呼吸機能に影響を与えるようになる前に,原発の肝病変が進行して,肝不全に至る.今回我々は,肝細胞癌の経過観察中に,原因不明の呼吸不全が急速に進行した症例を経験した.入院時の画像検査で,肺の腫瘍性病変などの呼吸不全を来たす所見を認めず,酸素化が障害されている原因が不明であったが,死後の肺組織検査により,広範な微小腫瘍塞栓が認められた.肺の腫瘍塞栓によって,急速な呼吸不全を来たす病態として,Pulmonary tumor thrombotic microangiopathy(PTTM)があるが,本症例の病理所見では,PTTM は否定的であった.本症例の呼吸不全に関して若干の文献的考察を加えて報告する.

    DOI: 10.15017/20445

  • Cystic tumors of the liver: on the problems of diagnostic criteria. 国際誌

    Yohei Mano, Shinichi Aishima, Nobuhiro Fujita, Akinobu Taketomi, Ken Shirabe, Yoshihiko Maehara, Yoshinao Oda

    Pathology, research and practice   207 ( 10 )   659 - 63   2011年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.prp.2011.07.006

  • Histologic classification of microscopic portal venous invasion to predict prognosis in hepatocellular carcinoma. 国際誌

    Nobuhiro Fujita, Shinichi Aishima, Tomohiro Iguchi, Yohei Mano, Akinobu Taketomi, Ken Shirabe, Hiroshi Honda, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi, Yoshinao Oda

    Human pathology   42 ( 10 )   1531 - 8   2011年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.humpath.2010.12.016

  • Outcomes of hepatic resection for huge hepatocellular carcinoma (≥ 10 cm in diameter). 国際誌

    104 ( 3 )   292 - 8   2011年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    BACKGROUND: The object of the current study was to review the outcomes of hepatic resection for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) ≥ 10 cm. METHODS: Between 1995 and 2007, fifty-three patients with HCC ≥ 10 cm underwent hepatic resection, and clinical data were compared to those of patients with non-surgical treatment (n = 12). Surgical results for HCC ≥ 10 cm were compared to those of patients with HCC < 10 cm (n = 412). The independent poor prognostic factors of the patients with HCC ≥ 10 cm were identified. RESULTS: Overall survival was significantly better in patients with hepatic resection for HCC ≥ 10 cm than in those with non-surgical treatment (P < 0.01). Survival rates of patients with hepatic resection for HCC ≥ 10 cm were 35&#37; at 5 years. Morbidity and mortality rate were statistically equal. The independent poor prognostic factors of patients with hepatic resection for HCC ≥ 10 cm were revealed: T4 status, macroscopic tumor thrombus in portal vein (VP+), and the use of intra-operative transfusion. CONCLUSION: Hepatic resections for HCC ≥ 10 cm are safe and efficacious. Minimizing intra-operative blood loss and the establishment of an effective systemic treatment for patients with HCC ≥ 10 cm in T4 appear to be critical.

    DOI: 10.1002/jso.21931

  • Invasive carcinoma derived from intestinal-type intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm is associated with minimal invasion, colloid carcinoma, and less invasive behavior, leading to a better prognosis. 国際誌

    Kohei Nakata, Kenoki Ohuchida, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshihiko Sadakari, Tadashi Kayashima, Yoshihiro Miyasaka, Eishi Nagai, Kazuhiro Mizumoto, Masao Tanaka, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi, Yoshinao Oda

    Pancreas   40 ( 4 )   581 - 7   2011年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1097/MPA.0b013e318214fa86

  • Significance of dysadherin and E-cadherin expression in differentiated-type gastric carcinoma with submucosal invasion. 国際誌

    Yoshitomo Maehata, Minako Hirahashi, Shinichi Aishima, Junji Kishimoto, Setsuo Hirohashi, Takashi Yao, Hiroshi Takashima, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi, Yoshinao Oda

    Human pathology   42 ( 4 )   558 - 67   2011年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.humpath.2010.08.016

  • Different roles of S100P overexpression in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: carcinogenesis of perihilar type and aggressive behavior of peripheral type. 国際誌

    Shinichi Aishima, Nobuhiro Fujita, Yohei Mano, Yuichiro Kubo, Yuki Tanaka, Akinobu Taketomi, Ken Shirabe, Yoshihiko Maehara, Yoshinao Oda

    The American journal of surgical pathology   35 ( 4 )   590 - 8   2011年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1097/PAS.0b013e31820ffdf1

  • Prognostic significance of preoperative imaging in recipients of living donor liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma. 国際誌

    Keishi Sugimachi, Ken Shirabe, Akinobu Taketomi, Yuji Soejima, Tomohiro Iguchi, Kazuki Takeishi, Takeo Toshima, Shinichi Aishima, Tsuyoshi Tajima, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Transplantation   91 ( 5 )   570 - 4   2011年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1097/TP.0b013e318208134e

  • Prognostic importance of the gross classification of hepatocellular carcinoma in living donor-related liver transplantation

    K. Shirabe, S. Aishima, A. Taketomi, Y. Soejima, H. Uchiyama, H. Kayashima, M. Ninomiya, Y. Mano, Y. Maehara

    British Journal of Surgery   98 ( 2 )   261 - 267   2011年2月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1002/bjs.7311

  • Performance of radiological methods in diagnosing hepatocellular carcinoma preoperatively in a recipient of living related liver transplantation: comparison with step section histopathology.

    Masakazu Hirakawa, Kengo Yoshimitsu, Hiroyuki Irie, Tsuyoshi Tajima, Akihiro Nishie, Yoshiki Asayama, Kousei Ishigami, Daisuke Kakihara, Akinobu Taketomi, Shin-ichi Aishima, Hiroshi Honda

    Japanese journal of radiology   29 ( 2 )   129 - 37   2011年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s11604-010-0528-8

  • Pseudo-Meigs' syndrome associated with breast cancer metastasis to both ovaries: Report of a case.

    Naonori Kawakubo, Masayuki Okido, Risa Tanaka, Kenji Mitsugi, Masao Fukuhara, Shinichi Aishima, Masato Kato, Hitoshi Ichimiya

    Surgery today   40 ( 12 )   1148 - 51   2010年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s00595-009-4187-2

  • Cytoplasmic and stromal expression of laminin γ 2 chain correlates with infiltrative invasion in ovarian mucinous neoplasms of gastro-intestinal type. 国際誌

    24 ( 6 )   1569 - 76   2010年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    Ovarian mucinous neoplasms of gastro-intestinal type (GI-type) are known to be a heterogeneous tumor composed of benign, borderline and non-invasive and invasive malignant lesions. The presence of infiltrative invasion is also known to be an important prognostic factor of this neoplasm. Laminin γ 2 chain, known to stimulate tumor cell invasion and migration, has not been sufficiently investigated in ovarian mucinous neoplasms. The purpose of this study was thus to clarify the role of laminin γ 2 in ovarian mucinous neoplasms of GI-type. We selected each morphological phase of tumor development from 61 cases of mucinous neoplasms of the GI-type: 55 adenoma lesions, 60 borderline lesions, 20 microinvasive lesions, 17 intraepithelial carcinoma lesions, 38 expansile invasive carcinoma lesions, 19 infiltrative invasive carcinoma lesions and 5 mural nodules lesions; and evaluated the localization of laminin γ 2 in the lesions using immunohistochemical method. The staining pattern was classified into i) basement membranous (BM), ii) cytoplasmic (CYT) and iii) stromal (S) pattern. The BM pattern was characteristic in adenoma, borderline, and interaepithelial and expansile invasive carcinoma lesions. The CYT and S patterns were characteristic in infiltrative invasive lesions. The staining pattern of mural nodules was similar to that of infiltrative invasion. The infiltrative invasion of GI-type ovarian mucinous neoplasms may be promoted by cytoplasmic and/or stromal expression of laminin γ 2 chain.

    DOI: 10.3892/or-00001019

  • Pdcd4 expression in intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas: its association with tumor progression and proliferation. 国際誌

    Akifumi Hayashi, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshihiro Miyasaka, Kohei Nakata, Katsuya Morimatsu, Yasunori Oda, Eishi Nagai, Yoshinao Oda, Masao Tanaka, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    Human pathology   41 ( 11 )   1507 - 15   2010年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.humpath.2010.02.019

  • 抗核抗体高値が持続し短期間に無菌性髄膜炎を反復した亜急性壊死性リンパ節炎の1例

    山下 泰治, 柴田 憲一, 長野 祐久, 相島 慎一, 由村 健夫

    臨床神経学   50 ( 10 )   728 - 31   2010年10月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


    DOI: 10.5692/clinicalneurol.50.728, 10.2169/internalmedicine.6494-20_references_DOI_AwNa6llXZ9j97b8W8s8agGc86kC

  • Predictors of extrahepatic recurrence after curative hepatectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma. 国際誌

    Akinobu Taketomi, Takeo Toshima, Dai Kitagawa, Takashi Motomura, Kazuki Takeishi, Yohei Mano, Hiroto Kayashima, Keishi Sugimachi, Shinichi Aishima, Yoichi Yamashita, Toru Ikegami, Tomonobu Gion, Hideaki Uchiyama, Yuji Soejima, Takashi Maeda, Ken Shirabe, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Annals of surgical oncology   17 ( 10 )   2740 - 6   2010年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1245/s10434-010-1076-2

  • p62+ Hyaline inclusions in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma associated with viral hepatitis or alcoholic liver disease. 国際誌

    Shinichi Aishima, Nobuhiro Fujita, Yohei Mano, Tomohiro Iguchi, Akinobu Taketomi, Yoshihiko Maehara, Yoshinao Oda, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    American journal of clinical pathology   134 ( 3 )   457 - 65   2010年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


  • Imaging of cholangiolocellular carcinoma of the liver. 国際誌

    Yoshiki Asayama, Tsuyoshi Tajima, Daisuke Okamoto, Akihiro Nishie, Kousei Ishigami, Yasuhiro Ushijima, Daisuke Kakihara, Shinichi Aishima, Akinobu Taketomi, Hiroshi Honda

    European journal of radiology   75 ( 1 )   e120-5   2010年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ejrad.2009.09.010

  • Clinicopathological prognostic factors after hepatectomy for patients with mass-forming type intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: relevance of the lymphatic invasion index. 国際誌

    Ken Shirabe, Yohei Mano, Akinobu Taketomi, Yuji Soejima, Hideaki Uchiyama, Shinichi Aishima, Hiroto Kayashima, Mizuki Ninomiya, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Annals of surgical oncology   17 ( 7 )   1816 - 22   2010年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1245/s10434-010-0929-z

  • S100P is a novel marker to identify intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms. 国際誌

    Kohei Nakata, Eishi Nagai, Kenoki Ohuchida, Akifumi Hayashi, Yoshihiro Miyasaka, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshinao Oda, Kazuhiro Mizumoto, Masao Tanaka, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    Human pathology   41 ( 6 )   824 - 31   2010年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.humpath.2009.11.007

  • Decreased expression of focal adhesion kinase is associated with a poor prognosis in extrahepatic bile duct carcinoma. 国際誌

    Akifumi Hayashi, Shinichi Aishima, Takahiro Inoue, Kohei Nakata, Katsuya Morimatsu, Eishi Nagai, Yoshinao Oda, Masao Tanaka, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    Human pathology   41 ( 6 )   859 - 66   2010年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.humpath.2009.09.018

  • Down-regulation of artery in moderately differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma related to tumor development. 国際誌

    Nobuhiro Fujita, Shinichi Aishima, Tomohiro Iguchi, Yunosuke Nishihara, Hidetaka Yamamoto, Akinobu Taketomi, Yoshinao Oda, Hiroshi Honda, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    Human pathology   41 ( 6 )   838 - 47   2010年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.humpath.2009.11.011

  • Invasive carcinoma derived from the nonintestinal type intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas has a poorer prognosis than that derived from the intestinal type. 国際誌

    Yoshihiko Sadakari, Kenoki Ohuchida, Kohei Nakata, Takao Ohtsuka, Shinichi Aishima, Shunichi Takahata, Masafumi Nakamura, Kazuhiro Mizumoto, Masao Tanaka

    Surgery   147 ( 6 )   812 - 7   2010年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.surg.2009.11.011

  • Sclerosed hemangioma of the liver: possible diagnostic value of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging.

    Tomoyuki Hida, Akihiro Nishie, Tsuyoshi Tajima, Akinobu Taketomi, Shin-ichi Aishima, Hiroshi Honda

    Japanese journal of radiology   28 ( 3 )   235 - 8   2010年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s11604-009-0407-3

  • Unusual multiple gastric carcinoids with hypergastrinemia: report of a case.

    Kohei Nakata, Shinichi Aishima, Hitoshi Ichimiya, Takashi Yao, Takashi Matsuura, Mitsuru Seo, Eishi Nagai, Masayuki Okido, Masato Kato, Mitsuru Nakagaki, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi, Masao Tanaka

    Surgery today   40 ( 3 )   267 - 71   2010年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s00595-009-4032-7

  • Application of a new histological staging and grading system for primary biliary cirrhosis to liver biopsy specimens: Interobserver agreement. 国際誌

    Yasuni Nakanuma, Yoh Zen, Kenichi Harada, Motoko Sasaki, Akitaka Nonomura, Takeshi Uehara, Kenji Sano, Fukuo Kondo, Toshio Fukusato, Koichi Tsuneyama, Masahiro Ito, Kenichi Wakasa, Minoru Nomoto, Hiroshi Minato, Hironori Haga, Masayoshi Kage, Hirohisa Yano, Joji Haratake, Shinichi Aishima, Tomoyuki Masuda, Hajime Aoyama, Aya Miyakawa-Hayashino, Toshiharu Matsumoto, Hayato Sanefuji, Hidenori Ojima, Tse-Ching Chen, Eunsil Yu, Ji-Hun Kim, Young Nyun Park, Wilson Tsui

    Pathology international   60 ( 3 )   167 - 74   2010年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-1827.2009.02500.x

  • Fascin expression in progression and prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma. 国際誌

    Tomohiro Iguchi, Shinichi Aishima, Kenji Umeda, Kensaku Sanefuji, Nobuhiro Fujita, Keishi Sugimachi, Tomonobu Gion, Akinobu Taketomi, Yoshihiko Maehara, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    Journal of surgical oncology   100 ( 7 )   575 - 9   2009年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1002/jso.21377

  • CD10+ fibroblasts are more involved in the progression of hilar/extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma than of peripheral intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. 国際誌

    Yunosuke Nishihara, Shinichi Aishima, Akifumi Hayashi, Tomohiro Iguchi, Nobuhiro Fujita, Akinobu Taketomi, Hiroshi Honda, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    Histopathology   55 ( 4 )   423 - 31   2009年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2559.2009.03398.x

  • Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor versus IgG4-related sclerosing disease and inflammatory pseudotumor: a comparative clinicopathologic study. 国際誌

    Hidetaka Yamamoto, Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshinao Oda, Kenichi Kohashi, Yumi Oshiro, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    The American journal of surgical pathology   33 ( 9 )   1330 - 40   2009年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1097/PAS.0b013e3181a5a207

  • Both fibrous capsule formation and extracapsular penetration are powerful predictors of poor survival in human hepatocellular carcinoma: a histological assessment of 365 patients in Japan. 国際誌

    Tomohiro Iguchi, Shinichi Aishima, Kensaku Sanefuji, Nobuhiro Fujita, Keishi Sugimachi, Tomonobu Gion, Akinobu Taketomi, Ken Shirabe, Yoshihiko Maehara, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    Annals of surgical oncology   16 ( 9 )   2539 - 46   2009年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1245/s10434-009-0453-1

  • LMO2 is a novel predictive marker for a better prognosis in pancreatic cancer. 国際誌

    Kohei Nakata, Kenoki Ohuchida, Eishi Nagai, Akifumi Hayashi, Yoshihiro Miyasaka, Tadashi Kayashima, Jun Yu, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshinao Oda, Kazuhiro Mizumoto, Masao Tanaka, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    Neoplasia (New York, N.Y.)   11 ( 7 )   712 - 9   2009年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1593/neo.09418

  • Erratum: Extracapsular penetration is a new prognostic factor in human hepatocellular carcinoma (American Journal of Surgical Pathology (2008) 32 (1675-1682))

    T. Iguchi, S. Aishima, A. Taketomi

    American Journal of Surgical Pathology   33 ( 3 )   485   2009年3月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1097/PAS.0b013e31819f584d

  • Decreased intratumoral arteries reflect portal tract destruction and aggressive characteristics in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. 国際誌

    Shinichi Aishima, Tomohiro Iguchi, Yunosuke Nishihara, Nobuhiro Fujita, Kenichi Taguchi, Akinobu Taketomi, Yoshihiko Maehara, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    Histopathology   54 ( 4 )   452 - 61   2009年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2559.2009.03240.x

  • Fascin overexpression is involved in carcinogenesis and prognosis of human intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: immunohistochemical and molecular analysis. 国際誌

    Tomohiro Iguchi, Shinichi Aishima, Akinobu Taketomi, Yunosuke Nishihara, Nobuhiro Fujita, Kensaku Sanefuji, Keishi Sugimachi, Yo-ichi Yamashita, Yoshihiko Maehara, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    Human pathology   40 ( 2 )   174 - 80   2009年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.humpath.2008.06.029

  • ヒト悪性腫瘍の病理組織形態と分子生物学的特性

    恒吉 正澄, 八尾 隆史, 小田 義直, 田宮 貞史, 相島 慎一, 山元 英崇, 大石 善丈, 平橋 美奈子, 栗原 秀一, 孝橋 賢一

    福岡醫學雜誌   100 ( 1 )   13 - 25   2009年1月



    DOI: 10.15017/13540

  • Biliary phenotype of hepatocellular carcinoma after preoperative transcatheter arterial chemoembolization. 国際誌

    Yunosuke Nishihara, Shinichi Aishima, Yousuke Kuroda, Tomohiro Iguchi, Kenichi Taguchi, Yoshiki Asayama, Akinobu Taketomi, Naoko Kinukawa, Hiroshi Honda, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology   23 ( 12 )   1860 - 8   2008年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-1746.2008.05601.x

  • Extracapsular penetration is a new prognostic factor in human hepatocellular carcinoma. 国際誌

    Tomohiro Iguchi, Shinichi Aishima, Akinobu Taketomi, Yunosuke Nishihara, Nobuhiro Fujita, Kensaku Sanefuji, Yoshihiko Maehara, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    The American journal of surgical pathology   32 ( 11 )   1675 - 82   2008年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1097/PAS.0b013e31817a8ed5

  • CD10 immunostaining distinguishes atypical polypoid adenomyofibroma (atypical polypoid adenomyoma) from endometrial carcinoma invading the myometrium. 国際誌

    Yoshihiro Ohishi, Tsunehisa Kaku, Hiroaki Kobayashi, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshihisa Umekita, Norio Wake, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    Human pathology   39 ( 10 )   1446 - 53   2008年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.humpath.2008.02.006

  • Biliary neoplasia with extensive intraductal spread associated with liver cirrhosis: a hitherto unreported variant of biliary intraepithelial neoplasia. 国際誌

    Shinichi Aishima, Yunosuke Nishihara, Eiji Tsujita, Kenichi Taguchi, Yuji Soejima, Akinobu Taketomi, Yasuharu Ikeda, Yoshihiko Maehara, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    Human pathology   39 ( 6 )   939 - 47   2008年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.humpath.2007.10.031

  • Adenomatoid tumour of the liver

    S. Nagata, S. Aishima, K. Fukuzawa, H. Takagi, H. Yonemasu, Y. Iwashita, T. Kinoshita, K. Wakasugi

    Journal of Clinical Pathology   61 ( 6 )   777 - 780   2008年6月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1136/jcp.2007.054684

  • Lymphatic spread is related to VEGF-C expression and D2-40-positive myofibroblasts in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. 国際誌

    Shinichi Aishima, Yunosuke Nishihara, Tomohiro Iguchi, Kenichi Taguchi, Akinobu Taketomi, Yoshihiko Maehara, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    Modern pathology : an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc   21 ( 3 )   256 - 64   2008年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1038/modpathol.3800985

  • Arterial blood supply of hepatocellular carcinoma and histologic grading: radiologic-pathologic correlation. 国際誌

    Yoshiki Asayama, Kengo Yoshimitsu, Yunosuke Nishihara, Hiroyuki Irie, Shinichi Aishima, Akinobu Taketomi, Hiroshi Honda

    AJR. American journal of roentgenology   190 ( 1 )   W28-34   2008年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.2214/AJR.07.2117

  • Methylprednisolone injection via the portal vein suppresses inflammation in acute liver failure induced in rats by lipopolysaccharide and d-galactosamine. 国際誌

    Nobito Higuchi, Masaki Kato, Kazuhiro Kotoh, Motoyuki Kohjima, Shinichi Aishima, Makoto Nakamuta, Yoshinori Fukui, Ryoichi Takayanagi, Munechika Enjoji

    Liver international : official journal of the International Association for the Study of the Liver   27 ( 10 )   1342 - 8   2007年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1478-3231.2007.01590.x

  • Down-regulation of aquaporin-1 in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma is related to tumor progression and mucin expression. 国際誌

    Shinichi Aishima, Yousuke Kuroda, Yunosuke Nishihara, Kenichi Taguchi, Tomohiro Iguchi, Akinobu Taketomi, Yoshihiko Maehara, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    Human pathology   38 ( 12 )   1819 - 25   2007年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.humpath.2007.04.016

  • Expression profile of class I histone deacetylases in human cancer tissues. 国際誌

    Masamune Nakagawa, Yoshinao Oda, Takashi Eguchi, Shin-Ichi Aishima, Takashi Yao, Fumihito Hosoi, Yuji Basaki, Mayumi Ono, Michihiko Kuwano, Masao Tanaka, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    Oncology reports   18 ( 4 )   769 - 74   2007年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3892/or.18.4.769

  • Mucin-hypersecreting bile duct neoplasm characterized by clinicopathological resemblance to intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN) of the pancreas. 国際誌

    Yo-Ichi Yamashita, Kengo Fukuzawa, Akinobu Taketomi, Shinichi Aishima, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Hideaki Uchiyama, Eiji Tsujita, Norifumi Harimoto, Noboru Harada, Kenzo Wakasugi, Yoshihiko Maehara

    World journal of surgical oncology   5   98 - 98   2007年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1186/1477-7819-5-98

  • Role of growth factor receptor bound protein 7 in hepatocellular carcinoma. 国際誌

    Shinji Itoh, Akinobu Taketomi, Shinji Tanaka, Norifumi Harimoto, Yo-ichi Yamashita, Shin-ichi Aishima, Takashi Maeda, Ken Shirabe, Mitsuo Shimada, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Molecular cancer research : MCR   5 ( 7 )   667 - 73   2007年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-06-0282

  • 14-3-3sigma negatively regulates the cell cycle, and its down-regulation is associated with poor outcome in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. 国際誌

    Yousuke Kuroda, Shinichi Aishima, Akinobu Taketomi, Yunosuke Nishihara, Tomohiro Iguchi, Kenichi Taguchi, Yoshihiko Maehara, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    Human pathology   38 ( 7 )   1014 - 1022   2007年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.humpath.2006.12.014

  • Proposal of progression model for intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: clinicopathologic differences between hilar type and peripheral type. 国際誌

    Shinichi Aishima, Yousuke Kuroda, Yunosuke Nishihara, Tomohiro Iguchi, Kenichi Taguchi, Akinobu Taketomi, Yoshihiko Maehara, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    The American journal of surgical pathology   31 ( 7 )   1059 - 67   2007年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1097/PAS.0b013e31802b34b6

  • Hepatoid adenocarcinoma of the stomach: histogenesis and progression in association with intestinal phenotype. 国際誌

    Yumiko Kumashiro, Takashi Yao, Shinichi Aishima, Minako Hirahashi, Kenichi Nishiyama, Tomomi Yamada, Ryoichi Takayanagi, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    Human pathology   38 ( 6 )   857 - 63   2007年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.humpath.2006.10.020

  • Histologic characteristics and prognostic significance in small hepatocellular carcinoma with biliary differentiation: subdivision and comparison with ordinary hepatocellular carcinoma. 国際誌

    Shinichi Aishima, Yunosuke Nishihara, Yousuke Kuroda, Kenichi Taguchi, Tomohiro Iguchi, Akinobu Taketomi, Yoshihiko Maehara, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    The American journal of surgical pathology   31 ( 5 )   783 - 91   2007年5月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1097/01.pas.0000213421.53750.0a

  • Extended indication for living donor liver transplantation in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma

    Yuji Soejima, Akinobu Taketomi, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Hideaki Uchiyama, Shinich Aishima, Takahiro Terashi, Mitsuo Shimada, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Transplantation   83 ( 7 )   893 - 899   2007年4月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1097/01.tp.0000259015.46798.ec

  • The predictors of microvascular invasion in candidates for liver transplantation with hepatocellular carcinoma-with special reference to the serum levels of des-gamma-carboxy prothrombin. 国際誌

    Ken Shirabe, Shinji Itoh, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Yuji Soejima, Akinobu Taketomi, Shin-Ichi Aishima, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Journal of surgical oncology   95 ( 3 )   235 - 40   2007年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1002/jso.20655

  • A specific gene-expression signature quantifies the degree of hepatic fibrosis in patients with chronic liver disease. 国際誌

    Tohru Utsunomiya, Masahiro Okamoto, Shigeki Wakiyama, Masaji Hashimoto, Kengo Fukuzawa, Takahiro Ezaki, Shinichi Aishima, Yasuji Yoshikawa, Taizo Hanai, Hiroshi Inoue, Graham-F Barnard, Masaki Mori

    World journal of gastroenterology   13 ( 3 )   383 - 90   2007年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.3748/wjg.v13.i3.383

  • Proposal of a new staging and grading system of the liver for primary biliary cirrhosis

    K. Hiramatsu, H. Aoyama, Y. Zen, S. Aishima, S. Kitagawa, Y. Nakanuma

    Histopathology   49 ( 5 )   466 - 478   2006年11月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2559.2006.02537.x

  • Characteristic differences according to the cirrhotic pattern of advanced primary biliary cirrhosis: Macronodular cirrhosis indicates slow progression. 国際誌

    Shinichi Aishima, Yousuke Kuroda, Yunosuke Nishihara, Kenichi Taguchi, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Akinobu Taketomi, Yoshihiko Maehara, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    Hepatology research : the official journal of the Japan Society of Hepatology   36 ( 3 )   188 - 94   2006年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.hepres.2006.07.008

  • High expression of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 is correlated with lower portal invasion and better prognosis in human hepatocellular carcinoma. 国際誌

    Shinichi Aishima, Yuji Basaki, Yoshinao Oda, Yousuke Kuroda, Yunosuke Nishihara, Kenichi Taguchi, Akinobu Taketomi, Yoshihiko Maehara, Fumihito Hosoi, Yuichiro Maruyama, Abbas Fotovati, Shinji Oie, Mayumi Ono, Takato Ueno, Michio Sata, Hirohisa Yano, Masamichi Kojiro, Michihiko Kuwano, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    Cancer science   97 ( 11 )   1182 - 90   2006年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1349-7006.2006.00322.x

  • Hepatocellular carcinoma with a prominent vascular scar in the center: MR imaging findings.

    Madoka Yamauchi, Yoshiki Asayama, Kengo Yoshimitsu, Hiroyuki Irie, Tsuyoshi Tajima, Masakazu Hirakawa, Kousei Ishigami, Tomohiro Nakayama, Daisuke Kakihara, Koji Yamaguchi, Yunosuke Nishihara, Shinichi Aishima, Hiroshi Honda

    Radiation medicine   24 ( 6 )   467 - 70   2006年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s11604-006-0052-z

  • Gastric mucin phenotype defines tumour progression and prognosis of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: Gastric foveolar type is associated with aggressive tumour behaviour

    S. Aishima, Y. Kuroda, Y. Nishihara, K. Taguchi, A. Taketomi, Y. Maehara, M. Tsuneyoshi

    Histopathology   49 ( 1 )   35 - 44   2006年7月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2559.2006.02414.x

  • Prognostic impact of cholangiocellular and sarcomatous components in combined hepatocellular and cholangiocarcinoma. 国際誌

    Shinichi Aishima, Yousuke Kuroda, Yoshiki Asayama, Kenichi Taguchi, Yunosuke Nishihara, Akinobu Taketomi, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    Human pathology   37 ( 3 )   283 - 91   2006年3月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.humpath.2005.08.019

  • Delayed-phase dynamic CT enhancement as a prognostic factor for mass-forming intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. 国際誌

    Yoshiki Asayama, Kengo Yoshimitsu, Hiroyuki Irie, Tsuyoshi Tajima, Akihiro Nishie, Masakazu Hirakawa, Tomohiro Nakayama, Daisuke Kakihara, Akinobu Taketomi, Shin-ichi Aishima, Hiroshi Honda

    Radiology   238 ( 1 )   150 - 5   2006年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1148/radiol.2381041765

  • [Mechanism of biliary carcinogenesis: Hepatotropic hepatis virus].

    Kenichi Taguchi, Shinichi Aishima, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    Nihon rinsho. Japanese journal of clinical medicine   64 Suppl 1   362 - 5   2006年1月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Significance of the relationship between irregular regeneration and two hepatocarcinogenic pathways: "de novo" and so-called "dysplastic nodule-hepatocellular carcinoma" sequence. 国際誌

    Kenichi Taguchi, Shinichi Aishima, Shuji Matsuura, Takahiro Terashi, Kenichi Nishiyama, Ken Shirabe, Mitsuo Shimada, Yoshihiko Maehara, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    Journal of surgical oncology   92 ( 2 )   100 - 3   2005年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1002/jso.20293

  • サイトメガロウイルス感染症と出血性直腸潰瘍を合併した成人スチル病の1例

    檜沢 一興, 相島 慎一, 八尾 隆史, 中原 束, 松本 主之, 飯田 三雄

    日本消化器病学会雑誌   102 ( 10 )   1281 - 5   2005年10月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


    DOI: 10.11405/nisshoshi.102.1281

  • 'Scirrhous' type hepatocellular carcinomas: A special reference to expression of cytokeratin 7 and hepatocyte paraffin 1

    S. Matsuura, S. Aishima, K. Taguchi, Y. Asayama, T. Terashi, H. Honda, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    Histopathology   47 ( 4 )   382 - 390   2005年10月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2559.2005.02230.x

  • Short-term intensive treatment for donors with hepatic steatosis in living-donor liver transplantation

    Makoto Nakamuta, Shusuke Morizono, Yuji Soejima, Tomoharau Yoshizumi, Shinji Aishima, Shin Ichiro Takasugi, Kengo Yoshimitsu, Munechika Enjoji, Kazuhiro Kotoh, Akinobu Taketomi, Hideaki Uchiyama, Mitsuo Shimada, Hajime Nawata, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Transplantation   80 ( 5 )   608 - 612   2005年9月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1097/01.tp.0000166009.77444.f3

  • Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia as an initial manifestation in systemic lupus erythematosus. 国際誌

    Hidetoshi Takada, Yusuke Saito, Akihiko Nomura, Shouichi Ohga, Kazuyoshi Kuwano, Nobutaka Nakashima, Shinichi Aishima, Noboru Tsuru, Toshiro Hara

    Pediatric pulmonology   40 ( 3 )   257 - 60   2005年9月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1002/ppul.20224

  • Detection of combined hepatocellular and cholangiocarcinomas on enhanced CT: comparison with histologic findings. 国際誌

    Akihiro Nishie, Kengo Yoshimitsu, Yoshiki Asayama, Hiroyuki Irie, Hitoshi Aibe, Tsuyoshi Tajima, Kenji Shinozaki, Tomohiro Nakayama, Daisuke Kakihara, Mitsuo Shimada, Shin-Ichi Aishima, Kisaku Yoshida, Hiroshi Honda

    AJR. American journal of roentgenology   184 ( 4 )   1157 - 62   2005年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.2214/ajr.184.4.01841157

  • Proposal of histological criteria for intraepithelial atypical/proliferative biliary epithelial lesions of the bile duct in hepatolithiasis with respect to cholangiocarcinoma: preliminary report based on interobserver agreement. 国際誌

    Yoh Zen, Shinichi Aishima, Yoichi Ajioka, Joji Haratake, Masayoshi Kage, Fukuo Kondo, Yuji Nimura, Michiie Sakamoto, Motoko Sasaki, Kazuhide Shimamatsu, Kenichi Wakasa, Young Nyun Park, Ming F Chen, Yutaka Atomi, Yasuni Nakanuma

    Pathology international   55 ( 4 )   180 - 8   2005年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-1827.2005.01816.x

  • バルプロ酸ナトリウムにより高アンモニア血症をきたしたC型慢性肝炎の1例

    福嶋 真理恵, 古藤 和浩, 遠城寺 宗近, 中牟田 誠, 名和田 新, 相島 慎一

    日本消化器病学会雑誌   102 ( 1 )   42 - 7   2005年1月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  


    DOI: 10.11405/nisshoshi.102.42, 10.2957/kanzo.59.421_references_DOI_7iqc9gI6LrFzakFaQecy4g2pG30

  • The role of heat shock protein 27 expression in hepatocellular carcinoma in Japan: special reference to the difference between hepatitis B and C. 国際誌

    Norifumi Harimoto, Mitsuo Shimada, Shin-ichi Aishima, Dai Kitagawa, Shinji Itoh, Eiji Tsujita, Shin-ichiro Maehara, Akinobu Taketomi, Shinji Tanaka, Ken Shirabe, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Liver international : official journal of the International Association for the Study of the Liver   24 ( 4 )   316 - 21   2004年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1478-3231.2004.0927.x

  • The role of heat shock protein 27 expression in hepatocellular carcinoma in Japan: special reference to the difference between hepatitis B and C. 国際誌

    Norifumi Harimoto, Mitsuo Shimada, Shin-ichi Aishima, Dai Kitagawa, Shinji Itoh, Eiji Tsujita, Shin-ichiro Maehara, Akinobu Taketomi, Shinji Tanaka, Ken Shirabe, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Liver international : official journal of the International Association for the Study of the Liver   24 ( 4 )   316 - 21   2004年8月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1478-3231.2004.0927.x

  • Role of expression of focal adhesion kinase in progression of hepatocellular carcinoma. 国際誌

    Shinji Itoh, Takashi Maeda, Mitsuo Shimada, Shin-ichi Aishima, Ken Shirabe, Shinji Tanaka, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research   10 ( 8 )   2812 - 7   2004年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-1046-03

  • Prognostic factors in node-negative intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma with special reference to angiogenesis. 国際誌

    Ken Shirabe, Mitsuo Shimada, Eiji Tsujita, Shin-ichi Aishima, Shin-ichiroh Maehara, Sinji Tanaka, Kenji Takenaka, Yoshihiko Maehara

    American journal of surgery   187 ( 4 )   538 - 42   2004年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.amjsurg.2003.12.044

  • Decreased expression of osteopontin is related to tumor aggressiveness and clinical outcome of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. 国際誌

    Takahiro Terashi, Shinichi Aishima, Kenichi Taguchi, Yoshiki Asayama, Keishi Sugimachi, Shuji Matsuura, Mitsuo Shimada, Shinichiro Maehara, Yoshihiko Maehara, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    Liver international : official journal of the International Association for the Study of the Liver   24 ( 1 )   38 - 45   2004年2月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1478-3231.2004.00886.x

  • Angiopoietin switching regulates angiogenesis and progression of human hepatocellular carcinoma

    K. Sugimachi, S. Tanaka, K. Taguchi, S. Aishima, M. Shimada, K. Sugimachi, M. Tsuneyoshi

    Journal of Clinical Pathology   56 ( 11 )   854 - 860   2003年11月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1136/jcp.56.11.854

  • Tenascin expression at the invasive front is associated with poor prognosis in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. 国際誌

    Shin-Ichi Aishima, Ken-Ichi Taguchi, Takahiro Terashi, Shuji Matsuura, Mitsuo Shimada, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    Modern pathology : an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc   16 ( 10 )   1019 - 27   2003年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1097/01.MP.0000086860.65672.73

  • Tenascin expression at the invasive front is associated with poor prognosis in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. 国際誌

    Shin-Ichi Aishima, Ken-Ichi Taguchi, Takahiro Terashi, Shuji Matsuura, Mitsuo Shimada, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    Modern pathology : an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc   16 ( 10 )   1019 - 27   2003年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1097/01.MP.0000086860.65672.73

  • Transcriptional repressor snail and progression of human hepatocellular carcinoma. 国際誌

    Keishi Sugimachi, Shinji Tanaka, Toshifumi Kameyama, Ken-ichi Taguchi, Shin-ichi Aishima, Mitsuo Shimada, Keizo Sugimachi, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research   9 ( 7 )   2657 - 64   2003年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Transcriptional repressor snail and progression of human hepatocellular carcinoma. 国際誌

    Keishi Sugimachi, Shinji Tanaka, Toshifumi Kameyama, Ken-ichi Taguchi, Shin-ichi Aishima, Mitsuo Shimada, Keizo Sugimachi, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research   9 ( 7 )   2657 - 64   2003年7月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

  • Sarcomatous hepatocellular carcinoma: a special reference to ordinary hepatocellular carcinoma. 国際誌

    Hidehiro Nishi, Ken-ichi Taguchi, Yoshiki Asayama, Shin-ichi Aishima, Keishi Sugimachi, Hajime Nawata, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology   18 ( 4 )   415 - 23   2003年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1046/j.1440-1746.2003.02888.x

  • Sarcomatous hepatocellular carcinoma: a special reference to ordinary hepatocellular carcinoma. 国際誌

    Hidehiro Nishi, Ken-ichi Taguchi, Yoshiki Asayama, Shin-ichi Aishima, Keishi Sugimachi, Hajime Nawata, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology   18 ( 4 )   415 - 23   2003年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1046/j.1440-1746.2003.02888.x

  • The utility of keratin 903 as a new prognostic marker in mass-forming-type intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. 国際誌

    Shin-Ichi Aishima, Yoshiki Asayama, Ken-Ichi Taguchi, Keishi Sugimachi, Ken Shirabe, Mitsuo Shimada, Keizo Sugimachi, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    Modern pathology : an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc   15 ( 11 )   1181 - 90   2002年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1097/01.MP.0000032537.82380.69

  • The utility of keratin 903 as a new prognostic marker in mass-forming-type intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. 国際誌

    Shin-Ichi Aishima, Yoshiki Asayama, Ken-Ichi Taguchi, Keishi Sugimachi, Ken Shirabe, Mitsuo Shimada, Keizo Sugimachi, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    Modern pathology : an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc   15 ( 11 )   1181 - 90   2002年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1097/01.MP.0000032537.82380.69

  • Coexpression of neural cell adhesion molecules and bcl-2 in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma originated from viral hepatitis: relationship to atypical reactive bile ductule. 国際誌

    Yoshiki Asayama, Shin-Ichi Aishima, Ken-Ichi Taguchi, Keishi Sugimachi, Shuji Matsuura, Kouji Masuda, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    Pathology international   52 ( 4 )   300 - 6   2002年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1046/j.1440-1827.2002.01349.x

  • Coexpression of neural cell adhesion molecules and bcl-2 in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma originated from viral hepatitis: relationship to atypical reactive bile ductule. 国際誌

    Yoshiki Asayama, Shin-Ichi Aishima, Ken-Ichi Taguchi, Keishi Sugimachi, Shuji Matsuura, Kouji Masuda, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    Pathology international   52 ( 4 )   300 - 6   2002年4月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1046/j.1440-1827.2002.01349.x

  • The role of thymidine phosphorylase and thrombospondin-1 in angiogenesis and progression of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. 国際誌

    Shin-ichi Aishima, Ken-ichi Taguchi, Keishi Sugimachi, Yoshiki Asayama, Hidehiro Nishi, Mitsuo Shimada, Keizo Sugimachi, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    International journal of surgical pathology   10 ( 1 )   47 - 56   2002年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1177/106689690201000108

  • Clinicopathologic risk factors for recurrence after a curative hepatic resection for hepatocellular carcinoma. 国際誌

    Eisuke Adachi, Shin-ichiro Maehara, Eiji Tsujita, Ken-ichi Taguchi, Shin-ichi Aishima, Tatsuya Rikimaru, Yo-ichi Yamashita, Shinji Tanaka

    Surgery   131 ( 1 Suppl )   S148-52   2002年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1067/msy.2002.119496

  • Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: its mode of spreading and therapeutic modalities. 国際誌

    Ken Shirabe, Mitsuo Shimada, Norifumi Harimoto, Keishi Sugimachi, Yo-ichi Yamashita, Eiji Tsujita, Shin-ichi Aishima

    Surgery   131 ( 1 Suppl )   S159-64   2002年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1067/msy.2002.119498

  • The role of thymidine phosphorylase and thrombospondin-1 in angiogenesis and progression of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. 国際誌

    Shin-ichi Aishima, Ken-ichi Taguchi, Keishi Sugimachi, Yoshiki Asayama, Hidehiro Nishi, Mitsuo Shimada, Keizo Sugimachi, Masazumi Tsuneyoshi

    International journal of surgical pathology   10 ( 1 )   47 - 56   2002年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1177/106689690201000108

  • Clinicopathologic risk factors for recurrence after a curative hepatic resection for hepatocellular carcinoma. 国際誌

    Eisuke Adachi, Shin-ichiro Maehara, Eiji Tsujita, Ken-ichi Taguchi, Shin-ichi Aishima, Tatsuya Rikimaru, Yo-ichi Yamashita, Shinji Tanaka

    Surgery   131 ( 1 Suppl )   S148-52   2002年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1067/msy.2002.119496

  • Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: its mode of spreading and therapeutic modalities. 国際誌

    Ken Shirabe, Mitsuo Shimada, Norifumi Harimoto, Keishi Sugimachi, Yo-ichi Yamashita, Eiji Tsujita, Shin-ichi Aishima

    Surgery   131 ( 1 Suppl )   S159-64   2002年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1067/msy.2002.119498

  • S05-04 肝内胆管癌に対する切除の問題点と戦略

    調 憲, 島田 光生, 竹中 賢治, 田中 真二, 山下 洋市, 相島 慎一, 杉町 圭蔵

    日本消化器外科学会雑誌   34 ( 7 )   824   2001年7月



  • The role of des-γ-carboxy prothrombin levels in hepatocellular carcinoma and liver tissues

    159 ( 1 )   87 - 94   2000年10月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    We aimed to clarify the clinical significance of des-γ-carboxy prothrombin (DCP) levels in both hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and liver tissues with a special reference to the relationship between DCP level in non-cancerous parts of the liver and the multicentric occurrence of HCC. Twenty-eight patients with HCC, who underwent hepatectomy, were studied. Surgical specimens were obtained from both HCC and non-cancerous liver of each patient. After the preparation of the liver tissues, including tissues with HCC, the DCP levels both in HCC and non-cancerous liver tissue were measured using an electro-chemiluminescence immunoassay. The correlation was investigated between DCP levels and other clinicopathological factors. The DCP level of HCC ranged from 55 to 77 735 U/0.1 g tissue weight, with a median of 2801, while the DCP level of non-cancerous parts of the liver ranged from 24 to 721 U/0.1 g tissue weight, with a median of 86. The DCP level in the liver tissue in patients having a multicentric occurrence of HCC was significantly higher than that in patients without multicentric occurrence of HCC. The logarithm of the plasma DCP level correlated with that of the DCP level in HCC (correlation coefficient = 0.46; P < 0.05). No significant correlation was found between the DCP level in HCC and other clinicopathological parameters. The DCP level in non-cancerous parts of the liver with simultaneous multicentric occurrence of HCC was significantly higher than that in the liver without multicentric HCC. Furthermore, the DCP level in non-cancerous parts of the liver was one of the most important predictable factors of the multicentric occurrence of HCCs among various clinicopathological factors. Therefore, the DCP level may have an important role in hepatocarcinogenesis. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0304-3835(00)00539-5

  • The role of des-γ-carboxy prothrombin levels in hepatocellular carcinoma and liver tissues

    159 ( 1 )   87 - 94   2000年10月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    We aimed to clarify the clinical significance of des-γ-carboxy prothrombin (DCP) levels in both hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and liver tissues with a special reference to the relationship between DCP level in non-cancerous parts of the liver and the multicentric occurrence of HCC. Twenty-eight patients with HCC, who underwent hepatectomy, were studied. Surgical specimens were obtained from both HCC and non-cancerous liver of each patient. After the preparation of the liver tissues, including tissues with HCC, the DCP levels both in HCC and non-cancerous liver tissue were measured using an electro-chemiluminescence immunoassay. The correlation was investigated between DCP levels and other clinicopathological factors. The DCP level of HCC ranged from 55 to 77 735 U/0.1 g tissue weight, with a median of 2801, while the DCP level of non-cancerous parts of the liver ranged from 24 to 721 U/0.1 g tissue weight, with a median of 86. The DCP level in the liver tissue in patients having a multicentric occurrence of HCC was significantly higher than that in patients without multicentric occurrence of HCC. The logarithm of the plasma DCP level correlated with that of the DCP level in HCC (correlation coefficient = 0.46; P < 0.05). No significant correlation was found between the DCP level in HCC and other clinicopathological parameters. The DCP level in non-cancerous parts of the liver with simultaneous multicentric occurrence of HCC was significantly higher than that in the liver without multicentric HCC. Furthermore, the DCP level in non-cancerous parts of the liver was one of the most important predictable factors of the multicentric occurrence of HCCs among various clinicopathological factors. Therefore, the DCP level may have an important role in hepatocarcinogenesis. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0304-3835(00)00539-5

  • Clinicopathologic features and postoperative prognosis of multicentric small hepatocellular carcinoma

    Tohru Utsunomiya, Mitsuo Shimada, Ken Ichi Taguchi, Hirofumi Hasegawa, Yoichi Yamashita, Takayuki Hamatsu, Shin Ichi Aishima, Keizo Sugimachi

    Journal of the American College of Surgeons   190 ( 3 )   331 - 335   2000年3月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/S1072-7515(99)00268-9

  • Clinicopathologic features and postoperative prognosis of multicentric small hepatocellular carcinoma

    Tohru Utsunomiya, Mitsuo Shimada, Ken Ichi Taguchi, Hirofumi Hasegawa, Yoichi Yamashita, Takayuki Hamatsu, Shin Ichi Aishima, Keizo Sugimachi

    Journal of the American College of Surgeons   190 ( 3 )   331 - 335   2000年3月


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/S1072-7515(99)00268-9



  • わかりやすい病理学

    小田, 義直, 相島, 慎一, 恒吉, 正澄

    南江堂  2021年3月 


    担当ページ:総ページ数:xix, 354p   記述言語:日本語  

  • わかりやすい病理学

    恒吉, 正澄, 小田, 義直, 相島, 慎一

    南江堂  2021年3月 


    担当ページ:総ページ数:19,354p   記述言語:日本語  




  • 【膵・胆道癌の発生・進展メカニズムを探る】胆道癌の発生・進展に関する病理形態学的変化

    相島 慎一

    胆と膵   45 ( 8 )   823 - 828   2024年8月   ISSN:0388-9408


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:医学図書出版(株)  


  • 後腹膜に嚢胞状転移巣を形成した,非常に稀な顎下腺腺様嚢胞癌の1例

    三根 夢花, 甲斐 敬太, 北村 捷, 川崎 佳奈子, 山内 盛泰, 馬塲 耕一, 倉富 勇一郎, 能城 浩和, 末岡 榮三朗, 相島 慎一

    日本臨床細胞学会九州連合会雑誌   55   47 - 51   2024年7月   ISSN:0912-6600


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本臨床細胞学会-九州連合会  

    背景 腺様嚢胞癌の遠隔転移は肺や骨が多く,後腹膜転移は稀である.今回,後腹膜に嚢胞状腫瘤を形成し,臨床的に乳癌の転移が疑われたが,嚢胞内容液の細胞診で顎下腺原発腺様嚢胞癌の後腹膜転移と推定しえた1例を経験したので報告する.症例 60歳代女性.右側腹部腫瘤を主訴に前医を受診し,精査により右骨盤部後腹膜に骨破壊を伴う嚢胞性腫瘍と左乳房腫瘤を指摘された.左乳房腫瘤は生検で乳癌(浸潤性乳管癌)の診断となり,加療目的に当院紹介となった.後腹膜腫瘍に対しては乳癌転移疑いとして穿刺吸引細胞診が施行されたが,腺様嚢胞癌を疑う異型細胞を認めるも確定診断には至らなかった.その後MRIで左顎下腺に長径約5cm大の腫瘤が認められ,穿刺吸引細胞診で腺様嚢胞癌の診断となった.後腹膜腫瘍が乳癌の転移か,腺様嚢胞癌の転移かの鑑別目的に,再度嚢胞内容液の穿刺吸引細胞診が施行され,腺様嚢胞癌の後腹膜転移の診断となった.結語 腺様嚢胞癌はその特徴的な細胞形態に着目し,ギムザ染色やセルブロックによる免疫組織化学を加味することで細胞診検体による推定が可能である.自験例の様に,腺様嚢胞癌は転移好発臓器以外にも転移巣を形成することがあるので,細胞診判定の際には留意が必要である.(著者抄録)


  • 【微小環境から読み解く胆膵癌】胆道癌 肝内胆管癌のサブタイプと腫瘍微小環境

    相島 慎一

    肝胆膵   88 ( 5 )   605 - 611   2024年5月   ISSN:0389-4991


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(株)アークメディア  

  • 【微小環境から読み解く胆膵癌】胆道癌 肝内胆管癌のサブタイプと腫瘍微小環境

    相島 慎一

    肝胆膵   88 ( 5 )   605 - 611   2024年5月   ISSN:0389-4991


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(株)アークメディア  



  • 奈良宣言(ALT over 30)のMASLD(metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease)における臨床的意義の検証

    川中 美和, 藤井 英樹, 岩城 慶大, 林 秀樹, 豊田 秀徳, 大枝 敏, 兵庫 秀幸, 森下 朝洋, 宗景 玄祐, 川田 一仁, 堤 翼, 澤田 康司, 前城 達次, 飛田 博史, 吉田 雄一, 内藤 雅文, 荒木 亜寿香, 新垣 伸吾, 川口 巧, 則武 秀尚, 小野 正文, 正木 勉, 安田 諭, 冨田 栄一, 米田 正人, 徳重 明央, 鎌田 佳宏, 高橋 宏和, 植田 真一郎, 相島 慎一, 角田 圭雄, 岡上 武, 中島 淳, Japan Study Group of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease(JSG-NAFLD)

    肝臓   2024年4月



    DOI: 10.2957/kanzo.65.186

  • Validation study of age‐independent fibrosis score (Fibrosis‐3 index) in patients with metabolic dysfunction‐associated steatotic liver disease 査読





    Background and Aims

    Because the accuracy of the Fibrosis‐4 (FIB‐4) index for predicting liver fibrosis changes with age, the need for different cut‐offs in various age groups has frequently been discussed. We developed the age‐independent score, the Fibrosis‐3 (FIB‐3) index, and have shown its usefulness in patients with metabolic dysfunction‐associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD). This study aimed to validate the diagnostic ability of the FIB‐3 index to predict fibrosis progression using a large new patient cohort.


    The ability of the FIB‐3 index to predict liver fibrosis was analyzed by comparing it with that of the FIB‐4 index using data from 1398 patients with MASLD enrolled in the Asia‐based clinical outcome NAFLD study.


    The areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves for predicting fibrosis stage F3 or higher were not different between the FIB‐3 and FIB‐4 indices in the entire cohort. Using the single ideal cut‐offs of the indices (3.41 for FIB‐3 index and 2.01 for FIB‐4 index), the predictive accuracy of the FIB‐3 index was not significantly different from that of the FIB‐4 index among patients aged <60 years; however, the accuracy of the FIB‐3 index was significantly higher than that of the FIB‐4 index in those aged ≥60 years (0.645 and 0.529, respectively; p < 0.0001).


    The high ability of the FIB‐3 index with a single cut‐off to predict liver fibrosis in patients with MASLD was confirmed. The FIB‐3 index could serve as a useful tool for assessing liver fibrosis regardless of age.

    DOI: 10.1111/hepr.14039

  • Accuracy of the Enhanced Liver Fibrosis Test in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Its Clinical Implications

    Taeang Arai, Hirokazu Takahashi, Yuya Seko, Hidenori Toyoda, Hideki Hayashi, Kanji Yamaguchi, Michihiro Iwaki, Masato Yoneda, Toshihide Shima, Hideki Fujii, Asahiro Morishita, Kazuhito Kawata, Kengo Tomita, Miwa Kawanaka, Yuichi Yoshida, Tadashi Ikegami, Kazuo Notsumata, Satoshi Oeda, Masanori Atsukawa, Yoshihiro Kamada, Yoshio Sumida, Hideaki Fukushima, Eiji Miyoshi, Shinichi Aishima, Takeshi Okanoue, Yoshito Itoh, Atsushi Nakajima

    Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology   2024年4月



    DOI: 10.1016/j.cgh.2023.11.022

  • Hepatic inflammation and fibrosis are profiles related to mid‐term mortality in biopsy‐proven MASLD: A multicenter study in Japan 査読






    A multi‐stakeholder consensus has proposed MASLD (metabolic dysfunction‐associated steatotic liver disease). We aimed to investigate the pathological findings related to the mid‐term mortality of patients with biopsy‐proven MASLD in Japan.


    We enrolled 1349 patients with biopsy‐proven MASLD. The observational period was 8010 person years. We evaluated independent factors associated with mortality in patients with MASLD by Cox regression analysis. We also investigated pathological profiles related to mortality in patients with MASLD using data‐mining analysis.


    The prevalence of MASH and stage 3/4 fibrosis was observed in 65.6&#37; and 17.4&#37;, respectively. Forty‐five patients with MASLD died. Of these, liver‐related events were the most common cause at 40&#37; (n = 18), followed by extrahepatic malignancies at 26.7&#37; (n = 12). Grade 2/3 lobular inflammation and stage 3/4 fibrosis had a 1.9‐fold and 1.8‐fold risk of mortality, respectively. In the decision‐tree analysis, the profiles with the worst prognosis were characterised by Grade 2/3 hepatic inflammation, along with advanced ballooning (grade 1/2) and fibrosis (stage 3/4). This profile showed a mortality at 8.3&#37;. Furthermore, the random forest analysis identified that hepatic fibrosis and inflammation were the first and second responsible factors for the mid‐term prognosis of patients with MASLD.


    In patients with biopsy‐proven MASLD, the prevalence of MASH and advanced fibrosis was approximately 65&#37; and 20&#37;, respectively. The leading cause of mortality was liver‐related events. Hepatic inflammation and fibrosis were significant factors influencing mid‐term mortality. These findings highlight the importance of targeting inflammation and fibrosis in the management of patients with MASLD.

    DOI: 10.1111/apt.17995

  • Interobserver agreement of pathologic classification and grading of tumoral intraductal pre-invasive neoplasms of the bile duct 査読

    Yasuni Nakanuma, Yasunori Sato, Yuko Kakuda, Yoshiki Naito, Yuki Fukumura, Mana Fukushima, Hiroshi Minato, Shinichi Aishima, Nobuyuki Ohike, Toru Furukawa

    Annals of Diagnostic Pathology   2024年4月



    DOI: 10.1016/j.anndiagpath.2023.152247

  • Novel method for classification of prion diseases by detecting PrP res signal patterns from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded samples 査読

    Sachiko Koyama, Kaoru Yagita, Hideomi Hamasaki, Hideko Noguchi, Masahiro Shijo, Kosuke Matsuzono, Kei-Ichiro Takase, Keita Kai, Shin-Ichi Aishima, Kyoko Itoh, Toshiharu Ninomiya, Naokazu Sasagasako, Hiroyuki Honda

    Prion   2024年4月



    DOI: 10.1080/19336896.2024.2337981

  • Prognosis of biopsy-confirmed metabolic dysfunction- associated steatotic liver disease: A sub-analysis of the CLIONE study 査読

    Michihiro Iwaki, Hideki Fujii, Hideki Hayashi, Hidenori Toyoda, Satoshi Oeda, Hideyuki Hyogo, Miwa Kawanaka, Asahiro Morishita, Kensuke Munekage, Kazuhito Kawata, Tsubasa Tsutsumi, Koji Sawada, Tatsuji Maeshiro, Hiroshi Tobita, Yuichi Yoshida, Masafumi Naito, Asuka Araki, Shingo Arakaki, Takumi Kawaguchi, Hidenao Noritake, Masafumi Ono, Tsutomu Masaki, Satoshi Yasuda, Eiichi Tomita, Masato Yoneda, Akihiro Tokushige, Yoshihiro Kamada, Hirokazu Takahashi, Shinichiro Ueda, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshio Sumida, Atsushi Nakajima, Takeshi Okanoue

    Clinical and Molecular Hepatology   2024年4月



    DOI: 10.3350/cmh.2023.0515

  • A rare case of liver regenerative and non-neoplastic lesion resembling a well-differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma 査読

    Kosuke Hirose, Takeo Toshima, Taro Tobo, Satohiro Kai, Masakazu Hirakawa, Satoshi Higuchi, Takashi Ofuchi, Kiyotaka Hosoda, Yusuke Yonemura, Yuichi Hisamatsu, Takaaki Masuda, Shinichi Aishima, Koshi Mimori

    Surgical Case Reports   2024年2月



    DOI: 10.1186/s40792-024-01820-1

  • 胆道系疾患の病理

    相島 慎一

    日本病理学会会誌   113 ( 1 )   259 - 259   2024年2月   ISSN:0300-9181


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(一社)日本病理学会  


  • CTを契機に発見された消化管AL型アミロイドーシスの一例

    西田 大輝, 芥川 剛至, 藤田 真衣, 沖井 詩織, 水田 優実, 島村 拓弥, 行元 崇浩, 相島 慎一, 江崎 幹宏

    日本消化管学会雑誌   8 ( Suppl. )   376 - 376   2024年1月   ISSN:2433-3840 eISSN:2435-8967


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(一社)日本消化管学会  


  • 肝胆道領域の病理診断

    相島 慎一

    日本臨床細胞学会雑誌   2023年10月



  • 増大号 「胃と腸」式 読影問題集2023 応用と発展-考える画像診断が身につく 全消化管 3 Cases Case 3

    芥川 剛至, 沖井 詩織, 島村 拓弥, 相島 慎一, 江﨑 幹宏

    胃と腸   58 ( 10 )   1434 - 1437   2023年10月   ISSN:0536-2180 eISSN:1882-1219


    記述言語:その他   出版者・発行元:株式会社医学書院  

    DOI: 10.11477/mf.1403203389

    CiNii Research



  • 【「胃と腸」式 読影問題集2023 応用と発展-考える画像診断が身につく】全消化管(Case 3)

    芥川 剛至, 沖井 詩織, 島村 拓弥, 相島 慎一, 江崎 幹宏

    胃と腸   58 ( 10 )   1434 - 1437   2023年10月   ISSN:0536-2180


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(株)医学書院  

  • 肝胆道領域の病理診断

    相島 慎一

    日本臨床細胞学会雑誌   62 ( Suppl.2 )   409 - 409   2023年10月   ISSN:0387-1193 eISSN:1882-7233


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本臨床細胞学会  


  • 【膵癌・胆道癌2023(下)胆道癌編-基礎・臨床の最新研究動向-】特殊な組織型(臨床病理学的特徴)AFP産生腫瘍

    山下 洋市, 相島 慎一, 黒田 陽介, 栗原 健

    日本臨床   81 ( 増刊4 膵癌・胆道癌2023(下)胆道癌編 )   311 - 315   2023年4月   ISSN:0047-1852


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(株)日本臨床社  

  • 増殖因子を固定化したgel-in-oil(G/O)の経皮投与による紫外線B誘発皮膚障害の予防・修復効果

    張怡, 井上雄太, FARDOUS Jannatul, 土井亨太, 井嶋隆博, 藤淵俊王, 山下洋市, 相島慎一, 井嶋博之

    日本再生医療学会総会(Web)   22nd   2023年


  • 低異型粘液性上皮を伴う胆囊壁内囊胞性病変の1例

    杉生 久実, 村田 年弘, 川真田 修, 今田 孝子, 眞壁 幹夫, 相島 慎一

    日本臨床外科学会雑誌   84 ( 5 )   820 - 824   2023年   ISSN:1345-2843 eISSN:1882-5133


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本臨床外科学会  

    症例は71歳,男性.以前より胆石の指摘があり,術前の腹部MRIで胆石症と胆囊腺筋症の術前診断となり,腹腔鏡下胆囊摘出術を施行.切除標本で25mm大の粘膜下腫瘤様の隆起を認め,割面で多房性の囊胞性病変と判明.病理組織学的検査で,胆囊腺筋症と胆囊壁内に限局した粘液性上皮による多房性の囊胞性病変を認めた.囊胞上皮はMUC5ACとMCU6が部分的に陽性で胃型粘液の特徴を示し,一部でlow gradeの異型上皮を認めた.自験例は胆囊壁内に限局した壁内発育型の囊胞性病変であり,形態的にintramural multicystic mucinous neoplasm with low-grade intraepithelial neoplasiaと表現した.まれな病理像であったため報告する.

    DOI: 10.3919/jjsa.84.820

    CiNii Books

    CiNii Research



    その他リンク: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jjsa/84/5/84_820/_pdf

  • STAT6陽性,S-100陽性,Melan A陽性を示す間葉系髄内腫瘍の一例

    中原由紀子, 伊藤寛, 並川裕貴, 増岡淳, 甲斐敬太, 相島慎一, 阿部竜也

    Brain Tumor Pathology. Supplement   40   2023年


  • Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker diseaseにおけるresident microgliaの挙動

    本田裕之, 本田裕之, 野口英子, 野上健一郎, 渡邉暁博, 栄信孝, 荒畑創, 河野祐治, 山本明史, 甲斐敬太, 相島慎一, 笹ヶ迫直一

    国立病院総合医学会(Web)   77th   2023年


  • カボザンチニブ投与後に肝細胞癌腫瘍内出血を来した1例

    森美哉子, 桑代卓也, 湯ノ谷修三, 川添夕佳, 田中賢一, 井上香, 磯田広史, 大枝敏, 秋山巧, 江頭秀哲, 相島慎一, 高橋宏和

    日本消化器病学会九州支部例会・日本消化器内視鏡学会九州支部例会プログラム・抄録集   121st-115th   2023年


  • 外科切除検体を用いた画像解析ソフトによる肝細胞癌と肝内胆管癌の細胞学的比較検討

    北村捷, 甲斐敬太, 中村光男, 田中智和, 井手貴雄, 能城浩和, 末岡榮三朗, 相島慎一, 相島慎一

    日本臨床細胞学会雑誌(Web)   62   2023年   ISSN:1882-7233


  • 涙腺多形腺腫の1例

    本吉郁哉, 北村捷, 甲斐敬太, 並川裕貴, 前田佐知子, 橋口真理子, 上瀧さやか, 吉岡史隆, 相島慎一, 相島慎一, 末岡榮三朗

    日本臨床細胞学会雑誌(Web)   62   2023年   ISSN:1882-7233


  • 特殊な組織型(臨床病理学的特徴)AFP産生腫瘍

    山下洋市, 相島慎一, 黒田陽介, 栗原健

    日本臨床   81   2023年   ISSN:0047-1852


  • 肝病変に対する線維化の病理学的評価


    Japanese Journal of Diagnostic Imaging   41 ( 増刊 )   68 - 68   2023年   ISSN:2187-266X


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本画像医学会  



  • 肝胆道領域の病理診断


    日本臨床細胞学会雑誌(Web)   62   2023年   ISSN:1882-7233


  • 【超音波elastographyによる非アルコール性脂肪性肝疾患/非アルコール性脂肪性肝炎の診断と評価】非アルコール脂肪肝疾患と非アルコール性脂肪肝炎の病理組織所見

    鹿毛 政義, 相島 慎一, 草野 弘宣, 矢野 博久

    超音波医学   49 ( 5 )   427 - 432   2022年9月   ISSN:1346-1176


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(公社)日本超音波医学会  

    非アルコール性脂肪肝疾患(nonalcoholic fatty liver disease:NAFLD)とは臨床所見に加え病理学的形態学の概念に基づくもので,大きく非アルコール性脂肪肝(nonalcoholic fatty liver:NAFL)と非アルコール性脂肪性肝炎(nonalcoholic steatohepatitis:NASH)に分類される.NASHは肝硬変や肝細胞癌へと進行する可能性があるので,NAFLとNASHの鑑別診断は重要である.NAFLは肝細胞の傷害を伴わない単純な脂肪肝であるが,NASHは主に小葉中心帯領域(ゾーン3)に分布する大滴性脂肪変性,炎症,風船様肝細胞が特徴である.肝生検はNAFLDを診断する上で有用な検査であるが侵襲的である.ゆえに,診断画像法を含むさまざまな非侵襲性手法が近年開発されている.NAFLDにおける画像診断の有用性を検証するためには,画像診断と組織病理学的所見は密接に関連しているので,病理組織所見が画像所見にどのように反映されているのかを明らかにする必要がある.ここでは,NAFLDの主な病理学的所見,すなわち肝細胞の脂肪変性,炎症,風船様肝細胞,Mallory-Denk体,線維化について概説し,肝硬変への進行過程についても説明を加えた.(著者抄録)

  • 左室瘤に対してmultimodality imagingアプローチを用いた冠動脈の閉塞を伴わない心筋梗塞患者の1例(Multimodality Imaging Approach for a Left Ventricular Aneurysm in a Patient With Myocardial Infarction and Non-Obstructive Coronary Arteries)

    Yoshioka Goro, Sonoda Shinjo, Aishima Shinichi, Node Koichi

    Circulation Journal   86 ( 10 )   1586 - 1586   2022年9月   ISSN:1346-9843


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:(一社)日本循環器学会  

  • 【非腫瘍性肝疾患-肝生検診断のポイント-】消化管病変に関連する肝胆道病変

    相島 慎一

    病理と臨床   40 ( 8 )   0792 - 0795   2022年8月   ISSN:0287-3745


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:(株)文光堂  

  • 当院における下咽頭表在癌に対する消化器・耳鼻科合同治療の現状

    芥川剛至, 石田知也, 下田良, 相島慎一, 江崎幹宏

    日本消化器病学会九州支部例会・日本消化器内視鏡学会九州支部例会プログラム・抄録集   120th-114th (CD-ROM)   2022年


  • 心房細動患者における心房拡大と関連する病理組織学的因子~心房心筋生検200例の検討~

    高橋佑弥, 山口尊則, 大坪豊和, 中島夏奈, 新里広大, 大迫亮介, 野出孝一, 福井暁, 廣田慧, 高橋尚彦, 川口淳, 相島慎一

    心臓   54 ( Supplement 1 )   2022年   ISSN:0586-4488


  • 心房細動患者における心房両極性電圧の組織学的決定因子

    高橋佑弥, 高橋佑弥, 山口尊則, 山口尊則, 大坪豊和, 大坪豊和, 中島夏奈, 新里広大, 大迫亮介, 七田茂樹, 河野佑貴, 福井暁, 川口淳, 相島慎一, 高橋尚彦, 野出孝一

    日本心臓病学会学術集会(Web)   70th   2022年


  • 脱細胞化組織の応用展開

    井嶋博之, 呉帆き, 福田有嘉子, 小柳和也, 趙宰庸, 堺裕輔, 宮田辰徳, 中尾陽佑, 山尾宣暢, 相島慎一, 山下洋市, 馬場秀夫

    日本再生医療学会総会(Web)   21st   2022年


  • 非腫瘍性肝疾患-肝生検診断のポイント-消化管病変に関連する肝胆道病変


    病理と臨床   40 ( 8 )   2022年   ISSN:0287-3745


  • Perry病同一家系3症例(DCTN1 F52L変異)の臨床病理学的検討

    本田裕之, 笹ヶ迫直一, 原英夫, 三嶋崇靖, 濱崎英臣, 吉村基, 八木田薫, 栄信孝, 相島慎一, 坪井義夫, 岩城徹

    日本神経学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集   63rd   2022年


  • リンパ管拡張様所見を呈した食道胃接合部癌の十二指腸転移の一例

    中村啓太, 芥川剛至, 行元崇浩, 松尾真紀子, 井上須磨, 島村拓弥, 佐野晴彦, 勝屋弘雄, 前田佐知子, 相島慎一, 木村晋也, 江崎幹宏

    日本消化器病学会九州支部例会・日本消化器内視鏡学会九州支部例会プログラム・抄録集   120th-114th (CD-ROM)   2022年


  • 前立腺Mucinous adenocarcinomaの一例

    藤木和也, 山口健, 福井修一, 中園貴彦, 有働和馬, 野口満, 花島克幸, 相島慎一, 入江裕之

    断層映像研究会雑誌(Web)   49 ( 1 )   2022年   ISSN:2187-0489


  • 嚢胞内容液中に異型を伴う反応性中皮細胞が出現し,良悪性判定が困難であった巨大肝嚢胞の1例

    北村捷, 北村捷, 甲斐敬太, 田中智和, 井手貴雄, 上瀧さやか, 能城浩和, 末岡榮三朗, 相島慎一, 相島慎一

    日本臨床細胞学会九州連合会雑誌   53   2022年   ISSN:0912-6600


  • 成人T細胞白血病に対する同種造血幹細胞移植後に発症した移植片対宿主病による中枢神経病変の1例

    井手俊宏, 飯田紘太郎, 勝屋弘雄, 伊藤寛, 相島慎一, 原英夫

    臨床神経学(Web)   62 ( 1 )   2022年   ISSN:1882-0654


  • 成人T細胞白血病に対する同種造血幹細胞移植後に発症した移植片対宿主病による中枢神経病変の1例 査読

    井手 俊宏, 飯田 紘太郎, 勝屋 弘雄, 伊藤 寛, 相島 慎一, 原 英夫

    臨床神経学   62 ( 1 )   33 - 38   2022年   ISSN:0009-918X eISSN:1882-0654


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:日本神経学会  

    症例は54歳女性.2015年11月に急性型成人T細胞白血病(adult T cell leukemia,以下ATLと略記)を発症し,翌年3月に同種造血幹細胞移植を受けた.2019年5月に急激に認知機能障害が出現し,頭部MRIで大脳白質病変を認めた.髄液検査では蛋白の上昇を認めた.脳生検ではCD8陽性のT細胞を主体とする炎症細胞が白質へ浸潤していた.肺・腸管の慢性移植片対宿主病(graft versus host disease,以下GVHDと略記)の既往と病理所見から慢性GVHDの中枢<span style="font-variant: small-caps;">神経</span>病変(central nervous system involvement of GVHD,以下CNS-GVHDと略記)と診断した.ステロイドとミコフェノール酸モフェチルによる免疫療法を行い,認知機能障害と髄液所見の改善を得た.本症例はATLにおけるCNS-GVHDの初の報告であり,脳生検による診断の重要性と免疫療法の有効性を示した.

    DOI: 10.5692/clinicalneurol.cn-001665



    CiNii Research


  • 超短期間のレンバチニブ投与で抗腫瘍効果に差異を認めた肝細胞癌の一例

    木塚雅之, 福本一樹, 木村俊一郎, 田中賢一, 桑代卓也, 秋山巧, 相島慎一, 安西慶三, 高橋宏和

    肝臓   63 ( Supplement 1 )   2022年   ISSN:0451-4203


  • 非アルコール脂肪肝疾患と非アルコール性脂肪肝炎の病理組織所見

    鹿毛 政義, 相島 慎一, 草野 弘宣, 矢野 博久

    超音波医学   49 ( 5 )   427 - 432   2022年   ISSN:1346-1176 eISSN:1881-9311


    記述言語:日本語   出版者・発行元:公益社団法人 日本超音波医学会  

    非アルコール性脂肪肝疾患(nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: NAFLD)とは臨床所見に加え病理学的形態学の概念に基づくもので,大きく非アルコール性脂肪肝(nonalcoholic fatty liver: NAFL)と非アルコール性脂肪性肝炎(nonalcoholic steatohepatitis: NASH)に分類される.NASHは肝硬変や肝細胞癌へと進行する可能性があるので,NAFLとNASHの鑑別診断は重要である.NAFLは肝細胞の傷害を伴わない単純な脂肪肝であるが,NASHは主に小葉中心帯領域(ゾーン3)に分布する大滴性脂肪変性,炎症,風船様肝細胞が特徴である.肝生検はNAFLDを診断する上で有用な検査であるが侵襲的である.ゆえに,診断画像法を含むさまざまな非侵襲性手法が近年開発されている.NAFLDにおける画像診断の有用性を検証するためには,画像診断と組織病理学的所見は密接に関連しているので,病理組織所見が画像所見にどのように反映されているのかを明らかにする必要がある.ここでは,NAFLDの主な病理学的所見,すなわち肝細胞の脂肪変性,炎症,風船様肝細胞,Mallory-Denk体,線維化について概説し,肝硬変への進行過程についても説明を加えた.

    DOI: 10.3179/jjmu.jjmu.r.204

    CiNii Research


  • 鼻尖部偽リンパ腫として治療中に,口唇や眼瞼に結節を生じた粘膜関連リンパ組織節外性辺縁帯リンパ腫

    岡莉恵, 井上卓也, 西純平, 相島慎一, 大島孝一, 永瀬浩太郎, 杉田和成

    日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集   38th   2022年


  • 胆道上皮内腫瘍と細胞診をめぐる問題 胆道上皮内腫瘍の概念と病理

    相島 慎一

    日本臨床細胞学会雑誌   2021年10月



  • 自己免疫性溶血性貧血を合併した原発性胆汁性胆管炎の2例

    道免 和文, 山本 洋, 山本 麻太郎, 小野原 伸也, 相島 慎一, 下田 慎治

    肝臓   2021年2月



    1例目は71歳,女性.動悸を主訴に当科を紹介受診した.血色素7.7 g/dl,ハプトグロビン10 mg/dl以下,Coombs試験陽性から自己免疫性溶血性貧血(AIHA)と診断された.プレドニゾロン(prednisolone,PSL)投与が著効したが,AIHAの診断後1年8カ月経過した頃よりALP,γGTPの上昇ならびに抗ミトコンドリアM2抗体の高値を示し,肝組織検査で中沼分類stage 2の原発性胆汁性胆管炎(PBC)と診断された.2例目は67歳,男性.褐色尿を主訴に当科を紹介受診した.血色素が10.3 g/dl,ハプトグロビンが10 mg/dl以下,Coombs試験が陽性であり,AIHAと診断された.1例目同様にPSLが著効したが,初診時からの持続的なALP,γGTPの上昇ならびに抗ミトコンドリアM2抗体の高値を示し,肝組織検査で中沼分類stage 2のPBCと診断された.2症例ともにウルソデオキシコール酸が奏効し,肝胆道系酵素は正常化した.自己免疫性疾患であるPBC,AIHAの合併例は稀であり,発症機序,治療について考察した.

    DOI: 10.2957/kanzo.62.144

  • Histopathological findings of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.

    Masayoshi Kage, Shinichi Aishima, Hironori Kusano, Hirohisa Yano

    Journal of medical ultrasonics (2001)   2020年10月



    DOI: 10.1007/s10396-020-01061-3

  • Decrease in fasting insulin secretory function correlates with significant liver fibrosis in Japanese non-alcoholic fatty liver disease patients.

    Norimasa Araki, Hirokazu Takahashi, Ayako Takamori, Yoichiro Kitajima, Hideyuki Hyogo, Yoshio Sumida, Saiyu Tanaka, Keizo Anzai, Shinichi Aishima, Kazuaki Chayama, Kazuma Fujimoto, Yuichiro Eguchi

    JGH open : an open access journal of gastroenterology and hepatology   2020年10月



    DOI: 10.1002/jgh3.12367

  • Guidance for diagnosing autoimmune pancreatitis with biopsy tissues.

    Kenji Notohara, Terumi Kamisawa, Noriyoshi Fukushima, Toru Furukawa, Takuma Tajiri, Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Shinichi Aishima, Yuki Fukumura, Kenichi Hirabayashi, Eisuke Iwasaki, Atsushi Kanno, Satomi Kasashima, Atsuhiro Kawashima, Motohiro Kojima, Kensuke Kubota, Yasuhiro Kuraishi, Tomoko Mitsuhashi, Yoshiki Naito, Itaru Naitoh, Hiroshi Nakase, Takayoshi Nishino, Nobuyuki Ohike, Junichi Sakagami, Kyoko Shimizu, Masahiro Shiokawa, Takeshi Uehara, Tsukasa Ikeura, Shigeyuki Kawa, Kazuichi Okazaki

    Pathology international   2020年10月



    DOI: 10.1111/pin.12994

  • Metabolomic/lipidomic-based analysis of plasma to diagnose hepatocellular ballooning in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: A multicenter study.

    Yuji Ogawa, Takashi Kobayashi, Yasushi Honda, Takaomi Kessoku, Wataru Tomeno, Kento Imajo, Takashi Nakahara, Satoshi Oeda, Yuko Nagaoki, Yuichiro Amano, Tatsuya Ando, Megumi Hirayama, Osamu Isono, Hidenori Kamiguchi, Hiroshi Nagabukuro, Shinji Ogawa, Yoshinori Satomi, Yusuke Saigusa, Hirokazu Takahashi, Hideyuki Hyogo, Masato Yoneda, Satoru Saito, Takeharu Yamanaka, Shinichi Aishima, Yuichiro Eguchi, Masayoshi Kage, Kazuaki Chayama, Atsushi Nakajima

    Hepatology research : the official journal of the Japan Society of Hepatology   2020年8月



    DOI: 10.1111/hepr.13528

  • Diagnostic accuracy of FibroScan-AST score to identify non-alcoholic steatohepatitis with significant activity and fibrosis in Japanese patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: Comparison between M and XL probes.

    Satoshi Oeda, Hirokazu Takahashi, Kento Imajo, Yuya Seko, Takashi Kobayashi, Yuji Ogawa, Michihisa Moriguchi, Masato Yoneda, Keizo Anzai, Hiroyuki Irie, Eisaburo Sueoka, Shinichi Aishima, Masayoshi Kage, Yoshito Itoh, Yuichiro Eguchi, Atsushi Nakajima

    Hepatology research : the official journal of the Japan Society of Hepatology   2020年7月



    DOI: 10.1111/hepr.13508

  • Clinicopathological characteristics of combined hepatocellular cholangiocarcinoma from the viewpoint of patient prognosis after hepatic resection: High rate of early recurrence and its predictors.

    Yo-Ichi Yamashita, Shinichi Aishima, Yosuke Nakao, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Hiroaki Nagano, Tamotsu Kuroki, Yuko Takami, Takao Ide, Masayuki Ohta, Mitsuhisa Takatsuki, Atsushi Nanashima, Fuminori Ishii, Kenji Kitahara, Satoshi Iino, Toru Beppu, Hideo Baba, Susumu Eguchi

    Hepatology research : the official journal of the Japan Society of Hepatology   2020年7月



    DOI: 10.1111/hepr.13507

  • Discordant pathological diagnosis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: A prospective multicenter study.

    Takuya Kuwashiro, Hirokazu Takahashi, Hideyuki Hyogo, Yuji Ogawa, Kento Imajo, Masato Yoneda, Takashi Nakahara, Satoshi Oeda, Kenichi Tanaka, Yuichiro Amano, Shinji Ogawa, Atsushi Kawaguchi, Shinichi Aishima, Masayoshi Kage, Kazuaki Chayama, Atsushi Nakajima, Yuichiro Eguchi

    JGH open : an open access journal of gastroenterology and hepatology   2020年6月



    DOI: 10.1002/jgh3.12289

  • Accuracy of the Enhanced Liver Fibrosis test, and combination of the Enhanced Liver Fibrosis and non-invasive tests for the diagnosis of advanced liver fibrosis in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

    Chika Inadomi, Hirokazu Takahashi, Yuji Ogawa, Satoshi Oeda, Kento Imajo, Yoshihito Kubotsu, Kenichi Tanaka, Takaomi Kessoku, Michiaki Okada, Hiroshi Isoda, Takumi Akiyama, Hideaki Fukushima, Masato Yoneda, Keizo Anzai, Shinichi Aishima, Atsushi Nakajima, Yuichiro Eguchi

    Hepatology research : the official journal of the Japan Society of Hepatology   2020年6月



    DOI: 10.1111/hepr.13495

  • Unclassified hepatocellular adenoma with histological brown pigment deposition and serum PIVKA-II level elevation: a case report.

    Kouki Hoshino, Norifumi Harimoto, Ryo Muranushi, Kei Hagiwara, Takahiro Yamanaka, Norihiro Ishii, Mariko Tsukagoshi, Takamichi Igarashi, Akira Watanabe, Norio Kubo, Kenichiro Araki, Ran Tomomasa, Sumihito Nobusawa, Shinichi Aishima, Osamu Nakashima, Ken Shirabe

    Surgical case reports   2020年5月



    DOI: 10.1186/s40792-020-00853-6

  • Accuracy of liver stiffness measurement and controlled attenuation parameter using FibroScan® M/XL probes to diagnose liver fibrosis and steatosis in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: a multicenter prospective study.




    BACKGROUND: Few studies have evaluated both liver fibrosis and steatosis in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) using both FibroScan® M and XL probes. This study was performed to investigate the accuracy of both FibroScan® probes to diagnose liver fibrosis and steatosis in patients with NAFLD. METHODS: We prospectively enrolled 137 consecutive patients with clinically suspected NAFLD in our joint-research facilities. Liver biopsies, liver stiffness measurements (LSMs), and controlled attenuation parameter (CAP) measurements were performed, and 122 patients with NAFLD diagnosed pathologically by central pathologists were included in the final analysis. RESULTS: Reliable LSM results were obtained in 85.2&#37; (M) and 89.3&#37; (XL) of patients, and CAP was reliable in 90.2&#37; (M) and 90.2&#37; (XL). The median LSM was significantly lower with the XL than M probe, and CAP was significantly higher with the XL than M probe. The optimal cut-off values for diagnosing the fibrosis stage were lower for LSM with the XL than M probe (stage ≥ 2, 6.7 vs. 7.0; stage ≥ 3, 8.2 vs. 10.8; stage 4, 14.3 vs. 16.8, respectively), whereas those of CAP were higher for the XL than M probe (score of ≥ 2, 273 vs. 267; score of 3, 302 vs. 286, respectively). There were no significant differences in accuracy of the LSM and CAP between the probes. CONCLUSIONS: Liver fibrosis and steatosis could be equally evaluated with FibroScan® M and XL probes in patients with NAFLD. There was no significant difference in diagnostic accuracy between the two probes using probe-specific cut-off values.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00535-019-01635-0

  • Accumulation of Astrocytic Aquaporin 4 and Aquaporin 1 in Prion Protein Plaques.

    Shoko Sadashima, Hiroyuki Honda, Satoshi O Suzuki, Masahiro Shijo, Shinichi Aishima, Keita Kai, Junichi Kira, Toru Iwaki

    Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology   2020年4月



    DOI: 10.1093/jnen/nlaa010

  • Fairly rare small-diameter hepatocellular carcinoma with right adrenal gland metastasis having an inferior vena cava tumor thrombus: a case report.

    Takamichi Igarashi, Norifumi Harimoto, Nozomi Matsumura, Masaya Sugiyama, Kenichiro Araki, Takehiko Yokobori, Takashi Kosone, Hitoshi Takagi, Shinichi Aishima, Hideaki Yokoo, Ken Shirabe

    Surgical case reports   2019年11月



    DOI: 10.1186/s40792-019-0705-7

  • Decreased cytokeratin 7 expression correlates with the progression of cervical squamous cell carcinoma and poor patient outcomes.

    Mariko Hashiguchi, Masanori Masuda, Keita Kai, Yoshifumi Nakao, Atsushi Kawaguchi, Masatoshi Yokoyama, Shinichi Aishima

    The journal of obstetrics and gynaecology research   2019年11月



    DOI: 10.1111/jog.14108

  • Frequent Detection of Pituitary-Derived PrPres in Human Prion Diseases.

    Hiroyuki Honda, Masaki Matsumoto, Masahiro Shijo, Hideomi Hamasaki, Shoko Sadashima, Satoshi O Suzuki, Shinichi Aishima, Keita Kai, Keiichi I Nakayama, Naokazu Sasagasako, Toru Iwaki

    Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology   2019年10月



    DOI: 10.1093/jnen/nlz075

  • A unique autopsy case of ascending aortic dissection caused by giant cell arteritis without drug therapy.

    Yukari Takase, Yosuke Murakami, Jumpei Nishi, Osamu Tokunaga, Toshiharu Matsumoto, Shinichi Aishima

    Pathology international   2019年10月



    DOI: 10.1111/pin.12845

  • CXCL12 expression in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma is associated with metastasis and poor prognosis.

    Tatsunori Miyata, Yo-Ichi Yamashita, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Masayuki Shiraishi, Masayuki Ohta, Susumu Eguchi, Shinichi Aishima, Hikaru Fujioka, Hideo Baba

    Cancer science   2019年10月



    DOI: 10.1111/cas.14151

  • IFN-γ Promotes Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and the Expression of PD-L1 in Pancreatic Cancer.




    BACKGROUND: Tumor immune reactions not only provide host defense but also accelerate tumor immune escape and phenotype switching. Here, we examined the association of programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1) expression with epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT)-associated markers in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA) within the context of the tumor microenvironment. MATERIALS AND METHODS: PDA samples from 36 patients were analyzed for PD-L1, vimentin, E-cadherin, and Snail expressions and for PDA cell and immune cell infiltration. PD-L1 expression and EMT in PDA cell lines under conditions of altering interferon gamma (IFN-γ) signals were also assessed. RESULTS: Immunohistochemistry revealed a significant correlation between vimentin and PD-L1 expression, whereas double staining showed them to be simultaneously expressed by PDA cells. Positive vimentin expression was associated with the infiltration of a lower number of CD8+ T cells and a higher number of FoxP3+ cells and poor patient prognosis (P = 0.03). PDA tumor cells promoted PD-L1 expression and EMT under the presence of IFN-γ, which was inhibited by the signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT)1 small interfering RNA. CONCLUSIONS: Strong correlations were observed between PD-L1 expression, EMT, and the immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment. Targeting STAT1 combined with PD-1/PD-L1 immunotherapy may improve outcomes for patients with PDA.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jss.2019.02.038

  • Transferrin receptor 1 overexpression is associated with tumour de-differentiation and acts as a potential prognostic indicator of hepatocellular carcinoma.

    Makiko Adachi, Keita Kai, Koutaro Yamaji, Takao Ide, Hirokazu Noshiro, Atsushi Kawaguchi, Shinichi Aishima

    Histopathology   2019年7月



    DOI: 10.1111/his.13847

  • Primary mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the liver with CRTC1-MAML2 fusion: a case report.

    Jiro Watanabe, Keita Kai, Ken Tanikawa, Mamoru Hiraki, Naohisa Mizukami, Shinichi Aishima, Takafumi Nakano, Hidetaka Yamamoto

    Diagnostic pathology   2019年7月



    DOI: 10.1186/s13000-019-0863-8

  • 高齢男性に急性発症した自己免疫性肝炎の1例

    鮎川 周平, 道免 和文, 小野原 伸也, 相島 慎一

    臨牀と研究 = The Japanese journal of clinical and experimental medicine   2019年2月



  • Mieap-induced accumulation of lysosomes within mitochondria (MALM) regulates gastric cancer cell invasion under hypoxia by suppressing reactive oxygen species accumulation.

    Keiichiro Okuyama, Yoshihiko Kitajima, Noriyuki Egawa, Hiroshi Kitagawa, Kotaro Ito, Shinichi Aishima, Kazuyoshi Yanagihara, Tomokazu Tanaka, Hirokazu Noshiro

    Scientific reports   2019年2月



    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-39563-x

  • External validation of ADNEX MR SCORING system: a single-centre retrospective study

    K. Sasaguri, K. Yamaguchi, T. Nakazono, M. Mizuguchi, S. Aishima, M. Yokoyama, H. Irie

    Clinical Radiology   2019年2月



    DOI: 10.1016/j.crad.2018.10.014

  • Formalin fixation on HER-2 and PD-L1 expression in gastric cancer: A pilot analysis using the same surgical specimens with different fixation times.

    Keita Kai, Yukie Yoda, Atsushi Kawaguchi, Akimichi Minesaki, Hironori Iwasaki, Shinichi Aishima, Hirokazu Noshiro

    World journal of clinical cases   2019年2月



    DOI: 10.12998/wjcc.v7.i4.419

  • Occult HBV infection status and its impact on surgical outcomes in patients with curative resection for HCV-associated hepatocellular carcinoma.

    Koutaro Yamaji, Keita Kai, Sho Komukai, Hiroki Koga, Takao Ide, Atsushi Kawaguchi, Hirokazu Noshiro, Shinichi Aishima

    Hepatobiliary surgery and nutrition   2018年12月



    DOI: 10.21037/hbsn.2018.10.01

  • Primary intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma with sarcomatous stroma: case report and review of the literature.

    Kyohei Yugawa, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Yohei Mano, Noboru Harada, Shinji Itoh, Toru Ikegami, Yuji Soejima, Nobuhiro Fujita, Kenichi Kohashi, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshinao Oda, Masaki Mori

    Surgical case reports   2018年11月



    DOI: 10.1186/s40792-018-0543-z

  • 肝胆道系疾患における細胞診の役割 肝胆道疾患病理に期待されること

    相島 慎一

    日本臨床細胞学会雑誌   2018年10月



  • 画像診断と病理 肝内胆管癌 肝内胆管癌の病理

    相島 慎一

    肝臓クリニカルアップデート / 肝臓クリニカルアップデート編集委員会 編   2018年10月



  • Successful treatment of post-transplant relapsed adult T cell leukemia after cord blood transplantation with low-dose, short-term lenalidomide.

    Toshihiko Ando, Kensuke Kojima, Haruhiko Sano, Keisuke Kidoguchi, Kana Kusaba, Mariko Yoshimura, Masako Yokoo, Yasushi Kubota, Hideaki Nakamura, Yukari Takase, Shinichi Aishima, Shinya Kimura

    Leukemia & lymphoma   2018年10月



    DOI: 10.1080/10428194.2018.1427859

  • A case report of intracholecystic papillary neoplasm of the gallbladder resembling a submucosal tumor.

    Ryo Muranushi, Hideyuki Saito, Asuka Matsumoto, Toshihide Kato, Naritaka Tanaka, Kenji Nakazato, Nobuhiro Morinaga, Yoshinori Shitara, Masatoshi Ishizaki, Takatomo Yoshida, Shinichi Aishima, Ken Shirabe

    Surgical case reports   2018年9月



    DOI: 10.1186/s40792-018-0524-2

  • Synchronous mantle cell lymphoma and lung adenocarcinoma presenting in a pleural effusion: A rare tumour combination and a potential pitfall of cytodiagnosis

    K. Kai, Y. Ryu, K. Kamochi, A. Nishioka, Y. Kubota, M. Nakamura, S. Kimura, E. Sueoka, S. Aishima

    Cytopathology   2018年8月



    DOI: 10.1111/cyt.12532

  • A Novel Autoantibody against Plexin D1 in Patients with Neuropathic Pain.

    Takayuki Fujii, Ryo Yamasaki, Kyoko Iinuma, Daisuke Tsuchimoto, Yoshinori Hayashi, Ban-Yu Saitoh, Takuya Matsushita, Mizuho A Kido, Shinichi Aishima, Hiroshi Nakanishi, Yusaku Nakabeppu, Jun-Ichi Kira

    Annals of neurology   2018年8月



    DOI: 10.1002/ana.25279

  • Fairly rare clear cell adenocarcinoma mimicking liver cancer: a case report.

    Norifumi Harimoto, Kei Hagiwara, Takahiro Yamanaka, Norihiro Ishii, Takamichi Igarashi, Akira Watanabe, Norio Kubo, Kenichirou Araki, Hayato Ikota, Masafumi Suyama, Takeshi Maki, Shinichi Aishima, Hiroyuki Kuwano, Ken Shirabe

    Surgical case reports   2018年8月



    DOI: 10.1186/s40792-018-0500-x

  • Increased expression and altered localization of cathepsin Z are associated with progression to jaundice stage in primary biliary cholangitis.

    Yoshihiro Aiba, Kenichi Harada, Masahiro Ito, Takashi Suematsu, Shinichi Aishima, Yuki Hitomi, Nao Nishida, Minae Kawashima, Mitsuhisa Takatsuki, Susumu Eguchi, Shinji Shimoda, Hitomi Nakamura, Atsumasa Komori, Seigo Abiru, Shinya Nagaoka, Kiyoshi Migita, Hiroshi Yatsuhashi, Katsushi Tokunaga, Minoru Nakamura

    Scientific reports   2018年8月



    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-30146-w

  • Neuroendocrine tumor of the pancreas with rhabdoid feature.

    Tetsuyuki Miyazaki, Shinichi Aishima, Minoru Fujino, Keigo Ozono, Yuichiro Kubo, Yasuhiro Ushijima, Takashi Osoegawa, Eikichi Ihara, Itou Tetsuhide, Takao Ohtsuka, Masafumi Nakamura, Yoshinao Oda

    Virchows Archiv : an international journal of pathology   2018年8月



    DOI: 10.1007/s00428-018-2398-x

  • cHCC-CCA: Consensus terminology for primary liver carcinomas with both hepatocytic and cholangiocytic differentation.

    Elizabeth Brunt, Shinichi Aishima, Pierre-Alain Clavien, Kathryn Fowler, Zachary Goodman, Gregory Gores, Annette Gouw, Alex Kagen, David Klimstra, Mina Komuta, Fukuo Kondo, Rebecca Miksad, Masayuki Nakano, Yasuni Nakanuma, Irene Ng, Valerie Paradis, Young Nyun Park, Alberto Quaglia, Massimo Roncalli, Tania Roskams, Michiie Sakamoto, Romil Saxena, Christine Sempoux, Claude Sirlin, Ashley Stueck, Swan Thung, W M S Tsui, Xin-Wei Wang, Aileen Wee, Hirohisa Yano, Matthew Yeh, Yoh Zen, Jessica Zucman-Rossi, Neil Theise

    Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.)   2018年7月



    DOI: 10.1002/hep.29789

  • Resected primary mucinous cholangiocarcinoma of the liver.

    Kei Hagiwara, Kenichiro Araki, Takahiro Yamanaka, Norihiro Ishii, Takamichi Igarashi, Akira Watanabe, Norio Kubo, Norifumi Harimoto, Hiroyuki Kuwano, Sumito Nobusawa, Shinichi Aishima, Ken Shirabe

    Surgical case reports   2018年5月



    DOI: 10.1186/s40792-018-0450-3

  • Microvascular invasion of single small hepatocellular carcinoma ≤3 cm: Predictors and optimal treatments.




    BACKGROUND: Small hepatocellular carcinomas (HCC ≤3 cm) are generally considered to have low malignant potential; however, some of them display pathological microvascular invasion (MVI). METHODS: Between 1991 and 2013, 414 patients with a single HCC ≤3 cm underwent curative hepatic resection (HR). Predictors for MVI were identified. Using another cohort (149 patients during 2000-2014), our predictors for MVI in HCC ≤3 cm were validated. In 428 patients with a single HCC ≤3 cm who had predictors for MVI, survival was compared among anatomical HR (n = 149), partial HR (n = 227), and radiofrequency ablation (RFA) (n = 52). RESULTS: The positive rate of MVI reached 40.6&#37; (168/414 patients). Independent predictors for MVI were as follows: tumor diameter ≥2 cm (odds ratio 1.84, P = .0052), alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) ≥200 ng/mL (odds ratio 1.82, P = .0466), and des-gamma-carboxy prothrombin (DCP) ≥40 mAU/mL (odds ratio 1.79, P = .0126). Matching at least one predictor among these three could predict MVI in HCC ≤3 cm well (sensitivity 82.8&#37;, positive predictive value [PPV] 48.7&#37;). This criterion could also predict MVI in HCC ≤3 cm well in another cohort (sensitivity 82.8&#37;, PPV 30.3&#37;). In patients with single HCC ≤3 cm matching our criterion for predicting MVI, anatomical HR led to significantly better survival in both disease-free (hazard ratio 0.689, P = .0231) and overall (hazard ratio 0.589, P = .0316) survivals. CONCLUSION: Matching at least one factor among three (tumor diameter ≥2 cm, AFP ≥200 ng/mL, or DCP ≥40 mAU/mL) can predict MVI in HCC ≤3 cm. In such patients, anatomical HR would be recommended to improve survival.

    DOI: 10.1002/ags3.12057

  • A dedifferentiated liposarcoma with inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor-like features.

    Keita Kai, Kazuma Udo, Ken Yamaguchi, Shohei Tobu, Mitsuru Noguchi, Shinichi Aishima

    Pathology international   2018年4月



    DOI: 10.1111/pin.12645

  • Correlation between smoking habit and surgical outcomes on viral-associated hepatocellular carcinomas.

    Keita Kai, Sho Komukai, Hiroki Koga, Koutaro Yamaji, Takao Ide, Atsushi Kawaguchi, Shinichi Aishima, Hirokazu Noshiro

    World journal of gastroenterology   2018年1月



    DOI: 10.3748/wjg.v24.i1.58

  • Clear Cell Carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix Presented as a Submucosal Tumor Arising in a Background of Cervical Endometriosis.

    Mariko Hashiguchi, Keita Kai, Satoshi Nishiyama, Yoshifumi Nakao, Masatoshi Yokoyama, Shinichi Aishima

    International journal of gynecological pathology : official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Pathologists   2018年1月



    DOI: 10.1097/PGP.0000000000000386

  • Occult hepatitis B virus infection and surgical outcomes in non-B, non-C patients with curative resection for hepatocellular carcinoma.

    Hiroki Koga, Keita Kai, Shinichi Aishima, Atsushi Kawaguchi, Koutaro Yamaji, Takao Ide, Junji Ueda, Hirokazu Noshiro

    World journal of hepatology   2017年12月



    DOI: 10.4254/wjh.v9.i35.1286

  • Immunoserological and histological differences between autoimmune hepatitis with acute presentation and chronic autoimmune hepatitis.

    Kazufumi Dohmen, Hirofumi Tanaka, Masatora Haruno, Shinichi Aishima

    Hepatology research : the official journal of the Japan Society of Hepatology   2017年12月



    DOI: 10.1111/hepr.12875

  • Low-dose YC-1 combined with glucose and insulin selectively induces apoptosis in hypoxic gastric carcinoma cells by inhibiting anaerobic glycolysis.

    Kota Wakiyama, Yoshihiko Kitajima, Tomokazu Tanaka, Masao Kaneki, Kazuyoshi Yanagihara, Shinichi Aishima, Jun Nakamura, Hirokazu Noshiro

    Scientific reports   2017年10月



    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-12929-9

  • Colonic poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma with abundant cancer-associated fibroblasts diagnosed by trans-gastric endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration cytology

    M. Yamasaki, K. Kai, A. Nomura, H. Kono, H. Kawakubo, Y. Sakata, M. Mizuguchi, S. Aishima

    Cytopathology   2017年10月



    DOI: 10.1111/cyt.12443

  • 臨牀指針 小腸間膜に発生した仮性腸間膜囊腫の1例

    大岩 俊夫, 大岩 久夫, 山下 裕一, 岩崎 昭憲, 森田 勝, 西牟田 雄治, 相島 慎一, 藤原 美奈子, 城後 友望子

    臨牀と研究 = The Japanese journal of clinical and experimental medicine   2017年9月



  • Small cholangiolocellular carcinoma that was difficult to distinguish from cholangiocellular carcinoma: a case report.

    Norihiro Ishii, Kenichiro Araki, Takahiro Yamanaka, Tadashi Handa, Mariko Tsukagoshi, Takamichi Igarashi, Akira Watanabe, Norio Kubo, Shinichi Aishima, Hiroyuki Kuwano, Ken Shirabe

    Surgical case reports   2017年9月



    DOI: 10.1186/s40792-017-0377-0

  • Autopsy case of systemic EBV-positive T-cell lymphoma of childhood with marked hepatomegaly in a middle-aged man.

    Keita Kai, Futa Koga, Norimasa Araki, Takero Shindo, Yuichiro Eguchi, Shuji Toda, Shinichi Aishima

    Pathology international   2017年8月



    DOI: 10.1111/pin.12549

  • The prognostic impact of programmed cell death ligand 1 and human leukocyte antigen class I in pancreatic cancer.

    Daisuke Imai, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Shinji Okano, Hideaki Uchiyama, Toru Ikegami, Norifumi Harimoto, Shinji Itoh, Yuji Soejima, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshinao Oda, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Cancer medicine   2017年7月



    DOI: 10.1002/cam4.1087

  • SLC2A1/GLUT1 expression in mural nodules of intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas.

    Yasunori Oda, Shinichi Aishima, Koji Shindo, Minoru Fujino, Yusuke Mizuuchi, Masami Hattori, Tetsuyuki Miyazaki, Masao Tanaka, Yoshinao Oda

    Human pathology   2017年7月



    DOI: 10.1016/j.humpath.2017.03.008

  • Prognostic significance of contrast-enhanced CT attenuation value in extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma.

    Yoshiki Asayama, Akihiro Nishie, Kousei Ishigami, Yasuhiro Ushijima, Yukihisa Takayama, Daisuke Okamoto, Nobuhiro Fujita, Takao Ohtsuka, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshinao Oda, Hiroshi Honda

    European radiology   2017年6月



    DOI: 10.1007/s00330-016-4621-y

  • Coexpression of SALL4 with HDAC1 and/or HDAC2 is associated with underexpression of PTEN and poor prognosis in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma.

    Huanlin Wang, Kenichi Kohashi, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Yukihiko Okumura, Yuki Tanaka, Masahiro Shimokawa, Takeshi Iwasaki, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshihiko Maehara, Yoshinao Oda

    Human pathology   2017年6月



    DOI: 10.1016/j.humpath.2017.03.007

  • Pathology of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: Peripheral and perihilar type

    Shinichi Aishima

    Pathology of the Bile Duct   2017年5月



    DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-3500-5_12

  • Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic: Hepatocellular carcinoma developed with angiomyolipoma

    T. Miyata, Y. Yamashita, T. Yamao, N. Umezaki, M. Tsukamoto, Y. Kitano, K. Yamamura, K. Arima, T. Kaida, S. Nakagawa, K. Imai, D. Hashimoto, A. Chikamoto, T. Ishiko, T. Asato, Y. Mikami, S. Aishima, H. Baba

    Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (Australia)   2017年3月



    DOI: 10.1111/jgh.13655

  • Mass-forming intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: Enhancement patterns in the arterial phase of dynamic hepatic CT - Correlation with clinicopathological findings.

    Nobuhiro Fujita, Yoshiki Asayama, Akihiro Nishie, Kousei Ishigami, Yasuhiro Ushijima, Yukihisa Takayama, Daisuke Okamoto, Koichiro Moirta, Ken Shirabe, Shinichi Aishima, Huanlin Wang, Yoshinao Oda, Hiroshi Honda

    European radiology   2017年2月



    DOI: 10.1007/s00330-016-4386-3

  • Impact of smoking habit on surgical outcomes in non-B non-C patients with curative resection for hepatocellular carcinoma.

    Keita Kai, Hiroki Koga, Shinichi Aishima, Atsushi Kawaguchi, Koutaro Yamaji, Takao Ide, Junji Ueda, Hirokazu Noshiro

    World journal of gastroenterology   2017年2月



    DOI: 10.3748/wjg.v23.i8.1397

  • Inverse correlation between CD8+ inflammatory cells and E-cadherin expression in gallbladder cancer: Tissue microarray and imaging analysis.

    Keita Kai, Masanori Masuda, Shinichi Aishima

    World journal of clinical cases   2017年1月



    DOI: 10.12998/wjcc.v5.i1.1

  • Extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and pancreatic duct adenocarcinoma

    Shinichi Aishima

    Biliary Diseases with Pancreatic Counterparts: A New Disease Concept   2017年1月



  • Fatty change in moderately and poorly differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma on MRI: a possible mechanism related to decreased arterial flow

    Y. Asayama, A. Nishie, K. Ishigami, Y. Ushijima, Y. Takayama, D. Okamoto, N. Fujita, Y. Kubo, S. Aishima, T. Yoshizumi, H. Honda

    Clinical Radiology   2016年12月



    DOI: 10.1016/j.crad.2016.04.020

  • Clinical Significances of Preoperative Classification of Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma: Different Characteristics of Perihilar vs. Peripheral ICC.

    Yo-Ichi Yamashita, Huanlin Wang, Takeshi Kurihara, Eiji Tsujita, Akihiro Nishie, Katsunori Imai, Daisuke Hashimoto, Akira Chikamoto, Shinichi Aishima, Hideo Baba

    Anticancer research   2016年12月



    DOI: 10.21873/anticanres.11260

  • 特集 転移性肝腫瘍のいま-なぜ・どこが原発臓器ごとに違うのか 総論 転移性肝腫瘍の病理

    相島 慎一, 山地 康大郎

    臨床外科   2016年11月



    DOI: 10.11477/mf.1407211409

  • Malignant transformation of hepatocellular adenoma with bone marrow metaplasia arising in glycogen storage disease type I: A case report.

    Tomohiro Iguchi, Motoyuki Yamagata, Takashi Sonoda, Kimihiko Yanagita, Tetsuhiro Fukahori, Eiji Tsujita, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshinao Oda, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Molecular and clinical oncology   2016年11月



  • Expression of glucose transporter-1 is correlated with hypoxia-inducible factor 1α and malignant potential in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors.




    The present study aimed to investigate the prognostic usefulness of the expression of glucose transporter type 1 (GLUT-1) and GLUT-2, hypoxia-inducible factor 1α (HIF-1α) and insulin-like growth factor II messenger RNA-binding protein 3 (IMP3) in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (pNETs). Immunohistochemical staining for GLUT-1, GLUT-2, HIF-1α and IMP3 was performed in 70 pNET specimens. The expression of GLUT-1 and HIF-1α was significantly higher in the World Health Organization grade 2 (G2), neuroendocrine carcinoma cases and mixed-type pNETs compared with the G1 cases. Vessel invasion, a high Ki-67 labeling index and a high mitotic count were significantly more frequent in the GLUT-1- and HIF-1α-positive cases compared with the negative cases. Lymph node metastasis was significantly higher in the GLUT-1-positive cases than in the negative cases. Insulin expression was significantly higher in the IMP3-positive cases than the negative cases. The GLUT-1 expression group experienced a significantly poor disease-free survival rate compared with the negative GLUT-1 expression group. HIF-1α expression was significantly correlated with poor disease-free survival and overall survival rates. A multivariate analysis revealed that lymph node metastasis was an independent risk factor for disease-free survival in all cases. In the G1/G2 group, tumor size and lymph node metastasis were independent risk factors for disease-free survival. Overall, the results suggested that GLUT-1 is a useful prognostic biomarker for pNETs.

    DOI: 10.3892/ol.2016.5092

  • 短期間に増大傾向を認めた肝腫瘍の1例—第93回北九州肝腫瘍研究会

    空閑 啓高, 永松 伊織, 森松 克哉, 田邊 麗子, 豊福 篤志, 轟木 秀一, 廣吉 元正, 堤 宣翁, 大江 真理, 佐藤 丈顕, 天ヶ瀬 洋正, 相島 慎一

    臨牀と研究 = The Japanese journal of clinical and experimental medicine   2016年8月



  • Effect of EGFR and p-AKT Overexpression on Chromosomal Instability in Gastric Cancer.

    Yuichi Hisamatsu, Eiji Oki, Hajime Otsu, Koji Ando, Hiroshi Saeki, Eriko Tokunaga, Shinichi Aishima, Masaru Morita, Yoshinao Oda, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Annals of surgical oncology   2016年6月



    DOI: 10.1245/s10434-016-5097-3

  • Spalt-like transcription factor 4 immunopositivity is associated with epithelial cell adhesion molecule expression in combined hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma.

    Yuki Tanaka, Shinichi Aishima, Kenichi Kohashi, Yukihiko Okumura, Huanlin Wang, Tomoyuki Hida, Kazuhiro Kotoh, Ken Shirabe, Yoshihiko Maehara, Ryoichi Takayanagi, Yoshinao Oda

    Histopathology   2016年4月



    DOI: 10.1111/his.12806

  • Cytokeratin immunohistochemistry improves interobserver variability between unskilled pathologists in the evaluation of tumor budding in T1 colorectal cancer.

    Keita Kai, Shinichi Aishima, Shigehisa Aoki, Yukari Takase, Kazuyoshi Uchihashi, Masanori Masuda, Aki Nishijima-Matsunobu, Mihoko Yamamoto, Kousuke Ide, Atsushi Nakayama, Makiko Yamasaki, Shuji Toda

    Pathology international   2016年2月



    DOI: 10.1111/pin.12374

  • Dysregulated YAP1/TAZ and TGF-β signaling mediate hepatocarcinogenesis in Mob1a/1b-deficient mice.




    Mps One Binder Kinase Activator (MOB)1A/1B are core components of the Hippo pathway that coactivate large tumor suppressor homolog (LATS) kinases. Mob1a/1b double deficiency in mouse liver (LMob1DKO) results in hyperplasia of oval cells and immature cholangiocytes accompanied by inflammatory cell infiltration and fibrosis. More than half of mutant mice die within 3 wk of birth. All survivors eventually develop liver cancers, particularly combined hepatocellular and cholangiocarcinomas (cHC-CCs) and intrahepatic cholangiocellular carcinomas (ICCs), and die by age 60 wk. Because this phenotype is the most severe among mutant mice lacking a Hippo signaling component, MOB1A/1B constitute the critical hub of Hippo signaling in mammalian liver. LMob1DKO liver cells show hyperproliferation, increased cell saturation density, hepatocyte dedifferentiation, enhanced epithelial-mesenchymal transition and cell migration, and elevated transforming growth factor beta(TGF-β)2/3 production. These changes are strongly dependent on Yes-Associated Protein-1 (Yap1) and partially dependent on PDZ-binding motif (Taz) and Tgfbr2, but independent of connective tissue growth factor (Ctgf). In human liver cancers, YAP1 activation is frequent in cHC-CCs and ICCs and correlates with SMAD family member 2 activation. Drug screening revealed that antiparasitic macrocyclic lactones inhibit YAP1 activation in vitro and in vivo. Targeting YAP1/TAZ with these drugs in combination with inhibition of the TGF-β pathway may be effective treatment for cHC-CCs and ICCs.

    DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1517188113

  • Predictors and Diagnostic Strategies for Early-Stage Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma: A Retrospective Study.

    Hideyo Kimura, Takao Ohtsuka, Taketo Matsunaga, Yusuke Watanabe, Koji Tamura, Noboru Ideno, Teppei Aso, Tetsuyuki Miyazaki, Takashi Osoegawa, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshihiro Miyasaka, Junji Ueda, Yasuhiro Ushijima, Hisato Igarashi, Tetsuhide Ito, Shunichi Takahata, Yoshinao Oda, Kazuhiro Mizumoto, Masao Tanaka

    Pancreas   2015年10月



    DOI: 10.1097/MPA.0000000000000393

  • Predictors of Microvascular Invasion in Hepatocellular Carcinoma.

    Yo-Ichi Yamashita, Ken Shirabe, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Digestive diseases (Basel, Switzerland)   2015年9月



    DOI: 10.1159/000438475

  • Impact of GATA-3 and FOXA1 expression in patients with hormone receptor-positive/HER2-negative breast cancer.

    Yuichi Hisamatsu, Eriko Tokunaga, Nami Yamashita, Sayuri Akiyoshi, Satoko Okada, Yuichiro Nakashima, Kenji Taketani, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshinao Oda, Masaru Morita, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Breast cancer (Tokyo, Japan)   2015年9月



    DOI: 10.1007/s12282-013-0515-x

  • Granulomatous reaction in hepatic inflammatory angiomyolipoma after chemoembolization and spontaneous rupture.

    Keita Kai, Atsushi Miyosh, Shinichi Aishima, Kota Wakiyama, Shunya Nakashita, Shinji Iwane, Shinya Azama, Hiroyuki Irie, Hirokazu Noshiro

    World journal of gastroenterology   2015年8月



    DOI: 10.3748/wjg.v21.i32.9675

  • Surgical Outcomes of Hepatic Resection for Hepatitis B Virus Surface Antigen-Negative and Hepatitis C Virus Antibody-Negative Hepatocellular Carcinoma.

    Yo-Ichi Yamashita, Daisuke Imai, Yuki Bekki, Koichi Kimura, Yoshiriro Matsumoto, Hidekazu Nakagawara, Toru Ikegami, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Ken Shirabe, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Annals of surgical oncology   2015年7月



    DOI: 10.1245/s10434-014-4261-x

  • 座談会 Round Table Discussion 肝細胞癌の病理学的多様性

    坂元 亨宇, 相島 慎一, 中島 収

    The liver cancer journal = ザリバーキャンサージャーナル : 季刊学術雑誌 / 「The liver cancer journal」編集委員会 編   2015年6月



  • 桂枝加竜骨牡蛎湯,辛夷清肺湯による薬物性肝障害の1例

    道免 和文, 田中 博文, 春野 政虎, 下田 慎治, 相島 慎一

    日本消化器病学会雑誌   2015年6月




    DOI: 10.11405/nisshoshi.112.1054

  • New Pathologic Stratification of Microvascular Invasion in Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Predicting Prognosis After Living-donor Liver Transplantation.

    Tomohiro Iguchi, Ken Shirabe, Shinichi Aishima, Huanlin Wang, Nobuhiro Fujita, Mizuki Ninomiya, Yo-ichi Yamashita, Toru Ikegami, Hideaki Uchiyama, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Yoshinao Oda, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Transplantation   2015年6月



    DOI: 10.1097/TP.0000000000000489

  • Reply to Letter to the Editor by Pujals et al.




    DOI: 10.1111/pin.12307

  • Recurrence 11 years after complete response to gemcitabine, 5-Fluorouracil, and Cisplatin chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy in a patient with advanced pancreatic cancer: a case report.

    Tomoyuki Uchihara, Yo-Ichi Yamashita, Wang Hualin, Kazuki Takeishi, Shinji Itoh, Norihumi Harimoto, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Shinichi Aishima, Ken Shirabe, Hideo Baba, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Anticancer research   2015年5月



  • Long-term outcome of living-donor liver transplantation for combined hepatocellular-cholangiocarcinoma.

    Shinji Itoh, Toru Ikegami, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Huanlin Wang, Kazuki Takeishi, Norifumi Harimoto, Yo-Ichi Yamashita, Hirofumi Kawanaka, Shinichi Aishima, Ken Shirabe, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Anticancer research   2015年4月



  • Correlation of HER2 expression with clinicopathological characteristics and prognosis in resectable gastric cancer.

    Hajime Otsu, Eiji Oki, Ayae Ikawa-Yoshida, Hiroyuki Kawano, Koji Ando, Satoshi Ida, Yasue Kimura, Shinichi Aishima, Hiroshi Saeki, Masaru Morita, Shunji Kohnoe, Yoshinao Oda, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Anticancer research   2015年4月



  • Evaluation of techniques to prevent colorectal anastomotic leakage.

    Tetsuo Ikeda, Ryuichi Kumashiro, Eiji Oki, Kenji Taketani, Koji Ando, Shinichi Aishima, Tomohiko Akahoshi, Masaru Morita, Yoshihiko Maehara

    The Journal of surgical research   2015年4月



    DOI: 10.1016/j.jss.2014.11.045

  • Granulomatous interstitial pneumonia induced by the intake of rice bran pickles: a rare subtype of pulmonary manifestation associated with food allergy.

    Yoshiaki Kinoshita, Atsuhiko Sakamoto, Shinichi Aishima, Kouko Hidaka

    BMJ case reports   2015年4月



    DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2014-208261

  • Hepatology: Rare Stevens-Johnson syndrome and vanishing bile duct syndrome induced by acetaminophen, requiring liver transplantation

    N. Harimoto, H. Wang, T. Ikegami, K. Takeishi, S. Itoh, Y. I. Yamashita, T. Yoshizumi, S. Aishima, K. Shirabe, Y. Oda, Y. Maehara

    Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (Australia)   2015年4月



    DOI: 10.1111/jgh.12849

  • [α-Fetoprotein-producing tumor].




  • Clinical significance of GNAS mutation in intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas with concomitant pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.

    Noboru Ideno, Takao Ohtsuka, Taketo Matsunaga, Hideyo Kimura, Yusuke Watanabe, Koji Tamura, Teppei Aso, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshihiro Miyasaka, Kenoki Ohuchida, Junji Ueda, Shunichi Takahata, Yoshinao Oda, Kazuhiro Mizumoto, Masao Tanaka

    Pancreas   2015年3月



    DOI: 10.1097/MPA.0000000000000258

  • Primary hepatic tumors with myxoid change: morphologically unique hepatic adenomas and hepatocellular carcinomas.

    Safia N Salaria, Rondell P Graham, Shinichi Aishima, Taofic Mounajjed, Matthew M Yeh, Michael S Torbenson

    The American journal of surgical pathology   2015年3月



    DOI: 10.1097/PAS.0000000000000382

  • Pathogenesis and classification of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: different characters of perihilar large duct type versus peripheral small duct type.

    Shinichi Aishima, Yoshinao Oda

    Journal of hepato-biliary-pancreatic sciences   2015年2月



    DOI: 10.1002/jhbp.154

  • Anterior gradient 2 downregulation in a subset of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma is a prognostic factor indicative of epithelial-mesenchymal transition.

    Yusuke Mizuuchi, Shinichi Aishima, Kenoki Ohuchida, Koji Shindo, Minoru Fujino, Masami Hattori, Tetsuyuki Miyazaki, Kazuhiro Mizumoto, Masao Tanaka, Yoshinao Oda

    Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology   2015年2月



    DOI: 10.1038/labinvest.2014.138

  • Prognostic impact of programmed cell death 1 ligand 1 expression in human leukocyte antigen class I-positive hepatocellular carcinoma after curative hepatectomy.

    Yuichiroh Umemoto, Shinji Okano, Yoshihiro Matsumoto, Hidekazu Nakagawara, Rumi Matono, Shohei Yoshiya, Yo-Ichi Yamashita, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Toru Ikegami, Yuji Soejima, Mamoru Harada, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshinao Oda, Ken Shirabe, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Journal of gastroenterology   2015年1月



    DOI: 10.1007/s00535-014-0933-3

  • A novel serum marker, glycosylated Wisteria floribunda agglutinin-positive Mac-2 binding protein (WFA(+)-M2BP), for assessing liver fibrosis.

    Takeo Toshima, Ken Shirabe, Toru Ikegami, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Atsushi Kuno, Akira Togayachi, Masanori Gotoh, Hisashi Narimatsu, Masaaki Korenaga, Masashi Mizokami, Akihito Nishie, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Journal of gastroenterology   2015年1月



    DOI: 10.1007/s00535-014-0946-y

  • Hepatocellular carcinoma: clinical significance of signal heterogeneity in the hepatobiliary phase of gadoxetic acid-enhanced MR imaging.

    Nobuhiro Fujita, Akihiro Nishie, Yuichiro Kubo, Yoshiki Asayama, Yasuhiro Ushijima, Yukihisa Takayama, Koichiro Moirta, Ken Shirabe, Shinichi Aishima, Hiroshi Honda

    European radiology   2015年1月



    DOI: 10.1007/s00330-014-3349-9

  • Micro RNA-373 is down-regulated in pancreatic cancer and inhibits cancer cell invasion.

    Kohei Nakata, Kenoki Ohuchida, Kazuhiro Mizumoto, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshinao Oda, Eishi Nagai, Masao Tanaka

    Annals of surgical oncology   2014年12月



    DOI: 10.1245/s10434-014-3676-8

  • Different histological sequelae of immune-mediated graft dysfunction after interferon treatment in transplanted dual grafts from living donors.

    Mizuki Ninomiya, Shinichi Aishima, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Toru Ikegami, Huanlin Wang, Norifumi Harimoto, Shinji Ito, Hideaki Uchiyama, Yuji Soejima, Hirofumi Kawanaka, Ken Shirabe, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Liver transplantation : official publication of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and the International Liver Transplantation Society   2014年12月



    DOI: 10.1002/lt.23996

  • Bile duct adenoma and von Meyenburg complex-like duct arising in hepatitis and cirrhosis: pathogenesis and histological characteristics.

    Shinichi Aishima, Yuki Tanaka, Yuichiro Kubo, Ken Shirabe, Yoshihiko Maehara, Yoshinao Oda

    Pathology international   2014年11月



    DOI: 10.1111/pin.12209

  • "High-risk stigmata" of the 2012 international consensus guidelines correlate with the malignant grade of branch duct intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms of the pancreas.

    Teppei Aso, Takao Ohtsuka, Taketo Matsunaga, Hideyo Kimura, Yusuke Watanabe, Koji Tamura, Noboru Ideno, Takashi Osoegawa, Shunnichi Takahata, Koji Shindo, Yasuhiro Ushijima, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshinao Oda, Tetsuhide Ito, Kazuhiro Mizumoto, Masao Tanaka

    Pancreas   2014年11月



    DOI: 10.1097/MPA.0000000000000199

  • The apelin-APJ system induces tumor arteriogenesis in hepatocellular carcinoma.

    Jun Muto, Ken Shirabe, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Toru Ikegami, Shinichi Aishima, Kousei Ishigami, Yoshikazu Yonemitsu, Tetsuo Ikeda, Yuji Soejima, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Anticancer research   2014年10月



  • Pathological manifestation of difference in washout pattern of adrenal hyperplasia on dynamic CT.

    Akihiro Nishie, Yoshiki Asayama, Kousei Ishigami, Daisuke Kakihara, Tomohiro Nakayama, Yasuhiro Ushijima, Yukihisa Takayama, Akira Yokomizo, Katsunori Tatsugami, Junichi Inokuchi, Nobuhiro Fujita, Yuichiro Kubo, Shinichi Aishima, Masakazu Hirakawa, Hiroshi Honda

    Journal of medical imaging and radiation oncology   2014年10月



    DOI: 10.1111/1754-9485.12211

  • Gallbladder cancer: Clinical and pathological approach.

    Keita Kai, Shinichi Aishima, Kohji Miyazaki

    World journal of clinical cases   2014年10月



    DOI: 10.12998/wjcc.v2.i10.515

  • Podoplanin expression in the cyst wall correlates with the progression of intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm.

    Koji Shindo, Shinichi Aishima, Kenoki Ohuchida, Minoru Fujino, Yusuke Mizuuchi, Masami Hattori, Takao Ohtsuka, Shoji Tokunaga, Kazuhiro Mizumoto, Masao Tanaka, Yoshinao Oda

    Virchows Archiv : an international journal of pathology   2014年9月



    DOI: 10.1007/s00428-014-1610-x

  • Correlation between biological marker expression and fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose uptake in hepatocellular carcinoma.

    Yohei Mano, Shinichi Aishima, Yuichiro Kubo, Yuki Tanaka, Takashi Motomura, Takeo Toshima, Ken Shirabe, Shingo Baba, Yoshihiko Maehara, Yoshinao Oda

    American journal of clinical pathology   2014年9月




  • Pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia in the background of invasive ductal carcinoma of the pancreas as a prognostic factor.

    Yasunori Oda, Shinichi Aishima, Katsuya Morimatsu, Koji Shindo, Minoru Fujino, Yusuke Mizuuchi, Masami Hattori, Tetsuyuki Miyazaki, Masao Tanaka, Yoshinao Oda

    Histopathology   2014年9月



    DOI: 10.1111/his.12397

  • Significance of accurate human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER2) evaluation as a new biomarker in gastric cancer.

    Yasue Kimura, Eiji Oki, Ayae Yoshida, Shinichi Aishima, Yoko Zaitsu, Hajime Ohtsu, Koji Ando, Satoshi Ida, Hiroshi Saeki, Masaru Morita, Tetsuya Kusumoto, Yoshinao Oda, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Anticancer research   2014年8月



  • Different expression of glucose transporters in the progression of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma.

    Yuichiro Kubo, Shinichi Aishima, Yuki Tanaka, Koji Shindo, Yusuke Mizuuchi, Koichiro Abe, Ken Shirabe, Yoshihiko Maehara, Hiroshi Honda, Yoshinao Oda

    Human pathology   2014年8月



    DOI: 10.1016/j.humpath.2014.03.008

  • Phase II study of docetaxel and S-1 (DS) as neoadjuvant chemotherapy for clinical stage III resectable gastric cancer.

    Eiji Oki, Yasunori Emi, Tetsuya Kusumoto, Yoshihisa Sakaguchi, Manabu Yamamoto, Noriaki Sadanaga, Mototsugu Shimokawa, Takeharu Yamanaka, Hiroshi Saeki, Masaru Morita, Ikuo Takahashi, Naoki Hirabayashi, Kenji Sakai, Hiroyuki Orita, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshihiro Kakeji, Kazuya Yamaguchi, Kazuhiro Yoshida, Hideo Baba, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Annals of surgical oncology   2014年7月



    DOI: 10.1245/s10434-014-3594-9

  • Histological features of precancerous and early cancerous lesions of biliary tract carcinoma.

    Shinichi Aishima, Yuichiro Kubo, Yuki Tanaka, Yoshinao Oda

    Journal of hepato-biliary-pancreatic sciences   2014年7月



    DOI: 10.1002/jhbp.71

  • New scoring system for prediction of microvascular invasion in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma.

    Ken Shirabe, Takeo Toshima, Koichi Kimura, Yoichi Yamashita, Tetsuo Ikeda, Toru Ikegami, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Koichiro Abe, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Liver international : official journal of the International Association for the Study of the Liver   2014年7月



    DOI: 10.1111/liv.12459

  • Peritoneal myofibroblasts at metastatic foci promote dissemination of pancreatic cancer.

    Shin Akagawa, Kenoki Ohuchida, Nobuhiro Torata, Masami Hattori, Daiki Eguchi, Kenji Fujiwara, Shingo Kozono, Lin Cui, Naoki Ikenaga, Takao Ohtsuka, Shinichi Aishima, Kazuhiro Mizumoto, Yoshinao Oda, Masao Tanaka

    International journal of oncology   2014年7月



    DOI: 10.3892/ijo.2014.2391

  • Role of tumor-associated macrophages in the angiogenesis of well-differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma: pathological-radiological correlation.

    Nobuhiro Fujita, Akihiro Nishie, Shinichi Aishima, Yuichiro Kubo, Yoshiki Asayama, Kousei Ishigami, Daisuke Kakihara, Yasuhiro Ushijima, Yukihisa Takayama, Ken Shirabe, Yoshinao Oda, Hiroshi Honda

    Oncology reports   2014年6月



    DOI: 10.3892/or.2014.3138

  • Analysis of risk factors for recurrence after curative resection of well-differentiated pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors based on the new grading classification.

    Kosuke Tsutsumi, Takao Ohtsuka, Minoru Fujino, Hiroshi Nakashima, Shinichi Aishima, Junji Ueda, Shunichi Takahata, Masafumi Nakamura, Yoshinao Oda, Masao Tanaka

    Journal of hepato-biliary-pancreatic sciences   2014年6月



    DOI: 10.1002/jhbp.47

  • Chronic immune-mediated reaction syndrome as the cause of late graft mortality in living-donor liver transplantation for primary biliary cirrhosis

    N. Harimoto, T. Ikegami, H. Nakagawara, Y. I. Yamashita, T. Yoshizumi, H. Uchiyama, Y. Soejima, T. Ikeda, K. Shirabe, S. Aishima, Y. Oda, Y. Maehara

    Transplantation Proceedings   2014年6月



    DOI: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2014.02.021

  • Combination of hepatocellular markers is useful for prognostication in gastric hepatoid adenocarcinoma.

    Mikako Osada, Shinichi Aishima, Minako Hirahashi, Nobuyoshi Takizawa, Shunsuke Takahashi, Kazuhiko Nakamura, Masao Tanaka, Yoshihiko Maehara, Ryoichi Takayanagi, Yoshinao Oda

    Human pathology   2014年6月



    DOI: 10.1016/j.humpath.2014.02.003

  • Overexpression of metadherin/MTDH is associated with an aggressive phenotype and a poor prognosis in invasive breast cancer.

    Eriko Tokunaga, Yuichiro Nakashima, Nami Yamashita, Yuichi Hisamatsu, Satoko Okada, Sayuri Akiyoshi, Shinichi Aishima, Hiroyuki Kitao, Masaru Morita, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Breast cancer (Tokyo, Japan)   2014年5月



    DOI: 10.1007/s12282-012-0398-2

  • Strategies to treat interferon-induced graft dysfunction after living donor liver transplantation for hepatitis C.

    Toru Ikegami, Huanlin Wang, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Takeo Toshima, Shinichi Aishima, Takasuke Fukuhara, Norihiro Furusyo, Kazuhiro Kotoh, Shinji Shimoda, Ken Shirabe, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Hepatology international   2014年4月



    DOI: 10.1007/s12072-013-9496-2

  • A case of invasive micropapillary carcinoma of the breast involving extensive lymph node metastasis.

    Kenji Taketani, Eriko Tokunaga, Nami Yamashita, Kimihiro Tanaka, Yoko Zaitsu, Sayuri Akiyoshi, Satoko Okada, Shinichi Aishima, Masaru Morita, Yoshihiko Maehara

    World journal of surgical oncology   2014年4月



    DOI: 10.1186/1477-7819-12-84

  • Elevated expression level of microRNA-196a is predictive of intestinal-type intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas.

    Teppei Aso, Takao Ohtsuka, Koji Tamura, Noboru Ideno, Hiroshi Kono, Yosuke Nagayoshi, Kennoki Ohuchida, Junji Ueda, Shunnichi Takahata, Koji Shindo, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshinao Oda, Kazuhiro Mizumoto, Masao Tanaka

    Pancreas   2014年4月



    DOI: 10.1097/MPA.0000000000000042

  • Induced nitric oxide synthetase and peroxiredoxin expression in intramucosal poorly differentiated gastric cancer of young patients.

    Minako Hirahashi, Yutaka Koga, Reiko Kumagai, Shinichi Aishima, Kenichi Taguchi, Yoshinao Oda

    Pathology international   2014年4月



    DOI: 10.1111/pin.12152

  • PS-155-1 当院における胆管内乳頭状腫瘍(IPNB)切除例の検討(PS-155 肝 胆道腫瘍・その他,ポスターセッション,第114回日本外科学会定期学術集会)

    梶山 潔, 皆川 亮介, 丸山 晴司, 井口 詔一, 廣瀬 皓介, 赤峰 翔, 影山 優美子, 平山 佳愛, 高橋 良影, 武谷 憲二, 中ノ子 智徳, 吉田 倫太郎, 古賀 聡, 甲斐 正徳, 増本 陽秀, 福谷 龍郎, 大屋 正文, 相島 慎一

    日本外科学会雑誌   2014年3月



  • OP-005-2 肝癌に対する生体肝移植後の肝癌再発の新たな予後因子 : 侵襲の程度に基づく組織学的高度脈管侵襲分類の有用性(OP-005 肝 移植-2,一般演題,第114回日本外科学会定期学術集会)

    井口 友宏, 調 憲, 池上 徹, 吉住 朋晴, 別城 悠樹, 王 歓林, 今井 大祐, 松本 佳大, 木村 光一, 中川原 英和, 吉屋 匠平, 二宮 瑞樹, 山下 洋市, 内山 秀昭, 副島 雄二, 川中 博文, 池田 哲夫, 相島 慎一, 小田 義直, 前原 喜彦

    日本外科学会雑誌   2014年3月



  • PLS-10-3 主膵管型IPMNのmonoclonalityとGNAS遺伝子変異の意義(PLS-10 プレナリーセッション(10)「膵臓」,第114回日本外科学会定期学術集会)

    田村 公二, 大塚 隆生, 松永 壮人, 木村 英世, 渡邉 雄介, 井手野 昇, 安蘓 鉄平, 宮崎 哲之, 相島 慎一, 大内田 研宙, 上田 純二, 高畑 俊一, 小田 義直, 水元 一博, 田中 雅夫

    日本外科学会雑誌   2014年3月



  • Key endoscopic ultrasound features of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma smaller than 20 mm.

    Akira Aso, Eikichi Ihara, Takashi Osoegawa, Kazuhiko Nakamura, Soichi Itaba, Hisato Igarashi, Tetsuhide Ito, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshinao Oda, Masao Tanaka, Ryoichi Takayanagi

    Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology   2014年3月



    DOI: 10.3109/00365521.2013.878745

  • Treatment strategy for main duct intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms of the pancreas based on the assessment of recurrence in the remnant pancreas after resection: a retrospective review.

    Koji Tamura, Takao Ohtsuka, Noboru Ideno, Teppei Aso, Koji Shindo, Shinichi Aishima, Kenoki Ohuchida, Shunichi Takahata, Yasuhiro Ushijima, Tetsuhide Ito, Yoshinao Oda, Kazuhiro Mizumoto, Masao Tanaka

    Annals of surgery   2014年2月



    DOI: 10.1097/SLA.0b013e3182a690ff

  • Follicular pancreatitis, report of a case clinically mimicking pancreatic cancer and literature review.

    Yusuke Mizuuchi, Shinichi Aishima, Masami Hattori, Yasuhiro Ushijima, Akira Aso, Shunichi Takahata, Takao Ohtsuka, Junji Ueda, Masao Tanaka, Yoshinao Oda

    Pathology, research and practice   2014年2月



    DOI: 10.1016/j.prp.2013.09.005

  • 特集 見直される膵癌診療の新展開 診断における新展開 膵液細胞診および膵液遺伝子検査による膵癌診断

    安蘓 鉄平, 大塚 隆生, 木村 英世, 松永 壮人, 渡邉 雄介, 田村 公二, 井手野 昇, 大内田 研宙, 上田 純二, 高畑 俊一, 相島 慎一, 五十嵐 久人, 伊藤 鉄英, 小田 義直, 水元 一博, 田中 雅夫

    臨床外科   2014年1月



    DOI: 10.11477/mf.1407104900

  • Tissue tablet method: an efficient tissue banking procedure applicable to both molecular analysis and frozen tissue microarray.

    Nobuhiro Torata, Kenoki Ohuchida, Shin Akagawa, Lin Cui, Shingo Kozono, Kazuhiro Mizumoto, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshinao Oda, Masao Tanaka

    Human pathology   2014年1月



    DOI: 10.1016/j.humpath.2013.08.013

  • Spontaneous massive necrosis of hepatocellular carcinoma with narrowing and occlusion of the arteries and portal veins.

    Takahiro Tomino, Yo-Ichi Yamashita, Tomohiro Iguchi, Shinji Itoh, Mizuki Ninomiya, Toru Ikegami, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Yuji Soejima, Hirofumi Kawanaka, Tetsuo Ikeda, Shinichi Aishima, Ken Shirabe, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Case reports in gastroenterology   2014年1月



    DOI: 10.1159/000362440

  • Expression of glucagon-like Peptide 1 receptor and its effects on biologic behavior in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors.

    Ana Ines Cases, Takao Ohtsuka, Minoru Fujino, Noboru Ideno, Shingo Kozono, Ming Zhao, Kenoki Ohuchida, Shinichi Aishima, Masatoshi Nomura, Yoshinao Oda, Kazuhiro Mizumoto, Masao Tanaka

    Pancreas   2014年1月



    DOI: 10.1097/MPA.0b013e3182a71537

  • Intraoperative irrigation cytology of the remnant pancreas to detect remnant distinct pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma in patients with intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm undergoing partial pancreatectomy.

    Yasuhisa Mori, Takao Ohtsuka, Koji Tamura, Noboru Ideno, Teppei Aso, Hiroshi Kono, Yosuke Nagayoshi, Junji Ueda, Shunichi Takahata, Shinichi Aishima, Fumihiko Ookubo, Yoshinao Oda, Masao Tanaka

    Surgery   2014年1月



    DOI: 10.1016/j.surg.2013.06.059

  • Pathological diagnosis of flat epithelial lesions of the biliary tract with emphasis on biliary intraepithelial neoplasia.

    Yasunori Sato, Motoko Sasaki, Kenichi Harada, Shinichi Aishima, Toshio Fukusato, Hidenori Ojima, Yae Kanai, Masayoshi Kage, Yasuni Nakanuma, Hirohito Tsubouchi

    Journal of gastroenterology   2014年1月



    DOI: 10.1007/s00535-013-0810-5

  • mFOLFOX6療法後に発症した門脈圧亢進症の1例

    緒方 大聡, 具嶋 敏文, 丸岡 新子, 高崎 智子, 田中 吏佐, 松浦 隆志, 相島 慎一, 高橋 和弘

    日本消化器病学会雑誌   2013年12月




    DOI: 10.11405/nisshoshi.110.2119, 10.2957/kanzo.61.358_references_DOI_UKRW5UlBD1NDFXslFg78J5YToE0, 10.5833/jjgs.2017.0194_references_DOI_UKRW5UlBD1NDFXslFg78J5YToE0

  • Differential impact of the expression of the androgen receptor by age in estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer.

    Eriko Tokunaga, Yuichi Hisamatsu, Kenji Taketani, Nami Yamashita, Sayuri Akiyoshi, Satoko Okada, Kimihiro Tanaka, Hiroshi Saeki, Eiji Oki, Shinichi Aishima, Yoshinao Oda, Masaru Morita, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Cancer medicine   2013年12月



    DOI: 10.1002/cam4.138

  • Podoplanin expression in cancer-associated fibroblasts enhances tumor progression of invasive ductal carcinoma of the pancreas.

    Koji Shindo, Shinichi Aishima, Kenoki Ohuchida, Kenji Fujiwara, Minoru Fujino, Yusuke Mizuuchi, Masami Hattori, Kazuhiro Mizumoto, Masao Tanaka, Yoshinao Oda

    Molecular cancer   2013年12月



    DOI: 10.1186/1476-4598-12-168

  • Migratory activity of CD105+ pancreatic cancer cells is strongly enhanced by pancreatic stellate cells.

    Kenji Fujiwara, Kenoki Ohuchida, Takao Ohtsuka, Kazuhiro Mizumoto, Koji Shindo, Naoki Ikenaga, Lin Cui, Shunichi Takahata, Shinichi Aishima, Masao Tanaka

    Pancreas   2013年11月



    DOI: 10.1097/MPA.0b013e318293e7bd

  • Decreased roundabout 1 expression promotes development of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma.

    Yohei Mano, Shinichi Aishima, Takasuke Fukuhara, Yuki Tanaka, Yuichiro Kubo, Takashi Motomura, Takeo Toshima, Tomohiro Iguchi, Ken Shirabe, Yoshihiko Maehara, Yoshinao Oda

    Human pathology   2013年11月



    DOI: 10.1016/j.humpath.2013.03.022

  • 特集 術前画像診断のポイントと術中解剖認識 IV.肝・胆・膵 IPMN

    渡邉 雄介, 大塚 隆生, 田村 公二, 木村 英世, 松永 壮人, 井手野 昇, 安蘇 鉄平, 上田 純二, 高畑 俊一, 牛島 泰宏, 伊藤 鉄英, 水内 祐介, 相島 慎一, 小田 義直, 水元 一博, 田中 雅夫

    臨床外科   2013年10月



    DOI: 10.11477/mf.1407104812

  • A case of fatal intrahepatic cholestasis with primary AL amyloidosis: is early diagnosis possible?

    Shinichiro Takao, Kosuke Tanaka, Masayuki Miyazaki, Masatake Tanaka, Tomoko Ohashi, Masaki Kato, Kazuhiro Kotoh, Shinichi Aishima, Ryoichi Takayanagi

    Clinical journal of gastroenterology   2013年10月



    DOI: 10.1007/s12328-013-0406-x

  • Insulin-like growth factor II messenger RNA-binding protein-3 is a valuable diagnostic and prognostic marker of intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm.

    Katsuya Morimatsu, Shinichi Aishima, Hidetaka Yamamoto, Akifumi Hayashi, Kohei Nakata, Yasunori Oda, Koji Shindo, Minoru Fujino, Masao Tanaka, Yoshinao Oda

    Human pathology   2013年9月



    DOI: 10.1016/j.humpath.2012.12.020

  • S-1/Docetaxel併用療法にて同時性肝転移が病理学的完全奏効となった胃癌の1例

    北原大和, 沖英次, 佐伯浩司, 安藤幸滋, 調憲, 鴻江俊治, 相島慎一, 掛地吉弘, 前原喜彦

    癌と化学療法   2013年8月



  • Differential ezrin and phosphorylated ezrin expression profiles between pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia, intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm, and invasive ductal carcinoma of the pancreas.

    Yasunori Oda, Shinichi Aishima, Katsuya Morimatsu, Akifumi Hayashi, Koji Shindo, Minoru Fujino, Yusuke Mizuuchi, Masami Hattori, Masao Tanaka, Yoshinao Oda

    Human pathology   2013年8月



    DOI: 10.1016/j.humpath.2012.12.001

  • Preoperative neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio is a predictor of survival after hepatectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma: a retrospective analysis.

    Yohei Mano, Ken Shirabe, Yo-Ichi Yamashita, Norifumi Harimoto, Eiji Tsujita, Kazuki Takeishi, Shinichi Aishima, Toru Ikegami, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Takeharu Yamanaka, Yoshihiko Maehara

    Annals of surgery   2013年8月