Updated on 2024/11/20




Kyushu University Hospital Radiology Assistant Professor
School of Medicine Department of Medicine(Concurrent)
Assistant Professor
九州大学病院放射線科の一員として、診療、教育、研究に携わる (診療) 1 当院の日常診療で撮像される腹部領域のCT・MRI・超音波検査の読影とレポート作成を行っている。 2 腹部領域の画像診断やIVRにおいて、各科からのコンサルトへの対応や各科との合同カンファレンスへの参加を行っている。 3 肝細胞癌の経血管的治療(血管塞栓術や動注リザーバー留置術)、肝動脈・門脈造影下CT、劇症肝炎や急性膵炎に対する動注カテーテル留置、経皮経肝的門脈塞栓術、血管奇形に対する塞栓術、骨盤内動注療法、腹部領域の救急疾患に対する緊急止血術、静脈サンプリング、診断などの血管造影を行っている。 4 CTや超音波を利用して、悪性腫瘍を中心とした生検や膿瘍に対するドレナージを行っている。 5 腎細胞癌、類骨骨種、肺転移、骨盤内悪性腫瘍等に対し、凍結療法、ラジオ波焼灼術を行っている。 6 週1回、放射線科外来で診療を行っている。通常の診療に加え、検査法に関する指示や、IVRの検査・治療内容について詳しい説明を行っている。 (教育) 1 医学部学生、研修医、臨床大学院生に対し、腹部領域のCT・MRI・超音波検査などの画総診断の教育、レポート作成の指導を行っている。 2 医学部学生、研修医、臨床大学院生に対し、vascular IVR、non-vascular IVRの教育、手技の指導を行っている。 (研究) 1 腎細胞癌に対する凍結療法の安全性、有用性についての検討 2 有痛性腫瘍に対する凍結療法やラジオ波焼灼術の安全性、有用性についての検討 3 症状緩和のためのIVRについての検討 4 CTガイド下生検の安全性、有用性についての検討
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  • PhD

Research Interests・Research Keywords

  • Research theme:Development of Artificial Intelligence Software for Predicting Frozen Area and Determining Appropriate Puncture Routes in Cryotherapy

    Keyword:cryotherapy, artificial intelligence, software

    Research period: 2024.4 - 2025.3

  • Research theme:The efficacy of cryotherapy for postoperative dissemination in renal cell carcinoma.

    Keyword:cryotherapy, renal cell carcinoma, dissemination

    Research period: 2023.4 - Present

  • Research theme:Efficacy of preoperative arterial embolization

    Keyword:preoperative TAE

    Research period: 2022.6 - 2027.6

  • Research theme:Efficacy and safety of interventional radiology (IVR)


    Research period: 2014.1 - 2020.3


  • 最優秀演題賞

    2021.12   九州IVR研究会   慢性大動脈解離EVAR後の偽腔から発生した慢性血腫に対して経仙骨穿刺による内容吸引およびNLE注入が奏功した1例

  • 板井悠二賞

    2013.1   肝血流動態・機能イメージ研究会   繰り返すTACEにより肝動脈が閉塞した後に、門脈をfeeder、肝静脈をdrainerとして発達した中分化肝細胞癌の一例

  • 板井悠二賞

    2008.1   肝血流動態イメージ研究会   Dynamic MRIにおける多血性肝細胞癌の造影パターンと病理所見との関係:腫瘍分化度推定における門脈相の有用性について


  • Safety and clinical contribution of computed tomography-guided biopsy for cervical spine lesion Reviewed International journal

    Okamoto D, Ushijima Y, Fujita N, Ishimatsu K, Murayama R, Itoyama M, Ishigami K

    Minim Invasive Ther Allied Technol.   2024.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Gadolinium ethoxybenzyl diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid-enhanced MR finding of radiation-induced hepatic injury: Relationship to absorbed dose and time course after irradiation Reviewed International journal

    Okamoto D, Nishie A, Asayama Y, Tajima T, Ishigami K, Kakihara D, Nakayama T, Ohga S, Yoshitake T, Shioyama Y, Honda H


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.mri.2014.02.019

  • Enhancement pattern analysis of hypervascular hepatocellular carcinoma on dynamic MR imaging with histopathological correlation: validity of portal phase imaging for predicting tumor grade. Reviewed International journal

    Okamoto D, Yoshimitsu K, Nishie A, Tajima T, Asayama Y, Ishigami K, Hirakawa M, Ushijima Y, Kakihara D, Nakayama T, Nishihara Y, Aishima S, Taketomi A, Kishimoto J, Honda H.

    Eur J Radiol   81 ( 6 )   1116 - 1121   2012.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ejrad.2011.02.056. Epub 2011 Mar 21.

  • 特集 肝胆膵のcommon diseaseにみる非典型的画像所見 膵漿液性嚢胞腫瘍(SCN)

    牧瀬 智, 藤田 展宏, 中山 智博, 牛島 泰宏, 岡本 大佑, 石松 慶祐, 田畑 公佑, 石神 康生

    画像診断   44 ( 12 )   1202 - 1208   2024.9   ISSN:02850524 eISSN:24321281

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    DOI: 10.15105/gz.0000005810

    CiNii Research

  • A case of preoperative embolization for a giant hypervascular pancreatic serous cystic neoplasm in pancreaticoduodenectomy

    Matsuyoshi, T; Ikenaga, N; Nakata, K; Okamoto, D; Matsumoto, T; Abe, T; Watanabe, Y; Ideno, N; Kaku, K; Fujimori, N; Ohuchida, K; Okabe, Y; Oda, Y; Ishigami, K; Nakamura, M

    SURGICAL CASE REPORTS   10 ( 1 )   208   2024.9   ISSN:2198-7793

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  • Value of gadoxetic acid-enhanced MR imaging for preoperative prediction of future liver regeneration after hemihepatectomy

    Fujita, N; Ushijima, Y; Itoyama, M; Okamoto, D; Ishimatsu, K; Tabata, K; Itoh, S; Ishigami, K

    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY   2024.8   ISSN:1867-1071 eISSN:1867-108X

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    Language:English   Publisher:Japanese Journal of Radiology  

    Purpose: Liver resection is currently considered the most effective treatment for patients with liver cancer. To the best of our knowledge, no study has investigated the association between gadoxetic acid-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings and liver regeneration in patients who underwent hemihepatectomy. We aimed to clarify the relationship between the signal intensity (SI) of the liver parenchyma on gadoxetic acid-enhanced MRI and the degree of liver regeneration in patients who underwent hemihepatectomy. Materials and methods: Forty-one patients who underwent gadoxetic acid-enhanced MRI before hemihepatectomy were enrolled. We calculated the liver-to-erector spinae muscle SI ratio (LMR) in the hepatobiliary phase and the precontrast images. ΔLMR was calculated using the following equation: ΔLMR = (LMR in the hepatobiliary phase−LMR in the precontrast image)/LMR in the precontrast image. The preoperative and postoperative remnant liver volumes (LVs) were calculated using CT volumetry. We calculated the resection rate (RR) and liver regeneration index (LRI) using the following formulas: RR = Resected LV/Total LV × 100 and LRI = (postoperative remnant LV−preoperative remnant LV)/preoperative remnant LV × 100. The relationships among LRI, imaging, and clinicopathological factors were analyzed. Results: Univariate analysis showed RR and ΔLMR showed a positive correlation with LRI (ρ = 0.4133, p = 0.0072 and ρ = 0.7773, p < 0.001, respectively). Spleen volume showed a negative correlation with LRI (ρ = −0.3138, p = 0.0486). Stepwise multiple regression analysis showed ΔLMR and RR were independently correlated with LRI (β coefficient = 44.8771, p = 0.0198 and β coefficient = 1.9653, p < 0.001, respectively). Conclusion: ΔLMR may serve as a preoperative predictor of liver regeneration in patients undergoing hemihepatectomy.

    DOI: 10.1007/s11604-024-01629-w

    Web of Science



  • Multiparametric assessment of microvascular invasion in hepatocellular carcinoma using gadoxetic acid-enhanced MRI ( vol 49 , pg 1467, 2024)

    Fujita, N; Ushijima, Y; Ishimatsu, K; Okamoto, D; Wada, N; Takao, S; Murayama, R; Itoyama, M; Harada, N; Maehara, J; Oda, Y; Ishigami, K; Nishie, A

    ABDOMINAL RADIOLOGY   49 ( 7 )   2559 - 2560   2024.7   ISSN:2366-004X eISSN:2366-0058

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    Language:English   Publisher:Abdominal Radiology  

    In this paper, references from 25 to 40 are incorrect in the original publication. The correct references are given below: Bastati N, Wibmer A, Tamandl D, et al. (2016) Assessment of Orthotopic Liver Transplant Graft Survival on Gadoxetic Acid-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using Qualitative and Quantitative Parameters. Invest Radiol 51:728–734. Bastati N, Beer L, Mandorfer M, et al. (2020) Does the Functional Liver Imaging Score Derived from Gadoxetic Acid-enhanced MRI Predict Outcomes in Chronic Liver Disease Radiology 294:98–107. Torbenson MS, Ng IOL, Park YN, Roncalli M, Sakamoto M (2019). Hepatocellular carcinoma. In: WHO classification of Tumors Editorial Board. Digestive system tumours. Lyon (France): Internal Agency for Research on Cancer: pp229-239. Roayaie S, Blume IN, Thung SN et al. (2009) A system of classifying microvascular invasion to predict outcome after resection in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Gastroenterology 137:850–855. Tomimaru Y, Sasaki Y, Yamada T et al. (2006) Fibrosis in non-cancerous tissue is the unique prognostic factor for primary hepatocellular carcinoma without hepatitis B or C viral infection. World J Surg 30:1729–1735. Esnaola NF, Lauwers GY, Mirza NQ et al. (2002) Predictors of microvascular invasion in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma who are candidates for orthotopic liver transplantation. J Gastrointest Surg 6:224–232; discussion 232. Ng IO, Lai EC, Ng MM, Fan ST (1992) Tumor encapsulation in hepatocellular carcinoma. A pathologic study of 189 cases. Cancer 70:45–49. Fujita N, Nishie A, Asayama Y et al. (2020) Quantitative evaluation of liver function and pathology with hepatocyte fraction on Gadoxetic acid-enhanced MR imaging Magn Reson Imaging 72:125–129. Rosenkrantz AB, Oei M, Babb JS, Niver BE, Taouli B (2011) Diffusion-weighted imaging of the abdomen at 3.0 tesla: image quality and apparent diffusion coefficient reproducibility compared with 1.5 tesla. J Magn Reson Imaging 33:128–135. Tang Y, Wang H, Wang Y, et al. (2016) Quantitative comparison of MR diffusion-weighted imaging for liver focal lesions between 3.0T and 1.5T: Regions of interest of the minimum-spot ADC, the largest possible solid part, and the maximum diameter in lesions J Magn Reson Imaging 44:1320–1329. Nishie A, Tajima T, Asayama Y et al. (2011) Diagnostic performance of apparent diffusion coefficient for predicting histological grade of hepatocellular carcinoma. Eur J Radiol. 80:e29-33. Yokoo T, Masaki N, Parikh ND, Lane BF et al. (2023) Multicenter validation of abbreviated MRI for detecting early-stage hepatocellular carcinoma. Radiology. 307:e220917. Ehman EC, Behr SC, Umetsu SE et al. (2016) Rate of observation and inter-observer agreement for LI-RADS major features at CT and MRI in 184 pathology proven hepatocellular carcinomas. Abdom Radiol (NY) 41:963–969. Matsui O, Kobayashi S, Sanada J et al. (2011) Hepatocelluar nodules in liver cirrhosis: hemodynamic evaluation (angiography-assisted CT) with special reference to multistep hepatocarcinogenesis. Abdom Imaging 36:264–272. Min JH, Lee MW, Park HS et al. (2020) Interobserver Variability and Diagnostic Performance of Gadoxetic Acid-enhanced MRI for Predicting Microvascular Invasion in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Radiology 297: 573–581. Fan L, Mac MT, Frishberg DP et al. (2010) Interobserver and intraobserver variability in evaluating vascular invasion in hepatocellular carcinoma. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 25: 1556–1561. The original article has been updated.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00261-024-04466-7

    Web of Science



  • Safety and clinical contribution of computed tomography-guided biopsy for cervical spine lesion

    Okamoto, D; Ushijima, Y; Fujita, N; Ishimatsu, K; Murayama, R; Itoyama, M; Ishigami, K

    MINIMALLY INVASIVE THERAPY & ALLIED TECHNOLOGIES   33 ( 3 )   171 - 175   2024.6   ISSN:1364-5706 eISSN:1365-2931

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    Language:English   Publisher:Minimally Invasive Therapy and Allied Technologies  

    Introduction: The purpose is to clarify the safety and clinical contribution of computed tomography (CT)-guided percutaneous needle-biopsy for patients with cervical spine lesion. Material and methods: Between June 2015 and August 2022, CT-guided percutaneous needle biopsies were performed for 15 cervical spine lesions of 15 patients (8 male, 7 female; 2–81 years old). The technical success, clinical contribution, and safety were evaluated. Technical success was defined as the completion of the biopsy procedure. Clinical contribution was defined as any contribution to the therapeutic strategy. Safety was assessed by the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events, version 5.0. Results: The technical success rate was 100%. In all 15 patients, nontarget organs (e.g., major vessels, spinal cord) could be avoided. The post-biopsy histological diagnoses were myeloma (n = 2), metastatic adenocarcinoma (n = 2), chordoma (n = 2), Langerhans cell histiocytosis (n = 3), and one case each of malignant lymphoma, schwannoma, pyogenic spondylitis, non-pyogenic spondylitis, degenerative change, and non-pathological fracture. All of these diagnoses contributed to the therapeutic strategy decisions. One case of grade 2 pain was observed, but no complications with grade 3 or more were observed during or after the biopsies. Conclusion: CT-guided percutaneous needle biopsies for cervical spine lesions were safe and clinically beneficial.

    DOI: 10.1080/13645706.2024.2311720

    Web of Science



  • Multiparametric assessment of microvascular invasion in hepatocellular carcinoma using gadoxetic acid-enhanced MRI

    Fujita, N; Ushijima, Y; Ishimatsu, K; Okamoto, D; Wada, N; Takao, S; Murayama, R; Itoyama, M; Harada, N; Maehara, J; Oda, Y; Ishigami, K; Nishie, A

    ABDOMINAL RADIOLOGY   49 ( 5 )   1467 - 1478   2024.5   ISSN:2366-004X eISSN:2366-0058

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    Language:English   Publisher:Abdominal Radiology  

    Purpose: To elucidate how precisely microvascular invasion (MVI) in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) can be predicted using multiparametric assessment of gadoxetic acid-enhanced MRI. Methods: In this retrospective single-center study, patients who underwent liver resection or transplantation of HCC were evaluated. Data obtained in patients who underwent liver resection were used as the training set. Nine kinds of MR findings for predicting MVI were compared between HCCs with and without MVI by univariate analysis, followed by multiple logistic regression analysis. Using significant findings, a predictive formula for diagnosing MVI was obtained. The diagnostic performance of the formula was investigated in patients who underwent liver resection (validation set 1) and in patients who underwent liver transplantation (validation set 2) using a receiver operating characteristic curve analysis. The area under the curves (AUCs) of these three groups were compared. Results: A total of 345 patients with 356 HCCs were selected for analysis. Tumor diameter (D) (P = 0.021), tumor washout (TW) (P < 0.01), and peritumoral hypointensity in the hepatobiliary phase (PHH) (P < 0.01) were significantly associated with MVI after multivariate analysis. The AUCs for predicting MVI of the predictive formula were as follows: training set, 0.88 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.82,0.93); validation set 1, 0.81 (95% CI 0.73,0.87); validation set 2, 0.67 (95% CI 0.51,0.80). The AUCs were not significantly different among three groups (training set vs validation set 1; P = 0.15, training set vs validation set 2; P = 0.09, validation set 1 vs validation set 2; P = 0.29, respectively). Conclusion: Our multiparametric assessment of gadoxetic acid-enhanced MRI performed quite precisely and with good reproducibility for predicting MVI. Graphical abstract: (Figure presented.)

    DOI: 10.1007/s00261-023-04179-3

    Web of Science



  • 経皮経食道胃管挿入術から経皮内視鏡的胃瘻造設術へと段階的に栄養管理を行い、経口摂取に移行した熱傷患者の1例

    明石 哲郎, 松水 和徳, 香川 聡志, 岡本 大佑, 田中 和豊, 泉 弥成子, 立花 雄一, 鯉川 直美, 辻元 由貴, 大塚 美紅, 掛川 ちさと, 清水 純子, 中村 麻里, 熊本 チエ子

    日本病態栄養学会誌   27 ( 1 )   155 - 161   2024.4   ISSN:1345-8167

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(一社)日本病態栄養学会  


  • Retrograde transvenous thoracic duct embolization for lymphatic leakage after retroperitoneal tumor and lymph node resection: a case report and literature review

    Kinoshita, G; Morisaki, K; Okamoto, D; Aoyagi, T; Yoshino, S; Inoue, K; Yoshizumi, T

    SURGICAL CASE REPORTS   10 ( 1 )   53   2024.3   ISSN:2198-7793

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  • Effect of lipiodol marking before CT-guided cryoablation on the outcome of sporadic renal cell carcinoma

    Ushijima, Y; Okamoto, D; Fujita, N; Ishimatsu, K; Wada, N; Takao, S; Murayama, R; Itoyama, M; Ishigami, K

    DIAGNOSTIC AND INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGY   30 ( 2 )   117 - 123   2024.3   ISSN:1305-3612

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    Language:English   Publisher:Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology  

    PURPOSE This retrospective study evaluates the impact of preoperative lipiodol marking on the outcomes of computed tomography (CT)-guided cryoablation for histologically diagnosed sporadic renal cell carcinoma (RCC). METHODS This study analyzed the data of 173 patients who underwent CT-guided cryoablation for histologi-cally proven sporadic RCC at a single institution between April 2014 and December 2020. The local control rate (LCR), recurrence-free survival rate (RFSR), overall survival rate (OSR), changes in renal function, and complications in patients with (n = 85) and without (n = 88) preoperative lipiodol marking were compared. RESULTS The 5-year LCR and 5-year RFSR were significantly higher in patients with lipiodol marking (97.51% and 93.84%, respectively) than in those without (72.38% and 68.10%, respectively) (P value <0.01, log-rank test). There were no significant differences between the two groups regarding the 5-year OSR (97.50% vs. 86.82%) or the deterioration in chronic kidney disease stage (12.70% vs. 16.43%). Grade ≥3 complications occurred in patients with lipiodol marking (n = 2, retroperitoneal hemato-ma and cerebral infarction in 1 patient each) and without (n = 5; urinary fistula in 2, colonic perfo-ration in 2, urinary infection in 1). CONCLUSION Lipiodol marking before CT-guided cryoablation for sporadic RCC is a feasible approach to improv-ing local control and RFS while mitigating the decline in renal function. Additionally, it may help reduce complications.

    DOI: 10.4274/dir.2023.232381

    Web of Science



  • エキスパートによるIVR症例集 片腎の腎門部に生じた腎細胞癌に対してCTガイド下経皮的凍結療法を施行し、良好な局所制御と腎機能温存が得られた1例

    牛島 泰宏, 岡本 大佑, 久保 雄一郎, 石松 慶祐, 藤田 展宏, 糸山 昌宏, 田畑 公佑, 石神 康生

    Rad Fan   22 ( 2 )   106 - 108   2024.1   ISSN:1348-3498

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)メディカルアイ  


  • Impact of portal-phase signal intensity of dynamic gadoxetic acid-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging in hepatocellular carcinoma

    Tomino, T; Itoh, S; Okamoto, D; Yoshiya, S; Nagao, Y; Harada, N; Fujita, N; Ushijima, Y; Ishigami, K; Yoshizumi, T

    JOURNAL OF HEPATO-BILIARY-PANCREATIC SCIENCES   30 ( 9 )   1089 - 1097   2023.9   ISSN:1868-6974 eISSN:1868-6982

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    Language:English   Publisher:Journal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Sciences  

    Purpose: To evaluate the prognostic impact of dynamic gadolinium ethoxybenzyl diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (Gd-EOB-DTPA)-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the data of 206 patients with HCC who underwent preoperative Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced MRI and hepatectomy and quantitatively evaluated the signal intensity ratio of the tumor to the surrounding liver tissue in the portal phase (SIRPP). We verified the survival rates and assessed the prognostic factors associated with overall survival (OS) and recurrence-free survival (RFS) using SIRPP. Results: Multivariate analysis revealed that the independent predictive factors for poorly-differentiated HCC were α-fetoprotein > 20 ng/mL (hazard ratio [HR]: 3.1909, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.3464–7.5622, p =.0084) and SIRPP ≤ 0.85 (HR: 3.7155, 95% CI: 1.521–9.076, p =.004). The 5-year OS and RFS rates in the high and low SIRPP groups were 83.2 and 52.1%, respectively (p <.0001) and 49.7 and 18.5%, respectively (p =.0003). Multivariate analysis revealed that SIRPP ≤ 0.68 was an independent prognostic factor related to OS (HR: 4.4537, 95% CI: 1.6581–11.9626, p =.003). Conclusion: The SIRPP of preoperative Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced MRI might predict the histological differentiation and prognosis of HCC.

    DOI: 10.1002/jhbp.1345

    Web of Science



  • 肝細胞癌におけるダイナミックガドキセト酸造影MRIの門脈相信号強度の影響(Impact of portal-phase signal intensity of dynamic gadoxetic acid-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging in hepatocellular carcinoma)

    Tomino Takahiro, Itoh Shinji, Okamoto Daisuke, Yoshiya Shohei, Nagao Yoshihiro, Harada Noboru, Fujita Nobuhiro, Ushijima Yasuhiro, Ishigami Kousei, Yoshizumi Tomoharu

    Journal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Sciences   30 ( 9 )   1089 - 1097   2023.9   ISSN:1868-6974

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    Language:English   Publisher:John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd  

    肝細胞癌(HCC)患者におけるダイナミックGd-EOB-DTPA造影MRI所見と予後との関連を検討した。Gd-EOB-DTPA造影MRIの施行後に肝切除を受けたHCC患者206例を対象に後ろ向きレビューを行い、門脈相における肝組織周囲に対する腫瘍の信号強度比(SIRPP)を算出し、全生存率(OS)、無再発生存率(RFS)との関連を評価した。58例(28.2%)に未分化成分が検出され、多変量解析では未分化型HCCの独立予測因子としてAFP 20ng/mL超およびSIRPP 0.85以下が抽出された。患者生存を評価したROC解析ではSIRPPのカットオフ値は0.68と算出され、この値をもとにSIRPP高値群166例とSIRPP低値群40例に分類すると、高値群にはF3またはF4の組織学的肝硬変が多く、SIRPP低値群にはBCLCステージBまたはC、腹腔鏡下肝切除の施行、未分化型HCC、被膜形成、顕微的被膜浸潤・脈管浸潤・胆管浸潤を多く認めた。また、AFP、AFP-L3、DCP、手術時間、術中出血量、腫瘍サイズはSIRPP低値群の方が有意に高値を示しており、5年OSはSIRPP高値群が83.2%、低値群が52.1%、5年RFSはSIRPP高値群が49.7%、低値群が18.5%と有意差が認められた。多変量解析ではOSの独立予測因子としてDCP 100mAU/mL以上、SIRPP 0.68以下、RFSの独立予測因子として腫瘍数2個以上が示された。ダイナミックGd-EOB-DTPA造影MRIによりHCCの組織学的分化度と予後を予測できうると思われた。

  • Clinical association between intraoperative indocyanine green fluorescence imaging pattern, preoperative Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging findings, and histological differentiation in hepatocellular carcinoma

    Tomino, T; Itoh, S; Fujita, N; Okamoto, D; Nakayama, Y; Toshida, K; Tomiyama, T; Tsutsui, Y; Kosai, Y; Kurihara, T; Nagao, Y; Morita, K; Harada, N; Ushijima, Y; Kohashi, K; Ishigami, K; Oda, Y; Yoshizumi, T

    HEPATOLOGY RESEARCH   53 ( 8 )   723 - 736   2023.8   ISSN:1386-6346 eISSN:1872-034X

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    Language:English   Publisher:Hepatology Research  

    Aim: We aimed to evaluate the association between the intraoperative indocyanine green (ICG) fluorescence imaging (FI) pattern, preoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings using gadolinium ethoxybenzyl diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (Gd-EOB-DTPA), preoperative diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) of MRI, and histological differentiation of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the data for 80 tumors of 64 patients. Intraoperative ICG FI patterns were classified into cancerous or rim-positive type. We evaluated the signal intensity ratio of the tumor and the surrounding liver tissue in the portal phase (SIRPP) and intensity in the hepatobiliary phase (HBP) of Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced MRI, the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) in the DWI of MRI, and clinicopathologic factors. Results: In the rim-positive group, the rate of poorly differentiated HCC and hypointensity type in HBP were significantly higher, and SIRPP and ADC were significantly lower than the rim-negative group. In the cancerous group, the rate of well or moderately differentiated HCC and hyperintensity type in HBP, SIRPP, and ADC were significantly higher than the noncancerous group. Multivariate analysis identified low SIRPP, low ADC, and hypointensity type in HBP as the significant predictive factors for rim-positive HCC and high SIRPP, high ADC, and hyperintensity type in HBP as the significant predictive factors for cancerous HCC. The positive rate of programmed cell death 1-ligand 1 and vessels that encapsulate tumor clusters status of the rim-positive HCC and HCC with low SIRPP were significantly higher than the control group. Conclusions: The intraoperative ICG FI pattern of HCC closely correlated with histological differentiation, preoperative SIRPP and intensity type in the Gd-EOB-DTPA MRI, and preoperative ADC in the DWI of MRI.

    DOI: 10.1111/hepr.13902

    Web of Science



  • 肝細胞癌における術中インドシアニングリーン蛍光画像パターン、術前Gd-EOB-DTPA造影MRI所見、組織学的分化の臨床的関連性(Clinical association between intraoperative indocyanine green fluorescence imaging pattern, preoperative Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging findings, and histological differentiation in hepatocellular carcinoma)

    Tomino Takahiro, Itoh Shinji, Fujita Nobuhiro, Okamoto Daisuke, Nakayama Yuki, Toshida Katsuya, Tomiyama Takahiro, Tsutsui Yuriko, Kosai Yukiko, Kurihara Takeshi, Nagao Yoshihiro, Morita Kazutoyo, Harada Noboru, Ushijima Yasuhiro, Kohashi Kenichi, Ishigami Kousei, Oda Yoshinao, Yoshizumi Tomoharu

    Hepatology Research   53 ( 8 )   723 - 736   2023.8   ISSN:1386-6346

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    Language:English   Publisher:John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd  

    日本の単一施設の肝細胞癌(HCC)患者64例の腫瘍データ80件を後ろ向きに評価し、術中インドシアニングリーン(ICG)蛍光画像(FI)パターン、術前Gd-EOB-DTPA造影MRI所見、術前MRI拡散強調画像(DWI)、組織学的分化の臨床的関連性を評価した。ICG FIでrim陽性であった患者では、rim陰性患者に比べて低分化HCC率とGd-EOB-DTPA造影MRI肝胆道相(HBP)の低信号率が有意に高く、Gd-EOB-DTPA造影MRI門脈相の周囲肝組織に対する腫瘍のシグナル強度比(SIRPP)とMRI DWI見かけの拡散係数(ADC)が有意に低値であった。ICG FIで癌性に分類された患者は、非癌性患者に比べて中分化HCC率、Gd-EOB-DTPA造影MRI HBPの高信号率とSIRPP、MRI DWI ADCが有意に高値であった。多変量解析において、SIRPP低値、ADC低値、HBPの低信号率はrim陽性HCCの有意な予測因子であり、SIRPP高値、ADC高値、HBPの高信号率は癌性HCCの有意な予測因子であった。

  • 症例 肝動脈瘤破裂を契機に診断された好酸球性多発血管炎性肉芽腫症の1例

    大塚 徹, 中山 智博, 岡本 大佑, 川野 倫作, 稻盛 真人, 岸川 浩尚, 深澤 和憲

    臨床放射線   68 ( 7 )   685 - 691   2023.7   ISSN:00099252

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    DOI: 10.18888/rp.0000002390

    CiNii Research

  • 肝動脈瘤破裂を契機に診断された好酸球性多発血管炎性肉芽腫症の1例

    大塚 徹, 中山 智博, 岡本 大佑, 川野 倫作, 稻盛 真人, 岸川 浩尚, 深澤 和憲

    臨床放射線   68 ( 7 )   685 - 691   2023.7   ISSN:0009-9252

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:金原出版(株)  


  • 症例 食道破裂に伴うショックに起因する一過性両側副腎腫大をきたした1例

    深澤 和憲, 中山 智博, 岡本 大佑, 岸川 浩尚, 鳥羽 隆史, 定永 倫明, 吉田 倫太郎

    臨床放射線   68 ( 6 )   597 - 600   2023.6   ISSN:00099252

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    DOI: 10.18888/rp.0000002362

    CiNii Research

  • 食道破裂に伴うショックに起因する一過性両側副腎腫大をきたした1例

    深澤 和憲, 中山 智博, 岡本 大佑, 岸川 浩尚, 鳥羽 隆史, 定永 倫明, 吉田 倫太郎

    臨床放射線   68 ( 6 )   597 - 600   2023.6   ISSN:0009-9252

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:金原出版(株)  


  • Extracellular volume fraction determined by dual-layer spectral detector CT: Possible role in predicting the efficacy of preoperative neoadjuvant chemotherapy in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma

    Fujita, N; Ushijima, Y; Itoyama, M; Okamoto, D; Ishimatsu, K; Wada, N; Takao, S; Murayama, R; Fujimori, N; Nakata, K; Nakamura, M; Yamamoto, T; Oda, Y; Ishigami, K

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY   162   110756   2023.5   ISSN:0720-048X eISSN:1872-7727

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    Language:English   Publisher:European Journal of Radiology  

    Purpose: To clarify the relationship between extracellular volume (ECV) measured by dual-energy CT (DECT) and efficacy of preoperative neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) in patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), as compared with single-energy CT (SECT). Methods: We enrolled 67 patients with PDAC who underwent dynamic contrast-enhanced CT with a dual-energy CT system prior to NAC. Attenuation values were measured on unenhanced and the equilibrium-phase 120-kVp equivalent CT images for PDAC and the aorta. ΔHU-tumor, ΔHU-tumor/ΔHU-aorta, and SECT-ECV were calculated. Iodine densities of the tumor and aorta were measured in the equilibrium phase, and DECT-ECV of the tumor was calculated. Response to NAC was evaluated and the correlation between imaging parameters and response to NAC was statistically assessed. Results: Tumor DECT-ECVs were significantly lower in the response group (n = 7) than in the non-response group (n = 60), with most significant difference (p = 0.0104). DECT-ECV showed highest diagnostic value with an Az value of 0.798. When using the optimal cut off value of DECT-ECV (<26.0 %), sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive predictive value, and negative value for predicting response group were 71.4 %, 85.0 %, 83.6 %, 35.7 % and 96.2 %, respectively. Conclusion: PDAC with lower DECT-ECV can potentially show better response to NAC. DECT-ECV might be a useful biomarker for predicting response to NAC in patients with PDAC.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ejrad.2023.110756

    Web of Science



  • ガドキセト酸ナトリウム造影MRIでの肝細胞造影相にtime-reversed gradient-echoシーケンスを用いたT2-enhanced spin-echoイメージングによる肝血管腫と転移性腫瘍の鑑別(Differentiating Liver Hemangioma from Metastatic Tumor Using T2-enhanced Spin-echo Imaging with a Time-reversed Gradient-echo Sequence in the Hepatobiliary Phase of Gadoxetic Acid-enhanced MR Imaging)

    Takayama Yukihisa, Nishie Akihiro, Okamoto Daisuke, Fujita Nobuhiro, Asayama Yoshiki, Ushijima Yasuhiro, Yoshizumi Tomoharu, Yoneyama Masami, Ishigami Kousei

    Magnetic Resonance in Medical Sciences   21 ( 3 )   445 - 457   2022.7   ISSN:1347-3182

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    Language:English   Publisher:(一社)日本磁気共鳴医学会  

    ガドキセト酸ナトリウム造影MRI(Gd-EOB-MRI)による肝細胞造影相(HBP)に、time-reversed gradient-echoシーケンスを用いたT2-enhanced spin-echoイメージング(T2FFEイメージング)を行い、肝血管腫と転移性腫瘍の鑑別能を比較した。2013年12月~2014年12月までの期間内に、著者らの所属する医療施設で肝腫瘍疑いのためGd-EOB-MRI検査が施行された患者のうち、選定基準を満たした患者61例(男性36例、女性25例、年齢32~83歳)に伴う肝血管腫37病巣と転移性腫瘍96病巣について後向きに評価した。その結果、3D fat-suppressed T2-weighted imaging(3D FS-T2WI)とT2FFEイメージング併用時のROC曲線下面積(AUC)は、3D FS-T2WIとDWIおよび見かけの拡散係数(ADC)併用時のAUCとの有意差はみられなかったが、病変の大きさに関係なくダイナミックGd-EOB-MRIのAUCに比べ有意に大きかった。以上より、Gd-EOB-MRIのHBPにおける3D FS-T2WIとT2FFEイメージングの併用により、3D FS-T2WIとDWIおよびADC併用と同等の正確度が得られ、肝血管腫と転移性腫瘍の鑑別に有用であることが確認された。

  • 特集 肝門部領域胆管ドレナージを極める [総論] 肝門部胆管狭窄のCT・MRI

    岡本 大佑, 中山 智博, 川野 倫作, 大塚 徹, 石神 康生

    消化器内視鏡   34 ( 6 )   1053 - 1060   2022.6   ISSN:09153217

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    DOI: 10.24479/endo.0000000226

    CiNii Research

  • Differentiating Liver Hemangioma from Metastatic Tumor Using T2-enhanced Spin-echo Imaging with a Time-reversed Gradient-echo Sequence in the Hepatobiliary Phase of Gadoxetic Acid-enhanced MR Imaging

    Takayama Yukihisa, Nishie Akihiro, Okamoto Daisuke, Fujita Nobuhiro, Asayama Yoshiki, Ushijima Yasuhiro, Yoshizumi Tomoharu, Yoneyama Masami, Ishigami Kousei

    Magnetic Resonance in Medical Sciences   21 ( 3 )   445 - 457   2022   ISSN:13473182 eISSN:18802206

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    Language:English   Publisher:Japanese Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine  

    <p>Purpose: To evaluate the utility of T2-enhanced spin-echo imaging using the time-reversed gradient echo sequence (T2FFE imaging) in the hepatobiliary phase (HBP) of gadoxetic acid-enhanced MRI (Gd-EOB-MRI) for differentiating hemangiomas from metastatic tumors.</p><p>Methods: A total of 61 patients with 133 liver lesions, including 37 hemangiomas and 96 metastatic tumors, were scanned by Gd-EOB-MRI. Four data sets were independently analyzed by two readers: (1) 3D fat-suppressed T2-weighted imaging (FS-T2WI) alone; (2) the combination of 3D FS-T2WI and T2FFE imaging in the HBP of Gd-EOB-MRI; (3) the combination of 3D FS-T2WI, diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) with the b-value of 1000 s/mm<sup>2</sup> and the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC); and (4) a dynamic study of Gd-EOB-MRI. After classifying the lesion sizes as ≤ 10 mm or > 10 mm, we conducted a receiver-operating characteristic analysis to compare diagnostic accuracies among the four data sets for differentiating hemangiomas from metastatic tumors.</p><p>Results: The areas under the curves (AUCs) of the four data sets of two readers were: (1) ≤ 10 mm (0.85 and 0.91) and > 10 mm (0.88 and 0.97), (2) ≤ 10 mm (0.94 and 0.94) and > 10 mm (0.96 and 0.95), (3) ≤ 10 mm (0.90 and 0.87) and > 10 mm (0.89 and 0.95), and (4) ≤ 10 mm (0.62 and 0.67) and > 10 mm (0.76 and 0.71), respectively. Data sets (2) and (3) showed no significant differences in AUCs, but both showed significantly higher AUCs compared to that of (4) regardless of the lesion size (<i>P</i> < 0.05).</p><p>Conclusion: The combination of 3D FS-T2WI and T2FFE imaging in the HBP of Gd-EOB-MRI achieved an accuracy equivalent to that of the combination of 3D FS-T2WI, DWI, and ADC and might be helpful in differentiating hemangiomas from metastatic tumors.</p>

    DOI: 10.2463/mrms.mp.2020-0151

    Web of Science



    CiNii Research

  • Performance of Gadoxetic Acid-Enhanced MRI for Detecting Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Recipients of Living-Related-Liver-Transplantation: Comparison With Dynamic Multidetector Row Computed Tomography and Angiography-Assisted Computed Tomography Reviewed International journal

    Kakihara D, Nishie A, Harada N, Shirabe K, Tajima T, Asayama Y, Ishigami K, Nakayama T, Takayama Y, Okamoto D, Fujita N, Kishimoto J, Honda H


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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1002/jmri.24454

  • Bridging stent placement through the superior vena cava to the inferior vena cava in a patient with malignant superior vena cava syndrome and an iodinated contrast material allergy Reviewed International journal

    Okamoto D, @Takeuchi Y, @Arai Y, @Sone M, @Shibamoto K, @Sugawara S, @Tomimatsu H, @Morita S

    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY   32 ( 8 )   2014.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s11604-014-0324-y

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  • 体幹部骨軟部腫瘍における術前塞栓術の有用性に関する検討


    第52回日本IVR学会総会  2023.5 

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    Event date: 2023.5


    Venue:高知   Country:Japan  

  • 再建法の異なる食道癌術後の経口摂取困難に対してPTEGを留置した3例


    緩和IVR研究会  2022.10 

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    Event date: 2022.10


    Venue:神戸   Country:Japan  

    症例1)60歳代男性。1年前に食道癌に対して食道亜全摘+後縦隔胃管再建後。嚥下機能低下、経鼻栄養による疼痛のためPTEGを希望された。Rupture-free Balloonを使用して遺残食道を穿刺し、PTEGを留置した。1回/1−5ヶ月の頻度でチューブ交換しながら、原病増悪により病没するまでの20ヶ月間、経管栄養を継続できた。

  • 腎腫瘍に対する経皮的凍結療法時のice ball径を予測する因子に関する検討

    岡本 大佑, 浅山 良樹, 西江 昭弘, 石神 康生, 牛島 泰宏, 高山 幸久, 藤田 展宏, 本田 浩

    第45回日本IVR学会総会  2016.5 

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    Event date: 2016.5

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:ウェスティンナゴヤキャッスル、愛知県   Country:Japan  

    凍結療法時に、腎腫瘍内の収縮期最高血流速度がice ball径と正の相関を示した。

  • 腎腫瘍に対する経皮的凍結療法の短期治療成績と安全性の検討

    岡本 大佑, 浅山 良樹, 西江 昭弘, 石神 康生, 牛島 泰宏, 高山 幸久, 藤田 展宏, 横溝 晃, 本田 浩

    第 182 回 日本医学放射線学会九州地方会  2016.2 

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    Event date: 2016.2

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:福岡大学病院 福大メディカルホール・多目的室   Country:Japan  

  • Efficacy of balloon-occluded transcatheter arterial chemoembolization using miriplatin for hepatocellular carcinoma International conference

    Daisuke Okamoto, Asayama Yoshiki, Akihiro Nishie, Kousei Ishigami, Yasuhiro Ushijima, Yukihisa Takayama, Nobuhiro Fujita, Hiroshi Honda

    44th annual meeting of the Japanese Society of Interventional Radiology (JSIR), 12th International Symposium of Interventional Radiology (ISIR), 4th Asia-Pacific Conference of Interventional Oncology (APCIO)  2015.5 

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    Event date: 2015.5

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    Efficacy of balloon-occluded transcatheter arterial chemoembolization using miriplatin for hepatocellular carcinoma

  • Balloon occlusion of the common iliac artery during cesarean hysterectomy for placenta previa, accreta or percreta International conference

    Daisuke Okamoto, Asayama Yoshiki, Akihiro Nishie, Kousei Ishigami, Yasuhiro Ushijima, Yukihisa Takayama, Fujita Nobuhiro, Nobuhiro Hidaka, Kiyoko Kato, Hiroshi Honda

    27th European Congress of Radiology  2015.3 

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    Event date: 2015.3

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 人工肛門部の腹膜播種による腸閉塞に対して胃瘻用チューブ留置が奏功した2例

    岡本 大佑

    第22回日本消化器関連学会週間  2014.10 

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    Event date: 2014.10

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:神戸国際展示場・ポートピアホテル・神戸国際会議場   Country:Japan  

    症例1は胃癌術後腹膜播種再発の50台男性。腹膜播種による大腸狭窄に対して回腸人工肛門が造設されていた。化学療法を継続されていたが不応となり、腹膜播種の進展に伴う人工肛門部狭窄により腸閉塞を来した。人工肛門からの造影検査にて狭窄長は約5cmであり、逆流防止弁を除去したバンパー・ボタン型の胃瘻用チューブ(24F 5cm)を人工肛門から挿入、留置した。流動食を開始したが狭窄症状再燃なく自宅退院が可能となった。その後、腹膜播種増悪による多発狭窄を来し、腸閉塞の再燃で入院となるまでの3か月間、少量の経口摂取を継続しながら自宅での生活が可能であった。

  • 腹壁瘢痕ヘルニア内に発生した空腸静脈瘤に対して経皮経肝的塞栓術が奏功した1例

    岡本 大佑, 浅山 良樹, 西江 昭弘, 牛島 泰宏, 高山 幸久, 藤田 展宏, 本田 浩

    第179回日本医学放射線学会九州地方会  2014.6 

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    Event date: 2014.6

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:アバンセ(佐賀県立男女共同参画センター)   Country:Japan  


  • 腎細胞癌部分切除後の播種再発に対するCTガイド下凍結療法の有用性

    岡本 大佑, 牛島 泰宏, 藤田 展宏, 石松 慶祐, 糸山 昌宏, 田畑 公佑, 石神 康生

    日本インターベンショナルラジオロジー学会雑誌  2024.4  (一社)日本インターベンショナルラジオロジー学会

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  • 肝動脈瘤破裂を契機に診断された好酸球性多発血管炎性肉芽腫症の1例

    大塚 徹, 中山 智博, 岡本 大佑, 川野 倫作, 稻盛 真人, 岸川 浩尚, 深澤 和憲, 立花 雄一, 加藤 光次, 加藤 誠也

    Japanese Journal of Radiology  2023.2  (公社)日本医学放射線学会

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  • 後腹膜腫瘍および体幹部骨軟部腫瘍における術前塞栓術の有用性に関する検討

    岡本 大佑, 牛島 泰宏, 藤田 展宏, 石松 慶祐, 村山 僚, 糸山 昌宏, 松本 嘉寛, 石神 康生

    日本インターベンショナルラジオロジー学会雑誌  2023.4  (一社)日本インターベンショナルラジオロジー学会

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  • 小径腎細胞癌に対して凍結療法を施行した後期高齢者の治療後経過についての検討

    牛島 泰宏, 岡本 大佑, 藤田 展宏, 石松 慶祐, 村山 僚, 糸山 昌宏, 石神 康生

    日本インターベンショナルラジオロジー学会雑誌  2023.4  (一社)日本インターベンショナルラジオロジー学会

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  • 埋込型LVAD(補助人工心臓)装着患者の腎細胞癌に対して凍結療法を施行した1例

    西村 俊輔, 岡本 大佑, 牛島 泰宏, 藤田 展宏, 石松 慶祐, 村山 僚, 糸山 昌宏, 石神 康生

    Japanese Journal of Radiology  2024.2  (公社)日本医学放射線学会

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  • 【肝門部領域胆管ドレナージを極める】肝門部胆管狭窄のCT・MRI

    岡本 大佑, 中山 智博, 川野 倫作, 大塚 徹, 石神 康生

    消化器内視鏡   34 ( 6 )   1053 - 1060   2022.6   ISSN:0915-3217

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:(株)東京医学社  


  • 肝門部胆管狭窄のCT・MRI

    岡本大佑, @中山智博, @川野倫作, @大塚徹, 石神康生

    消化器内視鏡   2022.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

Professional Memberships

  • Japan Radiological Society

  • Japanese Society of Interventional Radiology

Research Projects

  • 凍結療法時の凍結範囲予測および適切な穿刺経路決定のための人工知能ソフトウェア開発



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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Contract research

Other educational activity and Special note

  • 2024  Special Affairs 

  • 2023  Special Affairs 

  • 2022  Special Affairs 

  • 2016  Special Affairs 

  • 2015  Special Affairs 

  • 2014  Special Affairs 

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Outline of Social Contribution and International Cooperation activities

  • 腹部領域の画像診断およびIVRに関して、放射線科医や放射線技師を対象とした研究会や講習会で、発表を行っている(福岡レントゲンアーベント、福岡IVR研究会)。

Social Activities

  • 医局長として、病院および医局の運営に貢献した。九州大学医学部学生(主にベッドサイド、クリニカルクラークシップの学生)に対して、放射線科の重要性や各グループの特徴について概説した。IVRについてレクチャーを行った。 九州大学病院において放射線診断業務、IVR業務、外来業務に従事 がん疼痛緩和に資するIVRの普及のための発表や報告を行った。


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    医局長として、病院および医局の運営に貢献した。九州大学医学部学生(主にベッドサイド、クリニカルクラークシップの学生)に対して、放射線科の重要性や各グループの特徴について概説した。IVRについてレクチャーを行った。 九州大学病院において放射線診断業務、IVR業務、外来業務に従事 がん疼痛緩和に資するIVRの普及のための発表や報告を行った。

  • 九州大学医学部学生(主にベッドサイド、クリニカルクラークシップの学生)に対して、IVRについてレクチャーを行った。 九州大学病院において放射線診断業務、IVR業務、外来業務に従事 がん疼痛緩和に資するIVRの普及のための発表や報告


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  • 九州大学医学部学生(主にベッドサイド、クリニカルクラークシップの学生)に対して、IVRについてレクチャーを行った。 九州大学病院において放射線診断業務、IVR業務、外来業務に従事 放射線診断医の不足する施設への補助、指導 癌治療法の確立のための臨床試験への参加と報告


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  • 九州大学医学部学生(主にベッドサイド、クリニカルクラークシップの学生)に対して、IVRについてレクチャーを行った。 九州大学病院において放射線診断業務、IVR業務、外来業務に従事 放射線診断医の不足する施設への補助、指導 癌治療法の確立のための臨床試験への参加と報告


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  • 九州大学医学部学生(主にベッドサイド、クリニカルクラークシップの学生)に対して、IVRについてレクチャーを行った。 九州大学病院において放射線診断業務、IVR業務、外来業務に従事 放射線診断医の不足する施設への補助、指導 癌治療法の確立のための臨床試験への参加と報告


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Notable Clinical Activities

  • 画像誘導下の低侵襲治療・検査 経皮的凍結療法 肝細胞癌に対する血管内治療 肝臓癌に対する術前肝予備能上昇のための門脈塞栓術 出血に対する緊急血管塞栓術 PTEG(経皮経食道胃ろう挿入術)