2025/02/10 更新




ナカノ ハルカ
中野 知香
応用力学研究所 附属海洋プラスチック研究センター 助教
海洋観測に基づく海洋物理現象の解析(乱流・表層流); 海洋ごみの分布; マイクロプラスチックの分析手法の高度化並びに国際調和


  • 博士(海洋科学) 東京海洋大学


  • マレーシア・プトラ大学 Visiting professor

    2023年8月 - 2023年9月




  • 九州大学 応用力学研究所 海洋プラスチック研究センター 助教

    2022年4月 - 現在




  • 国立研究開発法人産業技術総合研究所 産総研特別研究員

    2021年4月 - 2022年3月


  • 東京海洋大学 非常勤研究員

    2018年8月 - 2021年3月

  • 日本気象協会 技術営業職


    2017年4月 - 2018年7月


  • 研究テーマ:海洋観測に基づく海洋環境に関する研究


    研究期間: 2022年4月


  • Influence of monsoon seasonality and tidal cycle on microplastics presence and distribution in the Upper Gulf of Thailand 査読 国際誌

    Haruka Nakano, María Belén Alfonso, Suppakarn Jandang, Nopphawit Phinchan, Suchana Chavanich, Voranop Viyakarn, Atsuhiko Isobe

    SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT   920   170787 - 170787   2024年2月   ISSN:0048-9697 eISSN:1879-1026


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Science of the Total Environment  

    Southeast Asian countries are recognized as significant contributors to the discharge of abundant plastic waste into the ocean. In this study, we conducted neuston net surveys on Si Chang Island of the Gulf of Thailand, a coral reef conservation area, to determine the presence of microplastic (MP) pollution. The survey, conducted during the wet (southwesterly monsoon), transition, and dry seasons (northeasterly monsoon), revealed that the MP abundance was in the range of 0.02-42.46 particles m-3. The precipitation, wind, and current direction induced by monsoons influenced the abundance and distribution of MP, presenting a significant seasonality. The cluster analysis for colors and polymer types of MPs suggested that the origin of plastic particles is diverse. Based on our results, a proposal for the generation, sources, and pathways for MPs in the Gulf of Thailand is presented: 1) plastic wastes exposed to strong UV light during the dry season get fragmented around the river, and 2) heavy rains wash away the particles during the wet season. This proposal is applicable to tropical regions, including the Gulf of Thailand. Therefore, this paper concluded that ocean currents induced by monsoons and the unique climate, resulting in the generation of MPs on land, increase MP presence and distribution in the ocean surrounding Southeast Asia countries. Furthermore, coral reef ecosystems can be particularly threatened by MPs in these areas. So, an increase in MP monitoring on coral ecosystems from Thailand and the world is highly recommended.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.170787

    Web of Science




  • Hydrographic structures of Tokyo Bay between 1992 and 2019 and evidence of temperature increase; observational results by the training vessel Seiyo-Maru 査読

    Haruka Nakano, Testutaro Aikawa, Ryuichi Hagita, Hiroaki Hamada, Toshifumi Hayashi, Hiroki Joshima, Yujiro Kitade, Naho Horimoto‐Miyazaki, Tadashi Miyazaki, Masao Nemoto, Akira Noda, Masayuki Sakaguchi, Chiho Sukigara, Yuta Yamada, Jiro Yoshida

    JOURNAL OF OCEANOGRAPHY   79 ( 3 )   281 - 294   2023年3月   ISSN:0916-8370 eISSN:1573-868X


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Journal of Oceanography  

    We investigated hydrographic conditions in Tokyo Bay recorded from 1992 to 2019 by the training vessel Seiyo Maru (retired in October 2021). We reviewed the basic features of hydrographic conditions discussed in the literature. The long-term trend of temperature differed from that reported in previous studies. The rates of temperature increase estimated in this study were 0.04–0.07 °C /year in the inner bay of Tokyo Bay. These rates were the same as those reported in other areas worldwide. The heat budget in the inner bay of Tokyo Bay also increased significantly from 2004 to 2019; this increase was related to the decrease in the loss of latent heat because of the increases of the atmospheric temperature and the decreases of wind speed. Because formation of the Tokyo Bay thermohaline front has been affected by the increase of water temperature and because the temperature increases have differed between months, the program of monthly monitoring should be continued to document future environmental changes in Tokyo Bay.

    DOI: 10.1007/s10872-023-00683-8

    Web of Science



    その他リンク: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10872-023-00683-8/fulltext.html

  • Microplastics on the sea surface of the semi-closed Tokyo Bay. 査読 国際誌

    Haruka Nakano, Hisayuki Arakawa, Tadashi Tokai

    Marine pollution bulletin   162   111887 - 111887   2021年1月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111887

  • Ship Speed Loss Estimation Using Wave Spectrum of Encounter 査読

    Nakano H, Kuroki K, Sato Y, Koshita S, Maeda M, Matsuura K

    OCEANS - MTS/IEEE Kobe Techno-Ocean (OTO)   2018年6月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(その他学術会議資料等)  

    DOI: 10.1109/OCEANSKOBE.2018.8559122

  • Aquatic microplastics research in the ASEAN region: Analysis of challenges and priorities 査読

    Nakano H., Alfonso M.B., Phinchan N., Jandang S., Manap M.R.A., Chavanich S., Viyakarn V., Müller M., Wong C., Bacosa H.P., Celik M., Cordova M.R., Isobe A.

    Marine Pollution Bulletin   210   117342 - 117342   2025年1月   ISSN:0025-326X eISSN:1879-3363


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Marine Pollution Bulletin  

    Research on microplastics must be harmonized. Therefore, we thoroughly evaluated in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) region, addressing challenges and priorities in protocol harmonization and microplastics research promotion. Of the 615 papers searched by the Web of Science, 164 were used for this systematic review. The number of ASEAN research articles has increased over time. Examination of research protocols in various sampling environments revealed several challenges: 1) Disparities in access to sampling locations affect the research extent; 2) Outdated protocols and limited access to technologies such as FTIR (Fourier-transform infrared) spectroscopy result in less harmonized and potentially lower-quality data; and 3) Insufficiently detailed methods and QA/QC information hampers comparability. We offer procedure updates to overcome these limitations and cover environmental microplastic study gaps. Other countries in the Global South may encounter similar challenges, making this review a valuable contribution to advancing global microplastics research and fostering international collaboration.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2024.117342

    Web of Science




  • Carbonyl index of miniaturized microplastics at the sea surface 査読 国際誌

    Celik M., Zijiang Y., Xu H., Nakano H., Isobe A., Arakawa H.

    Marine Pollution Bulletin   211   117376 - 117376   2024年12月   ISSN:0025326X eISSN:1879-3363


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Marine Pollution Bulletin  

    We investigated the carbonyl index (CI) of small microplastics (SMPs; 50–350 μm) and large microplastics (LMPs; >350 μm) in the surface waters of the Tokai region and Tokyo Bay in Japan. The degradation was evaluated by determining the CI from the infrared spectrum of microplastics (MPs) adopting the specified area under the band technique. Average CIs of SMPs and LMPs in polyethylene were 2.47 and 0.67 off Tokai and 2.71 and 0.76 in Tokyo Bay, respectively. No significant differences in the CI were found between polyethylene and polypropylene. However, significant differences in CIs were found between SMPs and LMPs. The relationship between the major length of MPs and CI was significantly negative for both polyethylene and polypropylene (p < 0.05). The results indicate that as MPs degrade, they become finer and exhibit a higher CI at the sea surface.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2024.117376

    Web of Science




  • Assessment of microplastic occurrence in tidal flat biota of the Tsurumi River estuary (Tokyo Bay, Japan): Preliminary study and first evidence 査読

    Tanoiri H., Nakano H., Arakawa H., Yokota M.

    Regional Studies in Marine Science   77   103661 - 103661   2024年12月   ISSN:2352-4855


    掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Regional Studies in Marine Science  

    As concerns grow over the detrimental impacts of microplastics (MPs) on aquatic ecosystems, understanding their dynamics in Japanese biota has become increasingly urgent. We identified and compared MPs (diameter 20–5000 µm) in 11 organisms (fish, invertebrates, and a macroalga) and in sediments in the Tsurumi River estuary, Japan. A total of 1260 MPs were detected across all samples. The most common polymer was polyethylene (n = 492), followed by polypropylene (136) and polyamide (120). The mass concentration of MPs entangled in macroalgae was approximately two orders of magnitude higher than in sediment by wet weight. While there seemed to be no indication of increased bioaccumulation of MPs via trophic transfer, the results suggest that MP accumulation in macroalgae might play an important role in adverse effects of MPs on tidal flat organisms. Due to additional technical challenges, we were unable to process many samples. Further work is needed to clarify the dynamics of MPs in this area.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.rsma.2024.103661

    Web of Science



  • Possible sink of missing ocean plastic: Accumulation patterns in reef-building corals in the Gulf of Thailand. 査読

    Jandang S, Alfonso MB, Haruka N, Phinchan N, Darumas U, Viyakarn V, Chavanich S, Isobe A

    The Science of the total environment   954   176210 - 176210   2024年12月   ISSN:0048-9697 eISSN:1879-1026


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Science of the Total Environment  

    Individual coral polyps contain three distinct components—the surface mucus layer, tissue, and skeleton; each component may exhibit varying extent of microplastic (MP) accumulation and serve as a short- or long-term repository for these pollutants. However, the literature on MP accumulation in wild corals, particularly with respect to the different components, is limited. In this study, we investigated the adhesion and accumulation of MPs in four coral species, including both large (Lobophyllia sp. and Platygyra sinensis) and small (Pocillopora cf. damicornis and Porites lutea) polyp corals collected from Si Chang Island in the upper Gulf of Thailand. The results revealed that MP accumulation varied significantly among the four coral species and their components. Specifically, P. cf. damicornis exhibited the highest degree of accumulation (2.28 ± 0.34 particles g−1 w.w.) [Tukey's honestly significant difference (HSD) test, p < 0.05], particularly in their skeleton (52.63 %) and with a notable presence of high-density MPs (Fisher's extract test, p < 0.05). The most common MP morphotype was fragment, accounting for 75.29 % of the total MPs found in the coral. Notably, the majority of MPs were black, white, or blue, accounting for 36.20 %, 15.52 %, and 11.49 % of the samples, respectively. The predominant size range of MP particles was 101–200 μm. Nylon, polyacetylene, and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) were the prevalent polymer types, accounting for 20.11 %, 14.37 %, and 9.77 % of the identified samples, respectively. In the large polyp corals, while MP shapes, colors, and sizes exhibited consistent patterns, remarkable differences were noted in the polymer types across the three components. The findings of this study improve the understanding of MP accumulation and its fate in coral reef ecosystems, underscoring the need for further investigation into MP-accumulation patterns in reef-building corals worldwide.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.176210

    Web of Science




  • Spectral analysis of environmental microplastic polyethylene (PE) using average spectra 査読

    Yang Z., Zhang J., Haruka N., Murat C., Arakawa H.

    Science of the Total Environment   927   171871 - 171871   2024年6月   ISSN:0048-9697


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Science of the Total Environment  

    In this study, microplastic samples from surface seawater of Tokyo Bay were collected, polyethylene (PE) microplastics were used to calculate carbonyl index (CI), and average spectra of PE were analyzed and compared with a previous study applying agitation during chemical treatment. It was found that PE and polypropylene (PP) were the predominant polymer type in the samples. Among PE samples, fragments were the most commonly observed shape, with white being the dominant color. Deviations were found in the average spectra among different shapes and colors when compared to the standard PE spectrum. A comparison of the average spectra between the two datasets suggests that pronounced peaks related to oxidation are most likely resulted from agitation during the chemical treatment. Additionally, it was found a closer spectral resemblance between the sample spectra and the spectrum of standard sample of oxidized PE (PEOx) than with the standard PE spectrum, suggesting that using the oxidized PE as a reference spectrum might be more effective for identification. These findings highlight the complex factors affecting the spectral properties of microplastics and highlight the importance of understanding these variations to enhance the accuracy of microplastic identification workflows and understanding of environmental fate of microplastics.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.171871




  • Small microplastic ingestion by the calanoid <i>Centropages furcatus</i> in the Gulf of Thailand 査読

    María B. Alfonso, Haruka Nakano, Suppakarn Jandang, Mie Tanaka, Voranop Viyakarn, Suchana Chavanich, Atsuhiko Isobe

    SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT   930   172837 - 172837   2024年6月   ISSN:0048-9697 eISSN:1879-1026


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Science of the Total Environment  

    Microplastics could be ingested by many organisms, including zooplankton, involving bioaccumulation and biomagnification mechanisms a cross food webs. The information about microplastic ingestion by zooplankton keeps increasing worldwide. However, it is still limited for particle sizes under 300 μm (small microplastics, SMPs) and in areas such as Southeast Asia, which is considered one of the hotspots for plastic debris. This study aimed to characterize the size, shape, and polymer types of the SMPs ingested by the copepod Centropages furcatus in Si Chang Island (upper Gulf of Thailand). The study spans offshore and coastal waters, with data collected across wet, intermediate, and dry seasons. Using a semi-automated technique for micro-FTIR (Fourier-transform infrared) scanning spectroscopy for particle analysis, we found ingested SMPs in all samples. A total of 750 individuals of the calanoid Centropages furcatus were analyzed, finding 309 plastic particles and an average ingestion value of 0.41 ± 0.13 particles ind−1, one of the highest recorded values. All the particles were fragments, with a predominant size under 50 μm, and polymer types as Polypropylene (PP, 71 %), followed by Ethylene-Propylene-Diene-Monomer (EPDM, 16 %) and Polyethylene (PE, 7 %). Up to 470.2 particles m−3 were estimated to be retained by this calanoid species and potentially available for trophic transfer. The effect of rainfall on SMPs ingestion was inconclusive, with a non-significant observed tendency to higher ingestion values near the coastal area than offshore area, suggesting a decrease in particle exposure due to the runoff effect. Nevertheless, future studies should increase the frequency of surveys to arrive at better conclusions.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.172837

    Web of Science




  • 日本沿岸海域のプラスチック汚染 査読

    荒川 久幸, 中野 知香, 内田 圭一

    La mer   61 ( 3-4 )   165 - 173   2024年3月   ISSN:05031540 eISSN:24342882


    記述言語:英語   出版者・発行元:日仏海洋学会  

    日本沿岸の海水,海底,海岸におけるプラスチックごみ,マイクロプラスチック(350μm 以上,5mm 未満),
    小型マイクロプラスチック(350μm 未満)の濃度と分布について記述した文献をレビューした。食品包装用プラ
    ラスチックの濃度は世界の他の地域と比較して非常に高い。東京湾において,350μm メッシュの内網と50μm
    メッシュの外網からなるダブルニューストンネットを用いて,小型マイクロプラスチック(> 50μm,< 350μm)
    およびマイクロプラスチック(> 350μm,< 5mm)の定量調査を行った。小型マイクロプラスチックの濃度は,
    マイクロプラスチックの約10 倍であった。マイクロプラスチックの定量に用いられている従来の技術は,プラ

    DOI: 10.32211/lamer.61.3-4_165


    CiNii Research

  • Microplastic pollution indexes in the coastal and open ocean areas around Japan 査読

    Haruka Nakano, María Belén Alfonso, Suppakan Jandang, Keiri Imai, Hisayuki Arakawa

    REGIONAL STUDIES IN MARINE SCIENCE   69   103287 - 103287   2023年11月   ISSN:2352-4855


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Regional Studies in Marine Science  

    Researchers have made a significant effort to reveal plastic pollution's presence and consequences worldwide; however, there are no standard methods to evaluate the level of microplastic pollution. In this context, pollution index assessment in the marine environments contributes to showing a criteria of pollutants. Therefore, the pollution load index (PLI), the polymer risk index (H), and the pollution risk index (PRI) were estimated based on the MPs abundance and polymer-type information in situ for five areas around Japan's sea. According to H values, the contamination due to MPs presented low to moderate pollution levels in each area. Whereas the PRI classified the pollution levels from low (offshore) to very high (coast). Based on MPs' predicted concentrations for 2030 and 2060, the PRI is expected to increase, reaching a very high-pollution level even for offshore areas. The results of this study emphasize the importance of action to prevent additional plastic pollution and the importance of continued monitoring of the MPs in the environment.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.rsma.2023.103287

    Web of Science



  • Accessing the intrinsic factors of carbonyl index of microplastics: Physical and spectral properties, baseline correction, calculation methods, and their interdependence 査読 国際誌

    Zijiang Yang, Çelik Murat, Haruka Nakano, Hisayuki Arakawa

    MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN   197   115700 - 115700   2023年10月   ISSN:0025-326X eISSN:1879-3363


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Marine Pollution Bulletin  

    Carbonyl index (CI) is a measure of the degradation status of microplastics. While many studies address environmental factors of microplastic degradation, intrinsic factors like physical properties, spectral properties, baseline correction, and CI calculation methods are less explored. This research focused on these aspects using surface seawater samples. We found that color and shape have limited dependence on particle size or signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Baseline correction can significantly alter CI values, with the direction of the shift depending on the methods used. Additionally, most CI values before and after baseline correction and those calculated using different methods tend to be strongly correlated. Using the selected CI calculation methods, we found that CI values varied significantly by shape and color. CI's relation to the similarity between the sample and its pristine form suggests an alternative degradation measure. Our findings emphasize the need for standardized CI calculation methods.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2023.115700

    Web of Science




  • The pretreatment method in marine organisms and sediment for microplastics analysis by FTIR using “Cylindrical Microplastics Fractionator” 査読 国際誌

    Tanoiri, H; Barrientos, EE; Nakano, H; Arakawa, H; Yokota, M

    METHODSX   11   102396 - 102396   2023年9月   ISSN:2215-0161 eISSN:2215-0161


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:MethodsX  

    For the detection of microplastics (MPs) in aquatic biota using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), the ability to remove organic matter (OM) in pretreatment steps is essential to increase the time efficiency of MPs measurement and method uniformity. In principle, decreasing OM can be achieved by increasing the number of pretreatment steps. However, MPs are lost in proportion to the number of transfers between each step. Therefore, we have created a "Cylindrical MPs Fractionator" composed of commercially available materials. This container allows for a six-step pretreatment process that is designed to increase the removal capacity of OM with only one transfer to prevent the loss of MPs.•Biological or sediment samples are placed in the extractor and subjected to chemical treatment and density separation.•Residues containing MPs are obtained on filters by vacuum filtration.•After additional chemical treatment of the obtained residue, the components of the residue are identified by microscopic FTIR.This method removed 99.3&#37; of OM and recovered 88.5&#37; of MPs. The presenting method confirmed that this can be used with the same process for 11 organisms and sediments from estuarine ecosystem in Japan as models.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.mex.2023.102396

    Web of Science




  • Zooplankton as a suitable tool for microplastic research 査読 国際誌

    María B Alfonso, Dhugal J Lindsay, Andrés H Arias, Haruka Nakano, Suppakarn Jandang, Atsuhiko Isobe

    SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT   905   167329 - 167329   2023年9月   ISSN:0048-9697 eISSN:1879-1026


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Science of the Total Environment  

    In recent years, significant efforts have been dedicated to measuring and comprehending the impact of microplastics (MPs) in the ocean. Despite harmonization guidelines for MPs research, discrepancies persist in the applied methodologies and future challenges, mostly for the smaller fractions (< 100 μm). Whether intentional or accidental, ingesting plastic particles by zooplankton can lead to incorporating this pollutant into aquatic food chains. Therefore, zooplankton can serve as a suitable proxy tool for assessing the presence of plastic particles in ocean waters. However, reliable information is essential for conducting experimental laboratory studies on the impact of MPs ingestion by zooplankton organisms. Using zooplankton as a research tool for MPs offers numerous advantages, including similar sampling methodologies and study techniques as MPs and particle data integration over space and time. The scientific community can gain novel perspectives by merging zooplankton studies with MPs research. This review explores key aspects of using zooplankton as a tool for MPs research in water samples, encompassing various views such as particles ingestion in natural environments, particle quantification in zooplankton samples (past and future), ecotoxicological and toxicology model studies. By leveraging the potential of zooplankton research, advancements can be made in developing innovative techniques for MPs analysis.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.167329

    Web of Science




  • Microplastic pollution in the gastrointestinal tract of giant river catfish <i>Sperata seenghala</i> (Sykes, 1839) from the Meghna River, Bangladesh 査読 国際誌

    Arafat, ST; Tanoiri, H; Yokota, M; Nakano, H; Arakawa, H; Terahara, T; Kobayashi, T

    ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH   30 ( 38 )   89627 - 89637   2023年7月   ISSN:0944-1344 eISSN:1614-7499


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Environmental Science and Pollution Research  

    Freshwater rivers are considered the major route for microplastics (MPs), yet limited studies have been reported on MPs in freshwater river fish, especially in Bangladesh. This research reveals the intake of MPs by the giant river catfish Sperata seenghala, collected from the Meghna River, which is the only outlet of the Ganges-Brahmaputra River. Three locations, namely, Chandpur Sadar, Bhola Sadar, and Char Fasson, along the Meghna River, were selected in order to investigate the gastrointestinal tracts (GIT) of the fish. Ninety percent (n=27) of fish (n=30) were contaminated, with fragment-shaped MPs (65&#37;) as the most abundant among the four types. A total of 179 MP particles were detected using micro-Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (μ-FTIR), with an average of 5.96 ± 1.32 MP particles per fish. Among the four size groups, the highest proportion of MPs (54&#37;) occurred in the 45-100 μm group; the dominant color among the seven color groups was white (30&#37;). The highest quantity of MPs was found in the relatively densely populated Chandpur Sadar region. Polypropylene-polyethylene copolymer (PP-PE, 23&#37;) was proportionally dominant among the 15 types. No significant relationship was found between the total number of observed MPs and the GIT weight. This study will help us to understand MP pollution in S. seenghala that may transmit to the human body through the food chain.

    DOI: 10.1007/s11356-023-28750-z

    Web of Science




  • Coumarin 6 staining method to detect microplastics 査読 国際誌

    Cheng, YP; Zhang, JQ; Nakano, H; Ueyama, N; Arakawa, H

    MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN   193   115167 - 115167   2023年6月   ISSN:0025-326X eISSN:1879-3363


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Marine Pollution Bulletin  

    Microplastics have contaminated the ocean in large quantities and are widely distributed throughout the world. Thus, our understanding of the concentration of microplastics in various environments should be increased. However, current methods to detect microplastics require considerable effort and expensive equipment. In this study, we developed a fluorescence staining technique using coumarin 6 and examined its effectiveness. A mixture of acetone and ethanol was used as the solvent, and 10 different types of plastics were able to be stained with coumarin 6. The fluorescence peak for coumarin 6 staining was approximately 500 nm for each plastic type. The optimal immersion time and coumarin 6 concentration for staining were determined to be 60 min and 1 mg L-1, respectively. Using this technique, we were able to stain all of the microplastics obtained from samples collected in Tokyo Bay seawater.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2023.115167

    Web of Science




  • Comparative evaluation of the carbonyl index of microplastics around the Japan coast 査読

    Celik, M; Nakano, H; Uchida, K; Isobe, A; Arakawa, H

    MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN   190   114818   2023年5月   ISSN:0025-326X eISSN:1879-3363


    記述言語:その他   出版者・発行元:Marine Pollution Bulletin  

    The carbonyl index (CI) of polyethylene and polypropylene microplastics (MPs) (2950 particles) collected in coastal waters around Japan was investigated. The CI of MPs was calculated by the specified area under band technique. The mean MP CI in all samples (regardless of shape and color) was 0.69 ± 0.34 and 0.70 ± 0.34 for polyethylene and polypropylene, respectively, and there was no significant difference in the color or shape of the MPs. The polyethylene, white, and fragment MPs CI was negatively (p < 0.05) correlated with the major length of the MPs. Large MPs with relatively little deterioration were distributed along the west coast of the Sea of Japan, whereas small MPs were distributed along the east coast. Our findings of this gradual change in the deterioration of MPs, based on geographical distribution, are in accordance with literature CI–size and MP degradation hypotheses.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2023.114818

    Web of Science




  • Contamination of sea surface water offshore the Tokai region and Tokyo Bay in Japan by small microplastics 査読 国際誌

    Xu H., Nakano H., Tokai T., Miyazaki T., Hamada H., Arakawa H.

    Marine Pollution Bulletin   185 ( Pt A )   114245 - 114245   2022年10月   ISSN:0025326X


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Marine Pollution Bulletin  

    A nested double neuston net was prepared and used to collect samples from the surface of coastal waters around Japan to obtain information about the properties of both small microplastics (SMPs; <350 μm) and large microplastics (LMPs; >350 μm). The SMP concentrations ranged from 1000 to 5900 pieces m-3 in the open ocean and averaged approximately 3000 pieces m-3 in the inner part of Tokyo Bay. The SMP concentrations were around 20-60 times greater than the LMP concentrations. By analyzing the seawater, we obtained a microplastic size distribution that spanned 50-5000 μm. The LMPs mainly comprised packaging-related plastics, such as polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene, while the SMPs were dominated by paint-related plastics. SMPs derived from packaging materials (e.g., PE) may have gradually sank down from the sea surface when they were smaller than 600 μm.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.114245




  • Oceanic microplastics in Japan: A brief review on research protocol and present pollution 査読

    Nakano H., Arakawa H.

    Regional Studies in Marine Science   51   102201 - 102201   2022年3月   ISSN:2352-4855


    記述言語:その他   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)   出版者・発行元:Regional Studies in Marine Science  

    Microplastics (MPs) are considered a global threat due to their adverse effects on biota. Although there have been many studies of MPs in the environment and experimental studies of their effects on living organisms, insufficient data is available to assess their pollution. Therefore, we have compiled a research protocol for MP and the current status of their pollution in Japan. This review reports MPs in three locations as sea surface water, seafloor sediments, and coastal sediments. Because mesh size of the nets and location of stations relate to the result, this review highlights the importance of survey designs. Shapes, colors, lengths (size), and polymer type of MPs are related to their distribution and abundance and reveal the origination of MPs, so this review recommends reporting baseline data. Eventually, this review organized future issues.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.rsma.2022.102201



  • 海洋乱流現象を特徴付ける種々のスケールと無次元数,並びに渦拡散係数の推定 査読

    中野知香, 吉田次郎

    海の研究   30 ( 6 )   2021年12月



  • Reevaluation of microplastics identification based on Neuston net survey data. 査読 国際誌

    Haruka Nakano, Keiichi Uchida, Tetsutaro Aikawa, Toshifumi Hayashi, Hisayuki Arakawa

    Marine pollution bulletin   171   112799 - 112799   2021年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.112799

  • Inclusion of shape parameters increases the accuracy of 3D models for microplastics mass quantification. 査読 国際誌

    Hiraku Tanoiri, Haruka Nakano, Hisayuki Arakawa, Ricardo Shohei Hattori, Masashi Yokota

    Marine pollution bulletin   171   112749 - 112749   2021年10月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.112749

  • Contamination of seabed sediments in Tokyo Bay by small microplastic particles 査読

    Yehao Wang, Haruka Nakano, Haodong Xu, Hisayuki Arakawa



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2021.107552

  • Statistical Analysis of Surface Circulation in Sagami Bay Using High-Frequency (HF) Radar 査読

    Haruka Nakano, Mai Matsusaka, Issei Nishimura, Hiroyuki Yoritaka, Masao Nemoto, Jiro Yoshida




    Statistical Analysis of Surface Circulation in Sagami Bay Using High-Frequency (HF) Radar

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-43484-7_4

  • A note on estimating eddy diffusivity for oceanic double-diffusive convection 査読

    Haruka Nakano, Jiro Yoshida

    Journal of Oceanography   75 ( 5 )   375 - 393   2019年10月



    DOI: 10.1007/s10872-019-00514-9

  • 千葉県館山湾におけるマアジの魚群行動と海洋構造 査読

    根本雅生, 澁谷勝晶, 中野知香, 中野知香, 古見拓郎, 上嶋紘生, 宮崎唯史, 北出裕二郎

    55 ( 1-2 )   2017年3月



  • 統計的手法を用いた黒潮流路変動解析 査読

    吉田 次郎, 前田 恵理子, 中野 知香, 出口 大貴, 根本 雅生

    海の研究   24 ( 2 )   77 - 77   2015年3月



    本論文182 ページの式 (2),(3),183 ページの式 (4) 中の指数符号,並びに係数に著者校正中の不注意によるミスプリントがありましたので,以下のように訂正いたします。なお,式 (4) を図示したFig. 12, 13 の実線は訂正した式で図示されているので,変更はありません。また,この訂正による論文内容の変更はありません。私どもの不注意でご迷惑をおかけしたことをお詫び申し上げます。

    DOI: 10.5928/kaiyou.24.2_77

  • Parameterization of the eddy diffusivity due to double diffusive convection 査読

    Haruka Nakano, K. Shimada, M. Nemoto, J. Yoshida






  • White paper "Microplastics in Coastal Aquaculture Systems: Development of Regulatory Frameworks, Practices and Mitigation Efforts in APEC Economies"

    This project was part of the, APEC Projec, OFWG




    White paper "Microplastics in Coastal Aquaculture Systems: Development of Regulatory Frameworks, Practices and Mitigation Efforts in APEC Economies"

  • White paper "Microplastics in Coastal Aquaculture Systems: Development of Regulatory Frameworks, Practices and Mitigation Efforts in APEC Economies"

    This project was part of the, APEC Projec, OFWG




  • 鶴見川河口干潟におけるマイクロプラスチックの生物濃縮の確認

    田野入開, 倉前鷹彦, 中野知香, 荒川久幸, 横田賢史

    日本水産学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM)  2021年 


    開催年月日: 2021年


  • 底生動物におけるマイクロプラスチックの影響評価へ向けた定量的手法の開発

    田野入開, 中野知香, 荒川久幸, 横田賢史

    日本水産学会大会講演要旨集  2020年 


    開催年月日: 2020年


  • 東京湾堆積物におけるマイクロプラスチックの濃度

    WANG Yehao, 中野知香, 荒川久幸

    日本地球惑星科学連合大会予稿集(Web)  2020年 


    開催年月日: 2020年


  • 東京湾の海底堆積物のマイクロプラスチック濃度

    王業浩, 中野知香, 荒川久幸

    日仏海洋学会学術研究発表会講演要旨集  2020年 


    開催年月日: 2020年


  • マイクロプラスチックスの前処理方法の検討と既往手法との比較

    中野知香, 内田圭一, 荒川久幸, 東海正

    日仏海洋学会学術研究発表会講演要旨集  2019年 


    開催年月日: 2019年


  • 1993年から2016年にかけての東京湾海洋構造の変化-青鷹丸観測航海観測成果-

    中野知香, 中野知香, 山田莉那, 山本栄里, 宮崎奈穂, 林敏史, 宮崎唯史, 萩田隆一, 上嶋紘生, 吉野紬, 坂本寛子, 根本雅生, 吉田次郎

    日仏海洋学会学術研究発表会講演要旨集  2018年 


    開催年月日: 2018年


  • Microplastic monitoring in Japan; current situation and challenges. 招待

    Nakano Haruka

    International conference on marine debris (台湾海洋委員会主催)  2024年9月 


    会議種別:シンポジウム・ワークショップ パネル(指名)  


  • Microplastic analysis and monitoring in Japan; current situation and challenges 招待

    7th International Microplastics Symposium (韓国環境研究院)  2024年11月 


    会議種別:シンポジウム・ワークショップ パネル(指名)  




  • 船舶海洋分野における気象情報の利用 気象海象の推算とその精度-推算値の特徴を踏まえた利用のために-

    松浦邦明, 前田正裕, 中野知香, 黒木健太郎, 越田理, 佐藤淑子





  • 日仏海洋学会

    2011年4月 - 現在


  • 日本海洋学会

    2011年 - 現在



  • マイクロプラスチック前処理方法国際標準化 審議委員  

    2024年4月 - 現在   


  • ISO/TC147/SC2/JWG1 エキスパート(マイクロプラスチック分析手法国際標準化)  

    2022年8月 - 現在   


  • 福岡市   アイランドシティ整備事業環境モニタリング委員会  

    2022年7月 - 現在   


  • マイクロプラスチック前処理方法国際標準化分科会 委員  

    2022年6月 - 現在   


  • ISO/TC147/SC6/WG16 エキスパート (マイクロプラスチックのサンプリングに関する国際標準化)  

    2022年6月 - 現在   


  • 日本海洋学会   Inclusion海かふぇ メンター(日本海洋学会、男女共同参画のための企画)  

    2022年5月 - 現在   




  • 多重染色及び複数色蛍光画像を用いた300μm以下のマイクロプラスチックの検出

    研究課題/領域番号:23K17030  2023年 - 2025年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  若手研究

    中野 知香



    海洋プラスチック汚染の将来予測はその汚染防止に係る政策立案のために必要であるが、予測に不可欠なSmall Microplastics (SMPs; 10-300 μm)のデータは不足している。そこで本研究では、蛍光色素クマリン6、ナイルレッド(NileRed)及びダピ(DAPI)を用いた多重染色法及び複数色の蛍光画像データを用いたSMPs検出手法を開発する。この手法を用いてタイランド湾シーチャン島周辺海域のSMPsの数密度の空間分布及び粒径分布を明らかにする。

    CiNii Research

  • (マレーシア・プトラ大学 助成金)地域社会におけるプラスチックに関する知識の伝達とプラスチックのリサイクル方法

    研究課題/領域番号:6233227  2023年 - 2024年

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(C)


    担当区分:研究分担者  資金種別:科研費


  • 2022年4月   役割:参加   名称:令和4年度 第1回全学FD(新任教員の研修)The 1st All-University FD (training for new faculty members) in FY2022



  • 2023年11月

    University of Putra, Malaysia

    Webinar ”The Life of A Scientist” for Minggu Sains Negara 2023 (マレーシア科学週間2023)

  • 2023年9月

    University of Putra Malaysia



  • アドバイザーとして海洋環境保全活動、マイクロプラスチック研究に関わる国際標準化活動に取り組んでいます。


  • マレーシア・ティオマン島ビーチクリーンアップキャンペーン(戦略的パートナー)

    マレーシア・プトラ大学  2023年9月


    対象: 社会人・一般, 学術団体, 企業, 市民団体, 行政機関

  • マイクロプラスチックに関する招待講演

    マレーシア・プトラ大学  2023年9月


    対象: 社会人・一般, 学術団体, 企業, 市民団体, 行政機関

  • 海の日イベント「海洋プラごみ汚染の現状」にて講演

    東京海洋大学  2022年8月


    対象: 社会人・一般, 学術団体, 企業, 市民団体, 行政機関


  • SEAFDEC 海洋ごみのサンプリングと分析のトレーニングコース(講師)







  • 海洋プラごみ発生源解明へ 九州大などがタイで新たな調査 インターネットメディア

    テレビ朝日  ABEMA NEWS  https://youtu.be/6b3OjTQckWw?si=rVYH5qrDhIafnXWR  2024年7月



  • 2022年8月 - 2024年3月   一般社団法人産業環境管理協会

    ISO/TC147/SC2/JWG1 エキスパート(マイクロプラスチック分析手法国際標準化)

  • 2022年8月 - 2023年6月   Sponsoring Forums is Oceans and Fisheries Working Group (OFWG); プロジェクトナンバーOFWG 03 2021A

    APECの関連プロジェクト 「Determining Microplastics Distribution in Coastal Aquaculture Input Systems and Developing a Mitigation Plan towards Seafood Safety:養殖業におけるマイクロプラスチック分布の把握と水産物の安全性に向けた緩和策の策定(和訳は仮タイトル)」へのデータ提供及び白書の執筆

  • 2022年7月 - 2024年3月   福岡市

    福岡市 アイランドシティ整備事業環境モニタリング委員会

  • 2022年6月 - 2024年3月   一般社団法人産業環境管理協会

    ISO/TC147/SC6/WG16 エキスパート (マイクロプラスチックのサンプリングに関する国際標準化)


  • 2022年4月 - 2025年3月

    滞在国名1:タイ王国   滞在機関名1:チュラロンコン大学